`Response to Second Office Action Filed November 2, 2004
`NOV. 29. 2004
`513 241 6234
`NO. 0031
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims
`in the application:
`Listing Of Claims;
`1. (Canceled) In combination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a pair of spaced latch pins;
`said snowplow assembly being reieasabty securable to said mount
`frame, said snowplow assembly comprising a lift frame supportable by a pair of stand
`assemblies, said stand assemblies being pivotal about a horizontal pivot axis between
`a down position in which said stand assemblies support said snowplow assembly and
`an up position in which said stand assemblies do not support said snowplow
`assembly, each of said stand assemblies having a latch hook engageable with one of
`said latch pins of said mount frame, wherein said latch hooks are engaged with said
`latch pins to secure said snowplow assembly to Said mount frame when said stand
`assemblies are in said up position and disengaged with said latch pins when said stand
`assemblies are in said down position to allow said mount frame to separate from said
`snowplow assembly.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 1 wherein said mount frame
`further comprises a pair of spaced receivers and said lift frame further comprises a pair
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`N0. 003i
`of homs, said horns of said lift frame being received in said receivers of said moum
`frame when said snowpiow assembly is secured to said mount frame.
`3. (Canceled) The combination of claim 1 further comprising a lock
`pin assembly on each of said stand assemblies, said lock pin assemblies operable to
`lock said stand assemblies in One of said up and down positions.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 1 wherein said snowpl0w
`assembly further comprises a trunnion pivotal relative to said lift frame about a
`transversely extending horizontal axis.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 4 wherein said snowp10w
`assembly further comprises an A—frame pivotal relative to said trunnion and said lift
`frame about a longitudinally extending horizontal axis.
`6. (Canceled) The combination of claim 5 wherein said snowplow
`assemny further comprises a snowplow blade mounted on a front end of said A-
`7. (Canceled) The combinatiOn of claim 5 wherein Said lift frame of
`said snowplow a55embly further comprises a hydraulic cylinder operable to raise said
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`N0. 0031
`8. (Canceled) The combination of claim 1 wherein each of said stand
`assemblies comprises a pair of telescoping inner and outer tubes.
`9. (Canceled) The combination of claim .1 wherein each of said stand
`assemblies has an adjustable height.
`10. (Canceled) in combination, a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said snowpiow assembly being releasably securable to said mount
`frame, said snowpiow assembly comprising a lift frame, a trunnion and an A-frame,
`said trunnion being pivotal about a first transverse, horizontal axis relative to said llft
`frame, said Astrame being pivotal about a horizontal, longitudinal axis relative to said
`trunnion, said lift frame including a pair of stand assemblies pivotal about a second
`transverse, horizontal pivot axis between a down position in which said stand
`assemblies Support said snowpiow assembly and an up position in which said stand
`assemblies do not support said snowpiow assembly. each of said stand assemblies
`being engageable with said mount frame to secure said snowpiow assembly to said
`mount frame when said stand assemblies are in said up position.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 10 wherein said mount
`frame comprises a pair of Spaced receivers and said lift frame'further comprises a pair
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`513 241 6234
`of horns, said horns of said lift frame being received in said receivers of said mount
`frame when said snowpiow assembly is secured to said mOunt frame.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 10 further comprising a lock
`assembly on each of said stand assemblies, said lock assamblies being operable to
`lock said stand assemblies in one of said up and down positions.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 10 wherein said mount
`frame comprises a pair of latch pins which are engaged by latch hooks on said stand
`assemblies to secure said snowpiow assembly to said mount fame when said stand
`assemblies are in said up position.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 10 wherein said snowplow
`assembly further comprises a snowplow blade mounted on a front end of said A-
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 10 wherein said lift frame of
`said snowplow assembly further comprises a hydraulic cylinder operable to raise said
`16. (Canceled) The combination of claim 10 wherein each of said
`stand assemblies has an adjustable height.
