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` U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T A N D T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E
` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` C A S E I P R 2 0 1 5 - 0 1 2 0 5
` P a t e n t 6 , 1 1 4 , 3 1 9
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` A K O R N , I N C . )
` P e t i t i o n e r )
` v s . )
` S E N J U P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C O . , L T D )
` M I T S U B I S H I C H E M I C A L C O R P O R A T I O N )
` P a t e n t O w n e r )
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` D e p o s i t i o n o f E r n i n g X i a , P h . D .
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C .
` J u n e 2 4 , 2 0 1 6
` 9 : 0 0 a . m .
` R e p o r t e d b y : B o n n i e L . R u s s o
` J o b N o . 2 3 3 7 2 2 0
` V e r i t e x t L e g a l S o l u t i o n s
` M i d - A t l a n t i c R e g i o n
`1 2
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
` 1 2 5 0 E y e S t r e e t N W - S u i t e 3 5 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
`2 2
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` Deposition of Erning Xia, Ph.D. held at:
`Page 2
` Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C.
` Pursuant to Notice, when were present on behalf
` of the respective parties:
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`2 3 4 5
`8 9

`Page 3
` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202-371-2600
` On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` 610 Newport Center Drive, 17th Floor
` Newport Beach, California 92660
` 949-823-6900
`2 3
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`Page 4
` C O N T E N T S
` 219
` BY MS. VIRA 214
` Exhibit 2078 International Application 92
` Number PCT/US98/23818
` Exhibit 2079 International Publication 97
` Number WO 99/24543
` Exhibit 2080 Excerpt of The American 106
` Heritage Dictionary
` Exhibit 2081 Declaration of Diane Pang 126
` Regarding Authentication
` of Omnipred
` Exhibit 2082 Declaration of Diane Pang 131
` Regarding Authentication
` of Durezol Label from 2008
` Exhibit 2083 Declaration of Diane Pang 149
` Regarding Authentication
` of OTC (Nonprescription)
` Drugs Approval
` Exhibit 2084 Declaration of Diane Pang 154
` Regarding Authentication
` of Systane Balance Label
` Exhibit 2085 Declaration of Diane Pang 156
` Regarding Authentication
` of Retaine MGD Label
` Exhibit 2086 Declaration of Diane Pang 158
` Regarding Authentication
` of Refresh Optive Advanced
` Label
` Exhibit 2087 Declaration of Diane Pang 161
` Regarding Authentication
` of Soothe XP Label
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`6 7

`Page 5
` Exhibit 2088 Petitioner's Reply to 188
` Patent Owner's Response
` Exhibit 2089 U.S. Patent Application 188
` Publication
` 2009/0082337 A1
` Exhibit 2090 Article entitled "Dose 190
` uniformity of topical
` corticosteroid preparations:
` Difluprednate ophthalmic
` emulsion 0.05% versus branded
` and generic prednisolone
` acetate ophthalmic
` suspension 1%"
` Exhibit 2091 Declaration of Diane Pang 197
` Regarding Authentication
` of Maxidex 0.1% Label
` Exhibit 2092 Declaration of Diane Pang 199
` Regarding Authentication
` of FML Forte 0.25% Label
` Exhibit 2093 Declaration of Diane Pang 199
` Regarding Authentication
` of Vexol 1% Label
` Exhibit 2094 British Pharmacopoeia 1998 204
` Volume II
` Exhibit 1010 U.S. Patent 5,496,811
` Exhibit 1011 Excerpt of Remington's
` 18th Edition
` Exhibit 1012 International Publication
` Number WO 95/31211
` Exhibit 1018 Declaration of
` Erning Xia, Ph.D.
` Exhibit 1026 Declaration of
` Erning Xia, Ph.D.
` In Support of Petitioner's
` Reply
` Exhibit 1033 Systane Products Information
` Exhibit 1034 OCuSOFT Information
` Exhibit 1035 Refresh Optive Advanced
` Information
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`Page 6
` Exhibit 2007 Excerpt of Textbook of
` Ocular Pharmacology
` Exhibit 2010 Abstract entitled "Comparative
` Intraocular Levels of
` Pilocarpine Achieved with
` Drops and Repository
` Preparations"
` Exhibit 2017 Excerpt of NDA 22-212/S-003
` Exhibit 2040 Drugs@FDA Information
` Exhibit 2043 US Patent Application
` Publication 2007/0110812 A1
` Exhibit 2044 US Patent Application
` Publication 2010/0234336 A1
` Exhibit 2045 Article entitled "Intraocular
` pressure elevation from
` topical difluprednate use"
` (Exhibits included with transcript.)
