Job No. 2289897
` )
` Petitioner, ) Case Nos.
` ) IPR2015-01092
` vs. ) IPR2015-01096
` ) IPR2015-01102
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` ------------------------- )
` April 13, 2016
` 9:51 a.m.
` Deposition of LOURDES M. FRAU, held at
` the offices of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart &
` Sullivan, LLP, 51 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor,
` New York, New York, before Laurie A. Collins,
` a Registered Professional Reporter and Notary
` Public of the State of New York.
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`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Job No. 2289897
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` S K I E R M O N T D E R B Y L L P
` A t t o r n e y s f o r P e t i t i o n e r
` 2 2 0 0 R o s s A v e n u e , S u i t e 4 8 0 0 W
` D a l l a s , T e x a s 7 5 2 0 1
` B Y : S A D A F R . A B D U L L A H , E S Q .
` s a b d u l l a h @ s k i e r m o n t . c o m
` P A V A R T H I K O T A , P h . D . , E S Q .
` p k o t a @ s k i e r m o n t . c o m
` Q U I N N E M A N U E L U R Q U H A R T & S U L L I V A N , L L P
` A t t o r n e y s f o r P a t e n t O w n e r
` 5 1 M a d i s o n A v e n u e , 2 2 n d F l o o r
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 1 0
` B Y : E V A N G E L I N E S H I H , E S Q .
` e v a n g e l i n e s h i h @ q u i n n e m a n u e l . c o m
` F R A N K C . C A L V O S A , E S Q .
` f r a n k c a l v o s a @ q u i n n e m a n u e l . c o m
` - a n d -
`1 2
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`Job No. 2289897
`A P P E A R A N C E S ( c o n t i n u e d ) :
` J O N E S D A Y
` 2 2 2 E a s t 4 1 s t S t r e e t
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 1 7 - 6 7 0 2
` B Y : G A S P E R J . L a R O S A , E S Q .
` g j l a r o s a @ j o n e s d a y . c o m
`A L S O P R E S E N T :
` P E T E R C O O P E R , V i d e o g r a p h e r
`1 2
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`Job No. 2289897
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We
` are now on the record.
` Please note that the microphones are
` sensitive and may pick up whispering and
` private conversations.
` Please turn off all cell phones or
` place them away from the microphones, as they
` can interfere with the deposition audio.
` Recording will continue until all 09:51:26
` parties agree to go off the record.
` My name is Pete Cooper, representing
` Veritext. The date today is April 13th, 2016,
` and the time is approximately 9:51 a.m.
` This deposition is being held at Quinn 09:51:42
` Emanuel, located at 51 Madison Avenue in New
` York, New York.
` The caption of this case is the
` Coalition for Affordable Drugs VI, LLC, versus
` Celgene Corporation. This case is filed in 09:51:58
` the United States Patent and Trademark Office
` before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Case
` Number IPR2015-01092. The name of the witness
` is Dr. Lourdes M. Frau, M.D.
` At this time the attorneys present in 09:52:19
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` the room will identify themselves and the
` parties they represent.
` MS. ABDULLAH: Sadaf Abdullah for the
` Coalition for Affordable Drugs VI from the law 09:52:27
` firm Skiermont Derby. With me is Parvathi
` Kota, also from the same law firm.
` MS. SHIH: Evangeline Shih from Quinn
` Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan representing the
` witness and also Celgene. With me today is 09:52:43
` Frank Calvosa, who is also with Quinn Emanuel;
` and Gasper LaRosa from Jones Day, also
` representing the witness and also representing
` the patent owner.
`L O U R D E S M. F R A U ,
` called as a witness, having been duly sworn
` by the notary public, was examined and
` testified as follows:
`MS. ABDULLAH: 09:53:06
` Q. Would you please state your name and
`business address for the record?
` A. Lourdes M. Frau. Address is 11 Theresa
`Drive, Lawrenceville, New Jersey.
` Q. Have you been deposed before? 09:53:21
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Twice.
` Q. Were you testifying as an expert in 09:53:26
`both of those depositions?
` A. No.
` Q. What was the subject matter of those
` A. My work at the pharmaceutical companies 09:53:43
` Q. And which pharmaceutical companies were
` A. Aventis -- multiple, Aventis, now known
`as sanofi-aventis. 09:53:58
` Q. And what was the subject matter of your
` MS. SHIH: Objection to form. I
` actually caution the witness not to reveal any
` confidential information. 09:54:11
` A. The subject matter was safety issues
`and litigation with a company.
