`lntemanonal Bureau
`51) I“i°‘-''"3fi°1“‘1 Pawn‘ Ciassmci“-i0“ 6 i
`W0 99/24542
`C11D 3/43, 3/32, 3/37, A61L 2/00 ll
`20 May 1999 (2005.99)
`C111) 1/722
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`10 November 1993 (10.1 1.98)
`(30) Priority Data;
`12 November I997 (12.1 1.97)
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(43) International Publication Date:
`(31) Designated States: AL, AU, BA, BB, BG, BR, CA, CN, CU,
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`TR, 'I'l‘, UA, UZ, VN, YU, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE,
`LS, MW, SD, SZ. UG, ZW), European in-1te11t(AT, BE, CH,
`CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB‘. GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL,
`PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG. CI, CM, GA, GN,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`One Bausch & Lomb Place, Rochester, NY 14604-2701
`(72) Inventors: HEILER, David, J.; 173 Wadsworth Avenue, Avon,
`NY 14414 (US). XIA, Eming; 93 Cliippeniiam Drive,
`Penfieltl, NY 14-526 (US). SIMPSON, Lisa, C3,
`'73 Raton
`Avenue, Rochester. NY 14626 (US). MARSH. David, A.;
`Apartment 2065, 5505 Cross Creek Lane, Fort Worth, TX
`76109 (US).
`(74) Agents: KONKOL, Chris, 1'. et ai.; Bausch & Lomb In-
`corporated, One Bausch & Lomb Place, Rochester, NY
`t4604—27Dl (US).
`With irtrerrzatfonal search report.
`(57) Abstract
`The present invention is directed to an ophthalmically safe disinfecting solution for Contact lenses comprising a biguanide polymer
`in combination with a bis(biguanide), and a method of using the composition,
`in the form of an aqueous solution, for disinfecting andfor
`preserving contact lenses. especially soft contact lenses. The invention can be used to formulate products having greater convenience ancllor
`benefits compared to traditional disinfecting products for contact lenses and can provide a broader, more potent and faster antimicrobial
`activity overall.
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
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`The forrner Yugoslav
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`Russian Federation
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`Republic of Korea
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`Central African Republic
`Cert d‘Ivnire
`Czech Republic
`Triniclarl rind Tobago
`United States of Americrt
`Viet Nam
`, wo 99/24542
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to new and improved solutions for the treatment of contact
`lenses and to methods for treating contact lenses with such solutions. In particular, the
`present invention is directed to disinfecting systems comprising the novel combination of
`two disinfecting agents, namely a bis(biguanidc) and a polymeric biguanide.
`Background of the Invention
`Generally, contact lenses in wide use fall into three categories:
`(1) hard lenses
`formed from materials prepared by polymerization of acrylic esters, such as polymethyl
`methacrylate (PMMA), (2) rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses formed from silicone
`acrylates and fluorosilicone methacrylates, and (3) gel, hydrogel or soft type lenses made
`of polymerized hydrophilic or hydrophobic monomers, such as 2-hydroxyethyl
`methacrylate (I-IEMA). The hard acrylic type contact lenses are characterized by low
`water vapor diffusion constants, resistance to the effects of light, oxygen and hydrolysis,
`and absorb only minor amounts of aqueous fluids. Because of the durability of hard
`contact lenses, coupled with their tendency not to absorb appreciable amounts of water,
`the selection of suitable disinfecting agents, cleaning agents or other lens care
`compounds is relatively non-critical.
`However, unlike hard lenses, soft-type contact lenses have a tendency to bind and
`concentrate significantly more fluids, environmental pollutants, water impurities, as well
`as antimicrobial agents and other active ingredients commonly found in lens—care
`solutions. In most instances, the low levels of the ingredients in lens—care solutions do
`not lead to eye tissue irritation when used properly. Nevertheless, especially due to the
`inherent binding action of protein deposits to soft-lens materials, some disinfecting
`agents and preservatives tend to build up on lens surfaces and may become concentrated
`to potentially hazardous levels, such that when released could cause corneal
`inflammation and other eye tissue irritation.
