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`Exhibit 2013

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`Exhibit 2013

` _
`drill 0 drool
`5drill vt (ca. 1740)
`1 2 to sow (seeds) by dropping along a shallow
`furrow 2
`n 2 to sow with seed or set with seedlings inserted in drills
`b 2
`to distribute seed or fertilizer in by means of a drill
`dril-ling \'dri-lirj\ n [modif. of G Drillich. fr. MHG drilich fabric woven
`‘di:ill_n [short for drilling] (1743) 2 a durable cotton twilled fabric
`with a threefold thread, fr. OHG drilih made up of three threads, fr. L
`trilic-, lrilix, fr. tri— + licium thread](1640)2 ‘DRILL
`drill-mas-ter \'dril-.mas-tar\ n (1869)
`1 2 an instructor in military
`2 2 an instructor or director who maintains severe discipline and
`often stresses method and detail
`drill press in (ca. 1864) 2 an upright drilling machine in which the drill
`1 team ri (1928) 2 an exhibition marching team that engages in
`dispressed to the work by a hand lever or by power
`recision drill
`ily varofDRYLY
`D ring \'de-.iin\ n (ca. 1899) 2 a usu. metal ring having the shape of a
`ca italD
`1dri)nk \'drii3k\ vb drank \'drai)k\; drunk \'drar_1k\ or drank; drink-
`ing [ME, fr. OE drincan; akin to OHG trinkan to drink] vt (bef. 12c)
`to take in or suck up 2 ABSORB (~ing air
`into his lungs)
`c 2 to take in or receive avidly
`usu. used with in
`(drank in every word of the lecture)
`2 2 to join in a toast to (P11 ~
`your good health)
`3 2 to bring to a specified state by drinking alco-
`holic beverages (drank himself into oblivion) ~ vi
`s 2 to take
`liquid into the mouth for swallowing b 2
`to receive into one’s con-
`2 2 to partake of alcoholic beverages
`3 2 to make or join
`in a toast (I'll ~ to that!)
`holic beverages
`2 2 a draft or portion of liquid
`3 2 excessive con-
`1drink it (bef. 12c)
`a 2 a liquid suitable for swallowing b 2 alco-
`sumption of alcoholic beverages
`4 2 a sizable body of water — used
`with the
`1dr-ink-able \‘drirJ-kc-b:al\ adj (1611) 2 suitable or safe for drinking —
`drink-abil-i-ty \.dni3-ks-‘bi-la-t_e\ n
`Idrinkable n(l708)2 aliquid suitable for dnnkingz BEVERAGE
`drink-er \'drii3-kar\ n (bef. 12c)
`a 2 one that drinks b 2 a person
`who drinks alcoholic beverages esp. to a notable degree (a heavy ~) 2
`drinking fountain n (1860) 2 a fixture with noule that delivers a
`stream of water for drinking
`drinking song n (1597) 2 a song on a convivial theme appropriate for a
`roup engaged in social drinking
`rip \'drip\ vb dripped; drip-ping [ME drippen. fr. OE dryppan: akin
`to OE dropa drop] vt (bef. 12c)
`1 2 to let fall in drops 2 2
`to let out or
`seem to spill copiously (her voice dripping sarcasm) ~ vi
`1 a: to let
`fall drops ofmoisture or liquid 1): to overflow with or as if with mois-
`ture (a uniform drippingwith gold braid) 2 2 to fall in or as ifin drops
`3: to waft or pass gently —— drip-per n
`‘drip n (1664)
`I 2 a part of a cornice or other member that projects to
`throw off rainwater; also: an overlapping metal strip or an underneath
`groove for the same purpose
`2 a 2 a falling in drops b 2 liquid that
`falls, overflows, or is extruded in drops 3 2 the sound made by or as if
`by falling_drops 4 2 a device for the administration of a fluid at a slow
`rate esp. into a vein: also 2 a material so administered 5 2 a dull or
`unattractive person
