`PAGE 1 OF 3

`H30+-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Amides
`J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 109, N0. 15, 1987
`Table I. Pseudo-First-Order Hydrolysis Rate Constants and 130-Exchange Data per 21/; Hydrolysis for Acetanilide at 72 °C, 11 = 1.0 M KCl
`% 130 found‘
`% ‘*0’
`(s" X 105)”
`at 11/;
`(s‘‘ X 107)’
`262 :E 1
`54.57 :1: 0.07
`17.9 i 18.0
`0.5 :i: 0.5
`54.50 :l: 0.07
`54.45 :E 0.07
`54.44 i 0.03
`53.40 i 0.10
`53.25 :l: 0.10
`51.60 :1: 0.10
`51.54 :1: 0.10
`51.32 4 0.08
`51.42 i 0.04
`51.41 4 0.09
`A-9.16 :!: 0.06d
`49.29 =e 0.03‘
`49.22 :1: 0.12”
`49.18 :E 0.08”
`49.61 i 0.05
`49.69 :1: 0.11
`49.66 :1: 0.11
`[Buffer-]" (M)
`HCl, 1.0
`HC1, 0.5
`HC1, 0.1
`146 i: 1
`34.1 :i: 0.1
`16.1 :l:0.1
`10.4 :1: 0.1
`10.0 3: 0.1
`3.51 :E 0.01
`3.56 i 0.01
`1.15 :1: 0.02
`1.07 d: 0.05
`mean (%)
`54.54 i 0.10
`54.45 1: 0.07
`53.32 :1: 0.20
`51.43 :l: 0.20
`51.42 i 0.10
`49.22 :1: 0.12
`49.20 i 0.14
`49.65 i 0.15
`49.66 i 0.11
`0.6 :l: 0.4
`2.7 :E 0.7
`13.5 :1: 9.1
`13.5 d: 3.5
`13.7:l: 1.5
`6.1 :l: 0.7
`6.1 :1: 0.5
`7.7 :1: 0.5
`7.7 :E 0.6
`9.4 d: 0.6
`9.4 i 0.5
`9.5 :l: 1.10
`9.2 :l: 0.84
`4.1 :1: 0.28
`4.1 :1: 0.34
`1.64 :1: 0.13
`1.5 i 0.36
`glycine, 0.4
`[11+] = 0.032
`glycine, 0.1
`[H+] = 0.032
`glycine,‘ 0.4
`[11+] = 0.01
`glycine,‘ 0.2
`[H*] = 0.01
`glycine, 0.4
`[H+] = 0.003
`glycine, 0.2
`[H*] = 0.003
`" [H3O*] determined at 25 °C in the case of glycine buffers. ”Determined by observing rate of change of absorbance at 240 nm in duplicate. Rate
`constants derived from nonlinear least-squares fitting of Abs vs. time data to standard exponential model. Error limits from least-squares standard
`‘Initial 150 content determined by isolation of labeled acetanilide at time 0 from 1 N HCl solution (54.73 i 0.09; 54.87 :1: 0.08; mean
`= 54.80 :1: 0.15).
`‘New sample labeled acetanilide used in this run; 130 content by isolation from glycine at time 0 (53.37 i 0.08; 53.30 t 0.09;
`mean = 53.34 :l: 0.14).
`‘Normalized to 100% ‘S0 at time 0. Error limits calculated as sum of standard deviations of the mean plus that of time 0
`sample normalized to 100%. /Calculated from percent 130 content at 23/2 hydrolysis as in text; error limits are cumulative sums of standard devia-
`tions in '30 content and km.
`Table II. Pseudo-First-Order Hydrolysis Rate Constants and “‘O—Exchange Data per t,/2 Hydrolysis for N-Cyclohexylacetamide at 100 °C, 11 =
`1.0 M KCl
`(S-1 X 106)“
`53 :l: 2
`27.7 :.E 1.0
`2.85 :1: 0.04
`% 180 fOUI‘1db
`at t1/2
`50.11 :E 0.04
`50.13 i: 0.02
`mean (%)
`50.12 i 0.05
`% 180
`1.05 :1: 0.3
`(s'1 X 108)”
`80.4 :1: 27.0
`49.37 i 0.13
`48.20 i: 0.17
`47.85 :1: 0.20
`46.80 i 0.20
`46.10 i 0.10
`2.5 :l: 0.5
`4.8 :l: 0.5
`5.5 :1: 0.6
`7.6 :l: 0.6
`9.0 :.E 0.4
`42.1 d: 10.5
`40.7 i 6.3
`23.4 i 3.7
`13.0 :1: 1.7
`7.7 :1: 0.7
`49.45 :l: 0.05
`49.30 i 0.04
`48.19 :l: 0.04
`43.21 :l: 0.16
`47.80 i 0.10
`47.90 :E 0.15
`46.70 :E 0.10
`46.90 :1: 0.10
`46.08 i 0.05
`46.10 :2 0.10
`“km determined by ‘H NMR analysis according to the method of Williams? ”Sample separated at time 0 from 1 M HCl (50.72 :1: 0.04; 50.59
`i 0.03; mean = 50.65 :1: 0.11).
