
`Patent and Trademark Office
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`i<,~f~:/~ ;1.2’ 7 ,;"2
`r<’ ], IfZi-21’?G
`r;._.’:~.l 4-
`Pleaee find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or
`Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 001 of 010

`1 Application No.
`I Applicant(s)
`Norbert Daberko
`Office Action Summary
`[] Responsive to communication(s) filed on
`[] This action is FINAL.
`Jean M, Corrielus
`1 Group Art Unit
`[] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is closed
`in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quay/e, 1935 C.D. 11 ; 453 O.G. 213.
`A shortened statutory period for response to this action is set to expire 3 month[s}, or thirty days, whichever
`is longer, from the mailing ~iate of this communicate’on, Failure to respond within the period for response will cause ’the
`application to become abandoned. (35 U.S,C, § 1331. Extensions of time may be obtained under the provisions of
`37 CFR 1,136(a],
`Disposition of Claims
`[] Claim(s) 1-25
`Of the above, claim(s)
`[] Claim(s)
`[] Claim(s) 1-16 and 20-25
`[] Claim(s) 17-19
`[] Claims
`Application Papers
`is/ere pending in the application.
`is/ere withdrawn from consideration.
`is/are allowed,
`islare rejected.
`is/ere objected to.
`are subject to restriction or election requirement.
`[] See the attached Notice of Draftsperson’s Patent Drawing Review, PT0-948,
`[] The drawing(s) filed on
`is/are objected to by the Examiner.
`[] The proposed drawing correction, flied on
`is [] approved
`[] disapproved,
`[] The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`[] The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner,
`Priority under 35 U.S,C. § 119
`[] Acknowledgement is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a}-(dL
`[] All [] Some* [] None of the CERTIFIED copies of ~e priority documents have been
`[] received,
`[] received in Application No, (Series Code/Serial Numberl
`[] received tn this national stage application from the lnternationat Bureau (PCT Rule 17,2(a)).
`~Cer~ified cop(as not received;
`[] Acknowledgement is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e}.
`[] Notice of References Cited, PT0-892
`[] Information Disclosure Statement(s), PTO-1449, Paper No(s),
`[] interview Summary, PT0-413
`[] Notice of Dreftsperson’s Patent Drawing Review, PT0-948
`[] Notice of Informal Patent Application, PTO-152
`PT0-326 (Rev. 9-95}
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No. 5
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 002 of 010

`Serial Number: 08/612,772:
`Art Unit: 2307:
`The title of the invention is not descriptive. A new title is required that is clearly indicative
`the invention to which the claims are directed.
`2. The information disclosure statement flied on 3/7/96 complies with the provisions of
`MPEP S 609. It has been placed in the ap!0Iication file, the information referred to therein has
`been considered as to the merits.
`3. This application has been filed with informal dra~4ngs which are acceptable for examination
`p~rposes only. Formal drawings will be required when the application is allowed.
`C~aim Rejections - 35 USC ~ 103
`4. The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 Ia) which forms the basis for al! obviousness
`rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be ol~tained though the invention is not identically d~sclosed or described as set forth in
`section 102 af tils title, ff the diffen~nces between the su~bject matter sought to be patented and the p~ior art ave
`such that tim su]~jeo~ matte~ as a whole wo~!d haw ~en obvious at the tla*e the invention was made to a person
`having ordina~ sl~fl in the art to which said su]~jec~ matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived by the
`manner in which the invention was made.
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 003 of 010

`Serial Number: 08/612,772:
`Art Unit: 2307:
`5. The factual inquiries set forth in Graham v. John Deere Co., 148 USPQ 459, that are
`applied for establishing a background ~or determining obviousness under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) are
`summarized as follows:
`Determining the scope and contents of the prior art.
`Ascertaining the differences between the prior ar~ and the claims at issue.
`Resolving the tevel of ordinary skill in the pertinent art.
`Considgring objective evidence present in Uae application indicating obviousness or
`LLYIO~OI/~ IlesS.
`6. Claims 1-6, 10 and 20-21 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Lasker et al. USP no. 5,586,291 (hereina~er "Lasker") in view of ~effrey et aL (Book entitled
`"Data structure").
`As to claims 1, Lasker disclosed a primary mirror non-volatile module (col.4, lines 50-55); Lasker
`detail that a cache memory can include several non-volatile memory module in order to preserve
`data integrity of the system in the event of a system po~er failure (col.3, lines 19-30); and move
`the new data segment from the cache to a next available space (col.4, lines 26-32), Lasker"
`described that by de-allocating the memory blocks of non-volatile memory immediately a~ter the
`data written to disk, the data integrity van be improved; I.asker also detail all generations of data
`are written from the write cache to read cache and the write operations are done in the same order
`as which they are received (col.5, lines 2-12). However, Lasker did not exphcitly detail the steps
`of ereatlng a logical link between the previous logical data segment and creating additional serial
`and logical links.
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 004 of 010

`Serial Number: 08/612,772:
`Art Unit: 2307:
`Jeffrey et al. disclosed a method for maintaining data elements in memory which are stored in a
`llnked-llst (pages 56-57); Jeffrey et al. also detailed that a file allocatlon table is a linked list that
`map the file to the sector allocated to a particular file and points to the next link. It is noted that
`DOS system includes typically saves the file allocation table on the disk with which the table is
`associated. It would have been obvious to one ha,cing skill in the art at the time of the invention
`to have combined the teachings of Jeffrey ~,~t al. with the system of Lasker because such of
`combination wo~d have allowed memory at-ray to operate more efficiently.
`As to claims 2-4:
`Jeffrey et al. disclosed a list that moves backwards as well as forwards (doYle linked list) from a
`current data segment to other serially and logically linked data segments and points to at least one
`data segment when it is the current data segment (pages t84-185). It is noted that linked
`structures, like the double linked list usually have several pointers associated with them, these
`pointers act as place markers maintaining contact w~th the beginning of a list, its end, the current
`position, location of the next data segment.
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 005 of 010

