`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 1
`AllllllllEY 3 ll lllW
`JUN 06 2005
`Denver CO 80264
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`Examiner Ralph J. Gitomer
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`Client Number:
`June 6, 2005
`Serial No.:
`23 Dec 2003
`Filing Date:
`Conflnnation No.:
`Group Art Unit: 1651
`. Examiner. V
`Gitomer. Ralph J.
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`6,2005 (6 pages)
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`PAGE 120* RCVD AT fili02005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l6 * DNIS:8729306* CSID:+* DURATION (mmss):05-3ii
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 2
`JUN 08 2005
`Group Art Unit:
`1651 '
`Gitomer. Ralph J.
`Docket No: 023134.0110PTUS
`(Formerly 01726—0001(G))
`Confirmation .No.:
`10/329,044 )
`U.S. Patent Application No.:
`Filing Date: December 23, 2003
`For: Test Strip And Method For Determining )
`HDL Concentration From Whole BlOOd
`. Or Plasma
`) )
`A Ircants: Anaokar et al.
`3 Is 0 u
`ndence. along with all papers referred to as being transmitted. are being facsimile transmitted to the
`i hereby certify that this cor:
`Patent and Trademark Office ax No. (703) 372-9306.
`Elaine C. VonSpreckelsen
`PO. BOX 1450
`ALEXANDRIA, VA 22313-1460
`Dear Sir:
`These Amendments and Remarks are responsive to the Office Action mailed May 6,
`2005. A copy of a Revocation Of Power Of Attorney With New Power Of Attomey And
`Change Of Correspondence Address (Form PTO/SB/82), along with a Statement Under 37
`CFR 3.73(b) (Form PTO/SB/QG), with attachments. which are being filed in the USPTO
`today in a separate paper are enclosed.
`Serial No. 10I329,044
`Amendments And Remarks Responsive To 7
`Office Action Mailed 05/06/05
`Page 1 of 6
`. 215418v2
`PAGE 020* ROW AT 602005 2:45:10 Pill [Eastern Daylight Time]‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l6 ‘ DNIS:8?29306 ’ CSIDrt‘ DURATlON (mmrss):05-38
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 3
`From-PATTON 80585
`Claims‘l —20
`(Canceled) .
`(New) A method of determining concentration of HDL cholesterol in a whole
`blood sample, said method comprising:
`providing a layered stack comprising a red blood cell separation layer, a non-
`HDL separation chemistry layer, and an HDL reaction layer. said non—HDL cholesterol
`separation chemistry layer containing non-HDL cholesterol separation chemicals for
`separating the non-HDL blood components from the HDL blood components so that the
`non-HDL components do not participate in the reaction in said HDL reaction layer; said
`HDL reaction layer containing chemicals fer reacting with said HDL; said layers arranged in
`a vertical stack;
`applying blood to the top of said stack and permitting it to flow vertically
`downward in said stack to said HDL reaction layer without substantial lateral migration of
`separating said red blood cells from a fluid portiOn of said blood in said red
`blood cell separation layer,
`d) '
`separating said non-HDL cholesterol from said HDL cholesterol using said
`non-HDL cholesterol separation chemicalsmnd
`reacting said HDL in said HDL reaction layer.
`(New) The method of claim 21 wherein:
`said providing comprises providing said red blood cell separation layer without
`including an agglutinin or a coagulant;
`and said separating said red blood cells is performed without .agglutinizing or
`coagulating said red blood cells.
`(New) The method of claim 21 wherein said reacting comprises generating a
`color response and said method further comprises reading said colored response at a
`location that is substantially vertically aligned with the blood application area of said stack.
`(New) The method of claim _21 wherein said providing said red blood cell
`. 24.
`separation layer comprises providing glass fibers having a first average diameter and glass
`Serial No. 10I329,044
`Amendments And Remarks Responsive To
`Office Actipn Mailed 05/06/05
`Page 2 of 6
`PAGE 3l20‘ RCVD AT 6l6l2005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]‘ SVR1USPTO-EFXRF-1l6‘ DNIS:8729306 ' CSID:+' DURATION (mm-ss):05338
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 4
`fibers having a second average diameter that is less than said first average diameter.
