`1:14-cv-06893-JBS—KMW, and
`(Consolidated Actions)
`February 12, 2016
`Page 1 0f 86
`Lupin v Senju.
`lPR2015-01097, IPR2015-01099,
`IPR2015-0l100& lPR20l5-01105
`Page 1 of 86


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`I, John C. Jarosz, submit
`this reply expert report on behalf of Bausch & Lomb
`Incorporated, Bausch & Lomb Pharma Holdings Corp. (collectively, “Bausch & Lomb”)
`and Senju Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“Senju”) (collectively, with Bausch & Lomb, “Patent
`Owners”) in connection with the above captioned cases. I have been retained to provide
`expert analysis and testimony, if necessary, regarding the commercial success of the
`inventions described in US. Patent Nos. 8,129,431 (“the ”431 patent”); 8,669,290 (“the
`’290 patent”); 8,754,131 (“the ’131 patent”); 8,871,813 (“the ’813 patent”); and
`8,927,606 (“the ’606 patent”) (collectively, the “Patents-in-Suit”). It is my understanding
`the asserted claims of the Patents-in-Suit are embodied in Bausch & Lomb’s
`Prolensa® product.
`On December 30, 2015, I submitted my opening expert report on objective indicia of
`non—obviousness in these cases.1 Since then, I have received the responsive report of Ivan
`T. Hofmann.2 I have been asked to provide my opinions regarding the analysis and
`conclusions set forth in the Hofmann Report. This report summarizes those opinions.
`As with my initial report, I may modify or supplement my opinions, if necessary and
`allowed, based on the review and analysis of information provided to me subsequent to
`the filing of this report.
` (cid:9)
`A complete description of my background and qualifications is provided in the Jarosz
`Opening Expert Report of John C. Jarosz on Objective Indicia of Non—Obviousness, December 30, 2015
`(“Jarosz Report”). I submitted two versions of the Jarosz Report, one applicable to the Lupin Defendants and
`one applicable to the InnoPharma defendants. Page and Tab references in this report refer to the Lupin version
`of the Jarosz Report.
`Responsive Expert Report of Ivan T. Hofmann, CPA/CFF, CLP, February 1, 2016 (“Hofmann Report”).
`Page 3 of 86
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`Report. An updated copy of my curriculum vitae is provided as Reply Tab 1.
`Evidence Considered
` (cid:9)
`Since submitting the Jarosz Report, I have reviewed additional information from a variety
`of sources,
`including the Hofmann Report,
`the responsive report of Dr. Robert C.
`Cykiertf the reply report of Dr. William B. Trattler,“ materials produced by Patent
`Owners in this litigation, and information from publicly-available sources, such as
`academic journals and analyst reports. A complete list of additional materials thatl have
`received and reviewed since the date of the Jarosz Report is attached as Reply Tab 2.
`Summary of Opinions
`In his report, Mr. Hofmann concluded that
`Prolensa® is not a commercial success and the performance of Prolensa®
`is attributable to various extrinsic factors unrelated to the Patents-in-Suit.
`Specifically, the performance of Prolensa® is explained by the execution
`of a coordinated life—cycle management strategy for the bromfenac
`franchise which involved the following components: (1) the systematic
`migration to new bromfenac products and the discontinuation of legacy
`bromfenac products; (2) substantial marketing and promotional efforts;
`and (3) tactical pricing of Prolensa®. As a result, the performance of
`Prolensa® does not provide objective indicia of nonobviousness of the
`I disagree with Mr. Hofmann’s conclusions for a number of reasons.
`0 Mr. Hofmann’s conclusion that Prolensa® is not a commercial success is inconsistent
`with the evidence of Pr0lensa®’s marketplace performance over time. Prolensa® has
`achieved and maintained substantial acceptance, particularly in light of the array of
`competitive alternatives.
`Responsive Expert Report of Robert C. Cykiert, M.D. on Objective indicia of Non-Obviousness, February 1,
`2016 (“Cykiert Report”).
