`U.S. Patent No. 2,139,625 to Pruss
`Dec. 6, 1938._
`Dec. 6, 1938._
`Filed NOV. 2, 1936
`Filed NOV. 2, 1936
`5 SheetS—Sheet 1
`5 Sheets-Sheet l
`§\\\\\%§$\§AA§§§\§\§ 5%.NV.MN
`Hugo ti P/ws
`/7':/go f. P/ws
`// ?/MW
`fl fl/WW
`Dec. 6, 1938.
`Filed Nov. 2, 1936
`Filed Nov. 2. 1936
`3 Sheets—Sheet 2
`3 Sheets-Sheet 2
`Hugo L‘. Pram INVENTOR.
`Afigyo [T/Bwmzr
`Dec. 6, 1938.
`Dec. 6, 1938.
`H. E, ppqiuss
`5 Sheets—Sheet 3
`3 Sheets-Sheet 3
` 7.?
`FIG. /0
`- H6. 13
` ' \\\\'
`‘V///////3///24./‘/33% '?
` x\\\\..\\\\\'gQ»\\\\§m\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\k / ... m
`7///tl\\\\ ‘Ir//////////////////////m /////.'///45'//4
`Hugo £ P/‘UJJ' _
`ww£Hmm_ mmwx
`Patented Dec. 6, 1938
`Patented Dec. 6, I938
`UNITED“; sraeras
`u?Ni1,+r1~:na s‘r;erE”s»
`2,139,625: f"
`2,139,625: T
`Hugo, EJ’russ; Berkeley, Cali?r assignor. to.Snow=
`Hugo. E..P.z-uss; Berkeley, Cali£.,~. assignor. to.S1iow=
`Removal Equipment Gompany,. San Francisco, ,
`Removal Equipment Company,. San Francisco, .
`Califf; a'?rm composed offWilliam-B'.‘ Vestal,“
`Califf,’ _a.j‘firm. composed of.”William‘.B':‘ Vestal:
`Hug1r"Jacks: and “Lynn CoTfirert“
`Huglr-Jacks; and "liynglggo'jert
`Application November-2,- 1936,: Serial :No: 108,769:
`Application November:-2; 1936§2Ser.ial:Noz 108,769:
`141 Claims‘.
`(Cli ‘3'7’—‘-42)“
`141 Claims;
`(Cl? 373-42)"
`the:g'roundri. These diflicultieszare; encountered in
`This invention relates to pl_ows-.-whiclI—are5at-'-.—
`the:groundri. These di?‘icultieszare; encountered in
`This invention relates to plows-.-whiclrareiat'-'-~
`tached Ito‘ and driven‘. by.‘ a‘.rvehic1e;‘. especially‘ to
`plows? which=.-care:-mounted: perpendicular to the
`plows." whichrarevmounted; perpendicular- to the
`tached Ito and driven‘~ by? airvehicle; especially‘ {to
`longitudinalaxis ofthesvehicle aswell as in plows.
`road plows-,:such snow ‘plows, buttmayi be.ap- --
`longitudinalaids o?‘thezvehicle aswell 'as- in plows.
`road plows-,lsuch
`snow ‘plows, but?m'ayi beap- ~
`which are mounted diagona11y.with’respect’to;the:
`which are mounted diagonallywithrespect’ to; the:
`plied to ice, dirt or other similar ploWsLi More
`plied to ice, dirt or other similar plows: More‘
`5 «.5 specific'a311y’,'- the -present invention a fist. concerned
`5 t.’ speci?cally," the present ‘invention =1 isr- concerned
`This'zdif?culty'hasgrin.the:past, ~made,~1t.imprac-.
`with an improvement in the attaclirrrent’»fo'r secur-~
`This’:-difficultyxhasyin;thezpast, —made,~1t.imprac-..
`with an improvement in the attachmentfor secur--
`tical; to mount the plowrframe toasprung chassis,-.
`in‘g?'the1«p1ow'-'a‘.n‘d.’-its supporting: frame to a::.ve’-
`ingr'tlieilplow'fand-its supporting: frame to air-ve
`tical'; to mount the plow'frame to'asprung chassis,-.
`which is. often subject to tilting .with:respect to the:
`hicle‘, such as amotor tmclcfior tractor:
`which is- often subject to tilting .withrespect to the:
`hicle', ‘such as aimotor tmckrlor tractor.'- It‘fis
`ground; dueto swaying 501‘ unequal loading, . neces-a
`particularly applicable to-p1owS’fwhi'ch: are‘ detach’-' -
`particularly applicable to-plows‘fwhi'ch-are' detach-v -
`ground; dueto- swaying 501' unequal loading, , neces-\
`sitating:,.the:.-fastening: of-~the pivot and frame to.
