`; Infopia Ex. 1022 pg. 1
`Donald Alan Wiebe' g ;
`University Of Wisconsin—Madison
`D4/252 Clinical Science Center
`University Hospital 8e Clinics
`600 Highland Avenue
`. Madison, Wisconsin 53792-2472
`(608) 263—1495
`1973 Ph D. Degree
`Major: Organic Chemistry
`Thesis: ”Synthesis of Polyfluorinated Aldehydes, Acyl Halides, and 7
`Carboxylic Acids",Dis. Abstr. lntB 3_4: 2535 (1973)
`. MajorAdvisor: DonaldMJ Burton, PhD -
`institution: University of iowa, lowa City
`1970 M S. Degree
`" Major: Organic Chemistry
`institution: Universityof lowa, loWa City
`1967 8.8. Degree' ~-
`. Major: Chemistry
`institution: University of Wisconsin—La Crosse
`Diplomat, American Board of Clinical Chemistry — 1983
`Fellow, National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry- 2000
`1990 - present
`Associate Professor
`\ Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
`School of Medicine
`, University of Wisconsin—Madison
`2002 —~ present. 1
`Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory
`University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics-
`University of WisconSln—Madison}
`1985; present
`~ Director, Toxicology Laboratory Service
`University of Wisconsin‘Hospital '& Clinics
`University of Wisconsin~Madison
`C1987 ~ 1989
`.1994 ~ 1996
`Affiliate ASSista‘nt Professor
`. ‘School of Allied Health Professions _
`: University‘of‘WisConsin—Madison
`Associate Director Clinical Chemistry Laboratory
`University ofWisconsin Hospital & Clinics
`. Infopia EX..~1022 pg. 2
`University otWisconsi‘n—MadisOn
`Assistant Professor
`, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
`School of Medicine
`University of Wisconsin—Madison
`1980 - 1983
`« 1978—1978‘ ’
`.1972 ~ 1978
`1972 - 1978
`Research Scientist
`Clinical Chemistry Division .
`Center for Environmental Health
`Centers for Disease Control
`Atlanta, Georgia
`Clinical Chemistry Division
`Center for Environmental Health
`Centers for Disease Centrol
`Atlanta, Georgia '
`Post-Doctoral Fellowship .
`Department of‘Pathology
`University of Iowa, Iowa City
`Associate Research Scientist
`' Department of Internal Medicine
`University of Iowa, Iowa City
`Assistant Research Scientist ’
`Department of InternaI‘Medicine
`University of Iowa, Iowa City
`Director, Lipid Research Labératory
`Department of Internal Medicine
`University of Iowa, Iowa City
`Research Assistant
`Department of Chemistry
`University of Iowa, Iowa City
`V Teaching Assistant
`Department of Chemistry
`University of Iowa, Iowa City
`Friend of ASCLS-Wisconsin 2014
`Albert A. Dietz Service Award ChicagoSection AACC; 2007
`Samuel R Natelson Research Award Chicago Section AACC 2005
`Past Chair Award Chicago Section AACC, 2003
`Infopia Ex.‘.1.022 pg. 3
`“Gerald R Geoper Service Award from the. American Association for Clinical
`' Chemistry, Lipids and Lipoproteins Division, 1998 .
`Lipids and Lipoproteins DiVision Leadership Award, 1990
`NlH Recognition & Appreciation of Contribution to the NHLBI Lipid
`- Research Clinics Program, 1982
`Honors Chemical Society of Phi Lambda Upsilon, elected 1970
`American Chemical Society, 1968- present
`Alpha Chi Sigma, 1968- present
`American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 1974 present
`Lipids and Lipoproteins Division
`TDM and Toxicology Division
`Nutrition Division
`WisConSin Lipid Club, 1990—present
`Clinical Ligand Assay Society, 1996 apresent
`MidWestern Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Toxicology 1996 - present
`Papers published in refereed journals: _
`1. Douglas G Naae and Donald A. Wiebe. Mass spectral correlations of
`halogenated 1, 1, 1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropanes and 1,1,1~trifiuoroethanes
`91g M__a__ss. Spectr.4: 12031206 (1974).
`. 2. Donald A. Wiebe and Donald J. Burton: Chemoselective halogenation
`of 2—hydroperfluoroaikyl aldehydes' J Flu Chem139 (2012) 4-1 1
`*3; LaboratoryMethods Committee of the Lipid Research Clinics Program
`of the National Heart, Lung. and Blood institute: Cholesterol and
`triglyceride concentrations in serum/plasma pairs C_lin Ch_em 23: 60-63
`4. C. Patrick Burns, Shiao-Ping, L. Wei, lan R. Welshman, Donald A.
`Wiebe, and ArthurA. Spector: Fatty acid utilization by L1210 murine
`leukemia cells. Cancer Research 3_7: 1991—1997 (1977).
`.5 Joth. Albers, G Russell WarnIck Donald Wiebe, et al Multi-
`laboratory comparison of three heparin-Mn++ precipitation procedures .
