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`U.S. UTILITY Patent Application
`AUG 1 7 2004
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`: U.S.DEPT. OF CCMM.i~T.& TM-PT0-436L(Rev. 12-94)
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`07/26/2002 BSAYASI1 00000012 161520
`01 FC:101
`740.00 CH
`·u.s. Government Printing Office: 2001- 481·697/59173

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`j Total Pages 22
`Attorney docket No. 01-1009
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`July 23, 2002
`The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Transmitted herewith for filing is the patent application, including three (3) sheet(s) of drawing,
`of inventor(s): Curtis E. Stevens
`for: Systems, Software and M~thods for Allocating Additional Mass Storage Media Space
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`Kenneth W. Float
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`The Law Offices of Kenneth W. Float
`Office address: 2 Shire, Coto de Caza, CA 92679
`Mailing address: P. 0. Box 80790, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
`Telephone: (949) 459-5519
`Facsimile: (949) 459-5520

`In re Application of: Curtis E: Stevens
`Serial No.
`For: Systems, Software and Methods for Allocating
`Additional Mass Storage Media Space
`July 23, 2002
`Group Art Unit:
`Batch No.:
`UNDER 37 CFR 1.10
`The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Identification of Transmitted Papers
`Utility Patent Application Transmittal form, patent application comprising ten (10) pages plus a
`cover page, three (3) sheets of drawing, Combined Declaration and Power of Attorney form;
`Assignment for recording, Assignment cover letter (form PT0-1595) Fee Transmittal Letter in
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`DATE OF DEPOSIT -July 23,2002
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`Kenneth W. Float
`Reg. No. 29,233
`The Law Offices of Kenneth W. Float
`Office Address: 2 Shire, Coto de Caza, CA 92679
`Mailing Address: PO Box 80790, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
`Telephone: (949) 459-5519
`Facsimile: (949) 459-5520

`Curtis E. Stevens
`.....__ ___________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------

`The present invention relates generally to computer systems, software and
`methods, and more particularly, to computer systems, software and methods that allow a
`computer system integrator to reserve a predetermined amount of space on a hard drive
`and then enable that space for use by an end user after the computer system is in the
`hands of the end user.
`~ ~ A9. \
`d disk drives have the ability to be resized by a
`Many currently-available
`G;stem integrator. Commands e provided for destroking drives. The PARTIES
`(Protected Area Run-Time In rface Extensions Services) specification, for example,
`provides methods for rese ng space on a hard drive, and emulating a floppy drive.
`tn be an issue. Generally, disk
`Although a hard disk drive
`be made smaller, making the drive larger again
`'ve vendor and product specific tools must be used to
`s can be a problem since disk drive manufacturers do
`change the size of the drive.
`have access to their drive modification tools. Although
`not generally want end users
`there are now some generic ays to change the size of the drive, no infrastructure exists
`ade, particularly by an end user. In addition, the PARTIES
`to allow the changes to b
`specification does not p vide a method for reallocating space to the computer user.
`Most currently-available hard disk drives are manufactured with 20,40 or 60
`gigabytes of drive space (defined by one, two or three disk platters). Many times,
`because of cost considerations, a personal computer manufacturer will install 60

`gigabyte hard diak drives in all of the personal computer systems that they sell, even
`though some of the systems are configured to have 20 or 40 gigabyte hard disk drives.
`After delivery of the computer system to the end user, the number one technical
`support issue (for computers with Intel® microprocessors) relates to installation of a
`larger hard disk drive. It would be desirable to have the ability for an end user to enlarge
`the available hard disk drive space, if such space is available (i.e., a 60 gigabyte drive is
`installed but is configured to have only 20 or 40 gigabytes of space available to the user.
`It is an objective of the present invention to provide for computer systems,
`software and methods that allow a computer system integrator to reserve a
`predetermined amount of space on a hard disk drive and then enable the space for use an
`end user after the computer system is in the hands of the end user.
`To accomplish the above and other objectives, the present invention provides for
`computer systems, software and methods that allows a computer system integrator to
`reserve a predetermined amount of space on a hard disk drive and then enable that space
`for use by an end user after the system is in the hands of the end user. More
`specifically, the present method provides for computer systems, software and methods
`that permit changing the size of the user. area of a hard disk drive after a computer
`system is in the hands of a user.
`The computer software and methods are embodied in a computer system having
`an operating system and a hard disk drive. The hard disk drive is configured, in
`accordance with a PARTIES specification, for example, to have a boot engineering
`extension record (BEER) that comprises a BEER pointer that points to a SETMAX
`25 marker and an end of file system marker that together define a host protected area and
`indicate an end of a user-accessible area of the hard disk drive. The computer software
`and methods embodied in the computer system are operative to enlarge the user(cid:173)
`accessible area of the hard disk drive.
`An exemplary embodiment of a computer system in accordance with the present
`invention comprises an operating system and a hard disk drive that is configured (in
`accordance with a PARTIES specification, for example) to have a boot engineering
`extension record (BEER) that comprises a BEER pointer that points to a SETMAX
`marker that defines a host protected area and indicate an end of a user-accessible area of
`the hard disk drive. Software is provided that, once enabled (by the personal computer
`35 manufacturer, for example), and assuming that additional end user space is available on
`the hard disk drive, is operative to allow the end user to increase the usable area of the
`hard disk drive.

