`Application Number:
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`Catalyzed SCR Filter and Emission Treatment System
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Joseph A. Patchett
`Rebecca A. Smirk/Linda Murphy
`Attorney Docket Number:
`EH4919G CON
`Filed as Large Entity
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`Title of Invention:
`Catalyzed SCR Filter and Emission Treatment System
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Joseph A. Patchett
`Customer Number:
`Rebecca A. Smirk/Linda Murphy
`Filer Authorized By:
`Rebecca A. Smirk
`Attorney Docket Number:
`EH4919G CON
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`Page 2
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`This application is a continuation of U.S. Application No. 13/274,635, filed October
`17, 2011, which is a continuation of U.S. Application No. 11/676,798, filed February 20, 2007,
`which is a divisional application of U.S. Application No. 10/634,659, filed August 5, 2003,
`now U.S. Patent No. 7 ,229 ,597, issued June 12, 2007, the contents of each of which are hereby
`incorporated by reference in their entireties.
`The present invention relates to an emission treatment system having an oxidation
`catalyst upstream of a soot filter coated with a material effective in the Selective Catalytic
`Reduction (SCR) of NOx by a reductant, e.g., ammonia.
`In one embodiment, the system
`provides an effective method of simultaneously remediating the nitrogen oxides (NOx),
`particulate matter, and gaseous hydrocarbons present in diesel engine exhaust streams.
`[0003] Diesel engine exhaust is a heterogeneous mixture which contains not only gaseous
`emissions such as carbon monoxide ("CO"), unburned hydrocarbons ("HC") and nitrogen
`oxides ("NOx "), but also condensed phase materials (liquids and solids) which constitute the
`so-called particulates or particulate matter. Often, catalyst compositions and substrates on
`which the compositions are disposed are provided in diesel engine exhaust systems to convert
`certain or all of these exhaust components to innocuous components. For example, diesel
`exhaust systems can contain one or more of a diesel oxidation catalyst, a soot filter and a
`catalyst for the reduction of NOx.
`[0004] Oxidation catalysts
`that contain platinum group metals, base metals and
`combinations thereof are known to facilitate the treatment of diesel engine exhaust by
`promoting the conversion of both HC and CO gaseous pollutants and some proportion of the
`particulate matter through oxidation of these pollutants to carbon dioxide and water. Such
`catalysts have generally been contained in units called diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC's ),
`which are placed in the exhaust of diesel engines to treat the exhaust before it vents to the
`In addition to the conversions of gaseous HC, CO and particulate matter,
`oxidation catalysts that contain platinum group metals (which are typically dispersed on a
`refractory oxide support) also promote the oxidation of nitric oxide (NO) to N0 2.
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`The total particulate matter emissions of diesel exhaust are comprised of three main
`components. One component is the solid, dry, solid carbonaceous fraction or soot fraction.
`This dry carbonaceous matter contributes to the visible soot emissions commonly associated
`with diesel exhaust. A second component of the particulate matter is the soluble organic
`fraction ("SOF"). The soluble organic fraction is sometimes referred to as the volatile organic
`fraction ("VOF"), which terminology will be used herein. The VOF can exist in diesel exhaust
`either as a vapor or as an aerosol (fine droplets of liquid condensate) depending on the
`temperature of the diesel exhaust. It is generally present as condensed liquids at the standard
`particulate collection temperature of 52° C in diluted exhaust, as prescribed by a standard
`measurement test, such as the U.S. Heavy Duty Transient Federal Test Procedure. These
`liquids arise from two sources: (1) lubricating oil swept from the cylinder walls of the engine
`each time the pistons go up and down; and (2) unburned or partially burned diesel fuel.
`The third component of the particulate matter is the so-called sulfate fraction. The
`sulfate fraction is formed from small quantities of sulfur components present in the diesel fuel.
`Small proportions of S03 are formed during combustion of the diesel, which in turn combines
`rapidly with water in the exhaust to form sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid collects as a
`condensed phase with the particulates as an aerosol, or is adsorbed onto the other particulate
`components, and thereby adds to the mass of TPM.
`One key aftertreatment technology in use for high particulate matter reduction is the
`diesel particulate filter. There are many known filter structures that are effective in removing
`particulate matter from diesel exhaust, such as honeycomb wall flow filters, wound or packed
`fiber filters, open cell foams, sintered metal filters, etc. However, ceramic wall flow filters,
`described below, receive the most attention. These filters are capable of removing over 90% of
`the particulate material from diesel exhaust. The filter is a physical structure for removing
`particles from exhaust, and the accumulating particles will increase the back pressure from the
`filter on the engine. Thus, the accumulating particles have to be continuously or periodically
`burned out of the filter to maintain an acceptable back pressure. Unfortunately, the carbon soot
`particles require temperatures in excess of 500° C to burn under oxygen rich (lean) exhaust
`conditions. This temperature is higher than what is typically present in diesel exhaust.
