`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,621,225 B2
`Sep. 16, 2003
`(76) Inventor: Frederick J. BruWer, Unit No. 2,
`Lifestyle Management Park, Clifton
`Ave., Lyttelton (ZA), 0140
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/793,303
`(22) Filed:
`Feb. 26, 2001
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2002/0047595 A1 Apr. 25, 2002
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/169,395, ?led on Oct. 9,
`1998’ now Pat‘ NO‘ 672497089‘
`(51) Int. c1.7 .............................................. .. H04B 10/04
`(52) US. Cl. .......................... .. 315/86; 315/291; 315/77
`(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 315/291, 307,
`315/86, 200 A, 200 R, 185 S, 185 R, 360,
`362, 77, 84
`References Cited
`0 440 897 A1
`0 467 158 B2
`0 515 921 B1
`0 642 952 B1
`0 676 311 B1
`(List continued on next page.)
`Abstract, JP10338028.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner_DOn Wong
`Assistant Examiner—Wilson Lee
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Fzrm—Baker Botts L.L.P.
`The present invention, according to a preferred embodiment,
`is directed to Portable electronic devices Which Operate on
`exhaustible poWer sources, for example, batteries. The elec
`tronic devices of the present invention comprise at least one
`signal sWitch and a microchip in communication With the
`sWitch Wherein the sWitch is only capable of transmitting a
`signal to the microchip that the switch has been activated or
`deactivated. The microchip is in communication With the
`Hiscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
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`2,810,797 A 10/1957 Gulnick ..................... .. 200/33
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`exhaustible power Source of the electronic device and Con_
`“015 (1) the power on/off funcnon of the devlcea (11) at least
`one other function of the device in response to activation and
`deactivation signals from the switch, and (iii) an automatic
`shut off function in response to the receipt of an activation
`signal from the sWitch. The present invention, according to
`other embodiments, is also directed to
`intelligent batteries
`With microchips embedded therein, and (11) portable micro
`chip devices for insertion into electronic devices to provide
`additional features and functions to the nonintelligent elec
`tronic devices.
`(List continued on next page.)
`52 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`V-r I_
`0 / Z \/
`Co/vT/zo L <—— TIMER
`K261 77177
`2 c’ 3
`f —|
`Ex. 1035-0001
`US 6,621,225 B2
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`. 307/10 LS
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`5,114,376 A
`5/1992 Copley et 81.
`5,130,901 A
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`5,174,643 A 12/1992 Priesemuth ................ .. 362/61
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`. 315/77
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`. 362/74
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`. 315/77
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`5/1994 Takahashi ................. .. 354/418
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`9/1994 Birkle et a1.
`.. 364/578
`5,357,169 A 10/1994 T0 ozumi et a1. .......... .. 315/77
`5,357,408 A 10/1994 LeZZnar et a1. ............. .. 362/74
`5,406,171 A
`4/1995 Moody ....... ..
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`9/1995 Hamada et a1. ........... .. 354/403
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`2/1996 Leiber et a1. ............... .. 315/77
`5,504,415 A * 4/1996 Podrazhansky et a1. ..... .. 320/18
`3/1997 Vandermaas
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`7/1997 Damasky et a1. ........... .. 362/32
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`.... .. 315/77
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`315/241 8
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`“ 315/86
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`_ 362/488
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`.. 315/79
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`_ 362/394
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`Abstract’ 11311123985
`Abstract, JP11255017
`Abstract, 11311321455.
`* Cited by examiner
`Ex. 1035-0002
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 16,2003
`Sheet 1 of 6
`US 6,621,225 B2
`Ex. 1035-0003
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 16, 2003
`Sheet 2 6f 6
`US 6,621,225 B2
`0 l
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`Ex. 1035-0004
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 16, 2003
`Sheet 3 6f 6
`US 6,621,225 B2
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`Ex. 1035-0005
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 16,2003
`Sheet 4 0f 6
`US 6,621,225 B2
`[007 f [004‘
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`Ex. 1035-0006
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 16,2003
`Sheet 5 of 6
`US 6,621,225 B2
`Ex. 1035-0007
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 16,2003
`Sheet 6 0f 6
`Us 6,621,225 B2
`@0560? N0
`E S
`55 T' TIMER=¢
`Ex. 1035-0008
`US 6,621,225 B2
`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/169,395,
`?led Oct. 9, 1998 US. Pat. No. 6,249,089.
