`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0149644 A1
`Sulmar et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jul. 6, 2006
`US 20060149644A1
`Publication Classi?cation
`(75) Inventors: Joseph J. Sulmar, Cambridge, MA
`(US); Andrew Egendorf, Lincoln, MA
`Correspondence Address:
`NEW YORK’ NY 10022 (Us)
`(73) Assignee; Pilgrim Telephone, Inc_
`(21) Appl, No.1
`(22) Filed:
`Jan. 3, 2005
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04M 15/00
`G06Q 40/00
`G07F 19/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................... .. 705/34; 705/40
`Amethod of b1ll1ng for products and servlces wherein a user
`makes a voice call to a telephone number from a mobile
`telephone, interacts With a human or computer operator to
`learn about audio-text products and services offered by a
`vendor, and then agrees verbally or by pressing one or more
`DTMF keys on the user’s mobile telephone’s keypad to have
`the charge for the purchase placed on the user’s mobile
`telephone bill. The service is then provided While the call
`still is connected, and after the call is terminated, an MT
`PSMS message is sent to the user to place the charge on the
`user’s mobile telephone bill.
`GTL 1010
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 8,626,118
`Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 1 0f 3
`US 2006/0149644 Al
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`Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 2 0f 3
`US 2006/0149644 A1
`<___________--L_____ \____
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`FIG. 2
`Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 3 0f 3
`US 2006/0149644 A1
`FIG. 3
`US 2006/0149644 A1
`Jul. 6, 2006
`[0001] The present invention relates to a method of billing
`for products and services purchased over a mobile telephone
`netWork utilizing the Premium Short Message Service
`(“PSMS”) billing platform.
`[0002] The present invention relates to a neW method of
`utiliZing the PSMS billing platform, one Which utiliZes both
`the voice channel and the control channel of a mobile
`telephone network. All present systems utiliZe only the
`control channel. By utiliZing the voice channel rather than
`solely the control channel, purchases over a mobile tele
`phone netWork can be made more conveniently, more easily,
`more quickly, and more accurately.
`[0003] Applicant hereby incorporates by reference in its
`entirety Silver et al., US. Pat. No. 5,146,491, issued Sep. 8,
`[0004] Silver et al. describes a telephonic billing method
`Whereby a user initiates a telephone call to a toll-free
`number, agrees during the call to purchase a product or
`service, and agrees to convert the call to a paid call either
`during or after the initial call in order to pay for the purchase.
`The effect of the overall transaction is that the billing
`platform of the telephone system is used to pay for products
`or services purchased during the call by placing the charges
`for the purchase on the telephone bill of the purchaser. In
`claim 11 of Silver et al., for example, the vendor calls the
`purchaser collect after the termination of the initial call as
`the method of putting the charge on the telephone bill of the
`purchaser. The method of Silver et al. utiliZes the voice
`channel in order to authorize the conversion of the initially
`free call to a paid call for the purposes of billing for products
`or services purchased during the call.
`[0005] Short Message Service (“SMS”) messaging is a
`textual communications method offered by mobile tele
`phone service providers as an alternative to voice commu
`nications. SMS messaging can be preferable to voice com
`munications, particularly When the information to be
`conveyed is short, or requires silence or privacy. SMS
`messages are addressed to the recipient by a telephone
`number-type netWork address, as are conventional voice
`communications. Current SMS systems utiliZe the same
`channels in a mobile telephone netWork as are used for
`controlling voice call messages (the “control channel”),
`rather than the channels that are used for the voice messages
`themselves (the “voice channel”). SMS messaging Was
`introduced in 1992.
`[0006] Premium SMS (“PSMS”) refers to a method of
`charging users a premium fee for sending or receiving SMS
`messages. In the United States, the user initiates the charging
`by sending an SMS message to a 5-digit “short-code”
`address, rather than to a full telephone number address as is
`used for other SMS messages. If the charge is made to a
`recipient of a PSMS message, the message may be referred
`to as being “MT-PSMS”, for “mobile-terminated premium
`SMS”. Ifthe charge is made to a sender ofa PSMS message,
`the message may be referred to as being “MO-PSMS”, for
`“mobile-originated premium SMS”. Examples of MT-PSMS
`include mobile telephone users paying a premium price to
`obtain messages concerning traf?c information, Weather, or
`sports scores. Charges for these PSMS messages appear on
`the user’s mobile telephone bill, or, in the case of pre-paid
`mobile users, are deducted from the pre-paid balance. Origi
`nally, PSMS billing Was used only for billing for the content
`contained in the SMS message itself, although more recently
`the PSMS billing platform has been used to bill for other
`products and services. MT-PSMS has been available inter
`nationally since about 1998, but became available in the
`United States only in the last year or so. MO-PSMS also is
`available internationally, but applicant is unaWare of its use
`in the United States.