`Provisions are generally introduced to lower the soot burning temperature in order to
`provide for passive regeneration of the filter. The presence of a catalyst promotes soot
`combustion, thereby regenerating the filters at temperatures accessible within the diesel
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`engine's exhaust under realistic duty cycles.
`In this way a catalyzed soot filter (CSF) or
`catalyzed diesel particulate filter (CDPF) is effective in providing for >80% particulate matter
`reduction along with passive burning of the accumulating soot, and thereby promoting filter
`Future emissions standards adopted throughout the world will also address NOx
`reductions from diesel exhaust. A proven NOx abatement technology applied to stationary
`sources with lean exhaust conditions is Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). In this process,
`NOx is reduced with ammonia (NH3) to nitrogen (N2) over a catalyst typically composed of
`base metals. The technology is capable of NOx reduction greater than 90%, and thus it
`represents one of the best approaches for achieving aggressive NOx reduction goals. SCR is
`under development for mobile applications, with urea (typically present in an aqueous
`solution) as the source of ammonia. SCR provides efficient conversions of NOx as long as the
`exhaust temperature is within the active temperature range of the catalyst.
`[0010] While separate substrates each containing catalysts to address discrete components
`of the exhaust can be provided in an exhaust system, use of fewer substrates is desirable to
`reduce the overall size of the system, to ease the assembly of the system, and to reduce the
`overall cost of the system. One approach to achieve this goal is to coat the soot filter with a
`catalyst composition effective for the conversion of NOx to innocuous components. With this
`approach, the catalyzed soot filter assumes two catalyst functions: removal of the particulate
`component of the exhaust stream and conversion of the NOx component of the exhaust stream
`to N2.
`Coated soot filters that can achieve NOx reduction goals require a sufficient loading
`of SCR catalyst composition on the soot filter. The gradual loss of the catalytic effectiveness
`of the compositions that occurs over time through exposure to certain deleterious components
`of the exhaust stream augments the need for higher catalyst loadings of the SCR catalyst
`composition. However, preparation of coated wall flow soot filters with higher catalyst
`loadings can lead to unacceptably high back pressure within the exhaust system. Coating
`techniques that allow higher catalyst loadings on the wall flow filter, yet still allow the filter to
`maintain flow characteristics that achieve acceptable back pressures are therefore desirable.
`[0012] An additional aspect for consideration in coating the wall flow filter is the selection
`of the appropriate SCR catalyst composition. First, the catalyst composition must be durable
`so that it maintains its SCR catalytic activity even after prolonged exposure to higher
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`temperatures that are characteristic of filter regeneration. For example, combustion of the soot
`fraction of the particulate matter often leads to temperatures above 700° C. Such temperatures
`render many commonly used SCR catalyst compositions such as mixed oxides of vanadium
`and titanium less catalytically effective. Second, the SCR catalyst compositions preferably
`have a wide enough operating temperature range so that they can accommodate the variable
`temperature ranges over which the vehicle operates. Temperatures below 300° C are typically
`encountered, for example, at conditions of low load, or at startup. The SCR catalyst
`compositions are preferably capable of catalyzing the reduction of the NOx component of the
`exhaust to achieve NOx reduction goals, even at lower exhaust temperatures.
`The prior art contains descriptions of the use of SCR catalyst compositions, soot
`filters and combinations thereof for the abatement of both the NOx and particulate components
`of diesel exhaust. These references are described below.
`Japanese Kokai 3-130522, for example, discloses the treatment of diesel exhaust
`gases characterized by use of an ammonia injector and porous ceramic filter having a
`denitration catalyst within the pores. The filter is installed in the wake of the diesel engine
`exhaust. The ceramic porous filter comprises an upstream fine pore path layer, and a
`downstream side course ceramic particle layer on which the denitration catalyst was supported.
`The fine layer can support a platinum or palladium or other hydrocarbon combustion catalyst.
`The diesel exhaust gas containing unburned carbon flows through the porous ceramic filter and
`the carbon particles are filtered onto the surf ace. The gas containing nitric oxides and the
`ammonia passes through the denitration catalyst containing side of the filter and the nitric
`oxides are reduced to nitrogen and water. The oxidation catalyst on the upstream side causes
`the particulate component to burn off catalytically.
`[0015] United States Patent No. 4,912,776 discloses an oxidation catalyst, an SCR catalyst
`downstream and adjacent to the SCR catalyst, and a reductant source introduced to the exhaust
`stream between the oxidation catalyst and the SCR catalyst. Providing a higher feed
`containing a high proportion of N0 2 to NO to the SCR reactor is said to allow the use of lower
`temperatures and higher space velocities than is possible with a feed of NO.
