`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`( 43) International Publication Date
`31 May 2007 (31.05.2007)
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`G06F 21100 (2006.01)
`H04L 29106 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`28 November 2006 (28.11.2006)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`28 November 2005 (28.11.2005) US
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): KONIN(cid:173)
`KLUKEKPNN.V. [NL!NL]; Maanplein55, NL-2516 CK
`The Hague (NL).
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): REMIJN, Martien,
`Nicolaas, Rene [NL/ES]; Avda. Don Quijote 12, E-47151
`Boecillo (VA) (ES).
`(74) Agent: WUYTS, Koenraad Maria; Koninklijke KPN
`N.V., P.O. Box 95321, NL-2509 CH The Hague (NL).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`!!!!!!!! ---
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`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2007/060016 A2
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl,
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`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT,
`GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declaration under Rule 4.17:
`ofinventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`iiiiiiii ----
`' - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`M (57) Abstract: The invention relates to authentication for online services and/or online content based on token based authentication,
`0 while using a portable device. The invention provides a system and method for token based authentication, without the need for a
`> hardware token. The invention further provides a token based authentication system and method with a limited validity period for
`~ tokens, in order to provide a high level of protection against fraud.
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`Self Provisioning Token
`Field of the invention
`The invention relates to authentication for online
`services and online content. More specifically, the
`invention relates to the downloading and paying for online
`content, the using and paying for online services and the
`offering of online content and services.
`Furthermore, the invention relates to token based
`authentication for portable devices like mobile phones and
`handheld computers.
`Background of the invention
`Known authentication methods comprise, amongst others,
`user-password based authentication methods and hardware
`token based authentication methods. Hardware token based
`authentication based methods comprise e.g. a mobile phone
`SIM card and a key-ring based authentication method like
`the MacOSX Keychain or the Keystore concept of Java.
`A hardware token may also be referred to as a security
`token, an authentication token or a cryptographic token. A
`hardware token is a physical device that an authorized user
`of online services and online content is given to aid in
`the authentication. Hardware tokens are typically small and
`often are designed to attach to the user's keychain.
`Hardware tokens may store cryptographic keys, such as a
`digital signature.
`It is common knowledge that hardware token based
`authentication methods provide a better protection against
`fraud than user-password based methods. But hardware token
`based methods also have drawbacks. These drawbacks include,
`amongst others, more complexity for the end user because
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`the end user needs to install and manage a hardware token
`for each mobile device he is using. Another drawback of
`hardware token based methods is that the use of hardware
`tokens is strictly bound to the device to which the
`hardware token is directly connected.
`Problem definition
`Currently available hardware token based
`authentication methods have the disadvantage that a
`hardware token needs to be distributed and handed over per
`device. For users using a number of devices, this results
`in the distribution of the same number of hardware tokens.
`Another disadvantage of hardware token based methods
`is that a single user of multiple mobile devices has to
`15 manage a number of hardware tokens in combination with a
`number of mobile devices.
`Yet another disadvantage of hardware token based
`methods is that the use of hardware tokens adds a level of
`complexity to the operation of the mobile device, i.e. the
`hardware token needs to be "installed" and "maintained" at
`the mobile device, both in software and physically.
`Furthermore, some types of hardware tokens can be
`"cloned" (i.e. copied), which can lead to fraud.
`25 Aim of the invention
`It is an object of the invention to eliminate the
`above-mentioned and other drawbacks of the prior art and to
`provide a system and method for token based authentication,
`without the need of a hardware token.
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`Summary of the invention
`The present invention provides a system for
`authentication for online content and services by a mobile
`device, based on a self provisioning token.
`According to an aspect of the invention, a mobile
`device comprises means that generates a code that is unique
`to the mobile device. The means generating a unique code
`can be provided in hardware or in software, or in a
`combination of hardware and software. The means generating
`a unique code is referred to as the self provisioning token
`According to a further aspect of the invention, the
`generation of the code that is unique for the mobile device
`involves local hardware aspects. Local hardware aspects are
`e.g. a processor serial number, an Ethernet MAC address or
`the amount of memory installed in the mobile device.