`Reply Expert Report of William B. Trattler, MD, on Objective lndicia of Non-Obviousness, February 12, 2016
`(“Trattler Reply Report”).
`Hofmann Report, at 15.
`Page 4 of 86
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`Mr. Hofmann’s conclusion that the success of Prolensa® is due to factors other than
`the Patents-in-Suit is inconsistent with evidence showing that the patents have been
`motivating (important) factors in Prolensa®’s success.
`Mr. Hofmann’s characterization of any Prolensa® success as reflecting a “life-cycle
`management” strategy fails to acknowledge that
`the success of such a strategy
`requires that a new formulation must actually be deemed advantageous by the
`physician community before it will be prescribed. Here, physicians had a compelling
`reason to switch to Prolensa®, which is the improved side effect profile ‘offered by
`Prolensa® relative to other available bromfenac formulations.
`Mr. Hofmann’s analysis of Prolensa® marketing expenditures fails to recognize that
`marketing is one of many factors that influence physician prescribing behavior, and
`its impact is modest. Physicians are informed by marketing efforts, but weigh heavily
`the quality and effectiveness of a drug, as well as patient requests, when deciding
`what to prescribe. Marketing spending alone is not sufficient if the drug does not
`offer clinical benefits to patients, as Prolensa® does.
`Mr. Hofmann’s conclusion that Prolensa® may be cheaper than generic bromfenac is
`inconsistent with the evidence and business realities. His analysis of Prolensa® net
`pricing relative to competing ophthalmic NSAIDS is incomplete.
` (cid:9)
`According to Mr. Hofmann, “any alleged commercial success must be driven primarily
`by and attributable to the purported merits of the claimed invention, and not by other
`factors unrelated to the allegedly novel features of the claimed invention.
`there must
`be a causal correlation, or ‘nexus,’ between the unique merit of the claimed invention and
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` (cid:9)
`IMS Data
`Mr. Hofmann criticized my reliance on IMS data reporting Prolensa® sales.‘2 He wrote,
`IMS data does not reflect actual net sales dollars of Prolensa® from the
`accounting records of Plaintiffs prepared in the normal course of business.
`Rather, the IMS data is an estimate of gross sales from a third-party data
`provider. Although IMS data is regularly used and relied upon in the
`pharmaceutical industry for certain purposes, the IMS data cited in the
`Jarosz Report does not reflect net sales of products. The gross sales from
`IMS generally do not include reductions for the following: a) Rebates, b)
`Discounts, c) Allowances, d) Coupons, 6) Chargebacks, or f) Returns.'3
`As Mr. Hofmann acknowledged, however, IMS data are regularly used and analyzed in
`the pharmaceutical industry.14 Those data span a wide range of drugs, drug categories,
`and time, allowing analysts and pharmaceutical companies the ability to compare the
`performance of different drugs across different manufacturers. The IMS data here
`allowed me to make a comparison of Prolensa®’s sales and prescription volumes over
`time versus other ophthalmic NSAIDs manufactured by companies who are not party to
`this litigation and, thus, for which internal sales data (including net sales data) are not
`There is no dispute that IMS collects gross sales data. It does not report manufacturer net
`sales data because it does not collect (or report) the rebates, discounts, returns or other
`bottom—line discounts from or to the manufacturer that go into calculating the amount that
`a manufacturer or supplier ultimately receives. The data that IMS does collect measures
`sales into retail and non-retail outlets, and represents the actual costs that were charged to
`the outlet
`the retail pharmacy, mail pharmacy, clinic, etc.)
`to acquire the
`pharmaceutical products as seen on the purchase invoices.
` (cid:9)
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` (cid:9)
`Hofmann Report, at 17-18.
`Hofmann Report, at 18.
`Hofmann Report, at l7-l8.
