`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,642,012 B2
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Bruce Seharsehmtdt. South San
`l" rancisco. C.’A (US)
`(73) Assignee:
`I-Iyperion Therapeutics. Inc.. South San
`Francisco, CA (US)
`[ “ ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154-(b) by 623 days.
`(21) App1.No.: 121350.111
`Jan. 7, 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2()l0i"0D08859Al
`Jan. 14. 2010
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 611093.234. filed on Aug.
`29, 2008.
`Int. Cl.
`/161K 49/00
`(52) U.S. (J1.
`424i‘9.2: 5140568: 5140432: 5140433
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
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`Jon P Weber
`Pr.5nmr_t= Iilxuniiner
`'lilTa11y Ciough
`A.vs:'srrmr Iixaiiifner
`(74) Attomey. Agent, or Firm — Perkins Coie LLP: Patrick
`The invention provides a method for determining a dose and
`schedule and making dose adjustments of PBA prodrtigs used
`to treat nitrogen retention states. or ammonia accumulation
`disorders. by measuring urinary excretion of phcny1ace1yl-
`glulamine andfor total urinary nitrogen. The invention pro-
`vides metltods to select an appropriate dosage of at 1313A
`prodrug based on the patient‘ s dietary protein intake. or based
`on previous treatments administered to the patient. The meth-
`ods are applicable to selecting or modifying a dosing regimen
`for a subject receiving an orally administered anunonia scav-
`enging drug.
`12 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets
`EX. 1001
`EX. 1001
`US 8,642,012 B2
`Page 2
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`* cited by examiner
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 1 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`Figure 1
`Sodium Phenlybutyrate
`L 3*
`v’ "
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 2 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`Figure 2
`A conventional clinical phannaculogy model in which only drug reaching the central (syslenfic)
`circulation is assumed to be active.
`- Conventional Approach -
`HPN-100 OI’
`BSA.F1.‘f3 x VH1, \l'M2, VPB, VI‘-‘A, VPG
`am’, one
`_................ .1
`This model only allows for conversion of PBA to
`PM to PAGN in the systemic (labeled ‘cenIral’)
`plasma compartment. Bioavailability and drug
`effect is assume to relate directly to plasma
`metabolite cuncantations
` Covarlate
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 3 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 4 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 5 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 6 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 7 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`0 I-
`Eumid u! tawwnl u-new U1
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 8 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 9 of 15
`Us 8,642,012 B2
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 10 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 11 M15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 12 of 15
`Us 8,642,012 B2
`W‘) “mac
`4“: 5 saw”? **z~=1r~:
`(wrh ;1'1vNL
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 13 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`(1/tmotun) esuowwv
`US. Patent
`Feb. 4, 2014
`Sheet 14 of 15
`US 8,642,012 B2
`U.S. Patent
`US 8,642,012 B2
`US 3,642,012 B2
`This application claims benefit of priority to U .S. Provi-
`sional application Ser. No. 6l!093.234. filed Aug. 29. 2008.
`which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. This
`application is also related to the US. provisional patent appli-
`cation entitled “Treating special populations having liver dis-
`ease with nitrogen-scavenging compounds,” naming Sharron
`Gargosky as inventor, Ser. No. 6lr'C|48,830, filed on Apr. 29.
`This invention relates to treatment of patients with nitrogen
`retention states. in particular urea cycle disorders (UCDS) and
`cirrhosis complicated by hepatic encephalopathy (I Ill). using
`administered compounds tl1at assist in elimination of waste
`nitrogen from the body. The compounds can be orally admin-
`istered s111all-molecule drugs. and the invention provides
`methods for delivering these compounds and selecting suit-
`able dosages for a patient.
`Drug closing is usually based upon measurement of blood
`levels of the active drug species in conjunction with clinical
`assessment of treatment response. However.
