`Examiner: D1Af\·10ND, A.LAND
`Group A.rt Unit: 3991
`Confirmation No: 2755
`Jn Inter Partes Reexamination of:
`Reexamination Control No. 95i001 ,453
`Patent No, 7,601,662
`Issued: October 13, 2009
`1'-·foH Stop Intel' Partes Rcexam
`Centra! Reexamination Unit
`Commissioner for Patents
`P,O, Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`I, Stan Roth, do declare and say as follows;
`I am currently the research group leader for diesel oxidation catalysts and soot filters for
`BASF Corporation, located in lselin, New Jersey. I currently have 18 scientists who perfonn
`research into diesel oxidation catalysts and soot filters reporting to me.
`Jn 2005,, I held the
`position of research group leader for NOx control catalysts for Engelhard Corporation, which
`vvas subsequently acquired by BASF Corporation.
`I received a doctorate degree in Inorganic Chernlstry ln 1982 frorn University of I Uinois.
`I have been involved in the research and development of catalysts since 1986, and since 1995 1
`have vvorked in the areas of research and development of catalysts for automotive emissions, in
`particular diesel engines.
`3. Since becorning involved m catalyst research and development in 1986, I have taken
`steps to stay current in the state of art of catalysts, For example, 1 review scientific literature
`submitted for publication and journals in the area of automotive catalysis. l attend scientific
`meetings related to general catalysis and meetings specific lo catalysts for automotive emissions.
`I also am a named inventor in 12 United States patents and applications relating to automotive
`Exhibit 2013.001

`inter Partes Reex<-trriination No. 95/00 l ,453
`Second Declaration of Stanley Roth, Ph.D.
`c<:~talysts. Since ·1975, l have conducted research on zeolite cata!y~;t;:\ and since 1996, 1 have had
`a special intt~rest in zeoEte catalysts for hydrocarbon and arnm.onia selective cat<:1lytic reduction
`4. This is 1ny second declaration in the above-·identi:fied reexarninatiorL
`r prevk~us!y
`5, I have read United Sta.ks Patent No. 7,60 l ,662 ("the '662 patent''), Thus, as stated in my
`First Dedan-1tiort, I am familiar vvith the specification and claims of th<,~ '662 patent.
`l understand that the '662 patent ls p:e:;ently under reexamination in the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office. I ft.niher understand that all of the claims have been rejected as
`alkged!y be1r1g obvious over various cited reforcnr:es.
`7- The '662 patent genernl!y describes n catalyst comprising an durninosilicate zeolite
`having the CHA cry~>tal An.Ktrffe. 0 a silica te ,:dnrnina ratio of about 15 and mi. atomic ratio of
`ratio~> in the range of 15 to 40 a.nd copper to altnJJinurn ratios in the range of <lbout 025 to 0-5(}.
`The catalysts described and daimed in the '662 patent ztre useful for the abatemem of nitrogen
`excess oxygen in the presence of a rcductant such as mr:n10nia.
`8. L have reviewed a nrnnber nf article<:: axid other literature related to zeolite catalysts,
`induding an article by Dr. Gab.ride Centi entitkd Nature of /\.ctive Species in Copper-Based
`Cataly~>ts and Their CherriiBtry of Transfonnation of Nitrogen Oxides, in A:pphed Catalysis A:
`Gencra.L, VoL 132, l 79--259 (1995) C'the Centi A.rtick'') and a book authored by DL Centi,
`Slglinda Perathoner and Fernucdo Tr1fir6 e.ntHled "Sustainable Indu~:trial Processes," published
`in 2009 ("the 2009 Centi Book"). 1 have also, once ~~gain, reviev·led a. series of emails related 10 n
`project I \.Vas pursuing with the Ikpa.rtmer:t of Energy '.<vi th a lmiversity che.mistry professor.
`Q Based on rny re-,,1ie\v of these articles, th:::.'.se c1na.Us and my g:::.'.neral kno1--v!edge of the stare
`of the art in zcolJte <.:atalysts from the early ·1990s tn 2007. it is iny npinion that u.n:~olved
`prubk.rns existed fi·orn at least 1995 to 2007 .in the ust nf zecdite catalysts in automotive
`a.ppLications. It is my further opinion that frorn ! 995 to 2007 there \vas skepticisrn about i;.vhethe.r
`concerns abom the hydrothermal s.tabi Lity of these catalysts.
`The Centi A.rtide
`Exhibit 2013.002

