`FSD t5-Ol{t200
`Collcst Brltiqg
`Rovlrio 3. Mrtch l9tt @
`Irus I, Dcccobcr f9E5
`l. Scrrisc Dc0aitim . .
`2. 1)*t ncrrectvc
`Ll Ndorl U$r/S',!tcn! IDt€nstiorl
`2.2 Aboorod UrcrTSptco Int Erctiilt
`3. .Ferturl Rrqrdrqrootr
`3.1 lltrcducdon . .
`3.2 Nctsork Phn
`3.3 Syrtcor{re,hitcrturo
`3..3 Rctratioorhtp to Oth6 Scwlccr
`3.5 Crll Proacsiry .
`3.5.1 Billcd Nuobor Screcnlnf Qrry Pnoccrin3
`3.5.2 Btllcd Nuobcc Scrccoinf Rcrpouo ftoccrllaf .
`3.5.2.t IrtnilATA Cell Proccrrinf . .
` lnt rIATA Cdt Proccsiag
`3.5.3 Vcriicrdm of Collcct lrill'r8 Cbarfp
`3.53.f Detctoiartio of Artond.d yrrrur Mrnuel Vcriic*ioa
`3J.32 C@truadry tbc Autmrtcd Vcriicrtioo Roqucct .
` Octlvcry of Vcifcrtim RGgrG.t
` Tbc Vcifcetioa Rcrpoc
`3.5.4 lntcrrorEa3 dtb Intcrcc,pt
`Dotoction Sub1lrt€B
`llllirrl Roqucrt .
`t.7.2 Vcrticrtim Rcryooro
`3.t Annoumcot Subryrrco
`3.E.1 Bt[ing ncquc*
`3.t.2 Rocordia3 Cetlcr't Nrmo .
`3.t.3 ncprongttnj for Crllcrrr Nanc
`3.t.4 Vcriicatioo Rcqucrt with Lqliry c Cellcr'l Nranc
`3.t.5 Vcriicatioo Rcqucrt ritbout Loc.Uty or Callcr'c NaBrc
`3.t.6 nsprooeCaf tbc Vcrifcatioo Rcqucrt .
`t.t.1 NortrrcroarVcriicstioRcqncrt . .
`3.t.E Apcoennco ADDqrocGocot to Cellcr
`3.t.9 Rcjoctio Amouncccrcor to Caltcr . .
`3.t.l0 Rcjccdpo Aotrousocaoot to Crlbd Prrry
`3.9 Opcntor Suboyrtco .
`3.9.r A Mannl Billia3 Rcqucrt
`3.9.2 Meaurl Vcriiqdm eftcr an Autoraatcd Bitltng Rcquctt
`3.9.3 Vcri6cation Rctponro
`3.9.4 FallureTrcauncot
`3.lO Drtabs.c.
`3.l0.l Llnc laforoarion Daeb.rc
`. .
`III2 2223333I16t 9
`. . .
`. i
`Exhibit 1038

`Irra. I, Dccqnbcr f9t5
`RcrLiol 3. M.scL lttt
`FltD t5{rr-o200
`3.l0.l.l LIDB Billcd Nuab.r Sprocoiry arcry . .
`3.t0.f .2 LIDB Blllod Nunbcr Scrccoitt Rcreorc
`3.fO.1.3 LIDB Dcfrult Vdnct . . . .
`trtarnd Tablcr
`3.l0-al Locrlity TrUc
`3.1o,22 Id Ahord fc lntcrccpt Tebtc
` Sccvlco Dtrpcldo TrUo .
`3.tOr-4 Fsihrs Dccidoo Tebtc
`3.f0:.5 Qucry Fdluru Trblc
` Addtdm.l l|rrdtr!/aocy Failu,r Trblo
`t.lO.Z1 CoDcct Blll|a3 Rcqoc$ Teblo
`3.ll Adohl'tr*io . .
`3.ll.l Bllllnr . .
`3.ff: TnfrcMcrnrmocoo . . .
`3.11.3 Sodcc Mc.rurgEcort . .
`3.1f .4 Scvlco Evrlurtbo
`3.11.5 Drtrb.$ Urlrgcoco3
`3.11.5 Clcncric PtoCnn Altqrrtioo
`3.t f .7 OFrcdor Trrlalag
`3.ll.t BOC Ftofnnmlbility
`3.1l:9 Supplic Sugport
`3.ll.fO Syn€6
`lar4ratim eod Tct
`3.12 Rcpct SubO'*co
`3.13 Traoroirtoo
`3.14 Malucaracc
`3.15 Sl'rton Imctficcr
`3.16 Scrvicc Stenderdr
`3.l? Rc||rrUlity
`3.ft FogcE .
`3.f9 Equipocot
`32O Ewirouncat . .
`3.2t Notwork Mrarfeocot
`3.22 Srrrtsr! Capcity
`3.23 Syactroizetio
`3.24 Doqumcotrdoo
`a. Roquircocna Rccord . .
`5. Fcenrrc Flow Dia3nm
`6. Glcrery . .

`\:j: i -
`FSD ts-Or-o:too
`Irroo l, Dmbcr f9tj
`notdo 3, Mercb l9tt
`NdlE: 7T* ltl4nttrctraentt fo dctetrfidttg tlu btlltag qdott otd the bllltng m.rrrb? o, annmon ,o
`all opeata ianlu calls od *c, thotf*r. d.serW ,n E D 654t41(n, C,ottnrott Fumtollg,.
`Tlr reqatl{rlrldc l, tilt f SD tnfi
`the prurrlcttttg s*ffe rc Colletr Dtlllq Se tfu btlttng
`afiron otd'tt e bllltrt trzirnbcr rt w talrr ne &tenntd.
`l. Sorvlcc ltcfrnldon
`Colloc lllllira ir u eltcraltc mr of Ulltry e ar[. rha.oby tho ir Ulbd to tlc'c.Ilcd Frty.
`Tbc cslliry 9.tty E y ruluG.t Cotloca Billlaj by dtbcs orrurl c rulmetcd rnsthodr'
`Bcfqt r Cdlcct ElXh! crll cu cogtcta tic lcrrrct laort v.slfy thet tho crllcd F ty ir riltbg to
`Fy fc arch cbrr|c*, Vcriicedo of chrrfpr crn bc OctdinircC il citb.r of,tlo rrp: (f) f!o6
`rubrcrlbc ldqurdo rercd ttoo tb Ltnc hfornetim Drtrbu€ GIDB) rbcb ffitcl
`eu@dc.ccagt|o€ G rutoortic rdccto of Gdlocc Bf,lb& a e) eiq.cclpt|[ao c rcjcctioo
`of c'brrlc by tbs c.llcd Fsty ln rtrt drlr. 8..t-dDO vgtOor,to of cDrrfer nry bc rympliebod
`by cith.r rn rrrtrEra.d paoooOurc c ogcre(b,lncrecdm.