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`no. 0031'
`(Canceled) In combination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a pair of spend receivers and a pair of
`spaced latch pins;
`said snowplow assembly comprising a lift frame having a pair of
`rearwardly projecting horns and a pair of stand assemblies, said stand assemblies ‘
`being pivotal about a horizontal pivot axis between a down position in which said
`stand assemblies support said snowpiow assembly and an up position, each of said
`stand assembiies having a latch hook Operable to engage one of said latch pins of said
`mount frame, wherein to secure said snowplow assemny to said mount frame said
`rearwardly projecting horns of said snowpiow assembly are engaged with said I
`receivers of said mount frame and said stand assemblies are pivoted upwardly causing
`said latch hooks to engage said latch pins of said mount frame.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 17 wherein said snowplow
`easemblv further comprises a trunnion and an A-frame, said trunnion being pivotal
`about a transverse, horizontal axis relative to said lift frame, said A-frame being pivotal
`about a horizontal, lengitudinal axis relative to said trunnion.
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`NOV.29. 2004
`513 241 6234
`19. (Canceled) The combination of claim 17 wherein each of said
`receivers is rectangular in cram-section, having top and bottom plates interconnected
`with laterally spaced side plates.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 17 wherein said bottom
`plate of each of said reCeivers has a depending lip and at least one of said side plates
`of each of said receivers has a flared portion, said depending lip and said flared
`portion aid in guiding one of said horns into said receiver.
`21. (Canceled) In cOmbination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowp10w assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a pair of spaced latch pins;
`said snowpiow assembly comprising a lift frame having a pair of pivotal
`stand assemblies, each of said stand assemblies having an independently adjustable
`height, said stand assemblies being pivotal about a horizontal pivot axis between a
`down position in Wthh said stand assemblies support said snowplow assembly and
`an up position, each of said stand assemblies having a latch hook engageable with
`one of said latch pins of said mount frame, wherein to secure said snowplow assembly
`to said mount frame said stand assemblies are pivoted upwardly causing said latch
`hooks to engage said latch pins of said mount frame.
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`513 241 6234
`p " N0. 0031
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 21 wherein each of said
`stand assemblies comprises a pair of telescoping Inner and outer tubes.
`23. (Canceled) The combination of claim 21 wherein said snowplow .
`assembly further comprises a trunnion and an A-frame, said trunnion being pivotal
`abOut a transverse, horizontal axis relative to said lift frame, said A-frame being pivotal
`about a horizontal, longitudinal axis relative to said trunnion and having a snowplow
`blade removably mounted to a front end of said Arframe.
`24. (Canceled).
`in combination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a first portion adapted to be attached to a
`vehicle and a scoond portion detachable from said first portion;
`said snowplow assembly being releasably securable to said mount
`frame, said snowplow assembly comprising a lift frame Supportable by a pair of stand
`assemblies. said stand assemblies being pivotal about a horizontal pivot axis between
`a down pesition in which said stand assemblies support said snowplow assembly and
`an up position in which said stand assemblies do not support said snowplow
`assembly, each of said stand assemblies having a latch hook engageable with said
`Second portions of said mount frame, wherein said latch hooks are engaged with said
`second portions of said mount frame to Secure said snowplow assembly to said mount
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`513 241 6234
`frame when said stand assemblies are in said up position and disengaged with said
`second portions of said mount frame when said stand assemblies are In said down
`position to allow said mount frame to separate from said snowplow assembly.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 24 wherein said second
`portion of said mount frame comprises a pair of receivers.
