`van Phuoc et al.
`*Jan. 20, 1998
`Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`8/1990 Seyfang ................................ .. 324/427
`4,961,043 10/1990 Koenck . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . .. 320/21
`[5 ll
`Invenms' gv‘gongrzlf 51131211133118; 12311
`Fm *
`c '
`Hamdl?ng an °f Germany’ L011“ W-
`HmSk?~N°r?1b°r°3MaSSdAlWyn 1}-
`Taylor. Wellesley H1115. Mass-z Dame]
`D. Friel, Woburn, Mass; Matthew P.
`Hull, Jamestown, R.I.
`Assignee: Duracell, Inc., Needham, Mass.
`The m of this patent shall not extend
`beyond the expiration date of Pat. No.
`APPL No‘: 473,339
`Jun. 7, 1995
`Related [18- Applmtwn Data
`DIVISIOI! 0f Ser. N0. 336,945, NOV. 10, 6
`F.4d 0t:
`............................ .. H01M 10I434iog023J2Z2;
`.................................... .. 320/5, 19 20
`.................................. ..
`320/22. 30, 35. 48; 324/426; 365/96. 106
`References Cited
`7/1976 Jungfer et =11. ..... ..
`4 233,339 12/1980 Redfem et aL __
`9/1981 Lemelson . . . . . . . . .
`3/1983 Kikuoka et a1. .
`6/1983 Martin et a1.
`4533.034 411936
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`4595330 6/1936 Paul
`2/1988 P 61 ed et a1
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`5/1988 Young ....... ..
`8/1990 Minezawa ............................... .. 320/48
`4,965,738 10/1990 Baueret a1. . . . . . . .
`6/1991 Fakruddin et al.
`9/1991 Simonsen ............. ..
`. . . .. 364/483
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`. 320/14
`3/1993 Alexandnes et a1.
`4/1993 Interiano et a1. ..
`6/1993 Nagai ............... ..
`. 320/14
`5,254,92s 10/1993 Young @1311. ..
`.. 320/21
`1/1994 Koenck ........ ..
`.. 429150
`5,284,719 2/1994 Landau et a1
`.. 429/50
`5,287,286 2/1994 Ninomiya ..... ..
`.. 320/31
`5/1994 Hess etal
`' 364/433
`611994 Relief
`.. 320/44
`6/1994 Briggs
`8/1994 061611 et a1. ............................ .. 320/44
`Markus Bullinger. “Quick Cahrging with Intelligence-An
`IC Controls NiCad and NiMH Battery Chargers.” Elec
`tromk, 42. No. 6. Mar. 23. 1993. PP. 74-77.
`Patrick Guelle, “Integrated Circuits for Rapid Chargers”.
`Elecrrom'que Radio Plans, Feb. 1993, N0. 543. pp. 57-64.
`Jacques Robert, et 211., “A 1681311 Low-Voltage CMOS A/D
`Converter," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol.
`No. 2.
`Primary Examiner_Pctcr S‘ Wong
`Assistant Examiner G egory Toa?gy
`, A
`F'Mcuu _ S on. M h & Pr Sel
`“my gem’ 0’ '
`y c
`‘up y
`A battery pack and a method of operating a battery system
`The battery pack includes a rechargeable battery and a
`P¥°°eSs°F f°r mnim?ng the 9mm’ during charging ind
`d1scharg1ng.The processor rece1ves data values representing
`thB b39913’ voltage tempmmre and CIIHBHL and the Pro
`cessor performs a series of calculations using those data
`values. The processor is part of a hybrid integrated circuit.
`which also includes an analog-to-digital converter. a ROM
`and a RAM. Preferably. the integrated circuit comprises a
`multitude of layers. upper layers of the circuit form the
`ROM. and lower layers of the circuit form the RAM.
`11 Claims, 31 Drawing Sheets
`. L/50
`1 ‘5s
`program ROM \
`8 bit
`internal 8 bit bus;
`I 650
`[ {65
`Apple Inc., et al.
`Exhibit 1028
`Apple Inc., et al. v. Global Touch Solutions, Inc.
`Exhibit 1028, Page 001
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 31
`.7 ||
`\ uz?m Egon.
