0022- i 821
`No. 3
`Volume XLVIII
`September 2000
`This paper studies the contribution of doctor and patient ‘habit’ to
`persistence in market shares in prescription drug markets. My unique
`panel dataset allows me to estimate the probability of switching brands
`as a function of patient and doctor attributes, with an emphasis on
`past prescribing behaviour so as to capture the degree of persistence. I
`find significant evidence of time-dependence in prescription choices
`for both doctors and patients, which seems to imply that in molecular
`subrnarkets in which brands are not allowed to compete on the basis of
`price, doctor and patient ‘habit’ at the micro-level can translate into
`sticky and persistent market shares at the aggregate level.
`EN stirs PAPER, I study the contribution of doctor and patient ‘habit’ to
`persistence in market shares among therapeutically equivalent prescription
`drugs. While, similar issues have arisen in the recent literature about the
`competition between generic and branded drugs,
`they are especially
`puzzling in the Italian pharmaceutical market.
`in Italy, regulatory fiat
`imposes uniform prices across ail vendors of drugs which utilize the same
`active ingredient, thus eliminating price variation as an irnportant avenue
`of differentiation among otherwise therapeutically equivalent drugs, which
`is true in drug markets with generic competitors. My unique panel dataset
`allows me to estimate the probability of switching brands as a function
`of patient and doctor attributes, with an emphasis on past prescribing
`behaviour so as to capture the degree of persistence.
`This analysis can shed light on several aspects of market structure in
`the pharmaceutical industry. First, there is a growing body of literature
`from the European Commission through a TMR
`*1 acknowledge financial support
`fellowship #ERBFMBIC'i‘972232. I would like to thank the Istituto Superiore dz‘ Sanita’ for
`the use of their data. This paper was previously circulated under the titie ‘Are Market Shares
`in Drug Markets Affected by Doctors’ and Patients‘ E-“rel"erences for Brands?'. Seminar
`participants at Stanford University (G813 and Department of Economics), Royal Holloway
`and UCL have provided valuable comments.
`I would like to especially thank my principal
`adviser, Peter Reiss, who constantly helped me improve this paper, and the editor David
`Genesove for his useful comments. Mike Mazzeo, Fiona Scott Morton, Andrea Shepard,
`Matthew Siium and an anonymous referee have also provided many uscfui suggestions. All
`errors, however, are my own.
`1' Author’s afliliation: National Economic Research Associates, 15 Stratford Place, London
`emcz:'I.'- Andrea. CosceIIi@riera. com
`—'D Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2006. 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 lJ¥"'. UK, and 350 Main Street, Malecn. MA (32148. USA.
`Page 1 of 21
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`that tries to explain observed market segmentation using data on national
`market shares. Empirical observations of market shares for trade—name
`and generic drugs in p0st—pateI1t therapeutic categories in the US market
`usually indicate a degree of segmentation between branded drugs and their
`generic equivalents, arising from a finite cross~p2‘ice elasticity between the
`two types of drugs (the cross-price elasticity between two homogeneous
`goods should be infinite). However,
`these studies
`ignore individual
`heterogeneity. The micro dataset at hand allows me both (i) to controi for
`individual heterogeneity and (ii) to explore the degree of time—dependence
`in drug choices, both of which can be important
`in explaining the
`substantial and persistent differences in market shares among therapeuti—
`cally equivalent drugs.
`Second, in recent years, we have witnessed a surge in direct advertising
`to consumers by pharmaceutical companies for prescription drugs sold in
`the US market. The amount spent on direct—to—consumer prescription drug
`advertising rose from US$3S1n in 1987 to US$357m in 1995, US$610rn in
`1996, and over US$1 billion in 1997 (NERA [l999]). This spending choice
`refiects a widespread belief within the pharmaceuticai
`industry that
`patients should have a role in the choice of prescription drugs, This paper
`directly studies the patient’s roie in pharmaceutical choice.
`Firialiy, the most important institutionai features of the Italian market
`during the sample period Such as the important role of licensed products,
`limited patient c0—payments, and Iack of direct financial
`incentives to
`doctors to prescribe cheaper drugs characterize aimost every EU country
`(NERA {I999}).
