`PAGE 1 OF 132

`M. .|ayne L:1wr{:ncc
`Seplemberd, 2015
`Scnju Ph:1rm:1ceLItit:al C0,, I.TD., cl al. V. Lupin, L'|'D., and Lupin Phalmacuulical. Inc.,
`Civil Action Nos.:
`Civil Action NOS.:
`INC., and MYLAN INC.,
`Deposition of:
`September 4, 2015
`New York, New York
`Ace—Federal Reporters, Inc.
`PAGE 2 OF 132
`PAGE 2 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lzlwrence
`September4, 20l5
`Senju Pharniaceutieal C0,, LTD. et a]. V. L.upil‘l, LTD-. find 1.|.Ipin Pliarmaceulical. |nc:..
`Attorneys for Defendant lnnopharma
`333 Smith Hgpe Street, ]5[h F100;-
`Los Angeles, California 900?‘!
`(213) 5764000 (Telephone)
`(213) 576-] I00 (Fax)
`I 2 3 4
`6 7 8
`Also Present:
`Thomas Del Veeehio (Videographer)
`Page 2
`Ph.D., taken pursuant to Notice, held at the law
`offices ol‘GOODWIN I’ROC'l‘l.-IR. LLP, 620 Eighth Avenue,
`26th Floor, New York. New York, IOOI8-I405, on
`Fiiday, Seplentber 4. 2(Jl5. at 8:00 am. before
`JEANNl?.TTli MCCORMICK, a-Certified Slmrthand Reporter,
`and a Notary Public.
`Page 3
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs
`901 New York Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC. 20001-4413
`(202) 408-4000 (Telephone)
`(202) 408-4400 (Fax)
`E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit I Declaration ofM. Jayne
`Lawrence, Ph.D. and
`Appendices and Exhibits
`Attorneys for Defendant Lupin
`The New York Times Building
`620 Eighth Avenue
`New York, New York 10018-1405
`(212) 8]3~8800 (Telephone)
`(212) 355-3333 (Fax)
`"Models for Intestinal Drug
`Absorption", Wood & Lawrence
`(1991) Journal of'Biopharn1aeeutical
`Sciences (pgs. 147-] 72)
`(Publication No. 5 on CV)
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
`PAGE 3 OF 132
`2 (Pages 2 to 5}
`PAGE 3 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`September 4, ZUI5
`Scnju PI1:1t'm3Ct!llliC2ll Co., LTD., et al. v. Lupin, LTD., and Lupin Pliaimaccutical, lnc..
`E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 3 "Effect of diclofenac sodium
`and disodium
`ethyleuediaminetetraacetate on
`electrical parameters of the
`mucosa] membrane and their
`relation to the permeability
`enhancing effects in the rat
`jejunum" by Yamashita, et al,
`in the J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
`I987, volume 39, pages 621 to 626
`Exl1ibit4 U.S. Patent No. 8,192,755 B2
`Exhibit 5 U.S. Patent Application
`Publication No. 20l3f02l0878 Al
`E X H I 13 IT S
`Exhibit 9 "Recent Advances in
`Microemulsions as Drug
`Delivery VeI1icles" in
`"Nanoparticulates as Drug
`Carriers," (pgs. I25-I'll)
`(Book Chapters No. 14 on CV)
`Exhibit I0 "Drug Delivery Systems:
`Neutron Scattering Studies" in
`"Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical
`Technology," (pgs. I049-l 070)
`(Book Chapters No. 15 on CV)
`Exhibit I
`I "New Medicines, Better
`Medicines, Better Use of
`Medicines," (120 pgs.)
`(Other Outputs No. 12 on CV)
`E X H I B I T S
`"Structural Investigations of
`Exhibit 6
`the Monolayers and Vesicular
`Bilayers Formed by a Novel Class
`ofhlonionic Surfactant" in the
`"Chemical Aspects of Drug
`Delivery System," (pgs. 65-26)
`(Book Chapters No. 6 on CV)
`"Neutron Scattering in
`Pharmaceutical Sciences" in
`“Applications ofNeutron
`Scattering to Soft Condensed
`Matter," (pgs. 325-356)
`(Book Chapters No. 7 on CV)
`Exhibit 3
`"Molecular Modelling of
`Surfactant Vesicles" in
`"Synthetic Surfactant
`Vesicles," (pgs. 9-23)
`(Book Chapters No. 8 on CV)
` Exhibit?’
