{ ,,
`A Division of Albany Molecular Research Inc.
`Kent Avenue
`es Lafayette, IN 47906-1076
`Phone (765)46.
`Fax (765)463-4
`sscl-Inc com
`web www sscmnc com
`Chromatographic Data from
`the Stability Evaluation of
`Bromfenac Sodium Drug
`Product Samples for Potency
`Project ID: EL20l5l326
`Report Date:
`PAGE 1 OF 53
`IPR2015—01 100

`This document contains chromatographic stability da ta from the analysis of Bromfcnac sodium
`ophthalmic solution drug product for potency. Samples were sourced from Scnju.
`Table I. Summary of HPLC Data. Sequence 74l88I
`1m—j11 5
`E5188 6
`741890 ‘— 16
`so A
`sm A
`570 A
`sro B
`sro A
`Clirvtnulogrupltir Data from the Stability I-Ivaluation ofBromfcnac Sodimn Drug Product Santplcs for Potemjr, l/I2/20I6,
`page 2 of 53
`PAGE 2 OF 53

`Table 2. Summary of HPLC Data. Sequence
`LIMS LC F ename
`OJ 0-
`B 0-4
`('I1rvImII0m‘aphIk.'l)aIu fl'am the Stability Ifrnlualion ofBromfvnac Sodimn Drug Product Sarnplcs for Polemjv, l/I2/20I(»,
`page 3 of 53
`PAGE 3 OF 53

`( 'I:romumgruplrir I )uIa ji'om the Sluhi/iI_r Ifraluulion Q/‘Iirmn/iwuc Sodium I)rug I’rodu(I SmnpIv.\- for I’oIomjr, I“ I 2I2()|(u,
`pugc 4 of 53
`PAGE 4 OF 53

`Data File D:\l.IHSOATA\741882.D
`Iniection Date
`11/16/2015 5:01:26 Pl!
`Sea. Line :
`Supple Hue
`Locecion : V1.91 1
`Ace. Oneracor
`In1 :
`Aca. Insuulent
`Inscrunenc 1
`In) Volune : S 111
`Sequence hie
`D: \ LIHSDATA\74188l . S
`C: \HPCHEH\ l\HITHODS\62940t502 .H
`DAD1 A. Sag-206.4 ea-3oo.1oo'c741se2.o)
`Suple Nunez 408677
`sorted Bv
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Calib. Data loditxed :
`1 . 0000
`Use Hulupliez 5. Dilution Factor Inth ISTD:
`Signal 1: DAN. A, 519-266,‘! Re!-360,100
`Peak RetTiIe ‘Noe
`r um f|AU*:1
`—--—l ----- --I ---- --4 ----- --I -------- -—| ------- -—a ------------------- --
`0.0000 Bzontenec
`Totals :
`Results obtained with enhanced integrator‘
`1 Uazninq: or Errors :
`llezninq : Canbrated conpound(:) not round
`*" End 02 Report "*
`Insczunenr. 1 11/16/2015 5:14:25 PH GT
`Page 1 0t 1
`( Vpronmlographic Dalafrom the Stability I-.'ra/nation nfBrong/lmnc Sodium Drug Producl Samples _/hr l’oIwx'_\'. I/I2/20l6,
`page 5 of 53
`PAGE 5 OF 53