`e UaGr Pcmpccdvo
`al No*rd UrclSfno bocrcdr
`A c.llE e! rqorn Co[€cr Bilht by di.lbs (tOtOOO O+ OrIPd IifrO(-rOOCtq rlccc G{PA)
`N)O(-!OOO( ir tlc cdlGd airmbcr, c tiy rliattof (rOXtOO Of+ (? to 12 dttitd, wtcrc tlo 7 to L2
`diCtr rcOrscot u iotcruefuel crllcd nunbcc. WbEo r crll b cldnrtcd i! dthcc of, tlcro rryr.
`tbc cdlcr dirlinl fiu r flc thrt b idcotin d tB rsccin rutoortod trctrcnt b proptcd to dlrl r
`thc cdLd nunbc ur bc bllbd fc tls crll A callcr
`billbf tquaia adc, a&, 'll-, lf tc&bo ri.h€.
`drrlia3 flm r ltno rccctvinf ouurt tF.tDGnt L olacd dlrcetly to r! opcntc. Tbc opcretor
`tbco vcrbdly rcdrc. thc Ulltrng optio froo thc cdl,cr.
`A cellcc cea dro rqfuet Collet BiltinS by dfr[nt (IOXXX) 0- c (Xl-. Fc 6crc cuo.r .! opGrrtd
`ir attrcbcd .!d rocclvc. thc dcdrud Ullirrj opdoo.
`OBcc Cotlcct BiIUn3 ir idcotiicd u tbc Ulllaf optioo, tlc raccprnco c rroJccdon of chrrfn by tbc
`ca[cd Frty angt bc dctcraiacd. If rhc crtlcrheity ho rn rrru8co.ot ritb tb lolf Qpqetinf
`Coopray (BOC) fq eutmidc @
`rejctioo of rtft5lEs EinjGsA'r' tb-crtl
`cal bo cneUlrhcd c toroin*c4 lclpetivcty, sithoot rcqulrtng fhrthc vcclicrtioo by ttc crllcd
`prny in ncel tirne.
`If tho ellcd Frty ha dcctcd to e.cify chErSc. fc Colloct Biliag cdlr s qrll will bc rct up to tbe
`cellcd nuabcr end, lf co'rncctcd, tic crllod psrty will bc rcquetod to .ogcpt c rcJcct c.trrgor uring
`orud q.rrt rErt€d gcoocCucr.
`116rrrl grroccOurcr rr,c ednlnirtcrcd by aa opcrrtor ridlsvc8 $G crllcd party hs r rurry dlrl
`irrt f,frcc c. Fa.firllpDcot GsLt ?ith thc BOC fc nrch ttt.tDcot Aute.tcd erocc&rc.
`qsrcotty aod of rn rafrqrnccqca3 ur tbc cellcd/bllcd Frtt to.lacElii! rtstbcr tho.crllod psrty
`tecPtr or rljoctr cbarydr. ttc iuoraccooiit oiy rirnply t!$r.$ ao*pt ooc of cbr4c c. lt tt3
`BOC'I optioo, ioc&dc dtLc th. cdi4 lnrqr't DaE or beation. TbcrlLd Frty ir tlco ptooptcd
`to cotc8 a '1" for .cccptsrco c r '2- fc rcioctloo of chrffpa TLc crllod F ty &o cu nlquqtt an
`opcrrtor by dirllng "O" or tinirg qrt.'
`If chrrgr rrc rcccptcdr thc cwcrstian wilt tp rltqwcd to bcAlo; lf ctrfpl rrc rcjcrcd, tbc callcr
`eill bc promptcd fc e ocs billiry og,tion. tho Opcretc Suboptco sitt bc rttr€fcd, or tbo celt rill
`bc dirconocctcd (8OC opdod. (NO'[E: t! tho funlrc, rpc*h rsfaitio tcOatqucr tlll E|ro bc
`urcd to ucanaia rGDrrDcc c rcjoctio of crllrJ

`Iguc l. Dccenbor l9t5
`Rdrioo 3, Mrrch lgtt
`FSD 85-Or-O200
`12 AimttrtUrclsyrrar tmtt|Coc
`eutmercd--prceriar rad ir un.blc to corar tbc bittiq rcquerr
`coo9 68l3Fl& !3ttDo lr tfmPt d to rcdld. tf tbc callin3 prrty fatb to rcdirl acc ttra-e A6C-
`ercdctcnniacd aumbcr { *-.+.* o?gr.tor ir rttrcbcd i; ;rtiri oo crrrto-cr, Rcrtricrod Bilting
`Trc.tdtart ir puid€4 c tbc call tr diranccoC iBCrC "Ettd: GorfE-;ih.-frdr"B-th; crlrag
`9!lI !:y-b PloEPry for r wie ncrpoors if bc/rle f.ib- ro Fwi& I o"ii-fqro U"r[ft"q"*.y
`(DTMF) di3it et th€ inr
`wbca thc crlliat Frqt fr rccciviag rutmrtod ptpcc.siDg wltb rpordcd ar,n caprbility ud docr
`!ct-g Fomptcd r{cccrtrlncd
`lot cotcr tir/bcr
`nunbcr of d;6, oitf*
`opctr&rr *tlt bc .tbcbod' or thc n-[ will- rcccirp oofeirtt eaocs$tng (Lo., cithor r buic
`rnnounccEcDt or thc ?{-1!":fil{tslt-b. prcvidcd o Oc qUcC-guty). Tbo proo.urc end type
`of dcfiult brdllag ro b urcd rhonH tc Ootiaiaoa by tbo BOC.- -*
`Wbcn tbc crllcd prrty it r€cofuing eutmrtcd procctilo3 and ir unrblrc to €otGr thc yrciicetio,a
`nglpoato or doco ro tacolatfn bcl$o tr pronitcd to rcciaL lf tbc callod e."tyi"
`comcctly rftcr I BOC'prodctcraincd nuntoc or umc* rn opGsrtc ir rrrcf,ca -o rslrt tbo'cu$om.
`cr' Rcftristcd Biuirs Trcrtncat ir protooa or thc cr|l;y-b.-dL€n";Jaaocffii.-.
`3. Feture Rcqdrencltt
`3.1 bcodrcdor
`Thc callcr.cca$Gr tb^o,porltc rcwiccr ryrtco by dirl|n3 (lorooo o+ (NpA) Nxx-roooq
`(roxtoo.ol+ (7-!o t2 Arsitd--, (rolcroo'd c fi)- to soqu€t a cou&;iiii;;;ii:'Til;A*
`Slt *, $ould TFC"r" g-Colto6 Bil[a3 ceti Uv tb",cilA-
`btttt"S FSucrt codq c.3,..11-,
`shco eutoeltcd proedura ero ptovidcd, a by-r! i[dicad[ root frroo-thc'Op.n r*'S"-Uiy.r.-
`v.bco rnraurl Focodus€. erc prwldcd. trc rcf,utromcotr ror cccrninrni tai-titr"r Jptiii rad rbc
`billtng nurnbcr snp drrrnon o rU opcretor rcnricor r'rrrG6 crltr sna uc ttcrcfqc Oicr'iuca ia fso
`65-Ol.Olq). Coinnon Functionr. -
`The rcquiremcag il.tbir FSD tndlcrtc tho p,roccari4 for Collcct Billln, rftcr billieE dctcrrriaation
`bar bccn madc.