`[0007] “Billing On Behalf Of” or “BOBO” is permitted by
`certain mobile service providers, Whereby the PSMS billing
`platform can be used as a billing platform for the sale of
`products and services other than the text and data content
`Within the body of the SMS messages involved in creating
`the bill. For example, a mobile user noW can purchase movie
`tickets using PSMS if her mobile telephone service provider
`has arranged BOBO With a ticket vendor to sell the tickets
`over the mobile netWork. The cost of the tickets Would be
`billed as a PSMS message, and placed on the mobile user’s
`mobile telephone bill, or deducted from a pre-paid balance,
`and the mobile service provider Would remit a portion of the
`collected amount to the ticket vendor, keeping the difference
`as its fee for providing billing for the ticket-selling service.
`[0008] All PSMS billing presently requires that the agree
`ment betWeen the user and the vendor to place charges on the
`user’s mobile telephone bill be made according to an “Opt
`In Protocol” approved by the mobile service provider. The
`Opt-In Protocol takes place after the user has decided to
`purchase something from a previously-offered advertise
`ment, promotion, or menu of products and services With
`associated prices. All presently-used Opt-In Protocols
`require that a series of text messages be sent from the user
`to the vendor and from the vendor to the user. All of these
`messages are transmitted betWeen the parties using only the
`control channel of the mobile telephone netWork. A typical
`Opt-In Protocol using only the control channel is as folloWs.
`[0009] User makes an initial request by sending a
`standard SMS text message to an advertised short-code.
`Example: user sends text “Chat” to short-code 44556.
`[0010] Vendor makes a con?rmation request by sending
`a standard SMS text message back to user at the mobile
`telephone number from Which the user sent the mes
`sage “Chat”. Example: vendor sends text “Reply With
`‘I AGREE’ if you Would like to purchase 10 minutes of
`access for only $1.00.” to telephone number 781-634
`[0011] User con?rms her desire to make a purchase and
`authoriZes billing to be placed on the bill of her mobile
`telephone by sending a standard SMS text message to the
`same short-code to Which the initial request Was sent.
`Example: user sends text “I AGREE” to short-code 44556.
`[0012] If the user purchases an audio-text product or
`service Which she desires to use immediately, she must
`terminate or suspend the text session used for the Opt-In
`Protocol and make a voice call to access the purchased
`product or service.
`[0013] The main object of the present invention is to
`provide a billing method Which alloWs a user of a mobile
`US 2006/0149644 A1
`Jul. 6, 2006
`telephone to dial a telephone number to place a voice call to
`a vendor of products or services and then, at the user’s
`request during the call, agree by verbal and/or DTMF input
`(i.e., over the voice channel of the mobile telephone net
`Work) to purchase a product or service and be charged for the
`purchase by allowing the amount of the charge to be put on
`the user’s mobile telephone bill by being sent an MT-PSMS
`[0014] Another object of the present invention is to alloW
`the billing to be accomplished by the use of an MO-PSMS
`[0015] Still other objects of the present invention include
`alloWing the user to purchase any product or service, to have
`the product or service delivered or performed either during
`or after the call in Which the purchase is made, to have the
`product or service delivered or performed either before or
`after the charge for it is made by the sending of the
`MT-PSMS or MO-PSMS message, and to have the MT
`PSMS or MO-PSMS message itself sent either during or
`after the call in Which the purchase is made.
`[0016] In a preferred embodiment, the user makes a voice
`call to a telephone number from a mobile telephone, inter
`acts With a human or computer operator to learn about
`audio-text products and services offered, and then agrees
`verbally or by pressing one or more DTMF keys on the
`user’s mobile telephone’s keypad to have the charge for the
`purchase placed on the user’s mobile telephone bill. The
`service is then provided While the call still is connected, and
`after the call is terminated, an MT-PSMS message is sent to
`the user to place the charge on the user’s mobile telephone
`[0017] Although in the preferred embodiment the audio
`text product or service is delivered While the call is con
`nected, it is clear from the description of the preferred
`embodiment that audio text products could be sold in other
`forms, for example, selling a token usable from a telephone
`or computer to access audio-text services and selling a PIN
`usable from a telephone or computer to access audio-text
`services. In these situations, the embodiment of the product
`sold by the method of the present invention is the token or
`PIN, and it is the use of the token or PIN Which alloWs the
`user to access audio-text products and services at a later time
`and from any telephone instrument or telephony-capable
`[0018] It also is clear from the description of the preferred
`embodiment that any product or service could be sold by this
`method, that the product or service could be delivered or
`performed either during or after the call, that the product or
`service could be delivered either before or after the charge
`is made, and that the charge could be made either during or
`after the call and by using either an MT-PSMS or an
`MO-PSMS message.
