Wilson and
`Gisv0ld’s Textbook of
`Edited by
`John H. Block, Ph.D., R.Ph.
`Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
`Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`College of Pharmacy
`Oregon State University
`Corvallis, Oregon
`John M. Beale, Jr., Ph.D.
`Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and
`Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`St. Louis College of Pharmacy
`St. Louis. Missouri
`' A Woltevs Kluwer Company
`Philadelphia - Baltimore - New York - London
`Buenos Aires - Hong Kong - Sydney - Tokyo
`PAGE 1 OF 18
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`Finn Edition. I966
`Sixth Edition. l97l
`Seventh Edition. i977
`Ninth Ed i
`Tenth Ed i
`viewed for current information, including contraindications. dosages. andiprecgufions.
`ad ',
`Library of Congress Cataloging~in-Publication Data
`Wilson and Gisvold's textbook or organic medicinal and phannaceutical
`ed /edited by John H. Block, John M. Beale Jr.
`p. '. cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`l. Title: Textbook of organic medicinal
`l. Pharmaceutical chemistry. 2. Chemistry. Organic.
`and phannaceutical chemistry. 11. Wilson. Charles Owens. I91 l-2002 lll Gisvold, Ole.
`l904- IV. Block. John H. V. Beale. John Marlowe.
`IDNLM: 1. Chemistry. Pharmaceutical. 2. Chemistry, Organic. QV 744 W754 2004]
`RS403 T43 2004
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`PAGE 2 OF 18

`34 Wilson and Gi.rvold'r Textbook of Organic Medirinal and Phannaceurical Chemistry
`The stereochemistry of the hydroxylated centers in the two
`metabolites has not been clearly established. Biotransforma-
`tion of the antihypertensive agent minoxidil (Loniten) yields
`the 4’-hydroxypiperidyl metabolite. In the dog, this product
`is a major urinary metabolite (29 to 47%), whereas in hu-
`mans it is detected in small amounts (~3%)."7- ‘53
`Oxidation Involving Carbon-Helerootom
`Nitrogen and oxygen functionalities are commonly found in
`most drugs and foreign compounds; sulfur functionalities
`occur only occasionally. Metabolic oxidation of carbon-
`nitrogen, carbon—oxygen, and carbon—sulfur systems prin-
`cipally involves
`two basic types of biotransformation
`Where X = NOS
`Usually Unstable
`Oxidative N-, 0-, and S-dealkylation as well as oxidative
`deamination reactions fall under this mechanistic pathway.
`2. Hydroxylation or oxidation of the heteroatom (N. 5 only, c.g..
`N-hydroxylation. N-oxide formation. sulfoxide. and sulfone for-
`I. Hydroxylation of the at-carbon atom attached directly to the
`heteroatom (N. 0. S). The resulting intermediate is often un-
`stable and decomposes with the cleavage of the carbon-hetero
`atom bond:
`Several structural features frequently determine which
`pathway will predominate, especially in carbon—niLrogen
`systems. Metabolism of some nitrogen-containing com-
`pounds is complicatcd by the fact that carbon- or nitrogen-
`\NH M
`0 I
` N —* H
`N—/—<N —»O
`HO} N=<
`PAGE 3 OF 18

