`scavenges oxidants
`and protects against
`Medical Center and Division
`of Allergy, Critical Care, and Respiratory
`Veterans Administration
`Medicine, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710
`L. Young,
`J. Fracica,
`J., Philip
`Ghio, Andrew
`and Claude
`A. Piantadosi.
`J. Appl.
`and protects
`and mortality
`77(3): 1217-1223,
`by surfactants
`to 100% oxygen can be diminished
`may operate by mechanisms
`tension effects. We tested
`the hypotheses
`that 1) syn-
`thetic surfactant
`its components
`as antioxidants
`in vitro and 2) decrements
`in hyperoxic
`injury after
`with a surfactant
`its components
`are associated with de-
`in oxidativ
`te stress
`to the lung. A synthetic
`its non-surface-active
`and cetyl alcohol were
`in an
`to determine
`their abilities
`prevent oxidation
`of deoxyribose. Doses of tyloxapol,
`cetyl alco-
`hol, and artificial
`the absorbance
`of thio-
`of deoxyribose.
`cetyl alcohol,
`and the surfactant
`ated products
`of salicylate
`the same system. Rats were
`cetyl alcohol, or artificial
`to air or 100% oxygen. After 61 h of oxygen exposure,
`fluid volume and wet-to-dry
`lung weight
`ratios were decreased
`in animals
`its components.
`There were also decrements
`products of lung
`In separate experiments,
`mean survival
`of saline-treated
`rats exposed
`to 100% oxygen was 67.3 k 8.1 h
`and >96 h for rats given
`the surfactant
`or its components. We
`cetyl alcohol,
`and Exosurf
`tion as antioxidants
`in vitro and
`in vivo
`associated with
`in measures of hyperoxic
`injury, oxi-
`tissue products,
`and mortality.
`free radicals;
`is a combination of lipids,
`proteins, and carbohydrates that provides alveolar stabil-
`ity at low lung volumes. The principal component (80%)
`of natural surfactant
`is phospholipid, most (5560%) of
`which is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine
`(DPPC), which
`is essential for surfactant activity
`(5). Surfactant
`surface tension at the air-liquid
`interface, thus minimiz-
`ing or reducing alveolar collapse at end exhalation. Sur-
`factant deficiency or dysfunction
`leads to increased respi-
`ratory work, atelectasis, hypoxemia, and pulmonary
`edema . Lack of lung surfactant
`in newborns causes the
`infant respiratory distress synd rome (IRDS) , which re-
`sults in the deaths o f many untreated patients (1). Natu-
`ral surfactant and a commercial synthetic surfactant
`(Exosurf, Burroughs- Welcome) significantly decrease
`the mortality of IRDS (22, 24). Exosurf
`is a wholly syn-
`thetic surfactant containing DPPC, cetyl alcohol to solu-
`bilize the phospholipid, and the nonionic detergent ty-
`loxapol to disperse it.
`Supplemental oxygen is the therapy of choice to re-
`$3.00 Copyright 0 1994
`verse arterial hypoxemia resulting from inadequate pul-
`monary exchange of oxygen. Prolonged exposures to
`high partial pressures of oxygen, however, induce a dif-
`fuse lung injury
`that includes abnormalities
`in the com-
`position, quantity, and function of surfactant
`(13, 18).
`Similar to IRDS, treatment of hyperoxic lung injury with
`exogenous natural surfactant or Exosurf can improve
`lung mechanics and gas exchange (l&17,23).
`The major
`action of surfactants has been assumed to be replace-
`ment of depleted or dysfunctional phospholipids,
`restoring surface tension toward normal (16). After ex-
`posures to hyperoxia, however, exogenous surfactant
`ameliorates defectiv pe epithe lial permeability
`(8, 23) and
`decreases mortality without
`lung compliance
`(17). These observations suggest a mechanism of action
`in addition to any effects of the drug on surface tension.
`Oxygen toxicity
`is mediated by an incomplete reduction
`of bimolecular oxygen, which generates reactive species
`including O,, H,O,, and . OH (11, 21). These partially
`reduced species of oxygen react with and damage biomo-
`lecules including enzymes, membrane l.ipids, and nucleic
`acids. In addition
`to improving mechanical and gas ex-
`change functions by lowering surface tension, therapy
`with surfactants after 100% oxygen may diminish oxida-
`tion of critical constituents of the lung.
`In this study, we tested three hypotheses: 1) synthetic
`surfactant and its components function as antioxidants
`in vitro; 2) decrements in hyperoxic
`injury after treat-
`ment with surfactant and its components are associated
`with evidence of decreased oxidative stress to the lung;
`and 3) injury and mortality after exposure to 100% oxy-
`gen can be diminished by components of a synthetic sur-
`factant other than those responsible for effects on sur-
`face tension.