`According to an aspect of the invention, a unique code
`Z is generated and stored in memory, by applying a hash
`function to at least one local hardware aspect X and a
`cryptographic salt S, illustrated by the expression
`Z=hash(X,S). The hash function provides a way of creating a
`small digital "fingerprint" from the data read as the local
`hardware aspect. The hash function chops and mixes (i.e.
`substitutes or transposes) the data to create a
`fingerprint, often called a hash value. The salt is a non(cid:173)
`public value or number stored in memory, used to modify the
`hash of the local hardware aspect. Preferably the location
`in memory of the salt is not public. The addition of the
`salt provides protection against a "brute force attack",
`i.e. the use of salt S in the hash function prohibits that
`the hash of local hardware aspect X can be reproduced, when
`the summary of local hardware aspects Z is read from the
`memory. "Known-hash attacks" will therefore be much more
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`difficult as a result of the use of salt S in the
`generation of the summary of local hardware aspects Z.
`Preferably at least two local hardware aspects and a
`salt are used in order to generate a unique code,
`illustrated by the expression Z=hash(X,Y,S). The use of two
`local hardware aspects further improves the uniqueness of
`the summary of local hardware aspects Z.
`According to an aspect of the invention, the summary of
`local hardware aspects Z, a user name U and a password P
`are sent to a provisioning server by the self provisioning
`token SPT during a registration of a mobile device. A
`registration is needed to acquire a valid token (i.e. a
`device identifier D) for online authentication. A
`registration comprises a communication session between a
`mobile device and a provisioning server.
`According to another aspect of the invention, the
`provisioning server performs at least one check based on
`username U, password P or summary of local hardware aspects
`Z and responds with a device identifier D and a validity
`interval T.
`By using a summary of local hardware aspects Z during
`registration, the device identifier D is related to the
`hardware of the registered device. As a result,
`authentication for online services and content, based on
`device identifier D, can be related to the hardware of the
`mobile device.
`According to_ an aspect of the invention, the device
`identifier D is valid for a limited time period. After the
`elapse of the time period, the registration is preferably
`performed again, whereby a new device identifier D can be
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`provided, as explained above. In this way a high level of
`protection against fraud can be achieved. Especially when
`the device identifier Dis compromised (i.e. "clonedu}, the
`compromised device identifier D can only be used for a
`limited time period. This improves the protection level
`against fraud.
`According to another aspect of the invention, the
`provisioning of the device identifier D by the provisioning
`server is denied as a result of a comparison of the summary
`of unique local hardware aspects Z with a previously stored
`value of Z at the provisioning server. In this way it can
`be verified if the hardware of the mobile device that is
`currently requesting a token is consistent with a
`15 previously known hardware configuration of the mobile
`device. This can also improve the level of protection
`against fraud.
`Another advantage of the invention is that, by locking
`into existing unique local hardware aspects of the mobile
`device in which both the self provisioning token SPT and
`device identifier D are located, the self provisioning
`token SPT and device identifier D cannot be cloned (copied}
`without an effort which is at par with the value of the
`service consumption at risk. Furthermore, by using existing
`device properties the disadvantage of physical distribution
`and handover of hardware tokens is relieved.
`As yet another advantage, an aspect of the current
`invention brings the opportunity to force the user to
`refresh the authentication token at a regular basis, to
`counter the risk of snooped authentication traffic.
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`Brief description of the drawings
`The invention will be explained in greater detail by
`reference to drawings, in which:
`Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of a
`Provisioning Server and a Device during registration, in
`which a self provisioning token is generated.
`Fig. 2 shqws a schematic representation of
`authentication for online Services or Content, making use
`of a self provisioning token.
`Detailed description of the invention
`For the purpose of teaching of the invention,
`exemplary embodiments of the method and system of the
`invention are described in the sequel. It will be apparent
`to the person skilled in the art that other alternative and
`equivalent embodiments of the invention can be conceived
`and reduced to practice without departing from the true
`spirit of the invention, the scope of the invention being
`only limited by the claims as finally granted.
`A system according to the invention makes it possible
`to use unique local hardware aspects of a mobile device as
`a basis for authentication to online services and online
`content such as online music, video on demand, internet TV,
`remote working, etc.
`The mobile device can be any type of device used for
`online services and online content, like e.g. a mobile
`phone, palm computer, PDA or combined types like Blackberry
`and Hiptop. These devices are being used more and more for
`online services and online content. The service and content
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`providers protect their content e.g. trough username(cid:173)
`password protection, which is considered user-friendly but
`weak from a security point of view, or hardware token-based
`methods, which are considered as being strong from a
`security point of view, but less user friendly.
