`British Pharmacopoeia 1998
`Volume II
`Published on the r<=.,E:o:r1n;endaAtionM_<)f,r_:I_1’_t=:;,j_' _ __
`Medicines Commission pursuant tdtile -_
`Medicines Act 1968 ‘and notified in drafnfto
`the "European Cbmmiéion in a'ccordénéef
`with Directive '83/18.9/EEC (as aré11e1_1'd’ed.)A
`” 7
`London: The Stationery Office
`© Crown copyright 1998
`Published by The
`for the Department
`Stéuionéry Ofiice und
`of I-Ieaith on behalf‘
`duction should lee ma
`Applications for repro
`2-16 Colegate, Norwich, NIB IBQ
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`ISBN 0 11 322100
`British Pharmacopoeia Commission
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`ir* *1-
`solvent used for the preparation,
`—- the content of active principle andlor the ratio of -
`starting rnate::iaL to final soft extract,
`— the name and concentration of any ‘added antimicrobial
`Dry Extracts
`Eye Preparations comply-ruizft the reqm‘re'ments_ ofthe
`ed:'o'on~ qf the European Pharmacopoeia [1'163]. These 'requ_i1_fe-
`moms are reproduced after zhe"heada'ng ‘Definition’ below,
`Dry extracts are solid preparations obtained by evapor~
`. ation.of:'-the solvent _used for their production." Dry extracts
`=-generally-haveaa dry residue of.not,less'than 95 per cent-by
`ma-s_s.. Suitable inert materials may be added.
`Standardised dryextracts are adjusted to the defined
`,-conten't ofconstituents, using suitableinert materials or a
`extract of? the vegetable or animal matter used‘ for the
`4 _preparation.«
`- Where’ applicable, the monograph on a dry extract
`presjcri_b__es- a_.1itnit test for the solvent used for extraction.
`Eyepreparations are sterile, liquid, semi-solid orsoiid
`preparations~ intended for administration upon the eyeball
`andfor to 5th_"e’conjunctiva or to be inserted in the conjunc-
`tival sac.
`Where applicable, containers for eye preparations
`comply ‘with the_require_ments ofMotm'als Usedfor the
`1l{Iar:ufo‘otu‘re of Container: (3.! and subsections) and
`Contoimars (3.2 and subsections).
`Several categories of eye preparations may be
`—-- eye drops,
`—- eye lotions,
`— semi-solid eye preparations, ,
`~_~— ophthalmic inserts.
`Loss on drying (2.232). Where applicable, the dry
`egttract complies withjthe limitsprescribed in the mono‘-
`graph. In a flat«-bottomed dish about 50 turn in diameter
`and about 30 mm in h'eight,_weigh rapidly 0.50 g ofthc
`extract to be exarniried, finely po'_wdered..D.ry in an oven at
`1‘00?(-2 to 105"-.C-I for 3 h. Allow to cooi in a de'sic'c_ator_ over
`-:—d£phot_okon¢s.pegzroxide.R and weigh. Calculate the result. as
`'3 PRESS jP3ICCfltEg€t_
`. Stgre in
`a_i1ftig_ht_contairier, protected from light.
`'During the development of an eye preparation, the formu-
`lation for which contains an antimicrobial preservative, the
`effectiveness cfthe chosen preservative shall he demon-
`strated to the satisfaction of r.he;co'_rnpetent authority.,A
`suitable method of test together with criteria for judging‘
`the preservative properties of the formulation are provided
`in the text on Eflicacy ofA11n'microbiolPz-eseruation (5.13).
`Eye preparations are prepared using materials and
`‘_ use ..1.=‘a1>'«'=1.s:;'a‘:‘«‘=s=.’i f
`methods designed to ensure sterility and to avoid the
`'—- the nameland aniouht of any inert material used,
`introduction of contaminants and the growth of tn'icro-
`tho‘.-_\_re‘g_e'ta‘5le or a'ri_irnal matter used,
`organisms; recommendations onthis‘ aspect are provided
`-—— where ’app1ic'able, that fresh vegetable or animal .1'na_1__'te1‘
`in the text on Methods offireporanon of Sterile Products
`was \_1s'e'd,
`_ -1- the name and the ethanol content in per cent VIV of
`In the manufacture of eye preparations containing
`“tee s9j1i¥i:jxir_u'é_j;eiE1_ fdijthe preparation,
`‘dispersed particles measures are taken to ensure a suitable
`~‘-.-tlzie‘foohtent of‘ao't_ive- principle andlor the ratio of
`and controiledrparticle size_ with regard to the intended
`" ' "start_in'g'material to final ‘dry extract.