`lqvi'ably securedlto motor, vehicles; but'iis‘also?appli;
`sitatingqtheufasteningz of~the pivot and frame to
`mvéably securediito motor. vehicles‘, but':is‘also‘:app1i'-
`cable to —perm‘a.nen‘t installations. .
`the -axle». of the :vehicle;; Such’ a: mounting-ls,-_
`the axle: of ‘the :vehicler. Such' a: mountingis,
`cable to permanent installations. ,
`It is known to attach a plow frame to a vehi'c'le: .
`however,.undesirable<becauserit» places an undue
`however,.undesirablerbecauserit» places an undue
`It is known to attach a plow frame to a vehicle: >
`by meansfof a--pivot-fixedrtoiw-part; of: the vehicle,
`by meansfof a-pivotl?xedito‘l'aipart; ofitlie vehicle,
`ture which holds ':the~.:axle in. alignment. to the
`such as a truck axle, whe're‘by'1‘the' plow:-can’rbe*—
`ture which holds ':the~.:axle in. alignment. to the
`such as a truck axle, whereby?‘ the plowi-cani'bei
`truck, and.-because insumcienttspace is. available
`15ZEswun‘g- upwardly ' to‘-adjust‘ the. height‘: of? the plow
`truck, and-because insu?cientispace is. available
`151i'swun‘g- upwardly ' toiadjust‘ the. height; of? the plow
`near-.the=a.-xle -for. providing pivots- and frame
`blade —in‘?relati'on'to' the ground, and!-:th'e depth‘ to
`near-theaide for. providing pivots and. frame‘
`blade inlrelation'to' the ground, and-the 'depth- to
`membersclof athevnecessaryl strength; ;
`which~"t11‘eIicutting- -edge -enters? the !snow- or soil;
`membersaof lthevnecessaryl strength; ;
`whichftheli'cutting- edge enters7 the -'snow or soil;
`Al-. further difliculty. encountered» in: such: con- -
`may thereby be controlled and the plow placed‘:-
`may thereby be controlled and the plow placed!
`As. further di?iculty. encountered in: such. con- -
`into- and. outiof operation; Such: a ‘construction
`structions,; and-:pa1:ticularly~~in-: connection with;
`structions; andaparticularly in? connection with;
`into- and‘ outlet operation; Such: a 'constmeti'on
`plow blades which,.=like thatshown in-.-the-Hewitt
`gowns, for example, ‘described in the -Unitedi-‘States’-
`plow blades which,zlike that'shown in-lthe-I-Iewitt
`golds, for example, described in the United:State'sL
`patent,, above referred-.to;..are disposed. diagonally
`patent»to‘»Hewitt,vNo. 2,055’;-‘Z94:
`In suchia-»de’v1ce
`patent, above =referred~.to;. are disposed. diagonally
`patent'toiHewitt'No. 2,055’5'794) In suchade'vice
`withurespect to the.—axis- of -the.-vehicle and the. axis .
`the‘ weight of the plow share or blade,-~as= well? as .-
`with'respect to theraxis- of the-vehicle and the. axis .
`the‘ weight of- the plow share or- blade,-~as—' well? as ‘
`of. the=pivots,-«is- that .when:-the height‘ of- the plow’
`of the fo1fw'ar.d.~en‘d~of. theiframe, isrca-r:ried-.by-'
`of the forward-endof the-frame, isIcarried-byv
`of I thepivots?m- that .whens-the height‘ of- the plow‘
`isw=adjusted.with..respect: to ~the.g-round; or snow
`runningi devices, such» as one: or -morei wheels -:or-
`is‘=adiusted.with.respect: to thelg-round; or snow
`runningi devices, such» as one‘ or morei wheels aor~
`surface, both ends of the plow blade cannot be 25.’:
`zgqsleds, attached to the. forward; end ofithe-v-fram'er
`surface, both ends of the plow blade cannot be 253.
`2_,;.;sleds, attached to the. forward: end ofIthe1=fram’e,—.
`made to rise the same. distance. This is’ due to
`and the frame functions’ mainly':to:‘transmit« a-
`made to rise the "same. distance. This isv due to
`and the frame functions mainly'1to='transmit a
`the-fact. that both; ends. of the blade are pivoted
`horizontal. force to « push. the. plow into‘.-'the':ma‘-.