`Serial Number: 08/612,772:
`~Art Unit: 2307:
`As to claims 5-6:
`Stack is inherently well known in the computer technology, it uses to implement a linked list in
`a data structure. It should ~ also noted that Pop and Push are two basic well known stack
`operations; one skilled in the art in order to reverse a stack must pop each element (remove it from
`the beginning) and p~h it (insert it at the beginning) onto another stack; so that the character can
`then be popped from the second stack and printed in the order they are popped¯
`As to’claim 10:
`)’effrey et al. disclosed the steps of:
`appending a header to new data segments when writing the new data segments to primary memory
`by mo~ing th~ new data segment from the cache memory to the next available contiguous memory
`space (pages 61-62); includlng in the header at least one address pointer so as to logically link the
`header to other data segments (page 62)..
`As to claims 20-21:
`It is inherent that the file system is a portion of an operating system that translates requests for
`file operations from an application into low-level or includes application program instructions wkich
`execute f~nctions of the file system which are compatible with DOS. It is noted that a BIOS is
`a set of routines that work closely with the hardware to support the transfer of information between
`elements of the system, such as memory, disk ..etc. Therefore a file system is primarily
`incorporated in the BIOS.
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 006 of 010

`Serial Number: 08/612,772:
`Art Unit: 2307:
`7. Cla~s 7-9, 11-16 and 22-25 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. i03(a) as being unpatenta~le
`over Lasher in view of Jeffrey et al. as applied to claim 1 above, and fuxther in view of Ban USP
`no. 5,404,485.
`As to claims 7-9:
`The limitations of these claims have been mentioned in the rejection of claim 1 above. However,
`Lasker and Jeffrey did not explicitly detail the steps of selecting flash memory.
`Ban disclosed the steps of selecting flash memory (fig. 1, item 12); NAND is inherently well known
`logical operator uses in the flash memory; Ban also detailed the step of coupling a RAM to a flash
`memory (fig.l, item 16) (it is noted that a RAM can be read and written by the
`microprocessor and it is often used synonymously with the term physical memory or
`primary memory to refer to the memory actually present in a computer system). It would
`have been obvious to one having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention to have
`incorporated the teachings of Ban into the system of Lasker and Jeffrey et al. because that would
`have allowed flash memory to emulate random access memory. Also, because that wouJd have
`allowed existing computer operation systems to provide all other required support in the same
`manner provided by the standard random access memories.
`As claim 13:
`Ban disclosed the steps of including within the header an idenfitication field (it noted that a header
`is an idenfication field stored the loglcal sector number, used by the operating system) (col.4, lines
`38- 0).
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 007 of 010

`Serial Number: 08/612,772:
`Art Unit: 2307:
`AS to clah~s 11-12:
`Ban di,~losed the steps of selecting a header fi:om the group (fig.3) and selecting a header-like det~
`structure (fig.3).
`As to c|aims I4-15:
`Ban disclosed the steps of reserving a fixed amount memory (col.2, ~ines 61-64; col.4, l~nes 12-
`As to clahn 16:
`Jeffrky disclosed the steps of creating at least one tree node including a next tree node address
`pointer (page 61); creating at least one tree node including a next tree node address pointer (page
`As ~ clahns 22-25.’
`Ban disclosed the steps of: creating a logical block (col.5, lines 5-12); creating a logical memory
`block maps (eokS, lines 3-4, 17-35); creating a logical block control map including a physical
`address (col.5, lines 36-51).
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 008 of 010

`Serial Number: 08/612,772:
`Art Unit: 2307:
`8. Chinas 17-19 are obieeted to as being dependent upon a reiected base chim, but would be
`allowable if rewritten in independent form including all of the limitations of the base claim and any
`intervening claims.
`9. The prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent to applicant’s
`disclosure. (See PTO-892)
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or early communication ~rom the
`Examiner should directed to Jean Corrielus whose telephone number is (703) 306-3035. The
`Examiner can normally be reached on the weekday~ f~om 7:00am to 3:00pro. If attempts to
`reach the Examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the Examiner’s supervisor, Thomas G.
`Black, can be reached on (703)305-9707. The fax phone number for this group is (7.03)308-
`Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to thas apphcation should be directed to the
`group receptionist whose telephone number ~s (703)305-9600.
`)ean M. Corviel~s
`Patent Examiner
`June 18, 1997
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 009 of 010

`~N~, t!ce of References Cited
`10/t 8f94
`Gross et el.
`Wells et
`Flex et
`Covers’ton et el.
`Harari et
`Leaker at el.
`Hasbun et el.
`Lemons et
`Porter et el,
`Page I o! 1
`18 L.._~
`DOCUMENT {Ineludll~ Author, Tit~, Sex=roe, and Pe~l~ent Page=}
`William Pugh, "Skip List: A Probabilistic alternative to balance trees", communication of the ACM vol.33,
`no.6, pp 668-676
`I i Robert Sadgewick "Algorithms". Addison -Wesley publishing Co. pp 15-33
`Jeffrey et el. "Data structures", Prentice-Hall, Inc, pp 84-65, 184-191
`Alfred et at. "Data structure and algorithms" Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., pp. 53-69
`U. S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PT0-892 (Ray. 9-951
`Notice of References Cited
`Part of Paper No. 5
`Microsemi 1013
`Page 010 of 010

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