`3.2 Ncr*ort Plu
`Cetl -procesri4 of Collcct Billiry callr rcquirca tbo ruc of ltoo.apocific iaforuutioo to dctcrminc
`wbctbcr or not lutomatie vcrificadon rfoiH bc provtd.4 aad r'hstbor rutonrtcd or nrnrnl
`t'catEr€il should bo provided to Gitict or both tbc calling aod callcd perticr. Tbo lirc*poci6c
`mrorlnation u|Gd io Collcct Billins $ould bc obtalncd from tbc LIDlir cootrinia3 thc cilliry aad
`callcd nunbcrr.
`*,gIST e infcrration, :th9 Cgqc Syrtccr rbould lrtncb ra Orifinrtinf Liac Nunbq SarcGnint
`tLrLNS, qucry ovof tbc St[rlftr8 S]'ttco Npmt r 7 (S5?) Dctsort to rtc--c.lltna aumbcr'r LIDB-
`1o.9u11in tnforoe{o1 rpcciic to thlt linc. (Nota In tbc rbccacs of en OL}rS q"il7t-e"o"..-
`default velucl tr dcdncd in FSD 65{l-ol(X} etonrld bc u&dJ Tbc Coro sllnd d;rtd ilrri launch
`a-Billcd Numucr Scrccaiof (BNS) quory orcr tbc SS?
`JtfocU.A luntcar LIDB to
`iino. Rcqulrcocora fc cdl pt*rt"s of O1.xS ena CxS
`obtaia infortaatiotr rpccific to Oc call€d
`qucrics and rcoponror erc dcrcribcd i! FSD 65-oi-oloo anA Couunoi Crpabfrric. Sccrioa io.-
`Tbir FSD (t5{l{20o) d€crtbc.
`thc ptococing of tnfczradoo obtaiacd fron thcio qucricr or
`dcfault valucs in thc ebocnce of srch g*ti- tbit .oc rclcrrrnt to Collccr Billiq.

`FSD t5{rr-o200
`bnro I, Dabot l9t5
`Rsririoo 3, Mrrcb l9tt
`3.3 SyrtrlAac&cfir
`Atrtm.tld proccriaj of r
`"gul3!/tran' 3!d
`CoUet Bili43 crll rcquircr
`tbc lbtocdo Sobryrtco. Cfuffifior
`rnrouoo!6cnt* roodlry orprbiltdc, ud
`dfndlry'toclnotofv. ID tlc futor, eutmrtod
`rlll .loopOmrttvurryocch
`of r Golloct BilSnt crtl rcqgrir!. intcsrctloo btrcco tbG Cq|c Sy!t6.od tlo
`M|.Ed F€d!3
`Opcruc Subrycm.
`3.f n&dcHp b Otu Srrrlcr
`l" Collcc't BiUiES ir r Hltlq ogdo ro4 u nch. cta bc orod ritl nrtoor roryls rod brdttof
`I optior Fovidod by tb opcEltc r6vi€ r,yrto. Colloca Blllll3 b tnat hcqncotfy urcd u r Ulling
`/ oDtioa for Cell CqoelGdm Sctvlc (FSD t0{tf{5(Xl). Howsvs, cbefp fa othc qtcrtr
`1 rorvlccr, i&, Mc.ts D.Su6t Savlco (FSD SO{lf{t:!0O), cra dro bo Utlcd to r cdlcd aruobcr.
`Co|l€st Bllti{ L dro drtd to Intcrccpt Sowlea WLco tbcrllcd aeobcts ll i*..jpt rEltur,
`IDt rccpt Scrvlco GSD 7O{f-1200) nly bo prcrldod tt tb aidord!3 opcrbr r€svlcf
`ryrt Na.
`D' dcrcEoiled thet c.o[a Btltrlg rho'ld bc erouaoa (lcfcr to FrsD 6i-
`Ol.Olqr, Setim 3.5.fO .!d tbc billod tunbcr trr bc.o dotcenioc4 thc foltodnf cell proceoinf
`rhould eur.
`t.5.1 DIt:t d Nutnb Sarenfry Qury Ptw,ssttt
`l/bco a rcquc.t for Collcct Bllllns fr rwglizia tbc B|llla3 llcodnctbn iold of tbo Altcr'rrtc
`Bittia3 futomrtic Mcu3c Astrtrfn3 CliMA) oodulc $oold bc rct to tho'Coltcct- optio 6cc
`Cooooo CapcUlidc Sctio t.l for u o*plurtirn of tbc AlvlA Eodul€t). Tbc Cqo Sratco
`thould lnrach e BNS qury to tDo c.llcd ocmbcr't LIDB. Ttc forant fc thit qucy ir dcrcribod in
`Scstio 3.lo.r.l. Tbc gcry hty L bsod 6 tDo lodttlt cetlcd nuobcr.
`Bcfqr r qucry b tnacbcd. tlo CorG Sptco.hdild choct tlo actreck Elar|Fo.ot Cotrcl Litt to
`dctcroiao rhcttcc tbc Sc*vicc Cotrol Foint (SCP) @!t idlS tbc cdLd nubcr't LIDB b in en
`orcrlood oodition 6Gc FliD 65.O1{tlOO, S*tio t.s.f f J rod Coom CrytUlidc Socdoo t6.a
`for dctrilr). If tbc nstrrck n ralgncat Cotrol l.irt indlcrtcl thrt tb cttlcd noobc't NPA.NXX
`b nndcr Dctrort Elrrr3cn€ot cotrc[ tbc BNS query rhoold Dot bc.cot Ttc Cot Sytt D rhorld
`chcck rl3 Qucry Friluc Trblc Gefoc to Scqdoo 3.lor-i) to dctc8oiDo rhc rp'proprtrtc rctim to
`Furu.. tf O. Qocry Feilurc Trble iadicrtc to procood berod o defrutt vducr' tb Ccl Syrtco
`rboutd .rruc tb ENS ddrult velucr dcfrcd in tlccdo! If thc trbls iodcetcr thrt
`eddtdmrl trnOiry rbdlli bc proyirlcd, thc Addttldd ttadtla/aucry Fellur TeUo (rcfcr to
`Sction 3.fO2.6) rhotd b. ch€ctod. Tbc CCN/ENS nolpor mbddd dthil tbo LIDB Rcrpon*
`6cld of thc Altccartc BlllhS AMA moduto |horE bc t33 to tls'BNS/CCN qo.rrr E3 od.!"