`(Canceled) The combinatlon of claim 25 wherein said second
`portion of said mount frame further comprises a pair of latch pins outside said
`(Canceled) in combination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a first portion adapted to be secured to
`the vehicle and a second portion removably securable to said first portion without the
`use of tools;
`said snowplow assembly including a lift frame, a plow blade and a
`motion generating deviCe for effecting relative movement between said plow blade
`and lift frame, said snowplow assembly being removably securable to said second
`portion of said mount frame and being attachable thereto and detachable therefrom
`'as one assembly;
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`said mount frame sec0nd portion, when attached to said mount frame
`first pertion, producing a first ground clearance distance between said second portion
`and a ground surface;
`said mount frame first portion, with said mount frame second portion
`detached therefrom. producing a second ground clearance distance between said first
`portion and the ground surface;
`said second ground clearance distance being greater than said first
`ground clearanca distance,
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 27 wherein said mount
`frame second portion comprises a pair of receivers and said snowplow assembly
`includes a pair of horns receivable in respective ones of said receivers.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 28 wherein each said
`receiver includes a latch pin secured thereto and said snowplow assembly includes a
`pair of latch hooks engageable with respective ones of said latch pins.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 29 wherein each said latch
`hook is secured to a supportstand for supporting said snowplow assembly Iwhen
`detached from the vehicle.
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`513 241 6234
`31. (Canceled) The combination of claim 30 wherein said support
`stands are pivotally connected to said lift frame for pivoting movement to and
`between a snowplow supporting down position and an up position wherein said latch
`hooks are engaged with respective ones of said latch pins.
`32. (Original) A snowplow assembly comprising:
`a lift frame;
`a trunnion pivotally connected to said lift frame for pivoting movement
`about a transverse, horizontal axis;
`an A-frame having a plow blade on a forward end and being pivotally
`connected on a rearward end to said trunnion for pivoting movement about a
`longitudinal, horizontal axis; and
`a motion generating device for effecting relative movement between
`said Awframe and lift frame for pivoting movement about the transverse, horizontal
`said lift frame. trunnion, A-frame and motion generating device all
`being attachable to and detachable from a vehicle as one assembly.
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`513 241 6234
`N0. 0031
`(Original) The snowplow assembly of claim 32 further including a
`pair of transversely spaced suppert stands mounted to said lift frame, each support
`stand being height adjustable independently of the other.
`(Canceled) In combination a m0unt frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snOWplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising at least one latch pin;
`said snowplow assembly being reieasably securable to said mount
`frame, said snowplow assembly comprising a lift frame Supportable by at least one
`stand assembly. said at least one stand assembly being pivotal about a horizontal
`pivot axis between a down position in which said at least one stand assembly supports
`said snowplow assembly and an up pOsition in which said at least one stand assembly
`does not support said snowplow assembly, said at least one stand assembly having a
`latch hook engageable with said at least one latch pin of said mount frame, wherein
`said latch hook is engaged with said at least one latch pin to secure said snowpiow
`assembly to said mount frame when said at least one stand assembly is in said up A
`position and disengaged with said at least one latch pin when said stand assembly is
`in said down position to allow said mount frame to separate from said snowpiow
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`513 241 6234
`35. (Canceled) The snowplow assembly of claim 34 wherein said
`mount frame further comprises at least One receiver and said lift frame further
`cemprises at least one horn, said at least one horn of said lift frame being received in
`said at least one receiver of said mount frame when said snowplow assembly is
`secured to said mount frame.
`36. (Canceled) The snowplow assembly of claim 34 wherein said at
`least one latch hook and saidtat least one latch pin are positioned and configured such
`that the resultant forces generated therebetween pass through the horizontal pivot axis
`of said at least one stand assembly and in doing so avoid generating a moment about
`the pivot axis.
