`Exhibit 20 2
`Exhibit 2012
` E 2i
`A 5
`E E "
`E i
`E i 1 E E 1 1E
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. — l0th ed.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-87779-708-0 (unindexed). — ISBN 0-37779-709-9 (indexed).
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`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary. Tenth Edition principal copyright 1993
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`Made in the United States of America
`Exhibit 2012
`motive 0 mountain man
`nn-tain-ous \'mat'in-t°n-as,
`the arran ement of such spots or blotches on a surface 3: Mosucl
`ties or increases energy or ardor (fear was a spur to action). GOAD
`an mountains
`2 : resembling a mountaii
`suggests a motive that keeps one goingagainst one's will or desire —n‘lot-tled \-t’ld\ adj
`«Sons. y adv — moun-tain-ous-ness fl
`2 <tho_uslit ins_ec_urity a_goad to worker efficiency).
`Iniottle vl mot-tled; mot-tling \'m':it-lin, ‘ma’-t°1-iig\ (1676) :
`to mail
`[mountain sheep n (1802) : any 07 V8l'l01l5_
`mo-tive_\'mo—tiv\ adj [MF or ML; MF motif. fr. ML m_otivus] (1502)
`with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained
`gjrgali, or Dall sheep) inhabiting high mountai
`1 : moving or tending to move to action 2 : of or relating to motion
`—- mot-tler \'m'ait-lar, ‘ma-t’l-or\ n
`"niountain sickness II (1848): altitude sickne
`or the cau_sin§ qf motion <:~ energy)
`mottled enamel rr ( 1928) : spotted tooth enamel caused by an "
`',;.10,000 feet (3000 meters) and caused by insuff
`3rno-tive \ mo—tiv\ vt mo-tived; ino-tiv-in (ca. 1650) : MUTIVATE
`water containing excessive fluorides during the time the teeth are cala-
`noun-tain-side \'mai‘in-t°n-.sid\ n(14c): the
`motive power n (1889)
`1 : an agency as water or steam) used to
`Ilntain time It, often cap M (1883) : thei
`impart motion esp. to machinery 2 : something (as a locomotive or a
`mot-to \‘ma-(.)to\ n, pl mottoes also mottos [It, fr. LL muttum grunt.‘
`west of Greenwich that includes the Rocky m
`motr_)r)_that provides motive ower to a system
`fr. L mature to mutter] (1588)
`1 : a sentence, phrase, or word in-
`L —see'l'lME zone illustration
`mo-t_iv-i-ty V\mo-'ti—vo-te\ n ca. 1687) : the power of moving or pro-
`scribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of its character-or
`, un-tain-top \‘mai'in-t”
`"p\ n (1593) :
`dl1C1I_Is motion
`use 2 : a short expression of a guiding principle
`1 -ongptainy \ maun-t°n maunt-ne\ adj (16
`mot Juste \m6-zhEst\ n, pl mots justes \same\ [F] (1912) : the ex- moue \'mi.i\ n [F, fr. MF — more at MOW] (1850) : a little
`.: of, relating to, or living . mountains
`actly rightlword or phrasing
`‘mot-ley \ mat-1é\ t1dj[ME. perh. fr. mot mote, speck] (Me)
`mou-flon also mouf-flon \mii-'flo"\ rr [F mouflorr. fr. It dial. muvmlld
`1 ; varie-
`’bnoun-te-bank \'maun-ti-.bank_\
`_n [It mom
`mount (fr.—-assumed—VL) + in in. on (fr. 1
`gated in color (a ~ coat) 2 : composed of diverse often incongruous
`it LL mltfmji-. ml4fl‘0L(l774) 3 either of two Wild Sh6€P (0Vl'S Orizlllalit
`— more at BANK] (1577)
`1 : a person who st
`zelflnents <a~crowd)
`and O. musrmon) of t emountains of Sardinia, Corsica and western
`motley n [Ml-:, prob. fr. lmorleyl (He)
`1 : a woolen fabric of mixed
`Asia th_at lia_ve large qurling horns in the males and are sometimes in-
`platform 2 : a boastful unsc_rupulous pr
`colors made in England between the 14th and 17th centuries
`2 : a
`¢l1ld3_<_illl 3§lflgleS1>eCleS