`4 +
`_.o _ m
`o_ 2 Egg M255
`55% 5o:
`\ “Em;
`E45 (1 mm 542w N
`E \
`E353 . 505:0 \
`PM. /
`2 w
`Exhibit 1028, Page 002
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 2 of 31
`Exhibit 1028, Page 003
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 3 of 31
`Exhibit 1028, Page 004
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 31
`wake up
`‘3 ‘'
`l/ K r '00
`‘Handle request
`Disable bus
`Enable ND
`Standby 23
`Obtain row I,
`ready flag
`{ I45
`Enter sample
`Set getvalues
`Disable A/D
`Start A/D
`K '5‘
`[ I52
`{ '54
`LED display
`Enable bus
`i (23
`Exhibit 1028, Page 005
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 31
`Fl 6 .4
`l’- “'" _' q m W w — ? — _ ‘1
`Curren? '
`voltage —T'>
`Bundgnp “62
`125V divider 0nd
`Control Logic
`f‘ 69
`l__ ._ _ __ _ _ _ _ ? __ -J
`C‘ ::
`s21 53W
`S| }
`$2 A2 (D3 A3
`Exhibit 1028, Page 006
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 6 of 31
`Exhibit 1028, Page 007
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 7 of 31
`. .
`Exhibit 1028, Page 008
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 8 of 31
`Exhibit 1028, Page 009
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 9 of 31
`Exhibit 1028, Page 010
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 10 of 31
`0 0N 3
`0 § 3
`WZ73 W263
`W253 WZ4G W236~
`Exhibit 1028, Page 011
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 11 of 31
`FIG. l0
`1 vol) 2v
`low i
`VBUF ,/
`1' C4
`330nF V83
`POR high if v00 2v
`I!‘ To
`\ Output
`‘3 J
`Exhibit 1028, Page 012
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 12 of 31
`from Fig 13A
`Convert raw AID
`current and
`voltage values to
`actual "l" and "U"
`21 2'
`uP turns off
`AID converter ../
`uP turns off 455
`KHZ /
`Enable wake-up
`pP sets itself
`for sleep \J
`Convert raw AID
`temperature value
`to actual "t"and
`scale T value
`Check for over
`Perform d T/d t
`calculation to
`determine d. t
`Perform internal
`temperature check
`Perform r1 uldt
`calculation to
`determine (1 p
`comparator J
`outputs trigger
`Turn on up AID,
`oscillator and
`ASIC circuits
`go to step 100
`Fig. 3
`- Set EOD flag
`- Set terminate
`discharge alarm
`-Clear EOD flag
`-Clear terminate
`discharge alarm
`-Cap reset disabled
`go to step 165
`Fig. 13A
`Exhibit 1028, Page 013
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 13 of 31
`From Fig.3 /
`‘U T
`Update average “I65
`current I Avg
`A, 200
`Clear seif- NW2
`dISChCH'QG flog
`—Stote= CD
`-Set seifduscharge
`Set state
`as CI
`Set state
`as CD
`To step I92
`Ca oci’ry
`reset log enobl - -
`-Set remaining capacity
`as function of [UT
`residual capacity value
`-Reset error re ieter
`~Discble cupeci y resei
`i——-—-——-"-—"To step I92,Fig.I3B
`Exhibit 1028, Page 014
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 14 of 31
`from step 190 ?ap-18‘;- from Step 189
`Determine if state
`change occurred
`- 1 3 B
`Check self — discharge _ _ _ _ __ __
`Get self - discharge
`rate as a function of
`SOC and T from look - \J
`up table
`decreasing ?
`calculate decrease in
`capacity since last
`state change
`Increment charge to
`self - discharge for
`error calculation
`Increment capacity
`integral by self -
`discharge rate
`l‘ _ " _ _ _ _ _ — —
`\ Perform current
`increasing ?
`g.‘ Perform encF
`conditions C l
`/ 600
`Perform end
`conditions C D
`|——> go to step 152 He 3
`Exhibit 1028, Page 015
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 15 of 31
`f 4l2
`Clamp State of
`state of charge
`relative to
`full capacity
`C rate
`420 7
`Get‘ charge
`efficiency factor
`as a function of
`state of charge,
`C rate and T
`from LUT
`Integrate charge
`for current
`discharge cycle
`Get residual capacity
`as a function of C
`rate and T from LUT
`Calculate charge
`to incrernent the
`Calculate charge
`to increment the
`l. integrate charge for
`445x error calculation
`2. Calculate error
`3.lntegrate charge for
`capacity calc.
`End integration
`Disable resets
`(reset f|ag= It
`Exhibit 1028, Page 016
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 16 of 31
`From step 50l
`State of
`charge ) 20% of full
`chage value
`Clea f ll di cha
`stqtigs‘f?gq s Wed
`trlgger enable
`condition met and
`dT) threshold
`go to step
`EOC flag set .