`‘ wo 99/24542
`Certain antibacterial agents were found to be more compatible with contact lenses
`and exhibit less binding on lens surfaces.
`In one case, it was found that chlorhexidine, a
`biguanide, binds to soft lens material seven times less than benzalkonium chloride. The
`presence ofproteinaceous oily tear-film deposits on a lens, however, can double the
`amount of chlorhexidine absorbed on the lens compared to a clean lens. U.S. patent
`4,354,952 discloses very dilute disinfecting and cleaning solutions containing
`chlorhexidine or its salt in combination with certain atnphoteric and non-ionic
`surfactants. These solutions were‘ found to reduce the amount of binding of
`chlorhexidine on hydrophilic soft contact lenses. Notwithstanding the reduction in
`binding achieved by this invention, the use of chlorhexidine did result in certain
`tradeoffs. The antimicrobial activity of the chlorhexidine may be diminished when used
`with certain amphoteric surfactants. Furthermore, it was reported that if not used in
`proper ratio, the surfactant and disinfectant will precipitate unless a non-ionic type
`surfactant is also employed.
`British Patent 1,432,345 discloses contact lens disinfecting compositions
`containing a polymeric biguanide and a mixed phosphate buffer. Compositions as
`disclosed by this patent, however, have corneal staining values of 17% or more, far
`above that which is desirable for patient acceptability.
`U.S. Patent 4,758,595 to Ogunbiyi et al. disclosed that a contact-lens solution
`containing a polyaminopropyl biguanide (PAPB), also known as polyhexamethylene
`biguanide (PHMB), has enhanced efficacy when combined with a borate buffer. These
`disinfecting and preservative solutions are especially noteworthy for their broad
`spectrum of bactericidal and fungicidal activity at low concentrations coupled with very
`low toxicity when used with soft~type contact lenses.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,453,435 to Raheja et al., disclosed a preservative system that
`comprises a combination of chlorhexidine and polyhexarnethylene biguanide. This
`preservative system, used in commercial products for rigid—gas-permeable lenses, was
`found to exhibit an improved combination of efficacy and low eye irritation.
`Compositions containing PHMB and borate have been commercialized in various
`products, but at levels of about 1 ppm or less for use with soft contact lenses. It is
`generally desirable to provide the lowest level of a bactericide possible, while
`_ WO 99124542
`maintaining the desirable level of disinfection efficacy, in order to provide a generous
`margin for safety and comfort.
`Some of the most popular products for disinfecting lenses are multipurpose
`solutions that can be used to clean, disinfect and wet contact lenses, followed by direct
`insertion (placement on the eye) without rinsing. Obviously, the ability to use a single
`solution for contact-lens care is an advantage. Such a solution, however, must be
`particularly gentle to the eye, since, as indicated above, some of the solution will be on
`the lens when inserted and will come into contact with the eye.
`With conventional contact-lens cleaners or disinfectants, including multi-purpose
`solutions, lens wearers typically need to digitally or manually rub the contact lenses
`(typically between a finger and palm or between fingers) during treatment of the contact
`lenses. The necessity for the daily “rubbing" of contact lenses adds to the time and effort
`involved in the daily care of contact lenses. Many contact-lens wearers dislike having to
`perform such a regimen or consider it to be an inconvenience. Some wearers may be
`negligent in the proper “rubbing" regimen, which may result in contact-lens discomfort
`and other problems. Sometimes rubbing, if performed too rigorously, which is
`particularly apt to occur with beginning lens wearers, may damage the lenses. This can
`be problematic when a replacement lens is not immediately available.
`Contact lens solutions that qualify as a “Chemical Disinfecting Solution” do not
`require rubbing to meet biocidal performance criteria (for destroying representative
`bacteria and fungi) set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the
`PrernarketNotif1cation (5l0k) Guidance Document For Contact Lens Care Products,
`In contrast, a contact-lens solution, referred to as a “Chemical
`May 1, 1997.