`[/teo r'BNS qucry is lruochc.L tbc Corc Syrtco 3bo{d Gspct r lcrporrG rittto e BOC-dGdrcd
`tinoot pcrtod (tbc &fault vrtuc rhould bc 2 *odr). Ur BNS trtpouo lr rct rccctvd rithin e
`tlc Qrrcry Fsilurc Tablc to dct Edilc
`BOC-dcincd tlncqrt Frlo4 tho Corc Syrtco &ould c[€ck
`thc aPP,roPrirtc rstioa to n,'.tllc.

`|rrle I, Deanbor f9t5
`Rcvirioa 3, M.rch lgtt
`nsD t5{lr{r200
`If thc Qpcry, F1ilurc Teblc lodlcrtcr to procccd brrcd o dafrult vrlucl, tbc Cqr Syrto $odd
`.&runs BNs.daf,rBlt vrtucr dcdncd for thc Collc-t Biltla3 ogdm Gcfcc to Soctln 3.fO.l3). If tbc
`teblc bdicrtb t!.t.ddidol froC{ng.hould bc pnovido{ tb Addido.l ttlnOUaffauccy Fdlurl
`Trblo rhould bc chfcd. tLc CCN/BNS Rse6r nrb0old rttbi! tlc LIDB Rorporc icld of tls
`Altc,rart€ Bllli{ AMA nodulc rhold bo rct to tb. -BNSVGCN rc.Dar c rd
`optioo- Ttc
`Corc Sptco rry dro rcdvo I RoJct c Rccun Errc OgcErdmrt Protocol Udt (OPDU)
`Occ Conam CrDaUlidcr Setiloo fO.6). I! thir cerc, tbc CCN/EI{S sMdd rhold bc rcc to tbo
`-RETURN ERROR c REIECI Rcr.porc Rocdrlcdl o,ption" /\FiD" tb Ccl Syrto $oild
`choct thc Qucry Feilurre Teblo to &tcmioc tlo rpfroprietc eroccr*af.
`srbco r ruelfd qucrt lcrporc ir rcmslcd &'E tb LIDB, tbo Rcvconc Acoutinf OtEcc
`(RAO) aunbor thrt i,r rcrnraod b thc quccy rcprro ahoH bo rtoodcd tD tb RAO Nuabcr 6old
`of thc Altcrnetc Bllliat AMA.nodulc. Tlc Bg[tr8 Nuobc Ttatoar ladtcttc &ld of tbo
`ll1s611s $ffrrt AMA oodnlc $odd b. rst tp tb opdo thet rcdactr tbTrrltuot hdicrtor
`vrluc tbrt lr rsturaod fr,o6 tlb Hllld Frty'. LIDA. Tb oDdrirr .ru
`. Aut@at€d TrrrtEot
`. OpGrrts Tratmt. 9pqtfi frlanaf Ollo llottrtiqu)
`. Spodd Tr[tdcot . Opccttc umUry bt csttocr rcqucst)
`o Spodrl Ttrrrocot . Hrndlc.prpcd I
`o Spodd Tratnmt - Hradlcrppcd 2.
`Thc Bllllry Nqbor Tttltrcot lndtcetc fiptd rtfild bo r.c to thc -trtmrtad
`thc Trcetrncot Indicilc rqdrcd i[ tlc BNSI rrpoor. lr oc of ttro follocinf rrlur:
`o Autoortod Tlcrtmcot - prwidc.tcrtitrs torc oly
`o Auromatod Trcetmoot - Drovid..lcili[S tdo.trd prooptiry ralouococot I
`o Autourtod Trrrtncor - D[ovidc rlcrda3 tolrg rtd fonptinf ealouaasrncot 2
`o Autortcd Trc.tEG[t - ptwtdc .lcrdos ton€ ltd prmpttaf rmaccocot 3.
`Prorcotln tbc ooly fora of rutoorrtod trc.tneot dccribcd in rcqulroocoll b DTMF.
`Howctlr, ia tbc ftrturc, rutonetcd trc.tllcnt sill bc c*puacO to irdud. rpoocb twCnttm.
`Thc Coro Sptcor rbqrld cboc& sbctbcr etl coplction to thc cdlcd nuobc L latnl.AffA c
`intcrLATA OG. FSD 65{l{f(Xt) 6 dcrcrmiac hw tbo call dorild bG trcatc4 u dcrcrlbcd in
`Scctiou 35.2.1 .!d t.5.2.2-
`oPdc lf
`t.5.2 Ailbd Nttabcr Seecatnj nespwc t*iesilng
` IntzIATA C;aII tzwantng
`Wbco c.ll ooplcdm to thc crtlcd nunbcc b tntnl-/lTA tbo Cqt Sy:tco rhorE c*rmhc tlo
`Indicatc rstriarod tbo th€ ENS rcrporrc ttr dst rnfu.thrt proecdl| tbd{d
`bc psovid.d. -\f,|li.o tb bil[ry rqucrt rrr dctcrnircd tV nlarut octtode Lc- try ro opcrltc Gcc
`FSD 65{f -OIOO, Setio 3.5.10), e bilting ildicrtc mca$Anf bor tb crll rtodd b. trutld brrcd
`on tlo CoUccr eoccprace ladicrtc rtouta bc Flrcd to thc Ogcntd Subryncro Gtf,cr to Setfon
`u thc collccr Acccptelcc Indicrtor rpcciicr'rhryr vcrt$'" c'drryr Yl8iry tfth opcr!t{tr,' !cd-
`timc vcriicrtion b rcquircd. Tb CCN/BNS nc*oorc nrbicld withtn tho LIDB Rcrpoc tuld of
`the Altcrnrtc Bitriry AMA qlodUb ltoulr! bc tgt to aithcr tbo -vcd$f or .irrodfy titl o,pcGrtod'
`optio. CaIl procqla3 rboad cotlauc ar dcrcribcd in thetim 1J.3.

`fSD tS.or{2OO
`Irrrc I, Doeobcr f9t5
`Rorido t. Mrrch l9tt
`It tbc Colleca A€ccplraao hdicrtor opcdicr'dwe1r .ccstrt' c 'alwryt accc,pt iatnIATA c.llt "
`chrr3cr r4'egmrticdly.aacptGd rld rcrl-tioc valicstion ir not rcgutcd" WLco rhc Ullhf
`t€$rcrt b dasrailcd by rntmetcd ncthodr, tl|c cdl .buld bc.ct up to ttc €dhd Frtt
`ruto@.tLdly, rr dscribcd b FSD t0{l{t5@. Cdl Cooplottoo Scrvle. TbG AOC rhonld hrvr
`th€ opdm of rttrcbbj thc rlnmmootsubl1lrtcn ud rcodinf rn.cacptrrc rmoeocot
`bdicrti4 to tb. crtloi ttrt Gollet BIllfu ahrsSo. rl'o.ccGpt d ud to rcodn oo tbo lilo Gofcr to
`Setion 3.E.t). Tbc CCN/BNS ncaorc nrbddd rio.lrr tho LIDB Rorpoor tcld of tDc Altcra*e
`Billlnf AMA Eodufc fimld b. r.c to tb -lep- optim; Thc Oporetc Sctlb Syrtco Action
`ficld of tbo Altcrartc EitlinS AMA dlc dbld ba r.t to tbo -rutomrdcdly locqltcCl oDdon"
`Tbc Mcur of ailbd Arfty napulc $bdGE rftfb tbc Mcu of laprrt/Rclpoc idd of tbo
`Ntorortc Bllllry AMA rodulo rbold bc rct ur ttc "roo" opd6. Tb Altrm.t Eillilt AMA
`oodulo for tbc prc.ot rc$rct rbold bc coplctcd.
