
`Exhibit 2033.001
`Exhibit 2033.001


`Exhibit 2033.002
`Exhibit 2033.002


`Sixth Revised Edition
`dedicated to
`Walter M. Meier
`co—author of the first edition of the Atlas and
`co-founder of the IZA Structure Commission
`on the occasion of his 80th birthday
`Christian Baerlocher and Lynne B. McCusker
`Laboratory of Crystallography
`ETH Zurich
`8093 Zurich, Switzerland
`David H. Olson
`Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
`Rutgers University
`Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
`Published on behalf of the
`Structure Commission of the international Zeolite Association by
`Amsterdam — London - New York - Oxford - Paris — Shannon - Tokyo
`Exhibit 2033.003
`Exhibit 2033.003


`Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
`Liname House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK
`First edition 1978, published by the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association
`Second revised edition, 1987, published by Butterworth—Heinemzmn
`Third revised edition, 1992, published by Butterwonh‘Heinemann
`Fourth revised edition. 1996, published by Elsevier Science
`Fifth revised edition, first impression, 2001, published by Elsevier Science
`Fifth revised edition, second impression 2001, published by Elsevier Science
`Sixth revised edition, first impression 2007
`Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.Vi All rights reserved
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`Exhibit 2033.004
`Exhibit 2033.004


`Introduction and Explanatory Notes
`Framework Type Data Sheets (arranged by 3—lcttcr code in alphabetical order)
`Li-A (Barrer and White)
`AlPO—l l
`AlPO— l 6
`AlPO— l 2-TAMU
`FOS-S (Beta polymorph C)
`Cesium Aluminosilicate
`Chiral Zincophosphate
`Deca-dodecasil 3R
`Dodecasil 1H
`TMA—E (Aiello and Barrer)
`EU— I
`lTQ— l 3
`ITQ— 1'2
`Na—J (Barrer and White)
`Linde Type A
`Linde Type L
`Linde Type N
`Exhibit 2033.005
`Exhibit 2033.005


`RUB -17
`RUB - 13
`RUB- 10
`SU— 1 6
`S SZ—23
`ordered Tounkite
`Mu-l 8
`IM- 10
`A. Additional information for the data sheets of
`B, Rules for Framework Type Assignment
`Secondary Building Units
`D. Composite Building Units
`E. Channel Dimensions
`F. Topological Densities
`G. Origin of 3—Letter Codes and Type Material Names
`Isotypie Material Index
`Exhibit 2033.006
`Exhibit 2033.006


`In this sixth edition of the Atlas of Zeolite Framework Types, data are presented for each of the 176
`unique zeolite Framework Types that had been approved and assigned a 3—letter code by the Structure
`Commission of the IZA (IZA—SC) by February 2007. Six years ago, this number was 133. The
`number of new verified Framework Types reflects the vibrant activity that persists within the zeolite
`In 1970, the paper that can be considered to be the forerunner of the first edition of the
`Atlas was published“) and it described the 27 zeolite framework structures known at the time. With
`each edition of the Atlas, this number has grown and the exponential trend continues.
`In that initial
`paper, the foundation for a systematic description of zeolite framework structures was laid, and we are
`still using these basic concepts.
`It is with pleasure and gratitude for this pioneering work that we
`dedicate this edition of the Atlas to Walter M. Meier, coauthor of that first Atlas and co—founder of the
`Structure Commission of the IZA, on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
`Each of the zeolite Framework Types included in this book has been examined by the members of
`the IZA—SC to verify that it conforms to the IZA—SC definition of a zeolite, that it is unique, and that
`the structure has been satisfactorily proven. The three-letter code that is then assigned is officially
`recognized by IUPAC, and is used in the nomenclature recommended by IUPAC for these materials“)
`The rules used by the IZA-SC are given in Appendix B.
`As a frequently quoted work of reference, the Atlas must be updated on a regular basis to be of full
`use. Not only must new Framework Types be added, but corrections and new information on existing
`entries must also be disseminated. To do this, the IZA-SC maintains a freely available searchable
`database on the intemet at http://www.iza— Although all the information in
`this book (and more) is available at that website, even the most technologically—minded individuals
`will admit that it is sometimes easier to access the desired information in a book. This is why we
`continue to publish a hard copy of the most used data on a periodic basis.
`In this edition we have prepared new stereo drawings of all Framework Types, added over 250
`references, and for the first time, included some composite building units that are common to more
`than one Framework Type. To make room for the latter, we have removed the loop configurations
`(still available on the web), reasoning that the vertex symbols provide very similar information. To
`minimize errors, the data sheets have all been generated directly from the zeolite database that is used
`for the online version of the Atlas.
`We wish to acknowledge the assistance and collaboration of many fellow scientists. who have
`provided us with information and suggested improvements. We are particularly indebted to Henk van
`Koningsveld, who determined the secondary building units for all
`the new frameworks, and the
`members of the IZA Structure Commission, who provided additional
`information and proofread
`It does not seem to be possible to assemble such a compilation without mistakes or
`oversights, so We will be grateful for any corrections and/or additions that you communicate to us.
`February 2007
`Christian Baerlocher
`Lynne B. McCusker
`David H. Olson
`Exhibit 2033.007
`Exhibit 2033.007