`the present
`invention is based o11 evidence that for certain prodrugs of
`phenylacetic acid (PAA), measuring the blood level of the
`prodrug (cg. PBA) or ofP.1\.?\ formed ii'om it is unreliable. In
`addition, assessment of treatment effect by measuring levels
`ofammonia in the blood is inconvenient. because it requires
`withdrawing multiple blood samples under carefully con-
`trolled conditions. Because blood ammonia levels are
`affected by various factors including dietary protein. they also
`fail to provide a direct measure of how much ammonia the
`drug is mobilizing for elimination. The invention demon-
`strates that prodrugs of phenylbutyric acid (PBA) behave
`similarly to sodium PBA. in that measuring PBA levels is
`unreliable for assessing their effectiveness. This invention
`provides a novel method for dosing in patients with nitrogen
`retention states. in particular patients with liver disease and
`clinical manifestations of hepatic encephalopathy and
`patients with UCDs. it is particularly applicable to prodrugs
`that liberate or are metabolized to form phenylacetic acid. i .e..
`prodrugs of PAA. and those prodrugs that are metabolized to
`form PBA.
`I-iepatic encephalopathy refers to a spectrum ofneurologie
`signs and symptoms which frequently occur in patients with
`cirrhosis or certain other types of liver disease.
`Urea cycle disorders comprise several inherited deficien-
`cies ofenzyines or transporters necessary for the synthesis of
`urea from ammonia. The urea cycle is depicted in FIG. 1.
`which also illustrates how certain aim11onia~scavenging drugs
`to assist
`in elimination of excessive ammonia. The
`enzymes including their Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers
`and modes of inheritance include the following:
`Carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPS; EC Number
`; autosomal recessive}.
`ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC; EC Number
`argininosnecinate synthetase (ASS; EC Number
`autosomal recessive).
`argininosuccinate lyase (ASL: EC Number auto-
`somal recessive).
`arginase {ARG: EC Number 3 .5 .3. l ; autosomal recessive).
`IEC Number
`N-acetyl glutainine synthetase (NAGS 1;
` autostirllal recessive)
`Mitochondrial transporter deficiency states which mimic
`many features ofurea cycle enzyme deficiencies include the
`translocase deficiency
`hyperammonemia. homocitrullinuria or l-lHl~l Syn-
`C itrin (aspartate glutamate transporter) deficiency
`The conirrion feature of UCD and hepatic encephalopathy
`that render them treatable by methods of the invention is an
`accumulation ofexcess waste nitrogen in the body. and hyper-
`In normal
`the body’s intrinsic
`capacity for waste nitrogen excretion is greater than the
`body's waste nitrogen production. so waste nitrogen does not
`accumulate and ammonia does not build up to harmful levels.
`For patients with nitrogen retention states such as UC D or
`l-lli. the body '5 intrinsic capacity for waste nitrogen excretion
`is less than the body’s waste nitrogen production based on a
`normal diet that contains signi ftcant amounts of protein. As a
`result, nitrogen builds up in the body of a patient having a
`nitrogen retention disorder. and usually results in excess
`ammonia in the blood. This has various toxic effects; drugs
`that help eliminate the excess ammonia are an important part
`of an overall management strategy for such disorders.
`To avoid build-up of ammonia to toxic levels in patients
`with nitrogen retention states. dietary intake of protein (a
`primary source of exogenous waste nitrogen) ntust be bal-
`anced by the patient’s ability to eliminate excess ammonia.
`Dietary protein can be limited. but a healthy diet requires a
`significant amount of protein. particularly for growing chil-
`dren; thus in addition to controlling dietary protein intake.
`drugs that assist with elimination of nitrogen are used to
`reduce ammonia build-up [hype-rammonemia). The capacity
`to eliminate excess anunonia in treated patients can be con-
`sidered the sum of the patient‘s endogenous capacity for
`nitrogen elimination (if any) plus the amount of additional
`nitrogen-elimination capacity that is provided by a nitrogen
`scavenging drug. The methods of the invention use a variety
`of different drugs that reduce excess waste nitrogen and
`ammonia by converting it‘ to readily-excreted forms. such as
`phenylacetyl glutamine (PAGN). In sotue embodiments, the
`invention relates to methods for detenniniug or adjusting a
`dosage of an oral drug that forms PAA in vivo. which is
`converted into PAGN. which is then excreted in urine and thus
`helps eliminate excess nitrogen.
`Based on prior studies in individual UCD patients {e.g.
`Bmsilow. Pedfrifric Research. vol. 29, 147-50 {I991};
`Brusilow and Finkelstien. .1. Metabolfsrit. vol. 42. 1336-39
`(1993)) in which 80-90% of the nitrogen scavenger sodium
`phenylbntyrate was reportedly excreted in the urine as PAGN.