`An exeiiJI>lary embodiment that implements the present method comprises the
`following steps. It is determined if the boot engineering extension record is present on
`the hard disk drive. Jf the boot engineering extension record is present, it is determined
`if free media space is available on the hard disk drive. If free media space is available on
`the hard disk drive, the BEER pointer is changed to move the SETMAX marker and
`allocate additional media space on the hard disk drive for use as part of the user
`accessible area. The end of file system marker is moved to match the moved SETMAX
`marker to set the enlarged user-accessible area of the hard dis.K drive.
`An exemplary embodiment of computer software in accordance with the present
`invention comprises a code segment that determines if a boot engineering extension
`record is present on the hard disk drive. A code segment determines if free media space
`is available on the hard disk drive once it is determined that the boot engineering
`efension record is present. A code segment changes the BEER pointer if free media
`space is available to move the SETMAX marker to allocate additional media space from
`the host protected area on the hard disk drive for use as part of the user accessible area.
`A code segment moves the end of file system marker to match the moved SETMAX
`marker to set the enlarged user-accessible area of the hard disk drive.
`The various features and advantages of the present invention may be more
`readily understood with reference to the following detailed description taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawing, wherein like reference numerals designate
`like structur~l ~~and in which:
`Fiy1llustrates an exemplary computer system in accordance with the
`principles of the pres~nt-1nvention employing an exemplary hard disk drive that is
`ARTIES specification;
`formatted using t
`·sa flow d"
`am that illustrates an exemplary embodiment of a method in
`rinciples of the present invention; and
`Figs. 3 - ~A-illustrate how the hard disk drive is reconfigured using the
`exemplary ethod illustrated in Fig. 2.
`Referring to thedrawing figures, Fig. 1 illustrates a typical hard disk drive 10 of
`a computer system 40 that is formatted using the PARTIES (Protected Area Run-Time
`Interface Extensions Services) specification, for example. Formatting the hard disk
`drive 10 using the PARTIES specification allows the system 40 to reserve space on the
`hard disk drive 10 for use by the system 40. This space is divided into service areas via

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
`a Boot Engineet'tng Extension Record (BEER) 11. The individual service areas may be
`used for data storage or booting a fail-safe operating system, for example.
`The hard disk'drive 10 is formatted such that there is a host protected area 12
`that is sepflfated from a user accessible area 14 using a SETMAX command. The
`SETMAX command typically generates a SETMAX marker 13 (fence) and end of file
`system marker 13a on the hard disk drive 10 beyond which the user cannot access.
`Thus, the end user only has access to hard disk drive space or_rriedia space below the
`SETMAX marker 13.
`More particularly, the boot engineering extension record (BEER) comprises a
`BEER pointer that points to the SETMAX.marker 13 that defines a boundary between
`the hosl protected area 12 and the user-accessible area 14 of the hard disk drive 10. The
`S7l'MAX marker 13 and the end of file system marker 13a together indicates an upper
`efid of the user-accessible area 14.
`The present invention enables a portion of the host protected area 12 to be
`released to the operating system that may be configured for use by the user. This is
`accomplished in the following manner, with reference to Fig. 2. Fig. 2 is a flow diagram
`that illustrates an exemplary embodiment of a method 20 in accordance with the
`principles of the present invention.
`The exemplary method 20 comprises the following steps. The method 20 starts
`21 and a determination 22 is made if a boot engineering extension record (BEER) 11 is
`present on the hard disk drive 10. If the boot engineering extension record 11 is not
`present (NO), then expansion is not possible 23. If the boot engineering extension
`record 11 is present (YES) on the hard disk drive 10, then a determination 24 is made if
`free hard disk drive space is available. The free media space is a portion of the host
`protected area 12. If there is no available free hard disk drive space (NO), then
`expansion is not possible 25.
`If there is available free hard disk drive space (YES), then the BEER pointer is
`changed 26 to free up a desired amount of hard disk drive media space for use by the
`operating system. The BEER pointer is changed 26 to move the SETMAX marker 13 to
`allocate additional media space from the host protected area 12 on the hard disk drive 10
`for use as part of the user accessible area 14.
`Then the user file system of the operating system is updated 27 (i.e., the end of
`file system marker 13a is moved) so that the operating system has access to the newly
`allocated free space. In particular, the end of file system marker 13a is moved to match
`the moved SETMAX marker 13 to set the enlarged user-accessible area 14 of the hard
`disk drive 10.

