Shirou Sawa
`Washington, D.C.
`March 18, 2016
`Page 1
` ____________________________________
` ____________________________________
` Petitioners
` v.
` Patent Owner
` ____________________________________
` IPR2015-01097 (US Patent No. 8,751,131)
` IPR2015-01099 (US Patent No. 8,669,290)
` IPR2015-01100 (US Patent No. 8,927,606)
` IPR2015-01105 (US Patent No. 8,871,813)
` Friday, March 18, 2016
`Alderson Court Reporting
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`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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`Page 4
` C O N T E N T S
` Counsel for Petitioners 5
` Counsel for Patent Owner 128
`Lupin 1086: Petitioner's Notice of
` Cross-Examination of Shirou Sawa 26
`Lupin 1001: United States Patent 8,669,290 B2 70
`Senju 2098: Sawa Declaration
` Japanese/Translations 15
`(Exhibits attached to transcript.)
`2 3
`6 7
` SHIROU SAWA, called for cross-examination by
`counsel for Petitioners, pursuant to notice, at the
`office of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
`Dunner, LLP, 901 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington,
`D.C., before SUSAN L. CIMINELLI, CRR, RPR, a Notary
`Public in and for the District of Columbia,
`beginning at 10:07 a.m., when were present on behalf
`of the respective parties:
`Page 3
`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`On behalf of Petitioners:
` Crowell & Moring, LLP
` 590 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
` New York, New York 10022-2524
` (212) 803-4050
` -and-
` Crowell & Moring, LLP
` 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20004-2595
` (202) 624-2947
`On behalf of Patent Owner:
` Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garret &
` Dunner, LLP
` 3500 Sun Trust Plaza
` 303 Peachtree Street, N.E.
` Atlanta, Georgia 30308-3263
` (404) 653-6400
` -and-
` Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett &
` Dunner, LLP
` 901 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20001-4413
` (202) 408-4000
` Naoko Kishida, Senju
` Rika T. Mitrik, Japanese Interpreter
` Yuko Kashiwaga, Japanese Check
` Interpreter
` * * * * *
`were first duly sworn to interpret the questions
`from English into Japanese and the answers from
`Japanese into English to the best of their knowledge
`and ability.
`was called as a witness by counsel for Petitioners,
`and having been duly sworn, was examined and
`testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning. Can you please state your
`name for the record.
` A. My name is Shirou Sawa.
` Q. What is your current address?
` A. Kosugadai, 5-Chome 9-9, Nishi-ku, Kobe,
`Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
` Q. What is your current place of employment?
` A. Senju Pharmaceuticals.
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`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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` Q. What is your current title?
` A. I'm a manager.
` Q. In any particular department?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. What department?
` A. Ocular science laboratory. Formulation
`design group.
`interpreter for Senju says perhaps drug discovery
` INTERPRETER MITRIK: Discovery design
`group. The Japanese title is Senju manager. In
`English, it's simply a manager.
` (Recess.)
` MS. SUZUKI: I want to backtrack a little
`bit and just have everyone state their appearances
`for the record. I'm Chiemi Suzuki from Crowell &
`Moring here for the Lupin Petitioners and with me is
`Shannon Lentz also of Crowell & Moring.
` MS. LEBEIS: I'm Jessica Lebeis, I'm with
`Finnegan, on behalf of the Patent Owner. I'm here
`with Chiaki Fujiwara, Naoko Kishida of Senju, and
` A. No.
` Q. It's important that you understand each
`question that I ask you. If for any reason you do
`not understand the question, please let me know and
`I will rephrase the question into one that you can
`understand. Will you let me know if you do not
`understand a question that I ask?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It's also important that you finish your
`answer before I begin to ask my next question. Will
`you let me know if you have not finished an answer
`at the time that I ask my next question?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Please recognize that there is a court
`reporter here recording this deposition, and a
`translator, several translators here translating
`between English and Japanese. Please keep two
`things in mind. First, the reporter and translator
`must be able to hear you. Second, the reporter and
`translator can only record and translate one person
`at a time. So we should try to avoid cross-talking
`or more than one person speaking at the same time.