`Data File D:\l.IHSOATA\741883.D
`Iniection Date
`11/16/2015 5:16:11 Pl!
`Sea. Line :
`Supple Hue
`Locecion : V1.91 1
`Ace. Oneracor
`In1 :
`Aca. Insuulent
`Inscrunenc 1
`In) Volune : S 111
`Sequence hie
`D: \ LIHSDATA\74188l . S
`C: \HPCHEH\ l\HITHODS\62940t502 .H
`DAD1 A. s..-2oo.4 ea-3oo.1oo'(741es3.o)
`Suple Nunez 408677
`sorted Bv
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Calib. Data loditxed :
`1 . 0000
`Use Hulupliez 5. Dilution Factor Inth ISTD:
`Signal 1: DAN. A, 519-266,‘! Re!-360,100
`Peak RetTiIe ‘Noe
`r um f|AU*:1
`—--—l ----- --I ---- --4 ----- --I -------- -—| ------- -—a ------------------- --
`0.0000 Bzontenec
`Totals :
`Results obtained with enhanced integrator‘
`1 Uazninq: or Errors :
`llezninq : Canbrated conpound(:) not round
`*" End 02 Report "*
`Insczunent 1 11/16/2015 5:29:10 PH 61‘
`P190 1 91 1.
`( Vpronmlographic Dalafrom the Stability I-.'ra/nation nfBrong/lmnc Sodium Drug Producl Samples _/hr l’oIwx'_\'. I/I2/20l6,
`page 6 of 53
`PAGE 6 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIH$DATA\'Ml8Bd.D
`Sanple liane: 408705
`Instrument 1
`rertornsnce Report
`Firmware revision Serial number
`__________________________________ __I___-_.-____________|_____-_________
`1100 Ouaternerv Puma
`.I..05..I.1 F0131
`1100 Autoselfller
`1.100 Diode Arrev Detector
`1.05.11 F0131
`11.00 Coluln Therlostat
`5.05.11 [013]
`Software Revision: RGO’. 1.10.02 [1757] Compriqht G Afiilent Technologies
`Coluan Destrintion : Shiseido Cancel]. Pal: C18
`: M013 M232
`2.1 II
`5.0 no
`Particle size
`400 bar
`Haximun Pressure
`0 ‘C
`Haxiuun Tennerature:
`: LIBS 405201
`100.0 II
`68.0 %
`Lennrth :
`Void volume :
`llaxinun pl-I
`Analysis nethod:
`Samnle intonation tor Location:
`Saunle Ilene:
`5 ul
`Injection volune:
`Acquisition intonation:
`Via]. 2
`11.-"16.r'2D15 5:31:14 Pl!
`Date tile nale:
`Itethod tile nane: C:\I-IPCI-I!.'H\1\H£‘1'I-I01)$\62:940501.!*l
`115 bar
`Pressure at start:
`Lett Tenn. at start:
`Right Tenp. at start: 25.0'l3
`Pressure at end:
`Luett Team. at end:
`Right ‘Tenp. at end:
`FHPI. Solvent A6294-05-01 {exp 1Z!l6)'15)
`PHP1. Solvent 3
`PHI-'1. Solvent 12
`MP1, Solvent D
`117 box,
`25.0 ‘C
`Signal description: DAD1 L, Sic-v266,4 Re:-660,100
`Instrument 1 1.'|J16!2E|15 5:44:14 PH 61'
`Page J. oi «I
`Chrorraatagruphfc Datafrom the Srabihry Emfuarion ofBr'omfem:c Sodfrrm Drug Product Sampfearfor Potency, l!12!20 16,
`page 7 of 53
`PAGE 7 OF 53
`PAGE 7 OF 53

`Dace rue D:\LnlSDA1'A\74188-1.0
`DAD1 A. Sif2@.4 RQVIWAM (M18910)
`Suple Ilene: 408705
`Insuunent 1 11/16/2015 5:44:14 PH 61'
`up 2 ol 4
`Chrmnulographic Datafrom the Stability I'.'mIuaIi0n nfflrnmfenac Sodium Dmg I’roducI Salnples jbr Polencjr, I/I2/20I 6,
`page 8 of 53
`PAGE 8 OF 53