`[0019] Examples of other telecommunications products
`Which could be sold by the method of the present invention
`include the sale of pre-paid time for cellular telephones, and
`pre-paid calling cards.
`[0020] Examples of other non-telecommunications prod
`ucts Which could be sold by the method of the present
`invention include sale of “fast-food” at counters and drive
`up WindoWs, and payment of parking charges at meters and
`parking lots.
`[0021] The method of the present invention differs from
`existing methods of using the PSMS billing platform in that
`in existing methods, the agreement betWeen the user and the
`vendor to place the charges on the user’s mobile telephone
`bill by means of a PSMS message must be accomplished by
`a series of text messages. In the case of the purchase of an
`audio-text product or service, a separate voice call must be
`made by the user subsequent to the text message Opt-In
`Protocol to obtain the audio-text product or service.
`[0022] The existing method of sending text messages and
`then placing a separate voice call is much more inconve
`nient, much more difficult, much sloWer, and much more
`prone to error, than is sending verbal or DTMF input and
`then receiving the purchased audio-text product or service
`on the same voice call. The method according to the present
`invention accomplishes the objective of alloWing both the
`performing of the Opt-In Protocol and the enjoyment of the
`audio-text product or service to be accomplished With one
`voice call from a mobile telephone. The Opt-In Protocol
`takes place after the user has decided to purchase something
`from a previously-offered menu of products and services
`With associated prices. An example Opt-In Protocol accord
`ing to the method of the present invention is as folloWs.
`[0023] User makes an initial request by responding
`a?irmatively to a voice prompt on an Interactive Voice
`Response (“IVR”) system. Such affirmative response
`may take the form of verbal or DTMF input during the
`call. Example: IVR plays pre-recorded message, “Press
`I noW if you Would like to pay for this service by having
`it billed to your Wireless telephone bill.”. User presses
`“l” on her mobile telephone’s keypad.
`[0024] Vendor makes a con?rmation request verbally or
`by audible cue during the call. Example: IVR plays pre
`recorded message, “Press 1 to con?rm that you are over 18
`and that you agree to purchase 10 minutes of access for
`[0025] User con?rms her desire to make the purchase and
`to charge the cost to her Wireless bill by verbal response or
`by DTMF input during the call. Example. User presses “l”
`on her mobile telephone’s keypad.
`[0026] Because the user initially placed a voice call, after
`the Opt-In Protocol shoWn in paragraphs 0023-0025 has
`been completed, the user immediately can begin using the
`purchased 10 minutes of access, avoiding the necessity of
`terminating the text-mode communication and placing a
`subsequent voice call, as Would be the situation under Opt-In
`Protocols of prior art methods.
`[0027] These and other objects and features of the inven
`tion Will become more apparent from the folloWing detailed
`description taken With the attached draWings.
`[0028] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a system for carrying
`out the method according to the present invention.
`[0029] FIG. 2 is a How chart of an overvieW of a general
`method according to the present invention.
`[0030] FIG. 3 is a How chart of a preferred embodiment
`of the method according to the present invention.
`[0031] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a system for carrying
`out the method according to the present invention. For
`US 2006/0149644 A1
`Jul. 6, 2006
`clarity, FIG. 1 shows only that portion of the system relating
`to messages being sent from a user’s mobile telephone to a
`vendor’s service center. Mobile telephone (“MT”) 1 trans
`mits voice and text calls from base station (“BS”) 2 which
`in turn transmits to mobile switching center (“MSC”) 3. At
`MSC 3, calls originating from MT 1 are separated into two
`distinct transmissions, and are sent over two distinct trans
`mission links, voice trunk (“VT”) 4 and signaling link
`(“SL”) 6.