`The current invention provides a solution to protect
`online services and content from unauthorized access by
`mobile devices, with a security level better than username-
`password authentication but more user friendly than
`hardware token based authentication. For this purpose
`unique local hardware aspects of the mobile device are used
`during the provisioning of a device identifier D. The
`device identifier D serves as an authentication token,
`15 which is related to the hardware of the mobile device by
`which it is being used.
`In an exemplary embodiment according to figure 1 the
`mobile device (10) connects with a provisioning server (20)
`via a network (30) in order to be registered. Registration
`can be started automatically or on initiative from the
`user. When registration is performed automatically, the
`trigger can be either that the mobile device (20) is new
`and therefore unregistered, or the device identifier D
`25 present in the mobile device can have become invalid, e.g.
`as a result of the elapse of the validity time.
`During registration of a new device, the device is
`administrated in the User Profile (22) of the provisioning
`server, which contains information of the mobile device
`user U and is part of a user database (21). User U can be
`already known in the Provisioning Server at the time the
`registration starts and the username and password can have
`been sent to user U in advance. The mobile device contains
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`a software or hardware element SPT (11), which contains the
`functionality and routines to perform registration and
`authentication. Preferably SPT is isolated from user
`programs running on the mobile device. As a part of the
`hardware of the device, SPT can access hardware components,
`peripherals and memory present in the device.
`As a first step during registration, unique local
`hardware aspects are gathered by SPT. As an example, these
`can be a microprocessor identification number, IP/Network
`10 peripheral MAC number, hardware serial/ID number, OS or
`software license or version number, harddisk serial number
`and/or amount of memory. But also other hardware related
`aspects that can be identified and read by programs or
`operating system can be used. Based on the gathered
`hardware information, a summary of the unique local
`hardware aspects, Z, is generated. Z is a hash of at least
`one local hardware aspects X and a salt S. Mathematically
`represented as Z=hash(X,S). Preferably Z is a hash of at
`least two local hardware aspects X and Y and a salt S, to
`improve the uniqueness of Z. In this case the mathematical
`representation is Z=hash(X,Y,S).
`The unique local hardware aspect(s) used to generate Z
`is selected from the gathered local hardware aspects
`mentioned before, based on one or more of the following
`25 criteria:
`- uniqueness;
`- difficulty of spoofing;
`long term stability;
`- reproducibility.
`After generation, Z is stored in the user-profile-
`config (12) .
`Also a hash of X andY (X' andY') are stored in the
`mobile device, as part of the user-profile-config (12). The
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`rationale of storing a hash instead of the original value
`of X and Y is the protection against brute force attacks on
`the device.
`SPT also generates a timestamp T, which is for example
`a concatenated string of date and time down till
`milliseconds, like T=20051115095912269. U, P and T are
`stored in the user-profile-config (12).
`After connecting with the Provisioning Server,
`10 preferably in a secure way (e.g. by using SSL), SPT sends
`the username U, password P, timestamp T and the summary of
`unique local hardware aspects Z to the provisioning server.
`The provisioning server first checks username U and
`password P with the values stored in the user profile (22).
`If username and password are correct, then Z and T are
`added to the user profile (22). The provisioning server
`generates a device identifier D and a validity interval I
`and sends D and I to the mobile device. For example D is a
`randomly generated string of 16 bytes and I is a
`concatenated string of days (2 digits), hours (2 digits)
`and minutes (2 digits), like I=275959. SPT stores D and I
`in the user profile config (12) as token for authentication
`and validity interval. This concludes device registration
`and the mobile device can now access online services and
`25 online content, using D as a token in the authentication
`In an exemplary embodiment according to figure 2, SPT
`authenticates the mobile device to an authentication server
`(40) of a content provider by sending U, P and D to the
`content provider. In addition to the checking of the
`username and password by the authentication server, the
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`authentication server verifies the validity of D via a
`connection to the provisioning server (20).
`In another exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
`provisioning server and the authentication server are
`combined in 1 system.