`Ph Eur
`Sterility (2. 6. 1). Eye preparations. comply with the test
`f_ot,sterili_1y. Applicators ‘supplied separately also comply
`with the test for‘sterility._Removc the applicator with
`aseptic precautions from its. package and transfer it to a
`tube of culture mediuni. so, that it is completely immersed.
`Incubate and interpret the results as described in the test
`for sterility.
`Unless otherwise prescribed, store in a sterile, airtight,
`tamper-proof container.
`The label states the name of any added antjrnicrobial
`jj;*-fgigtraotsjfoi thefilfgjritish Pharmacopoeia
`.1.-,w :-.'_.'
`.. tr‘
`¢'r_c;r_ore the Subject of an mdwtduol mona-
`. Iiaioflowwa
`c_zpig:?~i't_’r.F:“'e'7’_B_ _ii1;I;"'Lifl?Ic_§1}:acopoeia. Those d:'sn'ngm'shed by the
`the or _beio:io are monographs of the European
`Aloes Dry Extract, Standardised ‘fit
`Belladonna Dry Extract
`Cascara Dry Extract
`Frangula Bark Dry Extract, Standardised ti‘?
`Hyoscyamus Dry Extract
`Ipecactianha Liquid Extract
`Liquorice Liquid Extract
`Quillaialiquid Extract
`Senna Leaf Dry Extract, Standardised it
`Senna Liquid Extract
`Squill Liquid Extract
`ailon into the eye. When the stability of the final prepara-
`.£-m “quires it, the medicinal substances may be supplied
`in’; dry, sterile form to be dissolved or suspended in an
`‘pp;-‘opgiare sterile liquid immediately before use.
`,. gypdmps may Contain excipients, for example, to
`iust the tonicity or the viscosity of the preparation, to
`fidiust or stabilise the pH, to increase the solubility of the
`. 5‘-C15,,-e mgredienr, or to stabilise the preparation. These
`'. balances do not adversely afifect the intended medicinal
`aidtion or. at the concentrations used, cause undue local
`" ' iution.
`‘irfiqucous preparations supplied in multidose containers .
`contain a suitable antimicrobial preservative in appropriate
`.‘ :¢o"ncent.ra'tion except when the preparation itself has
`‘adequate antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial
`..‘p7i-escrvative chosen are compatible with the other ingre di-
`1‘; oi’ the.prep_aration and remain elfcctive throughout
`«me period of time during which eye—drops are i.n use.
`' ~ It eye-drops arefprescribed without antimicrobial preser-
`,'- yritives they are supplied wherever possible in single-dose
`. containers. Eye-drops intended for use in surgical proced-
`. gr-cs do not contain antimicrobial preservatives and are
`_ supplied in single-dose containers.
`. Eye-_drops that are solunons, examined under suitable
`‘-."cohdi'ti_tSns of visibility, are practically clear and practically
`free from particles.
`—Eye—drops 't.h|r‘arv_b suspensions may show a sediment
`that is‘ readily dispersed on shaldng to give a suspension
`.. which r‘ern'ains sufliciently stable to enable the correct dose’
`‘be delivered.
`_Mu1tidosc preparations are supplied in containers that
`.'g.ll_ow successive drops of the preparation to be adminis-
`_tered. The containers contain at most 10 ml of the prepar—‘
`upon. unless othenvisejustizfied andautboris‘ed.
`'~BS_"I‘S__ ‘.
`,_:_trtic1e siz'e-‘Bye-drops in the form of a suspension
`.c?ii'hply with “tile following rest: introduce a suitable ‘quant-
`_ ‘iii; of the suspension into a counting cell or with a micro-
`f {pipc'ttc;onto a slide,"as appropriate, and scan under a
`' ' Efiicroscope arrarea corresponding to 10 pg of the solid _
`’pl1ase. For practical reasons, it is recommended that the
`_“ -wliblc sample is firstl scanned at low magnification (e.g.
`'~X50) and particles greater than 25 um are identified.
`’-These larger particles can then be measured at a large
`_magnification tefgt X200 to X500). flat more than twenty
`‘haves maxirnum dimension ,
`",paI:l:1.cles'' V
`of these articles have a maximum
`dznot more than‘ -
`dimension greater than 50 um. None 0 the particles has a
`: an 90 inn.
`The labei states that for multidose containers, the period
`' after opening the container after which the contents must
`not be used. This period does not exceed 4 weeks, unless
`Otherwise iustificd and authorised.
`I Eye Lotions.
`Eye lotions are sterile aqueous solutions intended for use
`In washing or bathing the eye or for impregnating eye
`- dressings.