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`time-to-peak-sales amounts to four years or longer?“ According to one text,
`[n]egative cash flow outlays occur through [the R&D] period and for the
`first few years after launch. Cash flows then become positive and escalate
`rapidly to year 10. Most of the drugs in the sample had post-launch patent
`lifetimes in the range of 9 to 14 years.“
`Second, with the long run in mind, companies, particularly in the pharmaceutical area,
`typically invest heavily in marketing immediately following the launch of a new product
`in order to lay the groundwork for future success.“ According to Osinga, Leeflang, and
`that drug manufacturers should use
`[o]ur empirical
`physician-oriented marketing in the periods right after an introduction of a
`brand because during these periods, both persistent and temporary
`marketing effects are significant and largest
`in effect
`size. Later,
`manufacturers should decrease the brand's marketing expenditures because
`the effects become insignificant or only marginally effective. These
`recommendations correspond to the spending patterns actually observed
`for many brands.”
`As a result, during this early period, it is common for products to be unprofitable due to a
`combination of high marketing costs and low initial sales. A product that is initially
`unprofitable, however, would not be expected to remain so over the course of its life.
` (cid:9)
` (cid:9)
`Fischer, Marc, Peter S. H. Leeflang, and Peter C. Verhoef, “Drivers of peak sales for pharmaceutical brands,”
`Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 8, No. 4 (December 2010), pp. 429-60, at 440.
`37 Danzon, Patricia M. and Sean Nicholson (Eds), The Oxford Handbook, of The Economics‘ of the
`Bioglzamiacegtigal lndtxstgx, Oxford University Press: New York (2012), at 36.
`See, e.g., Narayanan, Sridhar, Puneet Manchanda, and Pradeep K. Chintagunta, “Temporal Differences in the
`Role of Marketing Communication in New Product Categories,” Journal ofMarketing Research, Vol. 42, No. 3
`(August 2005), pp. 278-90, at 288 (“. is beneficial for firms to allocate more resources to detailing in the
`introductory phase, when both indirect and direct effects are present, than in subsequent periods, when only the
`direct effects are present. In other words, firms should spend more on detailing in the introductory period
`because it leads to faster learning. However, they may still need to detail in subsequent periods because direct
`effects also affect prescriptions”); Osinga, Ernst C., Peter S. H. Leeflang, and Jaap E. Wieringa, “Early
`Marketing Matters: A Time-Varying Parameter Approach to Persistence Modeling,” Journal of Marketing
`Resarch, Vol. 47, No.
`1 (February 2010), pp. 173-85, at 177 (“Marketing efforts appear to be allocated in
`distinctive patterns over time. The expenditures on meetings, journal advertising, and detailing follow the same
`pattern: They are highest during the first year after introduction and then gradually decline. In contrast, DTC
`advertising expenditures are virtually nonexistent immediately after the introduction but trend positively during
`the subsequent five years.”)
`Osinga, Ernst C., Peter S. H. Leeflang, and Jaap E. Wieringa, “Early Marketing Matters: A Time-Varying
`Parameter Approach to Persistence Modeling,” Journal ofMarketing Resarch, Vol. 47, No. 1 (February 2010),
`pp. 173-85, at 183.
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`(cid:9) (cid:9)
`Similarly, it is not surprising that, over time, those same companies tend to invest less
`and less in marketing, while maintaining, or usually increasing, sales.
`In fact, that is exactly the pattern seen in the sales and expenditures related to Prolensa®.
`As shown in the Jarosz Report, Tab 14, and reflected below, Bausch & L0mb’s
`marketing expenditures on Prolensa® declined significantly from Q4 2014 to Q1 2015,
`and quarterly marketing expenditure in Q1 through Q3 2015 represent the three lowest
`quarterly expenditures since Prolensa®’s launch in April 2013. Moreover, sales of
`Prolensa® during these three quarters were the three highest quarterly totals since
`Prolensa®’s launch. The combination of record low marketing spending and record high
`sales in 2015 suggests that Prolensa® profitability in 2015 is very different than in prior
`years, a fact not accounted for in Mr. Hofmann’s analysis.” Mr. Hofmann’s examination
`of limited and early profit data, even adopting his assumptions, provides little, if any,
`insight into Prolensa®’s likely product success.