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`Page 7
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` was called for examination by counsel and,
` after having been duly sworn by the Notary, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Xia.
` Can you tell us your full name,
` please.
` A. My full name is Erning Xia. Spelled
` E-R-N-I-N-G, X-I-A.
` Q. And is there any reason that you
` can't give truthful testimony today, anything
` like you're ill or medication or anything like
` that?
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. Okay. I'm handing you Exhibit 1026
` in this matter.
` Can you identify this as the -- your
` second declaration that you filed in this
` matter?
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` A. Yes, this is my second declaration.
` Q. And is that your signature on Page
`Page 8
` 64?
` A. Yes.
` So, John, sorry. Before you move
` forward, I have a little typo here in my second
` declaration.
` Q. What paragraph are you looking at?
` A. It's Page 52. And speaking 1033 --
` Q. I'm sorry. So 52 --
` A. Page 52.
` Q. Yes.
` A. And again, 1033, the date I put down
` here should be May 20. So that's a little typo
` here. Here it's 26. It should be 20, May 20.
` Q. Okay. What line are you on? Are
` you in the footnote, or are you in the body of
` the text?
` A. Footnote, Line 5.
` Q. Footnote 4? I see. Okay.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. So that should be --
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`Page 9
` A . M a y 2 0 .
` Q . T h a t ' s w h a t i t s a y s . M a y 2 0 .
` A . I t s a y s M a y 2 6 h e r e .
` Q . Y o u ' r e o n P a g e 5 2 ?
` A . 5 2 , y e a h .
` Q . A m I l o o k i n g a t t h e w r o n g o n e h e r e ?
` M i n e s a y s M a y 2 0 .
` A . N o , h e r e . L i n e 5 s h o u l d b e M a y 2 0
` h e r e .
` Q . A h , g o t i t . O k a y .
` A . M y b a d .
` Q . O k a y . A n y t h i n g e l s e t h a t y o u ' r e
` a w a r e o f t h a t ' s - -
` A . T h a t ' s i t , y e a h . T h a n k y o u .
` Q . A b o u t h o w m a n y h o u r s d i d y o u s p e n d
` p r e p a r i n g y o u r s e c o n d d e c l a r a t i o n ?
` A . F o r t h i s d e p o s i t i o n , y o u m e a n ?
` Q . T h e d e c l a r a t i o n .
` A . A h , t h e d e c l a r a t i o n . H o w m a n y
` h o u r s ?
` Q . Y e a h .
` A . I d o n ' t r e m e m b e r h o w m a n y h o u r s .
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
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`Page 10
` Q. Do you remember how many hours you
` billed for on the matter for the declaration?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I don't remember.
` Q. Who wrote your second declaration?
` A. I wrote my second declaration in
` conjunction with my counsel.
` Q. So in Paragraph 41 of your second
` declaration -- do you have Paragraph 41?
` So you cite to the '319 patent.
` A. Yes.
` Q. The portion of the patent that
` refers to allergic conjunctivitis, vernal
` conjunctivitis, blepharitis, marginalis,
` catarrhal conjunctivitis, uveitis and the like.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What part of the eye does allergic
` conjunctivitis affect?
` A. Can you repeat your question one
` more time.
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`Page 11
` Q. Yeah. My question was what part of
` the eye does allergic conjunctivitis affect?
` Is it the anterior or the posterior segment?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` Foundation.
` MR. KAPPOS: And I'll note that
` speaking objections are improper in the
` proceeding, Counsel. So please limit your
` objection to object to form only and not
` speaking objections unless there is a privilege
` issue.
` Q. With that, can you please answer the
` question?
` MS. VIRA: Counsel, I'll note that
` object to foundation is allowed under the PTAB
` rules. There's nothing that says you're
` limited to just form objections.
` Q. So can you answer the question?
` A. Yes. It is within anterior segment
` of the eye.
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`Page 12
` Q. And what about vernal
` conjunctivitis; does that affect the anterior
` segment of the eye also?
` A. I am not sure hundred percent
` because I am not eye doctor for treating that
` kind of disease.
` Q. Do you have any understanding as to
` whether, for vernal conjunctivitis, it affects
` the posterior or anterior segment of the eye?
` A. I'm not sure.
` Q. What about catarrhal conjunctivitis;
` do you have an understanding as to whether, for
` that condition, it affects the anterior or
` posterior segment of the eye?
` A. I'm not sure.
` Q. And what about for uveitis; do you
` have an understanding as to whether uveitis
` affects the anterior or posterior segment of
` the eye?