`Elle lotions may contain excipicnts, for example to
`sciy affect the intended action or, at the concentrations
`used, cause undue local irritation.
`Eye lotions supplied in multidose containers contain a
`suitable antimicrobial preservative in appropriate concen-
`tration except when the preparation itself has adequate
`antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial preservative
`chosen is compatible with the other ingredients of the
`preparation and remains effective throughout the period of
`time during which the eye lotions are in use.
`If eye lotions are prescribed without an antimicrobial
`preservative, they are supplied in single-dose containers.
`Eye lotions intended for use in surgical procedures or in
`first«aid"trea,tli:ient do” not contain “an antimicrobial prescr-
`vative and aresupplied in containers intended for use on
`one occasion only.
`Eve lorioiis 'eiEan1ined‘undér suitable. conditions of
`visibility, are iiracficaliir clear and p_'r_a_c_tic_ally free fiom
`The containers for multidose preparations do not
`contain more than 200 ml of ‘eye lotion, unless otherwise
`justified and authorised.
`The label states:
`— for single-dose preparations, that the contents are to be
`used on one occasion only,
`—'forin’ultidose preparations, the periodafter opening the
`container after 'wh.'tch'the c<SntEi1ts~r'n1.tsft not be used.
`This period does not éiicee'd 4 weeks, unless otherwise
`iustified ah'd'autl:1‘orise‘d.
`Semi-So1id;Eye Preparations
`-I "Semi-solid;eye.ps;;;.-_rasonsrarigsterile ointtnents, creams
`. or gels-intended fo_r‘appl_ication"to_ the ‘conjunctiva. 'I'he*y
`. ‘contain oneor more a¢_:tiv‘e_,_,ir'igrcdients dissolved or
`disp_ersed_in a"?s’i1itab'le basis,"I'liey-have a homogeneous
`Sernigsolid eye preparations comply with the require»-
`ments of tlueptonograph on;«1"aj2ica'I senii:-solidprépararions
`(132). The basis‘-is’nori¥-i.r1_5il:z_1nt'to the conjunctiva.
`Semi-solid eye’ preparatiiins are packed in small‘, steril-
`ised collapsible tubes fittedizvr provided with a cannula and
`having a content of not more than 5 g of the preparation.
`The tubes must be we1l~c':1osed toprevent microbial cont-
`amination."Séini-=solid eve ‘preparanons may also be
`packed in suitably-designed‘ single-zdose containers.
`Particle size Semi-solid eye‘p'r‘cparations containing
`dispersed solid particles comply with the following test:
`spread g'c'ntly'a quantiry_oftl_1e preparation corresponding
`to at least 10 gig ofsolid active ingredient as a thin layer.
`Scan under a microscope the whole area of the -salnple.
`For practicalreasons, it is recommended that the whole
`‘sample is first-scanned at a-small magnification (c.g. X50)
`and particles greater than 25 pun‘ are identified. These
`larger particles can then be measured at a larger magnifi-
`cation (e.g. X200 to X500). For each 10 pg of solid active
`ingredient, not more than twenty particles have a maxi-
`mum dimension greater than 25 pm, and not more than
`tW0.0fT.'£1BS_t.‘. particles have a maximum dimension ‘greater
`than 50 um. None of the particles has a maximum ditnen-'_
`United States Patent
`[45] Date of Patent:Aviv et al. Mar. 5, 1996
`[11] Patent Number:
`]/I983 European Pat. Clfi’.
`10/1990 European Pat. 011'. .
`4/1992 European Pat. Off. .
`Hardbergcr, R., "Effects ofDrug Vehicles on Ocular Contact
`Time”, 93 :42-45 (1975).
`Primary Examiner—Zoh1'eh Fay
`Attorney, Agent, or F£zm—Pennie & Edmonds
`An ocular drug delivery vehicle of an oil-in-water submi-
`cron emulsion comprising about 0.5 to 50% of a first
`component of an oil, about 0.1 to 10% of a second compo-
`nent of an emulsifier. about 0.05 to 5% of a non-ionic
`surfactant and an aqueous component, with the mean droplet
`size being in the submicron range, i.e., below about 0.5 um
`and preferably between about 0.1 and 0.3 pm Also, topical
`pharmaceutical compositions containing a drug such as an
`anti-glaucoma drug, beta adrenergic blocker or other auto-
`nomic system drug, a local anesthetic, a steroid, a non-
`steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, an antibiotic drug, an
`antifungal drug, an antiviral drug or combinations thereof
`and the vehicle described above. Methods of administering
`such vehicles or compositions to the eye of a patient while
`reducing irritation thereof and providing increased bioavail-
`ability of the drug.
