`~ ~ ~ ~ ~t " ~
`02- 27-1998
`Patenl m~l Tmdama~ Of 5oo
`DABERKO, Norbert P.
`Norris Commun.lcations~ Inc.
`Change of Name
`~metAddt~s: 13114 Eveninq ,C~eek Drive
`’ sdu~
`I~ Omer
`F.xecutk)n Dale: February 4, 19.98
`4. Application numbeg=) or patent number(s):
`San DJ,.ego
`Stale: CA_ZIP: 92128
`Addilional name(s) & addmss(es) allmhed? C) Yes
`(~ No
`If this document is being filed together with a raw application, I~ exect~ion date of t~e ai:Cicalion is:
`A. Patem Applisz6on No.($)
`B. Patent No.(s)
`5. Name and address of pa. rtyto whom.conespondence
`Internal Address:
`6. Total number of applicalion~ aid patents involved:~
`7. Total fee (37 CFR :3.41): ................ $ 40. O0
`@ Enclosed
`Any deficiencies in enclosed fee~
`~700 East
`8. Deposit acco~m number.
`City: Sandy , . Slate: OT ZIP:~ (Nta~hdupr~.ateoapyolthl~pagelfpayingbydeposlta~ount)
`............... co N(wr ~sE’mls SPAC~ ..........
`9. Statement and signature.
`TO the best of ~y knowledge and bel~ef, the foregoingj~nformatio~j¢ true and correct and any attachedcopy is a true copy
`of ,he original documep4. J
`CUSTOME£ NO. 20444
`Totalnumbero~pagescomlxidngmverlhesl: [One
`..... Attorney Docke,~, NO. T2614 p~, ....
`OMBNo. O651-OO11(exp. 4/~4) RIEEL: 8980 FP.2%!w~]~: 0373
`Microsemi 1015
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`9035 SOUTH 700 EAST, SUITE 200
`SANDY, UTAH 84970
`~HEREAS, I, Norhert P. D&berko, whose post office address is
`3749- Via Las Villas, Oceanside, California 92056, has invented a
`certain new and useful improvement in a IMPROVED NORRIS PLASH FILE
`for which an application for United States Letters Patent was filed
`on June 30, 1997, under serial number 08/884,245 (I hereby
`authorize the attorneys of Thorpe, North & Nestern to insert said
`serial number and filing date when known); and
`having a place of business at 13114 Evening Creek Drive South, San
`Diego, CA 92128, is desirous of acquiring the entire right, title
`and interest in the same;
`NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of one dollar -($1.00), the
`receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, and other
`good and valuable consideration, I, the said Norbert P. Daberko, by
`these presents do sell, assign and transfer unto said NORRIS
`COMMUNICATIONS INC. the full and exclusive right to the said
`invention and in and to said application and any and all divisions
`and continuations, substitutes and reissues of said application and
`the entire right, title and interest in, to and under any and all
`Microsemi 1015
`Page 002 of 006
`Letters Patent of the United States and foreign countries that may
`issue or be granted on said invention.
`The Commissioner of Patents is hereby authorized and requested
`to issue said Letters Patent to said NORRIS COMMUNICATIONS INC. as
`the assignee of the entire right, title, and interest in and to the
`same, for its sole use and behoof; and for the use and behoof of
`its legal representatives, to the ful! end of the term for which
`said Letters Patent may be granted, as fully and entirely as the
`same would have been held by me had this assignment and sale not
`been made.
`Executed this &/ day of /~/.;,,,-,:/,
`~0 1998, at
`Norbert P. Daberko ,.
`STATE OF Cal2.°rn~;.~~ ~ ss
`County of ~ )
`Before me personally appeared said Norbert P. Daberko and
`acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed
`My commission expires:
`Residing at :
`RI~CORDED: 02/09/1998
`REEL: 8980 FRA_-’vlE: 0375
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`07/301200e 15:00 FAX 6137442201 ~002/004
`OMB No, 06~1.o027
`~.~ted State= I=atent and Trademar!~,,,Offi~e
`To the Di~ector of the U.8, Patent and Trademark Off)¢e: Please ~ecord lhe ~ttI¢l~d document= or the new a~lrsss(eI) below.
`!. Name of conveying party(tee)
`Norbert P, Daberko
`Richard K, Davis
`2, Name and address of re~ivlng party!les)
`Name: E, Digital Corpo~.a,t, ion
`Internal Address:
`/~d~onal name(s) of (cid:128)onveying party(tee) attached? DYe) ~ No
`3, Nature of conveyance/Execution Date(s):
`Execution Date(s)J,,Iv~8. 2008
`1~1 Merger
`~] Assignment
`r-] Change of Name
`["’1 Security Agreement
`i~ Joint Research Agreement
`[~ Government Interest Assignment
`r-J Executive Order ~424, Confirmatory License
`Street Address: ~6770 West Bernardo Drive.
