Chemomechanical polishing of silicon: Surface termination and mechanism of
`G. J. Pietsch, G. S. Higashi, and Y. J. Chabal
`Citation: Applied Physics Letters 64, 3115 (1994); doi: 10.1063/1.111365
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`polishing of silicon: Surface
`and mechanism of removal
`G. J. Pietsch,‘) G. S. Higashi, and Y. J. Chabal
`AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
`(Received 20 October 1993; accepted for publication 15 March 1994)
`Infrared spectroscopy of Si(ll1)
`samples immediately after chemomechanical planarization with
`silica slurry (“siton polishing”) shows that the surfaces are predominantly
`terminated by hydrogen.
`This hydrogen termination is responsible for the observed strong hydrophobicity peak at a slurrypH
`of 11, at which point a monohydride
`termination prevails. At higher or lower pH, silanol groups
`replace some of the hydrogen species causing an increase in surface hydrophilicity. A removal
`is proposed which
`the interplay of oxidation by OH- and subsequent
`termination by H.
`feed; -lo4 Pa polishing pres-
`ing speed; -0.2 mI/s slurry
`sure); the polishing
`tlrst removes the thin oxide layer and
`then chemomechanically etches the Si itself. Finally, they are
`quickly removed from the rotating polishing pad and rinsed
`with de-ionized water for -10 s to remove excess polishing
`slurry. Insertion into the nitrogen-purged FI’IR bench is usu-
`ally done within 3 min. For the multiple
`internal reflection
`FTIR experiments,
`the rectangular plates
`(38X 15 X0.45
`mm3) are beveled at the ends (45”) to couple the IR radiation
`in and out.
`Figure 1 shows the dependence of the stock removal rate
`on the slurry pH. The inset demonstrates the dependence on
`both the silica and buffer concentrations. Figure 2 shows the
`degree of hydrophobicity
`(high contact angle) and hydrophi-
`(low contact angle) as a function of slurry pH. The
`hydrophobicity and the stock removal rate both peak at the
`same pH
`Figure 3 shows the IR spectra recorded on a sample
`chemomechanically polished at apH of 12.5, that is close to
`where maximum material removal occurs. The most impor-
`tant feature is the strong absorption at 2082.5 cm-‘, assigned
`to the Si-H stretch vibrationa
`It is evidence that, after ch-
`emomechanical polishing,
`the silicon surface is predomi-
`nantly covered with H bonded in an ideal termination of the
`(111) plane. The surface is therefore mostly hydrophobic.
`The left-hand
`inset in Fig. 3 compares the Si-H absorption
`Chemomechanical polishing (CMP) is a key step of sili-
`con processing in semiconductor
`technology. Since the late
`6Os, preferential stock removal by CMP is achieved by pol-
`ishing with a soft, planar pad in an alkaline suspension of
`colloidal silica (“Siton”).r
`It is the last and thus most crucial
`step of a series of surface shaping processes (slice cutting,
`lapping, etching)
`to produce a defect-free,
`flat surface for
`further processing of microelectronic devices? Shrinking de-
`vice dimensions and increasing wafer diameters demand bet-
`ter surface planarity with respect to local and total thickness
`variations of the wafer
`to meet the strict requirements of
`photolithographic patterning processes. Recently, CMP has
`become even more important as a method to remove excess
`interlevel dielectric SiO, over the connection studs in very
`large scale integrated multilayer chips after device patterning
`to allow
`interlayer connection and to produce a planar sur-
`face for the next level of wiriug.3 These technological needs
`and this latter low-cost alternative
`to plasma etchbacks re-
`quire a control of CMP on the atomic scale and, therefore, an
`understanding of the surface chemistry and atomic processes
`during material removal.
`We address here the origin of the well-known hydro-
`phibicity of Si surfaces right after chemomechanical polish-
`ing. Although Schnegg et al. have suggested that hydrogen
`termination must be responsible
`the hydrophobicity,4
`their hypothesis has not yet been verified using chemical
`analysis of Si surfaces immediately after CMP. We use here
`infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),5 which is a
`tool to detect surface hydrogen and other relevant
`species such as hydroxyl groups.6 These results, along with
`stock removal rate and contact angle measurements, reveal
`that the hydrophobicity
`is indeed due to hydrogen termina-
`tion and that the removal rate strongly depends on the OH
`The samples are n-type (111) silicon (-150 n cm) with
`exact orientation
`initial step density). They
`first un-
`an RCA-SC1
`(10 min
`at 80 “C); this clean forms a thin
`oxide layer. They are then polished on both sides for a few
`minutes while being held by a vacuum chuck (resilient, po-
`romeric polishing pad, -100 cm’
`large; -100 cm/s polish-
`‘)Permanent address: Philipps-Universiti Marburg, FB Physik, Renthof 5,
`D-35032 Marbug, Germany.
