`ISSUED ON JULY 18, 2005
`Infopia Ex. 1009 pg.


`OCT 1 8 2005
`PMIUN BUG 1:311
`1860 Lincoln Street. Suite 2050
`(303) 830-1776
`Facsimile (303) 894-9239
`Octobe 18,2005
`Application Number
`Patent Number
`10/329044»Conf. #7458
`Sunii «.1Anaokar etal.
`8 Patent and Trademark Office
`(.71) 273-8300
`‘ Carl A Forest
`(303) 394-6114
`Attorney Dkt. #:
`PAGES (Including - over Sheet):
`CONTENTS: Certi cate of Transmission (1 page)
`Am dment in Response to Non-Final Office Action Mailed 07/18/2005 (1 1 pages)
`Facsimile: (303) 894—9239
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`PM 1113 * RCVD AT 1011812105 6:05:41 PM [Easlem DaylighiTime1" SVR:USPTO-EFXRF<5!29 * DNIS:2738301 * CSID:+* DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`lnfopia Ex. 1009 pg. 2


`Application No. (if knp n): 10/329044
`Attorney Docke1 No.: 023134.0110PTUS
`PTO/$8197 (0904)
`Approved foruso trough 07’31/2006. OMB 0651-0031
`Cert ficate of Transmission under 37 CFR 1.8
`I hereby ca 'fy that this correspondence is being fawimile transmitted to the United
`States Par tend Trademark Office.
`«amber 18 2005
`(11 pages)
`CZ}L... 6. YMKS
`Elaine C. Vons nreckelsen
`Typed or primed name of person slgningeoenifimte
`303 894-8163
`Telephone Number
`Registraf- n Number. if applicable
`Ea paper must have its own certificate of transmission. or (his certificate must
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`Am - ndment in Response to Non—Final Office Action Mailed 07/18/2005
`PAGE 2113* RCVD AT 1011812005 6:05:41 PM [Eastern DaylightTime] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6I29 * DNIS:2738300 * CSID:+* DURATION (mmes):02-50
`Infopia Ex. 1009 pg. 3


`OCT 1 8 2005
`- Docket No.: 023134.0110PTUS
`(Fannedy 01726-0001(G))
`In re Patent Applicafio . o :
`Sunil G. Anaokar er: a1.
`Application No.: 10/32 " 044
`Confinnafion No.: 7458
`Filed: December 23, 202
`An; Unit: 1655
`Examiner: R. J. Gitomer
`A Ll Ll.
`MS Amendment
`Cbmmissioner for Pate - 13
`RC. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313- 450
`Dear Sir:
`In response to ac Office Anion dated July 18, 2005, please amend the above-identified US.
`patent application as fo ows:
`Amendments u the Specification begin on page 2 of this paper.
`Amendments .. the Claims are reflected in the listing of claims which begins ‘on page 3 of
`this Paper»
`. Remafiis/ -
`ens begin on page 8 of this paper.
`Serial No. 10/3'29,o44
`Anzendmems And Re .
`Office Action
`Page 1 bf 11
`- Responsive To
`afled 07/ 18/ 2005
`PAGE 3113* ROVD AT 10I18!2005 5:05:41 PM [Eastern Déyflght Tlme] " SVR2USPTO-EFXRF-6129" DNIS:2738300* CSIDt‘Pf DURATION (mm-ss):0260
`lnfopia Ex. 1009 pg. 4


`ph 2 on page 2 of the Office Action, on page 1, line 5 of the application,
`please amend the title
`Pursuant to p
`WMethod For Determining
`DI. Concexnmfion From Whole Blood Or Plasma
`Serial No. 10/ 329,044
`Amendments And Re
`Office Action
`Page 2 of 11
`35:3 Responsive To
`PAGE 4113‘ RCVD AT 10118f2005 6:05:41 PM [Easlem Daylight Time]‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6l29* DNIS:2738300‘CSID:+* DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`Infopia Ex. 1009 pg. 5


