`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 6,012,007
`Issue Date: January 4, 2000
`Case No. IPR2015-01116

`PROCEDURAL HISTORY ........................................................................... 2 
`A.  Whether the party contends that the challenged claims that are
`the subject of the stipulation are indefinite under 35 U.S.C. §
`112, second paragraph, with an explanation in support of the
`party’s contention ................................................................................. 5 
`For IPR2015-01004 and IPR2015-01116, if the challenged
`independent claims are indefinite, whether the party contends
`such indefiniteness does, or does not, impact the challenged
`dependent claims that are not the subject of the stipulation, with
`an explanation in support of the party’s contention and an
`explanation of the impact. .................................................................... 6 
`C.  Whether the party contends that if the Board determines that the
`parties stipulated that the claims are invalid for being indefinite,
`the Board should exercise its discretion, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §
`314 to deny the Petition with respect to those claims or whether
`the Board should terminate the proceeding pursuant to 37
`C.F.R. § 42.72 ...................................................................................... 7 
`For IPR2015-01003, if the Board determines that the parties
`stipulated that claims 1 and 7 are invalid for being indefinite,
`whether Patent Owner’s stipulation should be considered a
`request for adverse judgment because the stipulation is a
`“disclaimer of a claim such that the party has no remaining
`claim in the trial,” pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.73 .............................. 10 
`III.  CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 10 

`Petitioner Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. (“VWGoA”) respectfully
`submits this filing in response to the Board’s September 2, 2015 Order, 37 C.F.R. §
`42.5, Conduct of the Proceeding (Paper 6) requesting a submission from both
`patent owner Signal IP, Inc. (“Signal”) and VWGoA explaining the effect, if any,
`on this proceeding of the Joint Stipulation for Entry of Partial Final Judgment of
`Invalidity (“the Joint Stipulation”) agreed to by Patent Owner and Petitioner in an
`ongoing litigation in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.
`Signal has submitted a copy of the Joint Stipulation as Exhibit 2002.
`The district court, in construing the claims of U.S. Patent No. 6,012,007
`(“the ’007 patent”), found certain claims challenged by VWGoA in this proceeding
`to be indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112.1 The parties subsequently “stipulate[d] to
`entry of a partial final judgment that the following claims are invalid due to
`indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph 2: … claims 1, … 17, … 19, and
`20 of the ’007 patent.” Ex. 2002 at p. 2. As stated in the Joint Stipulation, Signal
`and VWGoA “reserve all appellate rights, including, but not limited to, the right to
`In its Petition, VWGoA challenged claims 1, 17, and 19 to 21. In its claim
`construction order (Ex. 1007 and 2001), the district court concluded that claims 1,
`17, and 20 are indefinite but that claim 21 is not indefinite. Ex. 1007 and 2001, at
`pp. 60-63.

`appeal the Court’s April 17, 2015 claim construction order [Ex. 1007 and 2001] to
`the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.” Ex. 2002 at pp. 2-3.
`The Partial Final Judgment of Invalidity (Ex. 3001) is therefore not final, and the
`Joint Stipulation should have no effect on this inter partes review proceeding.
`Signal filed suit against VWGoA in the U.S. District Court in the Central
`District of California on April 23, 2014, alleging, for example, infringement of the
`’007 patent.2 See Signal litigation, D.I. 1. Signal asserted claims 1, 17, and 19 to 21
`of the ’007 patent against VWGoA – the same claims VWGoA has challenged in
`this proceeding – of which claims 1 and 17 are independent claims, and claims 19,
`20, and 21 depend from claim 17.
`During claim construction in the Signal litigation, VWGoA argued that
`certain terms recited in claims 1, 17, and 19 to 21 are indefinite under 35 U.S.C. §
`112. In particular, VWGoA asserted that the terms “for a given time,” “for a time,”
`The litigation is captioned Signal IP, Inc. v. Volkswagen Group of America,
`Inc., et al., Case No. 14-cv-3113-JAK (JEMx) (“the Signal litigation”). On
`approximately the same date, Signal also filed separate lawsuits in the same district
`court against several other defendants asserting infringement of the ’007 patent
`(“the related cases”). See Signal litigation, D.I. 11.

`and “relative weight parameter” are indefinite. See Ex. 1008 (Signal litigation, D.I.
`75) at pp. 105-108 (concerning “for a given time” and “for a time”), 112-116
`(concerning “relative weight parameter”). On April 17, 2015, the district court
`issued its claim construction order finding that the terms “for a time” and “for a
`given time” are not indefinite and do not require construction, and that the term
`“relative weight parameter” is indefinite. Ex. 1007 and 2001, at pp. 53-56
`(concerning “for a time” and “for a given time”), 60-63 (concerning “relative
`weight parameter”). Regarding the term “relative weight parameter,” the district
`court found that though it is indefinite in independent claim 17, dependent claim
`21 “cure[s] the indefiniteness issue” and is therefore not invalid. Id. at n.15.
`Signal, VWGoA, and the remaining defendants in the related cases
`subsequently agreed to and filed the Joint Stipulation with the district court on May
`20, 2015. The Joint Stipulation notes that the district court “issued its claim
`construction order (Docket No. 77) holding, inter alia, that … certain terms in
`claims 1, 17, and 20 of the ’007 patent are indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112,
`paragraph 2.” Ex. 2002 at p. 2. The Joint Stipulation further states:
`In light of the Court’s claim construction order,
`[Signal] and [VWGoA] stipulate to entry of a partial final
`judgment that the following claims are invalid due to
`indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph 2: …
`claims 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of the ’007 patent.
`[Signal] and [VWGoA] reserve all appellate rights,
`including, but not limited to, the right to appeal the