`Disinfecting System,” that does not qualify as a Chemical Disinfecting Solution, requires
`a rubbing regimen to pass biocidal performance criteria. Traditionally, rnulti-purpose
`solutions (used for disinfecting and wetting or for disinfecting, cleaning, and wetting)
`have qualified as a Chemical Disinfecting System, but not as a Chemical Disinfecting
`A Chemical Disinfecting Solution would generally require a more efficacious or
`stronger disinfectant than a Chemical Disinfecting System. The stronger the biocidal
`_ W0 99f24542
`effect of a solution, however, the more likely that it may exhibit toxic effects or
`adversely effect lens—wearer comfort. For example, many very efficacious bactericides
`used in other contexts, such as mcuthwashes, cosmetics, or shampoos, while being
`sufficiently safe for use in such products, would be too toxic for ophthalmic use,
`especially for use with soft lenses because of the abovementioned tendency of soft
`lenses to bind chemicals and the sensitivity of eye tissues. Similarly, the concentrations
`of certain bactericidcs may need to be within lower limits in solutions for use with soft
`contact lenses than in other products or in solutions for other types of lenses, especially
`when such solutions are not rinsed from the contact lens before placing the lens in the
`It would be desirable to obtain a contact-lens solution that would simultaneously
`provide both (I) an increased level and/or broader spectrum of biocidal activity, and (2) a
`low order of toxicity to eye tissue, such that the solution can be used to treat a contact
`lens such that the lens can subsequently be placed on the eye without rinsing the solution
`from the lens. While challenging to develop, it would be especially desirable to obtain a
`Chemical Disinfecting Solution that could be used for soft contact lenses and that would
`allow direct placement of a contact lens on an eye following soaking in the solution
`andfor rinsing and rewetting with the solution. Such a product may provide increased
`efficacy, resulting in greater protection to the lens wearer against infection caused by
`microorganisms, while providing maxiinum convenience. Finally, it would be desirable
`for the biocidal efficacy of the disinfecting solution to be sufficiently high to achieve
`efficacious disinfection, or at least not inherently inefficacious disinfection, of a contact
`lens with respect to bacteria and fungi in the event, for whatever reason, that the contact
`lens wearer does not carry out a regimen involving mechanical rubbing or the like using
`the contact-lens solution.
`_WO 99124542
`Brief Description of the Invention
`The present invention is directed to an ophthalmicaily safe disinfecting solution
`for contact lenses comprising:
`about 0.10 to about 4.0 ppm of a bis(biguanide) in the form of a
`dihydrochloride salt, or a corresponding concentration of the same bis(bigua:1ide) in the
`form of the free base or a different water-soluble salt, which_bis(biguanide)'has the
`following general formula:
`or their water-soluble salt form, wherein R‘ and R2 are independently selected from the
`group consisting of branched or unbranched alkyl, alkoxyalkyl or alkylsulfide radical,
`and n is 4 to 16; and
`about 0.1 to about 3.0 ppm of a polymeric biguanide having the formula:
`wherein Z is an organic divalent bridging group which may be the same or different
`throughout the polymer, n on average is at least 3, and X’ and X3 are
`independently selected from the groups -NH; and —NH - |(I3 — NH — CN.
`an effective amount of a buffering agent; and
`water in an amount of at least about 80% by weight.
`Preferably, the compositions of the present invention also include one or more
`surfactants. In one embodiment of the invention, the surfactant is a neutral or non-ionic
`The invention is also directed to a method of disinfecting, or cleaning and
`disinfecting, a contact lens comprising soaking the lens for a given period of time in the
`aqueous solution described above, and subsequently directly placing the treated lens on
`_ W0 99/24542
`an eye of the wearer. In one embodiment of this method, a contact lens does not require
`rubbing with the solution to achieve the necessary disinfection.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`FIG. 1 is a bar graph showing the biocidal efficacy, after 15 minutes, of a
`solution containing the combination of two disinfecting age_n_ts, namely a bis(biguaiiide)
`and a biguanide polymer, versus the theoretical sum of the biocidal efficacy of separate
`solutions of each disinfecting agent. The increased efficacy of the combination
`compared to the theoretical sum is a measure of the synergy of the combination. I n
`1 shows the theoretical log reduction compared to the actual log reduction
`for alexidine and PHMB, with respect to C. albicans microorganisms, after 15 minutes
`particular, Fig.