`Date Fl 1: D: \ LIIISDATM741884. D
`: Bzontenac
`Conoundl 1
`Anounr.( nq/nu): 0.0000
`Sample line: 408705
`Peak description mm:
`Sumol: DAD1 A, 51¢-266.4 Re!-360.100
`Refine: 8.667
`54. 199
`9. 952
`. 577
`. 270
`llxdch at nu: hemht:
`. $8‘!
`5 none:
`. 478
`. S73
`. 454
`. 771
`USP Tuhna:
`Inceazauon tvbe:
`‘hue xnczcnnc (Inc):
`Data pomcs:
`Suuaucol nonents (83 peak detecuon):
`Tanaent method
`floltlndch nethod
`0. 001874
`5 sun; uechod
`Etncxcncvz Plates nu:
`Relauonshm to preceedma beak:
`Resoluuon Tanaenr. Iechod:
`Ihltuxdth method
`5 Man method
`Steustical nethod
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 5:44:14 P)! G!‘
`One 2 ol 4
`(Wromalographic Datafrom Ihe Slabiliry l'.'\'aIuaIion ofBromfvnac Sodium Dnlg I’rodu¢'I Samples for Polencjr, II I 2/20|6.
`page 9 of 53
`PAGE 9 OF 53

`Data rue D:\l.IlIsDATA\741884.D
`I Ret.Tne
`1“‘ 3.667‘
`-'- End 0! Report -'1
`Se-pie Ilene: 408705
`Inscrunenr. 1 11/16/2015 5:44:14 PH GT
`up 0 ol 1
`( 'hr0muIograpIu'c I)aIafrom the Slnhilily I'.'\'nIuaIion Q/‘Iirom/i'nac Sodium Drug I’roducI Samples jbr I’vIenc_r. I.’ I 2/20l 6,
`page I0oI‘53
`PAGE 10 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\74188S.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/16/2015 5:46:26 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-266.4 Re!-150.100 (7418851))
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 2
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : 5 ul
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Cohb. Data Hoditied :
`Use Hulupner c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ __ __' _ _ _ _ — __| _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.668 88
`0.2694 401S.13452 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`0015. 13452
`Results nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 5:59:25 PH GT
`Page lot 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/20l6,
`pagell of53
`PAGE 11 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741886.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/16/2015 6:01:13 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-266.4 Re!-150.100 (7418861))
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 2
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S n1
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`C0111). Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ — __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.666 PP
`0.2674 4016.96460 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`Result: nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid ca11brat1on curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 6:14:11 PH GT
`:19. lot 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/20l6,
`PAGE 12 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741887.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/16/2015 6:15:57 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-206.4 Re!-ZbO.1OO (7418870)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 2
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : 5 ul
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Cohb. Data Hoditied :
`Use Hulupner c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ __ __' _ _ _ _ — __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __I _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.666 88
`0.2675 4016.03931 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`Result: nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 6:28:55 PH GT
`:19. lot 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/20l6,
`PAGE 13 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741888.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/16/2015 6:30:41 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence Fue
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-206.4 Re!-ZbO.100 (7418880)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 2
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S n1
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`C0111). Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ — __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.666 B?
`0.2695 4018.79224 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`Result: nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 6:43:40 PH GT
`:19. 1°: 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/20l6,
`PAGE 14 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741889.D
`Senple Name: 408706
`: 11/16/2015 6:45:24 PH
`Imection Date
`: 403706
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Acct. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-266.4 Re!-150.100 (7418890)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 3
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : 5 1:1
`Area Percent Renorvt
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Cohb. Data Hoditied :
`Use Hulupner c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1. A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ __ __' _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8. 665 PB
`0. 2677 4038. 44849 100. 0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`0038. 44849
`Results nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 6:58:24 PH 01'
`Page 1 cl 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/2016,
`PAGE 15 OF 53