`the-‘factv that both; ends. of the‘ blade are. pivoted
`horizontal- force to 1 push- the plow into1-'therma‘-
`about the samevpivota axis‘ sothat the. end of the
`terial-to be excavated, and to steer it-in.the.—deh~
`about‘ the same'pivot» a-xis‘ sothat the. end of the
`terial-to be excavated, and to steer it-inthe-dek
`si-redndirection. Whilekit‘ is customary‘ to‘ mount‘
`plcwthe farthestzremoved fromathevehicle, due
`plow-the farthestzremoved fromthevehicle, due
`si-reddirection. Whileiit' is customary‘ to‘ mount‘
`to its longer radius-,.'swings through a greater. ver-
`to its longer radius',.'swings through a greater. ver
`30,,:the. blade in. front of the vehicles, it may also-be
`mmthe- blade inv front of the vehicle, it may also-be
`tical distance than. the other--end of» the blade.
`mounted in rear of it.»
`tical distance than the otherend of» the blade.
`mounted ‘in rear of it,
`It, for example; the: rearward runner of such a
`The horizontal thrust. carried by the frame .in«
`It, for example, the: rearward runner of such a
`The horizontal thrust carried by the frame Yin-Y
`pushtplowemployed to-‘remove: snow passes over
`such constructions is considerable, and it: has
`push'plow‘employed to-‘remove: snow passes over
`such constructions is considerable; and it: has
`asmoundof snow and-.is..therebylifted, the lead-
`been. necessary to provide a pivot bearingand. a;'.
`atmoundof snow- andislthereby‘lifted, the lead
`been necessary to provide a pivot bearingland. a‘.
`ing runner, instead‘ of ‘remaining-on. the surface, 35.,
`35;;frame structure of generous dimensions 1to insure
`ing runner, instead of ‘remaining-on. the surface, 35,.
`35;,-frame structure of generous: dimensions to insure
`will be lifted through a vertical distance which is
`the life of the bearingand to preventfbuckling. of
`will be lifted through a vertical distance which is
`the life of the bearing-and to preventfbuckling- of
`the frame.
`greater than the‘: lift on the- rearward runner,
`greater than the‘: lift on the rearward runner,
`the frame.
`In; such. a construction, moreover, the frame-is
`placing: astorsinnal stress on: the frame and pre-
`placing; aftorsional stress on: the frame and pre
`Insuch. a construction, moreover, the frame-is
`venting. effective» removal ofgsnow from: the area
`rigidly pivoted to’ the vehicle,.so that Whenever
`rigidly pivoted to the vehicle-so that whenever
`venting effective» removal ofpsnow from; the area
`traversed by the leadingend-of the blade. Simi- 40,
`4°u-the vehicle is tilted laterallyithe plow-is‘similarly '
`traversed by the leading.-end-' of the blade.
`Simi— 40.,
`40:4-the vehicle is tilted laterally’-th'e plow-islsimilarly '
`Ian’ difficulty is-encounteredv when the blade is in-
`tilted. This may occur, for example, when one A
`Ian difficulty iszencountered-l when the blade is in
`tilted. This may occur, for example, when one '
`tentionally . raised or ‘lowered.
`tire is «larger than the other tire onrthe sameaxle, .
`tire is larger than the other tire on'the same-axle, .
`tentionally _ raised or- ‘lowered.
`Still-. another difficulty encountered in plows.
`or when one wheel passes‘ overan obstruction, or
`Still. another difficulty‘ encountered in plows.
`or when one wheel passes‘ over'a‘n obstruction,‘ or
`which are diagonally mounted with respect to-
`enters a depression-, or, when cle'aring‘= snow or.
`which. are diagonally mounted with respect to
`enters a depression, or, when clearing snow or.
`45; other material from- a—-roadway','when one side of.-
`the vehicleeand frameis that the forward end of 45,
`the «vehicleand frameis that the forward end of 45,
`45}; other material from a-roadway','when one side of
`the frame canbe maintained in its. proper vertical
`the truck‘ is off of the pavement.
`The‘ tilting of‘
`the frame canbe maintained in its, proper vertical
`the truck‘ is off of the pavement.
`The‘ tilting of‘
`position. With. respect, to. the ground. or. snow only
`the plow frame prevents the plow from.digging.
`position. with. respect to‘ the ground or. .snow only
`the plow frame prevents the plow fromdigging.