`E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 12 "Association Characteristics
`of Synthetic Non-ionic
`Surfactants in Aqueous Solution"
`in “Physical Chemistry in
`Condensed Phases," (pgs. 1903-1910)
`(Articles in Academic Journals
`I on CV)
`Exhibit I3 "Effect of Structural
`Variations ofNon—ionic
`Surfactants on Micellar
`Properties and Solubilization:
`Surfactants with Semi-Polar
`Hyclrophobes" in "Journal of
`Phanuacy & Pharmacology,"
`(pgs. 585-S89) (Articles in
`Academic Journals No. 2 on CV)
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
`3 (Pages 6 to 9}
`PAGE 4 OF 132
`PAGE 4 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`September 4, 2015
`Scnju Pharmaceutical Co., [.'|'D., et al. v. Lupin, I."l'D., and Lupin Pliarmaceutical. Inc..
`4 Exhibit 18 "Microemulsions as Drug Delivery
`Vehicles" in "Culrent Opinion in
`Colloid & Interface Science,"
`(pgs. 826-832) (Articles in
`Academic Journals No. [8 on CV)
`9 Exhibit 19 "Aggregation & Surface Propenies
`of Synthetic Double—Chain Non-Ionic
`Surfactants in Aqueous Solution in
`"Journal ofPhar111a & Pharmacology.
`Volume 49, May 199? (pgs. S94-600)
`(Articles in Academic Journals
`No. 20 on CV)
`Exhibit 20 "Physicochemical & Solubiliaation
`Properties ofN,N-Dimethyl-N-
`amineoxide: A Biodegradable
`Nonionic Surfactant" in "Journal
`ofPhan'nac-eutical Sciences,"
`(pgs. 798-806) (Articles in
`Academic Journals No. 33 on CV)
`E X ll 1 B I T S
`Exhibit I4 "Analysis and Modelling ofthe
`Structures of Bcta—Cyclodextrin
`Complexes" in "BBA, Biochimica
`et Biophysica Acta, (pgs. 27-36)
`(Articles in Academic Journals
`No. 8 on CV)
`Exhibit I5 "Surfactant Systems: Their
`Use in Drug Delivery" in
`"Chemical Society Reviews,"
`(pgs. 4|?-424) (Articles in
`Academic Journals No. 9 on CV)
`Exhibit 16 "Surfactant Systems:
`Microemulsions and Vesicles as
`Vehicles for Drug Delivery“ in
`“European Journal of Drug
`Metabolism & Phannacokinetics,
`I994, No. 3, (pgs. 25?-26.9)
`(Articles in Academic Journals
`No. 12 on CV)
`I 2 3 4
`l 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9
`Exhibit I? "The Formation, Characterization
`& Stability of'Non-Ionic
`Surfactant Vesicles" in "STP
`Pharrna Sciences." (Pgs. 49-60)
`(Articles in Academic Journals
`No. 16 on CV)
`Exhibit 21 "Toxicological Evaluation of
`Mixtures ofNonionic Surfactants,
`Alone & in Combination with Oil"
`in "Journal of Pharmaceutical
`Sciences," (pgs. 859-868 (Articles
`in Academic Journals No. 47 on CV) 304
`Ace—Federa| Reporters, Inc.
`4 (Pages I0 to 13}
`PAGE 5 OF 132
`PAGE 5 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`Senju Pl1nt'rnacet|tica1C0., LTD.. et al. v. Lupin, LTD.. and Lupin Pha1'maceutica|. Inr:..