`‘drip adj(1895)2 of, relating to, or being coffee made by letting boiling
`water drip slowly through finely ground coffee (~ coffee) (a ~ pot)
`1dri|>dry \'drip-.dri\ vi (1953) 2
`to dry with few or no wrinkles when
`hung wet ~ vi: to hang (as wet clothing) to drip-dry
`‘drip-dry ad ' (1957) 2 made of a washable fabric that drip-dries
`3drip—dry n 1959) 2 a drip-dry garment
`drip-less \'dri-plas\ adj (1887) 2 designed not to drip (~ candles)
`drip-ping \'dri-pii3\ n (l5c) 2 fat and juices drawn from meat during
`cooking ——often usedin pl.
` \'dri-pe\ adj drip-pi-er; -est (ca. 1718)
`1 2 characterized by
`d1I1Dping; esp: RAlNY,DR1ZZLY 2: MAWKISHZ
`dnp-stone \'drip-.ston\ n (ca. 1818)
`1 2 a stone drip (as over a win-
`dow) 2: calciumcarbonatein theform ofstalactitesorstalagmites
`1drive \'driv\ vb drove _\'drov\; drivoen \'dri-V9n\; driv-ing \'dri-vii3\
`[ME, fr. OE drifan: akin to OHG triban to drive] vt (bef. 12c)
`2 to frighten or prod (as
`a.rneorcattle) into moving in a desired direc-
`tion b 2 to go through a district) driving game animals 2 2 to carry
`on or through energetically (~s a hard bargain)
`3 a 2 to impart a
`forward motion to by physical force (waves drove the boat ashore) b
`2 to repulse, remove, or cause to go by force, authority, or influence (~
`the enemy back)
`(2 2 to set or keep in motion or operation (~ machin-
`a 2 to direct the motions and course of (a draft
`ery by electricity) 4
`b 2 to operate the mechanism and controls and direct the
`c 2 to convey in a vehicle
`21 2 to float (logs)
`course of (as a vehicle)
`down a stream 5
`a 2 to exert inescapable or coercive pressure on
`lo 2 to compel to_undergo or suffer a change (as in situation or
`emotional state) (drove him crazy) (drove her out of business)
`is 2 to
`urge relentlessly to continuous exertion (the sergeant drove his recruits)
`d 2 to press or force into an activity, course, or direction (the drug
`habit ~s addicts to steal)
`e 2 to project, inject, or impress incisively
`(drove her point home) 6 2 to force (a passage) by pressing or digging
`7 ii 2 to propel (an object of play) swiftly b 2 to hit (a golf ball) from
`the tee esp. with a driver; also 2
`to drive a golf ball onto (a green)
`2 to cause (a run or runner) to be scored in baseball — usu. used with
`in 8 2
`to give shape or impulse to (factors that ~ the business cycle)
`ahead rapidly or violently b
`2 to progress with strong momentum (the rain was driving hard) 2 a
`~ vi
`ii 2 to dash. plunge. or surge
`to operate a vehicle b 2 to have oneself carried in a vehicle
`3 2 to
`syn see MOVE — driv-abil-i-ty also drive-abil-i-ty
`drive a olf ball
`i~la-té\ n —— driv-able also drive-able \'dri-va—bal\ adj —
`drive at 2
`to intend to express, convey, or accomplish (did not under-
`stand what she was drivingat—Eric Goldman)
`Idrive n. often attrib (1785)
`1 2 an act of driving:
`a 2 a trip in a car-
`riage or automobile b 2 a collection and driving together of animals;
`also 2 the animals gathered c 2 a driving of cattle or sheep overland
`d 2 a hunt or shoot in which the game is driven within the hunter's
`range e: the guiding of logs downstream to a mill; also: the floating
`logs amassed in a drive
`(1) 2 the act or an instance of driving an
`object of play (as a golf ball)
`(2) 2 the flight of a ball
`2 n 2 a private
`road 2 DRIVEWAY b 2 a public road for driving (as in a park)
`3 2 the

