Page 1
`l4—4l49(JBS); 14—5l44(JBS)
`INC., and
`Job NO. NJ 2238413
`Veritext Legal Soiutions
`Lupin v Scnju,
`IPRZOIS-01097, IPRZUIS-01099,
`Il’R20I5-0110!) & IPR2015.n::n_-.

`Page 2
`Transcript of deposition taken
`by and before Lisa Forlano, CCR, CRR, RMR,
`Certificate No. XIO1l43, at the offices of Goodwin
`Procter LLP,
`620 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York
`on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, commencing at 10:05
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Page 3
`(202) 408~4l16
`(212) 813-8800
`16th FLOOR
`(213) 576-1000
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`I N D E X
`By Mr. Diner
`E X H I B I T S
`Hofmann—l Responsive Expert Report of Ivan
`T. Hofmann, CPA/CFF, CLP
`Page 4
`Hofmann—2 Deloitte 2015 Global Life Sciences
`Outlook — Adapting in an era of transformation
`PROLO339506 — PROL0339525
`Hofmann—3 Deloitte document
`— Measuring the
`return from pharmaceutical innovation 2014 —
`a corner, PROLO339526 — PROLO339561
`American Marketing Association
`article — Early Marketing Matters:
`A Time—Varying
`Parameter Approach to Persistence Modeling,
`PROL0339663 — PROLO339676
`Hofmann—5 Reply Expert Report of John C.
`Jarosz on objective indicia of non-obviousness
`dated 2/12/16
`Hofmann—6 Article — Too Many Drugs?
`Clinical and Economic Value of Incremental
`Innovations, PROLO340351 ~ PROL0340392
`Hofmann—7 Cataract Discussion Groups
`PROLO280867 — PROLO280893
`Hofmann—8 Clinical Ophthalmology — The ocular 123
`distribution of C—labeled bromfenac ophthalmic
`solution 0.07% in a rabbit model, PROLO08055 —
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`E X H I B I T S
`PROL0080486 — PROL0080492
`Hofmann—l0 PROLOO80493 —
`Hofmann—11 PROL00802l9 —
`Hofmann—l2 Ophthalmic NSAIDS Average Selling
`Price Per Prescription, page 2 of 2
`Page 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`VIDEO OPERATOR: We're now going on the
`record, approximately 10:05 a.m. This is the
`Page 6
`beginning of file number one.
`My name is Kevin Gallagher,
`representing Veritext New York.
`The date today is February 24, 2016.
`The deposition is being held at Goodwin
`located at 620 Eighth Avenue in New
`York, New York.
`The caption of the case is Senju
`Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. versus Lupin
`Limited and Lupin Pharmaceutical.
`This case is filed in the US District
`Court for the District of New Jersey.
`Case No.
`is 14—CV~O6893—JBS—KMW. And
`Our witness this morning is Ivan T.
`At this time,
`the attorneys present in
`the room will identify themselves for the
`MR. DINER: Bryan Diner with the law
`firm of Finnegan Hendersen, counsel for
`Plaintiff Senju,
`et al.
`With me is my
`colleague, Terrence Kim, also from Finnegan
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 7
`Sarah Fink for Goodwin &
`Procter, representing Lupin and the witness.
`Evan Woolley of Alston &
`Bird for the Innopharma Defendant.
`VIDEO OPERATOR: Our court reporter
`this morning is Lisa Forlano.
`She also
`represents Veritext.
`She will now swear the
`witness and we can proceed.
`IVAN T. HOFMANN, having been duly
`sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
`Good morning, Mr. Hofmann.
`Good morning, Mr. Diner.
`Would you please state your full name
`and address for the record?
`Sure. My name is Ivan T. Hofmann, and
`I live at 169 South Ridge Drive, Cranberry Township,
`And you've been deposed before;
`is that
`correct, Mr. Hofmann?
`1 have.
`A number of times?
`So you're familiar with the drill?
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`Page 8
`I am.
`I'll just lay a few ground rules
`so we're on the same page,
`if that's okay with you.