`2 S
`tructure Commission of the International Zeolite Association
`Christian Baerlocher
`Allen W. Burton
`Werner H. Baur
`Robert W. Broach
`Douglas L. Dorset
`Reinhard X. Fischer
`Hermann Gies
`Richard M. Kirchner
`Raul F. Lobe
`Lynne B. McCusker
`Walter M. Meier***
`Russell E. Morris
`Wilfried J. Mortier
`Michael O'Keeffe
`David H. Olson***
`Michael MJ. Treacy*
`Henk van Koningsveld**
`Osamu Terasaki
`* Chairperson
`** C0—Chairperson
`*** Honorary Life Member
`Previous IZA Special Publications:
`W.M. Meier and DH. Olson, Atlas oneolite Structure Types (1978)
`W.M. Meier and DH. Olson, Atlas oneolite Structure Types, 2nd ed. (1987)
`W.M. Meier and DH. Olson, Atlas oneolite Structure Types, 3rd ed. (1992)
`W.M. Meier, D.H. Olson and Ch. Baerlocher, Atlas oneolite Structure Types, 4th ed. (1996)
`Ch. Baerlocher, W.M. Meier and DH. Olson, Atlas oneo/ite Framework Types, 5th ed. (2001)
`W.J. Monier, Compilation ofExtra Framework Sites in Zeolites (1982)
`R. von Ballmoos, Collection ofSimulated XRD Powder Patternsfor Zeolites (1984)
`R. von Ballmoos and J.B. Higgins, Collection of Simulated XRD Powder Patterns for Zeolites,
`2nd ed. (1990)
`M.M.J. Treacy, J‘B. Higgins and R. von Ballmoos, Collection of Simulated XRD Powder
`Patternsfor Zeolites, 3rd ed. (1996)
`M.M.J. Treacy and J.B. Higgins, Collection ofSimulated XRD Powder Patterns for Zeolites, 4th
`ed. (2001)
`H. Robson and KP. Lillerud, Verified Synthesis of Zeolitic Materials (1998)
`Exhibit 2033.008
`Exhibit 2033.008


`Zeolites and zeolite—like materials do not comprise an easily definable family of crystalline solids.
`A simple criterion for distinguishing zeolites and zeolite—like materials from denser tectosilicates is
`based on the framework density (FD),
`the number of tetrahedrally coordinated framework atoms
`(T-atorns) per 1000 A3.
`Figure I shows the distribution of these values for porous and dense
`frameworks, whose structures are well established”). A gap is clearly recognizable between zeolite—
`type and dense tetrahedral framework structures. The maximum FD for a zeolite ranges from 19 to
`over 21 Tvatoms per 1000 A3, depending on the type of smallest ring present, whereas the minimum
`for denser structures ranges from 20 to 22. Strictly speaking the boundaries defined in Figure 1 for the
`framework densities only apply to fully crosslinked frameworks, so interrupted frameworks have not
`been included.
`For each Framework Type Code (see below), two pages of data are included in this Atlas, The first
`page lists the information that characterizes the Framework Type. This includes crystallographic data
`(highest possible space group, cell constants of the idealized framework), coordination sequences,
`vertex symbols and composite building units. Taken together, the coordination sequences and the
`vertex symbols define the Framework Type. On the second page, data for the Type Material (ie the
`real material on which the idealized Framework Type is based) can be found. Although the channel
`the channel description also includes the
`dimensionality is a property of the Framework Type,
`observed ring dimensions, and must therefore refer to the Type Material. For each Framework Type, a
`list of isotypic materials with the corresponding references is also given. The different entries in the
`data sheets are described in more detail below.
`Framework Type Page
`Framework Type Code
`Following the rules set up by an IUPAC Commission on Zeolite Nomenclature in 1979““, designations
`consisting of three capital
`letters (in boldface type) have been used throughout. The codes are
`generally derived from the names of the Type Materials (see Appendix G) and do not include numbers
`and characters other than capital Roman letters. The assignment of Framework Type Codes is subject
`to review and clearance by the IZA Structure Commission according to a decision of the IZA Council
`(taken at the time of the 7th IZC in Tokyo, 1986). Codes are only assigned to established structures
`that satisfy the rules of the IZA Structure Commission (see Appendix B for a listing of these rules).
`For interrupted frameworks, the 3-letter code is preceded by a hyphen. These mnemonic codes should
`not be confused or equated with actual materials. They only describe and define the network of the
`corner sharing tetrahedrally coordinated framework atoms. Thus, designations such as NaFAU are
`untenable. However, a material can be described using the IUPAC crystal chemical formula”, as
`INasgl [Aleh34 03841-FAU or INaal [Al—Si‘01-FAU. Note that the chemical elements must be enclosed
`within the appropriate (boldface) brackets (i.e. l
`l for guest species and [
`] for the framework host)
`Exhibit 2033.009
`Exhibit 2033.009


