
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22313- 1450
`Norman Richard KNOWLES
`SUITE 340
`RESTON, VA 20190
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
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`Exhibit 1018
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`United Statea Parent: and Trademark Qffiiiee‘
`Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property an d.
`[Ii-rector ufthe United States Patent and Trademark flffice
`Alexandria, 1In’irg Mia-223134450
`' vmv.usptn~.gnv
`SUITE 340
`RESTON, VA 20190
`Appeal No:
`Application: 13/525,500
`Norman Richard KNOWLES et a1.
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board Docketing Notice
`Application 13/525,500 was received from the Technology Center at the Board on June 30, 2014
`and has been assigned Appeal No: 2014-007763.
`In all future communications regarding this appeal, please include both the application number
`and the appeal number.
`The mailing address for the Board is:
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`Telephone inquiries can be made by calling 571-272-9797 and referencing the appeal number
`listed above.
`By order of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0002
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0002


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`Docket: 0317001 SBA
`S.N. 13/525,500
`In re patent application of
`Serial No. 13/525,500
`Filed June 18, 2012
`Confirmation No. 1472
`Group Art Unit 1616
`Examiner Hirt
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313—1450
`This reply briefis in furtherance ofthe Notice of Appeal, filed in this case on
`September 18, 2013, and in response to the Examiner’s Answer mailed May 1, 2014.
`In the Examiner’s Answer, the Examiner makes reference to the following
`principle “A recitation of the intended use of the claimed invention must result in a
`structural difference between the claimed invention and the prior art in order to
`patentably distinguish the claimed invention from the prior. If the prior art structure
`is capable of performing the intended use, then it meets the claim”. While the
`undersigned has not issue with this guiding principle, the undersigned notes that it is
`wholly inapplicable to what is being claimed and what is at issue in this appeal.
`The independent claims at issue in this appeal are drawn to compositions. The
`undersigned has reproduced the claims below with highlighting so that the unique
`features of the claimed invention can be discerned easily from the prior art.
`26. A composition for inhibiting sprouting of potato tubers, said composition
`three or more of:
`a) one or more C3 to C14 saturated aliphatic aldehydes;
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018____
`”Page” 0004
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
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`Decket: 0317001 SBA
`S.N. 13/525,500
`b) one or more C3 to C14 saturated aliphatic ketones;
`c) one or more C3 to C7 unsaturated aliphatic primary alcohols; and
`d) one or more C3 to C7 unsaturated aliphatic secondary alcohols.
`32. A composition for inhibiting sprouting of potato tubers comprising decanai and
`one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of:
`a) one or more C3 to C14 saturated aliphatic aldehydes that are not decanal;
`b) one or more C3 to C14 saturated aliphatic ketones;
`0) one or more C3 to C7 unsaturated aliphatic primary alcohols; and
`(1) one or more C3 to C7 unsaturated aliphatic secondary alcohols.
`36. A composition for inhibiting sprouting of potato tubers, said composition
`comprising 3-decen-2-one and 2—deeanone.
`Key to claim 26 is the requirement offing chemicals from a) to d). This
`means that the claimed composition mu_st have one or more C3 to C14 saturated
`aliphatic aidehydes or one or more saturated aliphatic ketones. That is, if the
`composition has c) and d), it must have one of a) or b) to fit the claim.
`Key to ciaim 32, is that the composition must have decanal in combination
`with one or more of a)—d).
`Key to claim 36 is that the composition must have 3-decenul—0ne and
`These compositions are demonstrated in the patent specification to inhibit
`potato tuber sprouting, which is a highly important preperty for long term storage and
`shipping of this valuable commodity.
`In the rejection, the Examiner has cobbled together no less than six (6)
`references in rejecting the claims. That is, claims 26-40 were rejected as being
`obvious over US. Patent Publication 2004/0053787 to Knowles, Bradow (J.
`Chemical Ecoiogy, 1990, 16(3) 645—666), Rein (US. Patent 3,853,532), Young (U.S.
`Patent 3,159,476) further in View of(Olson (W02007/O44200) and Findley (U.S.
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`...EXhibi11018 .
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`1,4 GROUP, INC.
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`Docket: 03 17001 SBA
`S.N. 13/525,500
`Patent 3,852,057). The Findley reference was not separately treated in the appeal
`brief, and will be addressed here as not showing anything more than the other
`references of record, and not making a combination of all references obvious to one of
`ordinary skill in the art.
`In making the rejection, the Examiner has not provided sound reasoning for
`making the combinations, i.e., one of ordinal)! skill in the art would not make the
`combinations proposed as there is no expectation of success that the combinations
`would produce a composition that inhibits potato tuber sprouting or that the
`compositions would be made for any other reason (e. g., an application not related to
`potato tuber sprouting).
`First, it should be noted that not all ofthe references have anything to do with
`potato tuber sprouting. Bradow is focused on seed germination (identified as a pre—
`growth/pre—harvest activity; unlike potato tuber Sprouting which is a post harvest
`activity). Rein is focused sucker growth in tobacco plants using a non-volatile
`formulatio including 2—dodecanone and 2-undecanone. Findley is focused on
`controlling growth of axillary shoots in tobacco plants with hydroxy ethers. Thus, it
`should be clear that any or all of these three references do not show or suggest
`teachings that would be combined with potato tuber sprouting compositions, as they
`show no effect whatsoever on potato tuber sprouting.
`Conversely, the teachings of Knowles, Young and Olson do not Show
`materials which have any effect on seed germination (Bradow) or tobacco plants
`(Rein and Findley).
`In fact, Rein teaches that C7 alcohols (which are Specifically a
`possibility in claims 26 and 32 ofthe present application) were inactive (see column
`2, lines 34-35 Thus, there would be no reason to combine materials from Knowles,
`Young and Olson with materials of Bradow, Rein and Findley.
`Second, even if the combinations were made, the combinations would not
`yield or make obvious the claimed invention.
`Starting with claim 36, no combination of references would make the
`combination 0f3-decenew2-one and 2—decanone obvious to one of ordinary skill in the
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`- Exhibit-1018
`Page 0006
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0006


