`U.S. Patent No. 6,928,757 to Bloxdorf
`(12) United States Patent
`(12) United States Patent
`Bloxdorf et al.
`Bloxdorf et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Aug. 16,2005
`Inventors: David N. Bloxdorf, Hubertus, WI (US);
`(75) Inventors: David N. BloXdorf, Hubertus, WI (US);
`Chad T. Barker, Caledonia, WI (US);
`Chad T. Barker, Caledonia, WI (US);
`James R. Doornek, Mequon, WI (US);
`James R. Doornek, Mequon, WI (US);
`Steven L. Klug, Union, ME (US);
`Steven L. Klug, Union, ME (US);
`Steven P. Radomski, Milwaukee, WI
`Steven P. Radomski, Milwaukee, WI
`(73) Assignee: Douglas Dynamics, L.L.C.,
`(73) Assignee: Douglas Dynamics, L.L.C.,
`Milwaukee, WI (US)
`Milwaukee, WI (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/339,116
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/339,116
`Jan. 9, 2003
`(22) Filed:
`Jan. 9, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2003/0093927 A1 May 22, 2003
`US 2003/0093927 A1 May 22, 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(62) Division of application No. 09/684,269, filed on Oct. 6,
`(62) Division of application No. 09/684,269, ?led on Oct. 6,
`2000, now Pat. No. 6,526,677.
`2000, now Pat. No. 6,526,677.
`Int. Cl.7 ................................................ .. E01H 5/04
`(51) Int. Cl.7 ................................................ .. E01H 5/04
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`....................................................... .. 37/231
`(52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... .. 37/231
`(58) Field of Search ........................ .. 37/231, 234, 235,
`(58) Field of Search ........................ .. 37/231, 234, 235,
`37/236, 266, 270; 172/272, 274, 275, 212,
`37/236, 266, 270; 172/272, 274, 275, 212,
`References Cited
`References Cited
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`1,890,730 A 12/1932 Hunt
`1,918,771 A
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`1,918,771 A
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`Pro® 3000 Hitch—N—Run SystemTM, Brochure, 2000.
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`Meyer Products, Meyer MD IITM, Brochure, 2000.
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`Primary Examiner—Robert E PeZZuto
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Wood, Herron & Evans,
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Wood, Herron & Evans,
`In combination a mount frame adapted to be attached to a
`In combination a mount frame adapted to be attached to a
`vehicle and a snowplow assembly. The mount frame com-
`vehicle and a snowplow assembly. The mount frame com
`prises a pair of detachable receivers which receive a pair of
`prises a pair of detachable receivers which receive a pair of
`horns extending rearwardly from the snowplow assembly.
`horns extending rearwardly from the snowplow assembly.
`The snowplow assembly comprises an A-frame, a trunnion
`The snowplow assembly comprises an A-frame, a trunnion
`and a lift frame. A blade is attached to the front of the
`and a lift frame. A blade is attached to the front of the
`A-frame. A pair of spaced stand assemblies, each including
`A-frame. A pair of spaced stand assemblies, each including
`a latching mechanism, support
`the snowplow assembly
`a latching mechanism, support the snowplow assembly
`when the mount frame is separated from the snowplow
`when the mount frame is separated from the snowplow
`assembly. The latching mechanisms secure the snowplow
`assembly. The latching mechanisms secure the snowplow
`assembly to the mount frame.
`assembly to the mount frame.
`18 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`18 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`Page 2
`Page 2
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`.................. .. 37/231
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`* cited by examiner
`* cited by examiner
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16,2005
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 1 6f 6
`Sheet 1 of 6
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 2 of 6
`Sheet 2 0f 6
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 3 of 6
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 4 of 6
`Sheet 4 0f 6
`US 6,928,757 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16,2005
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 5 6f 6
`Sheet 5 of 6
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 16,2005
`Aug. 16, 2005
`Sheet 6 6f 6
`Sheet 6 of 6
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`This application is a divisional of Ser. No. 09/684,269
`This application is a divisional of Ser. No. 09/684,269
`filed Oct. 6, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,526,677 issued Mar.
`?led Oct. 6, 2000, now US. Pat. No. 6,526,677 issued Mar.