`(Original) A snowplow assembly comprising:
`a lift frame;
`a plow blade;
`a motion generating device for effecting relative movement between
`said lift frame and plow blade for pivoting movement of the plow blade about a
`transverse, horizontal axis; and
`a pair of transversely spaced stand assemblies mounted to said lift
`frame, each said stand assembly comprising:
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`"Mo. 0031
`a C-shaped bracket having opposed upper and lower plates and a hole
`in each said plate;
`a stand leg with a stand foot secured to a lower end of said stand leg,
`said stand leg passing through said holes in said upper and lower plates of said C-
`shaped bracket;
`a pivoting locking plate positioned intermediate said upper and lower
`plates of said C-shaped bracket. said locking plate having a hole therein, said stand
`leg passing through said locking plate hole, said locking plate including a handle
`- facilitating manual pivoting of said locking plate relative to said C—shaped bracket;
`a first spring operable between said lower plate of said C—shaped
`bracket and said locking plate normally biasing an edge of said locking plate hole
`against said stand leg thereby locking said stand leg relative to said C-shaped bracket,
`said handle being operable to pivot said locking plate such that said locking plate hole
`edge is out of engagement with said stand leg thereby freeing said stand leg for
`mavement relative to said C—shaped bracket; and
`a second spring Operable between said upper plate of said C-shaped
`bracket and said stand leg nonnallybiasing said stand leg to an up pasition.
`38. (Canceled) In combinatiOn a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a first latch element;
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`NOV. 29.2004
`513 241 6234
`N0. 0031
`said snowplow assembly being neleasably securable to said mount
`frame, said snowplow assembly including a lift frame supportable by a stand, said
`stand being pivotal about a horizontal pivot axis between a down position in which
`said stand supports said snowplow assembly and an up position in which said stand
`does not support said Showplow assembly, said stand having a second latch element
`selectively engageabie with said first latch element of said mount frame, wherein said
`first and second latch elements are engaged with one another to secure said sn0wp10w
`assembly to said mount frame when said stand is in said up position, and disengaged
`with one another when said stand is in said down position to a110w said mount frame
`to separate from said snowplow assembly.
`39. (Canceled) The combination of claim 38 wherein one of said first
`and second latch elements is a latch pin and the other of said first and second latch
`elements is a latch hook.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 39 wherein said first latch
`element is a latch pin and said second latch element is a latch hook.
`(Original) A snowplow assembly comprising:
`a lift frame;
`a trunnion connected to said lift frame;
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`No. 0031
`an A—frame having a plow blade on a forward end and being
`connected on a rearward end to said trunnion; and
`a motion generating device for effecting relative movement between
`said A-frame and lift frame;
`said lift frame, trunnion, A-frame and motion generating device all
`being attachable to and detachable from a vehicle as one assembly;
`said lift frame, trunnion and A-frame being pivotally connected in such
`a manner that said A—frame can pivot relative to said lift frame about a transverse,
`horizontal axis as well as can pivot relative to said lift frame about a longitudinal,
`horizontal axis.
`(Original) The snowplow assembly of claim 4-1 wherein said
`trunnion is pivotally connected to said lift frame for pivoting motion abOut a
`transverse, horizontal axis and said A-frarne is pivotally connected to said trunnion for
`pivoting motion about a longitudinal, horizontal axis.
`(Original) A snowplow assembly comprising:
`a lift frame;
`a trunnion connected to said lift frame;
`an A-frame having a plow blade on a forward end and being
`connected on a rearward end to said trunnion; and
`PAGE 20:33 ' RCVDAT 11129l2004'1159204 PM [Easiem Standard Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l4 " DNiS:8729306 ' (13102513 241 6234 ' DURATION (mm-SSJIUT-UE
`a motion generating device for effecting relative movement between
`said A—frame and lift frame;
`said lift frame, trunnion. A-framle and motion generating device all
`being attachable to and detachable from a vehicle as one assembly;
`said lift frame, trunnion, A-frame and plow blade being plvotally
`connected in such a manner that said plow blade can pivot relative to said lift frame
`about a transverse, horizontal axis as well as can pivot relative to said lift frame about
`a longitudinal. horizontal axis.
`(Original) The snowplow assembly of claim 43 wherein said
`trunnion is pivotallv connected to said lift frame for pivoting motion about a
`transverse, horizontal axis and said A-frame is pivotaliy connected to said trunnion for
`pivoting motion abOut a longitudinal, horizontal axis.