`mracekum, ,
`20 y'" f;
`' '
`. o .
`i x H. ..
`° 5 . 0". '
`... \MTN:'
`. -
`. C

`8 J
`Fig. 1.
`Framework density calculated for the idealized SiOZ framework vs. average size of the smallest ring in
`the Structure.
`Average Size of Smallest Ring
`Exhibit 2033.010
`Exhibit 2033.010


`and that the stoichiometry may, but does not have to be specified. Framework Types do not depend on
`composition, distribution of the T—atoms (Si, Al, P, Ga, Ge, B, Be, etc.), cell dimensions or symmetry.
`The Framework Types have been arranged in alphabetical order according to the Framework Type
`Code, because structural criteria alone do not provide an unambiguous classification scheme. This
`also facilitates later insertion of new codes and allows simple indexing. The Framework Type Code is
`given at the top of each page. On the first page this is supplemented with the maximum space group
`symmetry for the framework, and on the second page with the full name of the Type Material.
`In this
`edition, the new designation "8" in space groups with doubleglide planes has been used (e.g. Cmma is
`now Cmme).
`Framework drawing
`A stereographic drawing of the framework, generated using the program CrystalMakerm is
`presented for each Framework Type. Although the depth fading helps in viewing the drawings, the
`use of a stereo viewer is recommended (can be obtained from any electron microscopy supply house).
`The coordinates of the idealized, highest symmetry structures have been used for these drawings.
`Only the positions of the T—atoms are shown. The T—O-T bridges are represented by straight lines.
`This idealization makes it easier to visualize the topology and the basic features of these (often
`complex) framework structures. The unit cell is outlined and the orientation of the axes indicated. For
`most frameworks, more than a unit cell is shown, but for cases where the figures would have been too
`In these cases a projection along a major axis is
`complex, only a part of the unit cell is depicted.
`shown to help in visualizing the buildup of the complete framework.
`Idealized cell parameters
`The idealized cell parameters were obtained from a DLS—refinementm’ using the given (highest
`possible) symmetry of the Framework Type. The refinement was carried out assuming a (sometimes
`hypothetical) SiO2 composition and with the following prescribed interatomic distances: dg,,O = [bl/OX,
`doc : 2.629A and Dghg, = 3.0721 using the weights of 2.0, 0.61 and 0.23, respectively.
`Coordination sequences (CS) and vertex symbols
`The concept of coordination sequences was originally introduced by Brunner and Lavesm and first
`applied to zeolite frameworks by Meier and Moeckm.
`In a typical zeolite framework, each T-atom is
`connected to N1 = 4 neighboring T—atoms through oxygen bridges. These neighboring T—atoms are
`then linked in the same manner to N2 T—atoms in the next shell. The latter are connected to N3
`In this way, a coordination sequence can be
`T—atoms etc. Each T—atom is counted only once.
`determined for each T-atom of the 4—connected net of T-atoms. It follows that
`CS's are listed from N, up to N10 for each topologically distinct T~atom in the framework structure
`along with the site multiplicity and the site symmetry (both in parenthesis).
`The vertex symbol was first used in connection with zeolite-type networks by M. O’Keefe and ST.
`Hyde”). This symbol indicates the size of the smallest ring associated with each of the 6 angles of a
`Exhibit 2033.011
`Exhibit 2033.011