`92;; STEP
`Fig. [4B
`full capacity
`go to step
`step 555
`520 g
`Set capacity = full
`Set error registers
`to zero
`Clear error overflow
`still on?
`overcharge in
`60 to step 575
`Exhibit 1028, Page 017
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 17 of 31
`From step 5|2
`number of cells
`LS8? EOC flog
`2.8et copocity= 95%
`full cup.
`3.Cleor error registers
`4.Cleor error overflow
`5. Set fully charged
`status if log
`G010 step 575
`Exhibit 1028, Page 018
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 18 of 31
`From step 510
`Char e
`current C/IO
`and dVtrigger
`charge) t50% and
`CIS <Crate< C/SO
`number of cells
`Set EOC ?ag
`Set futly
`charged status
`60 to step 520
`575A Set terminate
`charge alarm
`Exhibit 1028, Page 019
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 19 0f 31
`Set number
`of cells= 6
`Sat number
`of cells = 4
`Vo l luge>
`ll volts
`Set number
`of cells = 9
`Se? EOD
`Cut off voltage
`=number of
`Exhibit 1028, Page 020
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 20 of 31
`From step 60!
`)EDV vouoqc-:_
`lus hysieresns
`Clear flog
`C as com,
`flag dear and
`copac|ty< 15%
`Hncrement number
`of cycles
`2.CycIa count flog
`Clear charging
`6| 3
`( calcul ed
`Set fully
`dlscha ed
`status no
`( hysteresis
`value (SOC
`Clear fully
`charged status
`Exhibit 1028, Page 021
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 21 of 31
`From step625
`EOD fla
`resets enabled
` EOD flag
`set AND
`error value<8%
`of full cap.
` Reset full capacity
`lcalculate present
`capacity value -
`last full+capacity
`residual capacity
`2. Clear EOC flag
`C-rate (EDVc—rate
`AND CAP Reset
`Set EOD current-=
`Set C-rate;
`delayed capacity
`residual capacity
`Set delay capacity
`flags after EOD
`Exhibit 1028, Page 022
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 22 of 31
`Decode command
`count. = Z
`Command bit
` 752
`Read— Block
`End handle request
`Exhibit 1028, Page 023
`Write- Block
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 23 of 31
`W. =1o1a| number of
`of bytes
` ERROR or
`[Adr] = IZC-DATA
`decrement couni
`Adr= Adr + I
`"errmnqte _
`End write biock
`Exhibit 1028, Page 024
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 24 of 31
`Data b te
`I 2c bus
` i2c data-= [Adr]
`decrement count
`increment [Adr]
`Stop bit
`End Read Bloc
`Set unknown
`error and
`terminate transmit
`Exhibit 1028, Page 025
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 25 of 31
`I 52
` / F|G.|9A
` ltf-It f _ e rr
`Calculuier C _ Rate
`based on avg
`cur re_n1
`Obtam resuduul
`Calculate time==
`Average Time To
`Go to FIG. l9B
`Exhibit 1028, Page 026
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 26 of 31
`From FIG. l9A
`alarming flag
`Ala r minq
`Decrement alarm
`broadcast timer
`-Set alarming flag
`- Set alarm broadcast
`timer to zero
`-Alarm sent to host
`‘ larm broadcast
`Siadr := Host
`Data Adr 2=
`messo go
`-Reset broadcast
`timer = N..ALARM
`-Toggle alarm to
`Siadr ==Charqer
`alarm to
`End alarm
`Exhibit 1028, Page 027
`US. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 27 of 31
`in system
`Comcode ==CHAR.CURR
`Data Adr == Charging-
`current- L
`bit and charger.
`mode bit
`-Message time =|
`- offline = G
`- Clear Cap_mode a -~
`charqermode bits
`87 2
`Set constant
`charge variable
`charger control
`harger- mode
`bit cleared
`Y 36l
`Decrement message
`-Reset message
`-Calculate charging
`timer timed
` Charging
`current= 0
`Exhibit 1028, Page 028
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 23 of 31
`battery address
`(Command Code)
`To FIG. 228
`Exhibit 1028, Page 029
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 29 of 31
`From FIG. ZIA
` Transmit ls‘
`byte of data
`Transmit 2”‘
`byte of data
`Te rmingte_
`Exhibit 1028, Page 030
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1998
`Sheet 30 of 31
`FIG. 22A
`FIG. 22B
`Exhibit 1028, Page 031
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 1993
`Sheet 31 of 31
`FIG. 22C
`95% soc
`F|G.2 B
`Exhibit 1028, Page 032
`This application is a divisional of U.S. Ser. No. 08/336.