`Data File D:\l.IHSDATA\741890.D
`Iniection Date
`11/16/2015 7:00:09 Pl!
`Sea. Line :
`Supple Hue
`Locecion : V1.91 1
`Ace. Oneracor
`In1 :
`Aca. Insuulent
`Inscrunenc 1
`In) Volune : S 111
`Sequence hie
`D: \ LIHSDATA\74188l . S
`C: \HPCHEH\ l\HITHODS\62940t502 .H
`DAD1 A. Sag-206.4 ea-3oo.1oo'c741e9o.o)
`Suple Nunez 408677
`sorted Bv
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Calib. Data loditxed :
`1 . 0000
`Use Hulupliez 5. Dilution Factor Inth ISTD:
`Signal 1: DAN. A, 519-266,‘! Re!-360,100
`Peak RetTiIe ‘Noe
`r um f|AU*:1
`—--—l ----- --I ---- --4 ----- --I -------- -—| ------- -—a ------------------- --
`0.0000 Bzontenec
`Totals :
`Results obtained with enhanced integrator‘
`1 Uazninq: or Errors :
`llezninq : Canbrated conpound(:) not round
`*" End 02 Report "*
`Insczunent 1 11/16/2015 7:13:07 PH 01‘
`P190 1 91 1.
`( Vpronmlographic Dalafrom the Stability I-.'ra/nation nfBrong/lmnc Sodium Drug Producl Samples _/hr l’oIwx'_\'. I/I2/20l6.
`page l6ol'53
`PAGE 16 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741897.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/16/2015 3:43:13 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-206.4 Re!-ZbO.1OO (7418970)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 2
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S n1
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 P11
`Cohb. Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.666 PP
`0.2677 4019.73315 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`Result: nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 8:56:11 PH GT
`:19. lot 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/2016,
`PAGE 17 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741898.D
`Senple Kane: 403486
`: 11/16/2015 3:57:59 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403486
`sample Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`DAD1 A. Sig-266.4 Re!-150.100 (7418980)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 10
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S n1
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 P11
`Cohb. Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ — __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.646 B?
`0.2741 4556.1$869 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`4556. 15369
`Results nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 9:10:57 PH GT
`:19. 101 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/2016,
`PAGE 18 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741899.D
`Senple Kane: 403489
`: 11/16/2015 9:12:44 PH
`Imection Date
`: 403489
`sample Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Acct. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-266.4 Re!-150.100 (7418990)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 11
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S 1:1
`Area Percent Renorvt
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`C0111). Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD]. A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — __| _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8. 648 PP
`0. 2721 4548. 27100 100. 0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`0548. 27100
`Results nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 9:25:41 PH 01'
`Page 1 cl 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/2016,
`PAGE 19 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\741900.D
`Senple Kane: 403490
`: 11/16/2015 9:27:27 PH
`Imection Date
`: 403490
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Acct. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`DAD1 A. Sig-266.4 Re!-150.100 (7419000)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 12
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S 111
`Area Percent Renorvt
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`C0111). Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8. 647 PP
`0. 2721 4547. 03369 100. 0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`4547. 03369
`Results nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 9:40:24 PH 01'
`Page 1 cl 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/2016,
`PAGE 20 OF 53

`Data F11e D:\LIHsDATA\741901.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/16/2015 9:42:11 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`C: xmcutnxmu:1'uons\s294o:so2.n
`DAD1 A. Sig-206.4 Re!-Zb0.1OO (741W1,D)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 2
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S n1
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Cohb. Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ __ __' _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.663 PB
`0.2676 4016.40112 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`Result: nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/16/2015 9:55:03 PH GT
`Page lot 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/20l6,
`PAGE 21 OF 53

`Data File D:\l.IHSOATA\742200.D
`Iniection Date
`11/17/2015 6:12:16 Pl!
`Sea. Line :
`$991: Male
`Locecion : V1.91 1
`Ace. Oneracor
`In1 :
`Aca. Insuulent
`Inscrunenc 1
`In) Volune : S 111
`Sequence F11e
`D: \LIHSDATA\742199. S
`C: \HPCHEH\ l\HITHODS\62940t502 .H
`DAD1 A. sq-2oa.4 ea-3oo.1oo'(7422oo.o)
`Suple Nunez 408677
`sorted Bv
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Ca11b. Data loditxed :
`1 . 0000
`Use Hulupliez 5. Dilution Factor Inth ISTD:
`Signal 1: DAN. A, 519-266,‘! Re!-360,100
`Peak RetTiIe ‘Noe
`r um f|AU*:1
`—--—l ----- --I ---- --4 ----- --I -------- -—| ------- -—a ------------------- --
`0.0000 Bzontenec
`Totals :
`Results obtained with enhanced integrator‘
`1 Uazninq: or Errors :
`llezninq : Canbrated conpound(:) not round
`*" End 02 Report "*
`Insczunent 1 11/17/2015 6:25:09 PH 61‘
`P190 1 91 1
`( Vpronmlographic Dalafrom the Stability I-.'ra/nation nfBrong/lmnc Sodium Drug Producl Samples _/hr l’oIwx'_\'. I/I2/20l6,
`page 22 of 53
`PAGE 22 OF 53