` Q. Both of the depositions were related to
`that general subject matter?
` A. Yes. 09:54:31
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` Q. Was there a particular drug product
` MS. SHIH: Objection to form.
` A. I am bound by confidentiality and 09:54:40
`separation agreements with those companies not to
`divulge information that is not public.
` Q. Was the deposition -- or were these
`depositions taken in a district court proceeding,
`do you know? 09:54:59
` MS. SHIH: Objection to form.
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. Was it a lawsuit between two parties?
` MS. SHIH: Objection to form.
` A. What do you mean by "two parties"? 09:55:21
` Q. Was it your understanding that you were
`testifying in a proceeding that involved two
`opposing parties?
` MS. SHIH: Same objection.
` A. I'm going to say yes. 09:55:43
` Q. Do you recall who the parties were?
` A. I am bound by confidentiality and
`contract separation contracts not to divulge the
`information. That is not public at the moment.
` Q. Are you saying that the names of the 09:56:07
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` Frau
`parties is nonpublic information for those
`particular cases or case?
` A. Neither the names nor the subject
`matter is currently public. 09:56:23
` Q. Have you testified at a trial before?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you offered expert opinions in any
`litigation or proceeding?
` A. Yes. 09:56:48
` Q. Which one or which ones?
` MS. SHIH: Again I would caution the
` witness to the extent that any of this is
` confidential.
` A. I am bound by contract not to divulge 09:57:00
`subject matter nor individuals with whom I worked.
` Q. I believe you said before that the two
`depositions in which you testified you were not
`testifying as an expert. Did I hear that
`correctly? 09:57:20
` A. That's true.
` Q. So to the extent there are any cases
`where you offered expert opinions, those are
`different from the cases we were talking about
`before? 09:57:40
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` A. Clarify that again.
` Q. Let me ask it in a more general way.
` What proceedings in a general way,
`without revealing confidential information, did 09:58:00
`you offer expert opinion in?
` A. As an expert?
` Q. Yes, as an expert.
` A. As an external expert?
` Q. Yes, expert in a litigation or IPR 09:58:14
`proceeding, something along those lines.
` A. Clarify that again.
` Q. You are offering opinions as an expert
`in this case; correct?
` A. Correct. 09:58:35
` Q. In the past have you offered opinions
`as an expert in any other litigation or
` A. Yes.
` Q. What's the general subject matter of 09:58:45
`those proceedings?
` A. I have to be careful what I say because
`I do not want to reveal confidential information
`for which I'm bound by contract. Safety issues.
` Q. Where did you work when you offered 09:59:31
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
`those opinions?
` MS. SHIH: Objection, form.
` A. Could you be more specific there.
` Q. Did you offer those opinions while you 09:59:48
`were employed by a pharmaceutical company?
` A. Again can you go back to which
` (Discussion off the record.)
` Q. The opinion on safety issues that you 10:00:14
`just mentioned.
` A. Again can you be more specific there.
`You're talking about two different sets, and so
`tell me which ones.
` Q. I'm talking about the set of 10:00:41
`proceedings where you testified as an -- strike
`that -- where you offered expert opinions.
` A. There are two different settings I
`mentioned, so I just need to be clear on which
`ones you're talking about. 10:01:02
` Q. I'll repeat my question.
` I'm talking about the proceedings where
`you offered expert opinions. And the question is
`while you offered those opinions were you employed
`by a pharmaceutical company. 10:01:21
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` MS. SHIH: Objection, form.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Which one?
` A. I cannot divulge that information. 10:01:45
` Q. So the proceedings in which you offered
`opinions as an expert, those were also
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were those proceedings with two 10:02:16
`opposing parties as well, two or more?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And can you reveal the names of the
`parties without violating confidentiality?
` A. No. 10:03:06
` Q. Have you ever either testified about or
`offered expert opinions on subject matter related
`to thalidomide prior to this proceeding?
` MS. SHIH: Objection, form.
` A. No. 10:03:37
` Q. Have you ever either testified about or
`offered expert opinions on subject matter related
`to any teratogen prior to this proceeding?
` MS. SHIH: Same objection.
` A. No. 10:04:40
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` Q. I'd like to take a step back and review
`some guidelines for the deposition today. I am
`going to be asking you questions throughout. If
`you do not understand my question, please ask me 10:04:52
`to repeat or rephrase. If you answer, I will
`assume that you understood.
` Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Even though this is being videotaped, 10:05:01
`I'll need you to give answers verbally, because
`what we are saying is being transcribed.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you need to take a break at any 10:05:08
`time, let me know and we will break, as long as
`there is not a question pending at that moment.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Please wait until I finish my question 10:05:19
`before you answer, because that will also help the
`court reporter.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Your counsel may object to some of my 10:05:27
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
`questions. Unless she instructs you not to
`answer, you must still answer the question to the
`best of your ability.
` Do you understand that? 10:05:36
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you understand that you are
`testifying today under oath?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Has there ever been a challenge to your 10:05:43
`credentials as an expert in any proceeding?
` A. No.
` Q. What is your current employment?
` A. I'm a self-employed consultant.
` Q. Approximately what percentage of your 10:06:06
`professional time right now do you spend on
`litigation or proceeding-related work?
` A. Less than 10 percent.
` Q. Are most of your clients pharmaceutical
`companies? 10:06:29
` A. Yes.
` Q. When were you first contacted about
`this IPR proceeding, or proceedings?
` MS. SHIH: I just caution the witness
` not to reveal any attorney-client privileged 10:06:39
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` communications. But you can give a time if
` you recall.
` A. Late December 2015.
` Q. Who contacted you? 10:07:02
` MS. SHIH: Again, same caution to the
` witness, but you can give a name or names if
` you recall.
` A. IMS.
` Q. What does that stand for, if you know? 10:07:18
` A. MS stands for management systems.
`Intelligent management systems?
` Q. Why did they contact you?
` MS. SHIH: Again I'll caution the
` witness not to reveal any attorney-client 10:07:41
` privileged communications. If you can answer
` generally, then you may.
` A. They had my name from a referral.
` Q. Is that an expert search firm?
` A. I'm not sure. 10:08:13
` Q. What was the reason that they were
`contacting you?
` MS. SHIH: Again, I caution the witness
` not to reveal any attorney-client privileged
` communications. 10:08:26
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` A. They didn't say why but...
` Q. Were there any attorneys involved
`during that first contact?
` A. No. 10:08:40
` Q. What did they ask you to do?
` MS. SHIH: Again I would caution the
` witness not to reveal any attorney-client
` privileged communications.
` A. What did IMS ask me to do? 10:08:54
` Q. Yes.
` A. They asked me to send them my full CV.
` Q. For what purpose?
` MS. SHIH: Same caution.
` A. For a potential job opportunity. 10:09:16
` Q. How many conversations did you have
`with IMS?
` A. I don't remember the exact number.
`More than two, less than five. I don't recall the
`exact number. 10:09:43
` Q. When was the first time you spoke with
`counsel for patent owner?
` MS. SHIH: Again the same caution to
` the witness. But if you have a time that you
` recall, you can give that. 10:10:01
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` A. I believe it was in January.
` Q. Who did you speak with then?
` MS. SHIH: Same caution. You may give
` a name or names, to the extent that you 10:10:13
` recall.
` A. I believe the first time I spoke was
`with Gasper.
` Q. And were you asked to offer expert
`opinions in these proceedings? 10:11:01
` MS. SHIH: And I would again caution
` the witness not to reveal any attorney-client
` privileged communications, but you can answer
` that "yes," "no," "I don't recall."
` A. No. 10:11:13
` Q. You were not asked to offer opinions in
`these proceedings as an expert?
` MS. SHIH: Again same caution: "yes,"
` "no," or "I don't recall."
` A. Can you be more specific there? Again, 10:11:25
`that -- what did that -- I'm not clear by your
` Q. What's not clear about it?
` A. Can you repeat the question?
` Q. Yes. My question was were you asked to 10:11:35
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
`offer expert opinions in these proceedings.
` MS. SHIH: Same caution: "yes," "no,"
` or "I don't recall."
` A. No. 10:12:02
` Q. Did this come a time where you were
`asked to offer such opinions?
` MS. SHIH: Same caution to the witness,
` again: "yes," "no," or "I don't recall."
` A. Do you mean sometime between January 10:12:22
`and today?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And approximately when was that?
` MS. SHIH: Again caution the witness 10:12:34
` not to reveal communications, but you can give
` a time frame if you recall, or a time, if you
` recall.