`The present invention relates to neW intelligent electrical
`current switching devices and more particularly, to micro
`chip controlled electrical current switching devices. The
`invention further relates, in one embodiment, to intelligent
`batteries having embedded therein a microchip for use With
`a variety of electrical devices to add heretofore unknoWn
`functionality to existing electrical devices. The invention
`also relates, according to another embodiment, to intelligent
`hand-held electronic devices, and in a preferred embodiment
`to hand-held light sources, and more particularly, to ?ash
`lights. According to one embodiment of the present
`invention, the invention relates to intelligent hand-held
`?ashlights having microchip controlled sWitches Wherein
`said sWitches can be programmed to perform a variety of
`functions including, for example, turning the ?ashlight off
`after a pre-determined time interval, blinking, or dimming,
`etc. According to a still further embodiment, the invention
`relates to loW current sWitches controlled by microchips of
`the present invention for use in building lighting systems.
`In conventional ?ashlights, manually-operated mechani
`cal sWitches function to turn the ?ashlight “on” and “off.”
`When turned “on,” battery poWer is applied through the
`closed sWitch to a light bulb, the amount of poWer then
`consumed depends on hoW long the sWitch is closed. In the
`typical ?ashlight, the effective life of the battery is only a
`feW hours at most. Should the operator, after using the
`?ashlight to ?nd his/her Way in the dark or for any other
`purpose, then fail to turn it off, the batteries Will, in a very
`short time, become exhausted. Should the ?ashlight be left
`in a turned-on and exhausted condition for a prolonged
`period, the batteries may then leak and exude corrosive
`electrolyte that is damaging to the contact Which engages the
`battery terminal as Well as the casing of the ?ashlight.
`When the ?ashlight is designed for use by a young child
`the likelihood is greater that the ?ashlight Will be
`mishandled, because a young child is prone to be careless
`and forgets to turn the ?ashlight “off” after it has served its
`purpose. Because of this, a ?ashlight may be left “on” for
`days, if not Weeks, and as a result of internal corrosion may
`no longer be in Working order When the exhausted batteries
`are replaced.
`Flashlights designed for young children are sometimes in
`a lantern format, With a casing made of strong plastic
`material that is virtually unbreakable, the light bulb being
`mounted Within a re?ector at the front end of the casing and
`being covered by a lens from Which a light beam is pro
`jected. A U-shaped handle is attached to the upper end of the
`casing, With mechanical on-off slide sWitch being mounted
`on the handle, so that a child grasping the handle can readily
`manipulate the slide actuator With his/her thumb.
`With a sWitch of this type on top of a ?ashlight handle,
`When the slide actuator is pushed forWard by the thumb, the
`sWitch “mechanically” closes the circuit and the ?ashlight is
`turned “on” and remains “on” until the slide actuator is
`pulled back to the “off” position and the circuit is opened. It
`is this type of sWitch in the hands of a child that is most
`likely to be inadvertently left “on.”
`To avoid this problem, many ?ashlights include, in addi
`tion to a slide sWitch, a push button sWitch Which keeps the
`?ashlight turned on only When ?nger pressure is applied to
`the push button. It is dif?cult for a young child Who Wishes,
`say to illuminate a dark corner in the basement of his home
`for about 30 seconds, to keep a push button depressed for
`this period. It is therefore more likely that the child Will
`actuate the slide sWitch to its permanently-on position, for
`this requires only a monetary ?nger motion.
`It is knoWn to provide a ?ashlight With a delayed action
`sWitch Which automatically turns off after a pre-determined
`interval. The Mallory US. Pat. No. 3,535,282 discloses a
`?ashlight that is automatically turned off by a delayed action
`mechanical sWitch assembly that includes a compression
`spring housed in a belloWs having a leaky valve, so that
`When a sWitch is turned on manually, this action serves to
`mechanically compress the belloWs Which after a pre
`determined interval acts to turn off the sWitch.