`(Canceled) In combination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a first portion adapted to be secured to
`the vehicle and a second portion removably securable to said first portion without the
`use of tools;
`said snowpiow assembly including a lift frame. a plow blade and a
`motion generating device for effecting relative movement between said plow blade
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`513 ‘241 6234
`and lift frame, said snowplow assembly being removably securabie to said second
`portion of said maunt frame and being attachable thereto and detachable therefrom
`as one assembly;
`said mount frame second portion, when attached to said mount frame
`first portion, producing a first approach angle between said second portion and. a
`ground surface;
`said mount frame first portion, with said mount frame second portion
`detached therefrom, producing a second approach angle between said first portion
`and the ground surface;
`said sec0nd approach angle being greater than said first approach
`46. (Canceled) The combination of claim 45 wherein said mount
`frame second portion comprises a pair of receivers and said snowplow assembly
`includes a pair of horns receivable in respective ones of said receivers.
`47. (Canceled) The combination of claim 46 wherein each said
`receiver includes a latch pin secured thereto and said snowplow assembly includes a
`pair of latch hooks engageable with reSpective ones of said latch pins.
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`513 24] 6234
`(Canceled) The combinatiOn of claim 47 wherein each said latch
`hook is secured to a support stand for supporting said snowpiow assembly when
`detached from the vehicle.
`(Canceled) The combinatiOn of claim 48 wherein said support
`stands are pivotally connected to said lift frame for pivoting movement to and
`between a sn0wpiow supporting down position and an up position wherein said latch
`hooks are engaged with respective ones of said latch pins.
`(Canceled) in combination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said mount frame comprising a first portion adapted to be secured to
`the vehicle and a second portion removably securable to said first portion without the
`use of tools;
`said snowplow assembly including a lift frame, a plow blade and a
`motion generating device for effecting relative movement between said plow blade
`and lift frame, said snowpiow assembly being removably securable to said second I
`portion of said mount frame and being attachable thereto and detachable therefrom
`as one assembly;
`said mount frame second portion, when attached to said mount frame
`first portion, producing a first ground clearance distance between said second portion
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`NOV. 29. 2004
`Sl3 241 6234
`and a ground surface and a first approach angle between said second portion and the
`ground surface;
`said mount frame first portion, with said mount frame second portion
`detached therefrom, producing a second ground clearance distance between said first
`portion and the ground surface and a second approach angle between said first
`portion and'the ground surface;
`said second ground clearance distance being greater than said first
`ground clearance distance and said second approach angle being greater than said
`first approach angle.
`(Canceled) In combination a mount frame adapted to be attached
`to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly:
`said snowplow assembly including a lift frame, a plow blade and a
`motion generating device for effecting relative mowement between said lift frame and
`said plow blade. snowplow assembly being removably securabie to said mount frame
`and being attachable thereto and detachable therefrom as one assembly;
`said lift frame Including a pair of transverseiy spaced horns and a pair of
`transversely spaced, pivoting latch hooks each of which has a pin engaging surface
`with a cammlng curvature associated therewith;
`said mount frame including a pair of transversely spaced flared receivers
`and a pair of transversely spaced latch pins;
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`513 241 6234
`said horns being received in said receivers during securement of said
`snowplow assembly to said mount frame, said pin engaging surfaces of said hooks
`cooperating with said pins to cam said snowplow assembly and mount frame t0gether
`during pivoting of said latch hooks.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 51 wherein each said latch
`hook is mounted on a Support stand which is pivoted to said lift frame, said latch
`hooks engaging said latch pins when said support stands are pivoted to an up position
`and disengaging with said latch pins when said support stands are pivoted to a down
`snowplow assembly supporting position.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 53 wherein each said
`support stand is height adjustable independently of the other said support stand.
`(Canceled) The combination of claim 53 wherein each said
`support stand is continuously height adjustable.