`for estimation of high density lipoprotein cholesterol Ciin Chem 24:
`853856 (1978)
`1 6. JohnT. Hayford, MarkM. Danney, Donald'Wiebe, SuSan Roberts and
`RobertG. Thompson: Triglycerideintegrated concentrations: effectof
`variation of Source and amount of dietary carbohydrate. Am. J. Clin.
`ANutrition__32: 1670 1678 (1979).
`Infopia Ex. 1022- pg. 4
`7. Arney Nordoy, Bridit Swensson, Donald A. Wiebe ,and John C. Hoak:
`Lipoproteins and'the inhibitory effects of human endothelial cells upon
`platelet function Circulation Research 43: 527-534 (1978)
`8. Arney Nordoy, Bridit SWensso‘n, Donna Haycraft, John C. Hoak, and
`Donald A. Wiebe: The influence ar' age, sex and the use of oral
`contraceptives on the inhibitory effects of endotheIiaI Cells and PGI‘2
`(prostaclen) on platelet function Scand. J. of Haem__at 2_1:177~187
`l 9. Helm‘utAG. Schrott; William R. Clarke, Donald A. Wiebe,, William E.
`. Connor, and Ronald M. Lauer: The Muscatine family studies program. l.
`" Increased coronary mortalityIn relatives of hypercholesterolemic school
`children Circulation 5_9: 320- 326 (1979).
`10. Enrique Chaves—Carballo, Guy A. Carter,and Donald A: Wiebe:
`Triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations in whole serum and serum ,
`‘ lipoproteins in Reyes Syndrome. Pediatrics 64; '592—597 (1979).
`11. Helmut G. Schrott, William R. Clarke, Peter Abrahams,‘Donald A.
`Wiebe, and Ronald M Lauer: Coronary artery disease mortality’In
`relatives of hypertriglyceridemic school children and the Muscatine study.
`Circulation 65: 300-305 (1982).
`12. Donald A. Wiebe and Thomas Bernert: The influence of incomplete
`‘ cholesterol ester hydrolysis on cholesterol measurement by enzymatic
`methods Clin. Chem 30: 352356 (1984).
`13. G R Cooper, S J Smith, D A. Wiebe, M. Kuchmack, andW. H
`Harmon: International survey of apolipoproteins A—l and B
`measurements (19831984) Clin _C__hem 31: 223228 (1984)
`14. DonaldA Wiebe and S. Jay Smith: Comparisonof six high-
`density lipoprotein isolation methods using the cholesterol reference
`method for quantitation. C_lin. Ch__e_m. 3_1: 746750 (1985).
`15. Ellen R. Massaro ErnestC. Borden MichaelJ. Hawkins, DonaldA.
`Wiebe and Earl S Shrago: Effects of recombinant interferon alpha2
`treatment upon lipid concentrations and composition. Journal of
`. Interferon Research 6. 655—662 (1987).
`16 lfBru'ce Rosenzweig, Donald A Wiebe, Ernest Borden, Barry Storer‘
`and Earl S. Shrago: Plasma lipoprotein changesIn humans induced by
`i3interferon. Atherosclerosis 67: 261-267 (1987).
`17. GaryL Lensmeyer, Donald A. Wiebe, and Ian H Carlson:
`Identification and analysis of nine metabolites ofcyclosporineIn whole
`blood by liquid chromatography: Part 2. Comparison of patient results.
`' Clin. Chem. 33: 18511855 (1987)
`lnfopia Ex. 1022 pg. 5
`18. GaryL Lensmeyer, DonaldA. Wiebe,and lan H. Carlson:
`identification and analysis of nine metabolites of cyclosporineIn whole
`‘ blood by liquid chromatography. Part1. Purification of analytical
`. standards/optimization of aSsay. flu. Chem. 88:1841-1850 (1987).
`_' 19. Arthur A. Egjgert, Gary‘J. smqua, DonaldA. Wiebe, Dennis E. ded,
`( and Sharon K. Wagner: Real~time monitor of STAT chemistry requests
`with a clinical laboratory information system.
`.266-271 (1987).
`20. Michael P. Vrabec, Michael B. Shapiro, Elizabeth Koller, Donald A.
`Wiebe, Jill Henrichs, and JOhn J. Albers: Ophthalmic observationsIn
`~lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency. Archives o_f
`Ophthalomolgy___106: 225—229 (1988)
`21 David D. Koch David J Hassemer, DonaldA. Wiebe and Ronald H.
`Laessig: Testing cholesterol accuracy-performance of several common
`laboratory instruments. J_AMA 26—9: 25522557 (1988).
`22. GL Lensmeyer, Wiebe DA, Carlson lH: Deposition of nine metabolites
`of cyclosporine'In human tissues, bile, urine and whole blood Transplant
`Proc. 20: 614-22 (1988).
`23. GaryL. Lensmeyer, DonaldA. Wiebe, and lan H. Carlson:
`Distribution of cyclosporin (CsA) metabolites among plasma/cells of whole
`Effect of temperature, hematocrit, and metabolite concentration.