`A similar delayed action is obtained in a ?ashlight for
`children marketed by Playskool Company, this delayed
`action being realiZed by a resistance-capacitance timing
`netWork Which applies a bias to a solid-state transistor
`sWitch after 30 seconds or so to cut off the transistor and shut
`off the ?ashlight. Also included in the prior art, is a ?ashlight
`previously sold by Fisher-Price using an electronic timing
`circuit to simply turn off the ?ashlight after about 20
`It is also knoWn, eg as disclosed in US. Pat. No.
`4,875,147, to provide a mechanical sWitch assembly for a
`?ashlight Which includes a suction cup as a delayed action
`element Whereby the ?ashlight, When momentarily actuated
`by an operator, functions to connect a battery poWer supply
`to a light bulb, and Which maintains this connection for a
`pre-determined interval determined by the memory charac
`teristics of the suction cup, after Which the connection is
`automatically broken.
`US. Pat. No. 5,138,538 discloses a ?ashlight having the
`usual components of a battery, and on-off mechanical
`sWitch, a bulb, and a hand-held housing, to Which there is
`added a timing means and a circuit-breaking means respon
`sive to the timing means for cutting off the ?oW of current
`to the bulb, Which further has a by-pass means, preferably
`child-proof, to direct electric current to the light bulb regard
`less of the state of the timing means. The patent also
`provides for the operation of the device may be further
`enhanced by making the by-pass means a mechanical sWitch
`connected so as to leave it in series With the mechanical
`on-off sWitch. Furthermore, the patent discloses a lock or
`other “child-proo?ng” mechanism may be provided to
`ensure that the by-pass is disabled When the ?ashlight is
`sWitched off.
`Most conventional ?ashlights, like those described above,
`are actuated by mechanical push or slide button-type
`sWitches requiring, of course, mechanical implementation
`by an operator. Over time, the sWitch suffers “Wear and tear”
`Which impairs operation of the ?ashlight as a result of, for
`example, repeated activations by the operator and/or due to
`the fact that the sWitch has been left “on” for a prolonged
`period of time. In addition, such mechanical sWitches are
`vulnerable to the effects of corrosion and oxidation and can
`cause said sWitches to deteriorate and to become non
`functioning. In addition, these prior art devices having these
`mechanical sWitches are generally “dumb,” ie they do not
`Ex. 1035-0009
`US 6,621,225 B2
`provide the user With convenient, reliable, and affordable
`functionalities Which today’s consumers noW demand and
`The prior art sWitches typically provide tWo basic func
`tions in prior art ?ashlights. First, the mechanical sWitches
`act as actual conductors for completing poWer circuits and
`providing current during operation of the devices. Depend
`ing upon the type of bulb and Wiring employed, the intensity
`of electrical current Which must be conducted by the sWitch
`is generally quite high leading to, after prolonged use,
`failure. Second, these mechanical sWitches must function as
`an interface betWeen the device and its operator, ie the
`man-machine-interface (“MMI”) and necessarily requires
`repeated mechanical activations of the sWitch Which over
`time mechanically deteriorate.
`Also, currently the electrical sWitches used in buildings/
`houses for control of lighting systems are of the conven
`tional type of sWitches Which must conduct, i.e. close the
`circuit, upon command, thus also providing the MMI. These
`prior art sWitches suffer from the same disadvantages as the
`sWitches described above in relation to portable electronic
`devices, like ?ashlights. Moreover, the sWitches are rela
`tively dumb in most cases and do not provide the user With
`a variety of functions, e. g but not limited to timing means to
`enable a user, for example, a shop oWner or home oWner to
`designate a predetermined shut off or turn on point in time.
`There is a need for inexpensive, reliable, and simple
`intelligent electronic devices Which provide increased func
`tionality and energy conservation.