`Wbco tbo Co||cct nec.Indicrtc rycdtrr'rhryr roccpt- q -drr1n aoc.p3 iatnIA'TA
`crlb" rld thc blllil3 rcquc.t rrr dacroinod orourny, th€ Cq€ Syrtcll rbtdd tct np tDo crU to
`thc cdlcd pr*1r rLa it iccircr r PIACE CALL Bastc frm ttc OpcurSutryaco. lt|hco e
`FOClitio RELcrrc lr rccdycd ftrirn tLo Opontor Subrftm, tbc Cotu S!r.Etr! thilld d.Eah t!.
`Opcntor Subry*o fron tic crl|. lf r RELcero to ANNooMGat ir rccdrcd &o@ tb. OpcErts
`Subryno, th3 Cqt.St/rto rhonld dcrrch tlc ODcsrtor Subr:rtoo ud ettrch tho Anoocomcnt
`Subryrtaa to grovido eo reoptrn rlror.t''.dt ul tbo catllry perty &cfcc to Socdo 3.8.t). Tbc
`CCN/BNS Rerporc nbQcld rithin the LIDB Rorponro 6ctd of tbc Altsrart BltlltrS AMA nodulc
`rhould bc rct to
`opd6, rad tbr Mcau of Btllcd Prrty Rnpolo sb0dd rltbin tbc
`Mcenr of loput/Rcryonrc fuld of tbo sre AMA nodnle rhould be tct !o tho'hor" ogdm. Tbo
`Ccr Syrtaa rbold rct tio Opcata llqvis S1lrt 6 Action 6old of thc Altanrc Eltrilt AMA
`rnodulc to tbc'rntmrdcdly roocptcdl ogtio. ltc Alt*aetc Eillirs AMA ddc for tto PFc.cot
`roqucrt rhotd bo ooplct d.
`lca lldtcrtc rpcciii 'dwryr tujcct " tho C6r Syrtco dould chccl ttc
`Wbco thc CoUcct A€ccpt
`Feiluro Dccirioo TaUc Gdor to Setia 3.1O2./f) rr dctcrrdic.pEtlFt to cdl prwrlofl Thc
`CCN/BNS Rc4ootc mbdc0d ?itbin tho LIDB Rcrpooro Oold of ths Altanrlc Ellht AMA oodulc
`rhould bG rct to thc -rsjcct- optioo- Tbo Morar of Eillcd Prrty Rcrpmlc nrbficld rirhin tbc Mcrar
`of lnp'ut/Rcrpoor 6cld of tbc Altottetc llttlnt AMA Dodulc $ould bc to tio "[mc" qtion.
`Wtcn tho $lliry rquclt rlr rutoo.t€d,
`feilurc trcrtouot rhorH eurcorticdly bc pruridod ar
`If tbc Fdluro Dcdrim TeUo iadicrtcr OtrcoOncet Trcotucnt, thc ellcr.hfrld bo dbonccrcd, end
`tbc Opcrrtc tlctvlcc. Syrto Acdo icld of tbc Altccorro Bflnog AMA eodulc.hld bo rt to tho
`-discooncctcdl opdoo. If 6c Frilnrc Dccidm Trblo ildlceter thrt ro op€Erttr $odd bc
`conrostcd, tho Opcrttc Subrynaa tborld bo rttrchcd rnd r Collcct idicrtio. r'doicdl UllinS
`itrdic.tor, rhc crlting rnd callgd mrnbccr, and tto re.poo.c fi,m tha Frtlurc Docidm Trblc $outd
`dl bc rupplicd to tbc op.rtu. If tto Failuro D*irioo Trbtc ildiceta Rcrtrigt d llillltrS Trctnoat,
`tbc crllcr $ould bc ptontrcd fq r lcr hilli4 option Gcfcr to FtD 65-0l{100, Sccdm 3J.lf .4).
`Tbc Opontc Scrvlpor Sptco Actioa 6cld of thc Altcrortc llllln! AIv{A oodulc rbould bc rct to
`tbo 'proddcd Rcttdctcd BlUiry Trcrtocnf optioo. TDc Announmcot t;ubryrtco rhould bc
`.tt (ficd. .!d tlo Calc Syttco.bdild rcod r EG.r.tG to play. rcjEtim r,m!@t
`Gcf,cc to
`3.t.9) to tlc cdliry Frty fotloucd by rotooatcd Rcrtrict d Bltliry Trt @t
`Whco tbc Cotlcct Aeccpteace lldicatff rpcdia -alwrln rcjcct- rnd tho billlg rcqrcrt rar
`oanugl, tbc Corc Sptco lbould fqwud tbc cr[Gd lnrqr't tlcrvtco c Equipncot &dlcrts ud tbc
`rcrpoarc from tbe Fdlur,o Dcdrioo Trblc u rcll u a 'dctdcd" Ulling irdtem to tbc OPcrtor
`Subryrtco, rad weit for e rcrporc. Tbc CCN/ANS Rcrpoorc nrbdcld witli! tlc LIDB Rcrponro
`6cld of tDc Altcrusto BilXry AMA oodutc rhqild bc rct to thc'rcjcct- opdm. .!d rb Mcaor of
`Bill€d hrty Rcryoro rubicld within thc Mccnr of laput/Rcrponr 6cE of tto renc AMA nodulc
`rbould bG rct to tho *oono" optio. lf r FtOSltim REfs$ ir FccivGd fttn tio Opantor
`Sublyrtcur, tbc c.ll 3boutd bo dirconectcd and Oo Opcntor Suboy*cn rhould bc dctrchsd lf a

`Irruc l, Dcccnbct t9t:
`Rovirlon 3, Mrrch lggt
`FS|D t'-Or.O2@
`RELcarc tcAlJNouccocut lr ccqivcd fiog !t" opcnts Srrboyrtco, tbc opccrtc Subrptca
`rr€ AlD.lroc'ncor -"b.t;-;;idd b.'.;*iod to;r.t;;t .ni;
`rhourd b. d.racL€d.d
`to Oo cetlcl_Gcfcr to Scctio 3.S.-9); follwcd by dtuolg tta1rr63qt vyhco r
`F'OAidon RELarr c I RELcer to ANNouaccEGot ir r.occivcd, rt Op.-;S.-L- Syrt.-
`rhould uc rot o-tlo aci.mfioo--qfiL r
`A6ii6 6cdd of tho Al-tcntrto Billinr rUi;"d.L
`a3n !-it$ry hfo ntioo fr roocirrcd-frm tb op€rlu Suuntco, nsaictoo Bitti"i trirncot
`-rt oe."rtaGrr"- srtoq
`Itorld !c ersviaco Gtf,cr o FttD 6t{r{rloo,-S*doa
`Actl'oq 6cld of the Altctlrt
`-!itq!t AruA naulr rboutd b.; to tr. -p-rlo.o Rlrlrlctod Billioj
`Trcetncot" o9don rf PLACE cAtL ir r,ecavsc rro tlc-it;;so6.t!rco,
`rtr-Cq3-sr,.t -
`rhold rct up thc crll ur tb. c.ltcd_pony. opcrerc Ecbod!-;tbdrh.';;;;L
`rachcr biltiry opdoo frro tlc cruia irty.'