`(New) The method of claim 21 wherein said providing said red blood cell
`separation layer comprises impregnating said red blood cell separation layer with a salt.
`(New) The method of claim 25 wherein said impregnating comprises
`. 26.
`impregnating said red blood cell separation layer with a solution in which the salt
`concentration comprises about 0.5-3.0% by weight of said solution.
`(New) The method of claim 21 wherein said providing said red blood cell
`separation layer comprises impregnating said red blood cell separation layer with a wetting
`(New) The method of claim 27 wherein said providing said red blood cell
`separation layer comprises impregnating said red blood cell separation Iayerw'rth a sugar.
`(New) The method of claim 28 wherein said impregnating comprises
`impregnating said red blood cell separation layer with a sorbitol solution, theconcentration
`of which comprises 3% tot 0% sorbitol by weight of said solution.
`(New) The method of claim 21 wherein said providing said non-HDL
`cholesterol separation chemistry layer comprises impregnating said non-HDL cholesterol
`separation chemistry layer with a precipitant, and said separating said non-HDL cholesterol
`from said HDL cholesterol comprises precipitating said non-HDL cholesterol.
`(New) The method of claim 30 wherein said providing said non-HDL
`cholesterol separation chemistry layer comprises impregnating said non~HDL cholesterol
`separation chemistry layer with phosphotungstic acid (PTA).
`(New) The method of claim 31 wherein said providing said non-HDL
`cholesterol separation chemistry layer comprises impregnating said non-HDL cholesterol
`separation chemistry layer with said PTA and a divalent cation.
`(New) The method of claim 21 wherein said providing comprises stacking
`said red blood cell separation layer above said non-HDL cholesterol separation chemistry
`(New) The method of claim 33 wherein said providing comprises providing a
`red blood cell separation layer comprising glass fiber.
`Serial No. 10/329,044
`Amendments AndsRemarks Responsive To
`Office Action Mailed 05/06/05
`Page 3 of 6
`PAGE4i20’ RCVD AT 6i5l2l105 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]’ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1i6 "DNlS;8729306‘ CSID:+* DURATION (mln-ss):05a38
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 5
`Frum‘PATTON 80088
`(New) The method of claim 34 wherein said providing said red blood cell
`separation layer comprises providing‘a first glass fiber layer with glass fibers having a first
`average diameter and providing a second glass fiber layer having glass fibers having a
`second average diameter that is less than said first average diameter.
`(New) The method of claim 35 wherein said providing said non-HDL
`cholesterol separation layer comprises proViding said second glass fiber layer and
`impregnating said second glass fiber layer with said non-HDL cholesterol separation
`(New) The method of claim 21 wherein:
`said providing further comprises providing said layered stack with a dispersement
`layer above said red blood cell separation layer, said non-HDL separation chemistry layer,
`and said HDL detection layer; and
`said method further comprising permitting said blood to disperse laterally across
`said dispersement layer.
`(New) A method as in claim 37 wherein said providing said dispersement
`layer comprises providing a woven mesh material.
`(New) A method of determining concentration of HDL cholesterol in a whole
`blood sample. said method comprising:
`providing a layered stack comprising a dispersement layer, a red blood cell
`separation layer. a non--HDL separation chemistry layer, and an HDL reaction layer; said
`red blood cell separation layer not containing an agglutinin or a coagulant; said non-HDL
`cholesterol separation chemistry layer containing non—-HDL cholesterol separation
`chemicals for separating the non-HDL blood components from the HDL blood components
`so that the non-HDL components do not participate in the reaction in said "HDL reaction
`layer, said HDL reaction layer containing chemicals for reacting with said HDL; said layers
`arranged in a vertical stack with said dispersement layer at the top and said HDL reaction
`layer at the bottom; '
`applying blood to said dispersement layer and permitting it to first flow
`laterally across said dispersement layer and then to flow vertically downward in said stack
`Serial No 101329.044
`Amendments And Remarks Responsive To
`Office Actioanailed 05/06/05
`Page 4 of 6
`PAGE 5l20" RCVDAT fil5l2005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] SVR'USPTOIEFXRF-llli‘ DNlS:8729306‘CSID.'+‘ DURATION (mm-5s):55-38
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 6
`From-PATTDN 80668
`to said HDL reaction layer without substantial lateral migration of fluid;
`separating said red blood cells from a fluid portion of said blooo in said red
`blood cell separation layer;
`separating said non-HDL cholesterol from said HDL cholesterol using said
`non-HDL cholesterol separation chemicals;
`reacting said HDL in said HDL reaction layer in a colorimetric reaction; and
`determining the HDL cholesterol concentration in said reaction layer by
`measuring the reflectance of said reaction layer after said colorimetric reaction.