`945. filed Nov. 10. 1994.
`The present invention relates generally to the art of
`rechargeable batteries and more specifically to a smart
`battery for use in an intelligent device having power man-
`agement capabilities. The invention is a smart battery appa-
`ratus for controlling the operation of rechargeable Nickel
`Metal Hydride (NiMH) or Nickel Cadmium (NiCad)
`batteries. and the like. to enable the reporting of accurate
`information to the intelligent device for power management
`and charge control specific to the battery’s state of charge
`and chemistry.
`The advent of intelligent portable electronic devices such
`as notebook computers. video cameras. and cellular phones
`has enabled the development of smart rechargeable batteries
`that can communicate with the intelligent device to provide
`accurate information on the battery’s present state of charge.
`and how best to recharge the battery to maintain maximum
`battery life. thus enabling the highest number of charge-
`discharge cycles. A user of such intelligent portable devices
`utilizing such smart battm-ies will not only know how much
`charge is left in the battery. but battery run time at various
`rates of power consumption. This enables the user to select
`a mode of operation that will enable maximum service life
`on the remaining state of charge and. how long the device
`will continue to operate.
`Prior art rechargeable battery units have been provided
`with means for generating some desired information to their
`users. including for instance. a charge monitor and fuel
`gauge such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5.315.228
`which discloses a method for calculating state of charge and
`reporting run time to empty to the host computer system.
`However. there is a need for a rechargeable power unit
`that will accurately maintain its own state of charge infor-
`mation even when nominally fully discharged such that a
`user will have instantaneous access thereof. Moreover. there
`is also a need for an intelligent rechargeable battery that can
`provide the user with an accurate prediction of its remaining
`operating time at various levels of power consumption. The
`user of such an intelligent device. such as a portable
`computer. can thus elect to power down a hard disk drive to
`extend the operation of the portable computer for a longer
`. period of time than would have been possible at the higher
`rate of power consumption.
`Accordingly. it is an object of the present invention to
`provide a smart battery device for use with a rechargeable
`battery to be installed in a host computer that will optimize
`the performance of the rechargeable battery throughout its
`life cycle.
`It is another object of the instant invention to provide a
`smart battery device that includes a microprocessor for
`controlling a rechargeable battery that performs battery
`capacity calculations for communication to a host computa
`device or a smart battery charge device.
`It is still another object of the instant invention to provide
`a smart battery device that includes a microprocessor for
`controlling a rechargeable battery and that provides intelli-
`gence in the form of present state of charge and battery
`charge parameters to a host device for communication to a
`smart charger.
`It is yet still a further object of the instant invention to
`provide a smart battery device that includes a microproces-
`sor for controlling a rechargeable battery that monitors
`battery operating parameters such as voltage. current. and
`temperature to thereby enable either a rapid charging rate or
`an optimal charging rate from any charged state.
`Still yet another object of the instant invention is to
`provide a smart battery device that includes a microproces-
`sor for cont:roll.ing a rechargeable battery that calculates
`predictive data such as the battery’s remaining life at the
`current rate of drain and at alternate rates of drain.
`It is still a further object of the instant invention to provide
`a smart battcry device that is an application specific inte-
`grated circuit (ASIC) having analog and digital components.
`Furthermore. another object of the present invention is to
`provide a smart battery device that includes an analog to
`digital (AID) converter for measuring battery charge param-
`eters such as voltage. current. and temperature.
`Yet still another object of the present invention is to
`provide a smart battery device having anAlD converter with
`a single positive power supply that is capable of bipolar
`operation for converting both positive and negative analog
`signals representing battery charge and discharge currents.
`Another object of the instant invention is to provide a
`smart battery device as above wherein the analog and digital
`components of the ASIC comprise CMOS semiconductor
`technology designed for improved accuracy. and high AID
`converter resolution with minimal power consumption.
`Still another object of the present invention is to provide
`a smart battery device having a microprocessor that. when
`nominally discharged. vtdll place itself in a sleep mode with
`virtually no power consumption.
`Yet a further object of the present invention is to provide
`a smart battery device that includes a microprocessor with
`RAM memory. and comprises means for retaining RAM
`memory contents when the device is in a sleep mode.
`Yet still a further object of the invention is to provide a
`smart battery device that comprises short circuit protection
`means for preserving RAM memory contents when battery
`is temporarily short circuited.