`Inter Partes Reexamination No. 95/001,453
`Second Declaration of Stanley Roth, Ph.D.
`10. One of the articles I reviewed in forming my opinions in this matter was authored by Dr.
`Gabriele Centi. The article is entJtled Nature of Active Species in Copper-Based Catalysts and
`Their Chemistry of Transformation of Nitrogen Oxides, in Applied Catalysis A: Genera!, VoL
`132, 179-259 (1995) ("the Centi Article"). A copy of the Centi Article is attached as Exhibit A.
`11, I understand that Dr. Centi submitted a declaration in thls reexarnination for the
`12. The Centi Artlcie states that "several unresolved problems limit the outlook fr)r
`successful use of zeoliles in automotive converters." Exhibit A at 183. In my opinion, this
`reforence in the Centi Article proves that unsolved problerns existed in the use of zeolite
`catalysts in automotive converters in 1995.
`13. The Centi Article also states that "fa] lovv hydrothermal stability, in particular, is the
`n1ore critical weakness of copper-containing zeo!ites." Id The Centi Article also states that
`"[ c]opper-based catalysts are thus a reforence catalyst fiunily for the investigation of the
`mechanism of selective reduction of NO, albeit for practical applications their ioY."' hydrothermal
`stability rnay prevent a commercial use." Id at page 184 (emphasis added). In my opinion,
`these references in the Centi Article demonstrate that unsolved problems existed in the use of
`copper based catalysts and that the perceived prob km was a low hydrothermal stability of these
`catalysts. Further, in my opinion, these references demonstrate skepticism about whether copper
`-based catalyst could ever be used in automotive applications.
`14. Furthermore, the Centi Article recognizes that there was interest in Cu-zeolites at least as
`early as 1990-92, as Dr. Centi indicates that there was increased interest in Cu-zeolites with
`reference to research papers published in the 1990-92 tirneframe. Exhibit A at page 183, Yet
`until the invention ofH1e '662 patent, a Cu-zeollte had not been provided for SCR of NOx in
`vehicles that exhibited hydrothermal stability,
`The 2009 Centi Book
`15. I have also revie'vVed sections of a book authored by Dr. Centi, Siglinda Pemthoner and
`Fernuccio Trifin'; entitled "Sustainable Industrial Processes," published in 2009 C'the 2009 Centi
`Book"). Excerpts from the 2009 Centi Book are attached as Exhibit B.
`l 6, The 2009 Centi Book (Exhibit B) at page 380, states:
`Zeolite systems are very active at low temperatures but they also
`have disadvantages related to their hydrotberrnal stability and the
`Exhibit 2013.003

`Inter Partes Reexamjnation No. 95/001,453
`Second Declaration of Stanley Roth, Ph.D.
`possibility of inhibition or pcnsornng by diffr~rent compounds.
`These dnnvbacks drastically limit the industrial applications of
`these catalysts.
`In my opinion, this statement rn the 2009 Centi Book confirms that experts Jn the field of
`catalysts understood that probkms regarding the use of zeolite catalysts, particularly with their
`perceived hydrothermal stability, rernafried unsolved in 2009.
`Ln my frJrtber opinion, this
`statement also demonstrates that experts in the field of catalysts remained skeptical about the
`ability to use zeolJte cataJysts in any industrial application in 2009.
`The Department of Energy
`17. When I submitted iny First Declaration in this matter, I attached a senes of emails
`relating to a proposed Department of Energy ("DOE") project relating to zeolite catalysts. I have
`reattached this series of emails to this Declaration as Exhibit C.
`18. As I stated in my Flrst Declaration, the company I 'Norked for at the tirne, Engelhard, and
`a university profossor had proposed a project relating to copper zeobte catalysts to the DOE in
`the 2005 time frame.
`19. This proposed DOE project \.Vas not approved by the DOE. In my opinion, the proposed
`DOE project \.Vas not approved because of the skepticisrn regarding the use of zeobte catalysts in
`the field in 2005. :rvty opinion is based, in parL on the ~views expressed in the Centi Article and in
`the Centi Book.
`20. Jv1y opinion is forther based on the advice the DOE gave to the profossor I was v,;orking
`1Nith. In September 2005, the professor advised rne that:
`the JTH~or criticism from the revie\.ver (and echoed by the DOE
`grant monitor) is that Cu-exchanged zeoHtes lack the hydrothennal
`stability needed to be commercially viable for SCR of NOx \.Vith
`ammonia for diesel engine~~.
`Exhibit C at 6-7.
`21. The professor also noted that one DOE reviewed stated: "I have heard the same negative
`cominent about the prospects for Cu~zeolites from several other investigators who presumably
`are also experts in this area.'' Exhibit Cal page 3, Thus, in addition to the DOE reviewer and his
`colleagues at the DOE, several other investigators were stilt dismissing the conunercial viability
`of Cu-zeolites due to their lack of hydrothermal stability ln the 2005 time frame.
`Exhibit 2013.004

