`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,288,952 B2
`*Oct. 16, 2012
`(75) Inventor? Fredel‘lck J- Brllwer, Paarl (ZA)
`(52) US. Cl. ................... .. 315/200 A; 315/129; 315/291
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 315/ 129,
`315/136, 200 A, 200 R, 291, 307, 360, 362
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`(73) Assignee: Azoteq Pty Ltd., Paarl (ZA)
`References Cited
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis
`(21) Appl. N0.: 13/189,865
`2 338 078 A 12/1943 Wood
`"""""""""""" "
`240/10 66
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2011/0279046 A1
`Nov. 17, 2011
`Related US. Application Data
`1' N 12/855 006 ?l d
`(60) c 1'
`on mua ion 0 app 1ca1on o.
`e on
`Aug. 12, 2010, noW Pat. No. 7,994,726, which is a
`continuation of application No. 12/239,369, ?led on
`Sep. 26, 2008, noW Pat. No. 7,781,980, Which is a
`continuation of application No. 11/961,723, ?led on
`Dec. 20, 2007, noW Pat. No. 7,443,101, Which is a
`division of appl1cat1on No. 11/060,329, ?led on Feb.
`17 2005
`P N 7 336 037
`h. h .
`_’ now at,‘
`’ W 10
`1S a
`Connnuanon of appl1cat1on NO‘ 10/690’423’ _?1ed_ on
`Och 21’ 2003’ HOW Pat; NO' 6,952,084’ Whlch 1S a
`Connnuanon of appl1cat1on NO- 10/365,042’ _?1ed_ on
`Feb~_12, 2003, I10W_Pal_~ N0~ 6,650,066, Whlch 15 a
`Contlnuatlon of appl1cat1on NO- 09/793303, _?1ed_ On
`Fell 26, 2001, HOW Pat N0~ 6,621,225, Whlch 15 a
`continuation of application No. 09/169,395, ?led on
`Oct. 9, 1998, noW Pat. No. 6,249,089.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H05B 37/00
`Technology Associates, Inc., eternaLightTM product related materi
`als., wwwtechasscom, pp. l-3, © 1998, 1999, 2000.
`Primary Examiner T Tung X Le
`74 A”
`A I
`F- i K- & S ld- LLB
`Omey’ gen ’ or m”
`pa mg
`d b d,
`. ePreSem lnvennon’ accor mg to a Pre erre. em 0 lmem’
`is directed to portable electromc devices Which operate on
`exhaustlble poWer sources, for example, batteries. The elec
`tromc devices of the present invention compnse at least one
`signal switch and a microchip in communication With the
`switch Wherein the sWitch is only capable of transmitting a
`signal to the microchip that the sWitch has been activated or
`deactivated. The microchip is in communication With the
`exhaustible poWer source of the electronic device and con
`trols (i) the poWer on/off function of the device, (ii) at least
`one other function of the device in response to activation and
`deactivation signals from the sWitch, and (iii) an automatic
`shut off function in response to the receipt of an activation
`signal from the sWitch.
`40 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Nuc?oc H {P
`Apple Inc., et al.
`Exhibit 1001
`Apple Inc., et al. v. Global Touch Solutions, Inc.
`Exhibit 1001, Page 001

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`7,084,531 B2
`7,119,459 B2 10/2006 Bruwer eta.
`7,215,084 B1
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`Exhibit 1001, Page 002

`US 8,288,952 B2
`Page 3
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`. 307/140
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`. 315/129
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`Schneiker, Henry; “Can You Patent an LED Flashlight?”, 2 pages,
`Jan 2003
`Neon-Net Telecom, Neon-Star product related materials, WWW.
`, pp. 1-5 and Neon-Star Operation Manu,
`, one page, Printed Sep. 15, 2004.
`KYTV Sprin?eld, MO, consumer information by Elizabeth Manresa
`dated Jul. 6, 2000, Light Lives up to Promise, at
`contactdetailed.asp?id:l43, Page 1, Printed Jul. 23, 2004.
`Modern Dictionary of Electronics, NeWnes, 7th Ed., p. 431, 1999.
`* cited by examiner
`Exhibit 1001, Page 003

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 16,2012
`Sheet] of6
`US 8,288,952 B2
`Exhibit 1001, Page 004

`US. Patent
`0a. 16, 2012
`Sheet 2 of6
`US 8,288,952 B2
`TKIOG 1:134
`E 01
`F I I l I l | | l | I I I i I L.
`V’C’G 1:11-31 6
`MlcRoculP ‘
`Exhibit 1001, Page 005