`Qflfl, Chem 35:56-63 (1989)._
`24 l Bruce Rosenzweig, DonaldA. Wiebe JacquelynA. Hank, John J.
`Albers, JanetL Adolphson, Ernest Borden Earl S. Shrago, and Paul M.
`‘ Sondel: Effects of interleukin-2 (it—2) on human plasma lipid, lipoprotein,
`and C—reactive protein. Biotherapy_2: 193-8 (1990)
`25. GaryLensmeyer, lan H Carlson, and DonaldA. Wiebe: Study of
`three commercial polyclonalImmunoassays for cyclosporin (CsA)In whole
`blood Part2: Metabolite cross——reactivity study. Clin C___hem. 36: 11923
`(1990).. .
`26 MichaelJ. Strassman, Gary Lensmeyer, DonaldA Wiebe and lan H
`Carlson: Study of three commercial polyclOnalImmunoassays for
`cyclosporin (CsA)In whole blood Part 1: Patient specimen comparison.
`C_l_in Chem. 36:115—8 (1996).
`- 27. AnthonyG Hejka, Michael Poquette, DonaldA Wiebe, and Robert
`W. Huntington: Fatal intravenoUs injection of monoctanoin. Am J
`Forensic Med Path. 1_1: 165—70 (1990).-
`~ 28. Richard R. Love, Po.llyA Newcomb, DonaldA Wiebe, TanyaS.
`Surawicz, V. Craig Jordan, Paul P. Carbone, and David L. DeMets:
`of tamOXIfen therapy on lipid and lipoprotein levelsIn ’
`l‘nfopia Ex; 1022.,pg. 6'
`l_n_s_t. 82: 1327-
`patients with node—negative breast cancer J Na__t_| Cancer
`32 (1990)
`'29. Gary L. Lensmeyer, Donald A. Wiebe, lan. H. Carlson, and R.
`Subramanianz-Concentrations of cyclosporin A and its metabolites in
`human tissues postmortem. J Anal. _T_o_x_. 1_5: 110—5 (1991),
`30. David‘J. Hassemer,'Donald A.‘~Wiebe, Ronald H. Laesslig, and David
`D. Koch: Response to Therapy of hypercholesterolemia; standardization
`of cholesterol measurements (letter to the editor)____JAMA 2_63: 375-6
`”31. (Donald A Wiebe: Response to Advantages of initial population
`screen with determinations of total cholesterol'In serum and of lipoproteins
`by electrophoresis C_l___in. Ch_____e__m 3_6 22010 (1990).
`32. W. Greg Miller, Jacob B. Levine, Mike Santulli, Kerry J. Flom, Neil
`Greenberg, Aurthur Kessner, Wendell R O‘Neal, DonaldA. Wiebe, and
`Carol Adiletto: Effect of freezing on cholesterolIn individual sera. Clin.
`C_hem. 37: 584--.5(1991)
`33. James O. Westgard, Per Hytloft; and DonaldA. Wiebe: Laboratory ,
`process specifications for assuring quality in the National Cholesterol
`Education Program (NCEP).'Qfl_n_. Chem. fl: 656-61 (1991).
`34. Gary L. Lensmeyer, Donald A. Wiebe, and Thomas Doran:
`Application of the Empore solid-phase extraction membrane to the
`isolation of drugs from blood. 1. Amlodarone and desmethylamiodarone.
`T_her.’Drug_Monit.1_3: 244-250 (1991).
`35. Joel B. Hansen, H Phillip Lau, ChristopherJ. Janes, Warren K.
`Miller and Donald A Wiebe: Rapid and specific cyclosporine assay for
`the DuPont acadiscrete clinical analyzer performed on Whole blood. J_.
`C_l_in. Lab. _A___nal _5_: 187192 (1991)
`36. Miller WG,Levine JB,Santulli M, Flom KJ, Greenberg N, Kessner a,
`0’Neal WR, Wiebe DW, Adiletto C Effect of freezing on cholesterolIn
`individual sera. Clin. Chem 37: 584-5 (1991)
`37. John C. Schultz, Gary L. Lensmeyer, Nasrollah T. Shahidl, Donald A.
`Wiebe and lan Carlson: Synergistic and antagonistic effects of
`combinations of cyclosporin A and its metabolites on inhibitionof PHA—
`Induced lymphocyte transformatIon In vitro BiochemicalP___harm. 4___2_:
`, 14031410(1991).
`38. Richard R. Love, DonaldA. Wiebe, PollyA. Newcomb, Linda
`Cameron, Howard Leventhal, V Craig Jordan, Jan Feyzi, and David L.
`DeMets: CardIovascular nskfactor effects ofTamoxrfenIn
`postmenopausal women Arm. lntern m. 11_5: 860864 (1991).
`lnfopia Ex. 10'22pg. 7
`’39. James O. Westgard and Donald A Wiebe: Cholesterol operation
`. process specifications for assuring quality required by CLlA proficiency
`testing Cl___i_n. _C___hem. 37: 1938-1944 (1991).