`state of being hurried and under pressure ‘4 a2 a strong systematic
`nonsense ~ vt 2
`to express sentiments
`Show 01 Pleasure or often envious or or
`group effort (a fund-raising ~) b 2 a sustained offensive effort (the ~
`ended in a touchdown)
`a 2 the means for giving motion to a ma-
`‘drool n (1869)
`1 2 saliva trickling fro
`b 2
`the means by which the ropulsive powerof

`‘drool! \'drup\ vb [ME drupen, fr, ON
`an automobile is applied to the road (front wheel ~ c 2
`the meansby
`chine or machine part_
`to hang or incline downwai
`1 2
`which the propulsion of
`vehicle is controlled and di-
`become depressed or weakened 2 LA]
`'ve, or expansionist
`rected (a left-hand ~)
`6 2 an offensive, aggressi
`. droop-ing-ly \'drii-pii3.1é\ adv
`move; esp: a strong military attack against enemy-held terrain 7 I
`‘drool! I1 (1647) 2
`the condition or app:
`2 an urgent, basic, or instinctual need 2 a motivating physiological
`droopy \'drii-pé\ adj; -esi
`condition of an organism (a sexual ~) b 2 an impelling culturally
`‘ mg or tending to droop
`acquired concern, interest, or longing
`c 2 dynamic quality
`2 a
`‘drop \'drip\ n. often attrib [ME, fr,
`device for reading and writing on magnetic media (as tapes or disks)
`drop] (bef. 12c)
`(1)2 the qt
`spherical mass
`(2) pl 2 a dose of me:
`drive—hy \'driv—'bi\ adj (1986) 2 carried out from a moving vehicle (:2
`~ shooting)
`solution for dilating the pupil of the
`drive-in \fdn'\ n (1937) 2 an establishment (as a theater or_re_staii-
`degree of something nonmaterial or ir
`rant) so laid out that atrons can be accommodated while remainingin
`drink d 2
`the smallest practical unit 4
`their automobiles ——
`ive—in adj
`that resembles a liquid drop: as
`a 2
`piece of jewelry; also 2 an earring wi
`1driv~el \'dri-val\ vb -eled or -elled; -el-ing or —el-lin
`[ME, fr. OE dreflian; perh. akin to ON drafmalt dregs] vi bef. 12c)
`globular cookie or candy 3 [Zdmp]
`ping: FALL b: adecline in quantity‘
`fantile or imbecilic way
`saliva dribble from the mouth :_SLAVER 2 2
`to talk stupidly
`Chute; also 2 the people or equipmei
`2 to let
`and carelessly ‘~ vi
`1 2 toutter in an in
`to waste or fntter in a childish fashion — driv-el-er \-v(a-)1ar\ n
`place or central depository to whicl'
`stolen property) is brought for distril
`1dr-ivel n (He)
`1 archaic: DROOLI
`1191 01 <1eP0S|1111S something at such a
`drive-line \'driv-.lin\ n (1949): DRIVETRAIN
`distance from a higher to a lower le
`driv-en adj (1925) 2 having a compulsive or urgent quality (a ~ sense
`drops b 2 a fall of electric potential
`of obligation) - driv-en-ness \'dri-van-n9s\ n
`is to be dropped 6 [Zdrop] 2 someth
`driv-er \'dri-var\ it (Me) 2 one that drives: as
`a : COACHMAN b: the
`operator of a motor vehicle c 2 an implement (as a hammer) for driv-
`3 ; a movable p1ate,hatc0Ve,s‘he 1“
`ing (1 2 a mechanical piece for imparting motion to another piece 2
`piece of cloth stage scenery‘ also 2 Dru
`2 a golf wood with a nearly straight face used in driving f 2 an elec-
`, on a gaugws d: a fallen fruit ‘7: '
`tronic circuit that supplies input to another electronic circuit; also
`nent covered with a firearm: broadly:
`2 a piece of computer software that controls input