`Chapter 4 I Metabolic Changes of Drugs and Related Organic Compounds
`hydroxylated products may undergo secondary reactions to
`form other. more complex metabolic products (e.g.. oxime.
`nitrone. nitroso, imino). Other oxidative processes that do
`not fall under these two basic categories are discussed indi-
`vidually in the appropriate carbon—heteroatom section. The
`metabolism of carbon—nitrogen systems will be discussed
`first, followed by the metabolism of carbon-oxygen and
`carbon—sulfur systems.
`Metabolism of nitrogen functionalities (e.g., amines, am-
`ides) is important because such functional groups are found
`in many natural products (e.g., morphine, cocaine, nicotine)
`and in numerous important drugs (e.g., phenothiazines, anti-
`histamines. tricyclic antidepressants, B-adrenergic agents,
`sympathomimetic phenylethylamines, benzodiazepines). ' 5°
`The following discussion divides nitrogen-containing com-
`pounds into three basic classes:
`1. Aliphatic (primary, secondary. and tertiary) and alicyclic (sec-
`ondary and teniary) amines
`2. Aromatic and heterocyclic nitrogen compounds
`3. Amides
`The susceptibility of each class of these nitrogen com-
`pounds to either a-carbon hydroxylation or N-oxidation and
`the metabolic products that are formed are discussed.
`The hepatic enzymes responsible for carrying out a-car-
`bon hydroxylation reactions are the cytochrome P-450
`mixed-function oxidases. The N-hydroxylation or N-oxida-
`tion reactions, however, appear to be catalyzed not only by
`cytochrome P-450 but also by a second class of hepatic
`mixed-function oxidascs called amine axidares (some-
`'~ times called N-oxidases).'°° These enzymes are NADPl-l-
`dependent flavoproteins and do not contain cytochrome
`P—4S0.'°" '57 They require NADPH and molecular oxygen
`to carry out N-oxidation.
`The oxida-
`Tertiary Aliphatic and Alicydic Amines.
`tivc removal of alkyl groups (particularly methyl groups)
`from tertiary aliphatic and alicyclic amines is carried out by
`. hepatic cytochrome P-450 mixed-function oxidase enzymes.
`- This reaction is commonly referred to as oxidative N—deal-
`kylation.'°3 The initial step involves or-carbon hydroxylation
`to form a carbinolamine intermediate, which is unstable and
`1 Z undergoes spontaneous heterolytic cleavage of the C—N
`_§ bond to give a secondary amine and a carbonyl moiety (alde-
`hyde or ketone).‘°"' '65 In general, small alkyl groups, such
`as methyl. ethyl, and isopropyl. are removed rapidly.‘°3 N-
`dealkylation of the t-butyl group is not possible by the carbi-
`nolarnine pathway because av-carbon hydroxylation cannot
`occur. The first alkyl group from a tertiary amine is removed
`more rapidly than the second alkyl group. In some instances,
`bisdealkylation of the tertiary aliphatic amine to the corre-
`sponding primary aliphatic amine occurs vcry slowly. '63 For
`example, the tertiary amine imiprarnine (Tofranil) is mono-
`demethylated to desmethylimiprarnine (desipramine). ”’°'
`This major plasma metabolite is pharmacologically active
`in humans and contributes substantially to the antidepressant
`activity of the parent drug.'“ Very little of the bisdemethy-
`lated metabolite of irnipramine is detected. In contrast, the
`local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic agent lidocaine is metab-
`olized extensively by N-deethylation to both monoethylgly-
`cylxylidine and glycyl-2,6-xylidine in humans.'°°- ”°
`Numerous other tertiary aliphatic amine drugs are metabo
`lized principally by oxidative N-dealkylation. Some of these
`include the antiarrhythmic disopyramidc (Norpace).'7'- '72
`the antiestrogenic agent tamoxifen (Nolvadex),' 3 diphenhy-
`dramine(Benadryl).'7"' mchlorpromazine (Thorazine),'7°- '77
`and (+ )-a-propoxyphene (Darvon).'" When the tertiary
`amine contains several different substituents capable of
`undergoing dealkylation, the smaller alkyl group is removed
`preferentially and more rapidly. For example, in benzphe-
`tamine (Didrex), the methyl group is removed much more
`rapidly than the benzyl moiety.'79
`An interesting cyclization reaction occurs with methadone
`on N-demethylation. The demethylated metabolite normeth-
`adone undergoes spontaneous cyclization to form the en-
`amine metabolite 2-ethylidene-l,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenyl—
`pyrrolidine (EDDP).'3° Subsequent N-demcthylation of
`EDDP and isomerization of the double bond leads to 2-ethyl-
`5-methyl-3.3-diphenyl-l-pyrroline (EMDP).
`Many times, bisdealkylation of a tertiary amine leads to
`the corresponding primary aliphatic amine metabolite, which
`is susceptible to further oxidation. For example, the bisdes-
`methyl metabolite of the H.-histamine antagonist bromphe-
`niramine (Dimetane) undergoes oxidative deamination and
`further oxidation to the corresponding propionic acid metab-
`olite.'8' Oxidative deamination is discussed in greater detail
`when we examine the metabolic reactions of secondary and
`primary amines.
`Like their aliphatic counterparts. alicyclic tertiary amines
`are susceptible to oxidative N-dealkylation reactions. For
`example, the analgesic meperidine (Demerol) is metabolized
`0 I
`/ C\
`-——> R1 -—TH +
`Ft 2
`Carbonyt Molety
`(aldehyde or
`“*‘t“‘F—' “'"'t“‘i‘-"
`Tertiary Amine
`PAGE 4 OF 18