`Exosurf was donated
`The artificial
`Park, NC). Tyloxa-
`pol, cetyl alcohol,
`and all other
`reagents were purchased
`Sigma Chemical
`(St. Louis, MO) unless otherwise
`In vitro assays for oxidant
`scavenging. The
`in vitro system
`to generate
`reactive oxygen
`species was a reaction
`10.0 PM FeCl,, 1.0 mM ascorbate,
`and 1.0
`mM H,Oz
`in Hanks’ balanced
`salt solution
`(GIBCO, Grand
`land, NY). The molecular
`target used in the first assay was the
`sugar deoxyribose
`(1.0 mM), which
`reacts with oxi-
`to yield a mixture
`of products. On heating with
`turic acid (TBA)
`at low pH, these reaction
`form a pink
`that can be quantified
`by the change
`in absor-
`bance at 532 nm (A,,,).
`(final concn 0.0-10.0 mg/
`(0.1 ml),
`ml), cetyl alcohol
`(final concn 0.0-10.0 mM), or Exosurf
`concn 0.0-10.0 mg/ml)
`was added
`reaction mixture.
`is not easily solubilized
`in aqueous buffer and therefore
`the American Physiological

`A A
`g 0.60
`Q) 0.40
`5 0.20
`m a
`0.80 r,
`$ 0.60
`g 0.40
`: 0.20
`Cetyl Alcohol
`of de-
`of deoxyribose
`in an oxidant-gener-
`in vitro
`and Exosurf.
`dent decreases
`in oxidized
`of deoxyribose
`are evident
`3 compounds.
`these studies. The
`was not separately
`or Exosurf, were
`mixtures, which
`at 45OC for 30 min. To promote
`of cetyl alcohol,
`cetyl alcohol were
`at 55°C.
`the samples were centrifuged
`at 1,200
`g for 10
`min and 1.0 ml of both
`and 2.8% (wt/vol)
`acid was added
`to 1.0 ml of supernatant.
`samples were heated at 100°C
`for 10 min and cooled
`in ice, and
`the chromophore
`was determined
`in triplicate
`by its A532.
`by tyloxapol,
`cetyl alcohol, and Exosurf
`was also measured by assay of hydroxylation
`of salicy-
`in vitro. Salicylic acid (2-hydroxybenzoic
`reacts with
`to produce
`2,3- and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic
`acids (9). The detection
`of 2,3- and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic
`was performed
`using high-performance
`(HPLC) with electrochemical
`(9). Suspensions
`of 10
`PM FeCl,,
`1.0 mM ascorbate, and 1.0 mM H,O, were employed
`to generate oxidants
`in the presence of 10.0 PM salicylate. Nor-
`mal saline
`(0.1 ml),
`(final concn 0.0-10.0 mg/ml),
`tyl alcohol
`(final concn 0.0-10.0 mM), or Exosurf
`(final concn
`0.0-10.0 mg/ml) was added. The
`reaction mixtures were
`bated at 45OC (except
`those with cetyl alcohol, which were incu-
`bated at 55°C)
`for 30 min and centrifuged
`at 1,200 g for 10 min.
`was centrifuged
`(Beckman Microfuge
`E) through
`a 0.22~pm microfuge
`(no. 352-118,
`PGC Scientific)
`15,000 g. A loo-p1 sample of the eluate was injected
`onto a C,,
`(250 X 4.6 mm, Beckman
`235329). Hydroxylated
`of salicylate were quantified
`a Coulochem
`(ESA model
`510OA), with
`the detector
`set at a reducing potential
`of -0.40 V
`direct current. The guard cell was set at an oxidizing
`of +0.40 V direct current
`(29). Measurements
`were done
`to scavenge
`in vitro capacity of tyloxapol
`l OH also was
`to that of salicylate.
`reaction mixture
`50 PM FeCl,, 50 PM EDTA,
`and 5.0 mM H,O,
`in phos-
`(pH 7.0). Salicylate was present at 5 mM
`(680 pg/ml).