`Docket: 031700} SBA
`S.N. 13/525,500
`Knowies, a patent made by the inVentors of the present application, teaches cc,
`[3 Esaturated aliphatic aldehydes and ketcnes being used for suppressing potato tuber
`sprouting. Knowles does not teach that a saturated aliphatic ketone has any activity
`on sprouting whatsoever, and does not teach the inclusion of a saturated aliphatic
`ketone such as 2—decanone for any reason. Bradow teaches aldehydes and ketones in
`seed germination appiications, but does not mention 2—decanone. Reins discussed
`aliphatic monoketones, include 2 decanone, being used to inhibit sucker development
`in tobacco plants, but did not teach that 3-decene-2—one could also be used to inhibit
`sucker deveIOpment in tobacco plants (in fact its requirement of saturated aliphatic
`hydrocarbon monoketones teaches against this), and did not teach any appiication to
`potato tuber sprouts. Young teaches the use of 8 carbon isooclyl alcohols for
`inhibiting tuber sprouts. Isooctyl alcohols are not staturated aliphatic ketones like 2—
`decaonone. Olson teaches the use ofniists, fogs, and sprays in inhibiting potato
`sprouting, but does not teach anything related to using a saturated ketone or 2~
`decanone in paticular. Findley teaches the use ofhydroxy ethers for controlling
`axillary shoots in tobacco piants (see abstract), and does not teach the use of aliphatic
`ketones like 2—decanone for any reason. Hence, one of ordinary skiil in the art would
`not have any reason to combine any or all ofthe references to come up with a
`combination of 3—decene—2—one and 2~decanone, as is claimed in claim 36, whether it
`be for controlling potato tuber sprouting or tobacco shoot growth.
`Moving on to ciaim 32, no combination of references would make the use of
`decanal (an unsaturated aliphatic aldehyde) in combination with saturated aliphatic
`aldehydcs or ketones or unsaturated C3 to C7 primary and secondary alcohols obvious
`to one of ordinary skill in the art.
`As noted above, Knowles teaches a, B Msaiurated aliphatic aldehydes and
`ketones being used for suppressing potato tuber sprouting, and does not teach that
`saturated aliphatic aldehydes, such as, decanal, have any utility whatsoever. Bradow
`teaches aldehydes and ketones in seed germination applications, but does not mention
`decanal. Reins discussed aliphatic inonoketones being used to inhibit sucker
`development in tobacco plants. Reins does not teach the use of unsaturated aldehydes
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`. Exhibit .1018
`Page 0007
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0007