`into the soil or snow’ to the desired uniformdepth
`when the.pivot axis.on.the truck is at the correct
`when thelpivot axison-the truck is at the correct
`into the soil or snow’ to the desired uniformdepth
`height .above.the ground. When the.tires on the
`along all points of the plow‘ blade, andfplaces at
`height above-the ground.- When the-tires on the
`along all points of the plow‘ blade, and-"places a;
`trucl-rare changed, or .when. thetruck-moves over 59;
`twisting stress. on the frame ‘structure,
`truck-are changed, or .when. thetruck-moves over 50;
`5gigreat twisting stress- on the frame ‘structure,
`rough ground, the axle or chassis. frame is higher
`rough ground, the axle or chassis. frame is .higher
`especially whenta plurality of runners is em-
`especially‘ .whenia plurality of runners is em
`lower. than. the height for; which the frame
`ployed, one of the runners being frequently lifted
`or lower. than.- the height for; which the frame
`ployed, one of the runners being frequently lifted
`was designed, and. the..di.fiiculties describedin the
`off the ground or snow surface. Similarly, when
`was designed, and. thedif?culties describedin the
`o?- the ground or snow surface. Similarly, when
`preceding paragraph are also encountered. This
`the one of a plurality of supporting runnersrides
`preceding paragraph are also encountered. ‘This
`the one of a plurality of supporting runnerslrides
`55.?over an obstruction, the other will be-lifted off
`circumstance, moreover, makes it impossible to 55.
`circumstance, moreover, makes it impossible to 55..
`53-?over an obstruction, the other will be-lifted off
`2 a
`attach the plow frame to a vehicle other than the
`ttach the plow frame to a vehicle other than the
`Figure 1 is a fragmental side elevation of a
`Figure 1 is a fragmental side elevation of a
`one for which it was constructed.
`snow plow comprehending the present invention,
`one for which it was constructed. Broadly, the present invention contemplates
`snow plow comprehending the present invention,
`the present
`invention contemplates
`as it would appear when operatively connected
`as it would appear when operatively connected
`the provision of a novel and improved plow frame
`the provision of a novel and improved plow frame
`to its correlated automotive vehicle, the plow
`to its correlated automotive vehicle,
`the plow
`particularly adapted to be attached to a vehicle
`particularly adapted to be attached to a vehicle
`blade being shown partly in section.
`blade being shown partly in section.
`which is capable of moving the plow forwardly
`which is capable of moving the plow forwardly
`Figure 2 is a top plan view thereof.
`Figure 2 is a top plan View thereof.
`and maintaining it in its proper direction of
`and maintaining it in its proper direction of
`Figure 3 is a horizontal section taken on line
`Figure 3 is a horizontal section taken on line
`travel, while permitting the plow to assume its
`travel, while permitting the plow to assume its
`3—-3 of Figure 1, illustrating the mounting of
`3——3 of Figure 1, illustrating the mounting of
`proper positioning with respect to .the ground or
`proper positioning with respect to the ground or
`the frame to the transverse girder or bolster.
`the frame to the transverse girder or bolster.
`snow surface irrespective of the height or lateral.
`snow surface irrespective of the height or lateral,
`, Figure 4 is a transverse section taken on line
`, Figure 4 is a transverse section taken on line
`inclination of the vehicle or the relative vertical
`inclination of the vehicle or the relative vertical
`44-4 of Figure 3 in the direction of the arrows.
`4—‘-—4 of Figure 3 in the direction of the arrows.
`position of the supporting runners.
`position of the supporting runners.
`Figure 5 is an elevation view of a pump em-
`Figure 5 is an elevation view of a pump em
`It is an object of the invention to provide an
`It is an object of the invention to provide an
`ployed to operate the lifting ram.
`ployed to operate the lifting ram.
`improved means for attaching a‘ plow frame to a
`improved means for attaching a‘ plow frame to _a
`Figure 6 is an enlarged fragmentary perspec
`Figure 6 is an enlarged fragmentary perspec-
`vehicle which may be attached to‘a. sprung por
`vehicle which may be attached toa sprimg por-
`tive view illustrating the preferred mode of sup
`tive view illustrating the preferred mode of sup-
`tion, as well as to an unsprung portion of the
`tion, as well as to an unsprung portion of the
`porting the transverse bars and girder on the
`porting the transverse bars and girder on the
`vehicle, and which will permit the vehicle to 'move
`vehicle, and which will permit the vehicle to move
`side abutment plates which ar_e__attached to the
`side abutment plates which ar_e___attached to the
`over rough and irregular ground. It is a further
`over rough and irregular ground.