`86 Wilson and Gisvoldlt Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chcntislry
`CH3 0
`2 \H
`CH3 0
`CH 3
`CH 3
`\, I
`I C
`®: Ijx
`/\ CH3
`CH 3
`H 3C H
`CH 3
`/N\ Q
`(+ )1:-Proooxyphene
`and N-debenmation)
`principally by this pathway to yield normepcridine asamajor
`plasma metabolite in humans”: Morphine, N-ethylnorrnor-
`phine, and dextromethorphan also undergo some N-dealkyl-
`Direct N-dealkylation of I-butyl groups, as discussed
`above, is not possible by the a-carbon hydroxylation path—
`way. In vitro studies indicate, however. that N-i-butylnor-
`indeed. metabolized to significant
`amounts of norchlorocyclizine, whereby the I-butyl group
`is lost.'‘“ Careful studies showed that the I-butyl group is
`removed by initial hydroxylation of one of the methyl grougs
`of the t-butyl moiety to the carbinol or alcohol product.‘ 5
`Funher oxidation generates the corresponding carboxylic
`acid that, on decarboxylation, forms the N-isopropyl deriva-
`PAGE 5 OF 18

`Chapter 4 I Metabolic Changes of Drugs and Related Organic Compounds
`H C
`C 5&6/C5H5
`H7 _ \C€O
`Cfir—r\N_c CH2—CH,
`H C
`H C sis/CeH5
` 6H5
`CH3 N
`3.3<iiphenyl- 1 -pyrroline
`H5 6C6H5
`N 2
`Br-@~CHCH2CH2N<C 3 —> —->Br—<:=_>-CHCH2CH,NH2 —~ —» Br—<;>—cHcH,cooH
`Blsdesmethyt Metabolite
`oropionic acid
`.. tive. The N-isopropyl intennediate is dealkylated by the nor-
`" mal a—carbon hydroxylation (i.e., carbinolamine) pathway
`,‘ to give norchlorocyclizine and acetone. Whether this is a
`l general method for the loss of I-butyl groups from amines
`-; is still unclear. Indirect Ndealkylation of r-butyl groups is
`r not observed significantly. The N-t-butyl group present in
`i.- many B-adrenergic antagonists, such as terbutaline and sal-
`-_,'butamol, remains intact and does not appear to undergo any
`significant mct.abolism.'“
`Alicyclic tertiary amines often generate lactam metabo-
`lites by a-carbon hydroxylation reactions. For example,
`the tobacco alkaloid nicotine is hydroxylated initially at the
`ring carbon atom a to the nitrogen to yield a carbinolamine
`intermediate. Furthermore, enzymatic oxidation of this
`cyclic carbinolarnine generates the lactam metabolite coti-
`Formation of lactam metabolites also has been reported to
`occur to a minor extent for the antihistamine cyproheptadine
`(Periactin)'°9~ '9° and the antiemetic diphenidol (Vontrol).‘°‘
`N-oxidation of
`tertiary amines occurs with several
`drugs. '92 The true extent of N-oxide formation often is com-
`plicated by the susceptibility of N-oxides to undergo in vivo
`reduction back to the parent tertiary amine. Tertiary amines
`such as H.-histamine antagonists (e.g., orphenadrine. tripe-
`lenamine), phenothiazines (e.g., chlorpromazine), tricyclic
`antidepressants (e.g.. imipramine). and narcotic analgesics
`(e.g.. morphine, codeine. and meperidine) reportedly form
`N-oxide products. In some instances, N-oxides possess phar-
`macological activity.'°3 A comparison of imipramine N-
`oxide with imiprarnine indicates that the N-oxide itself pos-
`sesses antidepressant and cardiovascular activity similar to
`that of the parent drug.'°" '95
`v ° ' “"9
`R = CH3
`R = CH,CH3
`Secondary amines
`Secondary and Primary Amines.
`(either parent compounds or metabolites) are susceptible to
`oxidative N-dealk lation. oxidative deamination, and N-oxi-
`dation reactions.‘ 1 '°" As in tertiary amines, N-dealkylation
`of secondary amines proceeds by the carbinolamine path-
`PAGE 6 OF 18