`Dace F11e D:\l.IHSDATA\742201.D
`Iniection Date
`11/17/2015 6:27:04 Pl!
`Sea. Line :
`Supple Hue
`Locecion : V191 1
`Ace. Oneracor
`In1 :
`Aca. Insuulent
`Inscrunenc 1
`In) Volune : S 111
`Sequence F11e
`D: \LIHSDATA\742199. S
`C: \HPCHEH\ l\HITHODS\62940t502 .H
`DAD1 A. s..-2oo.4 ea-3oo.1oo'(7422o1.o)
`Suple Nunez 408677
`sorted Bv
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Calib. Data loditxed :
`1 . 0000
`Use Hultxpliez 5. Dilution Factor Inth ISTD:
`Signal 1: DAN. A, 519-266,‘! Re!-360,100
`Peak RetTiIe ‘Noe
`r um f|AU*:1
`—--—l ----- --I ---- --4 ----- --I -------- -—| ------- --1 ------------------- --
`0.0000 Bzontenec
`Totals :
`Results obtained with enhanced integrator‘
`1 Uazninq: or Errors :
`llezninq : Canbrated conpound(:) not round
`*" End 02 Report "*
`Insczunent 1 11/17/2015 6:39:55 PH 61‘
`P190 1 91 1
`( Vpronmlographic Dalafrom the Stability I-.'ra/nation nfBrong/lmnc Sodium Drug Producl Samples _/hr l’oIwx'_\'. I/I2/2016,
`page 23 M53
`PAGE 23 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIH$DATA\'M2ZD2.D
`Sanple liane: 408705
`Instrument 1
`rertornsnce Report
`Firmware revision Serial number
`__________________________________ __I___-_.-____________|_____-_________
`1100 Ouaternerv Puma
`.I..05..I.1 F0131
`1100 Autoselfller
`1.100 Diode Arrev Detector
`1.05.11 F0131
`11.00 Coluln Therlostat
`5.05.11 [013]
`Software Revision: RGO’. 1.10.02 [1757] Compriqht G Afiilent Technologies
`Coluan Destrintion : Shiseido Cancel]. Pal: C18
`: M013 M232
`2.1 II
`5.0 no
`Particle size
`400 bar
`Haximun Pressure
`0 ‘C
`Haxiuun Tennerature:
`: LIBS 405201
`100.0 II
`68.0 %
`Lennrth :
`Void volume :
`llaxinun pl-I
`Analysis nethod:
`Samnle intonation tor Location:
`Saunle Ilene:
`5 ul
`Injection volune:
`Acquisition intonation:
`Via]. 2
`1JJJ.7.r'2D15 6:42:06 Pl!
`Date tile nale:
`Itethod tile nane: C:\I-IPCI-I!.'H\1\H£‘1'I-I01)$\62'.940501.!*l
`Pressure at end:
`115 bar
`Pressure at start:
`Luett Team. at end:
`Lett Tenn. at start:
`Right ‘Tenp. at end:
`Right Tenp. at start: 25.1'l3
`FHPI. Solvent A6204-05-01 {exp 1Z!l6)'15)
`PHP1. Solvent 3
`PHI-'1. Solvent 0
`MP1, Solvent D
`117 bar
`25.0 '0
`25.0 ‘C
`Signal description: DAD1 L, Sic-v266,4 Re:-660,100
`Instrument 1 1.'|J1'U2E|15 6:54:59 PH 61'
`Page J. oi «I
`Chrorraatagruphfc Datafrom the Srabihry Emfuarion ofBr'omfem:c Sodfrrm Drug Product Sampfearfor Potency, l!12!20 16,
`page 24 of53
`PAGE 24 OF 53
`PAGE 24 OF 53

