`Claim 13
`Claim 11
`Claim 1
`13. A method of fabricat ing a
`11. A method of fabricating a
`1. A method of fabricating a
`microelectronic device, comprising microelectronic device, comprising microelect ronic device, comprising
`the steps of:
`t he steps of:
`the steps of:
`furnishing a first substrate having
`furnishing a first substrate having
`furnishing a first substrate having a
`an etchable layer, an etch-stop
`an etchable layer, an et ch-stop
`silicon etchable layer, a si licon
`layer overlying the et chable layer,
`dioxide et ch-stop layer overlying
`layer overlying the etchable layer,
`and a wafer overlying t he etch-st op and a wafer overlying the etch-stop
`the silicon layer, and a single-cryst al
`silicon wafer overlying the etch-
`stop layer, the wafer having a front
`surface not contacting the si licon
`dioxide layer;
`forming a microelect ronic circuit
`element in t he front surf ace of the
`single-crysta l silicon wafer;
`forming a microelect ronic circuit
`element in t he exposed side of t he
`wafer of the first substrate
`opposite t he side overlying the
`et ch-stop layer;
`at taching the front surf ace of the
`attaching the wafer of the first
`substrate to a second substrate, the single-crysta l silicon wafer to a first
`second substrate having a second
`side of a second substrate; and
`microelectronic circuit element
`t herein;
`making an electrical contact from
`t he microelectronic circuit element
`forming a microelectronic circuit
`element in the exposed side of the
`wafer of t he first substrate
`opposite to t he side overlying the
`etch-stop layer;
`att aching the wafer of t he first
`substrate to a second substrate;
`SONY 1020
`in the wafer of the first substrate to
`the second microelectronic circuit
`element on the second substrate;
`etching away the etchable layer of
`the first substrate down to the
`etch-stop layer; and
`forming an electrical connection to
`the microelectronic circuit element
`in the wafer of the first substrate
`through the etch-stop layer.
`etching away the etchable layer of
`the first substrate down to the
`etch-stop layer.
`etching away the silicon etchable
`layer down to the silicon dioxide
`etch-stop layer
`using an etchant that attacks the
`silicon layer but not the silicon
`dioxide layer.