`FIG. 2 is a bar graph showing the biocidal efficacy, after 30 minutes, of a
`solution containing the combination of a bis(biguanide) and a biguanide polymer versus
`the theoretical sum of the biocidal efficacy of separate solutions of each disinfecting
`agent. In particular, Fig. 2. shows the theoretical log reduction compared to the actual
`log reduction for alexidine and PHMB, with respect to C. ai'bz'cczns microorganisms, after
`30 minutes exposure.
`Detailed Description ofthe Invention
`As indicated above, the present invention is directed to a composition involving
`the combined used of a biguanide polymer and a bis(biguanide), and a method of using
`the composition, in the form of an aqueous solution, for disinfecting and/or preserving
`contact lenses, especially soft contact ienses. This synergistic combination offers
`maximum convenience while providing increased efficacy and hence better protection
`against microorganisms compared to traditional disinfecting products for contact lenses.
`The solution according to the present invention provides a broader, more potent and
`faster antimicrobial activity overall, when considering the entire range of
`microorganisms, based on representative bacteria and fungi commonly tested. In
`particular, the disinfecting solutions of the present invention are effective at low
`_ WO 99124542
`concentrations against a wide spectrum of microorganisms, including but not limited to
`Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonns aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Candida
`albicans, and Fusnrium salami ’
`A disinfecting solution is generally defined as a contact-lens care product
`containing one or more active ingredients (for example, anti-microbial agents and/or
`preservatives) in sufficient concentrations to destroy harmful microorganisms on the
`surface of alcontact lens within the recommended minimum soaking time. The
`recommended minimum soaking time is included in the package instructions for use of
`the disinfecting solution. The term “disinfecting solution” does not exclude the
`possibility that the solution may also be useful as a preserving solution, or that the
`disinfecting solution may also be useful for other purposes such as daily cleaning, rinsing
`and storage of contact lenses, depending on the particular formulation. The present
`solution, in combination with its container or bottle and packaging, including instructions
`for use in accordance with a specified regimen, may be considered a novel and improved
`kit, package, or system for the care of contact lenses.
`By the term “soft lens” is meant a lens having a proportion of hydrophilic repeat
`units such that the water content of the lens during use is at least 20% by weight. The
`term "soft contact lens" as used herein generally refers to those contact lenses which
`readily flex under small amounts of force. Typically, soft contact lenses are formulated
`from polymers having a certain proportion of repeat units derived from hyclroxyethyl
`methacrylate and/or other hydrophilic monomers, typically crosslinked with a
`crosslinking agent. However, newer soft lenses, are being made from hi gh-Dk silicone-
`containing materials.
`By the term “ophthalmically safe” with respect to a contact-lens solution is meant
`that a contact lens treated with the solution is safe for direct placement on the eye
`without rinsing, that is, the solution is safe and comfortable for daily contact with the eye
`via a contact lens that has been wetted with the solution. An ophthalmically safe
`solution has a tonicity and pH that is compatible with the eye and comprises materials,
`and amounts thereof, that are non—cytotoxic according to ISO standards and U.S. FDA
`(Food & Drug Administration) regulations.