`88 Wilson and GisvoId's Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
`NH +O=C\
`Ndensopcopylabon by
`a-carbon hytoxylaxion
`(i .e._ carbinolamtne pathway)
`N—aC—CH3 —» CI
`C H 3
`_cO2 \
`N I
`N~C—CH3 —. N—C—CH3 —- N—CH\
`J I
`Alcohol or Carbinol
`Carboxylic Acid
`33” H
`‘.’“ H
`tw U tie
`/ «U\
`/iN>~(j T
`Q I
` T
`Lactam Melabolile
`CsHs-<|3—CH2CH2CH2—N 2
`PAGE 7 OF 18

` H
`Chapter 4 I Metabolic Changes of Drugs and Related Organic Compounds
`way. Dealkylation of secondary amines gives rise to the cor-
`responding primary amine metabolite. For example, the a-
`adrenergic blockers propranolol“"‘7 and oxprenolol'97
`undergo N-deisopropylation to the corresponding primary
`amines. N-dealkylation appears to be a significant biotrans-
`fonnation pathway for the secondary amine drugs metham-
`phetamine °’’' '”and ketamine,’°°'m' yielding amphetamine
`and norketamine, respectively.
`The primary amine metabolites fomied from oxidative
`dealkylation are susceptible to oxidative deamination. This
`process is similar to N-dealkylation, in that it involves an
`initial a-carbon hydroxylation reaction to form a carbine-
`lamine intermediate, which then undergoes subsequent car-
`bon—nitrogen cleavage to the carbonyl metabolite and am-
`If a-carbon hydroxylation cannot occur,
`oxidative deamination is not possible. For example. deami-
`nation does not occur for norketamine because a-carbon hy-
`droxylation cannot take place. ‘°°‘ 2°‘ With methampheta-
`mine. oxidative dearriination of prim
`amine metabolite
`amphetamine produces phenylacetone.' 3'
`In general, dealkylation of secondary amines is believed
`to occur before oxidative deamination. Some evidence indi-
`cates. however, that this may not always be true. Direct de-
`amination of the secondary amine also has occurred. For
`example, in addition to undergoing deamination through its
`desisopropyl primary amine metabolite. propranolol can
`undergo a direct oxidative deamination reaction (also by a-
`carbon hydroxylation) to yield the aldehyde metabolite and
`isopropylamine (Fig. 4-9).’°2 How much direct oxidative de-
`‘ amination contributes to the metabolism of secondary
`amines remains unclear.
`;e:. _e- __t-.
`Primary Amine
`Carbonyl Ammonia
`Some secondary alicyclic amines, like their tertiary amine
`analogues, are metabolized to their corresponding lactam
`derivatives. For example. the anorectic agent phenmetrazine
`(Preludin) is metabolized principally to the lactam product
`3-oxophenmetrazine.2°’ In humans. this lactam metabolite
`is a major urinary product. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) also
`reportedly yields a lactam metabolite, 6-oxoritalinic acid,
`by oxidation of its hydrolyzed metabolite, ritalinic acid, in
`Metabolic N-oxidation of secondary aliphatic and alicy-
`clic amines leads to several N-oxygenated products.'9° N-
`hydroxylation of secondary amines generates the corre-
`sponding N-hydroxylamine metabolites. Often, these hy-
`droxylamine products are susceptible to further oxidation
`(either spontaneous or enzymatic) to the corresponding ni-
`trone derivatives. N-benzylamphetamine undergoes metabo-
`lism to both the corresponding N-hydroxylamine and the
`nitrone metabolites?” In humans, the nitrone metabolite of
`phenmetrazine (Preludin), found in the urine.
`is believed
`to be formed by further oxidation of the N-hydroxylamine
`intermediate N-hydroxyphenmetrazine.’°’
`\C/ ‘E3
`\ / \C
`HN\ /CH3
`HN\ ,CH3