`It is a further
`object to provide a novel and improved attaching
`object to provide a novel and improved attaching
`Figure 7 is a transverse section taken on line
`Figure 7 is a transverse section taken on line
`means which will permit the plow to be attached
`means which will permit the plow to be attached
`1-‘! of Figure 2, illustrating the mounting of
`1-—1 of Figure 2, illustrating the mounting of
`to vehicles of different heights above the ground,
`to vehicles of different heights above the ground,
`p the transverse girder.
`g the transverse girder.
`and to operate e?iciently regardless of variations
`and to operate efficiently regardless of variations
`Figure 8 is a fragmentary side elevation of a
`Figure 8 is a fragmentary side elevation of a
`in the height of the vehicle axle or chassis with
`in the height of the vehicle axle or chassis with
`modi?cation of a portion of the frame and at
`modification of a portion of the frame and at-
`respect to the ground.
`respect to the ground.
`taching means.‘
`taching means.‘
`A further object of this invention is the pro
`A further object of this invention is the pro-
`Figure 9 is a horizontal section taken on line
`Figure 9 is a horizontal section taken on line
`vision of a means for attaching the plow frame
`vision of a means for attaching the plow frame
`9--9 of Figure 8.
`9--9 of Figure 8.
`to a vehicle in a manner which will permit the
`to a vehicle in a manner which will permit the
`Figure 10 is a fragmental horizontal sectional
`Figure 10 is a fragmental horizontal sectional
`end of the frame nearest the vehicle (either for
`end of the frame nearest the vehicle (either for-
`view,~partly in elevation, similar to Figure 3.
`view,‘partly in elevation, similar to Figure 3,
`_wardly or rearwardly) to have a constrained ver-
`wardly or rearwardly) to have a constrained ver
`showing a further modification of my invention.
`showing a further modi?cation of my invention.
`tical movement with respect to the vehicle. A
`tical movement with respect to the vehicle. A
`Figure 11 is a transverse section taken on line
`Figure 11 is a transverse section taken on line
`further object is to provide a. plow frame which is
`further object is to provide a plow frame which is
`II-—II of Figure 10 in the direction of the ar-
`ll-ll of Figure 10 in the direction of the ar
`better able to transmit horizontal thrust to the
`better able to transmit horizontal thrust to the
`vehicle and have a lesser tendency to buckle than
`vehicle and have a lesser tendency to buckle than
`Figure 12 is a horizontal vertical view taken
`Figure 12 is a horizontal vertical view taken
`the frames heretofore employed.
`the frames heretofore employed.
`on line I2—-I2 of Figure 10.
`351 I
`on line |2—l2 of Figure 10.
`Still another object of‘ the invention is the
`35v 1
`Still’ another object of- the invention is the
`Figure 13 is a fragmental horizontal sectional
`Figure 13 is a fragmental horizontal sectional
`provision of a plow frame having a diagonally
`provision of a plow frame having a diagonally
`view, partly in elevation, similar to Figure 3,
`view, partly in elevation, similar to Figure 3,
`disposed plow blade which-may assume its proper
`disposed plow blade which-may assume its proper
`showing still another modi?cation of my inven
`showing still another modification of my inven-
`position with ‘respect to-the ground or surface
`position with ‘respect to-the ground or surface
`of the snow, irrespective of the lateral inclina
`of the snow, irrespective of the lateral inclina-
`Figure 14 is an end View of the construction
`Figure 14 is an end view of the construction
`tion of the portion of the vehicle to which the
`tion ofv the portion of the vehicle to which the
`shown-in Figure 13.
`shown-in Figure 13.
`frame is secured. A further object is to provide
`frame is secured. A further object is to provide
`Referring to the drawings, and particularly to
`Referring to the drawings, and particularly to
`a plow frame which may be attached to a vehi-
`a plow frame which may be attached to a vehi
`Figures 1 to 7 thereof,
`I0 is the sprung chassis
`Figures 1 to 7 thereof, Iil is the sprung chassis
`cle so as to have free lateral tilting and verti-
`cle so as to have free lateral tilting and verti
`of an automobile or similar vehicle, which may
`of an automobile or similar vehicle, which may
`cal as well as verticaltilting movements with
`cal as well as vertical'tilting movements with
`be provided with springs, not shown, and hav-
`be provided with springs, not shown, and hav~
`_respect to the vehicle.
`__respect to the vehicle.
`ing an engine compartment H and wheels [2.
`ing an engine compartment
`II and wheels I2.