`40. Gary L. Lensmeyer, Donald A. Wiebe, and Barbara Darcey:
`Application of a novel solidphase sorbent (Empore® Membrane) toJIhe
`.‘isolation of tricyclic antidepressant drugs from Blood J Chromatog
`§__ci 2_9: 444—449 (199.1)
`41. Gary L. Lensmeyer, Donald A. Wiebe, and Thomas C. Doran:
`Application of the Empore solid~~phase extraction membrane to the
`~ isolation of drugs from blood: ll mexilitine and flecainide. T_her fig
`M__onit 14: 408415 (1992)
`42. Donald A. Wiebe and James O. Wéstgard: Cholesterol—a model
`system to relate medical needs with analytical performance Clin Chem.
`3__9_:1-5041513 (1993)
`43. Richard R. Love, DonaldA. Wiebe, Jan Feyzi, PollyA Newcomb,
`and Richard J Chappell: Effects of tamoxifen on cardiovascular risk
`factorsIn postmenopausal women after five years. JNCl 8_6: 1534—1539
`44 Gary L. Lensmeyer Carol Onsager, lan H Carlson, and Donald A.
`. Wiebe: Use of particle—loaded membranes to extract steroids for HPLC
`analyses: improved analyte stability and detection. J_ Chrom. A, 691:
`229—246 (1995).
`- 4'5. Gary‘L. Lensmeyer, Terry Kempf, Barry E. Gidal, and Donald A.
`Wiebe: Optimized method forlgabapentin in serum by high performance
`liquid chromatography. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 17:251—258 (1995).
`46 McBride P Plane MB, Underbakke G, Hill R'Wiebe D Medical
`students health habits: Do Future physicianshave healthy lifestyles?
`Wisconsin M_'edical J0urnal 1995; 94:45-46.
`47. David A. Wells, Gary L. Lensmeyer, and Donald A. Wiebe: Particle~ -
`loaded membranes as an alternative to traditional packed-column
`sorbents for drug extraction: indepth compartive study. J_ C__hrom. fig.
`33: 386392 (1995)
`48. Gary L.’ Lensmeyer, Barry E. Gidal, and Donald A. Wiebe: Optimized
`. high-performance liquid chromatography method for lamotrigine in serum
`‘with concomitant determination of phenytoin, carbamazepine and
`carbamazepine epoxide. Th___e_r DLug Monit 19.292300(1997).
`49. Patricia C. Fallest~StrobL Elin Qlafsdottir, DonaldA. Wiebe, and
`James O Westgard: Comparison of NCEP performance specifications
`‘ for trlglycerldes HDL~, and LDL—cholester‘ol with operating specifications:
`lnfopia Ex. 1022 pg. 8
`i l
`basedon clInIcaland analytIcal goals C__linC.hmm4_3: 2164—2168
`50 Nader Rifai, Thomas G. Cole, Elizabeth lannotti, Terence Law,
`Michael Macke, Richard Miller, Dennis Dowd, and DonaldA. Wiebe;
`» Assessment of interlaboratory performanceIn external proficiencytesting
`programs with adirectHDL—cholesterol assay _C_lin Chem. 44: 14521458 '
`‘51. Todd M. Alien, John Sidney, Marie-France del Guerico, Rhonda L
`Glickman, GaryL. LenSmeyer, DonaldA. Wiebe, C. David Pauza, R Paul
`Johnson, Alessandro Sette, and Davidl. Watkins. Characterization of the
`peptide binding motif of a Rhesus MHC classl molecule (mamu—A*01) that
`binds and immunodominant CTL epitope from SlV Journal o_f
`Immunology, 160:6062—6071 (1998);
`52. James H. Stein, Jon G. Keevil, Donald A. Wiebe, Susan
`Aeschlimann, and John D. Folts. Purple grapepjuice improves endothelial
`function and reduces the susceptibility of LDL cholesterol to oxidation in
`patients with cardiovascular disease. Circulation, 10,0:1050—1055 (1999).
`53. James H Stein, Melissa A. Klein, Jennifer L. Bellehumer, Patrick E.
`McBride, Donald A. Wiebe, James D. Otvos, and James M. Sosman. Use
`of human immunodeficiency Virus-1 protease inhibitors is associated with ‘
`endothelial dysfdnction and atherogenic lipoprotein changes. Circulation
`104:257-262 (2001 ).
`54. Mandy L. Porter Christian G. Krueger, DonaldA. Wiebe, David G.
`Cunningham, and Jess D. Reed Cranberry proanthocyanidins associate
`with low-density lipoprotein and inhibitIn vitro copper-induced oxidation.
`55 Eric J. Chou JonG. Keevil, Suéan Aeschlimann, Donald A. Wiebe,
`John D, Folts, and James H. Stein ingestion of purple grape juice
`improves endothelial functionIn patients with coronary heart disease. The
`American Journal of Cardiology 88.553555 (2001).
`56. James HStein, CynthiaM Carlsson Kristi PapckeBenson, Jean A.