`90 Wilson and Gisvold'3 Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
`/CH /o‘—i—i
`\CH2 \ $H
`HN\ /CH3 _£__.
`Aldehyde Metabolite
`/' Oxidalive
`Through Primary Amine
`(oesisooropyl Proptanolol)
`Figure 4-9 I Metabolism of propranolol to its aldehyde metabolite by direct deamination of the parent
`compound and by deamination of its primary amine metabolite, desisopropyl propranolol.
`_. _. H
`Rital~nic Acid
`6-Oxorilallnic Acid
`much less N-oxidation occurs for secondary amines than
`oxidative dealkylation and deamination.
`_, _N
`_. _N
`Secondary amm
`Primary aliphatic amines (whether parent drugs or metab-
`PAGE 9 OF 18
`by oxidative deamination
`are biotransformed
`(through the carbinolamine pathway) or by N-oxidation. In
`general._oxidative deamination of most exogenous primary
`amines 15 carried out by the mrxed—fu'nctron oxidases tins-
`cussed above. Endogenous primary amines (e.g., dopamine.
`norepinephnne. tryptamine. and serotonin) and xenobiotics
`based on the structures of these endogenous neurotransmit-
`ters are metabolized. however. via oxidative deamination by
`a specialized family of enzymes called monoamine oxidases

`Chapter 4 I Metabolic Change: of Drugs and Related Organic Compounds
`MAO is a flavin (FAD)-dependent enzyme found in two
`isozyme forms, MAO-A and MAO-B, and widely distrib-
`uted in both the CNS and peripheral organs. In contrast.
`cytochrome P-450 exists in a wide variety of isozyme forms
`and is an NADP-dependent system. Also the greatest variety
`of CYP isozymes, at least the ones associated with the me-
`tabolism of xenobiotics, are found mostly in the liver and
`intestinal mucosa. MAO-A and MAO-B are coded by two
`genes, both on the X-chromosome and have about 70%
`amino acid sequence homology. Another difference between
`the CYP and MAO families is cellular location. CYP en-
`zymes are found on the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell's
`cytosol, whereas the MAO enzymes are on the outer mito-
`chondrial membrane. In addition to the xenobiotics illus-
`trated in the reaction schemes, other drugs metabolized by
`the MAO system include phenylephrine, propranolol, timo-
`lol and other B-adrenergic agonists and antagonists and a
`variety of phenylethylamines.2°‘
`Structural features. especially the a substituents of the
`primary amine, often determine whether carbon or nitrogen
`oxidation will occur. For example, compare amphetamine
`with its a-methyl homologue phentennine. ln amphetamine,
`ar-carbon hydroxylation can occur to form the carbinolamine
`intermediate, which is convened to the oxidatively deami-
`nated product phenylacetone.“ With phentcrrnine, a-carbon
`hydroxylation is not possible and precludes oxidative deami-
`nation for this drug. Consequently, phentermine would be
`expected to undergo N-oxidation readily. In humans, p-hy-
`droxylation and N-oxidation are the main pathways for bio-
`transformation of phentennine.’°"
`Indeed, N-hydroxyphentermine is an important (5%) uri-
`nary metabolite in humans.2°7 As discussed below, N-hy-
`droxylarnine metabolites are susceptible to further oxidation
`to yield other N-oxygenated products.
`Xenobiotics, such as the hallucinogenic agents mesca-
`line’°“"°° and l-(2,S-dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-amino-
`propane (DOM or “STP"),2'°' 1" are oxidatively deami-
`nated. Primary amine metabolites
`arising from N-
`N Benzyiamphemmm

`3 — yea
`_ / \
`I 1 ~
`H506 0
`I 1
`—~ I]
`CH2 /
`\C—CH3 L,
`CH2 CH3
`,C— CH3 _’ a-Carbon hydroxylation not possible: hence.
`do not see oxidative deamination
` tm
`cuu 3
`0/ (l3—CH3
`\ OH
`PAGE 10 OF 18

