`this generalization, however, at least one and prefera-
`bly several other units of this instrument should be
`tested to determine how much inter-unit variability
`exists. Presumably, there will be little. The exercise
`is worthwhile because the TP is such a convenient
`instrument to use.
`cynomolgus monkey, glaucoma, intraocular pressure,
`nometry, Tono-Pen-
`The authors thank Paul Dederichs of Mentor O 8: 0, Inc.
`(Nowell, MA) for loaning them the Tono-Pen.
`1. Minckler DS, Baeweldt G, Heuer DK, Qui|len—
`Thomas B, Walonker AF, Weinerj. Clinical evaluation
`of the Oculab Tono-Pen. Am j O/zhlhalmol. 1987;
`2. Boothe WA, Lee DA, Panek WC, Pettit TH. The Tono-
`Pen: A manometric and clinical study. Arch Ophthal-
`mol. 1988;106:1214-1217.
`3. Hessemer V, Rossler R, Jacobi KW. Comparison of
`intraocular pressure measurements with the Oculab
`Tono-Pen versus manometiy in humans shortly after
`death. Am] Ophthalmol. 1988; 105:678—682.
`Kao SF, Lichter PR, Bergstrom T], Rowe S, Musch DC.
`Clinical comparison of the Oculab Tono-Pen to the
`Goldmann applanation tonometer. Ophthalmology.
`Frenkel REP, Hong 1(], Shin DH. Comparison of the
`Tono-Pen to the Goldmann applanation tonometer.
`Arch Ophthalmol. 1988; 1061750-753.
`Armstrong TA. Evaluation of the Tono-Pen and the
`Pulsair tonometers. Am j Ophlhalrrwl. 1990;109:716-
`Geyer O, Mayron Y, Loewenstein A, Neudorfer M,
`Rothkoff L, Lazar M. Tono-Pen tonometry in normal
`and post-keratoplasty eyes. Br ] Ophthalmol. 1992;
`Menage M], Kaufman PL, Croft MA, Landay SP. Intra-
`ocular pressure measurement after penetrating kera-
`toplasty: Minified Goldmann applanation tonometer,
`pneumatonometer, and Tono-Pen versus manometry.
`Br_] Ophlhalmol. 1994;78:671-676.
`Mendelsohn AD, Forster RK, Mendelsohn SL, et al.
`Comparative tonometric measurements of eye bank
`eyes. Cornea. 1987;6:219-225.
`Moore CG, Milne ST, Morrison jC. Noninvasive mea-
`surement of rat intraocular pressure with the Tono-
`Pen. Invest Ophlhalmol Vis Sci. 1993;34:363-369.
`Polymer Co-complexes in Aqueous
`Eye Drops
`Aqueous Humor Pharmacokinetics in
`jéhannes Ktiri Kristinss0n,* Hafnin Fridriksdéttinf
`Sigrtdur Th6risd6ttir,* Anna M. Sigurdardéttinf
`Einar Stefdnsson,* and Thorsteirm Loftsson1'
`Purpose. To test an aqueous eye drop solution con-
`taining a high concentration of dexamethasone in a
`cyclodextrin-based drug delivery system. This system in-
`creases both drug solubility in aqueous eye drops and
`From the ‘Department of ()phlhalmalog5, I,andakoLtrpilul.i, and lIIefI.)z[mr1mnIl of
`Phannruy, University q/‘Iceland. Reyhjavlk, Ireland.
`Pmmled in part at the annual meeting of the /lxxodalion for Research in Vision
`and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, Florida. May I994.
`Supported by Larulalwlsspflali Research Fund. (he Helga _[o'n.cdr5uir and Sigurlidz
`Krisljrirumn Memorial Fund, the University of Ireland Ruearch Fund, and the
`Icelandic Research Council
`Submiuedfor publication October 30, I 995,‘ reuicedjaruurry I6, I 996,‘ aaepled
`january 23, I996.
`Proprietary inlerzsl calegmy: P.
`Reprint requests: Einar Stejrinsson. Prafesmr of Ophthalmology, University of
`Iceland, LanIlaIwLr.vpi'lali, IS I0! Reykjavik, Iceland.
`drug permeability into the eye, through drug-cyclodex-
`trin-polymer ccrcomplexes.