`That sounds good.
`So I basically just have three I'd like
`to talk about. One is my questions;
`the second is
`your breaks, or our breaks; and then any questions
`you have.
`So for my questions,
`I just —— I'll be
`asking questions and your job is to answer the
`questions and to do so truthfully and accurately.
`Does that sound fair?
`I understand.
`Okay. With regard to breaks, we can
`take a break whenever you'd like.
`Just if I'm in
`the middle of a question,
`I would like you to finish
`by answering the question and then if you would like
`to take a break at that time, we can take a break.
`Is that okay?
`Sounds good.
`And then with regard to any questions
`you may have, for example,
`if there is something
`that you don't understand in my question or you need
`some clarity,
`just ask me and I'll be happy to
`clarify that for you.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Is that okay?
`Yes, sir.
`I guess one final point on that,
`if I ask a question and you answer it, I'll assume
`that you understood it.
`Is that fine?
`Is there any reason that you
`cannot truthfully and accurately testify today?
`No, sir.
`I'll mark the first
`(Responsive Expert Report of Ivan T.
`Hofmann, CPA/CFF, CLP was marked Hofmann~l for
`So the court reporter has handed
`you what has been marked as Hofmann Exhibit 1.
`you recognize this document, sir?
`It appears to be a
`black—and—white version of my expert report
`in this
`Does it include your exhibits and
`Yes, it does.
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`Page 10
`Can you turn to the page after page 57?
`It's not numbered. That's the reason for my
`description of it.
`Is that your signature at the top of
`the page after page 57?
`It is.
`Okay. Mr. Hofmann, who prepared your
`report in this case?
`I did, with my team from Gleason IP.
`I think after Exhibit D in Hofmann
`Exhibit 1, which you've identified as your expert
`report, it looks like your CV starts just after
`Exhibit D, but I don't see an identifier in terms of
`an appendix.
`In the upper right~hand corner it says
`appendix 1.
`Very good.
`Thank you.
`Is that your current CV, Mr. Hofmann?
`So this is my current CV.
`Appendix 2 reflects my testimony, which is also part
`of the CV. And then in the fourth part of the
`report I've elaborated on the CV to explain some
`specific things that are relevant to my expertise in
`pharmaceutical economics.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 11
`I believe in appendix 3 you've
`identified some of the materials that you considered
`in preparing your expert report.
`Is that correct?
`Right. As of the date of my report,
`these were the materials that I considered.
`Okay. Actually,
`I want to go back to
`your CV for a moment.
`I may have asked this, but is
`it a current —— current version of your CV?
`It is.
`Anything more to add to it?
`I don't think so, as of today.
`Okay. Okay. Back to appendix 3,
`So what's identified in appendix 3, which looks like
`it goes on for three pages of materials that you
`considered in preparation of your report?
`It's a total of four pages, but yes.
`Thank you. Now, at the bottom of the
`first page of appendix 3 you see the section
`entitled, Expert Reports?
`So in terms of the expert
`reports that you considered in preparation of your
`report, you identify the expert report of —— opening
`expert report of John Jarosz on objective indicia of
`non-obviousness; is that correct?
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Yes, among others.
`Okay. And so you reviewed that opening
`report of Mr. Jarosz, correct?
`I did.
`And you also reviewed the opening
`report of Dr. Williams on infringement and objective
`indicia of non—obviousness?
`I did.
`And did you also review the expert
`report of William Trattler, M.D., on objective
`indioia of non—obviousness?
`I did.
`Did you —— in preparation for your
`deposition today, did you consider any reply reports
`that were submitted by Dr. Williams?
`I believe I have seen the Williams
`reply report, yes,
`I have.
`And have you considered the reply
`report of John Jarosz?
`I have, yes.
`And how about the reply report of
`22 William Trattler, have you seen that?
`Did you review the reply report of John
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 13
`I did.
`I mean,
`for completeness.
`There are several other expert reports I've also
`Okay. What are they?
`The expert report of Dr. Cykiert and
`the expert report of Dr. Prausnitz.