`Jnoun-te-bank-ery \-.bai3-k(a—)re\ nu
`ountebank vi (1607) abs: to beguile or trai
`garment made of motley; esp : the characteristic dress of the profes-
`m0Il- lk \fl’ll.l-_:Zh.E_k, -'zhik\ var o_[MUzHlK
`eir loves ——Shak.) ~ vi :
`to play the mount
`sional fool
`3 : JESTER, FOOL 4 : a mixture esp. of incongruous ele-
`mom 86 \mu-'lazh\ n [F. molding. fr. MF, fr. mouler to mold» ll-OF
`1 ount-ie \'maL'in-té\ rr [mounted policeman]
`modle mold — more at_MOLD] (1902)
`1 : an impression or cast made —
`oyal Canadian Mounted Police
`mot.mot_ \'mat-.mI'«it\ n HNL momoi, manual] (1837) : any of a family
`for use esp. as evidence in a criminal investigation 2 :
`the taking ofdi
`iint-ing \'mai1Il'tllJ\ " (1553) 3 JMOUNT 2
`(Momotidae) of long-tai ed mostly green nonpasserine birds of Central
`1mPl'€S5l°n for “Se 35 9Vid€l'10€ill
`3 Climiflfll investigation
`urn \'m<'>m, 'm(')m\ vb [ME ll’. OE mlmlt
`and So. American tropical forests
`mould \'m6ld\ var of MOLD
`to mourn. Gk merméra care — more at MEM
`mo-to-cross \'mc‘>-to-.kros\ n [F, fr. mato motorcycle (short for motocy-
`m°'-|ld'iflB \'m5l-dl \ Val‘ 0f MOI-DlNG
`or express grief or sorrow 2 z ‘to show th
`clette) + cross-country, fr. E] (1951) : a closed-course motorcycle race m°“lt \'m5lt\_ V0’ 0 M01_—T,
`tor a death; esp :
`to wear mourning 3 :
`1 archaic : to encloscll
`over natural or simulated rough terrain (as with steep inclines, hairpin
`’m°“fld \'m3“|'ld\ W [Origin l1fll<ll0Wl'l] (1515)
`used esp. of doves ~ vt
`1 : to feel or exprt
`turns, and mud); also; the sport of engaging in motocross races
`fortify with a fence or a ridge_of earth 2: to fomi into a mound
`:_ to utter moumfully — mourn-er n — l'l:l(
`mo-tooneu-ron \.m5.ta.'nu.,i-an, .'nyfi.; .'m'u-flan, _-uyu,-.\ ,. [mom +
`‘mound n. often atirib [origin unknown (1551)
`1 archaic : HEDGE
`.'mor-\ adv
`neuron] (1908) ; a neuron that pasgcs from the um,-ul nervous system
`FENCE 2 a (1) : an artificial bank or hil of earth or stories; esp: one
`v 'ggurn-ful \'m6rn-fol, 'morn—\ Gd] (15c)
`1 _:
`or a ganglion toward 3 muscle and conducts an impulse that causes
`constructed over a burial or ceremonial site (2) :
`the slightly elevatfl
`WFUL 2 : full of sforlrc])w\: fSAlD\ 3d: causii
`malovement _. called also mom, neuron _ mo.¢o.ueu.ro.nal \_-m-u._,_
`gglound onwhicg a baseball pitcher stands b a rounded hill or nani-
`\'Il:(£))1E:ilIJ.|'lI|’1é¥-\ I?-(i3<f)
`1 : th
`‘I210-t(')ll¥‘-{r'tnf:-Ii.19rI'\o;lnElL,Ilfl’llrhlt‘)1|idé_,fe to move] (1586)
`l : one that im-
`masfgflilgilmasllelt‘-l P:tEi?i;€$LE<
`S 0 War >
`a Small round‘?
`"i an outward sign (as_ black clothes _or an an
`pans motion; Sp“-if; pR1ME MQVER 2 , any of Various powe, units that Mound Builder :1 (1838) : a member of a prehistoric American India"; -
`n’s death b: a period of time during whicl
`develop energy or uupan mouou; as
`u , a small compact engine
`people whose extensive earthworks are found from the Great laka I
`urning cloak n (1898) : a blackish brc
`; im-“NA; comm];-no“ ENGINE es
`as 1-
`down the Mississippi valley to the Gulf of Mexico
`machine that transforms electricalyenzerzy .iD!1ltnt)e;lne%‘lll‘aeni:a.l tgnreeflmg
`'m°‘"“ \.'m3“‘“\ " [M5 f‘'- OE."”"” 31‘ of ’"‘’'”r bmh f‘" L "'
`mphalis antiopa) with a broad yellow b0l'(
`“bnperate parts of Europe, Asia, and No, Am
`: MOTOR VEHICLE; esp : AUTOMOBILE — mo-tor-dom \-dam\ n —- mo-
`"'°"~‘-' “km ‘° W "LV." dd m°“m3"l» 1- MW"! to Project. thI<;ateIi](hcf.