`CLAIM L15 111353
`amended) A method of ‘detennining concentration of I-IDL cholesceml
`in a whole blood samp- , said method comprising:
`providin_ a test snip holder and a (25; gig; said m; grip hglder inelgggan
`Mlicmionwindowanda‘1 t: I I_ ’ Clo'. saidwindo COIIL ;
`61 ll- 38005116;
`in said holder said tes
`a-mn'sin_ a layered Slack comprising a red blood cell separation layer,
`a non-HDL separation chemisuy layer, and an HDL reaction layer; said non-HDL cholesterol
`separation chemistry la "1- cantaining non-HDL cholesterol sepaxation chemicals far sepaxating the
`non-HDL blood co - - unents from the HDL blood components so that the non-HDL carnponcnts
`- reactiori in said HDL reaction layer, said I-lDL reaction layer containing
`do nor. participate in
`chemicals for reacting -
`. said HD1131, said layers arranged in a vertical stackM
`fiacn'on la -rat the b0 _- u o s'- sun:
`~ Said tesr stri- located in said res: stri- holder bemeen a-
`._ ws withsaidrea ionla rao.' n s.-i m-srea'
`' dow;
`applying blood to the top of said stackWW and
`permitting is [L ‘d from .- - ood to flow vertically downward in said stack to said ‘HDL reaction
`layer without subs u -
`lateral migration of fluidMy,
`sepaia-n'g said red blood cells from a fluid portion of said blood ia—said—sed—bleed
`; said non-HDL cholesnerol from said HDL cholesterol twangW
`said non-HDL i . - 0 _-.ins with said non-HDL cholesterol separation chemicals; and
`reactingaid HDLW'm said HDL reaction layergnnd
`ofsaid reaccionla rthro ;h saidre .
`_. 9.:
`risen- [in If d’LChO ' ten .
`;‘ not a an: 3:
`(Previo 1y presented) The method of claim 21 wherein:
`said providing c ompzises Providing Said red blood cell separation layer Mthout including an
`agglutinin or a coagulan ;
`Serial NO. 10/329,044
`Amendments And Be
`Office Action '
`Page 3 of 11
`fits Responsive To
`. ' ed 07/18/2005
`PAGE 5113 ’ RCVD AT 10118120056101“ PM [Eastern Daylight Time] 1 SVRIUSPTO-EFXRF-6129‘ 011182138300 ‘ CSID:+‘l DURATION (mm-ss):0260
`InfopialEx. 1009 pg. 6


`Frum-PATTDN 80665
`and said sepata ' g said red blood cells is performed without agglutinizing 0r coagulating
`said red blood cells.
`(Previo lypresented) The method of claim 21 wherein Said reaming compriSes
`generating a color res
`location that is subs
`use and said method further comprises reading said colored response at a
`vertically aligned with the blood application area of said snack.
`blood cell separation
`(Previo 1y presented) The method of claim 21 wherein said providing said red
`r comprises providing glass fibexs having 21 EM average diameter and glass
`fibers having a second
`emge diameter that is less than said first average diameter.
`(Previo 1y presented) The method of claim 21 wherein said providing said red
`blood cell separation la
`r comprises impregnating said red blood cell sepsmtion layer with a salt.
`(vaio lypresemed) The mthod of claim 25 whexein said impregnating comprises
`impregnating said red load cell separation layer with a solutiou in which the salt concentratioii
`‘ camprises about 0.56.0 /o byweight of said solution
`(Previo lypresented) The method of claim 21 wherein said providing said red
`blood cell separation la
`r comprises impregnating Said red blood cell separatiOn layer with a wetting
`(I’revio lypresented) The method of claim 27 wherein said providing said red
`blood cell separation in
`r comprises impregnating said red blood cell separation layer with a sugar.
`(Previo ly presented) The method of claim 28 wherein said impregnating comprises
`impregnating said red b ood cell separation layer with a sorbitol solution, the concentratiOn of which
`compriScs 3% tolO°/o s rbitol by weight of said solution.
`l‘ks Responsive To
`ailed 07/ 18/2005
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Amendments And Re
`Office Action
`Page 4 of 11
`PAGE 6“? RCVD AT 10l13l2005 6:05:41 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] ’_SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6129* DNIS:2738300‘ CS!D:+* DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`lnfopia Ex. 1009 pg. 7


