PAGE 1 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Letter Final Report
`Page 2 of 65
`Protocol #15! 142-203
`Protocol Deviation Recording Forms (Form No. 99—QA-004)
`PAGE 2 OF 65
`PAGE 2 OF 65

`H511-=i2~20J.Dl M111.-r Final Report
`Page 3 of65
`Novembet 23. 2015
`PROTOCOL #lSI 142-203
`3065 Kent Avenue
`Was! Lafayefle, IN 47909
` 3
`I755 South 19 Menu:
`Bozemsn, Montana 59718
`(406) 587-5735
`Page I of II
`PAGE 3 OF 65
`PAGE 3 OF 65

`M51 I42-203.0] l.e11erFimI Report
`Page 4 M65
`This Document has been copyrighted by Bioscience Laboratories, Imc., and is considered
`confidential between Biosoienee Laboratories, Inc. (Testing Facility) and SSCI (Sponsor). This
`is not
`to be shown, given to, or used by anyone except SSCI without written
`permission from Biosoience Laboratories. Inc. Pennission to release the Protocol and Study
`Results to the United States Foot} and Drug Administration (FDA) is explicitly granted.
`PROTOCOL M51141-203
`rm 2 of 1|
`PAGE 4 OF 65
`PAGE 4 OF 65

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`PAGE 5 OF 65

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`PAGE 6 OF 65

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`PAGE 7 OF 65

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`PAGE 8 OF 65

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`PAGE 16 OF 65

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`PAGE 17 OF 65

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`PAGE 18 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Leiief Final Report
`Page 19 of 65
`Data Tables 1 Through 18
`PAGE 19 OF 65
`PAGE 19 OF 65

`=-151 I-1'.?—2fJ_1 HI
`1 on-:: I-'in:.I Ih-p.~r1
`E‘agu:2'.J ut‘(:5
`I 0!‘ 15
`PAGE 20 OF 65

`=-151 I-1'.?—3!fJ_1 HI
`1 on-:: I-'in:.I Ih-p.~r1
`Prolc-col #151 H2-EU}
`PAGE 21 OF 65

`=-151 I-1?-2fJ_1 I1!
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`I-‘Iutc.-::::| H151 1<I2—2(}3
`PAGE 22 OF 65

`=-151 I-1'.?—2fJ_1 HI
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`E‘agu:2_\ ..t‘(:5
`Protocol #]5]112—203
`Page 4 of IS
`PAGE 23 OF 65