` A. The posterior.
` Q. I'm sorry. So for uveitis you
` believe it affects the posterior?
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`Page 13
` A. Yes.
` Q. It does not affect the anterior?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure if it
` affects both posterior and anterior because I'm
` not eye care practitioner.
` Q. So you said you're not sure if it
` affects both the posterior and the anterior; is
` that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I am handing you AKN 1012, which is
` the Ding PCT publication.
` Do you recognize this as a reference
` that you've analyzed for this case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I would like you to turn to the
` table, Table A, which lists a number of
` formulations that were tested, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The formulation in the -- well, the
` first column lists ingredients.
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`Page 14
` And then the next column that says
` "Castor Oil," the formulation that is described
` in that castor oil column, that's a solution,
` correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Column 2?
` Q. Yeah, the one that says "castor
` oil."
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Is that a solution in Ding? Is that
` describing a solution?
` A. What do you mean by "solution,"
` definition of a solution?
` Q. Well, what is your definition of a
` solution?
` A. Most of time my definition of
` solution is water-based solution, liquid form.
` Q. Can you have a solution in an
` organic solvent?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form. Scope.
` THE WITNESS: Repeat it again,
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`Page 15
` please.
` Q. Is it possible to have a solution
` that is in an organic solvent?
` MS. VIRA: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: I was try to think
` what the name for oil-based solutions. I want
` to give you better definition here.
` Q. Well, maybe I can rephrase the
` question.
` Is the formulation in Table A of
` Ding Exhibit AKN 1012, is that formulation
` that's labeled castor oil and oil-based
` solution?
` A. I can say that it's oil-based
` solutions.
` Q. So it is a type of solution,
` correct?
` A. It is.
` Q. Okay. What about the -- in the
` second column, do you see it says "castor oil
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`Page 16
` and water emulsion"?
` That's an emulsion, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then in the next column, the one
` that is labeled "Aqueous Alpha-Cyclodextrin,"
` that formulation would be considered a
` solution, correct?
` A. Because I don't have the solution in
` front of me, I'm not sure I can say hundred
` percent it's a solution.
` Q. Well, you've got the patent though.
` Can you look at the patent and tell
` me whether it's a solution?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: You want me to look at
` this patent?
` Q. I want you to tell me if you can
` tell from the Ding reference what is the
` formulation that's in the -- that's labeled
` "Aqueous Alpha-Cyclodextrin."
` A. Can you point out the certain pages
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`Page 17
` for me says it is solution?
` Q. Well, if you look at Table A, right,
` it's telling you what the components are in
` that formulation, right? It says cyclosporin
` A; it says cyclodextrin; and it says water.
` So my question to you is, just
` looking at the formulation, can you tell me
` whether that is a solution or some other
` formulation?
` A. Because I do not recall the
` solubility limits for cyclodextrin.
` Cyclodextrin also have solubility problems.
` But I do not remember -- recall at this moment
` what solubility limits are of cyclodextrin.
` Q. So you have no understanding whether
` the aqueous alpha-cyclodextrin is a -- what
` formulation that is; is that correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: No. I have ideas why
` they prepare the aqueous formulations using
` cyclodextrin. I understand.
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`Page 18
` Q. And why did they do that?
` A. Because cyclosporin-A is water
` insoluble drug. In order to enhance the
` solubility of drug, cyclodextrin --
` alpha-cyclodextrin is a good compound to use to
` increase the solubility of cyclosporin-A. This
` is why they use the cyclodextrin.
` Q. And so cyclodextrin would have been
` used in Ding in order to make a solution of
` cyclosporin, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: In order to enhance
` cyclosporin-A's .1 percent to dissolve in the
` aqueous solutions -- aqueous-based solution.
` Q. Well, the aqueous cyclodextrin that
` is shown in Table A, that is not an emulsion,
` is it?
` A. It is not emulsion.
` Q. And it is not a suspension, is it?
` A. If both ingredients are hundred
` percent dissolved, it is not a suspension.
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` Q. The next column over that says
` "Miglyol Oil and Water Emulsion," that is a --
` formulation would be considered an emulsion,
`Page 19
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the next one over, the "Polyoxyl
` 40," that column is describing a solution,
` correct?
` A. I'm not sure this is solution.
` Q. Why not?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Because I did not have
` the solution in front of me, I cannot say it's
` a clear solution or not clear.
` Q. Well, but you've got the ingredients
` that are shown in Table A.
` So can you tell from the ingredients
` that are listed in the table whether polyoxyl
` 40 is a emulsion, suspension or solution?