`current treaunent guidelines typically either assume complete
`conversion of sodium phenylbutyrate or other PA.-it prodrugs
`to PAGN {e.g. Berry et al.. J. r"edr'am‘cs. vol. 138. S56-S61
`(2001 )) or do not conmient on the implications of incomplete
`conversion for dosing (e.g. Singh. Urea Cycle Disorders Con-
`ference Group 'Ct'J.t‘t'S£.’."e'.$'H$ rS'tatentent_,-‘rota: a Conféreiire_{br
`the Managenuem‘ q;"Pa!r'err!.r it-'i'.'}2 Urea Cycle Disorders".
`Supp.-' to .1 Pediatrics. vol. 138(1). S l—S5 (2001)).
`Current treatment guidelines recommend 4 times per day
`dosing. based on the fact that l-‘BA is absorbed rapidly from
`the intestine when administered in the form of sodium Pl-3A
`US 3,642,012 B2
`and exhibits a short half life iii the bloodstream (Urea Cycle
`Disorders Conference Group ‘Consensus Statement‘ 2001)
`Current recommendations for sodium phenylbutyrate dos-
`ing indicate that dosage should not exceed 600 mgfkg (for
`patients weighing up to 20 kg) or in any case 20 grams total.
`The invention provides a novel approach for detemiining
`and adjusting the schedule and dose of orally administered
`nitrogen scavenging drugs_. including sodium phenylhutyrate
`and glyceryl tri-[4-phenylbtrtyratcj (IIPN-100). based upon
`the urinary excretion of the drug metabolite phenyiacetyl-
`glutamine {PAGNJ andfortotal urinary nitrogen. It is based in
`part on tl1e discoveries that bioavailability of these drugs as
`conventionally assessed based on systemic blood levels ofthe
`drugs themselves or of the active species produced in vivo
`from these drugs does not accurately predict removal of waste
`nitrogen or reduction of plasma ammonia in healthy human
`volunteers. adults with liver disease. or patients with UCDS
`receiving ammonia scavenging drugs as defined below and
`that conversion oforally administered sodium phenylbutyrate
`(NaPBA. or sodium PBA) to PAGN to urinary PAGN is
`incomplete. typically about 60-75%. Prodrugs of pl1enylbu-
`tyrate (PBA, the active ingredient in BUPHENYL=E3 (sodium
`phenylbutyrate), which is the sodium salt of PBA along with
`small amounts of inert ingredients). which is itself a prodrug
`of plienylaeetic acid (PAA). are especially subject to the
`eifects described herein.
`phenylbuty rate
`Phc nylacetic acid
`As used herein “ammonia scavenging drugs" is defined to
`include all orally administered drugs in the class which con-
`tain or are metabolized to phenylacetate. Thus. the term
`includes at
`least phenylbutyrate, BUPHENYL-‘E? (sodium
`phenylbutyrate). AMMONAPSKEI.
`phenylbutyrate. glyceryl tri-[4-phenylbutyrate] (I-IPN-l00).
`esters. ethers. and acceptable salts, acids and derivatives
`thereof. These drugs reduce high levels of endogenous
`anuttonia by providing phenylacetic acid in vivo. which is
`metabolized efiiciently to form phenylacetyl glutamine
`(PAGN). PAGN is efficiently excreted in urine, carrying away
`two equivalents of nitrogen per mole of PAA converted to
`PAGN. References herein to sodium phenylbtttyr-ate are
`understood to inclttde reference to the drug product l3UPHI£-
`NYLFRJ. and BUPHENYL~'E=- was used forthe Examples herein
`wherever test subjects were treated with sodium phenylbu-
`tyrate. Thus the sodium PBA dosages used in the Examples
`generally refer to a dosage of BUPI-IENYLtEJ_. and the
`amounts of sodium phenylbutyrate in those lixamples should
`be interpreted accordingly. Note that the terms ‘ammonia
`scavenger‘ and ‘nitrogen scavenger‘ are used intercltangeably
`in this invention. rellecting the fact that the drugs described
`herein lower blood ammonia through elimination of waste
`nitrogen in the fomi of PAGN.
`In some embodiments. the invention uses prodrugs that can
`be converted into PAA within the body. Soditun phenylbu-
`tyratc [sodium PBA] is one such drug; it is converted by
`oxidative mechanisms into PAA in the body. HPN—l00 is