`= 1.‘-1 I-1?-I_'.f.'.ZI.1 HI
`PAGE 24 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Lefier Final Report
`Page 25 of 65
`Protocol #151 142203
`January 07. 2015
`Test Product #3: Prolensa
`bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07%.
`Bron-rfenac Sodium (unstressed)
`Lot Numbers 240031
`Test Product #4: Prolensam bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07% (wfv)
`Bromfenar: Sodium (4 weeks @ 60°C})
`Lot Number 249031
`(ATCC #)
`Aspergfllus bmslflensls
`(ATCC #16404}
`8.6818 x10
`0European Pharmacopoeia '?.0. 5.1.3. EFFACACY OF ANTIMICROBIAL PRESERVATION. 01.-’20l l:S0l{]3. Acceptance Criteria,
`Table, Parenteral preparations, eye preparations. Intrauterine preparations and inrramammary preparations: The criteria for
`fungi is a 2 103:1} reduction following 7 days of exposure to the test product with no recovered Colony Forming Units (CFU) recovered
`aflnr 28 days: nfexpnsure tn the product.
`Protocol #151142-203
`Page 6 of 15
`PAGE 25 OF 65
`PAGE 25 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Letter Final Report
`Page 26 of 65
`Protocol #15 I 142-203
`January 0?, 2016
`Test Product #3: Prolensam bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07%.
`Bromfenac Sodium (unstressed)
`Lot Number 240031
`Test Product #4: Prolcnsam bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07% (w.’v}
`Bromfenac Sodium (4 weeks @ 60°C)
`Lot Number 240031
`(ATCC #)
`I it! I
`of Product)
`Candida efbicans
`(ATCC #10231]
`0Europ-can Pharmacopoeia 7.0. 5.1.3. EFFACACY OF ANTIMICROBIAL PRESERVATION. 0Ir‘20II:50I03. Acceptance
`Criteria, Table, Parenrerm’ preparations, eye preparations, intrauterine preparations and fnrramammary preparations:
`The criteria for fungi is a 2 logic reduction foilow-ing '7 days of exposure to the test product with no recovered Coiony Forming
`Units {CFU} recovered alter 28 days of exposure to the product...
`Protocol #151142-203
`Page '1' of 15
`PAGE 26 OF 65
`PAGE 26 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Lefiet Final Report
`Page 2'? of 65
`Protocol #151 142-203
`January 07, 2016
`Test Product #3: Prolensam bmmfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07%.
`Bromfenac Sodium (unstressed)
`Lot Number 240031
`Test Product #4: Proiensam brornfcnac ophthalmic solution 0.07% (w.’v}
`Bromfenac Sodium (4 weeks @ 60°C)
`Lot Number 24003}
`(ATCC #)
`of Product)
`Pseudamonas aemginoxa
`{ATCC #902?)
`1.7070 x [0
`Ofiumpean Phannacopoeia 7.0. 5.1.3. EFFACACY OF ANTIMICROBIAL PRESERVATION. {]lf2011:5UlO3. Acceptance Criteria,
`Table, Parenteral preparations, eye preparations, intrauterine preparations and lmmmammary preparations: Criteria A for
`bacteria is a 3 log"; reduction following 24 hours of exposure to the test product with no recovered Colony Forming Unilo (CFU)
`recovered after 28 days of exposure to the product.
`¢I.D0x 10'
`<I.{)0x 10'
`-=1.00x 10'
`c1.00x 10'
`<1.00 x 10'
`<1.00 :4; 10'
`<l.00 x 10'
`99 999494’
`Protocol #15] 142-203
`Page 8 of IS
`PAGE 27 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Lefier Final Report
`Page 28 of 65
`Protocol #151142-203
`January 0'7, 2016
`leg; Egodygg Q3: Prulensa' " bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07%.
`Bromfenac Sodium (unstressed)
`Lot Number 240031
` : Prolensam bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07% {w/V)
`Bromfenac Sodium (4 weeks @ 60°C)
`Lot Number 240031
`(“CC 3’
`o{f ProdT1‘ct
`Staphyfococcu: aw-ens
`{ATCC #6538}
`1.9767 x 10
`<l.0Dx 10'
`<1.0Dx 10'
`(1 '00 " 10'
`-:1.00x 10'
`<1.00 1: 10'
`<1.oo x 10'
`0European Pharmacopoeia 7.0. 5.1.3. EFFACACY OF ANTIMICROBIAL PRESERVATION. 0ll201l:5(}203. Acceptance Criteria,
`Table, Parenteral preparations, eye preparations, intrauterine preparations and intramammary preparations: Criteria A for
`bacteria is a 3 10310 reduction following 24 hours of exposure to the test product with no recovered Colony Fanning Units (CFU)
`recovered alter 28 days of exposure to the product.
`<1.00x 10'
`99.999596 I
`Protocol #151142-203
`Page 9 of I 5
`PAGE 28 OF 65
`PAGE 28 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Lefiet Final Report
`Page 29 of 65
`Protocol #151142-203
`January 07, 2016
`Neutralization Evaluation -— Results
`jljest Egguct #3: Prolenmm bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07%.
`Bromfenac Sodium (unstressed)
`Lot Numbers 240031
`Microbial Recovery
`Aspergiflus bmriliensls
`Candida olbicans
`Pseudamonas aeruginosa
`Staphylococcus aureus
`OThe counts (Average CFU:'Plate) observed for the TEST sample do not vary by more than a factor of
`5 from those recovered from the respective CONTROL sample; hence, the neutralizing media are considered to be
`Neutraiization Evaluation — Results
`Test Pmguct #4: Prolensam bromfenac ophthalmic solution 0.07% (w!v}
`Bmrnfenao Sodium (4 weeks @ 60°C}
`Lot Number 24003!
`Aspergiflus brasiliertsix
`Candida albiccms
`Pseudomanas aerugittosa
`Staphylococcus mrreus
`Microbial Recovery
`0 The counts (Average CFUfPlale] observed for the TEST sample do not vary by more than a factor of
`5 from those recovered fi'om the respective CONTROL sample; hence, the neutralizing media are considered
`to be effective.
`Protocol #151142-203
`Page 10 of 15
`PAGE 29 OF 65

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`PAGE 30 OF 65

`PAGE 31 OF 65
`PAGE 31 OF 65

`PAGE 32 OF 65
`PAGE 32 OF 65

`PAGE 33 OF 65
`PAGE 33 OF 65

`PAGE 34 OF 65
`PAGE 34 OF 65

`#151142-203.01 Letter Final Report
`Page 33 of65
`Neutralization Data Sheets For Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness Testingk
`_¥:l%cu1um Population Data Sheets For Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness Testing
`Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing Data Sheets
`PAGE 35 OF 65
`PAGE 35 OF 65

`HI I-13-I01 HI
`I cllcr I-'in.ul R.-purl
`Pugs 36 vi (-5
`PAGE 36 OF 65

`HI I-13-I01 HI
`I cllcr I-'in.ul R.-purl
`l’;ugc 37 vi (-5
`PAGE 37 OF 65

`I ‘ I I4?-201 HI lcncr Filul Rap-\r1
`Page 38 ul‘ (R5
`PAGE 38 OF 65

`I ‘ I I4?-201 HI lcncr Filul Rap-\r1
`PAGE 39 OF 65

`HI I-13-I01 HI
`I cllcr I-'in.:l R.-purl
`Pugc -10 I‘! (-5
`PAGE 40 OF 65

`|‘l I I2 IN "1 I .-tut l nu] (hp.-:1
`PAGE 41 OF 65


` 56F034EGP



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