`Inventors: Haim Aviv, Rehovot; Doron
`Friedman, Carmei Yosscf; Arm‘:-
`Bar-llan, Neve Monsson; Micha
`Vered, Rchovot, all of Israel
`[73] Assigneo: Pharmos Corp., New York, N.Y.
`[21] App]. No.: 854
`[22] Filed:
`Jan. 5, 1993
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Aug. 28,1992
`Israel ........................................ 102984
`Israel ........................................ 103907
`Nov.27, 1992
`A61K 31/635; A6IK 31/66;
`Int. Cl.“
`A61K 31/22; A61K 31/225
`514f/8; 514/75; 514/76;
`514/546; 514/547; 514/560; 514/912
`514/76, 75, 73,
`[58] Field of Search
`514/912, 546, 547, 560
`[52] US. Cl.
`References Cited
`9/1981 Penley ..................................... 198/470
`4/I990 Glonek et a1.
`............................ 514/76
`European Pat. Off. .
`37 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 5, 1996
`Sheet 1 of 3
`O*--0 baseline IUP
`treat ed IOP
`.5 5
`hours after treatment
`o———-—o baseline IOP
`—.h on
`.—-n. C)
`hours after treatment
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 5, 1996
`Sheet 2 of 3
`1 0
`T i me (hours)
`—Q—— right eye -pi ioccmpine
`._o_ right eye -emulsion
`FIG. 8
`Time (hours)
`-—.— nigh: eye
`-0- left eye
`FIG. 4
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 5, 1996
`Sheet 3 of3
`Directed night eye
`non - treated left
`h oI940
`Time (hours)
`. eIl.Ay.f.ffI‘ff.ff/IfI,fl.l..Fu. .-
`.:s.....:..:.,.... I/l.._r.f.fJ.4lr/J..IIl
`the residence time of drugs in the eye and hence some
`enhancement of the ocular bio-availability, such carriers also
`produce various deleterious side efiects. See Harmia et al.,
`supra, Saettone et al. (1988) J. Pharm. 43:67-70 and Meis-
`ner et al. (1989) Int. J. Pharm. 55:105-113.
`The present invention relates to the field of drug delivery
`Emulsions have also been suggested as vehicles for
`and, particularly, to the administration of various pharma-
`delivery of drugs to the eye in references such as EP
`ceutical agents to a patient through the eye by application of
`391,369, Ellis et al. (1987) J. Ocular Pharmcol. (U.S.)
`the innovative compositions of these agents in a non-
`Surv. Ophthalmol.
`irritatiug submicron emulsion.
`29:177-178. Nevertheless, the practical inability to realize
`the potential of emulsion systems for ocular drug delivery
`stems predominantly from two problems. First, ocular drug
`formulations must be comfortable to the patient as well as
`safe, due to the sensitivity of the delicate eye tissues
`involved. Second, emulsions are generally metastable dis-
`persions of immiscible fluids and these instability problems
`must be overcome.
`The primary problem associated with topical applications
`of drugs to the eye is that the human eye is a very sensitive
`organ and any substance which is not compatible with it
`causes irritation and pain. This evokes blinking and reflex-
`An emulsion is a dispersion of oil in water (“o/w”), and
`tearing, which is a physiological reaction intended for
`can be defined as either a macroemulsion or a mieroemul-
`removal of the irritating substance from the ocular surface.
`sion. A macroemulsion is a cloudy turbid composition
`Irritation is a major cause of poor patient compliance with
`having an oil-droplet size of 0.5 to 100 pm and is generally
`many ophthalmic drugs. This phenomenon is aggravated by
`thermodynamically unstable. In comparison, a mieroemul-
`the need to include relatively high concentrations of a drug
`sion is a translucent to transparent composition having a
`in such ophthalmic compositions in order to obtain a thera-
`droplet size of 0.005 to 0.5 urn, is thermodynamically stable
`peutic elfect, since bioavailability of topically applied oph-
`and is generally self emulsifying. See, e.g., Friberg et al.
`thalmic drugs is generally very poor. Thus, there is no doubt
`(1987) Microemulsions Structure and Dynamics, CRC Press
`that a reduction in the irritating eifect of a dmg will enable
`Inc., Boca Raton. Fla, pp. 154. Also, the proportion of
`surfactants to oil required to generate mieroemulsions is
`increased ocular drug bioavailability, increased patient com-
`generally much higher than in rnacroemulsions.
`pliance with the drug, and enhanced therapeutic efiicacy of
`the drug.