`Another object of the instant invention is to provide a
`smart battery device that includes a ROM memory that is
`manufactured by a process that facilitates the programming
`of ROM in an upper or respectively later produced layers.
`Yet furthermore. an object of the instant invention is to
`provide a smart battery device that includes a ROM memory
`device whereby the programming of the ROM is effected in
`a metal mask.
`invention is to
`Furthermore. an object of the instant
`provide a smart battery device having incorporated therein
`an error treatment algorithm. for taking into account mea-
`surement errors. interpolation from look-up tables. etc..
`wherein the errors are considered to be a function of time.
`It is contemplated that if a total error is larger than a
`predetermined value. certain operating modes are disabled.
`and. in particular, variables are substituted by default values
`to result in a smaller error. In case of displayed information.
`such as LED battery pack display. the error can be addi-
`Exhibit 1028, Page 033
`tionally taken into account. for e.g.. a quantity of: capacity—
`total error in capacity. may be displayed. If an error that is
`too big is produced. the end criterion for determining end of
`charge condition may be changed. for e.g.. using a change in
`battery voltage instead of the error influenced criterion.
`These and other objects of the present invention are
`attained with a smart battery device which provides electri-
`cal power and which reports predefined battery parameters
`to an external device having a power management system.
`wherein the battery includes:
`(a) at least one rechargeable cell connected to a pair of
`terminals to provide electrical power to an external
`device during a discharge mode and to receive electri-
`cal power during a charge mode, as provided or deter-
`mined by said remote device.
`(b) a data bus for reporting predefined battery identifica-
`tion and charge parameters to the external device.
`(c) an analog means for generating analog signals repre-
`sentative of battery voltage and current at said
`terminals. and an analog signal representative of bat-
`tery temperature at said cell.
`(d) a hybrid integrated circuit (IC) having a microproces-
`sor for receiving the analog signals and converting
`them to digital signals representative of battery voltage.
`current and temperature. and calculating actual charge
`parameters over time from said digital signals. said
`calculations including one calculation according to the
`following algorithm:
`wherein EC is a function of battery current and temperature;
`and I, is a function of battery temperature and CAP,-C.
`(c) a data memory defined within said hybrid IC for
`storing said predefined battery identification and actual
`charge parameters. even when nominally fully
`discharged. said charge parameters including at least
`full charge capacity and remaining capacity.
`(f) a bus controller defined within said hybrid IC for
`sending battery messages to said remote device over
`said data bus. said messages including said predefined
`battery identification and said actual charge parameters.
`Superimposed on this equation is reset logic.
`to be
`explained below. that self corrects the value of CAPFC with
`a capacity calculation at each full charge (EOC) and each
`end of full discharge.
`Further benefits and advantages of the invention will
`become apparent from a consideration of the following
`detailed description given with reference to the accompa-
`nying drawings. which specify and illustrate preferred
`embodiments of the invention.
`FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic block diagram of a smart battery
`device connected to a host computer and battery charging
`FIG. 2(a) is a simplified block diagram of the smart
`battery device and connector. including a pinout diagram of
`an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (hybrid IC) used
`in the present invention.
`FIG. 2(b) illustrates a simplified block diagram of the
`hybrid IC 32 that includes the microcontroller of the smart
`battery device of the instant invention.
`FIG. 3 is a general flow diagram illustrat:ing the primary
`functional features of an algorithm and method for control-
`ling the smart battery device of the instant invention.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a general schematic diagram of the A/D
`converter 60.
`FIG. 5(a) illustrates a schematic sketch of dc voltage
`shifting circuit arrangement.
`FIG. 5(b) illustrates a second embodiment of the dc
`voltage shifting circuit arrangement.
`FIG. 6 is a schematic sketch of the circuit arrangement in
`the A/D converter 60.
`FIG. 7 is a phase diagram in the operation of the A/D
`converter pursuant to FIG. 6.
`FIG. 8(a) illustrates the timing of the operating cycles
`under normal and sample mode operating conditions.
`FIG. 8(b) illustrates the approximate time durations for
`the various measurements per operating cycle.
`FIG. 9(a) illustrates a schematic sketch of a sample
`transition arrangement for the ROM included in the smart
`battery device; and
`FIG. 9(b) is a schematic sketch of the transistor arrange-
`ment of an ROM programmed pursuant to the prior art.
`FIG. 10 is a detailed schematic of the power-on reset 85
`and RAM de—latching circuit 85'.
`FIG. 11 illustrates a detailed schematic diagram of the
`comparator wake-up circuit 80.