`Court’s April 17, 2015 claim construction order to the
`United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
`[Signal] reserves all rights as to claims not addressed by
`the Court’s claim construction order, or any new claims
`that may be issued by the United States Patent Office.
`Ex. 2002 at pp 2-3. A partial final judgment reflecting the parties’ stipulation was
`submitted to the district court with the Joint Stipulation. On May 22, 2015, the
`district court entered the partial final judgment submitted by the parties and
`ordered that “Claims 1, … 17, … 19, and 20 of [the ’007 patent] are invalid as
`indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph 2.” Ex. 3001 at p. 2. The partial
`judgment further states that “Upon the conclusion of the case as to all matters,
`counsel are directed to lodge a proposed final judgment that includes the terms of
`this partial judgment.” Id.
`In summary, neither Signal nor VWGoA, in the Joint Stipulation, stipulated
`to invalidity under 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph 2; instead, Signal and VWGoA
`merely stipulated to entry of a partial final judgment of invalidity under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 112, paragraph 2. Therefore, the Joint Stipulation should have no effect on the
`present inter partes review proceeding at this juncture.

`A. Whether the party contends that the challenged claims that are
`the subject of the stipulation are indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112,
`second paragraph, with an explanation in support of the party’s
`As explained in the Joint Claim Construction Brief (Ex. 1008) in the Signal
`litigation, VWGoA contends that claims 1, 17, and 19 to 21 of the ’007 patent are
`indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph. In particular, and as described
`in more detail in the Joint Claim Construction Brief, VWGoA contends that the
`terms “for a time,” “for a given time,” and “relative weight parameter” render
`claims 1, 17, and 19 to 21 indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph.
`Regarding the terms “for a time” and “for a given time,” VWGoA contends
`that these claim terms are indefinite because they are terms of degree, and neither
`the patent specification nor the file history provides objective bounds for those
`terms. See Ex. 1008 at pp. 105-108.
`Regarding the term “relative weight parameter,” VWGoA contends that this
`term is indefinite because the ’007 patent does not define what constitutes a
`As stated above, VWGoA challenged claims 1, 17, and 19 to 21 in this inter
`partes review proceeding. Of those claims, only claim 21 is not specifically
`mentioned in either the Joint Stipulation or the partial judgment.

`“relative weight parameter,” does not describe how to calculate one, and does not
`disclose what the parameter is “relative” to. See id. at pp. 112-116.4
`As explained above, in its claim construction order, the district court agreed
`that the term “relative weight parameter” is indefinite but that “for a time” and “for
`a given time” are not indefinite. Ex. 1007 and 2001, at pp. 60-63.
`if the challenged
`For IPR2015-01004 and IPR2015-01116,
`independent claims are indefinite, whether the party contends
`such indefiniteness does, or does not, impact the challenged
`dependent claims that are not the subject of the stipulation, with
`an explanation in support of the party’s contention and an
`explanation of the impact.
`For IPR2015-01116, VWGoA contends that claim 21, the only dependent
`claim challenged by VWGoA that is not the subject of the Joint Stipulation, is
`Dependent claim 21, which depends from claim 17, recites:
`21. Means for inhibiting and allowing deployment as
`in claim 17 wherein
`the relative weight
`parameter is the total force detected by all the sensors.
`Other defendants in the related cases asserted that “a second threshold,”
`recited in claim 20, is also indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph. See
`Ex. 1008 at 109-111. The district court concluded that “a second threshold” is not
`indefinite. Ex. 1007 and 2001, at pp. 56-59.

`Because claim 21 depends from claim 17, it includes the same limitations of
`“for a given time,” “for a time,” and “relative weight parameter” as claim 17. As
`stated above, VWGoA contends that “for a given time” and “for a time” are
`indefinite because they are terms of degree, and neither the specification nor the
`file history provides objective bounds for those terms, and VWGoA contends that
`“relative weight parameter” is indefinite because the ’007 patent does not define
`what constitutes a “relative weight parameter,” does not describe how to calculate
`one, and does not disclose what the parameter is “relative” to. See, Ex. 1008 at pp.
`105-108 and 112-116. VWGoA contends that claim 21 is indefinite because it, by
`virtue of its dependency from claim 17, includes the indefinite limitations “for a
`time,” “for a given time,” and “relative weight parameter.”
`C. Whether the party contends that if the Board determines that the
`parties stipulated that the claims are invalid for being indefinite,
`the Board should exercise its discretion, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §
`314 to deny the Petition with respect to those claims or whether
`the Board should terminate the proceeding pursuant to 37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.72
`As stated above, neither Signal nor VWGoA, in the Joint Stipulation,
`stipulated to invalidity under 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph 2; instead, Signal and
`VWGoA merely “stipulate[d] to entry of a partial final judgment that the following
`claims are invalid due to indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph 2: …
`claims 1, … 17, … 19, and 20 of the ’007 patent.” Ex. 2002 at p. 2. Moreover,
`according to the Joint Stipulation, Signal and VWGoA “reserve all appellate rights,