`4° Mr. Hofmann’s analysis examined profitability for the period Q2 2013 to Q3 2015 as a whole, and did not
`examine whether and to what extent Prolensa®’s profitability changed during that period.
`Page 13 of 86
`Page 13 of 86


`Prolensa® Gross Sales and Marketing Expenditures
`Q2 2013 to Q3 2015
`----Gross Sales
`-W-~Marketing Expenditures
` (cid:9)
`" E
`Data from [MS. See Jarosz Report, Tab 14.
`Moreover, Mr. Hofmann’s “analysis” of Prolensa®’s profitability is at odds with Bausch
`& Lomb’s actions. The fact
`that Bausch & Lomb continues to invest
`in and sell
`Prolensa® nearly four years after its commercial
`launch suggests that Prolensa® is
`profitable, contrary to Mr. Hofmann’s contention. If it were not, from a business
`perspective, Bausch & Lomb would be unlikely to continue investing in Prolensa® or
`litigating this case. The fact that Bausch & Lomb continues to sell, invest in, and protect
`Prolensa® suggests that it
`is more profitable than the alternative, which is to cease
`production and sales of the drug.
` (cid:9)
`Prolensa® Relative Performance
`Mr. Hofmann wrote that “Prolensa® has not kept pace with overall growth in the volume
`of cataract procedures” and that “the use of bromfenac products has not kept pace with
`Page 14 of 86
`Page 14 of 86


`(cid:9) (cid:9)
`the overall percentage growth in ophthalmic NSAID prescriptions.
`”“ Mr. Hofmann’s
`conclusions appear to be driven by two considerations: (1) prescriptions of bromfenac
`products, overall, have not shown the same growth as prescriptions of non—bromfenac
`ophthalmic NSAIDS over the period 2005 to 2015, and (2) Prolensa®’s share has not
`shown the same growth as that of Ilevro®, a competing ophthalmic NSAID launched
`shortly before Prolensa®.42 I disagree with Mr. Hofmann’s characterization of
`Prolensa®’s relative performance.
`Mr. Hofmann’s comparison of all bromfenac products to other ophthalmic NSAIDs over
`the period 2005 to 2015 does not provide an accurate picture of how prescriptions of
`Prolensa® compare with other competing ophthalmic NSAIDS during the period in
`which Prolensa® was commercially available. On this measure, Prolensa® has achieved
`a stable share for the last several years, at approximately 16 to 17 percent each quarter in
`2014 and 2015, which is reflected below.43 Prolensa® is growing along with the overall
`ophthalmic NSAIDs marketplace. To the extent
`that Prolensa® is not meeting
`expectations of growth in the volume of cataract procedures, which Mr. Hofmann has not
`established, neither is the entire ophthalmic NSAID business.
` (cid:9)
`4' Hofmann Report, at 22.
` (cid:9)
`42 Hofmann Report, at 23—24.
` (cid:9)
`43 Calculation of shares includes the additional NSAIDs Ocufen®, generic flurbiprofen sodium, and Acular PF®.
`See, Jarosz Report, at 11-12 and Tab 8. From an economic perspective, a product that achieves a 16 to 17
`percent share in its first full year following launch, and sustains such sales, does not indicate a commercially
`unsuccessful product; such performance indicates significant adoption and performance.
`Page 15 of 86
`Page 15 of 86


`Prolensa® Share of Opthalmic NSAID Prescriptions
`Q2 2013 to Q3 2015
`0 Q3
`) Q1
` —m._.,... .,.uusrsr,.r.44mWW, »~.Mm » rv«..m.»..M~mn.mmW,We ,»...wm.,m»m»...
`Data from MS. See Jarosz Report, Tab 8.