`Page 9
`Yuko Kashiwagi, the check interpreter for the Patent
`Page 7
` Q. Mr. Sawa, I just introduced myself on the
`record, but my name is Chiemi Suzuki, and I'm from
`the law firm of Crowell & Moring. We represent the
`Lupin Petitioners against Senju in IPR 2015-01097,
`regarding U.S. Patent Number 8,751,131; IPR
`2015-01099, regarding U.S. Patent Number 8,669,290;
`IPR 2015-01100, regarding U.S. Patent Number
`8,927,60; and IPR 2015-01105, regarding U.S. Patent
`Number 8,871,813. And if I refer to those IPRs, for
`1097, 1099, 1100 and 1105 IPRs today as these IPRs
`or this IPR, would you understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to ask you a number of
`questions today and you're to answer the questions
`to the best of your ability. Do you understand
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there any reason you cannot testify
`truthfully today?
`Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Also, the reporter cannot take down nods
`of the head, hand gestures or any other non-verbal
`responses. So on behalf of the reporter and me,
`please respond loudly and clearly and verbally at
`all times. Will you do so?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, you've had your deposition
`taken previously, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. On how many occasions have you had your
`deposition taken previously?
` A. What kind of deposition are you referring
`to? Are you referring to any and all depositions?
` Q. Why don't I ask you a different question.
`You've had your deposition taken previously
`regarding the Prolensa patents in another IPR and in
`a District Court litigation, is that right?
` A. I don't understand.
` Q. You had your deposition taken in an inter
`partes review proceeding regarding Prolensa several
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`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
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`Page 12
`weeks ago, correct?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
` Q. Have you also had your deposition taken
`in the United States District Court proceeding Senju
`v. Watson and other parties, regarding Prolensa
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
` THE WITNESS: I don't know.
` Q. I'm going to ask you some questions about
`your preparation for today's deposition, and I am
`going to try to avoid asking anything that would be
`privileged, but yes or no, did you do anything to
`prepare for this deposition today?
` MS. LEBEIS: I would just caution the
`witness to answer yes or no.
` A. Yes. The interpreter Kashiwagi and
`employee Miss Kishida.
` Q. Is Miss Kashiwagi here as an interpreter
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is Miss Kashiwagi an attorney?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection to the extent it
`calls for a legal conclusion and form of the
` THE WITNESS: I don't know.
` Q. In your preparation for the deposition,
`in addition to your meeting for about eight hours
`yesterday, did you have any other meetings with
`counsel to prepare?
` A. No.
` Q. In your preparation for this deposition,
`did you review any documents?
` MS. LEBEIS: I would caution the witness
`that he may answer yes or no, but not to disclose
`any documents that he might have reviewed.
`Page 13
`Page 11
` Q. Without revealing privileged information,
`what did you do to prepare for this deposition
` MS. LEBEIS: I would caution the witness
`that you can answer, but not to disclose any
`communications he might have had with counsel.
` THE WITNESS: I talked with Finnegan
`attorneys yesterday.
` Q. Which Finnegan attorneys did you speak
`with yesterday?
` A. I don't know the last name, but Jessica
`and Chiaki Fujiwara.
` Q. Other than Ms. Lebeis and Ms. Fujiwara,
`were there any other counsel present during your
`meetings yesterday?
` A. No, they were not present.
` Q. For how long did you meet with counsel
` A. About eight hours.
` Q. During your meeting with Ms. Lebeis and
`Miss Fujiwara yesterday, was anyone else present?
` MS. SUZUKI: Counsel, can you represent
`that all of the documents that Mr. Sawa reviewed in
`preparation for this deposition have been produced
`as part of this IPR?
` MS. LEBEIS: I believe so. Yes.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, did you review any deposition
`transcripts in preparation for today's deposition?
` MS. LEBEIS: Again, I caution the witness
`that he may answer yes or no, but not to disclose
`any documents that he reviewed.
` INTERPRETER MITRIK: The witness asked to
`explain what the transcript is in Japanese.
`interpreter suggests shogenroku.
` Q. Have you ever at any time reviewed your
`own deposition transcripts from the InnoPharma v.
`Senju IPR proceeding?
` A. No.
` Q. And I have used this term probably
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`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
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`Page 16
`several times now. IPR. If I refer to IPR, meaning
`inter partes review, will you understand what I
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you discussed this IPR with anyone
`besides counsel?
` MS. LEBEIS: I would caution the witness
`he can answer yes or no.
` Q. In addition to your meeting with counsel
`yesterday and your review of documents, have you
`done anything else to prepare for today's
` MS. LEBEIS: Same caution to the witness,
`not to reveal any communications with counsel.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, I handed you a document
`labelled Petitioner's Notice of Cross-examination of
`Shirou Sawa. I understand that has been filed in
`this IPR. Do you have that in front of you?