`4, 2003
`4, 2003
`This invention relates to snow removal equipment and,
`This invention relates to snoW removal equipment and,
`more particularly,
`to a snowplow mounting assembly for
`more particularly, to a snoWploW mounting assembly for
`removably securing a snowplow to a vehicle.
`removably securing a snoWploW to a vehicle.
`Snow removal has been a problem for as long as motor-
`SnoW removal has been a problem for as long as motor
`ized vehicles have used public roadways for transportation.
`iZed vehicles have used public roadWays for transportation.
`In response to the task of removing significant quantities of
`In response to the task of removing signi?cant quantities of
`snow away from roadways, driveways and parking lots,
`snoW aWay from roadWays, driveWays and parking lots,
`many different types of snowplowing arrangements have
`many different types of snoWploWing arrangements have
`been invented. Numerous of these snowplows have been
`been invented. Numerous of these snoWploWs have been
`configured to remove snow efficiently from a hill or other
`con?gured to remove snoW ef?ciently from a hill or other
`uneven surface. In addition, many of these snowplows have
`uneven surface. In addition, many of these snoWploWs have
`been built with hydraulics in order to lift the snowplow into
`been built With hydraulics in order to lift the snoWploW into
`and out of engagement with the road surface.
`and out of engagement With the road surface.
`Numerous patents disclose snowplows with one or more
`Numerous patents disclose snoWploWs With one or more
`pivot axes. U.S. Pat. No. 3,605,906 discloses a snowplow
`pivot axes. US. Pat. No. 3,605,906 discloses a snoWploW
`which is capable of rotating about a longitudinally extending
`Which is capable of rotating about a longitudinally extending
`axis as well as a transversely extending axis perpendicular to
`axis as Well as a transversely extending axis perpendicular to
`the direction of travel of the vehicle. By fixing the position
`the direction of travel of the vehicle. By ?xing the position
`of the snowplow along these two axes, the snowplow may
`of the snoWploW along these tWo axes, the snoWploW may
`be moved to a desired position. U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,822,751 and
`be moved to a desired position. US. Pat. Nos. 3,822,751 and
`4,821,436 also disclose snowplows which may be mounted
`4,821,436 also disclose snoWploWs Which may be mounted
`to the front of a vehicle and rotated about at least two axes
`to the front of a vehicle and rotated about at least tWo axes
`so as to adjust the snowplow blade to a desired position.
`so as to adjust the snoWploW blade to a desired position.
`Another desirable feature of a snowplow assembly is a
`Another desirable feature of a snoWploW assembly is a
`jack stand or lift stand capable of supporting the snowplow
`jack stand or lift stand capable of supporting the snoWploW
`assembly when not in use. Several patents disclose snow-
`assembly When not in use. Several patents disclose snoW
`plow assemblies which have lift stands. Applicants’ own
`ploW assemblies Which have lift stands. Applicants’ oWn
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,125,174, reissued as U.S. Pat. No. Re
`US. Pat. No. 5,125,174, reissued as US. Pat. No. Re
`35,700, discloses a snowplow assembly having a lift stand
`35,700, discloses a snoWploW assembly having a lift stand
`which is pivotable about a horizontal axis and may be lifted
`Which is pivotable about a horiZontal axis and may be lifted
`out of the way when the snowplow assembly is being used
`out of the Way When the snoWploW assembly is being used
`to plow snow.
`to ploW snoW.
`Another patent which discloses a pivotable support stand
`Another patent Which discloses a pivotable support stand
`is U.S. Pat. No. 3,150,884. This patent discloses a lift stand
`is US. Pat. No. 3,150,884. This patent discloses a lift stand
`which is rotated to an upward position out of the way when
`Which is rotated to an upWard position out of the Way When
`a pair of ball joints at the front of a pair of rods secured to
`a pair of ball joints at the front of a pair of rods secured to
`the vehicle are received within funnel-shaped guides extend-
`the vehicle are received Within funnel-shaped guides extend
`ing rearwardly from a snowplow assembly.
`ing rearWardly from a snoWploW assembly.