`ing dove n (1833) : a wild American
`toruless \_bs\ adj
`1 : a high hil
`: MoUN'rA_lN — used esp. before an identifying
`with a pointed tail and ii plaintive coo
`1llI0t0l'bt1etl_ij (1840)
`1 n: causing or imparting motion b: of, relating
`3:E'1")’<M°“’" E"°"°5‘> 2 ""'h“'C‘ 3 P’°‘°°“V° earthwork 37 MOW”
`to, or
`rig a motoneuron or a nerve containi mot
`~ fi-
`house \'mai'is\ ri, pl mice \'mis\ [ME, fr. 0.‘
`‘ 4-‘mouse, L mus, Gk my: mouse, muscle] (bef.
`c : of, relating to, concerned with, or invlblving gilllfglrslzi §nove-
`zmmmt "b ME’ fr‘ MF ’"°’”e’r fr‘ (assumed) VL ”"”"“’9- in L "W"?
`d t
`of the genus Mus) with pa
`mans] vi ( 4c)
`1 : ruse ASCEND 2 :
`ease ’
`cars. elgngaltgd ébsody. and slender tail
`2 : a
`mints : oall:e?:1:tfi,:lgletg“§?>ln‘,2o]vsgifiegllgggimvggieor:1 (expenses began to ~) 3 : to get up 0(l1‘:t'():1'll‘lell’liIllI; :33/lénthglfvxa (1
`colored swelling caused by a blow; specif: Bl
`mom, Vclucles or motofists
`the ground; esp : to seat oneself (as on a horse) for ridin ~ vi
`1 I .
`flkmapual device that controls moveincni :1
`smotur ,,,~ (1396)
`1 , to travel by automobile : DRIVE 2 :
`to move or
`: to go up_: CLIMB b (1) :
`to seat or place oneself on E2) ; covil,x_ K‘
`functions on a computer display
`proceed at 8 Vigorous steady pace (Ned down the field for 8 much
`2 a: to hit up: RAISE b (1): to put or have (as artillery) in positi
`2 2
`ghouse \'mai'iz\ vb moused; mous-ing vi (1:
`.52: to Search or move steahhfly or Slowly ~
`down) ~ V, _
`to transport by aummobdc
`to ave as equipment
`to organize and equip (an attack
`mo,tm._1,ike \-m5_tar_.bfk\ n (1903) : 3 small usu_ “ghtwdgm mom“
`ing force) (~ an army)
`(2): to launch and carry out (as an assaultq
`rt to toy with roughly 2 : to search for ca
`cycle __ motorbike vi
`zecaguipzignngani iyfttéosret/goyr;xsg;net)hintg0tlfilart elelvzatqefh 4 u a :1 to causeta
`loIIse—ear \'mai'is-.ir\ n (13c)
`1 : a Eurasir
`n‘:3‘n‘lg:‘::%,:t e\Il3g11?,?é\_n ggggrlbigfigfi
`5 : to post or set up for defense or observation (~ed S0xl1nes31l‘l)Il-Ills)
`2'8"‘ biz; mt‘
`piloxella) that has soft hairy leaves and has 1
`ing \_mJ\ n
`a: to attach to a support b: to arrange or assemble for use or displaf
`— 0' or"
`a '
`2 : any of several plants other than
`motor bus n (1901) : BUS la __ called also mom, mach
`gregazretZnpgefjgglgafitgpfgmrsgg sCXZl1'!1gls'l3llOl1fO1' dislfalay
`ll :10
`Jiairy eaves
`f,;|ouse—ear chickweed n (1731) : any of :
`"‘_"',',‘,’.§;f,‘:‘§§d‘e"',},5"'°‘ 'kad\ " (1913) ' 3 p'°°”5'°" °f "'°“" "°h‘°l°5
`execution : PRODUCE (~ an opera) — mount-able \'mr:'in‘3ta-bo1\
`p. C.