`And did you review the expert report of
`Dr. Cykiert in preparation for today's deposition?
`No. No. No.
`Up to and leading to my
`issuance of my report,
`I had an understanding of
`what his opinions were with respect to certain
`technical issues that I relied upon in forming my
`report, and with the understanding that his report
`was going to be filed, you know, effectively
`simultaneously with mine. And so my intent all
`along was to then review it in connection with once
`it was finally issued, but I had an understanding of
`what his opinions were prior to the issuance of my
`And you gained that understanding from
`speaking with Dr. Cykiert?
`From counsel.
`Through counsel?
`Counsel told you what Dr. Cykiert's
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 14
`opinions were?
`There was another report that you
`mentioned that you reviewed?
`Dr. Prausnitz.
`Dr. Prausnitz. And did you speak with
`Dr. Prausnitz before preparing your report?
`Similar process,
`I did not speak with
`him directly.
`Could you explain the process?
`I had an understanding from
`counsel of what Dr. Prausnitz's opinions were going
`to be, at least as they bore on, you know,
`aspects of my report that I would care about, and
`had that understanding, and then fully intended to
`review his report, when issued, which was on the
`same day as my report.
`Mr. Hofmann,
`in what areas do you
`consider yourself an expert?
`I consider myself an expert
`in the
`areas of economics,
`finance and accounting.
`regularly am asked to consult on, broadly, areas
`within those spaces, and then,
`in particular,
`I have
`a heavy concentration in pharmaceutical economics.
`Probably two-thirds to three—quarters of my time is
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 15
`spent analyzing and addressing issues in
`pharmaceutical economics.
`In addition to those broad categories,
`an overarching area of expertise is intellectual
`I spend pretty much all of my time
`dealing with issues of intellectual property,
`primarily economic, financial and accounting issues,
`with respect to intellectual property.
`those —— the work that I do is in a dispute setting,
`such as this, and then it's also regularly
`undertaken outside of a dispute setting as well.
`Are you a patent lawyer?
`I'm not a patent lawyer.
`Are you a named inventor on any
`I‘m not.
`And not a named inventor on any pending
`applications, correct?
`No, sir.
`Are you an expert in pharmaceutical
`I would consider myself an expert in
`the economic implications of pharmaceutical
`So while not a marketer by training,
`given the role of marketing in the distribution of
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 16
`prescription pharmaceutical products, a very natural
`extension of the area of work that I‘ve done and the
`consulting that I‘ve done has had a heavy
`concentration on analyzing and considering issues
`with respect to pharmaceutical marketing.
`Have you ever actually marketed a
`pharmaceutical product for a pharmaceutical company?
`No. My work has been as a consultant.
`Have you ever worked on a marketing
`campaign for a pharmaceutical company?
`No, not directly.
`Have you ever consulted for a
`pharmaceutical company on a marketing campaign?
`one of the areas of work that I
`do is product pipeline consulting, and as part of
`the product pipeline consulting work that I've done
`I analyze markets and I analyze strategic planning
`with respect to, you know, budgeting, market
`formation, pricing, and as a part of that product
`pipeline consulting and consideration of market
`formation and strategy, certainly marketing is a
`piece of that. Or can be a piece of that.
`Okay. Would you consider yourself an
`expert in commercialization of intellectual
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 17
`I mean,
`I definitely consider myself an
`expert in analyzing issues surrounding
`commercialization of intellectual property,
`so I'm
`regularly asked to provide expertise and analysis
`and opinions with respect to licensing strategy of
`intellectual property. Again,
`like I said, market,
`market formation, market development of intellectual
`The actual legwork of the attorneys and
`the companies involved in the commercialization and
`getting the embodiment commercialized is not
`something I personally have done.
`Are you an expert in the FDA
`regulations regarding pharmaceutical products?