`Docket: 0317001 SBA
`S.N. 13/525,500
`such as decanal being used for any purpose. Young teaches the use of 8 carbon
`isooctyl alcohols for inhibiting tuber sprouts. Isooctyl alcohols are not saturated
`aliphatic aldehydes like decanal, and, by definition, are not C3 to C7 alcohols. Olson
`teaches the use of mists, fogs, and sprays in inhibiting potato sprouting, but does not
`teach anything related to using a saturated aldehyde or decanal in paticular. Findley
`teaches the use ofhydroxy ethers for controlling axillary shoots in tobacco plants (see
`abstract), and does not teach the use of aliphatic aldehydes like decanal, or
`unsaturated C3 to C7 alcohols, for any reason. Hence, one of ordinary skill in the art
`would not have any reason to combine any or all of the references to come up with a
`combination of decanal, and either or all of C3-Cl4 saturated aldehydes or ketones
`and C3-C7 unsaturated primary and secondary alcohols, as is claimed in claim 32,
`whether it be for controlling potato tuber sprouting or tobacco shoot growth.
`Finally, with reference to claim 26, only the applicants have identified a utility
`for a) one or more C3 to C14 saturated aliphatic aldehydes and b) one or more C3 to
`C14 saturated aliphatic ketones in suppressing potato tuber sprouting. Rein is the
`only reference that mentions a saturated ketone having any utility for anything—that is,
`Rein teaches saturated 2 ketones being used for suppressing sucker growth on tobacco
`plants. However, Rein does not teach combining such compounds with other
`compounds such as saturated aldehydes or C3 to C7 unsaturated alcohois. And no
`references teach that saturated aidehydes or C3 to C7 unsaturated alcohols would have
`any utility in suppressing tobacco sucker growth. Hence, no combination of
`references would make a combination offing; of a), b), c), and d) obvious to one of
`ordinary skill in the art.
`As mentioned above, Knowles teaches at, [3 gasaturated aliphatic aldehydes
`and ketones being used for suppressing potato tuber sprouting, and does not teach that
`saturated aliphatic aldehydes or ketones have any utility whatsoever. Bradow
`teaches aldehydes and ketones in seed germination applications, but does not mention
`saturated aliphatic aldehyde-s or ketones in particular, and does not mention the
`possible utility of C3 - C7 unsaturated alcohols. As noted above, Reins discussed
`aliphatic monoketones being used to inhibit sucker development in tobacco plants.
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018 ,
`Page 0008
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0008


`Docket: 03170018BA
`S.N. 13/525,500
`Reins does not teach such materials being used in combination with C3 to C7
`unsaturated alcohols, or that C3 to C7 unsaturated alcohols would have any utility
`whatsoever. Young teaches the use of 8 carbon isooctyl alcohols for inhibiting tuber
`sprouts. Isooctyl alcohols are not saturated aliphatic aldehydes like decanal, and, by
`definition, are not C3 to C7 alcohols. Olson teaches the use ofrnists, fogs, and sprays
`in inhibiting potato Sprouting, but does not teach anything related to using a saturated
`aldehydes or ketones, or unsaturated primary and Secondary alcohols in particular.
`Findley teaches the use of liydroxy etliers for controlling axillary shoots in tobacco
`plants (sce abstract), and does not teach the use of aliphatic aldehydes or ketones or
`unsaturated C3 to C7 alcohols for any reason. Hence, one of ordinary skill in the art
`would not have any reason to combine any or all of the references to come up with a
`combination of decanal, and either or all of C3—C14 saturated aldehydes or ketones
`and C3-C7 unsaturated primary and secondary alcohols, as is claimed in claim 26,
`whether it be for controlling potato tuber sprouting or tobacco shoot growth.
`Reconsideration and reversal of the Examiner’s rej ction is in order.
`sub ii ed,
`/% |
`chael 13. Whitham
`Reg. No. 32,635
`Whitham, Curtis, Christofferson & Cook, P.C.
`11491 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 340
`Reston, VA 20190
`Tel. {703) 787-9400
`Fax. (703) 787-7557
`Customer No. 30743
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`....Exhibit 1018
`Page 0009
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`Exhibit 1018
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`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title of Invention:
`Utility under 35 USC 1 1 1 (a) Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`_ P
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
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`Total in USD (5)
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`Exhibit 1018
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0011


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`Exhibit 1018
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`Exhibit 1018
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`Exhibit 1018
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`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`_ P
`Appeal Forwarding Fee
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
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`Page 0014
`Title of Invention:
`Utility under 35 USC 1 1 1 (a) Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
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`Total in USD (5)
`Sub-Total in
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`Exhibit 1018
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0015