`Once a mounting apparatus secured to a vehicle is
`Once a mounting apparatus secured to a vehicle is
`engaged with a snowplow assembly, it is known to utilize a
`engaged With a snoWploW assembly, it is knoWn to utiliZe a
`latch mechanism in order to secure the snowplow assembly
`latch mechanism in order to secure the snoWploW assembly
`to the mount at the front of the vehicle. U.S. Pat. Nos.
`to the mount at the front of the vehicle. US. Pat. Nos.
`5,031,927 and 3,987,562 disclose such latch mechanisms.
`5,031,927 and 3,987,562 disclose such latch mechanisms.
`However, with each of these latch mechanisms a lever must
`HoWever, With each of these latch mechanisms a lever must
`be activated in order to latch the two devices together.
`be activated in order to latch the tWo devices together.
`The invention of this application provides a number of
`The invention of this application provides a number of
`features and advantages over and above the noted prior art
`features and advantages over and above the noted prior art
`and comprises a snowplow mounting assembly comprising
`and comprises a snoWploW mounting assembly comprising
`two principal elements:
`a mount frame adapted to be
`tWo principal elements: a mount frame adapted to be
`attached to a vehicle and a snowplow assembly removably
`attached to a vehicle and a snoWploW assembly removably
`attachable to the mount frame.
`attachable to the mount frame.
`The mount frame of the snowplow mounting assembly
`The mount frame of the snoWploW mounting assembly
`comprises a first portion adapted to be attached to a vehicle
`comprises a ?rst portion adapted to be attached to a vehicle
`and a second portion detachable from the first portion. The
`and a second portion detachable from the ?rst portion. The
`second portion comprises a pair of spaced receivers, each
`second portion comprises a pair of spaced receivers, each
`having a generally rectangular cross-sectional configuration.
`having a generally rectangular cross-sectional con?guration.
`Each receiver has a top plate, a bottom plate and a pair of
`Each receiver has a top plate, a bottom plate and a pair of
`laterally spaced side plates. The bottom plate has a depend-
`laterally spaced side plates. The bottom plate has a depend
`ing lip, and at least one of the side plates has a flared portion.
`ing lip, and at least one of the side plates has a ?ared portion.
`A pair of spaced latch pins are located outside of the
`A pair of spaced latch pins are located outside of the
`receivers of the mount frame.
`receivers of the mount frame.
`The snoWploW assembly of the snoWploW mounting
`The snowplow assembly of the snowplow mounting
`assembly is releasably securable to the mount frame located
`assembly is releasably securable to the mount frame located
`on the front of a vehicle. The snowplow assembly comprises
`on the front of a vehicle. The snoWploW assembly comprises
`a lift frame, a trunnion and an A-frame. The lift frame is
`a lift frame, a trunnion and an A-frame. The lift frame is
`generally vertically oriented and includes a pair of head-
`generally vertically oriented and includes a pair of head
`lights. The trunnion is transversely oriented and pivotable
`lights. The trunnion is transversely oriented and pivotable
`about a first transverse horizontal axis relative to the lift
`about a ?rst transverse horiZontal axis relative to the lift
`frame. The A-frame is pivotable about a horizontal longi-
`frame. The A-frame is pivotable about a horiZontal longi
`tudinally extending axis relative to the trunnion. A snow-
`tudinally extending axis relative to the trunnion. A snoW
`plow blade is attached to the front end of the A-frame.
`ploW blade is attached to the front end of the A-frame.
`The lift frame includes a lifter or hydraulic cylinder,
`The lift frame includes a lifter or hydraulic cylinder,
`which is used to lift the snowplow blade vertically upward.
`Which is used to lift the snoWploW blade vertically upWard.
`A chain or other similar structure extends between the front
`A chain or other similar structure extends betWeen the front
`of the A-frame and lift arms pivotably secured to the lift
`of the A-frame and lift arms pivotably secured to the lift
`frame. When the hydraulic cylinder is activated, a piston rod
`frame. When the hydraulic cylinder is activated, a piston rod
`pushes the lift arms upwardly causing the chain to pull the
`pushes the lift arms upWardly causing the chain to pull the
`blade upWardly.
`blade upwardly.