`— mountoer
`yous“-ser iifhsilil-'59:"Ugsalso guchiefly Brit -z;
`“::'1f_g;':ac;'r\cg;‘3t;\in’; (°a'h1§90)f 1 - "-":;l°".‘°3"-E 2 "5" '“°t°" car ' 3
`’mount n (lscll
`1 : an act or instance of mounting; spear)‘: an oppoca
`‘mice and rats; ‘esp : a cat profifignl) atlmoustinl
`motor court n (193631? Mgérf or prop 3'0“
`El1l'1ll)’30b£ldfj?l'lO1’SBhlllha race 2 : FRAME, SUPPORT: as a :
`ted b:
` atl?1£)% c‘:r1i2<|:utsi)'deafeatk>r destruction 3
`";‘|:;f)‘:!'l';":KI"::lfe}}'“l‘°‘}‘1°".-5"k°’\ " [’""'°’s:é‘3’l°I°] 0896) ' 3 2'i'Vh°‘?l°d
`(1): an l11'1del‘C:1Pl'l:ivgCli)1’ l|i7:l'lf0lii.eW"l§ll::Illo:I(]llCVlC8 (as£:iJr:ivdlteolryoi'ei:.:n
`. "usetrap vi (ca. 1864) :
`to Snare in Or 85 iii
`mo.tor_cy.clis:°\_ek(:_‘)'l'iI;%\inc O’ ‘W0
`lery piece) rests in service (2) : an attachment for an accessory
`C5 “‘ mmorcyc e V’ _
`hinge, card, or acetate envelope for mounting a stamp e : a glass’
`ters —— compare MOBILE HOME
`R 705) : a French musketeer; esp , one 0 th,
`motor home n (1965) : a large motor vehicle equipped as living quar-
`ous.que.taire \.mii-ska-‘tar, -'ter\ n P?
`with its accessories on which objects are placed for examination witlll 5
`17th and 18th centuries conspicuous for thei
`microscope 3: a means of conveyance; esp: SADDLE HORSE
`.. _
`, .. dressk \
`k \
`"\'f:f(‘g_;1°e.\\';‘;’;'t°’ 'k'
`‘la’ \ ‘"1-’ (1930) ' “mo” 1°
`"'°‘t°""'°““Y mouitit-1t)a{]nL\'maun—t°n\fmfofteniizririb [ME, frf. OF maritaigtalf. fr.
`mousa as.
`r. em.
`t '
`ngggor 3'“ h" [(11951) ‘ "MEL esp ' 3 large ’““ms‘°"y mm‘! " “fled
`montanus. fr. mom-, mans] (133 1|onaznglll-;I?d1’?1:£:lll"ial“;)l1'0jdCe:Smg‘ '
`Feiuilisigdlt? E.'ansltlel:rna.dish of ground meat (as
`mo_“;:'__i:; Bzifmr OIMOTORIZE
`spicuously above its surroundings and is higher than a hill
`ll : flj
`Plant Om?“ '°PPed Wm‘ a5°35°“°d sauce
`usse \'miis\ n [F, lit., froth, moss, of Gmc
`elongated ridge
`a : a great mass b : a vast number or quantiiy
`mo-tor-ist \'m6-to-rist\ n (1896) : a person who travels by automobile
`(had ~S of work to do)
`oss — more at MOSS] (1892)
`1 : a light spc
`to equip with mountain ash ,, (1597)
`mo-tor-ize \'m6-to-.riz\ vi -ized- -iz-ing (ca. 1913)
`1 :
`cream or gelatin
`2 : a molded Cl’l1llCd_d8SSl
`y of various trees or shrubs (genus Sorbud
`’:a_".‘z%t_‘;{wn2\ ‘n to °q“‘P Wm‘ ““t°m0bll€S — l|l0'¢0l'°l'll|-¢l0ll \-m0-14*
`of the rose family.with pinnate leaves and red or orange-red fruits
`and flavored whipped cream _or egg whites a
`a foamy preparation used in styling hair
`motor lodge n ([949) _ MOTEL
`mountain bluebird yr (1860) : a bluebird (Sialia currucoides) of west-
`usse vi moussed; mouss-ing (1984): to
`em No. America having a blue-breasted rather than red—breasted male‘
`":,g']§g:"(‘;;"; v'v'a;13_9a?')l)‘ 3“ °Pe”‘°‘ 0‘ 3 m°‘°1"dl‘iV°ll mountain cranberry n (1848) : a low evergreen shrub (Vacclniuii
`-se-line \.mi.i-so-‘lea, .miis-'lén\ rr [F, lit
`gm] (:13956;“; la: §,‘§fi§,?ci§§53",L‘°,§§?¢fif,§§,¥f
`mo-tor-mouth \-.mai‘ith\ n (1971) : a person who talks excessively
`:;Zl'l:1d;1le:o7;:,';':,2bcé£n°nh temperate uplands with red edible harms.‘ ’
`motor pool n (1942) : a group of motor vehicles centrally C0ntl'0ll6d mountain dew n (1837): MOONSHINE3