`was added
`in concentrations
`of 1.0,
`10.0, 100, 500, and 1,000 pg/ml. The solutions were
`using deuterium
`for 2 min, and the
`reaction was then stopped with catalase
`(200 U). After precipi-
`tation of the protein with use of trichloroacetic
`acid and centrif-
`ugation, hydroxylated
`of salicylate
`in the supernatant
`were quantified
`in duplicate
`by use of HPLC
`coupled with elec-
`(273 t 16
`In vivo lung
`injury with 100% oxygen. Sixty-day-old
`g) specific pathogen-free
`male Sprague-Dawley
`River, Wilmington,
`MA) were
`(6.0 mg), tyloxapol
`(6.0 mg) plus cetyl
`(11.0 mg), or Exosurf
`to 7.5 mg tyloxapol,
`11.3 mg cetyl alcohol,
`and 101.3 mg DPPC). All
`were administered
`using an instillation
`volume of 0.5 ml. As a
`result of insolubility
`in aqueous buffers at body
`cetyl alcohol alone was not tested, but rather a combination
`and cetyl alcohol was
`in a ratio approxi-
`mately equal
`to that present
`in Exosurf. Rats were
`then ex-
`to air
`(n = 40) or 100% oxygen
`(n = 40)
`in Plexiglas
`that were
`flushed with gas at a flow rate of 10 l/min.
`by a polarographic
`and maintained
`at >98%. CO,
`levels were
`~0.5%. Temperature
`was kept between
`20 and 22°C. Food
`(Ralston Purina,
`St. Louis, MO) and water were available
`libitum. After 61 h of exposure, animals were killed with pento-
`(100 mg/kg
`ip; Abbott
`IL). Lung wet-to-dry
`ratios were calculated
`tissue samples were dried
`for 96 h at 60°C. Pleural
`the chest cavity
`by aspirating
`volume was measured
`In some animals
`in the diaphragm.
`a small
`and 2% glutaraldehyde
`in 84 mM so-
`trachea was cannulated,
`dium cacodylate
`buffer at pH 7.4 was
`at a constant
`of 20 cmH,O. Tissue was examined
`by light micros-
`copy after
`it was sectioned
`and then stained with hematoxylin
`and eosin.
`in lung
`tissue are measured
`easily as
`Page 2

`0 2,5 Dihydroxybenzoic
`n 2,3 Dihydroxybenzoic
`7.0 -
`a 6.0 -
`Q) z
`50- 4:o -
`3.0 -
`2.0 -
`in vitro
`of salicylate
`2. Hydroxylated
`along with
`of salicylate
`in an oxidant-generating
`tyl alcohol,
`and Exosurf.
`All 3 compounds
`were dose dependent.
`in hydroxylated
`tures with
`saline and
`those with
`10.0 mg/ml
`1.0 mM
`and 10.0 mg/ml
`. T
`ts 90
`Q, 5
`.g 6:o
`3 5.0
`40 '
`.F 3.0
`$ 20 .
`g 1.0
`3 0.0
`lung weight
`FIG. 3. Wet-to-dry
`sure of rats
`to 100% oxygen.
`only between
`61 h of continuous
`were demonstrated
`of lipids occurs
`stress. Peroxidation
`of oxidant
`a sensitive
`in vivo
`to oxygen
`in vitro
`of tissue
`(34), although
`also react with
`other oxidized
`tissue components
`TBA and
`lead to an overestimate
`of fatty peroxide
`At the end of the experiments,
`g of lung tissue was excised
`and TBA-reactive
`products were measured
`as previously
`rats were
`studies. Sprague-Dawley
`(6.0 mg), ty-
`tracheally with 0.5 ml of normal
`mg) plus cetyl alcohol
`(11.0 mg), or Exosurf
`Il.3 mg cetyl alcohol, and 101.3 mg
`to 7.5 mg tyloxapol,
`to air (n = 48) or 100%
`DPPC). These
`rats were
`then exposed
`(n = 48). Cages were checked every 3 h after 60 h for
`dead animals,
`and the data were
`as percent
`in a
`system were performed
`twice. All other experiments
`were performed
`th ree
`times. Data are expressed
`as means k
`SD. An analysis of variance was used to determine
`FIG. 4. Pleural
`to 100% oxygen.
`all other
`fluid accumulation
`There were
`61 h of continuous
`saline and
`(6). When F ratios were significant,
`between multiple
`means were compared
`post hoc using Scheffe’s
`test. For mortal-
`ity studies, x2 values were calculated
`and used to analyze differ-
`(6). Significance
`was assumed
`P < 0.05.
`The synthetic surfactant and two of its components,
`tyloxapol and cetyl alcohol, diminished in vitro oxidation
`of deoxyribose, as reflected by the absorbance of TBA-
`reactive products (Fig. 1). These decrements in oxidant
`generation were dependent on the concentration of the
`compounds or the mixture. Post hoc tests demonstrated
`significant differences in absorbances between reaction
`mixtures with normal saline and those with 0.1, 1.0, and
`10.0 mg/ml tyloxapol. Also, 1.0 mM cetyl alcohol and 1.0
`and 10.0 mg/ml Exosurf were significantly different
`control. The same three compounds diminished in vitro
`of salicylate in a Fenton system (Fig. 2).