`Oncc thc csll bg bc.o dhc!'tttoctcd c lt D|l beco &taminod thet Rcctricicd BilUag TrtltDcat silt
`bc providod' tb Ulliry rcqd fc tno currsat noquort rhr{t -e If tho c-ncr roterr
`rlothcE billins oPdc, Mt, rddidoarl bllths;ord f.r th.a-"{dt ;hoo|d 5pscccclrcd.--'
` IntcrIATA Ceil Prvalr,cfiag
`whcn tbc crll ir iatcrIATA (c iatnlrrTA Tlsl4a! rnrcexchrqc Crrrior trcl onflctiod. rC
`Dctcrnhrtroo &ould tc errodu u dcrcdbcd i" F.sbe-i{lods."ii"" Ar thrt rccrioo
`jo tr.
`dcrcribcq-thc corc syrtcla ttoou dctcrnb. rrhcthcr oorc i'acothl ur --ill, "t
`BOC for Csricr DctcnDirtrioo.?d lOC.pgqltor rcrrrlccr proeirs f;C&; mtilrS,,lC.oi.r
`Dctcrniutio onry' by cb€cHn| ttc scrvtcc'oirpotthn-i;6;(r"fJto scetioa
`t. Conte" Dct tanttutlon errd AOC @ae Sctrlcot etwtsr/,n,S
`rilhco tlc BOc.d t9-E* en qrmcot fc Crrria Dctorninltio rd BC)C opc61ta rcrlacr
`procc'ri!3 for Collcct-Billlag thc EoC'r opcntor rcwlaor.ta;th*td tqify qllt crfitti"s
`chr4cr fot tbc lc. thc.cgf Syrtco rhc,ilo Gmniro oo <i*tccr Aoccpcrne rndlcetc. w1co tbc
`UUiry rcqircrt lr dccrrnincd bt;mrutl-;c&odr, I UUiag toOi"rto" C.t.t ti".C froo thc Collcct
`AcccPtrnec lDdicrtc rpccifyiof lor ;bdrtd bc fi3€d-rbodd bc Frrrod t" tL Oeo"rt*
`Subqntco Gofcr to Setioo
`Wboo the CoUcr
`:tr 314 Ptop."hr--rltonotioritv. RG.l+id "-ina;,""E lor Fquirld. whca thc
`oumg lcqusrt *rr &tGrnriacd by ruton tGd ncthod* tbo crll 6outd to eutdrnaticetty *
`a ,to
`tC'r Point oJTcrutrttiost (POtt Gc. FItD eoororml-. tti- Co* srt - rtndd &t66 thc
`gurp bv cbcctiry tho Outreiot Truat Teblc 6.c FsD 6J.oiaioo,-s.cdm
`5'-tu'.^Lr. I !c gorc SFtcal_lboold Ptwido tho apgrcprietc rijnlia3 indicetcd i! tbc Ortr.d
`Slgndhg Trbls Gcfcr-to TqP 65{i{loo, scetiA fro.Ei.a ra conoo cumgpcr
`.f ;atiid6.XoG.."t Subryrtco ud rcndinS
`Scction 6. Tbc Boc rborld have tbo
`an aeGpuloso r!.oulccEcnt to thc callcr iadtcctiag tlrt CoUect Bttliog ctJ3gr aic.occptcd rlO -
`tbgt tho callcr ilorld rc@is qr thc linc Gcfcr to Siction 3,8i)- Tt EcNrENs n-6o -imc
`IIP T:,lP^}.1g-: icld of tm ertcrneto Bil|lns AMA;"dG rhonld bc r:c to tbc -rofril
`tb. oeTr*'r Scwiccr Syaton.Actioo tuld of tbc reoo AMA Dodub -"o"r.-rno,rfa u.
`tot to tDo -rutmltically rF:Pt{" optioo. TLc Mcear of Billed Frty Rcpotnc."fn n *t6n 1tr.
`M=- of Inpot/Rcrporr ocld of ailiag AMA ;od;b im.rc b. &r to rhc -ooo-
`..rh.yr lcccpt,' .rd tbe bitth3 rcqgcrt ;u
`wbcn thc collcc* Aoccpt""_c. Illicator !nc9i!a
`SfS:1-*:"uatty, tirc-C.oc syt co ri;irleL up tf,c ceu to thc lc'r pror rbco lt reh6r r
`rL (;ts- SALL tna..agl fron tho Opcntor Subrynoo. Tbc Corc Syrtco rhorld gclcct tbG
`:33.:3PT11..1T: sroup rs.dctcrralncd by checrdi; the Outrotag frirntirurc. tti Co.. Srto-
`T-":" _P_l$dc .t|l? aPryopd8tc rijnaling indicatcd ia tbc ChrnrarU Stnating TeUc and Oc6nk io
`...-"3::1_t:l!Tli€-Sccqon 6. Wb€o a prOsitior RELcasc ir rccdvcd froa Oe Opcrerbr
`sub.y3tc8, thc Opcntoi Subcyrtcur rhould bc dorrcbcd fro6 thc call. Whcn e ngica.. ro
`ANNounoeErcnt it rcceivcd fton thc Operator Sublptccr, thc Opcrator Subyrtcm *ould bc

`FSD t5-or{200
`Itruc l, Doctobcr f985
`ndrbo t, Mrscl lgtt
`dctechcd eld ttc
`Subtyrtea rhmld bc attecbcd to prcvide ea .cacpoacG
`ronounccririltto thc clttor Gcfcr to s;doo 3.sJ)r
`nolpoor;31rl?.lo,tui" oo
`LrDJ,RGtDpqt? i.ld g tbc AltctDrto iiui"r AMA aodulc rhoutd b ..r ro rho -rcccpt- optioa.