`September 4, 2015
`Page I 6
`E X H 1 B 1 T S
`Exhibit 22 "Formulation of Electrically
`Conducting Microernulsion-Baserl
`Organogels" in "International
`Journal of Pharmaceutics"
`(pgs. 65-83 (Articles in Academic
`Journals No. 49 on CV)
`Exhibit 23 "Molecular Dynamics Simulations
`of the Interfacial & Structural
`Properties of
`Micelles" in "Langmuir, The ACS
`Journal of Surfaces & Colloids"
`(pgs. 546-553 (Articles in Academic
`Journals No. 8?‘ on CV)
`Exhibit 24 "Microernu1sion-Based Media as
`Novel Drug Delivery Systems" in
`"Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews"
`(pgs. 175-193 (Articles in
`Academic Journals No. 102 on CV)
`Page 15
`P R O C F. E D I N G S
`THE VIDEOGRAPHERI Good morning. We are
`now going on the record. Please note that
`microphones are sensitive and may pick up
`whispering and private conversations. Please
`turn off all telephones or place them away
`from the microphones as they can interfere
`with the video deposition audio.
`Recording will continue until parties
`agree to go off the record.
`The deponenr today is Dr. Jayne Lawrence
`in the matter of Senju Pharmaceutical
`Company, Ltd, at al, plaintiffs, versus
`Lupin, Ltd, et a1, defendants. Civil Action
`Number 1:14-CV-0066?, in the United States
`District Court for the District of New
`08:1 1:13
`08:1 1:23
`This deposition is being taken at the
`oilice of Goodwin Procter, the New York Times
`Building, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, New
`York, 10018. The time is approximately 8:12
`a.m. Today is Friday, September 4, 2015.
`08:1 1:23
`08:1 1:25
`03:1 1:33
`0831 1 :44
`The court reporter today is Jeannette
`McCormick with the firm ol'Ace-Federal
`08:1 1:53
`08:1 1:5?
`Reporters. My name is'i‘|tntnas 1)c| Veechio.
`am the legal video specialist representing
`Ace-Fedentl Reporters, 1625 I Street,
`Northwest, Washington], D.C'., 20006.
`Will cmtnsel identify themselves and who
`they represent.
`MR. IIASFORD: Justin llasford of Finnegan
`on bclialfofplaintitfs Senju and Bauseh &
`08: 12:21
`08:12: 12
`MR. DINER: Bryan [Jitter of Finnegan,
`also on behallefplaintiffs Senju and Bauseh
`3: Lom|:t.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Dan Margolis from Goodwin
`Procter for the Lupin defendants.
`MR. ABE: James Abe ofAlston & Bird for
`03:12:31 :-
`the Innopharma defendants.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you. Now, will
`lhe court reporter please swear in or afiimt
`the witness.
`08: 12:4
`having been first duly sworn
`testified as follows:
`Q. Good morning, Dr. Lawrence.
`A. Good morning.
`Q. Would you please state your name and address
`for the record.
`08:13:02 __
`A. Yes. Dr. Margaret Jayne Lawrence of62
`Wellington Road, Ashford, Middlesex, UK.
`Q. How many times have you been deposed before?
`08: 13:1 .
`A. This is my first time.
`Q. Let me tell you how today's deposition will
`I represent the plaintiffs in this case.
`Today 1 will ask you at series ofquestions, and I
`would ask that you answer my questions truthfully
`and accttralely.
`Ifyou need a break,just let me know, but if
`1 have asked a question 1 would ask that you first
`answer the question and then we can take a break.
`If for any reason you do not ulidcrstand a
`question that 1 ask, please let me know.
`Aee—Federal Reporters, Inc.
`5 (Pages 14 to 1'?)
`PAGE 6 OF 132
`PAGE 6 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`September 4, 2015
`Senju Pharrnaceutical Co._,
`|.TD., et al. v. Lupin, LTD._, and Lupin Pliarniaceutical, lnc.,
`answer :1 question, 1 will assume that you understood
`the question.
`Is that okay?
`A. Yes.
`Page I 8
`is there any reason why you cannot testify
`trutlt1'ul|y and accurately today?
`A. No.
`l'm handing the court
`reporter what We asked to be marked as
`Lawrence Exhibit 1.
`For the record, Lawrence Exhibit 1 is
`08: 13:53
`the Declaration oflaync Lawrence, Ph.D., and
`Appendices and Exhibits.
`(whereupon, P|ainti11‘s Deposition
`1£x11ibitNo. Lawrence 1 was marked for
`Q. 15 Lawrence Exhibit 1 your claim construction
`declaration, appendices and exhibits in this case?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Please tum to page 25. Does your signature
`appear on page 25 ofyour claim construction
`declaration for this case?
`11 does.