`According to one embodiment of the present invention,
`there is provided a microchip controlled sWitch to manage
`both the current conducting functions and the MMI func
`tions in an electronic device, such as a ?ashlight, on a loW
`current basis ie Without the MMI device having to conduct
`or sWitch high current. According to one aspect of the
`invention, the MMI functions are controlled by very loW
`current signals, using touch pads, or carbon coated mem
`brane type sWitches. These loW current signal sWitches of
`the present invention can be smaller, more reliable, less
`costly, easier to seal and less vulnerable to the effects of
`corrosion and oxidation. Moreover, since the sWitch is a
`solid state component, it is, according to the present
`invention, possible to control the functions of the device in
`an intelligent manner by the same microchip Which provides
`the MMI functions. Thus, by practicing the teachings of the
`present invention, more reliable, intelligent, and e?icient
`electrical devices can be obtained Which are cheaper and
`easier to manufacture than prior art devices.
`According to another embodiment of the invention, there
`is provided a microchip Which can be embedded in a battery
`that Will lend intelligence to the battery and thus, the device
`it is inserted into, so that many functions, including but not
`limited to, delayed sWitching, dimming, automatic shut off,
`and intermittent activation may be inexpensively realiZed in
`an existing (nonintelligent) product, for example a prior art
`According to a further embodiment, the invention pro
`vides a poWer saving microchip Which, When operatively
`associated With an electronic device, Will adjust the average
`electric current through a current sWitch, provide an on and
`off sequence Which, for example, but not limited to, in the
`case of a ?ashlight, can be determined by an operator and
`may represent either a ?ash code sequence or a simple on/off
`oscillation, provide an indication of battery strength, and/or
`provide a gradual oscillating current ?oW to lengthen the life
`of the operating sWitch and the poWer source.
`According to one embodiment of the invention, an intel
`ligent ?ashlight, having a microchip controlled sWitch is
`provided comprising a microchip for controlling the on/off
`function and at least one other function of the ?ashlight.
`According to a further embodiment of the invention, an
`intelligent ?ashlight having a microchip controlled sWitch is
`provided comprising an input means for sending activating/
`deactivating signals to the microchip, and a microchip for
`controlling the on/off function and at least one other function
`of the ?ashlight. According to a further embodiment of the
`invention, there is provided an intelligent ?ashlight having
`a microchip controlled sWitch comprising an input means for
`selecting one function of the ?ashlight, a microchip for
`controlling at least the on/off function and one other function
`of the ?ashlight, Wherein the microchip control circuit may
`further comprise a control-reset means, a clock means, a
`current sWitch, and/or any one or combination of the same.
`According to another embodiment of the invention, there
`is provided a battery for use With an electrical device
`comprising a microchip embedded in the battery. According
`to still a further embodiment of the invention, a battery for
`use With an electronic device is provided comprising a
`microchip embedded in the battery Wherein said microchip
`is adapted such that an input means external to the microchip
`can select the on/off function and at least one other function
`of the electronic device.
`According to one embodiment of the present invention,
`there is provided an intelligent battery for use With an
`electronic device, the battery having positive and negative
`terminal ends and comprising a microchip embedded in the
`battery, preferably in the positive terminal end, for control
`ling on/off functions and at least one other function of the
`electronic device.
`According to another embodiment of the invention, there
`is provided a portable microchip device for use in serial
`connection With a poWer source, eg an exhaustible poWer
`source, and an electronic device poWered by said source
`Wherein said electronic device has an input means for
`activating and deactivating said poWer source, and said
`microchip comprising a means for controlling the on/off
`function and at least one other function of the electronic
`device upon receipt of a signal from said input means
`through said poWer source.
`According to a still further embodiment of the invention,
`there is provided a microchip adapted to control lighting in
`buildings. According to this embodiment, the normal sWitch
`on the Wall that currently functions as both a poWer-sWitch,
`i.e. conduction of electricity, and MMI can be eliminated,
`thus eliminating the normal high voltage and high current
`dangerous Wiring to the sWitch and from the sWitch to the
`load or light. UtiliZing the present invention, these sWitches
`can be replaced With connecting means suitable for loW
`current DC requirements.