`.Einerson, PatrickE. McBride,and DonaldA Wiebe. lnaccuracy of
`portable lipid analysisIn patients with hyperlipidemia. Clin. C__h___em 48: 284—
`.290 (2002).
`57. Andrea R. Terrell T.homasM Daly, Karl G Hock,- Daniel C. Kilgore,.
`Tie Q. Wei, Sharon Hernandez, Don Weibe, Leona Fields Leslie M.-
`Shaw, and MitchellG. Scott. Evaluation of a No—Pretreatment Cyclosporin
`A Assay on the Dade Behring Dimension RXL Clinical Chemistry Analyzer .
`Clin. C__h___em. 48. 10591065 (2002)
`58 Alexander Turchin DonaldA Wiebe, EllenW Seely, TGraham,
`Walter Longo, and Robert Soiffer Severe hypercholesterolemia mediated
`l‘nfopia Ex. 1022 pg. 9 ’
`by lipoprotein XIn patients with chronic graft—versus host disease of the
`liver: a case series and review of the literature. Bone Marrow
`Transplantation 35: 8589 (2005).
`59. James H. Stein, Michelle A. Men/vo'od, Jennifer B». Bellehumeur,
`Patrick E..’McBride, Donald AWiebe, and James M. Sdsman.~Post~ .
`prandial lipoprotein changes"In patients taking antiretroviral therapy for
`human immunodeficiency virus infection Arterioscler. Thromb. V___asc.
`l_3_iol., 25: 399—405 (2005).
`60 Gary L Lensmeyer, Donald A. Wiebe, Neil Binkley, and Marc K
`Drezner. HPLC Method for 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Measurement:
`Comparison with Contemporary Assays_Clin C____hem. 52: 1120—1 126
`61‘. David A.oKatz, David F. Jarrard, Colleen A. McHorney, Steven L. Hills,
`Donald A. Wiebe, and Dennis G. Fryback Health Perceptions in Patients
`Who Undergo Screening and Workup for Prostate Cancer. Urology 69:
`' 215220 (2007)..
`62. Zidan H, Lo 8, Wiebe D, Talano J Alemzadeh R. Severe .
`hypercholesterolemia mediated by lipoprotein XIn a pediatric patient With
`chronic graft—versus—host disease of the liver. Pediatr Blood Cancer 50:
`- 1280—1281 (2008).
`63 DonaldA. Wiebe. The Cholesterol Wars The Skeptics vs the
`Preponderance of Evidence DanielSteinberg Clin. Chem. 55: 1441- 1442
`64. Yetley EA Pfeifter CM, Schleicher RL, Phinney KW, Lacher DA
`Christakos S, Eckfeldt JH, Fleet JC, Howard G Hoofnagle AN, Hui SL,
`' Lensmeyer GL, Massaro J, Peacock M, Rosner B, Wiebe D, Bailey RL,
`1 Coates PM, Looker AC Sempos C, Johnson CL, Picciano MF; Vitamin D
`Roundtable on the NHANES Monitoring of Serum 25(OH)D: Assay
`Challenges and Optionsfor Resolving Them J_N_utr 2010 .
`65. Binkley N, Krueger DC, Morgan 8, Wiebe D. Cur'rent status of clinical
`25-hydroxyvitamin D measurement: an assessment of between—-laboratory
`agreement. Clin Chim Acta. 2010 Dec 14,41 1(23—24): 1976—82.
`66 Lensmeyer G, Poquette M, Wiebe D, and Binkley N The C—3 epimer
`of 25hydroxyvitamin D3Is PresentIn Adult Serum. Journal of Clinical
`Endocrinology 8‘. Metabolism, 2012 Jan,97(1): 163-8.
`67 Hedman CJ, Wiebe DA, Day 8, Plath J, Kemnitz JW,and Ziegler TE
`Development of a Sensitive LC/MS/MS Method for VItamIn D Metabolites,
`1,25 DihydroxyVitamin D2&3 Measurement Using a Novel Derivatization
`Chemistry“!ournal of ChromatographyB, 953—4 (2014) 62—7
`lnfOpia Ex. 1022 'pg. 10
`68. Wiebe D and Binkley N.- Case Report: Three Patients With Substantial
`Serum Levels of 3Epi~25(OH)D including One With 3Epi—25(OH)D2
`While on Highdose Ergocalciferol. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology &
`Metabolism, 2014 Apr;99(4): 111721
`invited papers publishedIn (refereed) conference proceedings:
`1. Donald A Wiebe, l Bruce Rosenzweig, FrankV. Ruzicka, Earl S
`Shrago, and Ernest C. Borden: Selective association of high density
`lipoprotein (HDL) with interferon beta serine. Proceedings of the
`international Society for interferon Research in: The Biology of the
`interferon System 1986,eds. K Cantrell and H. Scheilekens (Boston:
`Martinus Nijhoft Publishers 1987), pp 19—23.
`2. Gary L. Lensmeyer, DonaldA. Wiebe, and lan C. Carlson: Deposition
`of nine metabolites of cyclosporine in human tissues, bile, urine, and
`whole blood ; in: Transplantation Proceedings Vol XX, 614-622(1988).