`City: San Diego
`Stats: CA
`Country: United ,S,,tate.s
`Zip: 92127.
`...~, Other _ _ ,,
`4. Applicatio~ or patent number(s):
`A. Patent Application No.(s)
`A~ditio,nal name(sI & address(as) sttached? ~-I Yes ~ No
`This ~locument is beln9 filed together with a new application,
`B. Patent No,(s)
`~’~Ye= r~ No
`A~lditionsl numbers attaohecl?
`5. Name and address tO ~om cor~spondence
`~ncernlng document should ~ mailed:
`Name:Jam~ Y.C. Sze
`Internal Address:Duane Morris LLP
`6, Total number of applications arid patents
`7. Total fee (37 CFR 1.2~(hl & 3.411 $.~)_ .r~
`~ Authorized to be chirged by credit car~i
`~] Authorized to be ¢ha~ged to deposit ICcount
`Street Addr~s:.101 West Broadway. Suite 90g
`I-~ Enclosed
`~ None required (government i~erest not affecting title)
`City: San DIeoo .....
`State; CA,
`Zip :921
`Phone Number:619-744-2293 _,
`Fax Number:. 619-744-2201
`Email Address: ivsze(~.dunner~ords.ca~’n’~ /’)
`~" ,~" / ir
`~. Payment Information
`a. Credit Card Last 4 Numbers
`Expiration Date __
`b, Deposit Ac~’ount Number ~4-1679
`Authorized User Name ~)uan~ Morris LLP
`Total ~u~l~r of pages Including 00Vet I ’--’~
`James ¥.C. ~e
`sheel, atta~ments, ancl (:loour~eRt$: I "~",
`Name of-Person-Signing.
`Oo©ument= ~o be recorded (l~aludlng cover sheet) Ihould I~ fixed to (1711 173-0140, or mailed
`Mail StOp Asslffnment Record~tlort Services. DirectOr of the USPTO) P.O.Box 1450, Alexandrfl, V,A. 22:11~-1450
`REEL: 021316 FRAME: 0339
`_July ~0. 2008
`Microsemi 1015
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`07/3012008 15:01 FAX 6197442201
`For vaJ=able consid~:ration r~:~eive, d, we here," a~ our =~]~, assignment. ~d
`~l~e ~d M~g i=~ pi~e of~n~ at i 6770 ~’F B~N~RO D~, SAN
`DIEGO, ~LIFO~IA 92127~ ~ s~~, ~ ~, our mti~ rt~ t~de, ~nO ~t~
`al] ~ies in ~ ~ s~d ~licatio~, ~id layoff,s. ~ ~1 t~ rig~ ~d ~vlieges
`e~s~. si~ ~1] p=~, t~e ~l[ ri~h~ oa~s. ~e all ~ghUu} d~i~fio~, ~ do all act~
`We authorize and e~npower said Corporedon, its ~rs, ~ o~ n~u~s, to
`~ ~li~i~ tbr ~lem or o~r F0~ of~;~ far ~ iny~om iui~ ~ ~[r o~
`~y p~vided ~ tM l~mal~l Com, en~n for ~e Peo~Joa of ]ndu~a[ Pm~Hy, ~
`~~ Or by ~ e~nt~on ~ ~y ]za=~o~ be ~bs~t~ for it, ~d ~ Woke end
`clam e~ right of pnodw withom ~ ~n or o~ ~t~ion ~om ~.
`We hereby’ coas~m tlmt a ~.’o~ 0fthis A~ignm¢~t sba]l. M d~ed s fi~Jl, legal
`~ ~o~ ~ any p~o~, ~ n~ p~cut~b’; m p~oofoftJ~ Ugh~ of ~e ~i~ Cor~mti~n
`in~mi~s, a~ to ¢~ d~ aforc~fid ~nefi~ of the ri~u of prlofit~ ~vld~ b~ th~
`]nlematimt~ C~vendon for tt~e ~otection of ladust6al Propea)’, as ~a~ or by any
`coav~do~’ wMcb may hcn~fo~h be ~b~itmed for {t.
`REEL: 021316 FRAME: 0340
`Microsemi 1015
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`07/80/2O08 15:01 FAX 6187442201 ~004/004
`. RECORDED: 07/30/2008
`REEL: 021316 FRAME: 0341
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