`According to another embodiment, the present invention
`is directed to a battery comprising an energy storage section,
`a processor, eg a microchip and ?rst and second terminal
`ends. The ?rst terminal end being connected to the energy
`storage section, the second terminal end being connected to
`the processor, and the processor being connected to the
`second terminal end and the energy storage section. The
`processor controls the connection of the second terminal end
`to the energy storage section.
`According to another embodiment, the present invention
`provides an electronic apparatus Which includes an electrical
`Ex. 1035-0010
`US 6,621,225 B2
`device, comprising a power supply, an activating/
`deactivating means, and a processor. The activating/
`deactivating means is connected to the processor and the
`processor is connected to the poWer supply. The processor
`controls the on/off function of the device and at least one
`other function of the device in response to signals received
`from the activation/deactivation means.
`The present invention, according to a still further
`embodiment, provides a ?ashlight comprising a light source,
`an energy storage means, a sWitch means, and a processor
`means. The sWitch means being in communication With the
`processor means and the processor means being in commu
`nication With the energy storage means Which is ultimately
`in communication With the light source. The processor
`controls the activation/deactivation of the light source and,
`in some embodiments, further functions of the ?ashlight, in
`response to signals received from the sWitch means.
`While the present invention is primarily described in this
`application With respect to either a ?ashlight or a battery
`therefore, the embodiments discussed herein should not be
`considered limitative of the invention, and many other
`variations of the use of the intelligent devices of the present
`invention Will be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled push button or sliding type input activation/
`deactivation sWitch according to one embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a microchip for use in
`association With a push button or sliding input activation/
`deactivation sWitch according to one embodiment of the
`FIG. 3 is a schematic of a second type of intelligent device
`having a microchip controlled push button or sliding type
`input activation/deactivation sWitch according to another
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 4 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled touch pad or carbon coated membrane activation/
`deactivation sWitch according to a still further embodiment
`of the invention;
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of a microchip for use in
`association With a touch pad or carbon coated membrane
`activation/deactivation sWitch according to one embodiment
`of the invention;
`FIG. 6 is a schematic of a second type of device having
`a microchip controlled touch pad or carbon coated mem
`brane activation/deactivation sWitch according to one
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 7 is a schematic of a battery having embedded
`therein a microchip according to a further embodiment of
`the invention;
`FIG. 8A is a block diagram of a microchip for use in a
`battery according to one embodiment of the present inven
`FIG. 8B is a block diagram of a second type of microchip
`for use in a battery according to another embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 9 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled sWitch according to one embodiment of the
`FIG. 10 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled sWitch according to one embodiment of the
`FIG. 11 is a schematic of a device having a microchip
`controlled sWitch according to one embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 12 is a schematic of a ?ashlight having therein a
`microchip controlled sWitch according to one embodiment
`of the present invention;
`FIG. 13 illustrates a possible position, according to one
`embodiment of the present invention of a microchip in a
`FIG. 14 is a schematic of one embodiment of the present
`invention of a loW current sWitching device suitable for
`lighting systems in buildings;
`FIG. 15 is a block diagram of one embodiment of the
`present invention, i.e. microchip 1403 of FIG. 14;
`FIG. 16 is a ?oW diagram for a microchip as shoWn in
`FIGS. 4 and 5 for a delayed shut off function embodiment
`of one embodiment of the present invention; and
`FIG. 17 is a ?oW diagram for a microchip as shoWn in
`FIGS. 7 and 8a for a delayed shut off function embodiment
`of one embodiment of the present invention.
`According to one embodiment or aspect of the present
`invention, and referring to FIG. 1, a schematic depiction of
`main circuit 100 of an electronic device, for example, a
`?ashlight, is provided, Wherein the device has a microchip
`103 and a microchip controlled input activator/deactivator
`102, for example, a push button or sliding sWitch. Main
`circuit 100 of the device is poWered by a current supplied by
`poWer source 101. PoWer source 101 may be any poWer
`source, eg a DC battery, as is Well knoWn to those of
`ordinary skill in the art. While the folloWing discussion is
`limited to speci?c electronic devices, that is ?ashlights, it is
`to be understood that the folloWing description is equally
`applicable to other electronic devices including portable
`radios, toys, for example but not limited to battery operated
`cars, boats, planes, and/or other electrically poWered toys.