`3. Fred D. Lasky, Donald M. Powers, David J. Hassemer, and Donald A.
`Wiebe: Quality of fluids used in external quality control programs affects
`the reliable assessment of accuracy of routine methods, as documented
`by cholesterol. in: Quality Control in the Clinical Laboratory '91 Ed's. T.
`Kawai, Y Ohba, et al. (Amsterdam: Excerpta Medi‘ca, 1992), pp 199208.
`4. Donald'A. Wiebe: Lipids and lipcproteins beyond the year 2000.
`Presented at Frontiers inLipids‘ and Lipoproteins, Atlanta, GA Sept 93,
`in Atherosclerosis 108 (suppl) 8181—8189. (1994).
`ChaptersIn books.
`- 1 Donald J. Burton and DonaldA: Wiebe: Preparation of 2—
`TrifIUOIOmethyl—333,Trifluoropropanoal. In Efficient Preparation of Fluorine
`Compounds Ed H.W. Roesky, Wiley and Sons 2012 pp 250-1.
`. 2. DonaldA. Wiebeand G Russell WarnIck Measurement ofhigh density ‘
`lipOprotein cholesterol concentration. in Methods for Clinical Laboratory
`Measurement of Lipid and Lipoprotein Risk Factors. Eds. N. Rifai and
`G R. WarniCk, AACC Press Washington DC, 1991, pp 61 7-4.
`3. Donald A. Wiebe and Thomas Spillman: Lipids and Lipoproteins. in
`. Clinical Chemistm. Listen, Look and Learn Series from Health and
`Education Resources, Bethesda, 1991, pp 77-84.
`4. DonaldA. WiebezlLipids In Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Eds R.,-c‘
`- Tilton A. Balows, D. C. Hohnadel, and R. F. Relss, Mosby Year Book St.
`Louis, 1992, pp 125134
`lnfopia' Ex. 1022 pg. 11
`_ .
`5. DonaldA.’Wiebe and Joseph D.Artiss: Lipids, Lipdproteins, and 7
`‘Apoproteins In Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Ed KD. McClatchey,
`Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1994‘, pp. 287—302.
`6 Donald A Wiebe and G. Russell Warnick: Measurement of high— .
`density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration. in Laboratory Measurement
`of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Apolipoproteins Risk Factors Eds. Nader Rifai
`and G Russell WarnIck AACC Press, Wash DC, 1994, pp 91—105.
`7 DonaldA’. Wiebe and G. Russell WarnIck Measurement of high-
`. density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration In Handbook of Lipoprotein
`Testing. Eds. Nader RIfaI G Russell WarnIck and MarekH. Dominiczak,
`AACC Press, Wash DC, 1997, pp. 127- 144.
`8. Matthias A. Nauck, Donald A. Wiebe and G. Russell Warnick:
`Measurement of highdensity. lipoprotein cholesterol concentration. in
`Handbook of Lipoprotein Testing. Eds. Nader RIfaI G. RUSsell WarnIck
`and Marek H. Dominiczak, AACC Press, Wash DC, 2000 pp. 221-244.
`Contributed papers and/or abstracts:
`1 Donald A. Wiebe and Donald J. Burton: The selective halogenation of
`'a-hydrofluorinated aldehydes American Chemical Society,_Abstract of
`Paperss_1_64: FLUO 021 (1972).
`, 2. D. A. Wiebe, R D Feld, and D. L Witte: Lipoprotein associated
`alkaline phosphatase. Clin Ch__e_m ,2_5: 1155 (1979).
`lnfopia Ex. 1022 pg. 12’7".) .
`3. O. R. Flores R Feld, D. Wiebe, andJ Pfhold: Total and HDL
`cholesterol measurement by oxygen rate methodology ~~ from the
`, research enVIronment to the clinical laboratory. _C_lin. CLem.25: 1074
`4 D A. Wiebe, D L. Witte, and R. D. Feld: Alkaline phosphatase and
`gamma glutamyl transferase‘ associated with lipoproteins. Cl_in. Chem.
`_ 26 1027 (1980).
`5. D. A. Wiebe, J. S. Hazlehurst, and G. R. Cooper. EValuationof
`interference from manganese ChlorideIn enzymatic measurement of
`‘ high-~density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) with phosphate~butfered
`reagents. C_lin. _C____hem. 27: 1046 (1981)
`.6. David D. Koch, Mary M Cypert, and Donald A. Wiebe: Evaluation of
`the Ames Seralyzer solid phase reflectance potassium method. Clin
`C_hem..3_1 966 (1985).
`7 D. A. Wiebe, D D. Koch, BFields, andH. Sollinger: Pancreas
`transplant rejectiOn episodes monitored by urine amylase measurement.
`ClinChem. 32: 1139 (1986).
`I. Bruce Rosenzweig,‘Ernest C..Borden, Donald A. Wiebe, Barry .
`Storer, and Earl S, Shrago: Dose-dependent hypocholesterolemic
`response induced by lNF Bser‘in man. Presented at the International
`* Society for interferon Research, Finland (1986).