`I consider myself an expert in the
`pharmaceutical economic implications of FDA
`So what I mean by that is I'm not a,
`per se, regulatory expert broadly, but the role of
`FDA regulation is so pervasive with respect to,
`particular, prescription pharmaceutical products, as
`well as other medical foods and nutraceuticals and
`whatnot that I regularly analyze, consult and
`provide expertise with respect to the pharmaceutical
`economic implications of FDA regulation. But not
`the technical aspects, if you will.
`Do you know the applicable standards
`A 8
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 18
`for listing a pharmaceutical patent in the FDA's
`Orange Book?
`I'm familiar with those.
`Do you understand the FDA's
`decision—making process with respect to approving
`drug product labeling?
`I mean,
`like I said, with the caveat
`that I wouldn't consider myself a technical expert
`of what must be proven with respect to technical
`aspects of the labeling,
`I do have familiarity and
`have worked regularly on issues involving product
`labeling, especially as they relate to
`pharmaceutical economics, marketing and things like
`Okay. Are you an expert in
`I would say I am not an ophthalmology
`expert from any sort of technical or medical
`I have done work on a number of
`ophthalmologic products in the course of my work in
`consulting in pharmaceutical economics.
`Are you an expert in the field of
`Here again, with respect to the role
`that pharmacies play in the distribution of
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 19
`prescription pharmaceutical products,
`I have a deep
`understanding of the role of pharmacies, along with
`the other actors within the distribution of
`prescription pharmaceutical products from a, you
`know, dispensing and technical perspective as far as
`what a pharmacist is, you know,
`trained to do in the
`decision—making process they make, no. And I do
`have familiarity,
`though, with substitution laws
`with respect to the role that pharmacies play in
`substituting generics.
`You never formulated a pharmaceutical
`product yourself, correct?
`I have not.
`And that would include never having
`formulated a bromfenac—containing composition,
`And that would also include never
`having formulated a pharmaceutical composition
`containing tyloxapol, correct?
`Is it fair to say you've never
`conducted any scientific research on a bromfenac
`I have not. That's what I was
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 20
`referring to earlier on, all of these things.
`That's where I rely on technical experts for those
`types of issues.
`You're not an expert in any field of
`medicine, correct?
`And have never prescribed any
`medication to a patient, correct?
`I have not.
`You've never treated an inflammatory
`disease of an eye in a patient, have you?
`No, sir.
`Never administered any bromfenac
`product to a patient, correct?
`No. Again,
`this is where I rely on the
`technical experts for where I've incorporated those
`types of issues in my report.
`And you're not an expert in chemistry,
`either, correct?
`No, sir.
`In connection with your opinions in
`this matter, did you do any laboratory testing of
`any pharmaceutical formulations?
`I did not.
`On something like that I
`would rely on technical experts.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 21
`So you never considered or conducted
`any testing to assess Prolensa's ocular penetration,
`have you?
`I did not.
`I relied on technical
`experts for those types of issues.
`Okay. We can turn to your report.
`If you turn to page 106 your report,
`paragraph 18.
`It's Hofmann Exhibit 1.
`I‘m there.
`The information provided in the table
`in paragraph 18, where did you obtain that
`information from?
`You can see footnote 17, which lists
`the citation, which is the FDA website.
`Did you look that information up
`Someone on my team did the actual
`looking of it up, but I reviewed all the citations
`in my report prior to issuance.
`Now, I'd like to turn to pages
`14 and 15 of your report, Hofmann Exhibit 1.
`in the sentence bridging pages 14
`and 15, you state that any alleged commercial
`success must be driven primarily by and attributable
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 22
`to the purported merits of the claimed invention.
`Do you see that?
`Your use of the term or phrase
`"primarily by,“ does that imply that there could be
`other factors that could contribute to the
`commercial success of a product?
`Of course.
`And what are those factors?
`Well, it's, I think,
`the question --
`you know,
`this is the definition of nexus and the
`question of nexus is a very facts and
`circumstances—based inquiry depending on the
`particular product at issue,
`the market at issue,
`the competitive landscape.
`So it varies product by
`Are there factors, such as marketing,
`that could contribute to the commercial success of a
`So these are factors outside of
`what you would consider the merits of the claimed
`invention, correct?