` Q. Mr. Sawa, I handed you a document that
`has previously been marked as Exhibit Senju Exhibit
`2098, which if you will turn to page 15 of 613,
`appears to be your declaration and the appendices to
`that declaration. Do you have that in front of you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is Exhibit 2089 your declaration
`concerning U.S. patent numbers 8,669,290, 8,754,131,
`8,871,813 and 8,927,606?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, I'll represent to you that this
`is the version of your declaration that counsel
`provided to us as part of these IPRs. It includes a
`declaration and Appendices 1 through 3 to the
`declaration in Japanese, and also an English
`translation of the declaration and Appendices 1
`through 3. And also some certificates of
` MS. LEBEIS: Counsel, I believe it's
`Appendices A, B and C.
`Page 17
`Page 15
` MS. LEBEIS: Counsel, Mr. Sawa has
`testified previously that he doesn't read English,
`so if you have a translation of this document, but I
`don't think he is going to be able to answer based
`on this English copy.
` MS. SUZUKI: So he cannot even -- I did
`not ask him anything substantive about the document.
` MS. LEBEIS: But he won't be able to
`identify the English title.
` MS. SUZUKI: Why don't we just strike
`that question, and I'll just ask counsel, can we
`stipulate that Mr. Sawa is here pursuant to this
`notice of cross-examination?
` MS. LEBEIS: Yes.
` MS. SUZUKI: Mr. Sawa, you can put that
`document aside. Counsel, can we also stipulate that
`the questions I ask today, unless otherwise stated,
`apply equally to IPR 2015-01097, IPR 2015-01099, IPR
`2015-01100 and IPR 2015-01105?
` MS. LEBEIS: Yes.
` (Senju Exhibit No. 2098 was
` marked for identification.)
` Q. I apologize. Let me say that again.
`I'll represent to you that this is the version that
`counsel provided to us as part of these IPRs, and
`that it includes a declaration and Appendices A, B
`and C to the declaration in Japanese, and an English
`translation of the declaration and Appendices A, B
`and C, and some certificates of translation.
` And I'll just note for the record that
`page 1 of 613 of Senju Exhibit 2098 is an affidavit
`of translation. Page 29 of 613 is a certificate of
`translation. And that is for what is referred to in
`page 29 as Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C.
` MS. SUZUKI: Counsel, can we stipulate
`that those exhibits, exhibits A, B and C correspond
`to Appendices A, B and C to Mr. Sawa's declaration.
` MS. LEBEIS: Yes.
` MS. SUZUKI: And it appears that that
`same certificate of translation at page 29 occurs
`two other times in this volume, at page 379 and page
`387. Counsel, do you know if those are the exact
`same copies of that certificate of translation?
` MS. LEBEIS: Yes. They are the same
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`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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`Page 20
`certificate of translation.
` MS. SUZUKI: Thank you.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, if you'll please turn to page
`27 of 613 in Senju Exhibit 2098.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that your signature at the bottom of
`the page on page 27?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You signed your declaration on February
`18, 2016, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you recall where you were when you
`signed your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where were you?
` A. In Japan.
` Q. Any particular place in Japan?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where in Japan were you when you signed
`your declaration?
` A. Senju Pharmaceuticals laboratory.
`front cover of your declaration and it refers here
`to four different patents, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If I refer to U.S. Patent Number
`8,669,290 as the '290 patent, will you understand
`what I mean?
` A. I don't know the details regarding the
` Q. I think I asked a different question. If
`I refer to U.S. Patent Number 8,754,131 from time to
`time as the '131 patent, just by name, will you
`understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If I refer to U.S. Patent Number
`8,669,290 by name as the '290 patent, will you
`understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If I refer to U.S. Patent Number
`8,871,813 by name as the '813 patent, will you
`understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If I refer to U.S. Patent Number
`Page 21
` Q. Were you in your office when you signed
`Page 19
`your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was anyone else present when you signed
`your declaration in your office?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. After you signed your declaration, what
`did you do with the signed copy?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
` THE WITNESS: I took a copy near my copy
` Q. What did you do with the copy?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
` THE WITNESS: I send it to Ms. Fujiwara.
` Q. Did you send it by email?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you'll turn to page 15 of 613, please.
`And let me know when you're there. This is the
`8,927,606 as the '606 patent, will you understand
`what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If I refer to the '131, '290, '606 and
`'813 patents collectively at the patents at issue,
`will you understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Your declaration refers to Appendix A,
` MS. LEBEIS: Counsel, if you could point
`him to the portion of his declaration that you're
`referring to, that might make it easier. This is a
`large document.