`The above and additional objects, which will
`The above and additional objects, which will
`A pair of abutment plates I3-—I3’ is secured to
`A pair of abutment plates I 3-l3' is secured to
`hereinafter be more specifically treated, are at-
`hereinafter be more speci?cally treated, are at
`the chassis by detachable bolts, as shown. The
`the chassis by detachable bolts, as shown. The
`tained by such means as are shown in the ac-'
`tained by such means as are shown in the ac-'
`abutment plates are spaced apart and rigidly
`abutment plates are spaced apart and rigidly
`companying drawings, described in the follow
`companying drawings, described in the follow-
`connected by a pair of transverse channel bars
`connected by a pair of transverse channel bars
`ing speci?cation, and more clearly pointed out
`ing specification, and more clearly pointed out
`I4—-I4’, with Vertical webs, and a third chan-
`l4—-|4', with vertical webs, and a third chan
`in the claims. While I have in the following
`in the claims. While I have in the following
`nel bar I5, welded or otherwise secured to the
`nel bar l5, welded or otherwise secured to the
`speci?cation described only four speci?c embodi
`specification described only four specific embodi-
`faces of
`the plates
`I3—I3’. The bars
`inner faces of the plates I3—~I3'. The bars
`ments of the invention, and have described these
`ments of the invention, and have described these
`I4—-I4” are provided with a removable pin or
`14-44" are provided with a removable pin or
`with sufficient detail to enable those skilled in
`with su?icient detail to enable those skilled in
`bolt l6. braced by a bushing 11, and forming
`I5, braced by a bushing I1, and forming
`the art to which it pertains to understand the
`the art to which it pertains to understand the
`a trunnion rotatably supporting a tiltable bolster
`a trunnion rotatably supporting a tiltable bolster
`mode of construction and the vprinciples involved,
`mode of construction and the ‘principles involved,
`18, located between the bars l4, and extending
`I8, located between the bars I4, and extending
`it is to be understood that there is no inten-
`it is to be understood that there is no inten
`through notches [3a, cut in the plates I 3-[3’
`through notches I3a, cut in the plates I 3—I3’
`tional limitation to the speci?c forms and pre
`tional lirnitation to the specific forms and pre-
`(see Figures 6 and 7). The notches have vertical
`(see Figures 6 and 7). The notches have vertical
`cise details shown, and that various modifica-
`cise details shown, and that various modi?ca
`dimensions to permit the bolster I3 to tilt in a
`dimensions to permit the bolster I3 to tilt in a
`tions of the same can be resorted to without
`tions of the same can be resorted to without
`vertical plane about the pin l6 through an arc
`vertical plane about the pin I6 through an arc
`departing from the spirit and scope of the in
`departing from the spirit and scope of the in-
`of about 10 to 15 degrees on either side of hori-
`of about 10 to 15 degrees on either side of hori
`vention, and without sacrificing the benefits de-
`vention, and without sacri?cing the bene?ts de
`zontal. The vertical faces of the notches are
`zontal. The vertical faces of the notches are
`rivable therefrom.
`It is also to be understood
`rivable therefrom. It is also to be understood
`smooth, and are preferably provided with bear
`smooth, and are preferably provided with bear-
`that certain features of the invention herein dis
`that certain features of the invention herein dis-
`ing surfaces by welding face plates I 9-l 9'
`ing surfaces by welding face plates
`I 9——I 9'
`-closed may be employed in and with other com-
`closed may be employed in and with other com
`thereto (see Figures 3, 6, and 7). The plates
`thereto (see Figures 3, 6, and 7). The plates
`binations than those shown and described.
`binations than those shown and described.
`I9——I9’ are located to engage the forward and
`l9-—I9’ are located to engage the forward and
`The invention will be described as applied to
`The invention will be described as applied to
`rear edges of the bolster I8, so as to prevent
`rear edges of the bolster I8, so as to prevent
`a snow plow of the general type shown in the
`a snow plow of the general type shown in the
`its rotation about a vertical axis, thereby form
`its rotation about a vertical axis, thereby form-
`Hewitt patent, above referred to, it being under
`Hewitt patent, above referred to, it being under-
`ing abutment means to transmit longitudinal
`ing abutment means to transmit
`stood that it may be employed in connection
`stood that it may be employed in connection
`stress from the chassis I0 to the bolster.
`stress from the chassis ID to the bolster.