`Dace rue D:\LnlSDA1'A\742202.D
`DAD1 A. Sif2@.4 RQIIVAW (732202 0)
`Suple Ilene: 408705
`Insuunent 1 11/17/2015 6:54:59 PH 61'
`up 2 ol 4
`Chrmnulographic Datafrom the Stability I'.'mfuaIi0n cgfliromfenarr Sodium Drug Pzlmlllcl Salnplcs jbr Polencjr, I/I2/20I 6,
`page 25 of 53
`PAGE 25 OF 53

`Data F11: D:\LnlsDA1‘A\742202.D
`Conoundl 1
`: Bzontenac
`Anount( nq/nu): 0.0000
`Sample line: 408705
`Peak description mm:
`Sumol: DAD1 A, 51¢-266.4 Re!-360.100
`RetTne: 8.669
`llxdth at halt hemht:
`5 none:
`USP Tuhnu:
`Inteazatxon tvbe:
`‘hit xnczcnnt (Inc):
`Data pomts:
`Statxaucu nonents (83 peak detectxon):
`Tanaent method
`Heltlndth nethod
`5 sun: nethod
`Etncxcncvz Plates nu:
`Relatxonshm to preceedma beak:
`Resolutxon Tanaent Iethod:
`Ihltuxdth method
`S stun method
`Steustical nethod
`Instrument 1 11/17/2015 6:54:59 P)! G1‘
`in. a 0! 4
`(Wromalographic Datafrom Ihe Slabiliry l'.'\'aIuaIion ofBromfvnac Sodium Dnlg I’rodu¢'I Samples for Polencjr, II I 2/20| 6,
`page 26 of 574
`PAGE 26 OF 53

`Data rue D:\l.IlISDATA\742202.D
`I Ret.Tne
`1'"" 3.669‘
`-'- End 0! Report -'1
`Se-pie Ilene: 408705
`Inscrunenr. 1 11/17/2015 6:54:59 PH GT
`up 0 ol 1
`( 'hr0muIograpIu'c I)aIafrom the Slnhilily I'.'\'nIuaIion Q/‘Iirom/i'nac Sodium Drug I’roducI Samples jbr I’vIenc_r. I.’ I 2/20l 6,
`page 27 M53
`PAGE 27 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\742Z03.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/17/2015 6:57:19 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`DAD1 A. Sig-206.4 Re!-150.100 (7422030)
`Sea. Line :
`Locet1on : V101 2
`In1 :
`Inj Volune : S n1
`Area Percent Renort
`Sorted BV
`11/16/2015 2:21:49 PH
`Cohb. Data Hoditied :
`Use Hu1t1p11er c. Duutton Factor uath ISTDs
`Signal 1: DAD1 A, Sig-266,4 Ret=360,100
`Peak RetTne ‘Noe
`-___| _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ — __| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __| _ _ _ _ .- _ __' _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
`8.670 B?
`0.2665 4013.03003 100.0000 Brontenec
`Totals :
`Result: nbtuned uuzh enhanced xntegrator!
`1 Burning: or Errors :
`llarmnq : Invalid cahbrauon curve,
`**' End of Report
`Instrument 1 11/17/2015 7:10:10 PH GT
`:19. lot 1
`Chromatographic Dalafrom the Stability I:'ra/Marion nfBromjknm- Sodium Drug Producl Samples for PoIwx'_I'. I/I2/2016,
`PAGE 28 OF 53

`Data File D:\LIHsDATA\742204.D
`Senple Name: 408705
`: 11/17/2015 7:12:05 PH
`In1ect1on Date
`: 403705
`sannle Rene
`: GT
`Ace. Operator
`Aca. Instrunent :
`Instrument 1
`Secmence File
`DAD1 A. Sig-206.4 Re!-ZbO.100 (7422040)
`Sea. Line

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