`_ P
`10 12 14 16
`PIG. 1. Stock removal rate during CMP at various pH values. Inset: re-
`moval rate vs K&O,
`concentration (forming a KOH:K&O,
`buffer; solid
`curve and upper scale) and silica concentration (dashed, pH=11.5, and dot-
`ted, pH=7,
`curve and lower scale) in the slurry.
`Appl. Phys. Lett. 64 (23), 6 June 1994
`0 1994 American
`Institute of Physics
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`. ’
`. ’
`. 5 ’ ’
`. ’ ’
`FIG. 2. Contact angle measurements of Si(ll1) surfaces after CMP in silica
`slurry at various pH values. The reference points are the perfectly hydro-
`phobic Si(ll1) surface etched in ammonium Auoride (WF)
`and the hydro-
`philic surface obtained by a wet-chemical oxide (RCA-Xl)
`standard clean.
`flat (111)
`features of CMP silicon and ideally H-terminated,
`silicon etched in Nl&F. Comparison of the spectral areas of
`the SGH bands indicates that the CMP sample is only cov-
`ered by half a H monolayer. The lower
`frequency of the
`mode (2082.5 cm-‘)
`that of
`the reference
`sample (2083.5 cm-‘)
`is consistent with
`the existence of
`(111) domains (-8 atoms of more if
`ideally H-terminated
`OH adsorbed at steps also
`the observed Si-H
`frequency).’ The width of the Si-H stretch mode is charac-
`teristic of inhomogeneity
`in either
`the terrace size or the
`chemical termination of the steps.
`The additional defect mode observed at -2071
`(see upper arrow in Fig. 3) has previously been assigned to
`coupled monohydrides and is consistent with the presence of
`(Oil) steps (miscut in the (211) direction).” Since the modes
`usually associated with higher hydrides, such as uncon-
`I ”
`8 ’
`I ‘.
`’ ”
`-4 ‘1’
`I ’
`* 1.
`I L
`. # *
`sample q,, ,,*
`id’ m
`(2135 cm-‘) dihy-
`cm-‘) or constrained
`strained (-2110
`drides’ or trihydrides”
`(2140 cm-‘) are not observed, the
`only possible defects on these otherwise atomically
`flat sur-
`faces are triangular pits, with monohydride-terminated
`(step edges predominantly
`running the (011) directions).”
`The right-hand
`inset of Fig. 3 gives a clue as to the
`nature of the species terminating
`the rest of the (111) surface.
`is assigned to the O-H stretch
`The absorption at 3250 cm-’
`mode. That there is no absorption in the 1600 cm-l
`rules out the presence of molecular water. The position and
`width of the O-H stretch mode, characteristic of hydrogen
`bonded species, indicate that the hydroxyl groups are close
`together. The relative intensities in the two polarizations are
`If OH were adsorbed on flat (111)
`ferraces, then the OH bond would be inclined with respect to
`the surface normal by roughly 65”, yielding a much stronger
`in s polarization
`than in p polarization
`(due to
`strong screening of modes normal
`the surface).6 The
`stronger absorption in p polarization
`indicates that the O-H
`dipoles are oriented close to the surface normal, This situa-
`tion is possible if the silanol groups are predominantly ad-
`sorbed at steps with a one dangling bond termination.
`In this
`configuration, steric interaction with
`the bottom
`terrace and
`neighboring Si-O-H
`would contribute
`to the O-H
`pointing away from the surface plane. The hydroxyl groups
`account for the lower hydrophobicity of the CMP samples
`compared to the completely H-terminated samples12 (com-
`after CMP vs >85”
`pare max contact angle -70”
`“ideal” hydride termination by NH4F etching in Fig. 2).
`The atomic processes taking place during CMP (after the
`removal of the thin oxide
`layer) are now considered. The
`stock removal
`rate (Fig. 1) increases with slurry pH and
`peaks at the alkaline value of pH-11.5.
`This increase with
`pH suggests that OH-
`is instrumental
`in silicon chemical
`etching. Further, OH- molecules must be consumed during
`the removal process since the pH of the off-flowing
`slurry is
`reduced during polishing. Consequently,
`slurry pH by buffering
`the slurry significantly
`increases the
`removal rate (solid line, inset Fig. 1) because it maintains the
`In addition,
`the polishing
`rate varies
`with the silica concentration (dashed and dotted curves, inset
`of Fig. l), indicating
`that the presence of colloidal silicon
`also necessary in chemomechanical polishing.