`92 Wilson and Gi.tvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Phannaceutical Chemistry
`CH 0
`DOM or "STP"
`j:j/ \C"COOH 2
`S( — )~a—Me-thytdopa
`CH2 /
`\ :1
`S( + )-a-Methyidopamine
`H _:_,
`\ X
`dealkylation or decarboxylation reactions also undergo de-
`amination. The example of the bisdesmethyl primary amine
`metabolite derived from bromopheniramine is discussed
`above (see section on tertiary aliphatic and alicyclic
`amines).'°' In addition, many tertiary aliphatic amines (e.g.,
`antihistamines) and secondary aliphatic amines (e.g.. pro-
`pranolol) are dealkylated to their corresponding primary
`amine metabolites, which are amenable to oxidative deami-
`nation. (S)( + )-oz-Methyldoparnine resulting from decarbox—
`ylation of the antihypertensive agent (S)(-)-at-methyldopa
`(Aldomet) is deaminated to the corresponding ketone metab-
`olite 3.4—dihydroxyphenylacetone.2'2 In humans, this ketone
`is a major urinary metabolite.
`The N-hydroxylation reaction is not restricted to cr-substi-
`tuted primary amines such as phentermine. Amphetamine
`has been observed to undergo some N-hydroxylation in vitro
`to N-hydroxyamphetamine.’"- 2"‘ N-Hydroxyamphetamine
`is, however, susceptible to further conversion to the imine
`or oxidation to the oxime intermediate. Note that the oxime
`intermediate arising from this N—oxidation pathway can
`undergo hydrolytic cleavage to yield phenylacetone, the
`same product obtained by the a-carbon hydroxylation (carbi-
`nolamine) pathway.2'5‘ 2'6 Thus, amphetamine may be con-
`verted to phenylacetone through either the av-carbon hydrox-
`ylation or the N-oxidation pathway. The debate concerning
`the relative importance of the two pathways is ongo-
`ing.” 2" The consensus, however, is that both metabolic
`pathways (carbon and nitrogen oxidation) are probably oper-
`ative. Whether or-carbon or nitrogen oxidation predominates
`in the metabolism of amphetamine appears to be species
`In primary aliphatic amines, such as phentermine,
`(p-chlorphentemiine),"° and
`dine, 2° N—oxidation appears to be the major biotransforma—
`tion pathway because or-carbon hydroxylation cannot occur.
`In humans, chlorphentermine is N—hydroxylated extensively.
`About 30% of a dose of chlorphentermine is found in the
`urine (48 hours) as N-hydroxychlorphentennine (free and
`conjugated) and an additional 18% as other products of N-
`oxidation (presumably the nitroso and nitro metabolites)?”
`In general, N-hydroxylamines are chemically unstable and
`susceptible to spontaneous or enzymatic oxidation to the
`nitroso and nitro derivatives. For example, the N-hydroxyl-
`amine metabolite of phentennine undergoes further oxida-
`H 0
`\ fietion
`CS2: /CH3 H20
`\ OH
`PAGE 11 OF 18