`Veritext Legai Solutions

`Page 23
`those are examples.
`And they could contribute to commercial
`is that your view?
`Yes. And sometimes explain it.
`I'm sorry?
`And sometimes explain the commercial
`But so long as the commercial success
`is driven primarily by the merits of the claimed
`those other factors, such as marketing
`and financing, will not distract from or detract
`from the commercial success of the product, correct?
`Well, that's again a very facts and
`circumstances—based inquiry.
`I think that to the
`extent that those examples you gave play a, you
`know, a diminished role, but a role that doesn't
`necessarily inhibit the ability to find that the
`patent played the primary role in the performance of
`a product. But you'd have to analyze the specific
`facts and circumstances of the case you're looking
`It's not your position,
`is it,
`that the
`proponent of commercial success has to show that no
`other factors besides the merits of the invention
`contributed to the commercial success of the
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 24
`No, that's not my position.
`MS. FINK: Mr. Hofmann, I'll just ask
`if you wait a second after the question to
`give me a chance to object.
`THE WITNESS: Certainly.
`Thank you.
`Evan Woolley for
`Innopharma here,
`I just want to note that any
`objections by Lupin will be preserved to
`Innopharma as well so that I don't have to,
`you know, ditto every time. Thanks.
`Mr. Hofmann, did you conduct a
`profitability analysis on the product Prolensa in
`preparation of your expert report?
`I did an analysis and rebuttal
`and in response to the opening report of Mr. Jarosz
`that included consideration of profitability based
`on the information available to me.
`And that was a look at profitability
`over a 30-month period;
`is that correct?
`From launch to the date most
`recently available, which was about 30 months.
`I believe that was about August of
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 25
`2015. Does that sound right?
`August 2015?
`I thought
`I had through
`the third quarter of 2015. Yeah, so it would be
`through September 30.
`September 30, 2015?
`So a little over a 30-month
`I believe you noted in your
`report that Mr. Jarosz did not analyze the
`profitability for Prolensa, correct?
`Did you know that Mr. Jarosz did not
`have the profitability data available for Prolensa?
`MS. FINK: Objection, calls for
`I mean, he didn't —- he
`didn't discuss it one way or the other.
`understand from his deposition transcript,
`which I have since reviewed,
`that his position
`is that that information was unavailable.
`As I explained in my report,
`there was
`information available, at least with respect
`I find
`to gross to net for certain periods.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 26
`it somewhat unimaginable that cost of goods
`sold information would be unavailable. And I
`guess I have to accept that, you know,
`other expense components may be art tracked or
`available, but that didn't mean that there
`wasn't adequate data to look at something
`other than just gross sales, which is all that
`Jarosz‘s report contained.
`And the other data you're referring to,
`is that publicly available data that you're
`referring to?
`the particular gross—to«net
`information, no. There were certain periods that
`were included in the production that contained
`gross—to—net information of both Prolensa and
`Bromday that he didn't address in his report. And
`then, as I explained in my report,
`I did use certain
`publicly available information where I didn't have
`internal information to develop my analysis —~ my
`analysis of profitability or lack of profitability.
`Were you aware that the company Bausch
`+ Lomb does not track profitability for its
`individual products?
`MS. FINK: Objection, calls for
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 27
`I have been —— you know,
`my understanding is that,
`through counsel, we
`requested profitability information, and the
`position was that Bausch + Lomb doesn't, you
`track a fully—loaded product P&L, but
`based on the production they clearly do track
`gross to net, and I think are required to
`track gross to net.
`They didn't produce it at
`all periods. And like I said a few answers
`I also —— I‘ve never seen a company that
`doesn't track cost of goods sold.
`It doesn't
`surprise me necessarily that they don't have a
`fully—loaded product P&L for their expenses
`below that, but it certainly seemed like there
`was deficiencies in what was produced with
`respect to the actual performance of Prolensa.
`So if there's no actual profitability
`numbers for Prolensa, as kept by the company,
`there's no actual data against which to judge the
`accuracy of your profitability analysis, correct?