`(New) The method of claim 39 wherein said. providing comprises Stacking
`said red blood cell separation layer above said non-HDL cholesterol separation chemistry
`Serial No. 10!329,044
`Amendments And Remarks Responsive To
`Office Action Mailed 05106105
`Page 5 of 6
`PAGE 6l20’ RCVD AT 6l6i2005 2:45:10 PM [Easlem Daylight Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-IEFXRF-1lfi ’ DNIS:8729306‘ CSlDH" DURATlON (mm-ss):05;38
`Infopia Ex. 1004 pg. 7
`Frum-PATTON 806.65
`The Examiner has made a restriction requirement to either the claims of Group l,
`i.e., claims. 1 ~— 7. which are drawn to an apparatus with layers; or the claims of Group ll,
`i.e., claims 8 4 20. which are drawn to a method of determining HDL concentration.
`Applicants elect the method claims of Group II, but have chosen to rewrite the method ‘
`claims as new claims 21 — 40. Therefore. claims 1 -— 20 have been canceled.
`in view of the foregoing amendment, it is believed that the application, including
`claims 21 — 40, is in condition for allowance. and favorable action is respectfully requested.
`it is believed no fees'are due.
`if any fee is seen to be required. please chargeDeposit
`Account No. 50-1848.
`Respectfully submitted,
`K 0 5/
`Customer No;
`arl A. For
`. Reg. No. 28,494 '
`(303) 894-6114 .
`(303) 894-9239
`Serial No. 101329.044
`Amendments And Remarks Responsive To
`Office Action Mailed 05/06/05
`Page 6 of 6
`PAGE il20*RCVDAT 6iil2005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] ‘-SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l6'DNlSI8729306*CSlD:+*DURATION (mm-ss):05-38
`lnfopia Ex. §1004 pg. 8
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`Infopia EX. 1004 pg. 9
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`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 10
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`PAGE iiiiii‘ RCVDAT 6i6i2005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight iimei‘ SVR:USPTO£FXRF-116 * Dilemma * CSID:+*DURAii0ii (mmesimi-it
`lnfopia Ex. .1004 pg. 12
`From-PATTON 80665
` Banana»
`PAGE 12:20 ' RCVD AT 6l612005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] ’ SVR:USPTO£FXRF-1I6 ' DNIS:8?29306 ' CSID:+ ’ DURATION (mm-ss):05-38
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 13
`From-PATTON Boaas'
`' P.13/ZD
`PAGE 13m ' RCVD AT 61612005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1!6 ‘ DNIS:8729306 ‘ CSID:+* DURATION (mm-ss):05-38:
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 14
`From-PATTON 30668
`P 14/20
`PAGE 14I20 ‘ RCVD AT $512005 2:45:10 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] ‘ SVREUSPTO£FXRF-1!6 " DNIS:8729305 ‘ CSIDH' * DURATION (mm-ss):05-38
`lnfopia Ex. 1004 pg. 15
`From-PATTON 80663
`0 27» ’ 3 '4 - 0 l “5 7"?“ 3
`Polymer Tech. Sys. Ref. No: _
`ln ccmsit'lcration ol'lhe sum ol‘One Dollar (Eli l .00) and other good and valuable
`consideration paid to each ofthc undersigned.