` Q. Sure. I'm just asking whether he refers
`at any point in the actual written part of the
`declaration, which is pages 15 to 27, to something
`called Appendix A. Do you do that at some point in
`your written declaration at pages 15 to 27?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you would turn, please, to the
`section of Senju Exhibit 2098 that spans pages 204
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`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
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`Page 24
`to page 377, is that Exhibit -- excuse me, is that
`Appendix A to your declaration?
` A. Yes, this is Appendix A.
` MS. SUZUKI: Counsel, can we stipulate
`that the English translation of Appendix A is at
`pages 30 to 203?
` MS. LEBEIS: Let me just take a look.
` MS. SUZUKI: Sure.
` MS. LEBEIS: Yes. That's right.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, the written part of your
`declaration at pages 15 through 27 refers to
`something called Appendix B, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you will turn, please, to the
`section of Senju Exhibit 2098 that goes from page
`383 to page 385, is that Appendix B to your
` A. Yes.
` MS. SUZUKI: Counsel, can we stipulate
`that the English translation of Appendix B is at
`pages 380 to 382 of this exhibit, Senju Exhibit
`Appendix C.
` MS. SUZUKI: Okay. So I apologize. 388
`through 500 -- no. 388 through 382 is the English
`translation of -- no. Strike that. Counsel, can we
`stipulate that pages 388 to 500 is the English
`translation of Appendix C?
` MS. LEBEIS: Yes.
` MS. SUZUKI: Thank you. I apologize for
`the confusion there.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, if I refer to Appendix A,
`Appendix B, and Appendix C collectively as the
`appendices, will you understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` MS. LEBEIS: Would now be a good time for
`a break? We've been going about an hour.
` MS. SUZUKI: I was just thinking it was a
`natural breaking point, so let's do that.
` (Recess.)
` Q. Mr. Sawa, you submitted a declaration in
`the InnoPharma v. Senju IPR Number 2015-00902
`Page 25
`Page 23
` MS. LEBEIS: Yes.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, the written part of your
`declaration at pages 15 through 27 refers to
`something called Appendix C, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you would turn, please, to the section
`of Senju Exhibit 2098 that runs from page 501
`through the end of the document, which is page 613,
`is that Appendix C to your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` MS. SUZUKI: Counsel, can we stipulate
`that the English translation of Appendix C is at
`pages 386 to 500 of Senju Exhibit 2098?
` MS. LEBEIS: I believe the translation
`starts at page 388 and then runs through page 500.
` MS. SUZUKI: Okay. So can we stipulate
`that pages 388 to 500 are the English translation of
`Appendix B?
` MS. LEBEIS: They are the English --
`pages 388 to 500 are the English translation of
`regarding the '290 patent, and U.S. Patent Number
`8,129,431, correct?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection to the form.
` THE WITNESS: Do you mean -- not this one
` Q. Let me ask you a different question. You
`had your deposition taken a few weeks ago in the
`InnoPharma v. Senju IPR, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you were asked questions at that
`deposition about a declaration you had prepared in
`the InnoPharma v. Senju IPR, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If I refer to the InnoPharma v. Senju IPR
`numbers 2015-00902 and 2015-00903 as the InnoPharma
`v. Senju IPR, will you understand what I'm talking
` A. Yes.
` Q. And just to back track momentarily, one
`housekeeping matter. I'd like to mark as Lupin
`Exhibit 1086, Petitioners' notice of
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`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
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`Page 28
`cross-examination of Shirou Sawa that we discussed
` (Lupin Exhibit No. 1086 was
` marked for identification.)
` Q. Is there any difference in the content of
`your declaration in this IPR and the declaration you
`prepared in the InnoPharma v. Senju IPR?
` A. Patent numbers are different.
`Abbreviation of the patent numbers.
` Q. Other than the patent numbers and
`abbreviation of the patent numbers, is there any
`other difference in the context of your declaration
`in this IPR and the declaration in the InnoPharma v.
`Senju IPR?
` A. No, there isn't.
` Q. Did your declaration in the InnoPharma v.
`Senju IPR also contain Appendices A, B and C?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, you have an understanding that there
`is a patent litigation in New Jersey, Senju v.
