`3 9075 00.109 3183
`Apple Inc., et al.
`Exhibit 1031
`Apple Inc., et al. v. Global Touch Solutions, Inc.
`Exhibit 1031, Page 001
`IEEE Std 100-1996
`The IEEE Standard Dictionary of
`Electrical and Electronics Terms
`Sixth Edition
`Standards Coordinating Committee 10, Terms and Definitions
`Jane Radatz, Chair
`This standard is one of a number of information technology dictionaries being developed by standards
`organizations accredited by the American National Standards Institute. This dictionary was developed
`under the sponsorship of voluntary standards organizations, using a consensus-based process.
`ISBN 1-55937-833-b
`I 9 781559 378338
`Exhibit 1031, Page 002
`live work
`load-band of regulated voltage
`real) time equals live time plus dead time.
`(NI) N42.14-1991
`(2) The live time, in seconds and fraction thereof, of acqui(cid:173)
`sition of the spectrum. It is expressed as 14 characters in(cid:173)
`cluding decimal point with leading zeros interpreted as zeros.
`(NPS) 1214-1992
`(3) The total time of the measurement minus the total dead
`(Nl) N42.12-1994
`live work Work on or near (e.g., part of tools being used or
`worker's body less than minimum approach distance) ener(cid:173)
`gized or potentially energized lines (i.e., grounding, live tool
`work, hot stick work, gloving and barehand work)
`(PE/T&D) 516-1995
`live zone The period(s) in the operating cycle of a machine
`during which corrective functions can be initiated.
`(lA) [60]
`LLC See: logical link control.
`LLC frame A token ring frame containing an LLC PDU ex(cid:173)
`changed between peer entities using the MAC services.
`(C/LM) 8802-5-1995
`LLC sublayer See: logical link control sublayer.
`LME See: layer management entity.
`LMI See: layer management interface.
`LMSC See: LAN/MAN Standards Committee.
`LNA See: launch numerical aperture.
`L network (1) (general) A network composed of two branches
`in series, the free ends being connected to one pair of termin(cid:173)
`als and the junction point and one free end being connected
`to another pair of terminals. See also: network analysis.
`(StdiOO) 270-1966w
`(2) An unbalanced ladder network composed of a series arm
`and a shunt arm.
`The free ends are left-hand terminal pair; the junction point and
`one free end are the right-hand terminal pair.
`L network
`(CAS) [13]
`load (1) (charge) (induction and dielectric heating usage) The
`material to be heated. See also: induction heating.
`(lA) 54-1955w
`(2) (output) (power and distribution transformers) The ap(cid:173)
`parent power in megavolt-amperes, kilovolt-amperes, or volt(cid:173)
`amperes that may be transferred by the transformer.
`(PE) C57.12.80-1978r
`(3) (rotating machinery) All the numerical values of the
`electrical and mechanical quantities that signify the demand
`to be made on a rotating machine by an electric circuit or a
`mechanism at a given instant. See also: direct-current com(cid:173)
`mutating machine.
`(PE) [9]
`(4) (programming) To place data into internal storage.
`(C) [20], [85]
`(5) (electric) (electric utilization) The electric power used
`by devices connected to an electrical generating system. See
`also: generating station.
`(PE) [54]
`(6) (A) (automatic control) An energy-absorbing device.
`(B) (automatic control) The material, force, torque, energy,
`or power applied to or removed from a system or element.
`(PE) [3]
`(7) (data transmission) A power-consuming device con(cid:173)
`nected to a circuit. One use of the word "load" is to denote a
`-resistor or impedance which replaces some circuit element
`temporarily or permanently removed. For example, if a filter
`is disconnected from a line, the line may be artificially ter(cid:173)
`minated in an impedance which simulates the filter that was
`removed. The artificial termination is then called a load or a
`dummy load.
`(PE) 599-1985w
`(8) (A) (test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment) To
`read information from cards or tape into memory. (B) (test,
`measurement, and diagnostic equipment) Building block
`or adapter providing a simulation of the normal termination
`characteristics of a unit under test. (C) (test, measurement,
`and diagnostic equipment) The effect that the test equipment
`has on the unit under test or vice versa.
`(MIL) [2]
`(9) (A) (software) To read machine code into main memory
`in preparation for execution and, in some cases, to perform
`address adjustment and linking of modules. See also: loader.
`(B) (software) To copy computer instructions or data from
`external storage to internal storage or from internal storage to
`registers. Contrast: store. See also: fetch; move.
`(C) 610.12-1990
`(10) (data management) To insert data values into a database
`that previously contained no data. Synonym: populate. See
`also: download; upload.
`(C) 610.5-1990
`(11) To move the image of a client program from a long-term
`storage medium (such as a disk) into memory where it may
`be executed.
`(BA/C) 1275-1994
`(12) (A) In computer operations, the amount of scheduled
`work to be performed on a computer system. See also: line
`load. (B) In electronics, the amount of current drawn by a
`device. Note: This determines the "drive strength" of the cir(cid:173)
`cuit. See also: loading.
`(C) 610.10-1994, 610.7-1995
`(13) To enter data or programs into storage or working reg-
`(C) 610.10-1994
`isters. See also: mount.
`(14) Demand or energy.
`(PE) 858-1993
`(15) The true or apparent power consumed by power utili(cid:173)
`zation equipment performing its normal function.
`(PE/SWG) C37.100-1992
`loadabllity (of an air switch) The ratio of allowable continuous
`current at 2s•c ambient temperature to rated current. Note :
`Loadability is a measure of the average allowable continuous
`current over a range of ambient temperatures from 1o•c to
`40°C for the air surrounding air switches.
`(PE/SWG) C37.3Q-1992, C37.34-1994, C37.37-1996
`loadability factor (of an air switch) The ratio of allowable con(cid:173)
`tinuous current at a given ambient temperature to rated cur(cid:173)
`(PE/SWG) C37.37-1996
`Loadable Device (LD) A station on the network that is capable
`of accepting a load from a Load Service.
`(C/LM) 15802-4-1994
`load&add A data-access operation that adds a next value to ll
`specified data type and returns the previous data value.
`(C/MM) 1596.5-1993
`load-and-go (1) An operating technique in which there are no
`stops between the loading and execution phases of a program,
`and which may include assembling or compiling.
`(C) [20], [85]
`(2) (software) An operating technique in which there are no
`stops between the loading and execution phases of a computer
`(C) 610.12-1990
`load angle (synchronous machines) The angular displacement,
`at a specified load, of the center line of a field pole from the
`axis of the armature magnetomotive force pattern.
`(PE) [9]
`load-angle curve (load-angle characteristic) (synchronous
`machines) A characteristic curve giving the relationship be(cid:173)
`tween the rotor displacement angle and the load, for constant
`values of armature voltage, field current, and power factor.
`(PE) [9]
`load balancing reactor A series connected reactor used to cor(cid:173)
`rect the division of current between parallel-connected trans(cid:173)
`formers or circuits which have unequal impedance voltages
`under steady-state and short-circuit conditions.
`(PE) C57.16-1996
`load-band of regulated voltage (rotating machinery) The
`band or zone, expressed in percent of the rated value of the
`regulated voltage, within which the synchronous-macl)ine
`Exhibit 1031, Page 003