`the optimum pH value of 11.5, the surface
`becomes hydrophikc
`(Fig. 1). At very high slurry pH>13,
`the infrared absorption spectrum is dominated by the O-H
`stretch absorption, with a much decreased Si-H absorption
`band. The O-H absorption is now characterized by a strong
`absorption in s polarization, pointing
`to the formation of a
`thin hydrohilic oxide containing OH groups with
`orientation.13 At lower pH (-lo),
`a drop of the removal rate
`is also observed together with an increase in hydrophilicity.
`Here, however, the oxide growth
`is due to the well-known
`slowly oxidizing effect of (oxygen-containing)14 water (re-
`rate minimum at pH-7)
`rather than due to direct
`the highly alkaline slurry at very high
`attack by OH-
`pH. At pH<6,
`however, the colloidal suspension becomes
`unstable,r5 silica particles precipitate, and
`the polishing
`thus becomes entirely abrasive, leading
`to the
`(slurry pH=12.5). The lower arrow
`FIG. 3. FfTR spectra of CMP Si(ll1)
`termination. The upper arrow shows
`shows the predominant monohydride
`the presence of coupled-monohydride steps (defects). The diagram defines
`the p and s polarizations. The IR reflectivity AR/R
`is given per
`reflection (-60). Left-hand
`inset: comparison of ChfP Si(ll1)
`(solid line) to
`(dashed line). The frequencies and widths are all given
`in cm -*. Right-hand inset: O-H
`stretch region of CMP Si(ll1);
`the hydro-
`carbon contamination
`level (CT&) is very low (-% monolayer range).
`Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 64, No. 23, 6 June 1994
`Pietsch, Higashi, and Chabal
` Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: IP: On: Tue, 01 Mar 2016

`in Fig. 1.
`slight increase of the removal rate at very low pH
`In summary, these observations lead to the following mi-
`croscopic model
`the removal mechanism during
`stage of chemomechanical polishing
`the thin oxide
`layer has been removed); OH- of
`the polishing slurry
`supplied at very high density by
`the surfaces”
`polyanionic OH--carrying
`silica particles and transferred
`through the boundary layer to the silicon surface by the me-
`chanical action of the polishing process. Locally
`the surface
`may be terminated either by OH or H. If the surface is H
`that it becomes
`then there is some probability
`partially oxidized by
`forming surface hydroxyl groups,14
`=Si-OH, particularly at sterically
`favored defect sites like
`coupled monohydrides at atomic steps.* These hydroxyl
`groups weaken the Si-Si
`backbonds of the surface silanol
`species by strong polarizationr4 and facilitate a further attack
`by HzO+H++OH-.
`(An attack by OH-
`ions directly is un-
`likely due to the electrostatic
`repulsion by the negatively
`charged, hydroxylated OH”-Si&+=surface
`sites). This re-
`action can be depicted as
`I +=&$
`--t 2Ha Si,,,+(HO),=Si,,,
`-+ 2H2 Siterr+ (HO),= Si,,,, + Sit,,,
`I *
`The silicic acid species, Si(OH)4, formed in this manner are
`removed frictionally by the slurry particles. The new surface
`generated by this row-by-row
`removal mechanism is again
`predominantly H terminated and will subsequently be at-
`tacked by OH-
`the same way. The concentration of
`the electrochemical potential for this oxidation
`reaction of silicon during polishing
`(Nemst equation)-
`the size of
`the silicic
`acid species
`and the resulting stock re-
`moval rate. At very high pH,
`the competing process of com-
`plete oxidation by
`condensation of adjacent
`prevails, and a stable hydrophilic oxide is formed which fur-
`ther slows polishing removal rate.14’16
`leads to sub-
`In summary, chemomechanical polishing
`stantial hydrogen termination of Si(lll),
`after the initial
`oxide layer is removed. This hydrogen termination consists
`predominantly of “ideal” monohydride species, present in
`small triangular
`terraces enclosed by double-layer steps. Hy-
`these H-terminated,
`sterically accessible
`step silicon atoms by OH-
`from the alkaline slurry initiates
`of the now polarized Si4i
`subsequent crackin
`(Sis+)3&is++ OH P
`--, by attack of water molecules. Even-
`tually an oxidized silica species is removed, leaving the sur-
`face H-terminated behind. The microscopic surface morphol-
`ogy, the overall removal rate, and the surface hydrophobic@
`(contact angle) are controlled by this competition of oxida-
`tion by OH- and termination by H. The flatness achieved
`and the simple chemical model extracted for the Si(ll1)
`faces may be useful
`to optimize CMP and wet chemical
`preparation of atomically smooth and homogeneous Si(100)
`surfaces, an important requirement of the semiconductor
`The authors would like to thank S. B. Christman and T.
`Boone for valuable technical assistance. G.J.P. gratefully ac-
`the Alexander
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