`Senju IPR were for patent litigation?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
` Q. Is there anything that you could look at
`that would refresh your recollection as to whether
`any of the other declarations regarding the data in
`Appendices A, B and C, other than your declaration
`in this IPR and the InnoPharma v. Senju IPR were for
`patent litigation?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
`ambiguous. Objection to the form of the question.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I think there is
` Q. Now, these other declarations regarding
`the data in Appendices A, B and C, other than the
`InnoPharma v. Senju IPR declaration and this
`declaration, are there any differences in the
`content among the various declarations?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Asked and
`Page 29
`Page 27
`Watson and InnoPharma, correct?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
` THE WITNESS: No, I don't know.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, have you prepared any other
`declarations regarding the data in Appendices A, B
`and C, other than the declaration in this IPR and
`the declaration in the InnoPharma v. Senju IPR?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many other declarations regarding the
`data in Appendices A, B and C, other than this IPR
`and InnoPharma v. Senju IPR have you prepared?
` A. I can't remember how many.
` Q. Could it be more than one?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Asked and
` Q. Do you know if any of the other
`declarations regarding the data in Appendices A, B
`and C, other than this IPR and the InnoPharma v.
`answered. Vague and ambiguous.
` THE WITNESS: Did you say declaration
`regarding this A, B and C?
` Q. Yes. I was referring to any declarations
`that you've prepared regarding the data in
`Appendices A, B and C.
` A. Sorry. I misunderstood. I have not
`prepared declaration regarding this.
` Q. So the InnoPharma v. Senju IPR
`declaration and your declaration in this IPR are the
`only declarations that you've prepared regarding the
`data in Appendices A, B and C?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection to the extent it
`mischaracterizes prior testimony.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, you worked at Senju in the time
`period 2000 to 2002, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was your title at Senju during the
`period 2000 to 2002?
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`Page 32
` A. Researcher.
` Q. Researcher in any particular department
`within Senju?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection to the form of the
` Q. What department?
` A. Applied development group.
` Q. Mr. Sawa, you referred to a particular
`page of Senju Exhibit 2098 to answer my question
`about what department you were a researcher in
`during the 2000 to 2002 period. What page were you
`referring to?
` A. Page 205.
` Q. What on page 205 provided the information
`that you were in the applied development group in
`the 2000 to 2002 period?
` A. Because it says on that last line of this
`page, prior to my supervisor's signature, it says,
`applied development GM.
` Q. What is an applied development GM?
`or working on certain theme or you said device,
`whether it is okay to conduct this experiment.
`Since it's kind of vague, that's all I can think of.
` Q. Would the applied development group
`manager during the 2000 to 2002 period decide what
`experiments would be run?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Calls for
` INTERPRETER MITRIK: The witness asked to
` THE WITNESS: Are you asking what the
`group manager had decided or whether he would have
`made such decisions?
` Q. Let's start with whether the group
`manager would have made decisions about what
`experiments would be run.
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Calls for
` THE WITNESS: It doesn't seem like the
`questions have changed.
`Page 33
`Page 31
` A. It refers to group manager of applied
`development group.
` Q. And the group manager of the applied
`development group, at least as of the time that page
`205 was signed, was Akira Ohtori, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. At least in the time period when page 205
`was signed, did you report directly to Mr. Ohtori?
` A. Yes.
` Q. During that same time period, did you
`report to anyone else in the applied development
` A. No.
` Q. What does an applied development group
`manager do?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
` THE WITNESS: The person who would decide
`the policy or give advice to our experiments.
` Q. What do you mean by decide a policy?
` A. Things like getting a company's approval
` Q. For the test called study of the
`formulation of Bronuck ophthalmic solution at pH 7,
`which is at page 204 and 205 of Exhibit 2098, did
`the applied development group manager decide what
`experiments would be run for this particular test?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection to the extent it
`mischaracterizes the document.
` Q. For this test, the protocol for which is
`at 204 to 205, do you know who decided what
`experiments would be run?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection to the extent it
`mischaracterizes the document.
` THE WITNESS: I decided.
` Q. Do you recall how you decided what
`experiments would be run for the test on pages 204
`to 205?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection to the extent it
`mischaracterizes the document. Vague and ambiguous.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`9 (Pages 30 to 33)
`Page 9

`Shirou Sawa
`March 18, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`Page 34
`Page 36
` Q. Do you know when you were first contacted
`about this IPR?
` MS. LEBEIS: Objection. Vague and
`ambiguous. Calls for speculation. I would caution
`the witness, he can answer, but not to reveal any
`communications he had with counsel.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall in detail,
`but I think it was around March 2nd or 3rd of this
` Q. Mr. Sawa, if you'll recall, your

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