`' 9. DonaldA. Wiebe, l. Bruce Rosenzweig, Frank V. Ruzicka, Earl S.-
`. Shrago, and Ernest C. Borden: Selective association of high density
`lipoprotein (HDL) with interferon bets serine‘. Presented at the
`international Society for Interferon Research, Finland (1986).
`10. l B Rosenzweig, D A Wiebe, E S Shrago, and E C. Borden:
`Effect of interferon beta serine and plasma lipoproteins'In renal celt
`carcinoma patients. FASEB 4_5: 844 (1987)
`11. Scott Reich, Donald Wiebe, and David Kochz'lnterference from;
`immunoglobins in the Hitachi 737 endpoint urease method for blood
`urea nitrogen (BUN). gm. Chem._fl 1010 (1987).
`. 12. Dennis Dowd, David Koch, Donald Wiebe, and Donald Feldbruegge:
`Development of a rate BUN method for Lise on the Hiachi737. Qfl. Chem.
`_33 1010 (1987).
`, 13. Gary Lensrneyer, Donald Wiebe and lan Carlson: Temperature-
`dependent distribution of cyclosporine (CsA) metabolites amongst
`cells/plasma in whole blood. gm. Chem. Q 979 (1987).
`14 Donald Wiebe, David Hassemer, and Tim Kramer: Wisconsin
`cholesterol survey: Presented at the NBS: Clinical Laboratory
`Measurements. Accuracy and Patient Needs meeting, Maryland, October,
`15 Michael J Strassman, Mary Muckerheide, Karen Mugan, Gay
`McManamy, Rhee Kim, Barbara Darcey, lan Carlson and Donald A
`Wiebe: Evaluation of the Abbott TDx whole blood cyclosporine assay.
`C_l__in Chem 34: 1269 (1988).
`16. Gary Lensmeyer, Diane deVos, Jane Horswill,‘Deborah Rohde, lan
`‘ Carlson, and Donald Wiebe: Cross reactivity study of cyclospo‘rine
`. metabolites with three commercial whole bloodImmunoassays Cli____n_
`Chem. 34: 1269 (1988)
`- 17. David J. Hassemer, David D.- Koch, and DonaIdA. Wiebe: Four
`commercially available cholesterol methods meet 1992 NCEP guidelines.
`(Clin. Che__r'_n_ 3_4: 1231 (1988).
`18. P. E McBride, M B. Plane, and D. Wiebe: Apolipoproteins A-l and B
`in young adults. Associations with CHD risk factors Presented at the .
`' National Heart, Lung, and Blood lnstitute's PCAA 10th Annual MeetingIn
`‘ Bethesda, Md, April (1989).
`lnfopia Ex. 1022 pg. 13
`19. DavidJ. Hassemer, Tim Kramer, and Donald Wiebe: The Wisconsin
`cholesterol study—an assessment of laboratory performance. Presented
`.at the National Cholesterol Conference, Washington, D C. November
`, Koch.
`20 Martina Tse, Donald Feldbruegge, Donald Wiebe, and David D.
`Accurate cholesterol results by modification of Roche enzymatic method
`parameters. C_l_in Ch__e_m 3_5: 1068 (1989).
`' 21. David J. Hassemer, Donald Wiebe, and Tim Kramer: The Wisconsin
`cholesterol study—an assessment of laboratory performance. Cl__i_n Chem.
`35: 1068 (1989).
`22. FD Lasky, DM Powers, DJ Hassemer, and DA Wiebe: Cholesterol
`determination in proficiency testing fluids is inadequate to demonstrate
`accuracy in patient specimens. Presented at 8th European Congress of
`Clinical Chemistry (lFCC), Milan, Italy, June, 1989.
`23. RR Love, DA Wiebe, and DL DeMets: Effects of tamoXifen in
`postmenopausal women after 12 months: results from a controlled trial
`Presented at 15 international Cancer Congress, Hamburg, Germany,
`August 1990
`24. WG Miller, J Levine, M Santulli, KJ Flom, N Greenberg, A Kessner,‘W
`, 0‘Neal and DA Wiebe: Effect of freezing on cholesterol'In individual
`sera. Clin. Chem 36: 965 (1990)
`25. Gary L. Lensmeyer and Donald A. Wiebe: Application of the Empore '
`extraction disk to the analysis of amiodarone and its metabolite. Gin.
`‘Chem. E: 1048 (1990). ,
`26. Michael A. Poquette and Donald A. Wiebe: Single screening
`[confirmation urine drug analysis. m. Chem. 3_6_: 1026 (1990).
`. 27. Gary L. Lensmeyer and Donald A. Wiebe: Application ‘of the Empore
`solid—phasezextraction diskto‘ isolation of drugs from blood:‘Presented at
`the Minnesota Chromatography Forum, St Paul, MN, March 1990
`28 FD Lasky, D.M Powers, D.J. Hassemer, and DA. Wiebe: Target
`value aSSignment'In proficiency testing programs: is usingreference ’
`methods a valid approach?__Clin. Chem. 37. 957 (1991)
`29. Richard R Love, DonaldA. Wiebe, Jan M. Fryzi, Polly A. Nechmb,
`and David L. DeMets: Effects of tamoxifen on cardiovascular risk factors .