`Page 19
`Q. Who prepared your claim construction
`declaration for this case’?
`I did.
`Q. Take a look, ifyou would, at Appendix A.
`Appendix A to your claim construction declaration at
`copy ofyour curriculum vitae?
`11 is.
`Q. Does your curriculum vitae list your relevant
`professional experience?
`A. It does.
`Q. In what areas do you consider yourselfan
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`MR. ABE: Counsel, will we agree that if
`counsel for Lupin objects it will apply for
`lnnophanna as well?
`MR. 1-IASFORD: Sure. We can agree to
`MR, ABE: Thank you. Please proceed.
`T1-11:". WITNESS: Could you just repeat the
`question again?
`Q. Ccttainly.
`In what areas do you consider
`yourst:|1'an expert?
`MR. M!\RG()L.lS: Same objection.
`lo terms o1‘ scientific
`activities? In terms ofprofessional
`activities? Could you please clarify a hit
`Page 20
`In what areas do you hold yourself out as an
`MR. MARGOIJS: Objection. Vague.
`It depends what --1 tind
`that a very clifficult question to answer
`because you could be expert in lots ofareas
`and that's why 1 ask for clarification.
`Q. 1n what scientific areas do you consider
`yourself an expert?
`A. Okay.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`A. Do you mean an expert in the context ofthis
`particular case?
`Q. W11at‘s your understanding ofan expert,
`08: 16:44
`A. An expert is a person who has knowledge in a
`particular area.
`Q. Okay. And l'm asking the question based on
`your understanding. So I will ask it again. In
`what areas do you consider yoursetfan expert?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`I think to answer that
`question I'm going to have to quali Fy the
`particular areas I’m talking about because 1
`have expertise in several areas.
`Q. What areas?
`1 have expertise in respect to professional
`activities where l'm chair of -- I‘rn sony -- where
`l'm Chief" Scientist for Royal Pharmaceutical
`08:17:36 '1
`Society, and so 1 have expertise, and surrounding my
`activities as a chief scientist in that context.
`obviously have expertise surrounding my activities
`as an academic in King's College, London.
`Q. Are you an expert in any other areas?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`03:17:47 9
`Ace-I-‘ederal Reporters. Inc.
`PAGE 7 OF 132
`PAGE 7 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`Scnju Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., ct al. v. Lupin, LTD., and Lupin Pharmaceutical, |rtc.,
`Page 2?.
`September 4, 2015
`Page 24 Z
`Q. What other areas‘!
`A. {jetting — that's incredibly vague and
`(18:20: 15
`probably not relevant to this particular case. For
`example, I'm an expert on neutron scattering, but
`it‘s probably i rrclcvant for this particttlar case.
`Q. Well. I'm asking you the question and, you
`know, I'm not asking you to try to determine what's
`relevant or not relevant for the case.
`Are you an expert in any other areas‘?
`I consider 1 have expertise in a number of
`08:2] :02
`other areas. yes. For example, I'm a recognized
`expert on neutron scattering.
`Q. And you just said that. What other areas
`besides neutron scattering?
`1 think 1'tn expert in promoting of
`pltarmaeeutical science.
`Q. Any other areas?
`A. 1'l1qua1iFy that, promoting to the public
`08:21 :27
`and other scientists. Can 1 look at my CV?
`Q. Oh, please.
`1 consider1'm an expert teacher with respect
`Page 25
`to pharmaceutical science. I've been given awards
`08 :22 :00
`for that activity.
`1 consider I'm an expert researcher, which
`includes an expert in the areas you highlighted.
`Q. Any other areas?
`08:22: 10
`A. Archaeology. Hobby.
`08:22: 14
`Q. Anything else?
`it's very hard to answer when asked are you
`an expert in, not knowing what the point ofthe
`question is.
`Q. Well, let me ask it this way. Are you an
`expert in the field of pharmacy?
`. Yes.
`. Have you ever practiced pharmacy?
`. Yes.
`. When did you last practice pharmacy?
`I‘m a practicing pharmacist.
`. When did you last dispense a medication to a
`A. Dispense medication? Probably 20 years ago.
`Q. Are you an expert in pharmacology?
`A. No.
`08:22:58 '2
`Q. Are you an expert in pharmacokinetics?
`.— Ix.)