`[0016] WO 99/39809 discloses a system for treating combustion exhaust gas containing
`NOx and particulates that has an oxidation catalyst effective to convert at least a portion of the
`NO in the NOx to N02, a particulate trap, a source of reductant fluid and an SCR catalyst. The
`particulate trap is downstream of the oxidation catalyst; the reductant fluid source is
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`downstream of the particulate trap; and the SCR catalyst is downstream of the reductant fluid
`source. Reductant fluids disclosed include ammonia, urea, ammonium carbamate and
`hydrocarbons (e.g., diesel fuel).
`[0017] A catalytic wall flow filter for an exhaust system of a combustion engine is
`described in WO 01/12320. The wall flow filter has channels that are in honeycomb
`arrangement, where some of the channels are blocked at the upstream end and some of the
`channels that are unblocked at the upstream end are blocked at the downstream end. An
`oxidation catalyst is disposed on a gas impermeable zone at an upstream end of channels that
`are blocked at the downstream end. The filter has a gas permeable filter zone that is
`downstream of the oxidation catalyst that is for trapping soot. The oxidation catalyst is
`described to be capable (when in an exhaust system) of generating N02 from NO to combust
`the trapped soot continuously at temperatures below 400° C. The oxidation catalyst preferably
`includes a platinum group metal. Exhaust streams containing NO are initially passed over the
`oxidation catalyst to convert NO to N02 prior to filtering to remove soot. The exhaust gas then
`containing N0 2 is used to combust the soot trapped on the filter.
`In some embodiments of the wall flow filter described in WO 01/12320 the
`downstream channels of the soot filter contain a catalyst for a NOx absorber and an SCR
`catalyst downstream of the NOx absorber. The SCR catalyst can be a copper-based material,
`platinum, a mixed oxide of vanadium and titania or a zeolite, or mixtures of two or more
`In one aspect, the invention relates to an emission treatment system for treatment of
`an exhaust stream that contains NOx and particulate matter. The emission treatment system
`includes an oxidation catalyst, an injector that periodically meters ammonia or an ammonia
`precursor into the exhaust stream; and a wall flow monolith. The injector is in fluid
`communication with the oxidation catalyst, and is positioned downstream of the oxidation
`catalyst. The wall flow monolith contains an SCR catalyst composition, is in fluid
`communication with the injector, and is positioned downstream of the injector.
`The wall flow monolith has a plurality of longitudinally extending passages formed
`by longitudinally extending walls bounding and defining said passages. The passages include
`inlet passages that have an open inlet end and a closed outlet end, and outlet passages that have
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`a closed inlet end and an open outlet end. The wall flow monolith contains an SCR catalyst
`composition that permeates the walls at a concentration of at least 1.3 g/in3 (and preferably
`from 1.6 to 2.4 g/in3
`). The wall flow monolith has a wall porosity of at least 50% with an
`average pore size of at least 5 microns. Preferably, the SCR catalyst composition permeates
`the walls of the wall flow monolith so that the walls have a wall porosity of from 50 to 75%
`with an average pore size of from 5 to 30 microns.
`In a preferred embodiment of the emission treatment system, the SCR catalyst
`composition contains a zeolite and base metal component selected from one or more of a
`copper and iron component. Preferably, the base metal component is a copper component.
`Preferred zeolites of the SCR catalyst composition have a silica to alumina ratio of at least
`about 10. For instance, a beta zeolite can be used in the SCR catalyst composition.
`[0022] Among other things, the oxidation catalyst of the system is useful for combusting
`substantial portions of the particulate matter, and in particular, the VOF, entrained in the
`exhaust. In addition, a substantial portion of the NO in the NOx component is oxidized to N02
`over the oxidation catalyst. In preferred embodiments, the oxidation catalyst is disposed on a
`honeycomb flow through monolith substrate or an open cell foam substrate. Preferably, the
`oxidation catalyst includes a platinum group metal component, and in particular, a platinum
`In some embodiments, the oxidation catalyst can also contain a zeolite
`In another preferred embodiment of the emission treatment system, the system also
`has a diesel engine which is located upstream of, and in fluid communication with the
`oxidation catalyst.
`[0024] Another aspect of the invention relates to a method for treating emissions produced
`in an exhaust stream that contains NOx and particulate matter. The method includes:
`passing the exhaust stream through an oxidation catalyst wherein a substantial
`portion of NO is oxidized to N0 2 to provide an N02-enriched exhaust stream;
`metering at periodic intervals, ammonia or an ammonia precursor into the N02-
`enriched exhaust stream; and,
`( c)
`subsequently passing the exhaust stream through a wall flow monolith wherein
`particulate matter is filtered and a substantial portion of NOx is reduced to N2.