`BI‘LICL: 5,333” Alexandra Mttchnik
`maker of an invention which is the Subject of a United States Patent application entitled
`_§st Strip and Method fer Determiningjoncentration at grepflnine in a Body Fluid Sample
`the undersigned hereby seli(s), assign(s), and Seqs) over to
`Pol ner Tec nolo
`S Stems Inc
`11§.(r_71ionsvllle Road
`lndiannpolis. W 46268
`of inventor(s)
`Title of
`Name of
`Address of
`place of
`insert Suite of
`(if applicable)
`or "Not Applicable"
`(hereinaller designated as the Assignec) their entire right, title, and interest in, to and under the Application(s), including all priority
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`The undersigned agrcets) to execute‘ all papers necessary in connection with the Application(s) in the United States and
`counterpart applications in foreign countries and any continuing, divisional, or reissue applications thereof, and any reexamination of
`any 0f SUCh Applicati0n(s), and also to execute separate assignments in connection with such Application(s) as the Assignee may deem
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`The undersigned agree(s) to execute all papers neceSSary in connccrion with any interference which may be declared or
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`reissne(s), or
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`interference or litigation.
`The undersigned agree(s) to execute all papers and documents and perform any act which may be necessary in connection
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`Infopia EX. 1004 pg. 16
`The tinderslgned agree(s) to do all other nets which, in thc opinion of Assigneeymtty be necessary or desirable to secure the
`grant ot'l-cttcrs Parent to Assignee or its nominees, in the United Status tmd in all Other cauntries where Assignee may desire to have
`such inventions, or any of them, patented, with specifications and claims in such form as shall be approved by Assignee and to vast and
`com‘trm ln Assigncc or its nominees the full and complete legal and equitable title to all such Lullm's Patent.
`The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) the Conunissioner of Parents to issue any and all Letters Patent ohm;
`United States l‘éfitllIlng 0r following from said application“) or any (livisiOn or divisions or continuing or reissuc applications thereof,
`and any rcexmninntion Many of Such applications, to the said Assignee, ns Assignee of the entire interest, and hereby covenants that.
`the; undersigned has full right to convey the interest herein insigned, and that the undersigned has net executed, and will not execme,
`any agreement in confliCt herewith.
`'l‘hc ttndursigncd hereby grands) the attorney of record the power to insert on this assignment any fitrther identification whiCh
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`this document.
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have oxecuted this_ assignment at
`“£658 RUE? a? C;
`I N ct on ,u f} pay
`[ 5: 1‘
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`Witnesses or:
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`before a Nanny
`Public is not
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`Inventor (Signaturc)
`Brgco Sltttll
`inventor (Printed Name)
`} }
`Acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this
`., 2004.
`day of
`Notary Public
`Printed Namc
`My Commission Expires;
`Resident of
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`this 135—:”day of
`Outside the USA:
`Witnesses are
`required when
`before a Notmy _,. ‘,w._
`Public is not
`12;)! ha (‘ AM (o
`Inventor (Signmme)
`Inventor (Primed Name)
`} }
`Acknowledged before me. a Notary‘Public, within and for said County and State. Witness my hand and Notarial Sea] this
`day of
`Notary Pubiic
`Primed Name
`My Commission Expires: ,_________~ 4
`Resident of
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`in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (til .00) and other good and valuable
`consideration paid to each of the undersigned,
`Name(s) mwflfiwmwfl—
`of Invenmris)W
`maker of an invention which is the subject of a United States Patent application entitled
` Titleof . ‘ ‘ ‘ '. .-‘ . n .
`I ipgmgtcills g; Ambient Temmggmmg
`the undersigned hereby sell(s), assign(s), and Set(s) over to
`Name of
`Address of
`place of
`ech olo
`3 nc..
`7 36 Zion '
`Indianapolis, m @252
`Insert State of
`(if applicable)
`or "Nor Applicable"
`(hereinafter designated as the Assignoe) their entire right, title, and interest in, to and under the Application(s), including all priority
`rights for the United States and for Other countries arising therefrom, including any PCT application, all inventions therein disClosed,
`and any and all Letters Patent ofthe United States and of all other com ‘es, including patents issuing through the European Patent
`Organization, which may be granted for Such inventions, or any of them, all such inventions and all rights in such Application(s) and
`Letters Patent to be held and enjoyed by Assignee for its own use and enjoyment to the full and of the term or terms for which such
`Letters Patent may be granted, as fully and entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by them had this assigmncnt and
`sale not been made.
`The undersigned ogreels) to execute all papers necessary in connection with the Ap