`it tes have been added b: MOUSSEI (salmoi
`(as by a governmental agency) and dispatched for use as needed
`moun mlmeer \
`,.maun-t n— 1l'\ n (1610)
`1 : a native or inhabitant oi
`usseline de soie \-do-'sw‘zi\ n, pl mousse
`>lit.. silk muslin] (1850) : a silk muslin having :
`'"°t°' sane’ " (1923) - 3 m°‘°"b°3‘ with 55-ll")! °‘l“lPmem
`mountainous region 2 : a
`rson who climbs mountains for sport
`motor scooter
`(1919) :
`3- heeled
`h" 1
`ms-tache var of MUSTACHE
`resembling a child's scooteriandvlviavidgra sezt so thazt“:h:nl3i((>i;l"etZl(:CeS lib‘:
`nt:-3:? tmmeer mg n (1803 ' the sport or techmque of Scams mm‘-
`ta-chio var of MU_STACHlO
`¢o.ri-an \mii-‘stir-é—an\ adj [F monster
`straddle theen 'ne
`mountain goat n ( 1833) : a ruminant mam-
`‘ Dordogne, France] (1890) : of or relatinl
`motor ship_n 1915) : a smgoing ship propelled by an internal com-
`ma] (oreamnos americarius) of mountainous
`bustion engine
`northwestern No. America that has a thick
`ture that is characterized by well—made fla
`motor torpedo boatn(1940): PTBOAT
`white coat and slightly curved horns and
`work of Neanderthal man
`mo-tor-truck‘ \'mo-tar-.trak\ n (1930) : an automotive truck used esp.
`resemblesa goat
`. .- or mous.ey \'mai'i-se, -zé\ adj moi
`5°’ “’3“5l’,°l'“"8 711189‘
`mountain gorilla n (1939) : a gorilla (Gorilla
`ting to. or resembling a mouse: as
`ii : Ql
`mgltofl unit‘ n (1925) : a motoneuron together with the muscle fibers on
`gorilla beringei) inhabiting the Virunga moun-
`‘INC: c 2 grayish brown — mous-i-ly \~s
`‘C ' ".5
`tain ran e
`-sé-nos, -26-\ ri
`motor vehicle n (1890) : an automoti_V€ ""'h'°'° “°‘ Oberated on rails; mountain laurel n (1759) : a No. American
`th \'mai'ith\ n, pl mouths \'mai'i¢z also
`95?! 0116 With l'|l_l3b¢l‘ tll’§S T0“-15601’! lll8hWaYS
`ever reen shrub or small
`doehic compounds like “blabbermouths" th:
`tree (Kalmia Iatr'—
`mo-tor-yiiy \'m0-tar-.wa\ rr(1903) chiefly Brit: SUPERHlGHWAY
`folia of the heath family with glossy leaves
`rib [ME, fr. OE mfitli; akin to OHG mm
`mot“? \ mm.) " lME.’"°‘9v fl“ OF "'0‘9- motfel (ll3C_) 1 M0UND- HILL: €511
`and umbels of rose—colored or white flowers
`—- mum chin] (bef. 12c)
`a :
`the natura
`1 alllll S€l'Vlfl8.asasite fora Normancastle in Britain
`mountain lion n ( 1859): COUGAR
`lood passes into the body of an animal ant
`inotte and bailey‘ n (1900) : a medieval Norman castle consisting of mountain mahogany n (1810)
`: any of a
`‘ ; ly bounded externally by the lips and
`two connecting ditched stockaded mounds with the higher mound
`genus (Cercocarpus) of western No. American
`pad encloses the tongue, gums, and teeth b:
`mountain goat
`surmounted by the keep and the lower one containing barracks and
`evergreen shrubs or small
`trees of the rose
`-: an individual requiring 500d (had “>0 "1
`°‘h°' b‘-"".1“"..35
`ICE, SPEECH (finally gave ~ to her feeling
`‘mot-tle \ma-t°l\ n [prob. back-formation fr. motley] (1676)
`1 : a mountain man n (1839): mi American frontiersman (as a trapperlitfi
`: a tendency to excessive talk (2): saucy
`colored spot
`a : a surface having colored spots or blotches
`home in the wilderness
`jti IMPUDENCE 3 : something that resembles i
`Exhibit 2012