`‘Normalized to 100% ‘SO-enriched sample at time 0. Error limits calculated as sum of standard deviations of the
`mean plus that of time 0 sample normalized to 100%.
`‘Calculated from percent 130 content at 11/2 hydrolysis; where khyd is not given it was
`calculated assuming a first-order dependence in [H3O*] and a i5% error, which is factored into kex.
`with saturated NaCl until the aqueous layer was neutral. The organic
`The depletion is expressed as percent of ‘*0 exchange per t1/2
`layer was dried (MgSO4) and stripped of solvent to yield a residue which
`hydrolysis (normalized to 100% enrichment at zero time) in
`was subjected to direct mass spectrometric analysis with an AEI MS-12
`column five. Given in column six are the kex values, calculated
`low-resolution mass spectrometer. The “*0 content of the reisolated
`according to kextl/2 = ln (a/a — x), where a and a — x are the ‘SO
`material was calculated as (IM++2)/(IM++2 + IM+), where I is the peak
`contents at zero time and t,/2, respectively. The error limits in
`intensity of the parent and enriched parent ions. Nine to sixteen separate
`kex are calculated based on the cumulative standard deviations
`determinations of the M* and M* + 2 intensities were recorded. Primary
`data are given in the supplementary material (Tables 1S and 2S). Values
`in both 130 contents and km. The errors are largest at low
`amounts of exchange and less so at high amounts, but their in-
`given in Tables I and II are the averages of two independent determi-
`nations along with the cumulative standard deviations. As a check to
`clusion does not alter the conclusion that the amount of exchange
`exclude anomalous exchange during the extraction and analysis proce-
`increases as [H3O+] decreases.
`dure, the 130 content of three independent samples removed at t = 0 was
`Finally, shown in Figure 1 is a plot of log kex and log khyd vs.
`determined and compared with that of authentic material:
`in no case was
`—log [H3O*] for both amides. The point of note is that the log
`the ‘*0 content different within the experimental accuracy.
`kex values for both amides tend to plateau at high [H3O*] but
`tend to a first-order dependence at low [H3O*].‘°-”
`Given in Tables I and II are hydrolytic rate constants and mass
`spectrometric ‘*0-exchange data for ~50% labeled 2 and 3
`reisolated from solution at the hydrolytic 23/2 at various [H3O*].
`Duplicate isolation experiments were performed, and the error
`limits quoted in column three of Tables I and II are the standard
`deviations of 9-16 scans of the M*' and M’' + 2 peaks. From the
`mean values in column four it is readily seen that an increasing
`depletion of 180 content occurs at lower [H3O+] for both amides.
`PAGE 2 OF 3
`(10) As with other reported amides,”’~2“'” the km values for 2 and 3 show
`significant deviations from linearity at high [H3O*].
`In the regions where
`significant increases in “*0 exchange occur, a first-order dependence of km
`on [H*] obtains.
`(11) (a) Barnett, J. W.; Hyland, C. J.; O’Connor, C. J. J. Chem. Soc.,
`Chem. Commun. 1972, 720.
`(b) Barnett, J. W.; O’Connor, C. J. J. Chem.
`Soc., Perkin Trans. 2 1972, 2378; 1973, 220.
`(c) Modro, T. A.; Yates, Ks,
`Beaufays, F. Can. J. Chem. 1977, 55, 3050.
`PAGE 2 OF 3

`-8.00 -7.00
`Figure 1. Plots of log km (*) and log kex (0) vs. —1og [H3O*'] for
`N-cyclohexylacetamide (A) and acetanilide (B) determined at 100 and
`72 °C, respectively, /1. = 1.0 M KCl. The k,,, values are calculated from
`percent 150 content at t,/; hydrolysis (see text). Dashed error bars in
`exchange data of B indicate there is no satisfactory lower limit clue to
`error limits exceeding the value of k,,,. Straight lines through km data
`are unit slope first-order dependence on [H3O*'].