`6 t
`etrahedron (T—atom). The symbols for opposite pairs of angles are grouped together. For FAU the
`vertex symbol reads 4-4-4-6-61‘2,
`indicating that one pair of opposing angles contains 4—rings, a
`second pair a 4—ring and a 6-ring, and the final pair a 6—ring and a lZ—ring.
`It is useful for determining
`In the case of DOH, for example, the vertex symbols for the four
`the smallest rings in a framework.
`T—atoms are 555556, 455656, 56-55-56 and 5555-55, so the smallest rings are 4— and 5—rings,
`(4.75 in Figure 1). Sometimes more than one ring of the same size is found for a single angle. This is
`indicated with a subscript like 63 or 82. An asterisk in the vertex symbol indicates that no ring is
`formed for that angle.
`The coordination sequence and the vertex symbol together appear to be unique for a particular
`framework topology. That
`is, they can be used to distinguish different zeolite Framework Types
`in this way, isotypic frameworks can be recognized easily.
`Secondary building units (SBU'S)
`Zeolite frameworks can be thought
`to consist of finite or infinite (i.e. chain- or layer—like)
`component units. The finite units which have been found to occur in at
`two tetrahedral
`frameworks are shown in Appendix C. These secondary building units (primary building units are
`TO4 tetrahedra), which contain up to 16 T-atoms, are derived assuming that the entire framework is
`made up of one type of SBU only.
`It should be noted that SBU’s are invariably non—chiral (neither
`left~ nor right—handed) and a unit cell always contains an integral number of them. As far as
`practicable, all possible SBU‘s have been listed. The number of observed SBU’s has increased from
`20 in 2001 to 23.
`For Framework Types with an SBU that only occurs once or for which
`combinations of SBU’S are necessary, the reader is referred to the Compendium of Zeolile Framework
`Types. Building Schemes and Type Characteristics by H. van Koningsveld‘m’, where all SBU‘s are
`listed in detail. The symbols given below the drawings in Appendix C are used in the data sheets.
`more than one SBU is possible for a given Framework Type. all are listed. The number given in
`parenthesis in Appendix C indicates the frequency of the occurrence of that SB U. The SBU’s are only
`theoretical topological building units and should not be considered to be or equated with species that
`may be in the solution/gel during the crystallization of a zeolitic material.
`Framework description
`For all 19 Framework Types belonging to the so—called ABC-6~family, the ABC stacking sequence
`is given. Some other structural relationships which are thought to be helpful are also listed.
`Composite Building Units (CBU’s)
`Some units (eg. double 6-ring, cancrinite cage, alpha cavity, double crankshaft chain) appear in
`several different
`framework structures, and can be useful
`in identifying relationships between
`Framework Types. Smith has compiled an exhaustive list of such units, not only for zeolite structures
`In his Compendiumm”, van Koningsveld
`but also for hypothetical 3—dimensional 4-connected nets‘”).
`has also included an extensive list of them. Here we have arbitrarily selected just 47 Composite
`Building Units and five chains (Appendix D) that are found in at least two different Framework Types.
`These are different from secondary building units in that they are not required to be achiral. and cannot
`Exhibit 2033.012
`Exhibit 2033.012