` (cid:9)
`Mr. Hofmann wrote that Bausch & Lomb expected the volume of cataract procedures to
`increase by a total of 12 percent over the period 2013 to 2017.“ Much of this growth (as
`measured by the number of ophthalmic NSAIDS prescribed) occurred in the early part of
`this period, with total prescriptions growing from 883,000 in Q4 2012 to 983,000 in Q2
`2014, an increase of over 11 percent. Prolensa® was commercially launched in April
`2013 and, thus, was in its first few quarters of existence during this period. During these
`first few quarters of commercial availability, Prolensa® experienced significant growth, 0
`as would be expected of a newly introduced successful drug. As rcflected below, total
`Prolensa® prescriptions grew from approximately 20,000 in Q2 2013 (the first quarter in
`which Prolensa® was commercially available), to approximately 96,000 in Q3 2013
`(Prolensa®’s first full quarter of commercial availability), to approximately 164,000 in
` (cid:9)
`44 Hofmann Report, at 22.
`Page 16 of 86
`Page 16 of 86


`Q2 2014.45 This is a growth rate of over 71 percent during Prolensa®’s first four full
`quarters of commercial availability (i.e., Q3 2013 to Q2 2014).46
`Prolensa® Prescriptions
`02 2013 to Q3 2015
`, WW, ”we...“ WW .,..W-w.__..-.,_iww . M. a.
`120,000 a .................................
`100,000 WM -.............
`.m M .
`40,000 aw“ we...“ _tttttt
`. M
`Data from IMS. See Jarosz Report, Tab 14.
` (cid:9)
`Since Q2 2014, the number of ophthalmic NSAID prescriptions has remained relatively
`flat, falling in the narrow range of 983,000 to 1,002,000 for five of the six most recent
`quarters.47 In those same five quarters, Prolensa®’s prescriptions fell
`in the range of
`163,000 to 169,000 each quarter, as reflected below.48 In Q1 2015, the only quarter since
`Q2 2014 in which Prolensa® prescriptions fell outside this range (totaling 157,000),
`prescriptions for ophthalmic NSAIDs in general were down (totaling 919,000).49 As
`discussed above, Prolensa®’s share since Q2 2014 (i.e., Q2 2014 to Q3 2015) has ranged
` (cid:9)
` (cid:9)
` (cid:9)
` (cid:9)
`Jarosz Report, at Tab 6.
`Calculated as 163,653 prescriptions / 95,546 prescriptions
`Report, at Tab 6.
`Total includes the additional NSAIDS Ocufen®, generic flurbiprofen sodium, and Acular PF®. See, Jarosz
`Report, at 11-12 and Tab 6.
`Jarosz Report, at Tab 6.
`Jarosz Report, at Tab 6.
`1 = 71.3 percent. Total prescriptions from Jarosz
`Page 17 of 86
`Page 17 of 86


`from 16.6 percent
`to 17.1 percent.50 Thus, based on the number of prescriptions,
`Prolensa® has achieved a consistent level of sales and a consistent share,
`in spite of
`entering relatively late into a relatively crowded field. Compared with other, and older,
`ophthalmic NSAIDs, it has done very well, as reflected below.
`Ophthalmic NSAID Prescriptions
`Q2 2005 to Q3 2015
` (cid:9)
`Mr. Hofmann’s assertion that my analysis “fails to recognize the trends in the quarterly
`market share of Prolensa® compared to Ilevro®” is similarly misplaced. The fact that
`llevro® has gained share in recent quarters does diminish from the fact that Prolensa® is
`a commercial success as well. Ilevro®’s gains do not appear to be at the expense of
`Prolensa®, and Mr. Hofmann has not asserted otherwise. And neither the law nor
` (cid:9)
`5° Calculation of shares includes the additional NSAIDs Ocufen®, generic flurbiprofen sodium, and Acular PF®.
`See, Jarosz Report, at 1 1-12 and Tab 8.
`Page 18 of 86
` (cid:9)
`H e
`end i
`{9&3 dagge§~€$c§5n§éw®s§tq9 §QQ\Q§o‘“@Qgfiwgag? Q}. Q5
`aWeWaWeWa’eWe {22%,"vWe»aat}?9&5?erWa» “Wea»We”
` (cid:9)
`"—O—RProlens a®
`WDiclofenac Sodium

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