`In another exemplary embodiment, the device
`identification D has become invalid and the device needs to
`be re-registered. This can for example be triggered by the
`expiration of validity interval I in the device or the
`denial of access by means of D to by an authentication
`server. The re-registration can however also be triggered
`by the mobile device user.
`To initiate re-registration, SPT firstly generates X,
`Y, Z and T in the same way as before and stores them in the
`user profile config (12). Before storing X' andY', a check
`can be carried out to identify hardware changes. In case
`the new and stored values do not match, SPT can block
`itself from further operation.
`Next, the device connects with the provisioning server
`and sends U, P, Z and T, as during previous registration.
`The provisioning server checks U and P and verifies Z with
`the previously stored value of Z in the user profile (22).
`If the new and stored value of Z match, the provisioning
`server generates a new device identifier D and validity
`interval I and sends D and I to the device. SPT stores D
`and I in the user profile config (12). Online services and
`content can now again be accessed using D.
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`1. System for authentication for online content and
`services based on a self provisioning token by a device,
`5 whereby the self provisioning token is provided to the
`device after device registration involving unique local
`hardware aspects.
`2. System according to claim 1, in which the self
`10 provisioning token is valid for a limited time period.
`3. System according to claim 1 or 2, in which the
`provisioning of the self provisioning token by the
`provisioning server is denied as a result of a comparison
`15 of the unique local hardware aspects with stored
`4. Device comprising a means for generating a code that is
`unique for said device.
`5. Device according to claim 4, in which said code is
`stored in said device.
`6. Device according to claim 4, in which said code is
`stored in said means.
`7. Device according to any of claims 4 to 6, wherein local
`hardware aspects are stored in a memory.
`8. Device according to claim 7, wherein said memory resides
`in said device.
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`9. Device according to claim 7, wherein said memory resides
`in said means.
`10. Device according to any of the claims 4 to 9, wherein a
`salt is available in said device.
`11. Device according to claim 10, wherein said salt is
`stored in memory.
`12. Device according to claim 11, wherein said memory
`resides in said device.
`13. Device according to claim 11, wherein said memory
`resides in said means.
`14. Device according to claim 10, wherein a salt is
`available in said means.
`15. Means designed to be connected to a device according to
`any of the claims 4 to 14, which when connected to said
`device, generates a code that is unique for said device.
`16. Means according to claim 15, generating a code that is
`unique for the point in time at which said code is
`17. Means according to claim 15 or 16, using local hardware
`aspects for generating said code.
`18. A computer program designed to be executed in a device,
`which when executed in said device, generates a code that
`is unique for said device.
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`19. A computer program according to claim 18, generating a
`code that is unique for the point in time at which said
`code is generated.
`20. A computer program according to claim 18 or 19, using
`local hardware aspects for generating said code.
`21. Method for generating a code that is unique for a
`device comprising the steps of:
`- acquiring local hardware aspects;
`- selecting the better one of said local hardware aspects,
`and indicating the better one as X;
`- generating a timestamp T;
`- acquiring a salt S from said device;
`- generating said code as a result of the function
`- storing in memory X'=(hash(X)) and Z.
`22. Method for generating a code that is unique for a
`device comprising the steps of:
`- acquiring local hardware aspects;
`- selecting the better two of said local hardware aspects,
`and indicating the better two as X and Y;
`- generating a timestamp T;
`- acquiring a salt S from said device;
`- generating said code as a result of the function
`-storing in memory X'=(hash(X)) and Y'=(hash(Y)) and Z.
`23. Method for acquiring an authentication code to be used
`for online services, comprising the steps of:
`- acquiring username U and password P from the device user;
`- acquiring summary of local hardware aspects Z and
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`timestamp T from memory in said device;
`- sending user name U, password P , summary of local
`hardware aspects Z and timestamp T to a provisioning
`receiving device identifier D and validity interval I
`from said provisioning server;
`- storing D and I in memory of said device.
`24. Authentication method for online services offered by an
`10 online Service Provider, comprising the steps of:
`- acquiring username U and password P from the device user;
`- acquiring device identifier D from memory in said device;
`- sending U, P and D to the online Service Provider.
`25. System that is capable of receiving a first code that
`is unique for a device and that responds by generating a
`second code that is unique to the device.
`26. System according to claim 25 that responds with a
`second code that has a time limited validity.
`27. System according to claim 26 that responds with a
`validity interval.
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