` A. Generally maybe January, early
`February, January. 10:13:01
` Q. And what types of opinions were you
`asked to offer?
` MS. SHIH: Objection to the extent that
` that calls for attorney-client privileged
` communications. I will instruct the witness 10:13:14
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` not to answer that. If you could rephrase.
` MS. ABDULLAH: I'm just referring to
` the general subject matter of the opinions.
` MS. SHIH: Again, I think that's 10:13:29
` objectionable.
` MS. ABDULLAH: She's offered opinions
` in this case. We're entitled to find out what
` kinds of opinions she was asked to offer.
` MS. SHIH: Well, you can ask her 10:13:37
` questions about the declarations then. But
` now you're asking about what could potentially
` cover privileged communications. I don't
` think we can parse that out with the way the
` question is being asked. 10:13:49
` MS. ABDULLAH: Well, I disagree with
` that, but I will ask a different question.
` MS. SHIH: Thank you.
` Q. Did you write a declaration or
`declarations in these proceedings? 10:13:59
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you personally write them?
` MS. SHIH: Objection to form.
` A. I wrote some sections.
` Q. Who else wrote sections of your 10:14:23
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` MS. SHIH: Objection to the form and
` lacks foundation.
` A. Could you rephrase that, which 10:14:48
` Q. You testified, I wrote some sections.
`My question is who wrote other sections.
` MS. SHIH: Same objections.
` A. I worked collaborative with counsel on 10:15:18
` Q. So you wrote some sections, and counsel
`wrote other sections?
` MS. SHIH: Objection, lacks foundation.
` A. Not exactly. 10:15:39
` Q. Then please explain to me what process
`you used to write the declarations.
` A. You want a full explanation of the
`entire process or a general process -- a general
`explanation? 10:16:05
` MS. SHIH: I caution the witness not to
` reveal attorney-client privileged
` communications, but you can give a general --
` well, if you want to get a clarification, but
` you can give a general process. 10:16:14
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` A. Okay. I formulated opinions. It was
`put in legal format. There was rewriting and
`editing done and more rewriting and more editing
`done until the final document was put in place -- 10:16:40
` Q. Aside from counsel did you consult with
`anyone else while you were writing the
` A. No. 10:17:01
` Q. Do you have any employees or staff that
`assisted you?
` A. No.
` Q. Approximately how many hours did you
`spend writing the declarations? 10:17:11
` A. Oh, boy.
` Can you clarify "writing" for me?
` Q. All right. We can make it more
` How many hours, approximately, did you 10:18:22
`spend formulating your opinions and writing the
` A. I'm going to say 20.
` Q. Are you being paid for your time --
` A. Yes. 10:18:47
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` Q. -- today?
` How much?
` A. On the average about 520 an hour.
` Q. You say "average." What are the 10:18:52
`different components of that average?
` A. I charge less for just reviewing
`documents; I charge more for deposition time.
` Q. What about the writing of declarations?
` A. It's somewhere in the middle. 10:19:19
` Q. Can you give me those different rates?
` A. 350 for reviewing documents, 500 for
`report preparation, and 600 for deposition.
` Q. So the 20 hours that you mentioned
`before, that was for reviewing documents and 10:19:40
`writing the declarations? Is that fair?
` MS. SHIH: Objection, lacks foundation.
` A. Can you be more specific there again?
` Q. Let me ask it this way: To you
`mentioned there's three different rates that you 10:20:13
`charge depending on the task; right?
` A. Right.
` Q. Do you recall approximately how many
`hours you spent reviewing documents for these
`proceedings? 10:20:26
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` A. At this time I don't recall exactly.
` Q. And do you recall approximately how
`many hours you spent reviewing -- strike that.
` Do you recall how many hours you spent 10:20:40
`writing the declarations?
` A. At this time I don't recall exactly.
` Q. Were those two different tasks included
`in your estimate of 20 hours that you gave a few
`minutes ago? 10:20:56
` MS. SHIH: Objection to form.
` A. Can you be more specific as to the
`timing, whether -- more specific concerning the
`preparation or the writing? What was your
`question again? 10:21:22
` Q. I'm just trying to figure out what you
`included in those 20 hours that you estimated.
` A. Review, writing, editing.
` Q. How much time did you spend preparing
`for the deposition today? 10:22:01
` A. I would have to go back to my records.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for the
` MS. SHIH: I would just caution the
` witness not to reveal any attorney-client 10:22:14
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` privileged communications, but you can answer
` that generally.