`Meflwds. 2-hydroxypropyl-3-cyclodextrin is a water-so|u-
`ble oligosaccharide that can be used to dissolve lipo-
`philic drugs, such as dexamethasone, in aqueous solu-
`tions. Co-complexation with a polymer further in-
`creases the solubility and increases drug permeability
`through biologic membranes. Eye drops containing
`dexamethasone (0.32% and 0.67%). 2-hydroxypropyl-
`flqclodexuin. and polymer were given to patients be-
`fore cataract surgery, and the resultant dexamethasone
`concentration was measured from aqueous humor sam-
`Results. The dexarnethasone—cyclodextrin drops give a
`significantly higher concentration of dexamethasone in
`aqueous humor than dexamethasone alcohol 0.1%
`(Maxidex). Heating of the dexamethasone-cyclode»
`m'n-polymer co-complexes appears to enhance the per-
`meability of the drug into the eye.
`Conclusions. The cyclodextrin-based drug delivery sys-
`tem enhances both the solubility of dexamethasone in
`aqueous eye drops and the permeability of the drug into
`the human eye. Dexamethasone concentration levels in
`the human aqueous humor exceed those reported with
`currently available steroid eye drops. Invest Ophthal-
`mol Vis Sci. 1996;37:1199—l203.
`Investigative Ophthalmology Sc Visual Science, May 1996, Vol. 37, No. 6
`Dexamediasone has been one of the most frequently
`used topical ocular corticosteroids.‘ Topical cortico-
`steroids are used for diseases of the outer eye and
`anterior segment of the eye. Inflammatory diseases
`in the posterior segment of the eye usually require
`systemic corticosteroids. Topical corticosteroids are li-
`pophilic water-insoluble compounds that are only sol-
`uble to a limited extent in aqueous eye drop formula-
`tions and, thus, frequently are formulated as suspen-
`sions, such as 0.1% dexamethasone alcohol, or as
`hydrophilic water-soluble prodrugs, such as 0.1% dex-
`amethasone sodium phosphate.
`To increase the bioavailability of topical ocular
`steroids, it is desirable to increase the concentration
`of the steroid drug in aqueous eye drops and the per-
`meability through the cornea or sclera. Our hypothe-
`sis is that both these aims can be accomplished with
`the use of the cyclodextrin-based drug delivery system
`for eye drops.
`2-hydroxypropyl-,6<:yclodextrin (I-IP/3CD) is a hy-
`droxypropyl substituted B-cyclodextrin.“ It is a cyclic
`oligosaccharide with a hydrophilic outer surface. Al-
`though soluble in water, it has a lipophilic cavity in
`the center. I-IPfiCD forms inclusion complexes with
`many lipophilic drugs by taking up a drug molecule,
`or part of it, into the cavity. In this way, it is possible to
`form aqueous drug-HPfiCD complexes of lipophilic
`drugs.‘ The complexes are readily dissociated because
`no covalent bonds are formed. As a rule, I-IPflCD mol-
`ecules do not penetrate biologic membranes but act
`as penetration enhancers by assuring constant high
`concentration of dissolved drug at the membrane sur-
`face. In topical drug formulations, HPHCD keeps wa-
`ter-insoluble drug molecules in solution, delivering
`them to the surface of the barrier where they partition
`into the barrier.” In doing so, I-IPflCD improves ocu-
`lar bioavailability of drugs by increasing their rate of
`absorption through the corneal barrier. Complex-
`ation of dexamethasone with HPBCD increases the
`absorption of dexamethasone 0.1% through the rab-
`bit comea by 40%.’
`We have discovered that in aqueous solutions, wa-
`ter-soluble polymers (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
`[HPMC]) increase the solubilizing effect of cyclodex-
`trins on lipophilic drugs by increasing the stability
`constants of the drug—cyclodextrin complexes. The
`polymers form co-complexes with the drug and cyclo-
`dextrin molecules. At the cornea, the polymers may
`adhere to the surface. This promotes the release of
`drug molecules from the cyclodextrin inclusion com-
`plexes into the solution leading to a high concentra-
`tion of drug molecules at the corneal surface, resulting
`in permeability enhancement. However, the cyclodex-
`trin-based drug delivery system has not been found to
`alter the banier function of the comea.”