`in postmenopausal women after 5 years. Presented at the 1993 ASCO
`meeting in Orlando, FL.
`i 30. KayA. Ringelstetter, Donald H Feldbr'uegge, JoAnn M Golesh. and
`Donald A Wiebe: Evaluation of lNCSTAR Lp(a) kit method on the Cobas
`FARA ll .C_lin. C_h__em. 39: 1124 (1993)
`lnfopia Ex. 1022 pg. 14
`31. G..L Lensmeyer, D. A Wiebe, and D A. Wells: Extraction of
`amiodarone and desethylaminodarone from serum using particle—loaded
`, membranes: method optimization and comparison to large particle SPE
`~ columns. Presented at the Pittsburgh Conference, Chicago, March 1994.
`32. ' Gary L. Lensmeyer, i’an H. Carlson, Donald A. Wiebe, and Carol
`Orisager: Use of particle-loaded membranes to extract s'erum steroids for
`HPLC analysis: improved analyte stability and detection. Presented at
`the 18th international Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography,
`Minneapolis, MN, May1994.
`33. Elin Oiafsdottir, Donald A, Wiebe, and James O. Westgard:
`performanceSpecifications for triglycerides and HDL cholesterol
`' based
`on proficiency testing outcome criteria. Presented at CDC's
`Frontiers in Laboratory Practice Research, Atlanta, GA, October, 1995.’
`34. Eiin Olafsdottir, Donald A, Wiebe, and James O. Westgard:
`relevant performance specifications for triglycerides and HDL
`. cholesterol based on clinical decision intervals. Presented at CDC‘8
`FrontiersIn Laboratory Practice Research, Atlanta, GA, October, 1995.
`35‘. JB Watson, JM Goiesh, LM Sabatini, KV Voelkerding, and DA Wiebe:
`Optimization of a PCR-RFLP based apoiiporotein E genotyping assay.
`Presented at the Association for Molecular Pathology meeting,
`Minneapolis, MN, November1995
`‘36. Gary Lensmeyer and Donald Wiebe: Lamotrigine and three other
`anticonvulsant drugs, measured concominantlyIn serum using disk
`extraction and HPLC Q___iin. C___h____’em 42: 8218 (1996).
`37. Patti Faliest~StrobL Eiin Olafsdottir, DonaidA, Wiebe, and James O.
`Westgard: Comparison of NCEP performance specifications for
`triglycerides, HDL, and LDL cholesterol with operating specifications ,
`based on NCEP clinical and analytical goals C_lin. _C___hem. 4218272
`38. Barbara M. Hill, DavidJ Hassemer, and DonaidA Wiebe. Long-
`term stability of human based serum cholesterol pools prepared by,
`‘ standard addition. Presentation at the Frontiers in Lipid and Lipoprotein
`* Research Meeting, Dallas, TX,'October,,1996.
`39. Nader Rifai, Elizabeth iannotti, 'i'erence Law, Thomas G. Coie,'Anne
`Schmitt, Michael Macke, DonaidA. Wiebe, DennisE. Dowd, Richard C.
`> Miller. Muiticen‘ter evaluation of Boehringer Mannheim Corporation’s
`automated direct HDL-cholesterol assay using Hitachi analyZers.
`. w ‘
`Accepted for preSentation at the National AACC meeting, Atlanta, GA,
`July, 1997
`infopia‘Ex. 1022 pg. 15
`40.‘Todd M Allen, John Sidney, Marie—France deIGuerico, Rhonda L
`Glickman, Gary L Lensmeyer, Dona-Id A Wiebe, C David Pauza, R Paul
`Johnson, AIessandro.Sette, David I Watkins. Characterization of the ,
`peptide binding motif of a rhesus MHC class I molecule (Mamu—A*O1) that
`bindsan immunodominant CTL epitope from SIV. Presented at the
`’ Molecular Determinants of Microbial Immunity Conference Newport
`Beach, CA, Feb. 1998]
`‘ 41. Jon G. Keevil, Don Wiebe, John D. Folts. Purple grape juice protects
`LDLfrom oxidation in patients with coronary arter disease taking vitamin
`E Presented at the 1999 American College of Cardiology meeting in New
`Orleans March, 1999.
`42. Krueger, C.G., Porter, M.L., Wiebe, D.A., Cunningham, D.G., and.
`Reed, J .D. Potential of cranberry flavonoids in the prevention of copper—
`inddced LDL oxidation Presented at Polyphenols Communications 2000,
`XXth International Conference on Polyphenols heldIn Freising, Germany,
`September, 2000
`43. Lehmann, P‘., Busse-Grawitz, A, Cobbaert, 0., Cole, T. Wiebe, DA,
`and et. al, Multicenter evaluation of a new liquid formulation of
`homogeneous assay for HDL—Cholesterol. Presen