`including, but not limited to, the right to appeal the Court’s April 17, 2015 claim
`construction order [Ex. 1007 and 2001] to the United States Court of Appeals for
`the Federal Circuit.” Ex. 2002 at pp. 2-3. Thus, a determination by the Board that
`the parties stipulated that the claims are invalid for being indefinite would be
`inconsistent with the Joint Stipulation and incorrect.
`Nevertheless, should the Board determine that the parties stipulated that the
`claims are invalid for being indefinite, the Board should not deny the petition with
`respect to claims 1, 17, 19, and 20 pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 314.
`As an initial matter, Signal has asserted, in the Signal litigation, that “the
`terms ‘for a time’ and ‘for a given time’ are not indefinite at all,” Ex. 1008 at p.
`109, that “[t]he claims of the ’007 Patent clearly demonstrate what a ‘relative
`weight parameter’ is and how it is to be used,” id. at p. 116, and that “the term
`‘relative weight parameter’ is more than sufficient to ‘inform, with reasonable
`certainty, those skilled in the art about the scope of the invention,’” id. at p. 117. In
`view of Signal’s arguments that the claims of the claims 1, 17, 19 and 20 are not
`indefinite, the Board should not deny the petition.
`Additionally, as noted above, Signal “reserve[d] all appellate rights,
`including, but not limited to, the right to appeal the Court’s April 17, 2015 claim
`construction order [Ex. 1007 and 2001] to the United States Court of Appeals for
`the Federal Circuit.” Ex. 2002 at p. 2. It is in the claim construction order that the

`district court concluded that “certain terms in claims 1, 17, and 20 of the ’007
`patent are indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph 2.” Id.; see also, Ex. 1007 at
`p. 63 (“Because the [’007] patent provides no boundaries for what parameters
`could be considered a ‘relative weight parameter,’ and does not describe to what it
`is ‘relative,’ a person of ordinary skill in the art would not be able to discern the
`bounds of the claim with reasonable certainty…. For these reasons, the term
`[‘relative weight parameter’] is indefinite in claims 1, 17 and 20.”). Thus, it is
`possible that (a) Signal will appeal the April 17, 2015 claim construction order and
`(b) the conclusion that “relative weight parameter” is indefinite will be reversed on
`appeal. A denial of the petition, followed by a subsequent reversal of the April 17,
`2015 indefiniteness ruling, would be prejudicial to VWGoA since a decision to
`deny institution under 35 U.S.C. § 314 is not appealable, under 35 U.S.C. § 314(d),
`and VWGoA would be precluded, under 35 U.S.C. § 315(b), from filing any
`subsequent petition for inter partes review of the ’007 patent. Therefore, to avoid
`the possibility of prejudice to VWGoA, the Board should not deny the petition.
`Regarding termination under 37 C.F.R. § 42.72, the Board “may terminate a
`trial without rendering a final written decision, where appropriate.” However, at
`this stage of the proceeding, a trial has not yet been instituted. Therefore, the Board
`does not have the authority to terminate this proceeding under 37 C.F.R. § 42.72.

`In summary, there is no reason for the Board to decide not to review claims
`1, 17, 19, and 20 based on the Joint Stipulation and the subsequent entry of the
`partial judgment of invalidity.
`For IPR2015-01003, if the Board determines that the parties
`stipulated that claims 1 and 7 are invalid for being indefinite,
`whether Patent Owner’s stipulation should be considered a
`request for adverse judgment because the stipulation is a
`“disclaimer of a claim such that the party has no remaining claim
`in the trial,” pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.73
`Since VWGoA is not a party to IPR2015-01003, a response from VWGoA is
`not believed to be required.
`For the foregoing reasons, VWGoA respectfully requests that the Board
`should neither exercise its discretion to deny the petition in this proceeding under
`35 U.S.C. § 314 nor terminate the proceeding pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.72.
`Dated: September 10, 2015
`/Clifford A. Ulrich/
`Clifford A. Ulrich (Reg. No. 42,194)
`Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
`One Broadway
`New York, New York 10004
`Tel: 212.425.7200
`Fax: 212.425.5288

`The undersigned hereby confirms that the foregoing PETITIONER’S
`served on September 10, 2015, via e-mail upon the following:
`Ascenda Law Group, PC
`333 W San Carlos St., Suite 200
`San Jose, CA 95110
`/Clifford A. Ulrich/
`Clifford A. Ulrich (Reg. No. 42,194)
`Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
`One Broadway
`New York, NY 10004
`Tel: 212.425.7200
`Fax: 212.425.5288

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