` A. I don't know. I cannot define for
` Ding. Ding is the author of this. He did not
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`Page 20
` define is this solution or suspension.
` Q. Do you have any understanding as to
` whether the polyoxyl 40, as formulated, would
` be a solution or something else?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Because I'm not sure
` the polyoxyl 40 stearate is 20 percent, it's
` going to be enough to dissolve .05 percent of
` cyclosporin-A.
` Q. What about the polyoxyl 40 with
` edetate; do you have any understanding of what
` that formulation is?
` A. I would think it would be very
` similar formulation to the formulation we just
` discussed, polyoxyl 40. The only difference is
` adding acenol and EDTA in this formulation.
` Q. Okay. Well, let me ask this way:
` The polyoxyl 40 with edetate, that's not a
` suspension, correct?
` A. I'm not a hundred percent sure
` because I do not see in front of me. I don't
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`Page 21
` know is going to be clear solution or is going
` to be hazy solution because cyclodextrin --
` cyclosporin-A is very difficult compound to
` dissolve.
` Q. Based on the Ding reference that you
` have reviewed, the polyoxyl 40 with edetate is
` not described as a suspension, correct?
` A. Can you repeated your question?
` Q. Yes.
` Based on the Ding reference that you
` reviewed, the polyoxyl 40 with edetate
` formulation is not described as a suspension,
` correct?
` A. It is not described as suspension.
` Also it is not described at all.
` Q. Okay. And the same is true for the
` polyoxyl 40 formulation, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` Q. It's not described as a suspension,
` correct?
` A. Most the formulation in this table
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`Page 22
` is not described clearly to me.
` Q. Okay. And so none of the
` formulations in Table A of Ding are described
` as a suspension, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So only two
` formulation are described here. Those are
` emulsions. Other four formulation he did not
` describe them as solution, suspension.
` Q. And so none of the formulations in
` Table A are described in Ding as being a
` suspension, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: It is not described as
` suspension. Also it is not described as a
` clear solution.
` Q. And there is no evidence that you
` are aware of that any of the formulations in
` Table A are, in fact, suspensions, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
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`Page 23
` THE WITNESS: John, if I read the
` Table A as it is, my concern is -- I can even
` pick any example, any column, and say polyoxyl
` 40, 20, what is units of 20?
` Q. Well, doesn't it say milligram?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So based on this
` table, he prepared a solution one gram of
` solutions of suspensions. I suppose I never
` see people prepare a one gram of solution for
` testing. This is what it says. Suspension
` size is one gram.
` Q. Okay. But you just said a moment
` ago, I believe, that you can't tell whether
` these are a solution or a suspension.
` Is that correct, that you cannot
` tell whether any of the formulations in Table A
` are a suspension, correct?
` A. Yes. Because if I can get other
` units straightened out, I have to make sure
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`Page 24
` that all the units put together is not more
` than one gram. If it is too high, it may not
` have clear solution.
` Q. And so would you agree with me, Dr.
` Xia, that there is no results that are reported
` in Ding that compare an emulsion to a
` suspension based on the results that are
` reported, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: When you say -- John,
` when you said "results," what do you refer to?
` Q. The results that are report -- well,
` let's turn and look at Figures 1 to 4.
` Figures 1 to 4 report the results of
` comparing the different formulations that are
` reported in Ding, correct?
` A. Yes and no.
` Q. I'm sorry. You said, "Yes and no"?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. What do you mean by that?
` A. For example, Table A has six
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`Page 25
` formulations. Figure A only have five
` formulations.
` Q. Okay. And then Figure 2 has six
` formulations?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: But Figure 2 also had
` ointment there. So can you point out ointment
` formulation in Table A for me?
` Q. I was going to ask you that
` question.
` Do you know which of the
` formulations in Table A is an ointment?
` A. I don't know. That's what -- why I
` was review this, and I cannot really match the
` formulation from the Table A to the figures.
` Q. So Ding is unclear; is that correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: My answer was yes and
` no. Yes, he was correct for four solutions. I
` believe that is -- I can match those. But last
` two formulations was not described clear to me.
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`Page 26
` Q. Okay. And back to my question,
` which was the results that are reported in
` Ding, they don't allow you to compare the
` emulsion to a suspension based on these
` results, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Repeat your question,
` please, one more time. Thank you.
` Q. And my question was, the results
` that are reported in Ding, they do not allow
` you to compare the emulsion to a suspension
` based on these results, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So assumption is that,
` if last two formulation is not clear solution,
` could it be considered a suspension. That's
` what it is difficult to identify.