`Inter Partes Reexamination No. 95/00 l ,453
`Second Declaration of Stanley Roth, Ph.D.
`22, One of the DOE reviewers also stated that "[i]t is interesting to note that not a single
`metal-zeofae fix SCR was commercialized in the US.A. in the l9901rsl (sec John A1111or, App,
`I arn familiar with the Annor article
`referenced by the revie'vver, and the article does a full review of catalysts commerciaLized in the
`USA during the 1990s, but docs not memion any Cu-zeolites. I am also familiar with Dr. Armor
`and aware that he has a Ph.D. in chemistry, extensive experience in heterogeneous catalysis
`research, and was the President of the North American Catalysis Society for eight years. This
`statement indicates that the DOE was still skeptical about the use of z.eolite catalysts in 2005.
`23. I also note the criticism offered by the project reviewer and the DOE grant monitor
`reiterates the standing ctiticism noted in the Centi Article and the 2.009 Centi Book.
`24. I have also reviewed a document submitted in this reexamination by the Requester on or
`about July 27, 201 L Pages 30 and 31 of this document is attached hereto as Exhibit D. In this
`document, the Requester characterized these emails as follows;
`ln addition, Requester notes that in his e-1nail coffespondence attached as
`Exhibit A of his Declaration to show a11eged "skepticism by experts", Dr.
`Roth describes these "experts" as "a reviewer who does not have much
`cxpenencc with
`"not understanding
`hydrothennal stability of zeolites", and "revie\Ners, who are not experts in
`the field, f'..vho] are taking what little they have deard [sic] about unrelated
`chemistry and dra'v\rir1g the conclusion that your proposed project is not
`based on a catalyst that can survive under realistic conditions.n
`Accordingly, Requester respectfolly submits that the proffered evidence of
`alleged "~:;econdary considerations'' is not effoctive to rebut an obviousness
`rejection of claims 1~55 of the '669 patent
`Exhibit D,
`25. In my opinion, the Requester has frJcnsed on specific words in the ernail while ignoring
`the prevailing view of experts in lhe field, such as the views expressed in the emails, in the Centi
`Article and in the 2009 Centi Book that there were problems and skepticism regarding the use of
`zeolite catalysts due to their hydrothermal stability problems.
`Exhibit 2013.005

`26. Further, t!w vvords 1 used in the scncs of cnulib '>Vith the university profossm do not
`Inter Partes Reexarnination No. 95/001,453
`Sccund Declaration of Stanley Roth, Pb . .D.
`in the 2009 Centi Book. \Vhen 1 stated that the Departrnent of Energy ff)OE; revie\vers were not
`experts in the field, 1 '-"'iHS referring to the foet that the DOE revit.:\V\.TS were not expe1-b in the
`particular dew;.:hvation niechanisrns fr_rr zec;Lik catalysts. As described in tny ernail on page 3 of
`Exhibit D, NB_,-SCR catalysts do not have the same deactivation medrnnisrn as HC-SCR
`catalysts. J'vfrrny researd.ters in the field of SCR catnJysts do not fully under:::tand the deactivation
`mecbrnisms for zeolite catalysts. Such deactivation can depend on a variety of factors incl.uding
`the zeohte structure type, the chemistry of Uw zeollte=· the particular rnetal ion exchanged lnto tbe
`zcolite ti'amework, m:id the type of reductant mk:d in the SCR reaction. DOE revie\.vers would
`not be expected to folly understand every nuance of :.his cmnplicated field,
`27, 1 an1 aiso personally acquainted 'vvhh the DUE reviewer referred to in the series of enrni!s
`;:JtaclK0d as Exh1bit C, as well as his qualifications, That revie'-;:ver had an extensive background
`in heterogeneous rnta1ysis.
`l am aware ti-t=tt the revic<ver had a Ph.D. in chemical engineering
`reaction engineering and heterogeneot.B catalysis. The DOE revie\ver refoncd to in 1ny E>nrni!s
`prograrn at the National Science Foundation.
`28. The only idea I -..vas trying to convey In the series of emails is that a DOE reviewer raxely
`can be subject tnatter experts in every reaction rnechanism of every research area under thdr
`29. l-Imvevec I know ~;everal DOE reviewers a11d have been invol>..·\Xi ·with the sr:brniss1on of
`DOE research. propos;::.L;, and DOE n::vje\-vers. are knmvkdgeabk in the stat<:.: of the art of
`sptclfic catalysts. for SCR reactions. The natrn\' of a DOE revie\ver>~' job requires. revinvers to
`This is evident based on t.he awan.>ness of sev~;rnl revievvers in the e-:nail that no Cu-ztcdite at the
`This \VilS. in vie-..v of their being kno\vkdgeabk 0 r
`the Literature in the Edd and revicvving the ;vork of other prim'1pal investigators ·who also held
`Exhibit 2013.006