`(Original) A snowpiow assembly comprising:
`a lift frame;
`a trunnion connected to said lift frame;
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`513 241 6234
`NO. 0031
`n 1 e
`an A—frame having a plow blade on a forward end and being connected
`on a rearward end to said trunnion;
`a motion generating device for effecting relative movement between
`said A-frame and lift frame;
`said lift frame, trunnion, A-frame and plow blade being pivotally
`connected in such a manner that said plow blade can pivot relative to said lift frame
`about a transverse. horizontal axis as well as can pivot relative to said lift frame about
`a longitudinal, horizontal axis; and
`a pair of tranSversely spaced support stands mounted to said lift frame
`for supporting said snowplow assembly above a grOunCl surface during detachment
`from a vehicle, each of said support stands being height adjustable independently of
`the other said support stand.
`56. (Previously Presented) The snowplow assembly of claim 55
`wherein each of said support stands is continuously height adjustable.
`57. (Original) A snowplow assembly comprising:
`a lift frame;
`a plow blade;
`a motion generating device for effecting relative movement between
`said lift frame and said plow blade; and
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`513 241 6234
`I m,
`”10.0031 “P.
`a pair of transversely spaced support stands mounted to said lift frame
`for supporting said lift frame above a ground surface, each of said pair of stands being
`height adjustable independently of the other of said stands.
`(Previously Presented) The snowplow assembly of claim 57
`wherein each of said support stands is continuously height adjustable.
`(Previously Presanted) The snowpiow assembly of claim 57
`wherein said lift frame. plow blade and motion generating device are adapted to be
`attached to and detached from a vehicle as a single assembly.
`(Previously Presented) The snowpiow assembly of claim 57
`wherein said pIOW blade is operable to pivot relative to said lift frame about a
`longitudinal. horizontal axis.
`61. (Previously Presented) The snowplow assembly of claim 57
`wherein said plow blade is. operable to pivot relative to said lift frame about a
`longitudinal, horizontal axis.
`(Currently Amended) A sngflpigyy fi§gmhl§ comprising:
`a lift frame;
`PAGE 27m ' RCVD AT 11129i2004 1:59:04 PM [Eastern Standard Time] ‘ SVRIUSPIO-EFXRF-m ‘ DNIS:8729306 * CSID:513 241- 6234 ‘ DURATION (mm-ss):Ui-08
`(-3 "
`513 241 6234
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`a motion generating device for effecting rglgtivg mgygmgut between
`a pair 91 mgflgggly spaced support stands mounted to said lift frame
`for supporting said lift frame above a gmund mime. gagb 91 said pair of stands
`@5139 height adjustable independently gfi the Elbe: of said stands;
`dihe-snowplow-assembly-of-claian-T‘whereln each said support stand
`said plate;
`a bracket having opposed first and secand plates and a hole in each
`a leg passing through said holes in said first and second plates of said
`a pivoting locking plate positioned intermediate said first and second
`plates of said bracket, said locking plate having a hole therein, said leg passing
`through said locking plate hole, said locking plate including a handle facilitating
`manual pivoting of said locking plate relative to said bracket;
`a first spring normally biasing an edge of said locking plate hole
`against said leg thereby locking said leg relative to said bracket, said handle being
`operable to pivot said locking plate such that said locking plate hole edge is out of
`engagement with said leg thereby freeing said leg for movement relative to said
`bracket; and
`' PAGE 23m ' RCVD AT 11l29l2004 1:59:04 PM [Eastern Standard lime] " SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l4 ' DNIS:8?29306' CSID:513 241 5234 ' DURATION (mm-ss):0?-08
`filo-v.29. 2004
`513 241 6234
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`N0. 0031
`a second spring normally biasing said leg relative to said bracket
`(Previously Presented) The sn0wplow assembly of claim 62
`wherein said first Spring is operable between one of said first and second plates of
`said bracket and said locking plate.
`(Previously Presented) The snowplow assembly of claim 63
`wherein said second spring is operable between the other of said first and second
`plates of said bracket and said leg.
`(Original) A snowplow assemny comprising:
`a lift frame;
`a plow blade, said plow blade being pivotal relative to said lift f