`[0032] VT 4 transmits the voice portion of calls originat
`ing at MT 1 to voice network (“VN”) 5. SL 6 transmits both
`call control information and SMS messages to signaling
`network (“SN”) 7. Within SN 7 are located both the Short
`Message Service Center (“SMSC”) and the Home Location
`Register (“HLR”). When an SMS message arrives at the
`SMSC, the SMSC queries the HLR to determine if the
`intended recipient of the SMS message is active on the
`network and capable at that moment of the receiving the
`message. If so, the message is delivered; if not, the message
`can be stored in the SMSC until a later time when either it
`is delivered to the recipient or a failure message is returned
`to the sender. VN 5 and SN 7 are conceptually distinct, but
`not necessarily physically distinct, as indicated by intercon
`nections 8.
`[0033] VN 5 determines whether the recipient of the call
`is a land-line telephone or a mobile telephone, and transmits
`the voice portion of calls originating at MT 1 accordingly. If
`a mobile telephone number, it transmits them over VT 9 to
`MSC 10, from which they are sent to BS 11 and then to the
`vendor’s service center (“VSC”) 12. If a land-line telephone
`number, it transmits them over VT 13 to central o?ice
`(“CO”) 14, from which they are sent over VT 15 to VSC 12.
`[0034] SN 7 sends call control signals over one or more of
`SLs 15, 16, and 17, depending upon the type of call and the
`recipient. For example, if the call is a voice call from MT 1
`to a land-line telephone in VSC 12, control signals will be
`sent over SL 16 through CO 14. Control signals for mobile
`telephone recipients are sent over SL 15 to MSC 10. If a text
`message is sent from MT 1, it passes from SN 7 over SL 17
`to the signaling network interface (“SNI”) 18 to VSC 12.
`[0035] VSC 12 contains the vendor’s land-line telephones,
`mobile telephones, and data processing center capable of
`receiving text messages sent through SNI 18. An example of
`the “voice channel” shown in FIG. 1 is the pathway 1-2-3
`4-5-9-10-11-12. An example of the “control channel” shown
`for the same call is the pathway 1-2-3-6-7-15-10-11-12. A
`PSMS message sent to a short-code address would follow
`pathway 1-2-3-6-7-17-18-12.
`[0036] FIG. 2 shows an overview of a general method
`according to the present invention. In step 21, the user places
`a voice call over a mobile telephone network to the vendor.
`This call may be made in a manner which is free to the user
`(except possibly for so-called “air-time”), for example by
`use of an “800”, “888”, or local number, or may be made in
`a manner which is normally charged to the user, for example
`by use of a long-distance toll call or a “976” number, or may
`be made in a manner which generally is considered to be a
`pay call, but which, in fact, is not charged for in the
`customary manner, for example a “900” call for which the
`carrier of the call either does not bill at all, or bills only for
`the air-time. In step 22, the vendor presents the user with a
`menu of products and services. These steps are done typi
`cally by IVR, but may, of course, be done by interaction with
`a human operator. In step 23, the user either terminates the
`call, and ends the transaction at 26, or selects a product or
`service to purchase. In step 24, the user agrees (i.e., “opts
`in”) over the voice channel of the mobile telephone network
`to purchase the selected product or service and to have the
`cost thereof charged to her mobile telephone number. This is
`accomplished by the exchange of verbal and/or DTMF
`messages in accordance with the Opt-In Protocol of the
`method of the present invention (an example of which is
`given at paragraphs 0023-0025, above. In step 25, the user
`terminates the call.
`[0037] Step 27 is the step by which the vendor obtains the
`mobile telephone number to charge. This may occur, as
`indicated by the dotted lines in FIG. 1, in many places
`between steps 1 and the end of the transaction 26. If the
`caller calls the vendor in a manner which delivers to the
`vendor the Automatic Number Identi?cation (“ANI”) of the
`calling telephone number, or the Mobile Identi?cation Num
`ber (“MIN”) of the mobile telephone instrument, or identi
`?es the calling telephone number by Caller ID, then step 27
`occurs between steps 21 and 22. Otherwise, the vendor can
`request the user to input her mobile telephone number at any
`time during the call, although this typically would be done
`only after the user had agreed to purchase, in other words,
`during step 24 or between steps 24 and 25. The user may
`input her mobile telephone number by verbal or DTMF
`[0038] Step 28 is the step where the vendor delivers the
`product or service to the user. This step occurs after the user
`has agreed to purchase in step 24, and, as indicated by the
`dotted lines in FIG. 1, may take place either before or after
`the call is terminated in step 25, and either before or after the
`user is billed by PSMS in step 29.