`3 3 E
`N —-
`Q. You may a|1swer_
`1 do find that really, really hard to answer.
`1 can give you an expertise ifyou tell me vvltat
`particular areas you are referring to.
`I'm asking you for your understanding.
`what other areas do you hold yourscl1'out as on
`08:18:| 1
`08: 18:13
`08:18: 17
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`THE WITNESS: Well, I'm going to answer
`it this way.
`1 have expertise in a number of
`scientific disciplines.
`1 have expertise in
`respect to my professional activities
`regarding my work at Pharmaceutical Society.
`I think my main -- my main two areas of
`Q. Take a look at paragraph 5 of your
`declaration on page two.
`A. Which is headed?
`Q. Its going to be page 2 ofyour declaration.
`A. Yes.
`Q. Paragrap1I5 under Qualifications. [don't
`think you're on the right page.
`I'm sorry.
`lt'S your declaration.
`A. Sorry. Paragraph 5'?
`Q. So, 1 still don't believe you're on the right
`It's your declaration, not your curriculum
`08: I 9:31
`08: 19:40
`I‘m sorry. Five did you say? Page 5?
`Q. Page 2, paragraph 5.
`A. Page 2. Okay.
`It says, "I am an expert in the field of
`formulation and drug delivery, specifically
`phannaeetrtical fonnulation for oral and parenteral
`use (i.e., non-oral, including intravenous
`intramuscular, nasal, respiratory and ophthaltrtic],
`including aqueous liquid preparations."
`Do you see that?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Do you hold yourscifout to the public as an
`expert in any other areas?
`ln other areas?
`5 G E E S —
`—- O0
`Q. Correct.
`A. Yes.
`Ace—Federal Reporters, lnc.
`'? {Pages 22 to 25)
`PAGE 8 OF 132
`PAGE 8 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`Senju Pharmaceutical C0,, I.TD., et al. v. Lupin, LTD., and Lupin Pharmaeettlicul. 1nc.,
`September 4, 2015
`Page 28 .
`A. As a pharmacist in the UK, that is not your
`15 that a "nt1"'.’
`A. 1n the UK, that would not he the role ofa
`Q. Have you ever dispensed any hrotnfenac product
`to a patient‘?
`A. No.
`08:25:22 I
`Q. Have you ever dispensed any product
`containing tyloxapol to a patient‘?
`A. Yes.
`. What product‘?
`. Exosurl.
`. You may have to spell that for the reporter.
`. E-X-0-S-U-R-F.
`. What is Exosurt?
`it's a product for respiratory distress
`syndrome in pro-term infants.
`is that an ophthalmic product?
`A. 1t‘s not an ophthalmic product.
`1 have
`dispensed many oplithalmie products.
`Q. Have you ever dispensed an ophthalmic product
`08:26:11 I
`Page 2‘)
`08:26: 16
`containing tyloxapol to a patient‘?
`A. Undoubtedly.
`Q. Which one?
`A. Many products contain tyloxapol. As at
`pharmacist, 1 have dispensed most ophthalmic
`Q. What ophthalmic product containing tyloxapol
`have you dispensed to a patient‘?
`A. As a pharmacist, it is not normal you read
`the list ofexcipients.
`Q. Sitting here today, can you name any
`ophthalmic product containing tyloxapol that you
`have dispensed to a patient?
`A. No.
`Q. Are you aware that the acronym EDTA stands
`For ethylenediaminetetraacetie acid?
`A. lam.
`5 S E
`.— Ln
`-- Ch
`Page 26
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`l have -- 1 have a good level ofexpertise in
`Q. Have you ever held yourself out to the public
`as an expert in phannacoltittctics?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you ever held yoursclfout to the public
`as an expert in pharmacodytianiics?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`I have not.
`Q. Are you an expert in ophthalmology?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`I'm an exp:-it in parenteral fonnulations of
`which ophthalmology -- ophthaltnic formulations as
`Q. Have you ever held yourselfout to the public
`as an expert in ophthalmology?
`MR. MARGOIJS: Objection. Vague.
`08:24:] 1
`Page 2}‘
`Q. Are you an expert in any field ofmedieine?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`THE WITNESS: Medicine is a huge area.
`And what are you covering? Are you covering
`phannaceutical medicine?