`Emulsions developed specifically forophthalmic use have
`attempted to solve the problem of inherent
`Currently, aqueous solutions are by far the most common
`through the use of mieroemulsions or the addition of stabi-
`vehicles for ophthalmic drugs. Such vehicles have a serious
`lizing polymers to classical emulsions. In several instances,
`drawback, however, in that the ocular bioavailability of
`specific drugs have been formulated successfully in micro-
`drugs administered thereby is generally very poor due to
`emulsions. Examples of this approach include ophthalmic
`rapid drainage and tear turnover. See Fitzgerald et al. (1987)
`mieroemulsions of tepoxalin, as disclosed in EP 480,690, or
`J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 39:487-490. A typical dose of oph-
`flurbiprofen, as disclosed in EP 253,472.
`thalmic solution is in the range of about 50-100 pl, which far
`An alternative approach to solve the problem of emulsion
`exceeds the normal lachrymal volume of about 7-10 pl.
`instability utilizes lightly crosslinlted polymers, as exempli-
`the portion of the dose that is not eliminated by
`fied by the autoclavable emulsions for ophthalmic use which
`spillage from the pulberal fissure is quickly drained. Fur-
`are disclosed in EP 028,110.
`lachryrnation and physiological
`tear turnover,
`which in humans is about 16% per minute under normal
`conditions, increases after the introduction of the solution,
`resulting in rapid dilution of the remaining amount of drug
`that has. not been spilled or drained. As a consequence, the
`contact time with the absorbing surfaces of the eye (i.e., the
`cornea and sclera) of drugs which are applied to the eye via
`liquid aqueous compositions is less than about two minutes.
`Another drawback of aqueous vehicles is that many drugs
`which may potentially be used in eye therapy are hydro-
`phobic and their delivery into the eye by such aqueous
`vehicles is not possible. While such hydrophobic drugs may
`potentially be administered to the eye in conjunction with
`various organic solvents, the use of such solvents usually
`causes irritation and inflammatory reactions. See Harmia et
`al. (1987) Pharm. Acta Helv. 62:322-332.
`The present invention solves the problem of emulsion
`instability without resorting to either of the prior art sug-
`gestions by instead converting classical emulsions to sub-
`micron emulsions with the input of energy by shear forces
`and homogenization to provide submicron emulsions pos-
`sessing substantially reduced eye irritation properties. Also,
`the irritation of the eye is further reduced through the use of
`non-irritating non-ionic surfactants in such emulsions. Thus,
`when drugs are included with these submicron emulsions,
`the present
`invention provides ophthalmic compositions
`which are improved over those which are currently available
`in the art. In accordance with the present invention, eiiective
`means for reducing irritation of the eye, particularly such
`irritation which is drug-induced, is provided for the first time
`and thereby along felt need has been fulfilled.
`Attempts have been made to develop various delivery
`vehicles in which the drug residence time in the eye is
`increased. The most direct approach for achieving this goal
`is by an increase in the viscosity ofthe vehicle. Thus, various
`viscous vehicles, such as liydrogels or ointments, have been
`attempted, some of which also enable delivery of hydro-
`phobic drugs into the eye. Additionally, many attempts to
`use various non-conventional carriers, such as liposomcs,
`micellar solutions and nanoparticles, as vehicles of oph-
`thalmic drugs have also been made. While the use of such
`In addition, the use of emulsions in ophthalmic prepara-
`tions has been limited to a large extent by the inclusion of
`surfactants in the emulsions which surfactants are highly
`irritating to the eye. For example, the use of the emulsion
`preparations of EP 391,369 are limited considerably by the
`irritating cifect of the ionic surfactants which are used in
`those emulsions. Thus, to date no commercially successful
`ophthalmic compositions in the form of oil-in-water emul-
`sions are available.
`versus baseline in both treated and contralateral eyes with a
`about 0.5 to 50% of a first component of an oil, about 0.1 to
`comparison to the administration of the same emulsion
`10% of a second component of an emulsifier, about 0.05 to
`without pflocarpine; and
`5% of a non-ionic surfactant and an aqueous component,
`FIG. 6 shows the change in IOP versus baseline level in
`with the mean droplet size being in the submicron range, i.e.,
`human subjects following administration of a 2% pilo-
`below about 0.5 pm and preferably between about 0.1 and
`carpine containing emulsion versus for both treated and
`0.3 pm.
`contralateral eyes with a comparison to the administration of
`The first component may be a medium chain triglyceride
`the same emulsion without pilocarpine.
`oil, a vegetable oil, a mineral oil or mixtures thereof, and is
`usually present in an amount of about 1 to 20%. For viscous
`compositions or creams, the oil may be present in an amount
`of about 30 to 50%.