`Hails, Robert L. <rhails@bakerlaw.com>
`Wednesday, February 17, 2016 5:14 PM
`Fryer, Jennifer; melissa@gillamsmithlaw.com; aharoon@kenyon.com;
`jhutchins@kenyon.com; Apple-Raytheon@kenyon.com; jyoon@wsgr.com;
`ashih@wsgr.com; aburrowbridge@wsgr.com; Ramos, Antonio (ARamos@wsgr.com);
`WSGR - OmniVision/Raytheon; davisma@gtlaw.com; shahidas@gtlaw.com;
`kimmin@gtlaw.com; mccarthyp@gtlaw.com; pabisr@gtlaw.com; edlinr@gtlaw.com;
`spharc@gtlaw.com; ddacus@dacusfirm.com; Walker, T. Cy; zbillah@kenyon.com; Sony-
`Steptoe Raytheon 678 Litigation; Bo Davis (bdavis@bdavisfirm.com); Sue Mellinger
`RE: Raytheon v. Samsung, et al., Lead Case No. 2:15-cv-00341-JRG-RSP
`Joint Claim Construction Chart_Appx A (updated) w_ Sony revisions.DOCX
`Thanks for sending. Here are Sony’s revisions to the Appendix.
`Sony proposes to list “etching” as an agreed term using Raytheon’s alternate construction – removing material
`with an etchant. I believe all Defendants agree to this but I would ask them to confirm. Please let me know if
`this is acceptable.
`Robert Hails | BakerHostetler
`Washington Square | 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 1100 | Washington, D.C. 20036-5304
`T 202.861.1692 | F 202.861.1783
`From: Fryer, Jennifer [mailto:jfryer@steptoe.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 5:33 PM
`To: melissa@gillamsmithlaw.com; aharoon@kenyon.com; jhutchins@kenyon.com; Apple-Raytheon@kenyon.com;
`jyoon@wsgr.com; ashih@wsgr.com; aburrowbridge@wsgr.com; Ramos, Antonio (ARamos@wsgr.com); WSGR -
`OmniVision/Raytheon; davisma@gtlaw.com; shahidas@gtlaw.com; kimmin@gtlaw.com; mccarthyp@gtlaw.com;
`pabisr@gtlaw.com; edlinr@gtlaw.com; spharc@gtlaw.com; ddacus@dacusfirm.com; Walker, T. Cy; zbillah@kenyon.com;
`Hails, Robert L.; Sony-Raytheon@kenyon.com
`Cc: Steptoe Raytheon 678 Litigation; Bo Davis (bdavis@bdavisfirm.com); Sue Mellinger
`Subject: RE: Raytheon v. Samsung, et al., Lead Case No. 2:15-cv-00341-JRG-RSP
`In light of Defendants’ suggestions we believe this new form is cleaner and easier to read. Please let us know if
`you have any objections.
`Jenn Fryer
`IP Paralegal Specialist
`From: Fryer, Jennifer
`Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 9:53 AM
`Sony Corp. v. Raytheon Co.
`To: 'melissa@gillamsmithlaw.com'; 'aharoon@kenyon.com'; 'jhutchins@kenyon.com'; 'Apple-Raytheon@kenyon.com';
`'jyoon@wsgr.com'; 'ashih@wsgr.com'; 'aburrowbridge@wsgr.com'; Ramos, Antonio (ARamos@wsgr.com); WSGR -
`OmniVision/Raytheon; 'davisma@gtlaw.com'; 'shahidas@gtlaw.com'; 'kimmin@gtlaw.com'; 'mccarthyp@gtlaw.com';
`'pabisr@gtlaw.com'; 'edlinr@gtlaw.com'; spharc@gtlaw.com; 'ddacus@dacusfirm.com'; 'cwalker@bakerlaw.com';
`'zbillah@kenyon.com'; 'rhails@bakerlaw.com'; 'Sony-Raytheon@kenyon.com'
`Cc: Steptoe Raytheon 678 Litigation; Bo Davis (bdavis@bdavisfirm.com); Sue Mellinger
`Subject: Raytheon v. Samsung, et al., Lead Case No. 2:15-cv-00341-JRG-RSP
`Please see attached.
`Jennifer K. Fryer
`IP Paralegal Specialist
`Steptoe & Johnson LLP
`115 South LaSalle Street
`Suite 3100
`Chicago, IL 60603
`+1 312 577 1305 direct
`+1 312 577 1370 fax
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