`ttc Mcaar of Blllcd frrty ncqoro anbGcti qttbr" th. M*_;aI"F,r/R-er"r. nori-or-tt ,.oro
`ArltA Eodulc tbotld bo rct to tlc bac-
`"piiro:-Th. op.-r- sL#; siff;Acdo}ia-'or oo
`Alt6:o.rc Billiat AIf,rA llodutc to gi to rhc -ruti-i*auy recptc6- ogric.
`U cterrcr ero eutocatlcdly .e!P$d, thc Altcrartc lirrh3 AMA nodulo for tbc prj1cor rcquc.t
`rhould bc ooptcrod.
`whco tlc collccr AYptiDT raalcetc rpcdicr'dwr1a ttjoct" or'rr;cct fc ratcrIATA €Ilr,"
`tbc cosc Synco slddd chcck tb Frnud D.ddo lrfro 6 cctcrnilo thc rpprcpirtc cell
`^rrc p${r{! Rcrpoo,. arbdcftr witun thc r,ID- e*6;ofr-or o.
`rTc!r.t"s_p p6wld€.
`'horrld t .i !" trc'tcj*d optron. rm rrr-i.f ti[.d p.rly
`lltorlrto Billinj AMA rnoduto
`R'crpoorc rubdcH withia thc^Mcur of hpot/RclEod-lcld ;it!i-;E AMA nodnlc rbdrld bo lcc
`to tbe'aooo'oPtlo" If tb blltb! rcqucrit -.r.tit"-.t d, tlo f.i|ril rrr@lt r[otd bc provid€d
`rutoorticalln ff fotbn
`If tto Feiluro Docirio Tlblc lndicetc d|rslcct, Diroanet Trcrtocot llsH bo provldcd, rnd
`!E oecntor Sqviccr svrtcm Aatb oold of thc Atr.-;titui
`AMA modulc rhold bo rcr to tho
`rf .lc Frlurc Docidoa Teuc indicatcr oir L.oe.ruor.rooH b.
`ftonld bc ettrchod ud a Cdlccc lidicetioo" r -dcoicd- billill
`froo ttc Frilnn pei*m frli"
`tadici-t tr, ltc Ftllqt Tf rho_crltcd nudUc* rld tbo rc.pot€
`|hoold bc fqirrdcd. utbo Feilurc occlrioa teuto ildl'aitc. Rcnricrrd Billtot T;e.dr, 1tr6 61u-
`:!.51r- 199^F pp-*ts fc r ncr -9i!rioj oedo- Tb€ opcn;is-rc--sntfr isdoo h.ra
`lDourd Dc tct to tlc'otuvidod Rc.trictGd Billi[ Ttlataat" opti-. nc euoriacco:ot $btnc-
`rhould bo.ttschcd rrit ttcS_it*a--rt*"-rad-a a pr.v r rrjccd66 11agg1gmr
`Gcfcr to scGlfm 3-8.9) to txe c-uiir p.rtilou"..o by rutorrtcd *cltriarGd Billla3 Tratocar.
`rfbca tbe Coltcct lrGPt ttco Indicrtc rpodficr 'rlrrlr rrjet- or -r,cjcct fc intcclrr crur"
`yd th9 bllli1r rcguet war maarnl oo cittodprrry,'r dsvti ; pq"r-fidirrai
`, C';;**
`frosr tbc Feilnrc Dccbloo Ttblc, rod r -dcoicd-- tiifi"c lad"rt r-rilftd bc fcrardcd to th--
`opcfator s-ubryrtan. The ccN/BN-s R6ponao nbdcta r{ohri tbc LIDB Rcrpoin-taa or-oo
`liltcrattc lilllag AMA nodrrlc rboold Uo jat to ttc -rcj6t,' op"o", .oe th. Mcaar of, Eltrcd of
`Pany Rcryorc lubdcld witlin ttc Mcrnr oc neuunoriimro-dJdk rh. rlrl AMA Eodulc dould
`optioa. lfr Posidoo REfu* ir il-"cd-iroo tL oe.-tot s"urnt -" rtr.
`Y?9ltor sub4f.tcm lhotrld bc dsttchod atrd tbc crlt rhodtd be <tironaoctcd.. lfr RELouc to
`ANNounccDGot b rccoivcd fro tto opcrrtor sutttce.-tbc op."tlo"-*Lt"d.h-td 5]
`dctacH' and ttc Amounccmcdt^ssbayilcq.$oold tc.trrcloo-iJ-pt""rao lrilcdo.r!611ac|rEcDt
`to tho callor Gcfcr to Sccdon 3.s.9). rirhcn thc earouncancot codi tlc cr|l rhoutd bG dircooractcd.
`wbca o Ptctsitto RELcoro c RELcarc ao ANNq'occ@co. t;a;A-rh. #;;s.-t
`Syrtcn Actioll 0eld of tlc Alrcrlrrtc Bitlilg aVA -oa,ru rborrld bc rct to tbs -diroonncctcd-
`:t!i".lj^Y Plqlt inforE ttoo r rccarlco fiom thc op.rrror s"gntcn ncnrlaoa Biuirs
`.rncalacot_3Doultl bc providcd. Tbc Oplrrts Scwiccr Syrtoo Action 6old rhrld bc !9t j9 rf,G
`-ptovidcd Rc*rrctcd *!tf.r Trcrmi- oprioa. rf pLAbE cerL ir rn .i".Jft"- fi-ffi.*
`oi -u to ttc & e.tty. cln p-"!r.t"t--u[-"iio.,o
`-cgrc sratco thdd t t
`uloo oll opcrrtor tDctbod$ tbc opcrrtor Erlr.nGaln to 3c3 enorbc ttttl4 o96o f1a6 thc c.Ucd
`9::t rE call hrl bcco dbsna€c{.d c thc optrrc rcwiccr rtrncrn bir dctcrnlacd th.t RG*rlcrd
`Bllling Ttrat'rcot wiu be qg.q
`tbc ultioi rccord for tlc;-d;A;J-rh-,td b.;;ilil.
`If tbc cellcr rclcctr aaothcr biltil3 op,tior, aa-additloaal Uttti ,;"rd f& tr". ,lquclt rto"ia Uo

`Iruo l. Dcccdbcr lgSs
`Rcvidoo 3, Mrrch lgtt
`FS;D t'.Or{t2@
`U tlc Collcc*AsD'trle Indicator specificr'rlra;n yrrl$,* -elrryr v€riry ritb opcnr-,,- or
`'vcrify for btcrlltr c.u$;!Gd---d;;Ei6crtim FosdD, ontin'c ' dcrcribod ia
`sccrio 3'5J: Th. ccI/Pl{F Rc.F6c.ubdctd -itii"-ti.i.rpa R-poaro 6ctd of thc Atrc ntc
`Btlltnr AMA uodnlc rhold be r* io dtlcr ths \,cri6f ;--trtify-wi;[;p.-..r- .ffir,rri"s
`lho vcrificedo pllcc* rbca rc crll ooptctio tu-6"hd <trii-. sGi- r.s-O.-tElli rbould
`bc mrrcd lo tho tct Pgf.