`Q. Have you ever held yourselfout to the public
`as an expert in any field of medicine‘?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`1 am a Registered
`Practicing Pharmacist in the UK.
`. Have you ever --
`. So, I am not a medic.
`. Well, when you say -—
`. So, 1 would not claim to practice medicine.
`. Have you ever prescribed medication to 3
`A. No.
`E .
`S S E G E S
`._. DO
`l-lave you ever treated an inflammatory disease
`of the eye?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you ever administered any bromfenac
`product to a patient?
`Q. Have you ever administered any product
`containing EIDTA or any salt or anion nt‘EDTA to a
`A. Undoubtedly, yes.
`Q. Which product‘?
`03:27:04 ‘_
`Ace-Federal Reportets, lnc.
`PAGE 9 OF 132
`8 ( Pages 26 to 29)
`PAGE 9 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`September 4, 2015
`Senju Pl1armaceutica1Co.. LT['J., et a1. V. Lupin, LTD., and Lupin Pliarmaceuiieal. Inc.
`Q. Have you ever conducted any research on any
`product containing EDTA or any salt or anion o1‘
`A. Yes.
`Page 32
`Q. What product?
`It's frequently —~ it's a compound that is
`fnequenlly used in academic researelt for a variety
`of purposes.
`Q. When did you inst use EDTA in your academic
`08:29:13 =
`A. Personally, a while ago. My research group,
`all the time. So, 1 don't know how that answers
`your question.
`Q. No. Thank you for clarifying.
`When personally did you last use EDTA in your
`08:30: 16
`academic research?
`08:30: 19
`A. Probably about five years ago.
`Q. When personally did you last use tyloxapol in
`your academic research’?
`A. Very recently.
`Q. Do you remember how recently‘?
`A. Probably last year or so.
`Q. Is bromfenac a water-soluble hydrophilic
`MR. MARGQLIS: Objection. Vague.
`THE WITNESS: Can I ask you to clarify
`that? Do you mean the free acid or do you
`mean the salt?
`Page 33
`Q. Well, let me ask it this way.
`ls the sodium 08:31:05
`08:31 :07
`salt of bromfenac a water-soluble hydrophilic drug’?
`It is.
`Q. Would :1 solution containing tyloxapol in
`water he considered a water-based surfactant system?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`THE WITNESS: Sorry. Repeat the
`08:31 :23
`08:31 :25
`Q. Certainly.
`twill repeat the question.
`Would a solution containing tyloxapol in
`08:31 :30
`water he considered a water-based surfactant system?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`It is vague because you
`08:31 :43
`don't give enough infonnation as to regards
`08:31 :45
`to how much tyloxapol or what else is in
`there. So it's very -- it's difficult to
`08:31 :49
`E G _
`S -
`- --I
`_. OD
`_. \D
`N I
`E E E G
`.— UN
`3 E _
`A. Eye drops that contain it.
`Q. Which eye drops‘?
`(18:27: 15
`Q. Have you ever conducted any research on any
`bromfenuc product‘?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`A. On El bromfenac product, no.
`Q. Have you ever conducted any research on any
`product containing tyloxapol?‘
`. Yes.
`. What product‘?
`. Exosurf, for example.
`. Any others?
`. Formulations I have undertaken research in my
`own laboratory.
`Q. Which fonnulations?
`A. That 1 have made up in my own laboratory.
`Q. How did you make a 1'orn1ulation in your
`laboratory containing tyloxapol?
`A. That is a very vague question.
`I have used
`lyloxapol much in my research.
`08:28: 1 6
`Page 31
`Q. What did you use it for‘?
`A. To make a variety of formulations, of types
`Q. Why did you use tyioxapol in the formulations.
`that you made in your laboratory?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`A. Iused it for several reasons. For example,
`it is accepted phunnaeeutically.
`Q. What other reasons’?
`A. It's a non-ionie surfactant.
`Q. What other reasons?
`It is well—known to solubilize drugs. To
`solubilize, S-0-L-U-B-1-L—l-S—E, or Z—E.
`Q. Any other reasons‘?
`It's -- it stabilizes many formulations.