` Q. But you said the last two
` formulations are not even shown in the --
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`Page 27
` perhaps I misunderstood.
` Are the last two formulations even
` shown in the comparative results?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: It is not clear to me.
` Q. Well, I thought you testified a
` moment ago -- maybe -- perhaps I was unclear.
` In Table A do you see results that
` are reported for polyoxyl 40 or polyoxyl 40
` with edetate -- do you see those results in the
` charts that are in Figures 1 through 4 of Ding?
` A. You refers last two formulations,
` last columns, right?
` Q. Yeah. That's what I said. In Table
` A.
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: It's not named
` properly. The list is not named properly. If
` you look at the concentration set .05. But
` they do put the Santen formulation. I --
` that's where confusion is coming.
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`Page 28
` B Y M R . K A P P O S :
` Q . W e l l , o k a y . A n d s o b a c k t o m y
` q u e s t i o n , w h i c h i s t h e r e s u l t s t h a t a r e
` r e p o r t e d i n D i n g , t h e y d o n o t a l l o w y o u t o
` c o m p a r e t h e e m u l s i o n t o a s u s p e n s i o n b a s e d o n
` t h e s e r e s u l t s , c o r r e c t ?
` M S . V I R A : O b j e c t i o n . F o r m .
` T H E W I T N E S S : Y e s . I t ' s n o t c l e a r
` t o m e . S o I c a n c o m p a r e t h e m , b u t I w i l l n o t
` d r a w c o n c l u s i o n s h u n d r e d p e r c e n t .
` B Y M R . K A P P O S :
` Q . Y o u w o u l d n ' t b e a b l e t o d r a w a n y
` c o n c l u s i o n a s t o h o w t h e e m u l s i o n - -
` A . W i t h a h u n d r e d p e r c e n t c o n f i d e n c e .
` Q . O k a y . L e t m e a s k t h e q u e s t i o n .
` Y o u w o u l d n ' t b e - -
` M S . V I R A : L e t h i m a s k t h e q u e s t i o n
` s o i t w i l l b e c l e a r f o r t h e r e c o r d .
` T H E W I T N E S S : T h a n k y o u .
` B Y M R . K A P P O S :
` Q . S o y o u ' r e s a y i n g y o u w o u l d n ' t b e
` a b l e t o d r a w a n y c o n c l u s i o n a s t o h o w t o
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` c o m p a r e t h e e m u l s i o n o f D i n g t o a s u s p e n s i o n ,
` c o r r e c t ?
` M S . V I R A : O b j e c t i o n . F o r m .
` T H E W I T N E S S : T h a t w a s y o u r
` q u e s t i o n ? I - - s o - - n o . I m e a n i f I h a v e
` c l e a r u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e l a s t f o r m u l a t i o n i s
` s o l u t i o n , a l l s u s p e n s i o n s . S o I c a n g u e s s
` m a y b e i t ' s s o l u t i o n ; i t ' s m a y b e s u s p e n s i o n s .
` B u t I c a n n o t j u s t s a y i t i s n o t a s o l u t i o n .
` B Y M R . K A P P O S :
` Q . S o c y c l o s p o r i n i s t h e a c t i v e
` i n g r e d i e n t i n t h e D i n g p u b l i c a t i o n , c o r r e c t ?
` A . I n T a b l e 1 .
` Q . A n d c y c l o s p o r i n i s t h e a c t i v e
` i n g r e d i e n t o r a c t i v e m o l e c u l e i n t h e R e s t a s i s
` p r o d u c t , c o r r e c t ?
` M R . K A P P O S : O b j e c t i o n . F o r m .
` S c o p e . R e l e v a n c e .
` T H E W I T N E S S : C a n y o u r e p e a t y o u r
` q u e s t i o n .
` B Y M R . K A P P O S :
` Q . I ' m s i m p l y a s k i n g w h e t h e r y o u h a v e
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` an understanding that cyclosporin is the active
` ingredient in the product Restasis.
` MS. VIRA: Same objections as above.
` THE WITNESS: Sorry. I'm not
` prepared to offer that opinions here,
` cyclosporin is only active in the Restasis
` products.
` Q. Is it one of the actives in
` Restasis?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.
` Foundation. Scope. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: This is not covered in
` my declarations. I don't have benefit to study
` the whole formulations. And my preliminary
` understanding cyclosporin-A is involved
` actives.
` Q. It is one of the activities, is your
` understanding, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And cyclosporin has a different
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` molecular weight than difluprednate, correct?
` MS. VIRA: Objection. Form.

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