`The lift frame also includes a pair of stand assemblies
`The lift frame also includes a pair of stand assemblies
`which are pivotable about a second transversely extending
`Which are pivotable about a second transversely extending
`horizontal pivot axis. These stand assemblies are movable
`horiZontal pivot axis. These stand assemblies are movable
`between a down position in which the stand assemblies
`betWeen a doWn position in Which the stand assemblies
`support the snowplow assembly and an up position in which
`support the snoWploW assembly and an up position in Which
`the stand assemblies do not support the snowplow assembly.
`the stand assemblies do not support the snoWploW assembly.
`A latch hook is located on an upper end of each of the stand
`A latch hook is located on an upper end of each of the stand
`assemblies. When the stand assemblies are pivoted from
`assemblies. When the stand assemblies are pivoted from
`their down position toward their up position, the latch hooks
`their doWn position toWard their up position, the latch hooks
`move rearwardly and downwardly into engagement with the
`move rearWardly and doWnWardly into engagement With the
`latch pins of the mount frame to secure the snowplow
`latch pins of the mount frame to secure the snoWploW
`assembly to the mount frame at the front of a vehicle. A lock
`assembly to the mount frame at the front of a vehicle. A lock
`pin assembly on each of the stand assemblies is adapted to
`pin assembly on each of the stand assemblies is adapted to
`lock the stand assemblies in either the up position or the
`lock the stand assemblies in either the up position or the
`down position.
`doWn position.
`The lift frame further comprises a pair of horns extending
`The lift frame further comprises a pair of horns extending
`rearwardly from the lift frame. The horns of the lift frame are
`rearWardly from the lift frame. The horns of the lift frame are
`received in the receivers of the mount frame when the
`received in the receivers of the mount frame When the
`snowplow assembly and mount frame are secured together.
`snoWploW assembly and mount frame are secured together.
`Each of the stand assemblies is separately and continu-
`Each of the stand assemblies is separately and continu
`ously adjustable in length. This adjustable length feature
`ously adjustable in length. This adjustable length feature
`enables the snowplow assembly to be placed on an uneven
`enables the snoWploW assembly to be placed on an uneven
`surface, such as a hill, in such a position that it can easily be
`surface, such as a hill, in such a position that it can easily be
`mounted on the front of a vehicle. The driver of the vehicle
`mounted on the front of a vehicle. The driver of the vehicle
`may drive the receivers of the mount frame into engagement
`may drive the receivers of the mount frame into engagement
`with the horns projecting rearwardly from the lift frame of
`With the horns projecting rearWardly from the lift frame of
`the snowplow assembly. The driver then manually rotates
`the snoWploW assembly. The driver then manually rotates
`the stand assemblies about the second transversely extend-
`the stand assemblies about the second transversely extend
`ing pivot axis until the latch hooks of the stand assemblies
`ing pivot axis until the latch hooks of the stand assemblies
`engage the latch pins of the mount frame. Thus, with
`engage the latch pins of the mount frame. Thus, With
`minimal effort in a minimal amount of time, the driver of the
`minimal effort in a minimal amount of time, the driver of the
`vehicle may secure the snowplow assembly to the mount
`vehicle may secure the snoWploW assembly to the mount
`frame secured to the vehicle and proceed to move snow.
`frame secured to the vehicle and proceed to move snoW.
`These and other objectives and advantages of the present
`These and other objectives and advantages of the present
`invention will be more readily apparent from the following
`invention Will be more readily apparent from the folloWing
`FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective view of the snowplow
`FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective vieW of the snoWploW
`mounting assembly of the present invention including a
`mounting assembly of the present invention including a
`mount frame and a snowplow assembly releasably securable
`mount frame and a snoWploW assembly releasably securable
`to the mount frame.
`to the mount frame.
`US 6,928,757 B2
`US 6,928,757 B2
`FIG. 2A is a side elevational view of the snowplow
`FIG. 2A is a side elevational vieW of the snoWploW
`mounting assembly of the present invention with the mount
`mounting assembly of the present invention With the mount
`frame secured to a vehicle before the mount frame is
`frame secured to a vehicle before the mount frame is
`engaged With the snoWploW assembly.
`engaged with the snowplow assembly.