`necessarily be used to build the entire framework. To facilitate communication, each unit has been
`assigned a lower case italic three»character designation. With the exception of the double 4', 6— and 8—
`rings (d4r, (Mr and (Br, respectively), a code corresponding to one of the Framework Types containing
`the CBU has been used for this purpose. A comparison of the notation used by Smith, van
`Koningsveld and here is also given in Appendix D.
`Materials with this Framework Type
`Under this heading, as—synthesized materials that have the same Framework Type but different
`chemical composition or have a different laboratory designation are listed. Materials obtained by
`postvsynthesis treatment (eg. ion exchange, dealumination, etc.) are generally not included. The Type
`Material (defined on the second page) is given first and marked with an asterisk. These materials are
`also listed in the Isotypic Material Index at the end of the book.
`The list of references Cited is far from complete. As a general rule, references for the Type
`Material are to the work that first established the Framework Type and to subsequent work adding
`significant information regarding the framework topology. Thus papers on non—framework species
`have not been included. References for other materials with a specific framework type are limited to
`work in which sufficient data are provided to establish the framework type.
`For most of the codes from ABW to RHO, complete references, cell constant data, space groups,
`site symmetries, symmetry relationships, structural diagrams, positional coordinates and chemical
`compositions for all crystal structure determinations published up to April 2000 can be found in the
`Landolt~Bomstein Series on Microporous and other framework materials with zeolite—type structures
`edited by W.H. Baur and R.X. Fischer”).
`Type Material Page
`The Type Material is the species first used to establish the Framework Type. Detailed information
`about the material is given on this page.
`Crystal chemical data
`The chemical composition, expressed in terms of unit cell contents, has been idealized Where
`necessary for simplicity, The chemical formula is given according to IUPAC recommendations”). For
`each Type Material, the space group and cell parameters listed are taken from the reference cited.
`many instances, further refinement of the structure taking into account ordering etc. would yield a
`lower symmetry. It should also be noted that the space group and other crystallographic data related to
`the Type Material structure do not necessarily apply to isotypes.
`In some cases. the space group setting of the Type Material differs from that of the Framework
`In these cases,
`the relationship between the two unit cells is given. This relationship is
`important when comparing the orientation of the channel direction and the Viewing direction of ring
`Exhibit 2033.013
`Exhibit 2033.013


`8 d
`rawings (both are given for the axis orientation of the Type Material) with that of the framework
`Framework density (FD)
`The framework density is defined as the number of T—atoms per 1000 A3. The number given refers
`to the Type Material. For non-zeolitic framework structures, these values tend to be at least 20 to 21
`T/ 1000 A3, while for zeolites with fully crosslinked frameworks, the observed values range from
`~12.l, for structures with the largest pore volume, to ~20.6. To date, FD‘s of less than 12 have only
`been encountered for the interrupted framework cloverite (-CLO)”3’, for the sulfide UCR—ZOM’
`. The PD is obviously related to the pore volume but does
`(RWY), and for hypothetical networks/“5)
`not reflect the size of the pore openings. For some of the more flexible zeolite structures, the FD
`values can vary appreciably.
`In these cases (eg. gismondine) values are given for the Type Material
`and for the framework in its most expanded state. The flexibility of a framework structure is, to some
`revealed by the possible variation in FD.
`FD values may also depend on chemical
`A shorthand notation has been adopted for the description of the channels in the various
`frameworks. Each system of equivalent channels has been characterized by
`the channel direction (relative to the axes of the Type Material structure),
`the number of T—atoms (in bold type) forming the rings controlling diffusion through the
`channels, and
`the crystallographic free diameters of the channels in Angstrom units.
`The number of asterisks in the notation indicates whether the channel system is one—, two or three—
`In most cases,
`the smaller openings simply form windows (rather than channels)
`Interconnecting channel systems are separated by a double arrow (4—9). A
`connecting larger cavities.
`vertical bar (I) means that there is no direct access from one channel system to the other. The
`examples below have been selected to illustrate the use of this notation.
`[001] 12 5.9 x 59*
`Zeolite Rho
`[001] 12 6.7x6.8* H _L[001] 8 3.6x4.9**
`[001] 12 6.5X7.0* (—> {[010] 8 3.4x4.8 <—>[001] 8 2.6x5.7}*
`<100> 8 3.6x3.6*** l <100> 8 3.6x3,6***
`{[100] 8 3.1x4.5 <—> [010] 8 2.8 x4.8}***
`Cancrinite is characterized by a l—dimensional system of channels parallel to [001] (or c) with circular
`lZ—ring apertures.
`In offretite, the main channels are similar but they are interconnected at right angles
`by a 2-dimensional system of 8—ring channels, and thus form a 3—dimensional channel system, The
`channel system in mordenite is essentially 2—dimensional with somewhat elliptical 12—ring apertures.
`The 8—ring limiting diffusion in the [001] direction is an example of a highly puckered aperture.
`Zeolite rho is an example of a Framework Type containing two non—interconnecting 3—dimensional
`channel systems which are displaced with respect to one another (<100> means there are channels
`Exhibit 2033.014
`Exhibit 2033.014