`: used in the phrase ge, me dm, 0" __ 8
`and output operations — driv-er-less \-las\ adj
`"me siightes, pmvocamm is given .
`driver ant n (1859) 2 ARMY ANT; specif 2 any of various African and ,
`= bucket 2 a part so small as to be neg
`Asian ants (Dorylus or related genera) that move in vast armies
`' ‘drop vb dropped- V,“ (beg
`driver’s license n (1926) 2 a license issued under governmental Iu-
`or level to another
`b 2 to fall in a :
`‘ (1) : to fan unexpgctedly or sudden],
`thority that pennits the holder to operate a motor vehicle
`driver's seat n (1923) 2 the osition of top authority or dominance
`rd 2 to become played by reason of
`drive-shaft \'driv-.shaft\ n 1895) 2 a shaft that transmits mechanical
`,a.ball 2 to fall or roll into a hole or
`- without conscious effort of will into
`rive time n (1966) 2 a time during rush hour when radio audiencesarc
`(d'0PPed into sleep) 4 a 2
`to cease
`5131"?!‘ ~> b 2
`to pass from view or
`(as the universal joint and
`uters listening to car radios
`swelled by comm
`drive-train \'driv-.tran\ n (1954) 2 the parts
`with out (~ om of Si M)
`C _
`the driveshaft) that connect the transmission with the driving axlesd
`011911 used with off g5 . to '
`° cc.
`an automobile
`’usu_ used with down ~‘vt
`drive-way \_-.wa\ n (1871).: a private road giving access from a publt,
`L3’ ABANDON <~ an idea) <~ ‘me Ch:
`way to a buildin on abutting grounds
`I what she was doing)
`c 2
`to break
`with 2 DISMISS <~ a failing student)
`driv-ing adj (l4c
`1 a 2 communicating force (a ~ wheel) b2 exert
`1131 Way (‘V a suggestion) (~ nan
`ing pressure (a ~ influence)
`ll 2 having great force (a ~ rain) I
`I 2 to lower or cause to descend
`2 acting with vigor 2 ENERGETIC (a hard-driving worker)
`other b 2
`to cause to lessen or decr
`driving range n (ca. 1949) 2 an area equipped with distance marlten.
`clubs, balls, and tees for practicing golf drives
`driz-zly \'driz-(9-1131‘
`5 Qfan animal 2
`to give birth to

`"0PDed $50 in a poker game) h 2
`1dri_z-zle \'dri-za1\ n (1554) 2 a fine misty rain -
`ng down with a shot or a blow in
`0 toss or roll into a hole or baske
`[perh. alter. of
`‘drizzle vb driz-zled; driz-zling \-Z(9-)lll]\
`snen to fall, fr. OE -drysnian to disappear; akin to Goth driusan ‘
`iver dud“
`b .
`1] vt (1584)
`1 2 to shed or let fall in minute drops or particles
`whoa) b . 3’: ‘-15"-
`11; _510D # US
`2 to make wet with minute drops_~ vi 2
`to rain in very small drops9
`—;S to ‘cave (5 mfg-:31r1($’reSeI-“gigcgtlssrfe
`very lightly : SPRlNKLE— driz-zling-ly \-z(:>-)1ir3-lé\ adv

`b _
`to leave out in wmi)
`drogue \'drog\ n prob. alter. of 1drag] (1875)
`_ ‘emal
`2 a cylindrical or
`nnel-shaped device towed as a target by an airp ,
`_ 1331"‘
`3 1’e’Pe“d1°“131' 1
`1: 2 a small parachute for stabilizing or decelerating something (as i_
`‘"21-[1-91w <E’ 39111) ~ 111013
`astronaut’s capsule) or for pulling a larger parachute out of stowage 2
`‘k °. 5111912‘; 9°-P.‘-‘P
`2 a funnel-shaped device which is attached to the end of a long flei.i_
`1’ ‘ac. "1
`1h 1 - RETREAT A
`hose suspended from a tanker airplane in flight and into which «
`. °bs°'1''?'"‘‘3‘° (1 3_°1“1111911’3C1‘,¢1
`probe ofanother airplaneis fitted so as to receivefuel from the tank
`P 3' V1 03-
`905) . to pay a brie
`droit \'droit, 'drw’a'\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML directum. fr. LL, neu .
`7°"l“"|°l"1’°°‘°d1y (‘"017 by3111°!"
`directusjust, fr. L, direct—moreat DRESS] (l5c) 2 alegal right
`' ‘E 01 ,
`'1 1136- 1928) 2 a protectiv
`droit du sei-gneur \drw2'i-di_e—se-nY<2r\ n [F, right of the lord] (1
`1' 1"“’."°"5 1°°°"°1 1100151111111’
`2 a supposed legal or customary right of a feudal lord to have