`[0039] Step 29 is the step where either the vendor sends
`the user an MT-PSMS message or the user sends the vendor
`an MO-PSMS message, in order to place the charges on the
`mobile telephone bill of the user. This step occurs after the
`user has agreed to purchase, and, as indicated by the dotted
`lines in FIG. 1, may take place either before or after the
`product is delivered to the user in step 28, and either before
`or after the call is terminated in step 25.
`[0040] FIG. 3 shows the preferred embodiment of the
`method according to the present invention. All interactions
`between the user and the vendor are by IVR, with the user
`providing DTMF input. In Step 31, the user places a voice
`call over a mobile telephone network to the vendor by use
`of a toll-free (except possibly for air-time) number which
`delivers ANI or MIN to the vendor, for example an “800” or
`“888” number, or a “900” number for which the carrier of
`the call does not bill at all or bills only for air-time. In step
`32, the vendor receives the ANI or MIN of the calling mobile
`telephone number. In step 33, the vendor presents the user
`with a menu of audio-text products and services. In step 34,
`the user either terminates the call and ends the transaction at
`39, or selects a product or service to purchase. In step 35, the
`user agrees over the voice channel of the mobile telephone
`network to purchase the selected product or service and to
`have the cost thereof charged to her mobile telephone
`number. This is accomplished by following a pre-established
`Opt-In Protocol. An example of such an Opt-In Protocol for
`a ?rst-time purchaser is given at paragraphs 0023-0025. It is
`US 2006/0149644 A1
`Jul. 6, 2006
`expected that even simpler Opt-In Protocols may be used for
`repeat purchasers. In step 36, the vendor delivers the audio
`teXt product or service to the user by connecting the call to
`the selected product or service (e.g., by adding the user to an
`already-in-progress conference call on a subject selected
`from the menu before the agreement to purchase by the
`user). In step 37, the user terminates the call. In step 38, the
`vendor sends the user an MT-PSMS message in order to
`place the charges on her mobile telephone bill.
`[0041] It Will be appreciated that the instant speci?cation
`and claims are set forth by Way of illustration and not
`limitation, and that various modi?cations and changes may
`be made Without departing from the spirit and scope of the
`present invention.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method of billing for products and services compris
`ing the steps by a vendor of products or services of:
`a. providing a telephone number to enable a user of a
`mobile telephone netWork having a voice channel and
`a control channel to access a vendor of products or
`services by a voice call from a mobile telephone
`b. during the call presenting the user With the option of
`purchasing at least one product or service at a stated
`purchase price from the vendor;
`c. during the call obtaining the agreement of the user to
`purchase the at least one product or service and to pay
`therefor by having the stated purchase price billed to
`the mobile telephone number by an agreement proce
`dure requiring the user to enter input over the voice
`d. obtaining the mobile telephone number; and
`e. sending an MT-PSMS message to the mobile telephone
`number over the control channel Whereby the amount
`of the stated purchase price is charged to the mobile
`telephone number.
`2. The method of claim 1, Wherein the input by the user
`over the voice channel comprises at least one of verbal and
`DTMF inputs.
`3. The method of claim 1, Wherein the vendor obtains the
`mobile telephone number by using ANI or MIN, Caller ID,
`DTMF input by the user, or verbal input by the user.
`4. The method of claim 2, Wherein the vendor obtains the
`mobile telephone number by using ANI or MIN, Caller ID,
`DTMF input by the user, or verbal input by the user.
`5. The method of claim 1, Wherein the MT-PSMS mes
`sage is sent to the mobile telephone number during the
`telephone call.
`6. The method of claim 2, Wherein the MT-PSMS mes
`sage is sent to the mobile telephone number during the
`telephone call.
`7. The method of claim 3, Wherein the MT-PSMS mes
`sage is sent to the mobile telephone number during the
`telephone call.
`8. The method of claim 4, Wherein the MT-PSMS mes
`sage is sent to the mobile telephone number during the
`telephone call.
`9. The method of claim 1, Wherein the MT-PSMS mes
`sage is sent to the mobile telephone number after the
`telephone call.
`10. The method of claim 2, Wherein the MT-PSMS
`message is sent to the mobile telephone number after the
`telephone call.
`11. The method of claim 3, Wherein the MT-PSMS
`message is sent to the mobile telephone number after the
`telephone call.
`12. The method of claim 4, Wherein the MT-PSMS
`message is sent to the mobile telephone number after the
`telephone call.
`13. The method of any of claims 1-12, Wherein the
`product or service is delivered before sending the MT-PSMS
`14. The method of any of claims 1-12, Wherein the
`product or service is delivered after sending the MT-PSMS
`15. The method of any of claims 1-12, Wherein the
`product or service is audio-text, a token usable from a
`telephone or computer to access audio-text services, or a
`PIN usable from a telephone or computer to access audio
`teXt services.