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 16,2012
`Sheet 3 of6
`US 8,288,952 B2
`I: r_—_; 7
`/‘ /05
`I I I I I I I I I I.LL_.
`Exhibit 1001, Page 006

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 16,2012
`Sheet 4 of6
`US 8,288,952 B2
`Exhibit 1001, Page 007

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 16,2012
`Sheet 5 of6
`US 8,288,952 B2
`/3 04
`MM 1
`Exhibit 1001, Page 008

`US. Patent
`0a. 16, 2012
`Sheet 6 of6
`US 8,288,952 B2
`FLWE (7
`> :6; I6
`= _
`OPE/V 52.01012?
`C (.055 Sanrcu
`1 A, c REMEA/T
`OPE/V suncu
`Exhibit 1001, Page 009

`US 8,288,952 B2
`This application is a continuation of US. patent applica
`tion Ser. No. 12/855,006 ?led Aug. 12, 2010 now US. Pat.
`No. 7,994,726, Which is a continuation of US. patent appli
`cation Ser. No. 12/239,369 ?led Sep. 26, 2008, now US. Pat.
`No. 7,781,980, Which is a continuation of US. patent appli
`cation Ser. No. 11/961 ,723 ?led Dec. 20, 2007, now US. Pat.
`No. 7,443,101, Which is a divisional of US. patent applica
`tion Ser. No. 11/060,329 ?led Feb. 17, 2005, now US. Pat.
`No. 7,336,037, Which is a continuation of US. patent appli
`cation Ser. No. 10/690,423 ?led Oct. 21, 2003, now US. Pat.
`No. 6,952,084, Which is a continuation of US. patent appli
`cation Ser. No. 10/365,042 ?led on Feb. 12, 2003, now US.
`Pat. No. 6,650,066, Which is a continuation of US. patent
`application Ser. No. 09/793,303 ?led on Feb. 26, 2001, now
`US. Pat. No. 6,621,225, Which is a continuation of US.
`patent application Ser. No. 09/169,395 ?led on Oct. 9, 1998,
`now US. Pat. No. 6,249,089.
`This application is related to US. patent application Ser.
`No. 09/806,860 ?led Jul. 2, 2001, now US. Pat. No. 6,984,
`900, and to US. patent application Ser. No. 10/430,376 ?led
`May 7, 2003, now US. Pat. No. 6,828,739, and to US. patent
`application Ser. No. 10/855,361 ?led May 28, 2004, now US.
`Pat. No. 7,084,526, and to US. patent application Ser. No.
`10/873,190 ?led Jun. 23, 2004, now US. Pat. No. 7,084,531,
`and to US. patent application Ser. No. 10/ 873,617 ?led Jun.
`23, 2004, noW abandoned, and to US. patent application Ser.
`No. 10/875,618 ?led Jun. 25, 2004, now US. Pat. No. 7,291,
`940, and to US. patent application Ser. No. 10/ 961,373 ?led
`Oct. 12, 2004, now US. Pat. No. 7,265,494, and to US. patent
`application Ser. No. 11/480,868 ?led Jul. 6, 2006, now US.
`Pat. No. 7,329,970, and to US. patent application Ser. No.
`11/785,063 ?ledApr. 13, 2007, now US. Pat. No. 7,772,781
`and to US. patent application Ser. No. 11/930,705 ?led Oct.
`31, 2007, now US. Pat. No. 7,528,508 and to US. patent
`application Ser. No. 11/928,964 ?led Oct. 30, 2007, now US.
`Pat. No. 7,498,749.
`The present invention relates to neW intelligent electrical
`current switching devices and more particularly, to microchip
`controlled electrical current sWitching devices. The invention
`further relates, in one embodiment, to intelligent batteries
`having embedded therein a microchip foruse With a variety of
`electrical devices to add heretofore unknown functionality to
`existing electrical devices. The invention also relates, accord
`ing to another embodiment, to intelligent hand-held elec
`tronic devices, and in a preferred embodiment to hand-held
`light sources, and more particularly, to ?ashlights. According
`to one embodiment of the present invention, the invention
`relates to intelligent hand-held ?ashlights having microchip
`controlled sWitches Wherein said sWitches can be pro
`grammed to perform a variety of functions including, for
`example, turning the ?ashlight off after a pre-determined time
`interval, blinking, or dimming, etc.According to a still further
`embodiment, the invention relates to loW current sWitches
`controlled by microchips of the present invention for use in
`building lighting systems.
`In conventional ?ashlights, manually-operated mechanical
`sWitches function to turn the ?ashlight “on” and “of .” When