`aqueous dexamethasone—HPfiCD-HPMC co-com-
`plex with a dexamethasone concentration up to
`1.28%. In a previous study,” we compared the admin-
`istration of 1.28% dexamethasone eye drop solution
`in rabbits to 0.1% dexamethasone alcohol suspension
`(Maxidex; Alcon Laboratories (Fort Worth, TX).
`Dexamethasone concentration in aqueous humor
`measured, on average, 4.7 times greater with 1.28%
`dexamethasone than with 0.1% dexamethasone. The
`purpose of this study was to determine the ocular bio-
`availability of 0.32% and 0.67% dexamethasone-
`HPHCD-I-IPMC by administrating the eye drops to
`patients undergoing cataract surgery and comparing
`it to the bioavailability of the commercially available
`dexamethasone 0.1% suspension (Maxidex). Further-
`more, we tested the efiect of heating (i.e., forming
`the co-complex) on the ocular bioavailability of 0.67%
`uled to undergo cataract surgery were recruited to the
`study. Infonned consent was obtained. Patients with
`corneal disease,
`inflammatory ocular disease, glau-
`coma, or with the only potentially seeing eye undergo-
`ing surgery or receiving systemic or topical steroid
`treatment were excluded.
`Dexamethasone was obtained from Sigma Chemi-
`cal (St. Louis, MO), HP[3CD of molar substitution 0.6
`was obtained from Wacker—Chemie (Munich, Ger-
`many), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) 4000
`was obtained from Mecobenzon (Copenhagen, Den-
`mark), and Maxidex eye drops were obtained from
`Alcon Laboratories. The dexamethasone-I-IPfiCD—
`HPMC co-complex was produced by heating the dexa-
`methasone—I-IPBCD with 0.10% hydroxypropyl meth-
`ylcellulose in an autoclave (l20°) for 20 minutes.
`Four types of preparations were tested:
`Preparation 1
`0.32% dexamethasone
`0.1% HPMC
`0.05% sodium edetate
`0.7% sodium chloride
`0.01% benzalconium chloride
`Preparation 2
`0.67% dexamethasone
`0.1% HPMC
`10% I-IP,8CD
`0.05% sodium edetate
`0.55% sodium chloride
`0.01% benzalconium chloride
`We have formed eye drops containing a novel
`Heated in an autoclave (l20°) for 20 minutes
`—O'— 0.32% dexamethasone
`*°— 0.1% dexamethasone (MaxidexO)
`Time from application (hours)
`FIGURE 1. Dexamethasone concentration in aqueous humor
`after the administration of 0.32% dexamethasone—2-hy-
`droxypropyl-3-qclodextrin-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
`and 0.1% dexamethasone alcohol (Maxidex). Mean concen-
`tration 1' SEM is shown at appropriate time points after
`administration of the eye drops.
`This research followed the tenets of the Declara-
`tion of Helsinki. Approval was obtained from the eth-
`ics committee of Landakotsspitali and the Icelandic
`Drug Administration (Ministry of Health).
`RESULTS. One hundred twenty-five patients par-
`ticipated in the study. Of those, 47 received 0.32%
`dexamethasone-HPBCD-I-IPMC, 26 patients
`ceived heated 0.67% dexamethasone-—HP/3CD-
`HPMC, 18 patients received unheated dexametha-
`sone 0.67%—1-1P/3CD, and 34 patients received Maxi-
`dex. Two additional patients were excluded because
`of abnormally high values of dexamethasone in the
`anterior chamber, one after receiving heated 0.67%
`dexamethasone-HPfiCD-HPMC (655 ng/ml after 4
`hours, mean concentration. ,,.,,,,, 1- SEM = 50.5 I 33.5
`ng/ml) and the other after receiving unheated 0.67%
`dexamethasone—HPBCD—HPMC (116 ng/rnl after
`1.9 hours, mean concent.ration._g .,.,..., 1 SEM = 6.4 1
`6.4 ng/ml).
`Dexamethasone concentration in the anterior
`chamber was higher after the administration of 0.32%
`dexamethasone-HPflCD—HPMC solution compared
`with Maxidex suspension (Fig. 1) or 2.6 times higher
`levels comparing AUC curves of the preparations (Ta-
`ble 1), which was a statistically significant difference
`(P < 0.001).