`The steps described with reference to Fig. 2 cause the sequence of events to
`happen that are :hown in Figs. 3a-3c. Figs. 3a-3b illustrate how the hard disk drive 10
`is reconfigured usi11g the exemplary method 20 illustrated in Fig. 2.
`As is shown -1ri Fig. 3a, the PARTIES configured hard disk drive 10 has the
`BEER sec.tor 11, the host protected area 12, and the user area14 separated from the host
`protected area 12 by the SETMAX marker 13. As is shown in Fig. 3b, when steps 21-
`26 shown in Fig. 2 are implemented, the SETMAX marker 13 is moved to enlarge the
`size ofthe user area 14. Then, and as is shown in Fig. 3c, wh~n- step 27 is implemented,
`the file system end marker 13a is set to match the new SETMAX marker 13 so that the
`operating system has access to the expanded user area 14.
`One advantage of the present invention over the prior art is that the present
`invention allows a user or owner of a computer system 40 to expand the useable hard
`disk drive space without removing the hard disk drive 10 from the computer system 40.
`l A. software tool implementing the method 20 described with reference to Fig. 2 can be
`used by a computer user to expand the file system to allocate the newly added hard disk
`drive space. Thus, the present invention allows the owner or user of the computer
`system 40 to enlarge the useable area of a hard disk drive 10 without removing the hard
`disk drive 10 from the computer system 40.
`The present invention also embodies computer software that implements the
`above-described method 20. The computer software comprises the following code
`segments. A code segment is provided that determines if a boot engineering extension
`record 11 is present on a hard disk drive 10. A code segment is provided that
`determines if free media space is available on the hard disk drive 10 (typically part of the
`host protected area) if the boot engineering extension record is present. A code segment
`is provided that changes the BEER pointer to move the SETMAX marker 13 to allocate
`additional media space from the host protected area on the hard disk drive 10 for use as
`part of the user accessible area if free media space is available. A code segment is
`provided that moves the end of file system marker 13a to match the moved SETMAX
`marker 13 to set the enlarged user-accessible area of the hard disk drive 10.
`Using the present invention, a personal computer manufacturer may employ 60
`gigabyte hard disk drives 10, for example, in all of the personal computers systems 40
`that are sold, and allow the end user to increase the size of the drive 10 after delivery.
`The present invention enables the end user to telephone or otherwise contact a technical
`support technician who can instruct and enable the user to enlarge, if possible, the user-
`accessible space of the hard disk drive 10 using the present invention.
`One mechanism to achieve this is to provide a utility on the personal computer
`system 40 that can enlarge the user-accessible space of the hard disk drive 10. If a

`support technicictn is contacted regarding a larger hard disk drive or additional hard disk
`drive space, the end user is asked to run the utility. The utility displays a machine
`identification number (serial number of the computer system 40, for example). The
`support te~hnician uses the identification number to determine the size of the user-
`accessible space on the hard disk drive 10. If space is available, the support technician
`can sell the user additional user-accessible space.
`One way to do this is for the support technician to proyide the user with an
`unlock key for use with the utility that is dependent upon the configuration of the
`personal computer system 40 and includes the amount of additional user-acce~sible disk,
`drive space that is sold. The end user thenenters the unlock key into the utility. The
`utility then releases the requested additional user-accessible space on the hard disk drive
`10y the end user and expands the file system of the computer system 40 so that the
`eNlarged hard disk drive space is available. The utility includes software code that
`changes the BEER pointer to move the SETMAX marker 13 to allocate additional hard
`disk drive space from the host protected area on the hard disk drive 10 for use as user
`accessible area.
`Thus, computer systems, software and methods that allow reservation of a
`predetermined amount of space on a hard drive and enablement of that space for use an
`end user after the computer system is in the hands of the end user have been disclosed.
`It is to be understood that the above-described embodiments are merely illustrative of
`some of the many specific embodiments that represent applications of the principles of
`the present invention. Clearly, numerous and other arrangements can be readily devised
`by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention.