`with the rotor shown therein, or without it, and
`with the rotor shown therein, or without it, and
`A rigid tower 20 is mounted on the abutment
`A rigid tower 20 is mounted on the abutment
`that persons skilled in the art of excavating can
`that persons skilled in the art of excavating can
`plates' l3—l3’, braced by tie rods 2|—-2I’, and
`plates" I3-—l3’, braced by tie rods 2I—-2I’, and
`make such modifications as are necessary to
`make such modi?cations as are necessary to
`provided with resilient supporting means and
`provided with resilient supporting means and
`adapt the invention to other purposes. In the
`adapt the invention to other purposes.
`In the
`hoisting means, hereafter described.
`hoisting means, hereafter described.
`«drawings :
`The details on each end of the bolster I8 are 75
`The details on each end of the bolster I 8 are
`ing motion,
`A _
`We .,
`, .
`2, ié§','
`',”n'é,, wijii ‘béf’ djé§'cr113ed"in'fde: f
`a11;d’theT,_l§éIig.t,1f1‘0I.’théL I
`- _.
`and ‘thele?gthWI the’
`thesprin'gfarejsueh, 'th “the ‘weightiof ‘the rear
`:;;aaryi’- attached’ ‘to’ 'th‘¢?en'd“or‘ the bolster
`th§'spring,‘are‘_;su¢h, ‘t_If1 t,_'the' weight, of ‘the’ rear
`af'circular' disc. or'sjourrial" 22,‘ revolvably'_
`enjd" offthejlfra'm‘ej, is"b_a1'a_ d'‘_ with respect to
`'_Wi_th respect
`a,‘ 'c1réu1ar" dist: 'o_r"..,iou_rn’al“ 22; revolvably'_
`the" runners‘ 324-321.; Infith'is manner ‘no weight
`d"‘,in"’a"be‘ rm‘g“jmernber 23'.
`the‘ ‘runne_‘1fs‘ 32’-—3'2_f.;
`Infjtliis manner ‘no weight
`is,‘fdurin‘g"jt_he normal‘joperation',"carried by the 5
`5 member'23'iis"?iedfto'ja “plate _24,‘ shaped to ‘pro; '
`is,‘;’during‘i_th;e n,o,rmfa1"‘;ope'rati‘on;‘"carried by the
`me_r'nber’_23‘fis"fi:Eed.‘to'Ia ‘plate _24,‘ ‘sh_'a'p'ed‘ to "pro; '
`pins; 28' a, ,d"29,',‘"th‘ese"plnsjserving ‘merely as
`vidéf_a,fvertical'. groove‘ on its 'ou't‘e1_“fac'eL A 'ver‘-
`pins’ 28' a;id"'29'j"thfese“pi;1sj_se-rving ‘merely as
`videiar'vertiéal'. groove on its outer ‘ face; A 'ver‘
`safety gleyic'es 130, h'ol
`tiétgi1y‘.,e1piigatéa‘i..hfir 25i'isf,'slidablY:.mo11'fited ’in.,
`safety deyices 'to,hold“th‘é‘_barsf25_in the groove
`the groove _ai'1'd
`’a‘_sm‘al1 ‘amount Qof‘free"'p_lay _
`he‘_f_ra11ie‘ ‘and blade’ are
`jg:ti<)_i’1“__of't1_1e ram’ 36; the
`,»,in1Iitsfgroove;'it e:Et'en‘ds"both'abové and below
`‘_l:ire1y.’_;_ Bythe action of
`_ __
`edly' saatsafmss has 2% its on'j'each"
`.t,_s “
`_"e_jr_eai'_‘ end of the frame
`Fixedly secured _to,.,th'é bars 25_(of1"é’ onjeach‘
`g, .
`endof, the}? ter'fltliis' 'apai'rIof forwardly'ex‘;
`has‘ajrestrained ‘yertieai‘m'overiient ' with respect
`ha's""a_f'restral_ned_ ‘j(élj1;l§§9._T‘n1ljVt3{Ii1!ent'With respect
`end. or. the ,b
`ter’.‘ is) is "a. parrot ror‘ward1y;.ex;;
`tof'the 'truckfvaiid‘?exibllityland j stability are in
`to”the_ 'truckfVaiid‘fl§xib1lity:_aI'id j stability are in-
`rorining= thfe’ side .m‘en'1T-..
`,"bers'sof the‘ plowsupporti'ng fram'éL' A plurality
`suredf‘v fljhe' three: vpolnt' support, moreover,
`.t.hre'e'.,' ,po1,nt; support. moreover.
