Apple Inc., et al.
`Exhibit 1022
`Apple Inc., et al. v. Global Touch Solutions, Inc.
`Exhibit 1022, Page 001

`I 150 mA output current
`Can be used for lower IOU-r such as, 80 mA, 100 mA, 120 mA
`I Smallest standard SC-70 package in the industry
`5l}% smaller footprint than a SOT-23 package. Saves board space.
`I Very low supply [53 pit] and shutdown current (0.05 |.rA}
`Extends battery life.
`I‘:-I-I I1-UH V.
`Corwmt Lrsir
`I Low dropout voltage (285 ml! at 150 milk}
`PDAs & Laptops
`Digital Cameras 8. Camcorders
`Bar Code Scanners
`Flash, PC 8. PCMCIA Cards
`Modems, WLAN Cards.-‘Devices
`Consumer Electronics
`Battery-operated Applications
`Microchip Technology Introduces New,
`High Performance. 150 mA CMOS LDO
`Microchip has introduced the TC1lJ1T_ high-accuracy (typically 10.5%} CM-OS
`upgrade for bipolar low dropout regulators (LDC). The TC1[l17 is offered in a
`SC-TD package, which represents a 50% reduced footprint vs.
`the popular
`SOT-23 package.
`The TCiEl17 offers better overall performance than competing devices: better
`Ioadfline transient response, higher output voltage accuracy and supports higher
`output current requirements.
`Key performance parameters for the T8101? are:
`Figure 1'. T0101? Typical Applicafion Circuit
`The TC101T’s features make it ideal for a variety of applications:
`'.'.—€-rr- E.f—r'.' Fv;:Ia-r.
`Cellular and Cordless Phones
`Maximizes useable battery life.
`I Stability with small, 1 pl’-' ceramic capacitors
`Saves board space and reduces cost.
`I Excellent dynamic performance
`Responds faster to line and toad changes.
`I High output voltage accuracy 110.5%]
`Provides high-precision supply voltages.
`For more information, contact any authorized Microchip sates representative or authorized
`distributor, or visit;
`Exhibit 1022, Page 002

`Figure 2. PiCT2F5XX Funciionai Block Diagram
`For more information, contact any authorized Microchip sales representative or
`authorized distributor: or visit
`F'lCmicro= Power Managed Tips n’ Tricks
`Individual diodes and or a combination of diodes can be enabled by driving IIC-s
`high and low or switching to inputs {Z}. The number of diodes (D) that can be
`controiled depends on the number of Iios (GP) used.
`The equation is: D = GP 1;: (GP - 1).
`Example — Six LEDs on three HO pins
`C) ‘Ux
`Figure 1. Six .I'_EDs on three HO Pins
`Exhibit 1022, Page 003