`Title of Invention:
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Payment information:
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`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313- 1450
`Norman Richard KNOWLES
`SUITE 340
`RESTON, VA 20190
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
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`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Application Number: 13/525500
`Filing Date: 06/18/2012
`Appellant(s): Knowles et al.
`Witham, Curtis, Christofferson & Cook, PC.
`For Appellant
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
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`Application/Control Number: 13/525,500
`Page 2
`Art Unit: 1616
`This is in response to the appeal brief filed 13 December 2013.
`(1) Grounds of Rejection to be Reviewed on Appeal
`Every ground of rejection set forth in the Office action dated May 22, 2013 from
`which the appeal is taken is being maintained by the examiner except for the grounds of
`rejection (if any) listed under the subheading “WITHDRAWN REJECTIONS.” New
`grounds of rejection (if any) are provided under the subheading “NEW GROUNDS OF
`a) Statement of Grounds of Rejection Not Modified
`The ground(s) of rejection set forth in the Office action dated May 22, 2013, from
`which the appeal is taken, have not been modified.
`(2) Response to Argument
`Claims 26-40 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Knowles et al. (US2004/0053787), Bradow et al. (J. Chemical Ecology, 1990, 16(3),
`645-666), Rein et al. (US 3,853,532), Young (US 3,159,476), and further in view of
`Olson et al. (WO2007/044200, with priority to 11/413090 filed 2006) and Findley et al.
`(us 3,852,057).
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
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`Application/Control Number: 13/525,500
`Page 3
`Art Unit: 1616
`Applicant's arguments filed December 13, 2013 in their Appeal Brief with respect
`to the rejection of claims 26-40 under 35 USC §103 as being unpatentable over
`Knowles, Bradow, Rein, Young, and further in view of Olson and Findley have been fully
`considered but were not persuasive.
`Applicants argue that the examiner has failed to recognize that the inventors
`have discovered that the breakdown products, metabolites of alpha, beta unsaturated
`ketones and aldehydes are useful as sprout inhibitors. The examiner also respectfully
`points out that applicants have not solely claimed saturated aliphatic ketones, as
`applicant's composition calls for the inclusion of 3-decen-2-one which is an unsaturated
`ketone which is homologous to the trans-3-nonen-2-one that is disclosed and taught by
`Knowles, as well as the instantly claimed medium and long chain alcohols, which would
`include both saturated and unsaturated carbon chains (medium chain alcohols being
`~C3-C7) as well as secondary and primary alcohols. Knowles teaches that these
`alcohols are capable of inhibiting sprouting and as such would include applicant’s
`preferred trans-2-hepten-1-ol and trans-2-hexen-1-ol. Knowles further teaches wherein
`the actives are formulated to deliver the actives at a rate of 0.1 -5 mmol/kg of potato
`tubers, and that trans-2-decenal is an aldehyde useful for inhibiting sprouting in potato
`tubers. The examiner notes that while trans-2-decenal is not homologous to decenal it is
`a closely related compound.
`The examiner respectfully points out that she never stated that Knowles taught
`decenal specifically or 2-decanone. However, these deficiencies in Knowles were
`addressed by Rein, Bradow, Young. Rein teaches that aliphatic (saturated and
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0021
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0021


`Application/Control Number: 13/525,500
`Page 4
`Art Unit: 1616
`unsaturated) monoketones (C4 to C18) are useful for inhibiting axillary growth in
`tobacco plants via spray application. Rein further teaches wherein the most preferred
`compounds are 2—ketones, specifically 2-decanone, 2-undecanone, and 2—nonanone
`(see table in column 8). Applicants argue that Rein because Rein is directed tobacco
`plants it is not appropriate prior art for use in rejecting the instant claims. The examiner
`respectfully disagrees and reminds applicants that, “A recitation of the intended use of
`the claimed invention must result in a structural difference between the claimed
`invention and the prior art in order to patentably distinguish the claimed invention from
`the prior art.” If the prior art structure is capable of performing the intended use, then it
`meets the claim. In this case, Rein also teaches that fatty/long chain alcohols (08-01 2)
`were useful for controlling growth in tobacco plants and these compounds were already
`known in the art to be useful for controlling the sprouting of potato tubers as is taught by
`Knowles. Therefore, the examiner maintains that it would have been obvious to an
`ordinary skilled artisan to at the very least try these 2—ketones for use in inhibiting
`sprouting of potato tubers because other compounds known for controlling axillary
`tobacco shoot growth were known to inhibit potato tuber sprouting.
`Regarding Bradow, applicants argue that it is directed to the
`germination/sprouting of seeds and this is not the same thing as sprouting of potato
`tubers. Again the examiner respectfully points and again reminds applicants that, “A
`recitation of the intended use of the claimed invention must result in a structural
`difference between the claimed invention and the prior art in order to patentably
`distinguish the claimed invention from the prior art.” If the prior art structure is capable
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0022
`1,4 GROUP, INC.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 0022


`Application/Control Number: 13/525,500
`Page 5
`Art Unit: 1616
`of performing the intended use, then it meets the claim. In the instant case, Bradow
`teaches that aliphatic aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols are useful as sprouting
`inhibitors for seeds, specifically Bradow teaches that nonanal, which is homologous to
`the instantly preferred decanal), and previously disclosed (by Knowles) unsaturated
`aldehyde ((E)-2-hexenal) are useful for inhibiting sprouting in seeds/plants. Therefore,
`the examiner maintains that it would have been obvious to an ordinary skilled artisan to
`at the very least try these nonanal and t

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