`Long Felt Neea'
`Inter Portes Reex.amlnatio.n No. 95/001,453
`Second Dedarai.1on of :::Hank:y Roth, PL D,
`temperature NOx catalytic activity and hydrothermal stability, This nred \V~b not n1d until the
`c<Halyst of the '662 patent \vns invented. Considering tbat the first catalytic converter tor
`'J ',,~-
`.. '
`, <
`. ,. d
`k'l" ,
`m1ton10 vlies \Vas not uritl 1 ':f; ::\ n 1s .my opnuon cd a person or or<.imary s 1 i m
`the art HK: period frorn 1992 to 2007 (or at Ieasi. fron1 l 995 to 2007-the date of Dr. Ccnh's
`article) \Vas a "long" tirne in the field of SCR cmalysts., so that a long felt need existed fr;r the
`catalyst of the '662 pai.ent
`31. l have been i.nfonned that in the Action Closing Prosecution, tbe Exarniner concluded
`r.hat Uw Patent (hvner had not shown that the need \Vas a persistent one tbat \Vas recognized by
`those of o:dinary skirt in the mt, n.'fr'.rring to the discussion in the Ford fvfot.or Cmnpm:y paper of
`th;:; futun.: Tier 2 Bin 5 standards t~1r lo\.v exhaust ternperature applications. The reference in. the
`Ford JVfntor Conrpany 1X1per attm+ed to .my First l.kcbrntion does not at all change the fact that
`the prnhlem of hydrothermal sta.bifay of Cu .. zeoLites '<-VHS a persistent problem. The interest in
`Ne)( Us
`32. The '662 patent cont<tins cla.in1s arncnded (l\tr1ng reexanunat.ion directed to <1 catalyst
`cornprising an aluminosilicate zcolite having the CHA crystal structure, a si !ica to alumina ratio
`of about 15to l 50 and an atornic ratio of copper to ahnnirn.nn of a.bout 0,25 to about 1, The
`dairned features of ~m a!uminosilicate zeolite having the CH/\ crystnl structure, a silic<::. to
`allunitw ratio of about 15 and I 50 an atomic ratio of copper to ahrn1inu.rn frmn about 0.25 to
`a.buut 1 aHo;,vs tik catalyst of the '662 pa.tent to satisfy the unsolved prohk1ns and the long feh
`need, and to overcGinc the ~~kepticisrn in the field by providing a c<1tdyst \.:./itb knv ternperdturc
`P.-JOx catalytic activity and hydrothennfa! s:tabi Ety,
`§11deed feer1bac:k fro.lTl <)ur a11to111otive
`These bern.~fits include
`the ability·
`to \Vitbstand
`hydrothermal aging at ten1peratures 80G "C and higher for extenck.d periods of time of up to 50
`hours at 800 "C and te.mperatures up to 900 "C for shorter periods of in hurnid cnvirorm1er1t~-;
`for shorter periods of tirne \Vithont a significm-.r! l.os~~ of activity, The catalysts :having the clairned
`Exhibit 2013.007

`Jraer Partes Reexmnination No. 95/001,453
`Second Declara.tion of Stanley Rodli Ph.D.
`33, As
`decL1.rntion 0 Ford researchers consider the ne\V catalyst rernarkable. The K\vak er aL paper
`attached as Exhibit B to rny first declaration citing the n:mterial in the '662 patent des;:;rHxd
`alurninosiiicate Cu chalx1zite as having "superior activity and sdectivity," H sbouki not go
`~lithout notice that the K\vak et al paper was supported by the Depanment of Energy, the entity
`that ha.d in 2005 considered Cu~zeotites a lost. cause in the search fi.1.r a hydrothermally durable
`catalyst having exce!knt catalytic activity across a broad temperature range including bdov,r 250
`34. /\ rnnre recent scientiik paper entitled Sc'.!eetive Catalytic Re:duction of N(h:. by a:r.nnion;,a
`on Jnetal-exchangcd zcolik catalysts'' (Exhibit E) n.~fers to the '\tunning krnperature st.ability
`under SCF~ conditions" of Cu-containing ;:dumino~">iiicate zeolite catalysts. Thr. ;662 patent has
`l hen.:;by declare thm aH statements n1ade herein of n1y uv/n knov'iledge are true <:md that all
`maternents made he.rein on inforrnation <ind belief are bdkved to be tnw; <1nd fi.rrther that these
`swterm:.nts were nrnde with the knovdedge that vvmful false statements and the like so made are
`rnmishable by fine or hnprisonrnent, or both, under Section J 001 of Titre l 8 of the United States
`Code, and that such 'vvlllful frllse statements may jeopardize the vaEdity of the above-idrntifred
`Dated: Decen1b:;.T 15, 20l J
`p., .
`. 5-}·
`Exhibit 2013.008

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