`Agilent Technologies
`H ' I It Implementing a simple voltage follower using a digital potentiometer
`By Franlr Rossini, Soiutions-Cub-ea‘
`the fattening teohrlicai ar_tit_:t‘e is_tl':-e seoonotin a series of‘!-tints” reprinleciby perlnission
`mm the “fie” Te°"”°"”9"’5 est
`’i”i‘93f.”'e’"t°’”t G"’”*° S t’””’°a"°”' ————5‘''”’’’S “Y
`' """"*‘*'t'*“‘-'
`‘t’ ’ '
`Digital potentiometers or pots have many uses in today‘s embedded systems. In this
`example, we will implement an embedded “voltage follower" using a PlC1~SF8?'3 microcon-
`trotier and a MCP-4‘i01El digital not both from Microchip Technology, Inc. Basically, the
`PlC® microcontroll-er {MCU} will read the analog voltage and instmct the digital pot to
`reproduce the input voltage. Because we are interested in analyzing the analog input and
`output and the smart plug-in interface {SPIN} to the digital pot, the mixed-signal analysis
`capabilities of the Agilent 54642!) mixed signal oscilloscope {MSG} will come in handy.
`Designing the Volltage Follower
`Figure 1 shows the simplified system used for testing, which consists of a filtered analog
`input to a P|C1fiF8?3. three digital lines connecting the PIC MCU to the ltilCP41U1D pot,
`and the output of the pot. Two analog and three digital lines on the oscilloscope monitor
`U1 PlC1BF3T3-IM-llSP
`Anaiyzing the Analog Input and Digital output
`The top analog trace in Figure 2a represents the input voltage, the analog voltage reading
`at the bottom or the figure represents the digital output tor the SPL Notice how i;he output
`voltage changes alterthe ICS line is tin-asserted on the SPI bus. it is also worth noting that
`the 545429 M30 has bUlii‘i" SPI t|’tQQt3‘ti"El- Y0“ 55" Select the “W95 W U53 for C3. Cltttik.
`3”“ Data Pick betttteen ti5t”Q and falling edge °'°‘3i'‘5’d 5333- attd W5“ 53"‘-‘Ct the Value Of
`the data bite to trigger on.
`»°-silent Technntnstes
`Figure 2a. Measurement of the
`test system showing the input
`voltage (analog trace on top}
`and the digital output (analog
`voltage on the bottom).
`test system with two transitions
`R5i""" T"h"°'"!'e5
`Figure 21:. Another View of the
`Figure 1. Sirnpiified system diagram showing the filtered analog input to a PIC i6Ft‘3 T-"3. three digital
`Exhibit 1022, Page 004

`3...-ruefvi zone:
`l.lSarnple 8: Hold '|'lrne
`ll Take "CoLirrt' Samples
`ll Sample 8: Hold "lime
`ll Use only 8 hits out of 10
`ll Getlhrerage
`llstart wilh CS line high
`llslart with control lines low
`llsrnall Delay
`lllllssert Chip Select
`l.I"u‘aIue = DD01DD‘.]1 ('lNrle to Pom}
`it Send 3 bits
`l!T-esl for one or zero
`llclock in Data
`llsmall Delay
`ll.‘;‘-mall Delay
`llSe nd 3 bits
`l.lTesl for one or zero
`llClocl< in Data
`llsmall Delay
`llsmall Delay
`llunassert CS line
`lllulain Program Loop Begin
`llReset lrlelehdog Timer
`llTal(e 1 Sample
`Exhibit 1022, Page 005
`'I'It8 Get_'uloll:ge(int8 Channel, intfi Count)
`‘lfayg = D;
`{ de|ay_|.rs|{5l'.I);
`Vavg = \i'ayg + (read_ad-of} >> 2):
`uI'a\rg = lfavgl Count:
`return (inl3)(\l'ayg];
`Void Digita|_Pot_-Control ("Inrl:8 Pot_Oulput]i
`output_low[DAT_41 D10}:
`outp ut_|ow{CS_4101t]}:
`l‘.l‘C0l'l1l'cl-l Byte Loop - 8 bit constant
`Pot_Ten1p = 0:11;
`ift b'rl_test{Pol_Ternp,7} == 1 )
`oulput_|ow( DAT_41 U10}:
`shill_lelt|j&Pol_Terrip,1 ,0):
`outpul_|ow(C LK_41£l1D);
`l l
`lbata Byte Loop - 3 bit constant
`Pot_Tarnp = P-ot_Outp-ul",
`ii: bit_test(Pol_Temp.?') == 1 )
`ou|put__higl1[DAT_4101 0]:
`output_l-:iw(DAT_41 010);
`si1iFl_lelt{&Pot_Ten’p,1 ,0):
`output_low{G Ll<_4101D};
`oul:put_low( DAT_41 01 o};
`The sine-wave screen shown in Figure 3 displays the flexibility of the 546420. Using deep
`memory, a feature that makes the M80 very easy to use, the time base can be expanded to
`read the specific SP] data for each analog section. In addition to SPI triggering, the MSG has
`triggering features for USB, PCT", and CAN Bus. Other common measurements, such as,
`phase delay and frequency, are also easily displayed. Only three digital channels were used
`in this example; by using the 13 additional digtal inputs of the oscilloscope, more data can be
`Flgiiant Technnlo gies
`Figure 3. A sine wave screen
`showing the oligital potentiometer
`following an analog input.
`_.iBilCRl{.DC:-i_-;I_iE _TfE;.€:i+IN(_§Lo£_’:iiir‘s.
`H ' If Implementing a simple voltage follower
`' using a digital potentiometer, (continued)
`The following abbreviated C. oode reads the input voltage on the Channel 0 ND of the PIC
`MCU, converts itto an 8-bit value, and sends the result directly to the digital pot via the SP1.
`This allows the designer to input various voltages and easily test the potentiometer output.
`The format of the data sent to the pot is beyond the scope of this document and IS available
`from Microchip if desired
`Click here for additional 'rnfom1ation on the Agilent 546420 or information on the l'll'lCF'-11010.
`S&rnuIated_TPS = Get_\.i'oltage{ChannelE|_ 1};