` .93
`Chapter 4 I Metabolic Changes of Drugs and Related Organic Compounds
`derivative. Apparently, the N-hydroxylamine oxidizes the
`Fe2+ form of hemoglobin to its Fe“ fonn. This oxidized
`(Fe3*) state of hemoglobin (called methemoglobin or ferri-
`hemoglobin) can no longer transport oxygen. which leads
`to serious hypoxia or anemia, a unique type of chemical
`Diverse aromatic amines (especially azoamino dyes) are
`known to be carcinogenic. N-oxidation plays an important
`role in bioactivating these aromatic amines to potentially
`reactive electrophilic species that covalently bind to cellular
`protein. DNA. or RNA. A well-studied example is the car-
`cinogenic agent N—methyl—4—aminoazobenzene.m' 229 N-ox-
`idation of this compound leads to the corresponding hydrox-
`ylamine, which undergoes sulfate conjugation. Because of
`the good leaving—group ability of the sulfate (S042) anion,
`this conjugate can ionizc spontaneously to form a highly
`reactive, resonance—stabilized nitrenium species. Covalent
`adducts between this species and DNA, RNA, and proteins
`have been characterized.’3°' 23' The sulfate ester is believed
`to be the ultimate carcinogenic species. Thus, the example
`indicates that certain aromatic amines can be bioactivated
`to reactive intermediates by N-hydroxylation and 0-sulfate
`conjugation. Whether primary hydroxylamines can be bioac-
`tivated similarly is unclear. In addition, it is not known if
`this biotoxification pathway plays any substantial role in the
`toxicity of aromatic amine drugs.
`N -oxidation of the nitrogen atoms present in aromatic het-
`erocyclic moieties of many drugs occurs to a minor extent.
`Clearly, in humans, N-oxidation of the folic acid antagonist
`trimethoprim (Proloprim, Trimpex) has yielded approxi-
`mately equal amounts of the isomeric l-N-oxide and 3-N-
`oxide as minor metabolites?” The pyridinyl nitrogen atom
`in Iiicotinine (the major metabolite of nicotine)
`undergoes oxidation to yield the corresponding N-oxide me-
`tabolitem Another therapeutic agent that has been observed
`to undergo formation of an N-oxide metabolite is metronida-
`\2C/CH3 _’)
`\%//CH3 *. 0/ \2C//CH3
`Nitroso Metabolite
`Nilfo Metabolite
`RCHQNHOH _.RcH,—N=o _.RCH2——rT:\
`PAGE 12 OF 18
`to the nitroso and nitro products.2°7 The antiviral and
`"parkinsonian agent amantadine (Symmetrel) reportedly
`- _. . goes N-oxidation to yield the corresponding N-hy-
`‘* xy and nitroso metabolites in vitro.”°
`,matic Amines and Heterocyclic Nitrogen Com-
`> nds.
`The biotransformation of aromatic amines
`' : lels the carbon and nitrogen oxidation reactions seen
`aliphatic arnines.22"223 For tertiary aromatic amines,
`" h as N,N-dimethylaniline_ oxidative N-dealkylation as
`as N-oxide formation take place?" Secondary aro-
`c amines may undergo N—dealkylation or N-hydroxyla-
`to give the corresponding N-hydroxylamines. Further
`, dation of the N-hydroxylamine leads to nitrone products,
`ch in turn may be hydrolyzed to primary hydroxyl-
`' . s.n5 Tertiary and secondary aromatic amines are
`. ntered rarely in medicinal agents. In contrast. primary
`_ u: amines are found in many drugs and are often
`_I’3‘. « ted from enzymatic reduction of aromatic nitro com-
`"_ . s, reductive cleavage of a_zo compounds, and hydrol-
`‘gm of aromatic amides.
`-oxidation of primary aromatic amines generates the N-
`in xylamine metabolite. One such case is aniline. which
`tabolized to the corresponding N-hydroxy product?”
`‘dation of the hydroxylamine derivative to the nitroso
`‘-"vative also can occur. When one considers primary aro-
`'c amine drugs or metabolites, N-oxidation constitutes
`-it a minor pathway in comparison with other biotransfor-
`_on pathways, such as N-acetylation and aromatic hy-
`in humans. Some N-oxygenated metabolites
`been reported, however. For example, the antileprotic
`--u dapsone and its N-acetylated metabolite are metabo-
`'§- significantly to their corresponding N-hydroxylamine
`°vatives.22° The N-hydroxy metabolites are further conju-
`with glucuronic acid.
`themoglobinemia toxicity is caused by several aro-
`- c amines, including aniline and dapsone, and is a result
`a - bioconversion of the aromatic amine to its N-hydroxy

`94 Wilson and Gisvoldlt Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceuliral Chemistry
`@326 =o
`RNH0so,~©NH2 —»RNH SO2 NHOH
`R = H
`R = CCH3
`R = H
`R = CCH,
`Amide functionalitics are susceptible to oxida-
`tive carbon—nitrogen bond cleavage (via a-carbon hydroxyl-
`ation) and N-hydroxylation reactions. Oxidative dcall<yl-
`ation of many N—substituted amide drugs and xenobiotics
`has been reported. Mechanistically, oxidative dealkylation
`proceeds via an initially formed carbinolamide, which is un-
`stable and fragments to form the N—dealkylated product. For
`example, diazepam undergoes extensive N-demethylation to
`the pharmacologically
`active metabolite desmethyldi-
`Various other N-alkyl substituents present in benzodiaze-
`pines (e.g., f'|urazepain)'3“'” and in barbiturates (e.g.. hex-
`obarbital and mephobarbital)”8 are similarly oxidatively N-
`dealkylated. Alkyl groups attached to the amide moiety of
`some sulfonylureas. such as the oral hypoglycemic chlor-
`propamide.23° also are subject
`to dealkylation to a minor
`In the cyclic amides or lactams, hydroxylation of the alicy-
`PAGE 13 OF 18

`Chapter 4 I Metabolic Changes of Drugs and Related Organic Compounds
`4 NH
`0 «~ 0 we 0
`Sulfate Coniugate
`C°"3'°‘“'Y DNA. RNA
`bound <—————-—
`and proton
`c H N=N
`Nitrenium Ion
`OCH 3
`_. C}-I30
`>—NH2 _.cH3o
`N 3
`1 N~Oxide
`_ N
`>—NH2 + CH3
`_ iclic carbon :2: to the nitrogen atom also leads to carbinolam-
`‘ides. An example of this pa

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