`Referring to FIG. 1, When an operator activates input push
`button or sliding command sWitch 102 to the “on” position,
`the microchip 103 receives a signal. SWitch 102 is a direct
`electrical input to microchip 103. Microchip 103 is
`grounded by grounding means 104. Microchip 103 is in
`series betWeen poWer source 101 and load 105. Microchip
`103 also transfers su?icient poWer through means of a
`current sWitch (not shoWn in FIG. 1) to load 105 Which can
`be, for example, a resistor-type bulb in the case of a
`?ashlight to provide illumination.
`The microchip 103, and other microchips of the present
`invention, can have its/their intelligence embedded in com
`binational or sequential logic, a PLA or ROM type structure
`feeding into a state machine or a true microcontroller type
`structure. The memory for the above Will normally be
`non-volatile, but should there be a need for selectable
`options, EE or ?ash memory structures may be used.
`The structure and operational parameters of such a micro
`chip 103 are explained in greater detail beloW With respect
`to FIG. 2. As shoWn in FIG. 1, poWer is supplied to
`microchip 103 by poWer source 101. When an operator
`activates input sWitch 102 to the “on” position it represents
`a command Which is communicated to microchip 103. Input
`means 102 requires very loW current in preferred embodi
`ments. In one embodiment of the invention, microchip
`control/reset means 201 simply alloWs the current sWitch
`202 to pass current provided from poWer source 101 to load
`105 in an unimpeded manner When the MMI sWitch 102 is
`activated, and, in the case of a ?ashlight, illumination is
`obtained. It is important to recogniZe, hoWever, that it is
`Ex. 1035-0011
`US 6,621,225 B2
`control circuit 201 Which activates current switch 202 upon
`acting on an input from MMI sWitch 102. Unlike heretofore
`knoWn prior art devices, activating sWitch 102 does not
`conduct current to load 105, but is only a command input
`mechanism Which can, according to the invention, operate
`on very loW current. For example, according to the
`invention, touch sensor input or carbon coated membrane
`type sWitch devices are preferred.
`If, for example, an emergency noti?cation function is
`desired, the ?ashlight may be designed to alternately ?ash on
`and off every second. First, the operator activates input 102
`into the appropriate position to indicate such a function is
`desired. During the “on” segment of the ?ashing routine,
`control/reset means 201 commands current sWitch 202 to
`close and let current ?oW through to load 105, thereby
`causing, in the case of a ?ashlight, the bulb to illuminate.
`Simultaneously, control/reset means 201 uses the timing
`means 203 as a clock for timing. After control/reset means
`201 determines one second has elapsed, control/reset means
`201 instructs current sWitch 202 to open and interrupt the
`current ?oW through to load 105, and bulb illumination is
`discontinued. It is important to note that both control/reset
`means 201 and current sWitch 202 are still active and fully
`poWered; hoWever, current delivery is noW latent With
`respect to load 105. When another second has elapsed, a
`command is passed from control/reset means 201 Which
`again alloWs current to be delivered through current sWitch
`202 to load 105, and in the case of a ?ashlight, bulb
`illumination is immediately resumed. The device continues
`an alternating current delivery routine until either the opera
`tor sWitches the setting of the activating input sWitch 102 to
`the “off” position, or until the conditions pre-programmed
`into the microchip, e.g. into the control/reset means 201, are
`satis?ed and current delivery is permanently discontinued.
`Similar operating routines can be employed to generate
`other conspicuous ?ashing functions such as the generation
`of the universal distress signal S.O.S. in Morse code. Again,
`such a function Would require that the microchip, e.g.
`control/reset means 201, be pre-programmed With the appro
`priate code for creating such a signal, and to permit current
`transmission from sWitch 202 to load 105 in accordance With
`the code With the assistance of timing means 203. For
`example, it may be desirable to have an S.O.S. sequence
`Wherein ?ashes representing each individual letter are sepa
`rated by time intervals ranging from one-half
`second to
`one (1) full second, While the interval betWeen each letter in
`the code comprises tWo (2) full seconds. After a certain
`number of repetitions of the r