`buy Microchip E-Commerce Site
`Microchip now offers online buying and
`sampling capability
`Microchip now features the ability to purchase
`products online through its new buy.Microchip site at
`htlp:H'buy.microchig.oon1t or you can link to the site
`through This site allows you to
`place orders via credit card within the United States
`atthis time. Microchip intends to expand the scope of
`buy.Microchip to international
`locations soon. See
`Wm buy.Microchip, you can purchase from the full
`scope of Microchip devices. including our high—per—
`fonnance PlC® microoontrcliers, stand-alone analog
`and interface products, serial EEPROMs, develop-
`ment tools and many other solutions. You can also
`obtain Microchip devices through our distribution
`partners; Arrow, Digi-l-(ey, Future, and Newark who
`ofler many outstanding value-added services to
`support your design needs.
`.....‘.».s._. o
`. LE1
`" HIE
`- an
`_: E
`- g
`- _ I
`._-;,.r— _
`1 ‘ v’ “‘
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`|& HQ
`. Eng“.
`._ B111-it _.JM 4
`The [lU‘f.Mt<lJ‘!”DCl'lID Site Provides:
`I High Availability of Microchip Products
`I New Parametric Search Tool
`I Hassle Free Buying
`I Development Tools Catalog 8. Selector
`'iN'lh our new Parametric Search Tool {Product Tree),
`you can easily and efliciently view, filter, and sort via
`comparison charts. You can also define the specific
`parameters needed for your application and the
`Parametric Search Tool provides you with the
`Microchip device numbers that
`fit within these
`specifications. This is currently the most advanced
`tool Microchip offers to locate devices that meet your
`design needs. See Figure 2.
`0 3 d
`I .i
`I -3'
`IHII hm lnunnnin is new In
`in}-E.ymm@a«um rra-ugfidmu
`Xi T1? j? T M
`N .__‘. ‘Lu _ .
`In an-a-auui-:'u:1:-a-when-:-vacuum
` lliifitfilimk
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`; 1l;"l—_‘-I.-Lfi
`E '4'“
`Figure 2 Paramedic Search Tool
`"""' .......g.

`I 922;
`_ _ _
`- I ‘
`Figure 3. D-eveiopmenf Tools Catalog
`Other key features of the buy.Microchip site, include our wide
`availability of product and the depth of inventory available.
`buy,Microchip provides inventory status or an accurate
`lead-time on neariy every standard device Microchip offers. in
`addition, buy.Micro-chip has the most advanced tool
`available for Microchip’s Development Tools with key
`descriptions and pictures for nearly every tool offered by
`Microchip. See Figure 3.
`For more details, on what buy.Microchip has to offer, please
`visit and register on our link at: http:.*
`For product samples, please visit and register on our link at
`Exhibit 1022, Page 006

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