`said I-lDL cholesrerol c mprises precipitating said non-HDL cholesterol.
`(Previo lypresented) The method of claim 30 wherein said providing saidn‘on-
`HDL cholesrerol sep
`tion chemistry layer comprises impregmring said non-HDL cholesterol
`separation chemistry la
`rwith phosphonmgscic acid (PTA).
`(Previo lypresenred) The method of claim 31 wherein said providing said non-
`HDL cholesterol sep
`u'on chemisrry layer comprises impregiating said non-HDL cholesterol
`separation chemisn-yla
`rwith Said PTA and a divalent. cation.
`(Previo lypresentcd) The method of claim 21 whemin said providing comprises
`smoking said red blood cell separation layer above saidnon-HDL cholesrerol separation chemistry
`‘ (Previo 1ypresented) The method of claim 33 wherein said providing comprises
`providing a red blood c ll separation layer comprising glass fiber.
`. (Previo 1y presented) The method of claim 34 wherein said providing said red
`blood cell separation la er comprises providing a first glass fiber layer with glass fibers having a firm
`average diameter and p
`a second glass fiber layer having glans fibers having a seCOnd average
`said first average diameter.
`diameter that is less
`(Previo lypresenred) The method of claim 35 wherein said providing Said nOn-
`HDL cholesrerol se
` '
`:1 layer comprises providing said second glass fiber layer andunpregnating
`said second glass fiber yer with said non-HDL cholescerol separation chemicals
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Amendments And Re
`Oflice Action
`Page 5 of 11
`firs ResPonsive To
`ailed 07/ 18/2005
`PAGE ”13’ RCVD AT 10l18l20056105I41 PM [Eastern DayflghtpTime] " SVRIUSPTO'EFXRF-6l29 " DNIS:2738300 ‘ (ISlDfl-a DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`lnfopia Ex. 1009 pg. 8


`(Previo 1ypresented) The method of claim 21 wherein:
`said providing unher comprises providing said layered Stack with a di3persement layer
`above said red blood
`separation layer, said non-HDL sepamtiou chemistry layer, and said HD1—
`detecrion layer; and
`said method f
`er comprising permitting said blood to disperse laterally across said
`dispersement layer.
`layer, a non-HDL se
`nation chemisny layer, and an I-IDL motion layer; Said red blood cell
`separation layer not co taining an agglutirfin or a coagulant; said non-HDL cholesterol separation
`chemistry layer con '
`non-HDL cholesterol separation chemicals for separating the nonJ-iDL
`blood components fro
`the HDL blood components so that the non-HDL components do not
`participate in the meal 11 in said HDL reaction layer; said HDL reaction layer containing chemicals
`for reacdng with said
`L; said layers arranged in a vertical stackwith said dispersement layer at the
`top and said HDL reac n layer at the bottom;
`applying blood to said dispersemmt layer and permitting itMM to
`first flow latenally acres said dispersement layer and then to flow vertically downward in said stack
`to said HDL reaction 1
`I withom subsmntial lateral migration of fluid in below said d__:§_p‘exsement
`' g said red blood cells from a fluid portion of said blood in said red blood
`cell separation layer,
`sepam ' g said non—HDL cholesterol from said HDL cholesterol using said neu-
`HDL cholesmrol se
`'on chemicals;
`reacting aid HDL in said HDL reaction layer in a colorimetric reaction; and '
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Responsive To
`Amendments And Re
`iled 07/ 18/2005 .
`Office Action
`Page 6 of 11

`PAGE 8l13 ‘ RCVD AT 10l18l2005 6:05:41 PM [Eastern DayllghtTimer SVR:USPTO-iFXRF-6!29 * DNIS:2738300 " CSID:+‘ DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`Infopia Ex. 1009 pg. 9