`The decreases in hydroxylation
`of salicylate associated
`with tyloxapol also were concentration dependent. Ty-
`loxapol competed successfully with salicylate for
`l OH
`generated using FeCI,, H,O,, and ultraviolet
`light. At
`1,000 pg/ml of the detergent, hydroxylated products of
`salicylate were diminished by >99%. This indicates that
`tyloxapol, on a weight basis, is a more efficient
`. OH scav-
`enger than salicylate.
`After prolonged exposure to 100% oxygen, the lungs of
`rats develop a defect in the barrier function of the alveo-
`lar-capillary membrane characterized by pulmonary
`edema and large pleural effusions. Wet-to-dry weight ra-
`tios of lung tissue from rats exposed to air and treated
`with saline, tyloxapol,
`tyloxapol plus cetyl alcohol, or
`Exosurf demonstrated no differences (control = 4.78
`0.31). Exposure to 100% oxygen elevated the wet-to-dry
`weight ratio (Fig. 3). Whereas wet-to-dry
`lung weight ra-
`tios in rats exposed to oxygen and treated with tyloxapol,
`tyloxapol plus cetyl alcohol, and Exosurf were lower,
`post hoc tests indicated
`that only tyloxapol decreased
`Page 3

`\ 1
`Page 4

`E 0.09
`5 0.06
`0) 0.05
`=p 0.03
`0 cn 0.02
`a 0.01
`of TBA-reactive
`FIG. 6. Absorbance
`to 100% oxygen.
`after 61 h of
`values with
`and Exosurf-
`wet-to-dry weight ratios significantly compared with sa-
`line treatment.
`No pl .eural fluid was detected in rats exposed to air and
`treated with saline, tyloxapol,
`tyl oxapol plus cetyl alco-
`hol, or Exosurf. Animals exposed to 100% oxygen accu-
`mulated large quantities of pleural fluid (Fig. 4), and post
`hoc tests demonstrated significantly greater fluid in sa-
`line-treated oxygen-exposed animals than
`in animals
`given all other treatments. Despite the improvements
`several indexes of injury after treatment with Exosurf or
`its components, histological findings typical of hyperoxic
`lung injury were observed after all therapies (Fig. 5).
`No differences were demonstrated among TBA-reac-
`tive products of rat lung exposed to air and treated with
`saline, tyloxapol,
`tyloxapol plus cetyl alcohol, and Exo-
`surf (A,,, = 0.051 t 0.004). Concentrations of TBA-reac-
`tive products were significantly elevated in lungs of rats
`exposed to oxygen (Fig. 6). Whereas all values in rats
`There were no deaths among animals treated with the
`test compounds and exposed to air. In rats the mean
`survival during continuous exposure to 100% oxygen at
`sea level is 60-66 h (7). Mean survival in rats treated with
`saline and exposed to 100% oxygen was 67.3
`t 8.1 h (Fig.
`7). Treatments with tyloxapol,
`tyloxapol plus cetyl alco-
`hol, and Exosurf significantly
`increased survival through
`96 h. There was no significant difference in survival at 96
`h between Exosurf-treated
`rats and animals instilled
`with tyloxapol plus cetyl alcohol.
`radicals are produced as normal by-
`products of metabolism. These oxidants are scavenged
`by antioxidant enzymes (i.e., superoxide dismutases, ca-
`talase, and glutathione peroxidase) and molecular scav-
`,&carotene, and
`engers (i.e. 9 glutathione, a-tocopherol,
`ascorbic acid). During exposure to hyperoxia, an in-
`creased rate of radical generation
`is assumed to over-
`whelm endogenous antioxidant defenses (11, 14). These
`reactive oxygen species can cause cellular
`injury and
`death through lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, sulf-
`hydryl depletion, and DNA damage. The major source of
`pulmonary oxidant stress during hyperoxia is likely to be
`increased cellular production of 0, and H,O,. Whereas
`both oxidant species may have deleterious effects on bio-
`logical materials directly, some portion of their toxicity
`may be mediated through an iron-catalyzed generation of
`l OH with 0, as the necessary reductant and H,O, as the
`substrate (2, 14). The hydroxyl
`radical scavenger di-
`methylthiourea and the iron chelator deferoxamine de-
`crease hyperoxic
`in an animal model. Conse-
`the oxidant-generating
`system that we selected
`to test for in vitro antioxidant activity of Exosurf and its
`components was one that produced hydroxyl
`radical. Ex-
`osurf functioned as an antioxidant
`in this in vitro system.