`Administering dexamethasone solution contain-
`ing an approximately 2-fold higher concentration of
`dexamethasone, or 0.67% compared to 0.32%, did
`not result in a much higher dexamethasone concen-
`tration in the aqueous humor, with a 0.67% dexameth-
`asone-0.32% dexamethasone concentration ratio of
`1.13. Conversely, the duration of activity seemed to be
`longer with 0.67% dexamethasone because dexameth-
`Preparation 3
`0.67% dexamethasone
`0.1% HPMC
`11.5% HPfiCD
`0.05% sodium edetate
`0.55% sodium chloride
`0.01% benzalconium chloride
`Preparation 4
`0.1% dexamethasone alcohol (Maxidex)
`Other preoperative procedures were routine and
`included the administration of 1 drop of eye drop
`solution containing 0.1% indomethacine 60 and 30
`minutes before surgery and 1% cyclopentolate and
`10% phenylephrine, each 60, 45, and 30 minutes be-
`fore surgery.
`One drop (50 pl) of 0.32% dexamethasone-
`HP/3CD-HPMC or 0.67% dexamethasone-HP[3CD—
`HPMC (heated or unheated) or 0.1 % dexamethasone
`alcohol (Maxidex) was administered into the lower
`conjunctiva] fornix of the eye prepared for cataract
`surgery at predetermined time points before surgery.
`Twelve patients acted as controls and received no dex-
`arnethasone preparation. The selection of prepara-
`tions to patients was randomized.
`Before opening the anterior chamber, 0.1 ml of
`aqueous humor was withdrawn with a small needle
`and syringe. The time interval between the topical
`administration of the dexamethasone eye drops and
`aspiration of the aqueous humor was recorded. Quan-
`titative determination of dexamethasone concentra-
`tion was performed by liquid chromatography on a
`high-performance liquid chromatography component
`system (ConstaMet.ric [Bic 8c Bemsten a/s, Denmark]
`3200 solvent delivery system, Rheodyne [Cotati, CA]
`7125 injector, a Beckman Ultrasphere [Caltech, Pasa-
`dena, CA] ODS 5 pm [4.6 X 150 mm] column and a
`Spectro Monitor [Bic 8c Bemsten] 3200 UV, Milton
`Roy [Spectronic Instruments, Rochester, NY], vari-
`able-wavelength detector operated at 242 nm). The
`mobile phase consisted of acetonitrite, tetrahydrofur-
`ane, and water (30:1:69). The flow rate was 1.8 m1/
`minute, and the retention time was 4.4 minutes. Aque-
`ous humor samples were injected directly into the col-
`umn without pretreatment. The drug recovery from
`aqueous humor samples that had been spiked with
`dexamethasone was estimated to be approximately
`The area under the curve (AUC) for each prepa-
`ration was generated as a linear combination of means
`from 0 through the last observation time. Statistical
`methods for demonstrating bioequivalence by com-
`paring the drug preparations were adopted from
`Schoenwald et al." These included calculating the
`variance estimates for each AUC and using them to
`construct 95% confidence limits on each area and
`calculating a t-test comparing two areas.
`Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, May 1996, Vol. 37, No. 6
`TABLE 1. Statistical Comparison of Dexamethasone Concentration
`Curves After Administration of 0.1% Dexamethasone Alcohol
`Suspension (Maxidex) and 0.32% Dexamethasone-HPBCD-HPMC
`(0.32%) Solution
`95% a
`AUC = area under the curve; SE = standard error of the estimate of AUC; 95% C1 = 95 percent
`confidence interval for AUG; :1] = approximate degrees of freedom for the standard error of the
`estimate of the AUC.
`0.32% vs. Maxidex (nest): AU(3umm,.¢, = 203.46; SEM,,m-,,,,..,, = 43.38; dj{,m.,.,,.,, = 32.86; tvalue =
`4.68; P < 0.001.
`TABLE 2. Statistical Comparison of Dexamethasone Concentration
`Curves After Administration of Unheated 0.67% Dexatnethasone-
`HPfiCD-HPMC (Unheated) and Heated 0.67% Dexamethasone-
`HPfiCD-HPMC (0.32%) Solution (Heated)
`Group AUC
`Group SEM
`95 % (1
`200.24- 319.91
`AUC = area under the curve; SE. = standard entor of the estimate of AUC; 95% C1 = 95 percent
`confidence interval for AUG; :1] = approximate degrees of freedom for the standard error of the
`estimate of the AUC
`Heated vs. unheated (btest): AUC,g.m.,,,e = 169.38; SEM..,m..,.,.¢, = 63.05; dfi.m.,...., = 4.67; (value =
`2.69; P < 0.05.