` A. I reviewed documents and discussed
`those documents. 10:22:31
` Q. Who did you discuss them with?
` MS. SHIH: I just caution the witness
` not to reveal any attorney-client privileged
` communications, but if you have names, you can
` provide them. 10:22:57
` A. Do you want specific names?
` Q. Sure.
` A. The attorneys in this room and
`Mr. Anders Nelson.
` Q. Did you meet with them to prepare? 10:23:14
` MS. SHIH: I instruct the witness to
` answer that "yes" or "no."
` A. Yes.
` Q. When did you meet with them?
` MS. SHIH: Just a caution just to give 10:23:23
` a time, please, or -- well, give a date or a
` time, to the extent you recall.
` A. I don't recall the exact dates.
` Q. How many days or how many hours, let's
`say? Days or hours, how many days or hours did 10:23:39
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` Frau
`you meet with them?
` MS. SHIH: Just a number there, if you
` recall.
` A. I don't recall specifically. I would 10:23:47
`have to have my tally sheet in front of me.
` Q. Did you meet with them more than a day?
` MS. SHIH: "Yes" or "no" or "I don't
` recall."
` A. First can you tell me by "a day" do you 10:23:58
`mean 24 hours or do you mean some hours here, some
`hours there?
` Q. Let's say did you meet with them on
`more than one date.
` MS. SHIH: Again, instruct you to 10:24:13
` answer that "yes" or "no" or "I don't recall."
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you remember how many?
` MS. SHIH: Again, "yes" or "no."
` A. I don't recall exactly. 10:24:31
` Q. Did you meet with them more than -- on
`more than two occasions to prepare for your
` MS. SHIH: And, again, you can answer
` that "yes" or "no" or "I don't recall." 10:24:44
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`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you meet with them on more than
`three occasions to prepare for your deposition?
` MS. SHIH: Again, just give a "yes," 10:24:56
` "no," or "I don't recall."
` A. You're asking me to go back in my
`schedule for the past three months so...
` Q. Well, if it helps, I'm asking
`specifically to prepare for this deposition. 10:25:17
` MS. SHIH: Same instructions.
` A. Without my schedule in front of me,
` Q. Did you meet with them on more than
`five occasions to prepare for this deposition? 10:25:55
` MS. SHIH: Same instructions: a "yes,"
` "no," or "I don't recall."
` A. I don't recall exactly.
` Q. Do you recall the approximate number of
`hours you spent preparing for this deposition? 10:27:03
` MS. SHIH: Again, a yes, no -- "yes" or
` "no."
` A. No.
` Q. Was it more than ten hours?
` MS. SHIH: Again, a "yes" or "no" or "I 10:27:20
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` Frau
` don't recall."
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was it more than 20 hours?
` MS. SHIH: Same instruction: "yes," 10:27:31
` "no," or "I don't recall."
` A. I don't recall exactly.
` Q. You don't recall whether it was more
`than 20 hours?
` MS. SHIH: Same instruction: "yes," 10:27:58
` "no," or "I don't recall."
` A. If you can be specific what you mean by
`"preparing for this deposition."
` MS. SHIH: Again, a "yes," "no," or "I
` don't recall." 10:28:26
` A. I don't recall exactly.
` Q. So your testimony, just so that I have
`this clear, is that you spent more than 10 hours
`but you can't say whether you spent more than 20?
` MS. SHIH: Again, a "yes," "no" -- 10:28:37
` sorry, a "yes" or "no."
` A. Can I have the question again? What am
`I supposed to be answering "yes" or "no" to? I'm
`trying to do numbers in my head.
` Q. Is it your testimony that you spent 10:29:26
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 26
`CFAD VI 1086 - 0026

`Job No. 2289897
` Frau
`more than 10 hours preparing for this deposition
`but you can't say whether you spent more than 20?
` A. I may have spent more than 20.
` Q. But you can't say for sure? 10:29:41
` A. I can't -- I can't go -- without my
`schedule in front of me, I can't really say the
`exact number. It may have been, but without my
`schedule I can't.
` Q. Have you previously been retained for 10:29:57
`consulting work by Celgene?
` A. No.
` Q. All right. So throughout this
`deposition today, I am going to be introducing
`some exhibits. Many of them are premarked in 10:30:34
`these proceedings, and I am going to say on the
`record the ex

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