`-T-h. ccajsrri@ &oun iGer tr.-iiri"pr.rj;."i-il,,p."d ptuvidc
`rirnating. TLc Mcur of Biitcd Pury dporc;bf-;id- iirhir gs ular-or--
`lnpry'Rcryonrc 0cld of tto Altcmrto Blttirt eue o6auro rad tlc op.rri* st.,i"- a;"..-
`. Acdotr 6old of thc lnc AMA nodulo rtoulc bo; to tbc-.eeroeri; opdm u d--1rli L
`scctio 3.5.3. Tho Altsaatc Bittras AMA oodurc f; th; i[ii-ir.q,r-t rbuld tbco bo
` Cetzlcr Detonnlnetton Only
`rrbo ttc Boc rtd r9ts^o.8 rattcocot for crrricr Dotctuintioa oln ttc cors syr13o rboqld
`trearfcr tbc cdl to tbc rc't ogcratc Fotr ritboti cotfiiiltins F;€djj.
`Boforc t!6 i,
`ttrtufqrcd' tb cdl sptco-rtmta qrnim tho c"ttAA*.d;;
`r-dic.roi roocivcd b tbc BNS
`rc.polrc. If ttc ladicrts--rqx{icr-al*ayl acocpr,- -d*rF iicle,;; -lrcriry -tb;
`f-tty for irucrLATA atbb pd tbo UUinf-rcqirlr b dcd;i1J-Ly eutoortoo Ecthod1; rhc crrl
`rhould eutoordcrlly bc trenrfcrtld to tbo fbr iecretor Ffl--
`If tho YuFr roqucn b dctcrolrcd by anmrl ncrbodt r ocgretp tr, -Trud€r
`r{r rc- rhotd bc
`fcrnrdcd to ttc oPcrlu subryrtoi Occ socdm 3.g.i). wt
`posidm RElarG ir-*,ir.d
`frm- Pc opcntc 5"tr1"t o. r[-
`tb"Ia;;r.-r* For. Tb cce sptco
`"rtt rboNrd b. 4;fi
`.hoEtd ld6{ tbo roorcprlto try* jrop r,adgovidr'reerorrtc riirriq: Thc ccN/aNs
`Rcrponrc rubtoldiitrtn-1quop[iffiaaa of tbc ehrairtc affi
`rct to thc-'^rc9pg- \crlfy.-'c-.t'g ify-elth oPsto." "pd;: lt -<ie*.t-s.-d allt;
`Aclio! 6eld of tb. atcaetc Billiry AivtA Bntd. tlo,.tA bc-;;G
`t--r.r"oc t" iCop*1-
`rcrvicor ryrtco- oPti"q |ld rhc Mcrnr of Blllcd p"r.r, R!.pd;bdcld rtuhin thc Moas of
`In-pot/Rcrpoor odd of tlo .nc etvrrt ooouro.billi u r[r- o o.-l"nor"- ogdo. Tbc
`Altcclrt Bflling AMA nodutc for thc Fcrcot iqucrt $ou!d tt
`Itrdlc$* rpggificr -etrryr rdccG,'c -tcJer for btcrIATA cdtr,- tDc
`:f^9.-9:^ry lryn-
`\'ore sylErn tDouxl ptlet'tlc Rcilsictcd Bitling. Ttrrtacot rod prourpt thc cdlins prrty fo; i ncr
`billi4 optioa. lf thc bilinE Tqu6t ir dctenoilaod by auooltrfo -.Ei.d., rrc in;;ffi;;
`Subryltc'ar thoutd Uc rttecioO iaC O9 CoiElntoa-lhoold rod e rncrnjo t9 p[.y r rrjoctloo
`8laounsa6cDt Grcfcr to Scctio l.e.Cl to thc-.dlias e..0,;*.d t rutoortod Rcrtrlcrcd Biltnc
`IItb: blttTt r€qucrt
`ir dctcrulacd by nralrlocttodr, thc Corc Sf,rtsn rbqld tcod. Ec..rtc ro
`rpccifyir3 tlo bilting i"dic;;;-coi;; ff ih. rrlonr-o.cuo t" it-io.
`r(G'ltlstsq |'uina TscrtE€nt.
`.If lg1 biltiag- iinfcutioa lr rccctvcd froo thc opcrrtor Sublyitcro,
`F:ttS Bltli4 Treatrncat $outo uc_pro'iccc rbc ccN/BNS iipoolc rubocld sithia thc
`LrDB- Rc3pro 0ctd of tho Altcrart ?{ti"f AIvtA airdulc oora b. ;i to tf,c-;*i"o'Tpuil, -a
`thc Mces of Biltrd Futy Rcrponrc rubodddthir rt M;; ofi"p,,t/R..p** n[ia.r-&i-..-"
`AMA nodulc thooH bc rct-rg-th9 -loilG- oprtoo. rrc oerato s;ft;-Sil;.r51fr}fr'Jr
`modurc rhourd bo roi to ttc -F6rrdcd nsmctra *uiry rroetuooFopioo.
`fs thc prcrcot rcquctt rbould tb.o bc op-lctcd. If tbc cdlir rlocrs aaothir
`rD€ Dulint r€atd
`billiog option, .o gddittodl uuing r;cord ror ttri rcq'crr-;ffi;tJ ; s;;bd.
`3.5.3 Yct'lficatton of Coltect gtltlng Chugcs
`wfq tt1-cgttcct Aeceptaoce lndtcaor iD thc BNs r€pdrc
`indicercr thrt vcriGcrtioo il rcquircd
`ead thc qOC F erqvlahg. CoJIF Blltiag eroccgin* OJ""o or rc3cetlm of Coltocr Bi[lng
`cbarScr rhould bc dctcrmlncd ftm thc caitcd Frtt in rcst tiric. vcrincitio ir eompccd of tbc

`FS;D t5{[.O2@
`lsuc l, Doccobor f9t5
`Rorlrtoo 3, M.tch l9tt
`vctiicrtioa rcqu-i ald tlc tarilcrdo nrpoolo.
`Tbs vcriicirSa rpqucrt lrb tlic cdtcd Frty to.osopt c rcjcct ohrrfa rd lr dctincrcd litbcr by
`r[ oPcrrtqf c rdr ra eummcot, Ttc vcriicrtim rtrForc tpfcn to hor tL cdlcd pr,rqr'r
`lt obtrf!!4 ttc rcrpuro crl br doccdn€d vh u opcntor c vi. DTMF ditiu &Orcd by
`tb c.llcd prrtv. Oir tb frilurq thc wrifefu rcrpoor ori rfo bc dctcrutncd rdl3 .pccch
`locosnitioe tebtotoryJ Botb tlc vcriicrdon raquGat.nd tb rrcrifcetloo rl Dolc cu bc fully
`automatcd or fully uraual, c rho vcrifcrtioo trqucrt c-- bc cllbcr autoortcd

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