`From-PATTDN 80365
`the HDL cholesterol concentration in said reacdon layer by measuring
`the reflectance of said
`acfion layer after said colorimetric reaccion.
`(Previo lypresented) The method of claim 39 wherein said providing comprises
`stacking said red blood cell separation layer above said n0nuHDL cholesmrol separation chemistry
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Amendments And Rc
`Office Action
`Page 7 of 11
`Responsive To
`filed 07/18/2005
`PAGE 9113* RCVD AT 10118120115 6:05:41 P111 [Eastem Dayfight Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6129 " DNIS:2738300 " 0811):“ DURATION (mmes):o2-50
`A Infopia Ex. 1009 pg. 10


`From-PATTON 80558
`Claim 21 — 4O ..
`- cunentlypending in the inseam application.
`The undersigne thanls the Examinersfor the telephone conversation on October 18,2005,
`which clarified several pects of the Office Acrion. These aspecrs will be pointed out below and
`comprise a complete - nnd of the telephone conversation.WW
`wlicants’ ($5.001 _. t.
`f _L' issues herein ‘
`is s;an ..i
`,_ 1-,...Ju; _'._
`the undersi-ned to schea ule an interview so tha . nlicant can discuss the issue with the Examiner.
`In the Office ' . “'13, the Examiner, States that the title is nOt descriptive. Applicants assume
`the Examiner means
`u .t the worth “Test Strip” are no longer applicable because, due to the
`resm'ction requirement,
`a present claims are now all method claim. Applicants have amendedthe .
`title based on this ass
`The Office Action sures that no priority is granted in View of statements on page. 7 of the
`the telephone conversation the Examiner confirmed that he is referring to
`present Specification. I
`the statement at page ', lines 10 - 21, and agreed tlmt this statement, at most relates only to
`insomuch of the provis anal that discloses that the red blood cells are completely separated in the
`first glass fiber layer.
`1 us, all Other aspects, including the order of the layers and the downward
`vertical flow do have p . on'tyto the provisional application.
`The Office Actinn states that the presently claimed feature of the saniple flows verticallyis ‘
`given no weight. In th telephone conversation, the Examiner pointed out that the basis for this
`mtcment was that cla'- 21 did no: adequately define what flowing downward meant, because the
`location of’ the layer
`blood was flowing to was nor. given This has been corrected by
`amendment. While u
`. .. g this amendment,it was noted that there was some lack of clarityin the
`claim, because the b c . A- was indicated to be flawing downward to the reaction layer, Whereas it is
`onlythe blood fluid tha flows dOanard, and at lean some of the red blood cells are retained in the
`upper layers. This has . 0 been clarified by amendment.
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Responsive To
`Amendments And Re - ,
`Office Action I had 07/ 18/ 2005
`Page 8 of 11
`PAGE 10l13 ‘ RCVD Al 10!18l20056:05:41 PM [Eastern Daylighl Time] ‘ SVRiUSPTO-EFXRF-fillg * DNIS:2738300 * CSID:+* DURATION (mm-SS):02-50
`‘Infopia Ex. 1009 pg. 11 *


`Beet AVAILABLE copy
`The Examiner s
`tes that he believes the present invention may reside in the precipitation
`and retention of non-
`L takes place in the same layer of a teSt strip. As indicated below,
`The Examiner
`anticipated by Thakore
`discloses a method of
`as rejected claims 21, 23, and 30 — 34‘ under 35 use 102(b) as being
`Patent No. 5,135,716). This rejection is respectfully traversed.
`aSuremem: of HDL cholesterol via dry chemistry test Strips in which the
`flow of blood is vertica
`upward to an HDL reaction layer 6. Thus, it does no: show the feature of
`claim 21 that the HD reacrion layer is on the borrom of the Stack and the blood fhfid flows
`downward to the HDL eaction layer. Claims 23 and 30 - 34 depend on claim 21 and include all its ‘
`limitations, and for at 1e
`t this reason arealso patenmble.
`tejecred claims 22,‘ 27, and 37 — 40 under 35 USC 103(a) as being
`The Examiner
`unpatenmble over the ombination of Thakore (US Patent No. 5,135,716) in View of Kozak (US
`Patent No. 5,460,974). This rejection is respectfully traversed. The combination of 'I'haloore with
`system where the blood fluid flows vertically downward with substantially
`Kozak does not teach
`the red blood cell separation and HDL chemistry layers. Kozak teaches
`no lateral flow throu
`lateral flow for the s m to work in all its embodiments. In the first three embodiments, Kozak
`In the embodiment of FIG. 4, lateral flow is not discussed, but
`since there is no disPe ement layer and there is a closed bottom 82, significant lateral flow will
`inherently occur in th lower layers. Momover, while at column 14, line 64, Kozak says the
`agglutinin 0r coagulan is optional,
`if the entire disclosure is read, it is apparent that this is
`considered optional, be ause in the embOdimenrs of FIGS. 1 and 2 Where there is required Interal
`'d away from the test layers, it is optional In the embodiment of FIG. 4,
`flow which moves the
`an agglutinin, namely
`, was incmpomted into each tesr: sample, and there is no discussion of
`this being optional. Se column 25, lines 44 - 58 and column 30, lines 64 —: 66. Thus, key'features
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Amendments And Re
`Office Action
`Page 9 of 11
`Responsive 'I'o
`ailcd 07/ 18/ZOQS
`PAGE 11l13 ’ RCVD AT 10113l2005 6:05:41 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVRIUSPTO-EFXRF-fil29* DNlS:2738300* CSID:+‘ DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`Infopia EX. 1009 pg. 12