`[0025] Here again, the wall flow monolith has a plurality of longitudinally extending
`passages formed by longitudinally extending walls bounding and defining said passages. The
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`passages include inlet passages that have an open inlet end and a closed outlet end, and outlet
`passages that have a closed inlet end and an open outlet end. The wall flow monolith contains
`an SCR catalyst composition that permeates the walls at a concentration of at least 1.3 g/in3
`(and preferably from 1.6 to 2.4 g/in3
`). The wall flow monolith has a wall porosity of at least
`50% with an average pore size of at least 5 microns. Preferably, the SCR catalyst composition
`permeates the walls of the wall flow monolith so that the walls have a wall porosity of from 50
`to 75% with an average pore size of from 5 to 30 microns.
`In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for disposing an SCR catalyst
`composition on a wall flow monolith. The method includes:
`(a) immersing the wall flow monolith in an aqueous slurry comprising the SCR catalyst
`composition from a first direction to deposit the SCR catalyst composition on the inlet
`(b) removing excess slurry from the inlet passages by forcing a compressed gas stream
`through the outlet passages and applying a vacuum to the inlet passages;
`( c) immersing the wall flow monolith in the aqueous slurry from a second direction,
`opposite the first direction, to deposit the SCR catalyst composition on the outlet passages;
`(d) removing excess slurry from the outlet passages by forcing a compressed gas stream
`through the inlet passages and applying a vacuum to the outlet passages; and
`( e) drying and calcining the coated wall flow monolith.
`The wall flow monolith used in the method preferably has a porosity of at least 50%
`(e.g., from 50 to 75%) having a mean pore size of at least 5 microns (e.g., from 5 to 30
`Preferably, the SCR catalyst composition permeates the walls at a concentration of
`at least 1.3 g/in3 (and preferably from 1.6 to 2.4 g/in\
`Figures lA and lB are schematic depictions of two embodiments of the emission
`treatment system of the invention;
`Figure 2 shows a perspective view of a wall flow filter substrate;
`Figure 3 shows a cutaway view of a section of a wall flow filter substrate;
`Figure 4 shows an embodiment of the emission treatment system of the invention
`that includes a urea reservoir and injector;
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`Figure 5 is a plot of the DTA signal in microvolts as a function of temperature for
`two SCR catalyst compositions mixed with a model particulate mass (carbon black and lube
`Figure 6 shows the pressure drop as a function of the air flow for several coated wall
`flow filter substrates and an uncoated wall flow filter substrate; and
`Figure 7 is a schematic depiction of a laboratory bench system used to evaluate NOx
`and particulate reduction for an exemplary emission treatment system of the invention.
`The invention relates to an emission treatment system that effectively provides
`simultaneous treatment of the particulate matter, the NOx and other gaseous components of
`diesel engine exhaust. The emission treatment system uses an integrated soot filter and SCR
`catalyst to significantly minimize the weight and volume required for the emissions system.
`Moreover, due to the choice of catalytic compositions implemented in the system, effective
`pollutant abatement is provided for exhaust streams of varying temperatures. This feature is
`advantageous for operating diesel vehicles under varying loads and vehicle speeds which
`significantly impact exhaust temperatures emitted from the engines of such vehicles.
`Integration of NOx reduction and particulate removal functions into a single catalyst
`article is accomplished using a wall flow substrate coated with an SCR catalyst composition.
`Applicants have found a method for applying an SCR catalyst composition to a wall flow
`substrate to form a substrate that can be used in an application where high filtration efficiency
`is required. For instance, a substrate formed with this method is suitable for effectively
`removing particulate matter (e.g., greater than 80%) in the emission treatment system of the
`invention. The coating method disclosed herein allows wall flow substrates to be loaded with
`practical levels of SCR catalyst without causing excessive back pressure across the coated
`article when implemented in emission treatment systems.
`[0038] Achieving practical levels of SCR catalyst composition on the wall flow substrate is
`important for providing sufficient catalytic activity to achieve mandated NOx reduction levels,
`and for lowering the combustion temperature of the soot fraction trapped on the filter.
`Achieving adequate levels of SCR washcoat compositions on the soot filter is also important to
`secure adequate durability for the catalyst. Over extended use of the emission treatment
`system, catalysts are invariably exposed to various levels of catalyst poisons that may be
`DOCKET NO. 4919G/ENG0048-06CT
`derived through break down of lubricating oils, or may arise from impurities in the diesel fuel.
`Examples of such catalyst poisons include phosphorus, zinc, alkali and alkaline earth elements.
`Higher levels of catalyst compositions are therefore typically deposited on catalyst substrates
`to overcome the inevitable loss of catalytic activity.
`[0039] One emb