`ability of dexamethasone compared with the commer-
`cially available 0.1% dexamethasone, Maxidex. No
`toxic effects were observed.
`Dexamethasoneconcentrationinanteriorchamber nglml §
`*0— Heated (co-complex)
`—°— Unheated (no co-complex)
`Time front application (hours)
`FIGURE 2. Dexamethasone concentration in aqueous humor
`after the administration of heated 0.67% dexarnethasonc—
`2-hydroxypropyl-fl-cyclodextr-in—hydroxypropyl methylcel-
`lulose and unheated 0.67% dexamethasone-2-hydroxypro-
`pyl-fl-cyclodextrin. Mean concentration 2 SEM is shown at
`appropriate time points after adminisuation of the eye
`asone concentration was measurable in the aqueous
`humor9 hours after instillation with 0.67% dexameth-
`asone, but not with 0.32% dexamethasone or Maxi-
`By heating the 0.67% dexamethasone—HP,6CD—
`HPMC (i.e., formation of the cyclodextrin-polymer
`co-complex), a higher concentration was obtained in
`the anterior chamber compared to unheated 0.67%
`dexamethasone—HP;3CD-HPMC (Fig. 2) or 2.9 times
`higher levels comparing AUC curves of the prepara-
`tions (Table 2), which was statistically significant (P
`< 0.05).
`DISCUSSION. This study shows that it is possible
`to achieve efiective trans-ocular delivery of lipophilic
`corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone, by producing
`a three-way co-complex consisting of the drug, 2-hy-
`droxypropyl-‘5—cyclodextrin, and hydroxypropyl meth-
`ylcellulose. The drug delivery system produces a
`higher concentration of dexamethasone in aqueous
`eye drops than would otherwise be possible. Heating
`the dexamethasone—cyclodextrin-polyrner co-com-
`plexes seems to enhance permeability into the eye
`regardless of the drug concentration.
`The cyclodextrin-based drug delivery system is as-
`sociated with a large increase in the intraocular avail-
`TABLE 3. Adjusted Mean Peak Concentrations
`(: SEM) of Corticosteroids in Aqueous
`Humor of Human Patients After Topical
`Mean Conoentmtion (ng/ml)
`0.32% dexamethasone-
`Dexamethasone alcohol
`0.1%, Maxidex
`Prednisolone acetate 1%"’
`140.5 I 36.4
`59.5 1- 20.8
`95.7 : 19.0
`"Prednisolone is a sevenfold weaker steroid than
`dexamethasone.‘ "" The intraocular concentrations reported by
`McGhee et al'" are adjusted accordingly.
`Watson and associates” measured the dexametha-
`sone in human aqueous humor after the administra-
`tion of Maxidex with results that were similar to ours.
`Prednisolone concentration in the anterior chamber
`after the administration of prednisolone acetate 1%
`is 20-fold higher than dexamethasone concentration
`after the administration of Maxidex 0.1%." However,
`prednisolone is a 7-fold less potent steroid than dexa-
`methasone,""5 calling for adjustment of the concen-
`tration in anterior chamber when compared with dex-
`amethasone preparations (Table 3). Results also show
`that heating the dexamethasone-HP[3CD complex
`with 0.10% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose increases
`the delivery of dexamethasone into the human eye.
`Our results indicate that by using a cyclodextrin-
`based drug delivery system, it is possible to raise the
`intraocular corticosteroid concentration from what is
`possible with currently available steroid eye drops, and
`presumably to exert a greater anti-inflammatory effect
`inside the eye. Further study is needed to establish
`the clinical efficacy of these drug formulations.
`aqueous humor, corticosteroids, cyclodextrin, dexametha-
`sone, drug penetration
`The authors thank Drs. Fridbertjonasson, Oli Bjorn Han-
`nesson, Ingimundur Gislason, and Gudmundur Viggosson
`for their invaluable assistance in acquiring samples for analy-
`sis. They also thank Sigurborg Sigurjonsdottir, Sveinbjorg
`Gunnarsdottir, and other nurses at the Department of Oph-
`thalmology, Landakot Hospital, for their critical contribu-
`tion to the study.
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