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method for use with a computer system having n operating system and a
`ave a boot engineering
`hard disk drive, wherein the hard disk drive is configured t
`extension record (BEER) that comprises a BEER pointer at points to a SETMAX
`marker that defines a host protected area and indicate a end of a user-accessible area of
`the hard disk drive, for enlarging the user-accessible
`a of the hard disk drive, the
`methoq comprising the steps of:
`determining if the boot engineering extensi
`record is present on the hard disk
`if the boot engineering extension record · present, determining if free media
`space is available on the hard disk drive;
`if free media space is available on the ard disk drive, changing the BEER
`pointer to move the SETMAX marker and a ocate additional media space on the hard
`disk drive for use as part of the user access· le area; and
`moving the end of file system m
`er to match the moved SETMAX marker to
`set the enlarged user-accessible area of e hard disk drive.
`2. The method recited in Clai~herein the step of determining if free media
`omprises the step of determining if free media
`space is available on the hard disk dri
`space is available in the host protected ea of the hard disk drive.
`A~ 3. The method recited in Claim 1 wh ein the hard disk drive is configured in
`accordance with a PARTIES (Protected Ar a Run-Time Interface Extensions Services)
`· m 1 further comprising the steps of unlocking the
`4. The method recited in C
`t of the SETMAX marker to allocate the additional
`hard disk drive to permit movem
`5. Computer softw e for use with a computer system having an operating
`· e, wherein the hard disk drive is configured to have a boot
`system and a hard disk
`engineering extension r ord (BEER) that comprises a BEER pointer that points to a
`SETMAX marker tha defines a host protected area and indicate an end of a user-

`- - - - - - - - - -
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
`accessible area ~f the hard disk drive, for enlarging the user-ace sible area of the hard
`disk drive, compri~ing:
`a code segment that determines if a boot engineering
`on the hard disk drive;
`a code segment that determines if free media spac is available on the hard disk
`drive once it is determined that the boot engineering ext nsion record is present;
`a code segment that changes the BEER pointe If free media space is available to
`move the SETMAX marker to allocate additional m
`ia space on the hard disk drive for
`use as part of the user accessible area; and
`a code segment that moves the end of file ystem marker to match the moved
`SETMAx marker to set the enlarged user-acces ible area of the hard disk drive.
`laim 5 wherein the code segment that
`6. The computer software recited in
`the hard disk drive determines if free
`determines if free media space is available
`media space is available in the host protec ed area of the hard disk drive.
`7. The computer software recit d in Claim 5 wherein the hard disk drive is
`configured in accordance with a PAR
`S (Protected Area Run-Time Interface
`Extensions Services) specification.
`8. The computer softwar recited in Claim 5 further comprising a code segment
`that unlocks the hard disk drive o permit movement of the SETMAX marker to allocate
`the additional media space on e hard disk drive.
`an operating syste
`a hard disk drive at is configured in accordance with a PARTIES specification
`to have a boot enginee · g extension record (BEER) that comprises a BEER pointer that
`points to a SETMAX arker that defines a host protected area and indicate an end of a
`user-accessible area
`the hard disk drive; and
`software for nlarging the user-accessible area of the hard disk drive comprising:
`a code seg ent that determines if a boot engineering extension record is present
`on the hard disk
`a code se ment that determines if additional media space is available on the hard
`disk drive once· is determined that the boot engineering extension record is present;

`a code segment that changes the BEER pointer i free media space is available to
`move the SETMAX-marker to allocate additional spac on the hard disk drive for use as
`part of the user accessible area; and
`a code segment that moves the end of file sy em marker to match the moved
`SETMAX marker to set the enlarged user-accessib area of the hard disk drive.
`10. The computer system recited in Cla· 9 wherein the code segment that
`determines if free media space is available on t e hard disk drive determines ifJree
`media space is available in the host protected ea of the hard disk drive.
`11. The computer system recited i Claim 9 wherein the hard disk drive is
`c@nfi.gured in accordance with a PARTIE (Protected Area Run-Time Interface
`Extensions Services) specification.
`12. The computer system rec· ed in Claim 9 wherein the software further
`comprises a code segment that unlo s the hard disk drive to permit movement of the
`SETMAX marker to allocate the a oitional media space on the hard disk drive.
`.. ----------------

`Computer systems, software and methods th permit reservation and allocation
`of additional space on a hard disk drive for use by n end user after a computer system
`is in the hands of the end user. The hard disk dri e is configured (such as by using the
`PARTIES specification) to have a boot enginee ng extension record (BEER) including
`a BEER pointer that points to a SETMAX m
`er that defines a host protected area and •
`indicat~s an end of a user-accessible area of e hard disk drive. The user-accessible
`area of the hard disk drive is enlarged by d ermining if the boot engineering extension
`r(1iord is present on the hard disk drive. I the boot engineering extension record is
`present, the amount of free media space vailable on the hard disk drive is determined.
`If media space is available, the BEER p, inter is chang

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