`_.,bers',of the‘ p1ow.supportih’g frarr‘feL' A plurality
`l5"of_,holes'.21 is'providedinithe' bars 25' for re‘
`(whether'brinétfth'e' cage 40: isjprovided with a 15‘
`"'of,,holes'.21 is'prqvid_ed__in'.the' bars 25’ for re‘-
`(whether'OrT,nét"‘,th§¢‘ cable 50: isjprovided with a
`resilient means); m‘ake'sj’it ‘possible ‘for both of
`ceivingan adjustable 'pi'ri 128'; ‘adaptedto, rest _ on
`1'esilient _m¢an's>_' In‘akes"it ‘possible for both of
`ceiving" an adjustable ‘pin‘_ :28"; ,adap’ted"to, rest . on
`the"run'ne'rs"'32i"—32’ to'"be "1n“'co,n'tact‘ with the
`the"runners""32i‘—32’ to'"be L1n"conta'ct‘ with the
`therupper edge of ‘the plate .2_4,t0‘1i1‘nit the, down- _
`til._e'1i,ppe'r .edgé' ‘of the plate .Z.4:,t0’ limit the down-
`ground pr'snqw surface, regardless fof the relative
`ward ‘movementjoffjthe ba'r125 in' its groove.~ A‘
`wa;r‘_a omoi/em'ent'.’of_',the barf.25 in’ its groove.’ A"
`ground _o1_‘_snQW surface, regardless fof _the relative
`.._,se,'c,oiid' pin'129 may,__if desired, be similarly inf
`eievandrisiqi' the.,si1r;fsée supporting these run-
`.._,second' pinf29 mayf,,,i: desired, be similarly inf-
`elevations‘ of_' the ,s,urI_a'é_e_‘ supporting these run-
`ners, and"iri‘espei':tii/e‘ of‘ the ‘lateral tilting of the
`ner's, and"irrespéctive“of‘ the ‘lateral tilting of the 20"
`2o"serte'd inahole below the plate 24 ‘to’ limit the
`zd‘serited in’ahole below‘ the plate 24 ‘to’ limit the’
`upward travel. If desired, the pin's"28_ arid,‘,23‘
`upward travel.’ If desired, the pin's"28_ar'_1'd,‘,23
`may be located so‘ as' entirely to'p'revent va slid?
`may b_e located so" as‘ entirely to'p‘revent'a'slid-’
`The struts 26' may be _s_uita,bly reinforced
`struts 26; may be {suitably reinforced
`25‘"aga_'_inst buckling,an_d provided with‘ a transverse‘
`257":ag"_a_i'n'st buck’1ing,,an,d provided, with‘ a transverse’
`bar’30, The forward‘ends' of the struts are curved
`bai"30',' The 'f_o_rwa_rd‘ends’ of the struts are curved
`to ?t the rear surface 'of' a plow blade 3|, ,to
`to‘_ fit‘ the rear surface of‘ a plow blade 3|, to
`which they may be ?$edly1secured,'as' shown,
`whi_ch_ they may be fixedly ‘secured,’ as‘ shown,
`{but to‘whilch theymay be attachedin the man-4
`{but to‘whi_ch they.may_ be attac.hed,in the man-
`30 ‘her illustrated in‘ Figures lfto" 3vjand 7, of , the.
`so ‘ner _illustr‘_ated'in‘ Fig}_1res 1”_to" ;’;,'and 7: of _ the_
`Hewitt" patent,‘ re_ferred,.toj above.
`A The weight
`Hewitt~ patent,‘ referredtd above. I The weight
`of the forward end or the frame andnthe blade
`of the forward end or‘ the frame and,_/the‘ blade
`3L is supported bynmeanls of runners‘ 3'2'-—_32'
`3l;‘_ is supported by,__1_neans of runners‘ 3'2’-—_32'
`term is'inte'ndedfto'include skids,~ wheels,
`,_(which term is'inten‘d_'e'd,'to'inclu_de skids,’ wheels,
`3§“s1eds, etc.)_. A convenient fm'a.n,ner' of attaching
`35 "sleds, etc.)_. A convenient'manner' of attaching
`the’ runnersis to weld vertical ribs _33-"-33_,'_ to
`the runners, is to weld vertical. ribs 33--33_,'_ to
`the_,rear surface of the blade 3|, ,_and to secure
`the__rear surface of the blade 3|, "and to secure
`the runners to,.these ribs by‘me'an's of adjusting
`the runners to_.these ribs byomeans of adjusting
`bolts 34 and clamping bolts 35.’ _
`Tbolts 34