`parallel to all crystallographically equivalent axes of the cubic structure, i.e., along [100], [010] and
`[OOl D.
`In gismondine, the channels parallel to [100] together with those parallel to {010} give rise to a
`3-dimensional channel system which can be pictured as an array of partially overlapping tubes.
`A summary of the channel systems, ordered by decreasing number of T—atoms in the largest ring, is
`given in Appendix E. The free diameter values (effective pore width) given in the channel description
`and on the ring drawings are based upon the atomic coordinates of the Type Material and an oxygen
`radius of 1.3513” Both minimum and maximum values are given for non-circular apertures.
`In some
`instances, the corresponding interatomic distance vectors are only approximately coplanar, in other
`cases the plane of the ring is not normal to the direction of the channel. Close inspection of the
`framework and ring drawings should provide qualitative evidence of these factors.
`Some ring
`openings are defined by a very complex arrangement of oxygen atoms, so in these cases other short
`interatomic distances that are not listed may also be observed.
`It should be noted that crystallographic
`free diameters may depend upon the hydration state of the zeolite, particularly for the more flexible
`It should also be borne in mind that effective free diameters can be affected by non—
`framework cations and may also be temperature dependent.
`Note that
`the channel direction is given for the axis orientation of the Type Material. This
`orientation may be different from the orientation given in the framework drawing (see the cell
`relationship given under "crystal chemical data" for these cases).
`In some cases, the Type Material is not stable to heating and/or removal of the template. This has
`been indicated, if the information was available.
`Ring drawings
`Stereographic drawings of the limiting channel windows are presented for all Framework Types.
`In contrast to the framework drawings, all atoms are shown in the ring drawings. Their positions are
`based on the crystal structure of the Type Material, and therefore the ring dimensions and the viewing
`direction are also those of the Type Material. As explained in the crystal chemical data section, for a
`few Type Materials, the orientation of the crystallographic axes is different from that given for the
`Framework Type.
`In these cases, the relationship given in the "crystal chemical data" section must be
`applied when comparing the viewing direction of the ring drawings with that of the framework
`Exhibit 2033.015
`Exhibit 2033.015


`Topological densities
`Supplementary Information
`‘ The coordination sequences (CS) can be used to calculate a topological density (TD). As might be
`the CS is a periodic function. This has been established for all observed framework
`topologies by GrossewKunstleve, Brunner and Sloanel'f”. They showed that the CS of any T—atom can
`be described exactly by a set of p quadratic equations
`n=0,1,2,...and i=1,2,3,...p
`for k=i+np,
`For example, the CS of ABW (N124 biz-10 N3-21 N4-36 N5-54 N6-78 N7-106, etc.) is exactly
`described by a set of three quadratic equations (p=3). namely
`N1, = 19/91c2 + 1/9k+ 16/9
`for k :1 +311,
`Nk = 19/9 k2 —1/9k+ 16/9
`for k=2+3n,
`Nk = 19/9 k2 — Ok+2
`for k=3 +3n,
`The number of equations p necessary to calculate all members of a particular coordination
`sequence varies from p=1 for SOD and p242 for FAU to p=l40,900,760 for EUO.
`With growing index k (the shell number of the CS), the linear and constant coefficients, b, and Ci,
`respectively, become less and less important. Therefore we can define the exact topological density
`TD as the mean of all a, divided by the dimensionality of the topology (i.e. 3 for zeolites)
`_. <ai> _
`TD ——-3——— 3-5.:‘11
`This TD is the same for all T atoms in a given structure. For some frameworks, this calculation can
`take quite a long time, so an approximation valid to $0.001 has been used to calculate the values given
`in Appendix F for each of the Framework Types. The value for <a,> has been approximated as the
`mean of ai for the last 100 terms of a CS with 1000 terms (TD1000: 100), weighted with the
`multiplicity of the atom position, and divided by three (dimensionality). The value for TDm (sum of
`the CS values for NO to NO), which was listed in the first four editions of the Atlas, is also given for
`comparison. There is a simple relationship between TD and TD“): TDIO ~ TD *1155. Since TDIO is
`an approximation, i.e. it is ’arbitarily‘ terminated at N“), the values obtained by this formula deviate by
`11% for ——CLO and 5% for FAU but the differences are generally below 3%.
`It seems that for very
`open structures, 10 steps are not sufficient for a satifactory convergence. The correlation factor
`between the exact topological density TD and the framework density PD is 0.82.
`Origin of 3—letter codes and Type Material names
`The derivation of the 3-1etter codes for the zeolite minerals is fairly obvious, because the c

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