`FIG. 12 is a flow diagram illustrating the IUT (current.
`voltage. and temperature) calculation program 200.
`FIGS. 13(a) and 13(b) are flow diagrams illustrating the
`sequential processes 151 programmed in the microprocessor
`for calculating the current capacity and the amount of
`battery self discharge for the smart battery of the instant
`FIG. 13(0) illustrates the integration program 400 for
`calculating the amount of battery charge or discharge flow-
`ing into or out of its terminals.
`FIGS. 14(a) through l4(c) are flow diagrams illustrating
`the sequential processes 500 prog;rarnmed in the micropro-
`cessor for determining battery end conditions when the
`battery changing is in a capacity increasing state.
`FIG. 14(d) illustrates a flow diagram of the learn number
`of cells program 700.
`FIGS. l5(a) and 15(b) are logic flow diagrams illustrating
`the sequential processes 600 programmed in the micropro-
`cessor for determining battery end conditions when the
`battery is in a capacity decreasing state.
`FIG. 16 illustrates a logic flow diagram of the handle
`request routine that is invoked when there is communication
`between the smart battery and the host computer or battmy
`FIG. 17 illustrates a detailed logic flow diagram of the
`write block routine for writing data to the smart battery.
`FIG. 18 illustrates a detailed logic flow diagram of the
`read block routine for reading data from the smart battay.
`FIGS. 19 illustrates a flow diagram describing the logic
`steps invoked by the smart battery system when broadcast-
`ing an alarm condition to an external device.
`FIG. 29 illustrates a logic flow diagram describing the
`steps invoked by the smart battery system when broadcast-
`ing a charge condition to a battery charger.
`FIG. 21 illustrates a logic flow diagram describing the
`steps invoked by the smart battery system when broadcast-
`ing a message.
`FIG. 22(a) is a three-dimensional graphic representation
`of look up tables that depict predicted residual capacity
`values as a function of discharging current and temperature.
`Exhibit 1028, Page 034
`FIG. 22(b) is a three-dimensional graphic representation
`of look up tables that depict the amount of self-discharge
`current (vertical axis) as a function of relative battery state
`of charge and temperature.
`FIG. 22(c) is a three-dimensional graphic representation
`of charge efliciency look—up tables showing charge efli-
`ciency factors as a function of relative state of charge,
`charging current, and temperature.
`FIG. 23 illustrates two voltage versus time graphs, a and
`b. comparing calculated battery capacity characteristics at
`various discharging current rates for a six (6) cell battery
`The smart battery device of the present invention is
`intended for use with an intelligent host device such as a
`portable computer. portable video camera or cellular tele-
`phone having a system management bus and a smart charger.
`or an intelligent host device having a system power manager
`that can receive and send data over a system management
`Arepresentative example of such a system is fllustrated in
`FIG. 1. wherein the smart banery 10 is connected to a power
`plane 12 to supply and receive electrical energy over the
`power plane. and a system management bus 14. which is a
`bi-directional modified I2C data bus (communication
`interface) that communicates with a host device 16 which
`may be a portable computer. The host device 16 may be
`powered by the smart battery 10. or by the system power
`supply 18 and a conventional AC source 20. A system power
`supply or power management system also communicates
`with a smart charger 22 which may be used to determine the
`rate and duration of charge sent to the smart battery by the
`power supply. Smart charger 22 also communicates with the
`system management bus 14. and may receive a tempaature
`signal representative of battery cell temperature on a sepa-
`rate line 24. A detailed functional description of the system
`management bus 14 (bi-directional modified 12C data bus)
`can be found in the Intel Duracell System Management Bus
`Specification. Rev 0.95. (April 1994).
`The power management system 18 may supply or draw
`power to/from the smart battery 10 over power plane 12.
`depending upon the state of charge in smart battery 10. and
`depending upon the presence or absence of power at AC
`source 20.
`The smart charger 22 may periodically poll the smart
`battery 10 for charge characteristics. and adjust output to
`match a smart battery charge request. Optionally. and if
`selected by the user of the host device. the smart charger 22
`can override the smart battery's charge rate request and
`charge the smart battery at a higher or quick charge rate. The
`user of the host device does not necessarily need to override
`the smart battery’s request. As will be explained in greater
`detail below. the smart battery may periodically broadcast
`the desired charging current. or the smart charger 22 polls
`the smart battery for a charging current. The host or the
`charger need not comply with the smart bat1ery’s request and
`can provide a greater or lesser amount of power than
`The host device 16 may communicate with the smart
`battery over the sy