`' °“"t‘5"‘ '1, 118321 1 3 5138?C111"
`relations withavassal’s brideon her wedding night
`ea. ‘"11 (1970) 1 59115311011311‘
`ldroll \'dr6l\ adj [F dréle, fr. dréle scamp, fr. MF drolle. fr. MD. nu
`‘;"°'““3 _g°‘.‘,’1'1> T11101?-$181111
`(1623) 2 having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality — droll 1 V"
`‘"39 \ 11139‘-101Jv 2-101'J\ V1
`n — drol-ly \'dr6(l)-le\ adv

`« from n (1925) 2 a hinged cover
`5 °1“ d"°1’ 113111111191 .01 P1111911 P
`1droll n (ca. 1645) 2 an amusing person 2 J1-1STER,COMED1AN
`ered to provide a surface for writ
`.1 ‘hammer n (ca. 1864) 2 a powe
`3droll vi (1654) are aicz to make fun 2 JEST. SPORT
`droll~ery \'drol-
`dro-la-\ n, pl -er.-ies (1597)
`12 something that
`a comic picture or drawing 2 2
`the act or an instance
`droll; esp 2
`jesting or burlesquing 32 whimsical humor
`‘11'°P (35 Q11 1119131 16511113 On an at
`-drome \.drom\ n comb form [hippodrame]
`1 2 racecourse w;
`#3311 \ C1139‘-11€d\
`'1» Offer! am
`\'d_r'é\ n (1819)
`1 : a
`drome) 2 2 large specially prepared place (aerodrome)
`drops in 2 a casual visitor
`dr-om-e-dary \'dr‘a-ma-.der-é also ‘die-\ n, pl -dar-ies [ME dram
`1!; vi (ca. 1600) 2 to pay an u
`fr. OF dromedaire, fr. LL dromedarius, fr. L dromad-, dmmas. fr
`with on
`running; akin to Gk dramein to run, dromos racecourse. Skt drarnan
`ick \-.kile\ n (1857) ; a kid
`runs about] (13c) 2 CAMEL la
`2 nd_and kicking it at the momen
`-d-ro-mous \dra-mas\ adj comb form [NL -dromus, fr. Gk -d :2
`V ck \-.kik\‘ vi (ca. 1909): to
`s of a dropkick (~ a ball) (~z
`(akin to Gk dramein)]2 running (catadromous)
`‘drone \'dron\ n [ME, fr. OE dran; akin to OHG treno drone, 1‘
`thrénas dirge] (bef. 12c)
`1 2 the male of a bee (as the honeybee) I
`leaf n (1882) 2 a hinged leaf 01
`has no sting and gathers no honey 2 2 one that lives on the -n"
`others 2 PARASITE
`3 2 an unmanned airplane, helicopter, or
`:_lat\ n (1607) 2 a tin)
`zsuided by remote control 42 DRUDGE
`let \ d
`rone vb droned2 dron-ing vi’ (ca. 1520)
`a 2 to make a sus <
`Bht \'drap-.lit\ n (1890) 2 ar
`deep murrnuring, humming, or buzzing sound 1) 2
`to talk in a ~-
`aflgorfable extension
`tently dull or monotonous tone
`2 2 to pass, proceed, or act in a
`\ drap—.01\
`71 (1923)
`1 2
`drowsy, or indifferent manner ~ vt
`1 2 1 3 1_'{1'r111§9d dW1nd11n3 01’ di
`1 2 to utter or pronounce
`drone 2 2 to pass or spend in dull or monotonous activity or in V
`- 0fit\\.f1dra_p-'of\ vi (1(812?) 2) to fa
`dron-er n —— dron-ing-ly \'dro-nirg-1e\ adv
`ness —
`3drone in (ca. 1520)
`l 2 a deep sustained or monotonous sound: [
`W110 drops out of conventiona
`2 2 an instrument or part of an instrument (as one of the fixed '
`» pt. activityv °" 91105611 P3111 (a
`at sounds a continuous unvarying tone
`tape or disk from which datal
`out '\.drap-'ai'.it\ vi (1883) 2
`bership: QUIT; esp:
`to withdra
`pipes of a bagpipe) th
`‘Pass it (1949) 2 a pass in ice
`ldrool \'drii(-a)l\ vb [perh. alter. of drivel] vi (1802)
`a 2 to
`the puck leaving it for a teamm
`2 2 to make an «
`saliva in anticipation of food 1:
`Exhibit 2013

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