`turned “on,” battery poWer is applied through the closed
`sWitch to a light bulb, the amount of poWer then consumed
`depends on hoW long the sWitch is closed. In the typical
`?ashlight, the effective life of the battery is only a feW hours
`at most. Should the operator, after using the ?ashlight to ?nd
`his/her Way in the dark or for any other purpose, then fail to
`turn it off, the batteries Will, in a very short time, become
`exhausted. Should the ?ashlight be left in a tumed-on and
`exhausted condition for a prolonged period, the batteries may
`then leak and exude corrosive electrolyte that is damaging to
`the contact Which engages the battery terminal as Well as the
`casing of the ?ashlight.
`When the ?ashlight is designed for use by a young childthe
`likelihood is greater that the ?ashlight Will be mishandled,
`because a young child is prone to be careless and forgets to
`turn the ?ashlight “off” after it has served its purpose.
`Because ofthis, a ?ashlight may be left “on” for days, ifnot
`Weeks, and as a result of internal corrosion may no longer be
`in Working order When the exhausted batteries are replaced.
`Flashlights designed for young children are sometimes in a
`lantern format, With a casing made of strong plastic material
`that is virtually unbreakable, the light bulb being mounted
`Within a re?ector at the front end of the casing and being
`covered by a lens from Which a light beam is projected. A
`U-shaped handle is attached to the upper end of the casing,
`With mechanical on-off slide sWitch being mounted on the
`handle, so that a child grasping the handle can readily
`manipulate the slide actuator With his/her thumb.
`With a sWitch of this type on top of a ?ashlight handle,
`When the slide actuator is pushed forWard by the thumb, the
`sWitch “mechanically” closes the circuit and the ?ashlight is
`turned “on” and remains “on” until the slide actuator is pulled
`back to the “off” position and the circuit is opened. It is this
`type of sWitch in the hands of a child that is most likely to be
`inadvertently left “on.”
`To avoid this problem, many ?ashlights include, in addi
`tion to a slide sWitch, a push button sWitch Which keeps the
`?ashlight turned on only When ?nger pressure is applied to the
`push button. It is di?icult for a young child Who Wishes, say to
`illuminate a dark corner in the basement of his home for about
`30 seconds, to keep a push button depressed for this period. It
`is therefore more likely that the child Will actuate the slide
`sWitch to its permanently-on position, for this requires only a
`monetary ?nger motion.
`It is knoWn to provide a ?ashlight With a delayed action
`sWitch Which automatically turns off after a pre-determined
`interval. The Mallory US. Pat. No. 3,535,282 discloses a
`?ashlight that is automatically turned off by a delayed action
`mechanical sWitch assembly that includes a compression
`spring housed in a belloWs having a leaky valve, so that When
`a sWitch is turned on manually, this action serves to mechani
`cally compress the belloWs Which after a pre-determined
`interval acts to turn off the sWitch.
`A similar delayed action is obtained in a ?ashlight for
`children marketed by Playskool Company, this delayed
`action being realiZed by a resistance-capacitance timing net
`Work Which applies a bias to a solid-state transistor sWitch
`after 30 seconds or so to cut off the transistor and shut off the
`?ashlight. Also included in the prior art, is a ?ashlight previ
`ously sold by Fisher-Price using an electronic timing circuit
`to simply turn off the ?ashlight after about 20 minutes.
`It is also knoWn, eg as disclosed in US. Pat. No. 4,875,
`147, to provide a mechanical sWitch assembly for a ?ashlight
`Which includes a suction cup as a delayed action element
`Whereby the ?ashlight, When momentarily actuated by an
`operator, functions to connect a battery poWer supply to a
`light bulb, and Which maintains this connection for a pre
`Exhibit 1001, Page 010