`From-PATTUN 801368
`of claims 21, 22, and 39 are not included in the combination. Since claims 27, 37, and 38 depend on
`claim 21, and claim 40
`pends on claim 39, these claims are patenmble for at least this reason.
`The Examiner
`rejected claims 24 — 29 under 35 USC103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Thakore (US Patent N . 5,135,716) as applied to claims 21, 23, and 30 — 34 above, and funher in
`view of Carroll (US Pa nt No. 6,040,195). This rejection is respeccfully traversed. Carroll does not
`' n of claim 21, since it requires substantial lateral HOW below the top layer.
`add anything to the reje
`It also does not teach, HDL detection system While LDL and HDL cholesuerol is mentioned in
`column 2, line 33 and olumn 3, line 47, there is no further discussion of HDL in thepatent that
`would suggest how to s Ive the problems the present invention solves. Claims 24 - 29 depend on
`claim 21 and include
`its limitations, and therefore these claims an: patenmble at least for that
`rejected claims 35 and 36 finder 35 USC 103(3) as being unpatenmble
`The Examiner
`over 'I'hakore (US Pate t No.‘ 5,135,716) as applicdto claims 21, 23, and 30— 34 above, and further
`in View of each of Ri
`dorf (US Patent No. 5,426,030) and Goldman (US Patent No. 6,844,1.49)
`traversed. Both Rittersdod and Goldman require subStantial lateral
`This rejection is respe
`flow below the top laye , and thus teach against the above-discussed limitations of claim 21. Claims
`35 and 36 depend on claim 21 and include all
`its limitations, and therefom these claims are
`t reason.
`patenmble at least for
`The Examiner
`indefinite for failing
`rejected claims 21- 40 under 35 USC 112, second paragraph, as being
`particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which
`in condition for allo
`Serial No. 10/ 329,044
`Amendments And Re
`Office Actiou
`V Page 10 of 11
`PAGE 12113 ‘ RCVD AT 1011812005 6:05:41 PM [Eastern Dayllght Tlmel‘ SVRiUSPTO-EFXRF-0129 ‘ 11111812738300 " CS1D:+* DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`Infopia Ex. 1009 pg. 13’


`due, please charge our
`eposit Accoam No. 50-1848, under Order No. 023134.0110PT’US from
`which the undersigned ' authorized to draw.
`Customer No. 24283
`Respectfully submitted,
`Carl A. onest
`Registration No.: 28,494
`E303) 894-6114
`303) 894-9239 (Fax)
`Attorney for Applicants
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Amendmenm And Re
`Office Action
`Page 11 of 11
`rks Responsive To
`iled 07/ 13/2005
`' PAGE 13!13 ‘ RCVD AT 10118l2005 6:05:41 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]‘ SVRiUSPTO-EFXRF-Bm * DNIS:2738300‘ CSlDFI’t DURATION (mm-ss):02-50
`lnfopia Ex. 1009 pg. 14

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