`I totally disagree with that.
`I think
`that the purpose of my profitability analysis is a
`critique that the approach in the Jarosz's report is
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 28
`to just take gross IMS sales and say that's all I
`have, that's the only way E'm going to look at the
`absolute performance of this franchise. My analysis
`is a qualitative analysis which includes some
`quantitative consideration of, okay, well, what do
`we know about whether gross sales is an accurate
`representation of the performance of this product?
`And what we know from some of the data produced is
`there are significant gross—to—net adjustments that
`are made that the Jarosz's report fails to consider.
`And I think anybody who studies pharmaceutical
`economics also knows that a product has cost of
`goods sold that are associated with it, sales and
`marketing costs and other costs.
`And so, you know,
`the purpose of my
`analysis is not to quantify like lost profits in a
`damages case or something like that, which requires,
`you know, a certain level of precision.
`It's to
`support my qualitative view that,
`look, you know, we
`can't just stop the inquiry here at sales. We've
`gotta look at what's available with respect to other
`deductions that are known to occur for
`pharmaceutical products.
`It sounds like, no,
`isn‘t an actual fully—loaded Bausch + Lomb product
`P&L that exist, or certainly there wasn't one in the
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`Page 29
`production, but
`I think that my profitability
`analysis provides a much more thorough and
`thoughtful consideration of the actual financial
`performance of Prolensa than just, you know, pulling
`gross IMS data, as the Jarosz report does.
`It's built on a number of different
`assumptions from different companies and different
`products; is that correct?
`I think it's best to take them
`one at a time.
`I mean,
`I think that it is —— again,
`I do this all the time, and regularly the brand
`company will produce product P&Ls, and I can use
`those actual information. Here they did produce
`certain actual information, and I did use the actual
`information, where available. Where it wasn’t
`available I think I made reasonable determination of
`estimates to reflect the lack of profitability,
`based not only on the public filings of companies
`that include the sales of Prolensa, but also my, you
`know, many years experience in analyzing hundreds of
`pharmaceutical products and the types of expenses
`and costs that roll into the typical product P&Ls of
`pharmaceutical products.
`Let's talk about profitability of
`pharmaceutical products for a moment.
`I believe
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 30
`back on,
`I think it was paragraph 18 of your report,
`you had tabulated some information with regard to
`the patents—in—suit, correct?
`And there you've indicated that one of
`the patents—in—suit, which I will refer to as the
`'431 patent is the latest expiring patent;
`is that
`That's my understanding.
`And that patent expires in
`September 2025, right?
`Now, pharmaceutical companies, as a
`general matter,
`invest in products for the long run;
`is that correct?
`MS. FINK: Objection, calls for
`I think that's a facts
`and circumstances—based inquiry. There's lots
`of times that pharmaceutical products have a
`short—term plan and there are occasions where
`they have a long—term view.
`And there are —— strike that for now.
`I don't think Bromday was on the market
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`Page 31
`any longer than Prolensa has been on the market.
`But you have no idea how long Prolensa
`may be on the market, correct?
`I mean,
`I think that's kind of my
`whole point is that all we have in terms of
`objective evidence of its performance is what its
`done so far.
`The pharmaceutical market is very
`dynamic and things can happen all the time.
`I think
`Dr. Cykiert talked about the change in the AAO
`guidance with respect to NSAID that came out in late
`2015. That can materially impact the future
`direction of what happens with respect to a product
`like Prolensa.
`So I think when you're looking at an
`obviousness inquiry with respect to, you know,
`commercial performance of a product you really have
`to look at what has happened. There's a real hazard
`to try and predicting, hey,
`this might be on another
`three months,
`five years, or ten years.
`But it could be on for as long as the
`patent is in existence,
`in terms of its expiring,
`That's theoretically possible, but, you
`E don't think that speculating on whether it's
`going to be provides any objective evidence of its
`actual commercial performance in the marketplace.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 32
`You speculated a moment ago that based
`on some repor

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