`Q. What do you mean by "it stabilizes many
`ll depends on the formulation you're looking
`at, how it acts, but it is used to fonnulate many
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
`9 (Pages 30 to 33)
`PAGE 10 OF 132
`PAGE 10 OF 132

`M. Jayne L.a\vI‘cnee
`September 4, 2015
`Senjlt Pharrnaccutical Co.. LTD.. ct al. v. Lupin, l.TD., and Lupin Pliarrnaceutical, lnc.,
`Q. How \\«'t‘.Il.| Id you make :1 \vatcr—based surfactant
`08:31 :56
`system with tyloxapol?
`08:31 :57
`A. Cart 1 ask for clarification‘?
`. Sure.
`Page 34
`A. What do you mean by water-based?
`Q. What's your understanding of water-based?
`1 don't know.
`I'm asking For clarification.
`. Have you ever used the term watcr-based?
`A. It's not a frequently used term -- a teI'm 1
`frequently use, no.
`Q. Have you ever used it in any ofyour
`08:32: 1 5
`A. Idoo't know.
`ldon‘t remember every single
`publication I've had.
`Q. Would a solution containing tyloxapol in
`water be considered an aqueous surfactant system?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`’I'|-11:". WITNESS: Again, you need to tell me
`how much water and tyloxapol there are to
`answer that question. I'm sorry.
`Q. Why does it matter how much water and
`A Q
`concentration, that would depend on what you would
`do next.
`Q. Would that he considered a water-based
`surfactant system’?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vogue.
`THE WITNESS: Again, it depends on what
`lhe detinition of based is.
`Q. Would that be considered an aqueous
`surt'aetnnt system?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`It would depend on the
`relative -- depending on the relative
`proportions of surfactant and water.
`Q. 1f the water is in the greater proportion,
`would that be an aqueous surfactant system?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Are you an expert in clinical testing?
`A. No.
`1 would consider myself somebody of
`ordinary skill in the art.
`Q. Have you ever conducted any clinical testing
`with a pharrnaeeutical product’?
`A. When you mean conduct, again, that's very
`vague because have 1 led a clinical trial, have I
`designed a clinical trial, have I analyzed a
`clinical trial? That's not -
`Page 3'1’
`Q. Have you ever [ed any clinical testing on a
`pharmaceutical product?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you ever designed any clinical testing
`on a pharmaceutical product‘?
`A. No.
`Q. Are you an expert in statistics or
`08:35: 12
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`I have a good
`understanding ofstatistics.
`Q. Do you hold yourselfto the public as an
`expert in statistics or biostatistics‘?
`A. No, lwould not.
`Q. Are you an expert in the U.S. Pharmacopeia
`criteria for antimicrobial etlectiveness?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Obicction. Vague.
`I'm very aware ofxvhat the
`criteria are.
`Page 35
`tyloxapol are there‘?
`A. Because you still haven't answered really
`what based is. So. when you say water-based, ifyott
`can clarify that, please?
`Q. No.
`I asked a difTerent question.
`asked -
`1 can't answer if you're talking about
`water-based and it's not clarified. So I can't
`answer. Sorry.
`Q. Okay. How would you make an aqueous
`surfactant system using tyloxapol‘?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Q. You may answer.
`A. The only way I can answer that is to make
`some assumptions.
`Q. Please do.
`A. Assuming you want a predominantly
`water-based -~ water to be there in the biggest
`amount, largest amount, which I assume is what you
`are trying to say by based, you would add water, a
`known amount of water, to a pre-weighed amount of
`tyloxapol. and depending upon the particular
`08:33: 1 7
`Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
`[0 (Pages 34 to 37)
`PAGE 11 OF 132
`PAGE 11 OF 132

`M. Jayne Lawrence
`September 4, 2015
`Scnju Pharmaceutical Co., L"['D.. et :11. v. Lupin, LTD., and Lupin Pharrnaceutictrl. Inc.,
`Q. Do you hold yoursel f as an expert in the U .53.
`Plrarrnacopcia criteria for anti rrricrobial
`Page 38
`MR. MAR(iOl.lS: Objection. Vague.
`I am unclear what an
`expert would need to do ttndcr those --
`somebody would need to do under those
`circunrstances to be an expert.
`Q. 1-lave you ever conducted any tests rrreasuring
`antimicrobial effectiveness according to

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