`16. The method of claim 13, Wherein the product or
`service is audio-text, a token usable from a telephone or
`computer to access audio-text services, or a PIN usable from
`a telephone or computer to access audio-text services.
`17. The method of claim 14, Wherein the product or
`service is audio-text, a token usable from a telephone or
`computer to access audio-text services, or a PIN usable from
`a telephone or computer to access audio-text services.
`18. A method of billing for products and services com
`prising the steps by a vendor of products or services of:
`a. providing a toll-free telephone number to enable a user
`of a mobile telephone netWork having a voice channel
`and a control channel to access a vendor of products or
`services by a voice call from a mobile telephone
`b. during the call presenting the user With the option of
`purchasing audio-text services from the vendor at a
`stated purchase price;
`c. during the call obtaining the agreement of the user to
`purchase audio-text services and to pay therefor by
`having the stated purchase price billed to the mobile
`telephone number by an agreement procedure requiring
`the user to enter at least one of verbal and DTMF inputs
`over the voice channel;
`d. obtaining the mobile telephone number by using ANI
`or MIN; and
`e. sending an MT-PSMS message to the mobile telephone
`number over the control channel Whereby the amount
`of the stated purchase price is charged to the mobile
`telephone number.
`19. A method of billing for products and services com
`prising the steps by a vendor of products or services of:
`a. providing a telephone number to enable a user of a
`mobile telephone netWork having a voice channel and
`a control channel to access a vendor of products or
`services by a voice call from a mobile telephone
`b. during the call presenting the user With the option of
`purchasing at least one product or service at a stated
`purchase price from the vendor;
`US 2006/0149644 A1
`Jul. 6, 2006
`c. during the call obtaining the agreement of the user to
`purchase the at least one product or service and to pay
`therefor by having the stated purchase price billed to
`the mobile telephone number by an agreement proce
`dure requiring the user to enter input over the voice
`d. obtaining the mobile telephone number; and
`e. receiving an MO-PSMS message sent from the mobile
`telephone number over the control channel Whereby the
`amount of the stated purchase price is charged to the
`mobile telephone number.
`20. The method of claim 19, Wherein the input by the user
`over the voice channel comprises at least one of verbal and
`DTMF inputs.
`21. The method of claim 19, Wherein the vendor obtains
`the mobile telephone number by using ANI or MIN, Caller
`ID, DTMF input by the user, or verbal input by the user.
`22. The method of claim 20, Wherein the vendor obtains
`the mobile telephone number by using ANI or MIN, Caller
`ID, DTMF input by the user, or verbal input by the user.
`23. The method of claim 19, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number
`during the telephone call.
`24. The method of claim 20, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number
`during the telephone call.
`25. The method of claim 21, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number
`during the telephone call.
`26. The method of claim 22, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number
`during the telephone call.
`27. The method of claim 19, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number after
`the telephone call.
`28. The method of claim 20, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number after
`the telephone call.
`29. The method of claim 21, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number after
`the telephone call.
`30. The method of claim 22, Wherein the MO-PSMS
`message is received from the mobile telephone number after
`the telephone call.
`31. The method of any of claims 19-30, Wherein the
`product or service is delivered before receiving the MO
`PSMS message.
`32. The method of any of claims 19-30, Wherein the
`product or service is delivered after receiving the MO-PSMS
`33. The method of any of claims 19-30, Wherein the
`product or service is audio-text, a token usable from a
`telephone or computer to access audio-text services, or a
`PIN usable from a telephone or computer to access audio
`teXt services.
`34. The method of claim 31, Wherein the product or
`service is audio-text, a token usable from a telephone or
`computer to access audio-text services, or a PIN usable from
`a telephone or computer to access audio-text services.
`35. The method of claim 32, Wherein the product or
`service is audio-text, a token usable from a telephone or
`computer to access audio-text services, or a PIN usable from
`a telephone or computer to access audio-text services.
`36. A method of billing for products and services com
`prising the steps by a vendor of products or services of:
`a. providing a toll-free telephone number to enable a user
`of a mobile telephone netWork having a voice channel
`and a control channel to access a vendor of products or
`services by a voice call from a mobile telephone
`b. during the call presenting the user With the option of
`purchasing audio-text services from the vendor at a
`stated purchase price;
`c. during the call obtaining the agreement of the user to