`Surfactant-enriched material has a capacity to be oxi-
`dized (12,32). The components of Exosurf were tested in
`vitro, except for DPPC, which is poorly water soluble and
`chemically the least likely component to react with oxy-
`gen-derived radicals. The alcohol and detergent compo-
`nents actively contributed
`to the antioxidant properties
`of the mixture. To scavenge radicals, these compounds
`must be easily oxidized
`to stable chemical forms. Alco-
`hols are well recognized as antioxidants and are oxidized
`to aldehydes (4). Some detergents have been observed to
`stimulate oxidant generation
`in vitro
`in acellular
`and cell ular systems (19). The exact mechanisms for the
`in vitro antioxidant activity of the nonionic detergent
`and the products of its oxidation are not known. Tyloxa-
`pol is an alkylaryl polyether alcohol polymer synthesized
`from the reaction of 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol
`formaldehyde and oxirane.
`It retains
`ii l : 60
`Hours of Exposure
`to 100% oxygen
`of rats
`7. Survival
`to saline,
`(A), or Exosurf
`(+). Relative
`pol plus
`and Exosurf
`the 3 therapies,
`was significantly
`Page 5

`John Patterson
`for preparation
`of the manuscript.
`by National
`in part
`and HL-32188.
`A. J. Ghio, Box 3177, Duke University
`NC 27710
`and Louise Wil-
`7 September
`1993; accepted
`8 April
`J. Mead.
`J. Dis. Child.
`in hy-
`P. Dwyer,
`a mechanism
`of oxygen
`St. Louis
`76: 72-
`J. 219:
`and W. J. Long-
`on experimental
`Am. Rev. Respir.
`of respi-
`136: 1256-1275,
`G. M., B. A. Holm,
`L. Milanowski,
`L. M. Wild,
`R. H.
`and these may
`groups of the original alcohol monomer,
`its antioxidant
`the exposures,
`or its components,
`given before
`injury measured
`as wet-to-dry
`after 61 h of 100%
`ratios and pleural
`fluid accumulation
`oxygen exposure. Treatment with other surfactant
`(27) exposures
`to 100%
`given before and after
`lung mechanics
`and gas exchange
`animal models
`(8, 27).
`In oxygen
`an influx of
`plasma proteins
`can inhibit
`and surfactant
`could restore a deficiency
`activity of natural
`other surfactant
`that protect
`the lung may not be impressive
`(26), Exosurf may
`as an antioxi-
`dant to inhibit
`lung injury.
`an antioxi-
`from hyperoxia,
`To protect a living system
`dant must
`to the sites of oxidant
`injury and have
`a higher
`for an oxidant
`than does the biological
`of importance.
`to previous
`(10, 34), exposure
`to 100% oxygen
`in an
`in TBA-reactive
`in the lung. This ele-
`in oxidized products was diminished
`by Exosurf,
`in vivo antioxidant
`its in vitro capacity. For some reason, however,
`the an-
`on the lung by surfactant
`and its components
`did not correspond
`to improvement
`by light microscopy
`in the inflammatory
`by hyperoxia.
`to 100% oxygen at one atmo-
`sphere causes death
`in all mammalian
`species and is a
`to respiratory
`in humans with
`injury. The combination
`of tyloxapol
`cetyl alcohol was equivalent
`to the synthetic
`in protecting
`the animal
`of action
`for Exosurf
`in addition
`to its effects
`on surface
`tension. This capacity of tyloxapol
`to decrease
`from hyperoxia was probably
`the 1950s with
`the compound Alevaire
`(3). Alevaire
`tained a combination
`of tyloxapol,
`sodium bicarbonate,
`and glycerin and was used as a mucolytic
`and expecto-
`rant. Experimentally,
`of the
`lungs with
`the survival
`of guinea pigs exposed
`98% oxygen
`from 49 to 87 h, although
`the mechanism
`proposed at the time was mucus hydration.
`There have been repeated
`that a disorder of
`to several
`forms of acute lung inju-
`in adults
`(20, 31). Benefits
`of exogenous
`therapy have been demonstrated
`in experimental models
`of adult
`(15, 20,
`36), and preliminary
`data have suggested
`the syn-
`can decrease mortality
`ciated with ARDS
`(35). The rationale
`for employing
`in ARDS has been to improve
`and enhance gas exchange, but our
`the additional
`antioxidant mechanism
`of action.
`Surfactants must not be assumed
`to be inert substances
`with a singular
`to alter surface
`tension and gas
`exchange properties
`of the lung. Biological
`effects other
`tension may significantly
`the pathophysiology
`of lung injury and should be consid-
`ered as notential nrotective mechanisms.
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