`. WO 99124542
`A solution that is useful for cleaning, chemical disinfection, storing, and rinsing a
`soft contact lens is referred to herein as a “multipurpose solution.” Multi-purpose
`solutions do not exclude the possibility that some wearers, for example, wearers
`particularly sensitive to chemical disinfectants or other chemical agents, may prefer to
`rinse or wet a contact lens with another solution, for example, a sterile saline solution
`prior to insertion of the lens. The term “rnulti-purpose solution" also does not exclude
`the possibility of periodic cleaners not used on a daily basis or supplemental cleaners for
`removing proteins, for example enzyme cleaners, which are typically used on a weekly
`basis. By the term “cleaning” is meant that the solution contains one or more cleaning
`agents in sufficient concentrations to loosen and remove loosely held lens deposits and
`other contaminants on the surface of a contact lens, especially if used in conjunction with
`digital manipulation (for example, manual rubbing of the lens with a solution) or with an
`accessory device that agitates the solution in contact with the lens, for example, a
`mechanical cleaning aid. The critical micelle concentration of a surfactant—containing
`solution is one way to evaluate its cleaning effectiveness.
`The term “effective multi-purpose solution” analogously refers to a solution
`useful for daily chemical disinfection, storing, and rinsing a contact lens, which solution
`does not claim to clean a Contact lens, but which solution still obviates the need for any
`other solution for daily cleaning, that is, no other solution must necessarily be used in
`conjunction or combination with the solution on a daily basis. Although such solutions
`may comprise a surfactant or other agent that may inherently loosen or preventing lens
`deposits to some extent, such solutions are not necessarily capable of cleaning a contact
`lens. Effective mnlti—pur-pose solutions are therefore only applicable for lenses used for
`limited period of time,’ either disposable or frequent replacement lenses.
`Traditionally, rnulti-purpose solutions on the market require a regimen involving
`mechanical rubbing of the contact lens with the multi—pnrpose solution, in order to
`provide the required disinfection. That is, such a regimen is required under
`governmental regulatory authorities (for example, the FDA or Food & Drug
`Administration in the USA) for a Chemical Disinfection System that does not qualify as
`a Chemical Disinfecting Solution. The invention according to the present invention has
`the advantage that it is possible to formulate a product that, on the one hand, is gentle
`_ WO 99124542
`enough to be used as both a disinfecting solution and a wetting agent and, on the other
`_ hand, is able to meet the biocidal performance disinfection for a Chemical Disinfecting
`Solution under criteria established by the US FDA for Contact Lens Care Products (May
`1’, 1997) that does not require a regimen involving rubbing of the lenses (even though
`rubbing of the lens may provide further removal of microorganisms). In other words, the
`compositions according to the present invention may optionally be fonnulated to meet
`the requirements of the FDA or ISO Stand—Alone Procedure for contact lens disinfecting
`products. Accordingly, it is possible to make formulations that offer higher patient
`compliance and greater universal appeal than traditional disinfecting or disinfecting and
`cleaning products.
`It is noted that the combination of the biguanide polymer and the bis(biguanide)
`provides enhanced efficacy while not causing imitation or discomfort to the eyes, always
`an important and challenging concem in the art of contact-lens care. Thus, increased
`amounts of the bignanide polymer, by itself, to achieve the same efficacy as the
`combination would result in greater eye irritation. Specifically, it has been found that
`increased amounts of the biguanide polymer, by itself to achieve the necessary
`disinfection for a Chemical Disinfecting Solution would result in unacceptable eye
`irritation. Even if a rubbing regimen is recommended when using solutions of the
`present invention, the enhanced biocidal activity may provide greater protection against
`infection, especially if the rubbing by the contact-lens wearer is inadequate or omitted
`through negligence or disregard of the product instructions.
`According to the present invention, the bis(biguanide) germicides employed in
`the present solutions include compounds, and their water~soluble salts, having following
`wherein R‘ and R2 are independently selected (i.e., the same or different) from the group
`consisting of branched or unbranched alkyl having 4~l2, preferably 6~l 0, carbon atoms,
`alkoxyalkyl (i.e., ether) or alkylsulfide (thioether or cliaikylsulfide) radical having 4-12,
`preferably 6-10, carbon atoms, or cycloalkyl or cycloalkyl-alkyl radical having 5-12,