`US 8,288,952 B2
`determined interval determined by the memory characteris
`tics of the suction cup, after Which the connection is auto
`matically broken.
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,138,538 discloses a ?ashlight having the
`usual components of a battery, and on-off mechanical sWitch,
`a bulb, and a hand-held housing, to Which there is added a
`timing means and a circuit-breaking means responsive to the
`timing means for cutting off the ?oW of current to the bulb,
`Which further has a by-pass means, preferably child-proof, to
`direct electric current to the light bulb regardless of the state
`of the timing means. The patent also provides for the opera
`tion of the device may be further enhanced by making the
`by-pass means a mechanical sWitch connected so as to leave
`it in series With the mechanical on-off sWitch. Furthermore,
`the patent discloses a lock or other “child-proo?ng” mecha
`nism may be provided to ensure that the by-pass is disabled
`When the ?ashlight is sWitched off.
`Most conventional ?ashlights, like those described above,
`are actuated by mechanical push or slide button-type sWitches
`requiring, of course, mechanical implementation by an opera
`tor. Over time, the sWitch suffers “Wear and tear” Which
`impairs operation of the ?ashlight as a result of, for example,
`repeated activations by the operator and/ or due to the fact that
`the sWitch has been left “on” for a prolonged period of time.
`In addition, such mechanical sWitches are vulnerable to the
`effects of corrosion and oxidation and can cause said sWitches
`to deteriorate and to become non-functioning. In addition,
`these prior art devices having these mechanical sWitches are
`generally “dumb,” i.e. they do not provide the user With
`convenient, reliable, and affordable functionalities Which
`today’s consumers noW demand and expect.
`The prior art sWitches typically provide tWo basic functions
`in prior art ?ashlights. First, the mechanical sWitches act as
`actual conductors for completing poWer circuits and provid
`ing current during operation of the devices. Depending upon
`the type of bulb and Wiring employed, the intensity of elec
`trical current Which must be conducted by the sWitch is gen
`erally quite high leading to, after prolonged use, failure. Sec
`ond, these mechanical sWitches must function as an interface
`betWeen the device and its operator, i.e. the man-machine
`interface (“MMI”) and necessarily requires repeated
`mechanical activations of the sWitch Which over time
`mechanically deteriorate.
`Also, currently the electrical sWitches used in buildings/
`houses for control of lighting systems are of the conventional
`type of sWitches Which must conduct, i.e. close the circuit,
`upon command, thus also providing the MMI. These prior art
`sWitches suffer from the same disadvantages as the sWitches
`described above in relation to portable electronic devices, like
`?ashlights. Moreover, the sWitches are relatively dumb in
`most cases and do not provide the user With a variety of
`functions, eg but not limited to timing means to enable a
`user, for example, a shop oWner or home oWner to designate
`a predetermined shut off or turn on point in time.
`There is a need for inexpensive, reliable, and simple intel
`li gent electronic devices Which provide increased functional
`ity and energy conservation.
`According to one embodiment of the present invention,
`there is provided a microchip controlled sWitch to manage
`both the current conducting functions and the MMI functions
`in an electronic device, such as a ?ashlight, on a loW current
`basis i.e. Without the MMI device having to conduct or sWitch
`high current. According to one aspect of the invention, the
`MMI functions are controlled by very loW current signals,
`using touch pads, or carbon coated membrane type sWitches.
`These loW current signal sWitches of the present invention can
`be smaller, more reliable, less costly, easier to seal and less
`vulnerable to the effects of corrosion and oxidation. More
`over, since the sWitch is a solid state component, it is, accord
`ing to the present invention, possible to control the functions
`of the device in an intelligent manner by the same microchip
`Which provides the MMI functions. Thus, by practicing the
`teachings of the present invention, more reliable, intelligent,
`and e?icient electrical devices can be obtained Which are
`cheaper and easier to manufacture than prior art devices.
`According to another embodiment of the invention, there is
`provided a microchip Which can be embedded in a battery that
`Will lend intelligence to the battery and thus, the device it is
`inserted into, so that many functions, including but not lim
`ited to, delayed sWitching, dimming, automatic shut off, and
`intermittent activation may be inexpensively realiZed in an
`existing (nonintelligent) product, for example a prior art
`According to a further embodiment, the invention provides
`a poWer saving microchip Which, When operatively associ
`ated With an electronic device, Will adjust the average electric
`current through a current sWitch, provide an on and off
`sequence Which, for example, but not limited to, in the case of
`a ?ashlight, can be determined by an operator and may rep
`resent either a ?ash code sequence or a simple on/off oscilla
`tion, provide an indication of battery strength, and/or provide
`a gradual oscillating current ?oW to lengthen the life of the
`operating sWitch and the poWer source.
`According to one embodiment of the invention, an intelli
`gent ?ashlight, having a microchip controlled sWitch is pro
`vided comprising a microchip for controlling the on/offfunc
`tion and at least one other function of the ?ashlight.
`According to a further embodiment of the invention, an intel
`ligent ?ashlight having a microchip controlled sWitch is pro
`vided comprising an input means for sending activating/de
`activating signals to the microchip, and a microchip for
`controlling the on/ off function and at least one other function
`of the ?ashlight. According to a further embodiment of the
`invention, there is provided an intelligent ?ashlight having a
`microchip controlled sWitch comprising an input means for
`selecting one function of the ?ashlight, a microchip for con
`trolling at least the on/off function and one other function of
`the ?ashlight, Wherein the microchip control circuit may fur
`ther comprise a control-reset means, a clock means, a current
`sWitch, and/ or any one or combination of the same.
`According to another embodiment of the invention, there is
`provided a battery for use With an electrical device compris
`ing a microchip embedded in the battery. According to still a
`further embodiment of the invention, a battery for use With an
`electronic device is provided comprising a microchip embed
`ded in the battery Wherein said microchip is adapted such that
`an input means external to the microchip can select the on/off
`function and at least one other function of the electronic
`According to one embodiment of the present invention,
`there is provided an intelligent battery for use With an elec
`tronic device, the battery having positive and negative termi
`nal ends and comprising a microchip embedded in the battery,
`preferably in the positive terminal end, for controlling on/off
`functions and at least one other function of the electronic
`According to another embodiment of the invention, there is
`provided a portable microchip device for use in serial con
`nection With a poWer source, e. g. an exhaustible poWer
`source, and an electronic device poWered by said source
`Wherein said electronic device has an input means for acti
`Exhibit 1001, Page 011