`FIG. 2B is a side elevational View of the mount frame and
`FIG. 2B is a side elevational vieW of the mount frame and
`snowplow assembly of FIG. 2A secured with one another
`snoWploW assembly of FIG. 2A secured With one another
`with the snowplow blade in a down position.
`With the snoWploW blade in a doWn position.
`FIG. 2C is a View of the mount frame and snowplow
`FIG. 2C is a vieW of the mount frame and snoWploW
`assembly secured to one another like FIG. 2B but with the
`assembly secured to one another like FIG. 2B but With the
`snowplow blade being raised to an up position.
`snoWploW blade being raised to an up position.
`FIG. 3A is a top view of the snowplow assembly of the
`FIG. 3A is a top vieW of the snoWploW assembly of the
`invention secured to the mount frame with the
`present invention secured to the mount frame With the
`snowplow blade being perpendicular to the direction of
`snoWploW blade being perpendicular to the direction of
`travel of the vehicle.
`travel of the vehicle.
`FIG. 3B is a top view of the snowplow assembly of FIG.
`FIG. 3B is a top vieW of the snoWploW assembly of FIG.
`3A illustrating the snowplow blade being angled to one side
`3A illustrating the snoWploW blade being angled to one side
`in order to push the snow to one side of the road as the
`in order to push the snoW to one side of the road as the
`vehicle travels down the road.
`vehicle travels doWn the road.
`FIG. 4 is a perspective view of one of the stand assemblies
`FIG. 4 is a perspective vieW of one of the stand assemblies
`of the present invention.
`of the present invention.
`Referring to the drawings, and particularly to FIG. 1, there
`Referring to the draWings, and particularly to FIG. 1, there
`is illustrated a snowplow mounting assembly 10 and com-
`is illustrated a snoWploW mounting assembly 10 and com
`prising a mount frame 12 adapted to be secured to a vehicle
`prising a mount frame 12 adapted to be secured to a vehicle
`14 and a snowplow assembly 16.
`14 and a snoWploW assembly 16.
`As best illustrated in FIG. 1, mount frame 12 comprises
`As best illustrated in FIG. 1, mount frame 12 comprises
`a first portion 18 adapted to be attached or secured to the
`a ?rst portion 18 adapted to be attached or secured to the
`vehicle 14 and a second portion 20 quickly and readily
`vehicle 14 and a second portion 20 quickly and readily
`detachable from the first portion 18 without the use of tools,
`detachable from the ?rst portion 18 Without the use of tools,
`i.e. not requiring wrenches, sockets, removing nuts from
`ie not requiring Wrenches, sockets, removing nuts from
`bolts, etc. Such a two piece design is advantageous in order
`bolts, etc. Such a tWo piece design is advantageous in order
`that it provides improved, i.e. increased, ground clearance of
`that it provides improved, i.e. increased, ground clearance of
`the mount
`frame 12 on vehicle 14, and/or
`the mount frame 12 on vehicle 14, and/or increased
`“approach angle” of the vehicle 14, when snowplow assem-
`“approach angle” of the vehicle 14, When snoWploW assem
`bly 16 is removed from the vehicle 14 during nonuse, as
`bly 16 is removed from the vehicle 14 during nonuse, as
`second portion 20 can also be removed leaving only first
`second portion 20 can also be removed leaving only ?rst
`portion 18 mounted to the vehicle. The term approach angle
`portion 18 mounted to the vehicle. The term approach angle
`refers to the angle between the horizontal road surface and
`refers to the angle betWeen the horiZontal road surface and
`a straight line extending from the tangent point of the front
`a straight line extending from the tangent point of the front
`tire contacting the road surface to the mount frame, at
`tire contacting the road surface to the mount frame, at
`whatever mount frame location produces the smallest such
`Whatever mount frame location produces the smallest such
`angle. Stated otherwise,
`the approach angle is the angle
`angle. Stated otherWise, the approach angle is the angle
`formed between the road surface and a straight line origi-
`formed betWeen the road surface and a straight line origi
`nating at the tangent point of where the front tire contacts the
`nating at the tangent point of Where the front tire contacts the
`road surface and swung upwardly to the point where that line
`road surface and sWung upWardly to the point Where that line
`first contacts any point on the mount frame. Although o