`Changes in C-O/C-N cleavage ratios as a function of pH have
`been noted in acid-catalyzed hydrolyses of certain imidate esters”
`and amide acetals‘“"” and have been explained in terms of the
`involvement of tetrahedral intermediates differing in the site and
`state of protonation. In those cases, the C-O/C-N cleavage ratio
`increases at lower [H3O"']. Although phenomenologically a similar
`situation is observed with 2 and 3, C-0 cleavage regenerates amide
`(labeled or unlabeled), which ultimately hydrolyzes.
`With the exception of McClelland’s observations with benz-
`amide (0.2% 130 loss/t,/2, 5.9% HZSO4, 85 °C),““ the occurrence
`of 180 exchange accompanying acid-catalyzed amide hydrolysis
`has not been demonstrated. Such exchange is well documented
`(12) (a) Smith, V. F.; Schmir, G. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1975, 97, 3171.
`(b) Caswell, M.; Schmir, G. L. Ibid. 1979, 101, 7323.
`(c) Lee, Y. N.; Schmir,
`G. L. lbid. 1979, 101, 6277.
`(d) Chaturvedi, R. K.; Schmir, G. L. Ibid. 1968,
`90, 4413.
`(13) McClelland, R. A.; Patel, G. Ibid. 1981, 103, 6908.
`(14) (a) Bunton, C. A.; Nyak, B.; O‘Connor, C. J. J. Org. Chem. 1968,
`33, 572. (b) Bender, M. L.; Thomas, R. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1961, 83, 4183.
`(15) (a) Shain, S. A.; Kirsch, J. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1968, 90, 5848.
`Lane, C. A.; Cheung, M. F.; Dorsey, G. F. Ibid. 1968, 90, 6492.
`(c) For a
`review of early oxygen isotopic exchange reactions of organic compounds, see:
`Samuel, D.; Silver, B. L. Adv. Phys. Org. Chem. 1965, 3, 123-186.
`PAGE 3 OF 3
`Slebocka- Tilk et al.
`in base hydrolysis,1v'4 as well as in both acid and base hydrolysis
`of carboxylic esters,‘v‘5 and has been traditionally interpreted as
`implying the intermediacy of reversibly formed tetrahedral in-
`The generally accepted mechanism for amide hydrolysis in acid
`involves H20 attack on an O-protonated amide” to produce a
`tetrahedral addition intermediate which undergoes rapid N-
`protonation and subsequent irreversible C—N cleavage (eq 1).
`\ +°*H “,0 \
`°“ __\. °“
`:21’. /N-i—-Fi ._
`\ _<°
`+ H
`\ /H
`Our present results require that there be at least one inter-
`mediate (not necessarily given in eq 1) that is in equilibrium with
`starting amide and allows oxygen exchange. There are two major
`considerations in both quantitating the exchange data and relating
`it to the hydrolytic process. The first assumes that the inter-
`mediates are at equilibrium with respect to proton transfer. Thus,
`if there is a reversibly formed amide hydrate, both oxygens have
`an equivalent probability for loss (exclusive of C-150/C-180
`kinetic isotope effects). The fact that changes in [glycine buffer]
`at low [H3O+] affect neither khyd nor kex suggests the various
`intermediates are at equilibrium with respect to proton transfer,
`at least in the case of acetanilide.
`A second and perhaps more serious assumption is that the
`intermediate leading to exchange is on the hydrolytic pathway."“"
`Inasmuch as microscopic adherance to eq 1 requires that the
`transition states leading to C-0 or C—N cleavage each have the
`same molecular composition, (H+, OH2, amide), with that scheme
`it is difficult to explain why the k,,, and khyd rate constants diverge
`as a function of [H3O+]. Perhaps this indicates that there are
`two parallel processes, one leading to exchange and another to
`More work is clearly required to determine the scope, limitation,
`and structural constraints on the exchange process prior to pro-
`posing a scheme which explains these findings. Nevertheless, the
`observation of significant exchange accompanying acid-catalyzed
`hydrolysis of these two amides challenges our current under-
`standing of this important process.
`Acknowledgment. We thank the University of Alberta and the
`Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
`for generous financial support. We are particularly grateful to
`the referees of this manuscript and to Professor R. L. Schowen,
`whose inciteful comments prompted a reevaluation of the phe-
`nomenon of 180 exchange accompanying amide hydrolysis.
`Supplementary Material Available: Tables 1S and 2S of original
`mass spectrometric intensity data for 2 and 3 at various [H3O+]
`(10 pages). Ordering information is given on any current
`masthead page.
`J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 109, No. 15, 1987
`PAGE 3 OF 3

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