`US 8,288,952 B2
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of a microchip for use in asso
`ciation With a touch pad or carbon coated membrane activa
`tion/ deactivation sWitch according to one embodiment of the
`FIG. 6 is a schematic of a second type of device having a
`microchip controlled touch pad or carbon coated membrane
`activation/deactivation sWitch according to one embodiment
`of the invention;
`FIG. 7 is a schematic of a battery having embedded therein
`a microchip according to a further embodiment of the inven
`FIG. 8A is a block diagram of a microchip for use in a
`battery according to one embodiment of the present inven
`FIG. 8B is a block diagram ofa second type ofmicrochip
`for use in a battery according to another embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 9 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled sWitch according to one embodiment of the inven
`FIG. 10 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled sWitch according to one embodiment of the inven
`FIG. 11 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled sWitch according to one embodiment of the present
`FIG. 12 is a schematic of a ?ashlight having therein a
`microchip controlled sWitch according to one embodiment of
`the present invention;
`FIG. 13 illustrates a possible position, according to one
`embodiment of the present invention of a microchip in a
`FIG. 14 is a schematic of one embodiment of the present
`invention of a loW current sWitching device suitable for light
`ing systems in buildings;
`FIG. 15 is a block diagram of one embodiment of the
`present invention, i.e. microchip 1403 of FIG. 14;
`FIG. 16 is a ?oW diagram for a microchip as shoWn in
`FIGS. 4 and 5 for a delayed shut off function embodiment of
`one embodiment of the present invention; and
`FIG. 17 is a ?oW diagram for a microchip as shoWn in
`FIGS. 7 and 811 for a delayed shut off function embodiment of
`one embodiment of the present invention.
`vating and deactivating said power source, and said micro
`chip comprising a means for controlling the on/off function
`and at least one other function of the electronic device upon
`receipt of a signal from said input means through said poWer
`According to a still further embodiment of the invention,
`there is provided a microchip adapted to control lighting in
`buildings. According to this embodiment, the normal sWitch
`on the Wall that currently functions as both a poWer-sWitch,
`i.e. conduction of electricity, and MMI can be eliminated,
`thus eliminating the normal high voltage and high current
`dangerous Wiring to the sWitch and from the sWitch to the load
`or light. UtiliZing the present invention, these sWitches can be
`replaced With connecting means suitable for loW current DC
`According to another embodiment, the present invention is
`directed to a battery comprising an energy storage section, a
`processor, e. g. a microchip and ?rst and second terminal ends.
`The ?rst terminal end being connected to the energy storage
`section, the second terminal end being connected to the pro
`cessor, and the processor being connected to the second ter
`minal end and the energy storage section. The processor
`controls the connection of the second terminal end to the
`energy storage section.
`According to another embodiment, the present invention
`provides an electronic apparatus Which includes an electrical
`device, comprising a poWer supply, an activating/ deactivating
`means, and a processor. The activating/ deactivating means is
`connected to the processor and the processor is connected to
`the poWer supply. The processor controls the on/ off function
`of the device and at least one other function of the device in
`response to signals received from the activation/deactivation
`The present invention, according to a still further embodi
`ment, provides a ?ashlight comprising a light source, an
`energy storage means, a sWitch means, and a processor
`means. The sWitch means being in communication With the
`processor means and the processor means being in commu
`nication With the energy storage means Which is ultimately in

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