`I use a new panel dataset provided by the Italian National Health
`Institute, which inciudes all the prescriptions in the anti—ulcer market from
`i990ml992 for a 10% random sample of the population of Rome aged
`15-85. This dataset allows researchers a glimpse into the dynamics of
`prescription behavior at the micro ievel which is not possibie with the
`predominantly aggregate and! or cross~sectionai datasets which have been
`used in most studies of pharmaceutical markets to date.
`My main conclusions are as follows. I begin by testing the null hypo-
`thesis of whether doctors and/or patients are indifferent between dntfierent
`brands of the same molecule, as we would expect given their therapeutic
`equivaience. After reiecting the hypothesis, I attempt to isoiate both the
`patienblevel and the doctor—level factors which are responsible for product
`I focus specificaliy on the degree of time-dependence in
`doctors’ and patients’ drug choices by testing whether the patients show
`state dependence in their purchasing patterns, and whether the doctors
`exhibit habit persistence. I find significant evidence of doctor and patient
`‘habit’, which imply that in molecular sub markets in which brands are not
`ailowed to compete on the basis of price, habit persistence at the micro-
`o Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 7.006,
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`level can translate into sticky and persistent market shares at the aggregate
`The paper is organized as follows. In the next section I survey the
`previous empirical literature. In Section ill, I describe the dataset used in
`the estimation. Section IV describes my empirical specification, while
`Section V reviews the results. A summary of the results make up the final
`While the present study focuses on doctors’ demand for pharmaceutical
`products, most of the recent literature on pharmaceuticals (for example,
`Caves et al. [I991], Caves and I-iurwitz [I988], Berndt at :21. {E997}, Scott
`Morton {i997, 2000], and Scherer [l993]) has focused on supp1y~side issues
`(e.g., entry, pricing, advertising, R&D races). In his comment on Caves
`er al.
`[I991], Fakes El99i} argues
`that a panel
`following doctors’
`prescriptions over time wouid be the only way to understand the major
`determinants of the demand for pharmaceuticals. The panel data 1 use
`allow me to separately identify doctor and patient efibcts.
`Much of the previous work on the demand for pharmaceuticals has used
`aggregate, rnarket—share data, which are much better suited to measuring
`the degree of differentiation between various drugs rather than explain its
`causes. For example, Stern H995]
`finds low substitutability between
`branded and generic drugs, while Eliison er a1. {1997] find a high elasticity
`of substitution between generic and branded drugs.
`One recent rnicrociata»based anaiysis of the demand for pharmaceuticals
`is that by Hellerstein [I998]. She focuses on doctors’ choices between
`branded and generic versions of drugs for which a patent has recently
`expired. Significantly, she finds some evidence of habit persistence in the
`prescription behavior of physicians, even after controliing for observable
`characteristics of physicians and patients. Unfortunately, her dataset does
`not allow her to test for patients’ effects owing to data limitations, While
`her dataset allows for an analysis of financial incentives due to third—party
`payer variation. My dataset, on the other hand, has multiple observations
`for doctor-«patient interactions, prescription of the same molecule by a
`single doctor to many patients, and prescriptions of the same drug by
`many doctors.
`[1986, 1987] analyzes competition between patent holders
`and licensees in Canada: an institutional setting very similar to the
`Italian market. He only observes aggregate data, but he is able to take
`advantage of the regulatory variation among Canadian provinces to
`analyses. Gorecki’s
`conciusions in [E9863 are consistent with my results: ‘. .. Since physicians
`still Write, by and large, brand name prescriptions for the pioneering
`© Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2000.
`Page 3 of21
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`brand, unless an element of price competition is introduced at the level of
`the pharmacist the pioneering brand will continue to dominate the market
`[. . .]. Hence it
`the combination of attempting to nullify quality
`differences between the pioneering and late
`entrant brands
`introduction of price competition that results in the late entrants capturing
`market share’.
`Pharmaceutical markets are subdivided into therapeutic classes. Follow-
`ing most of the recent economic literature on pharmaceuticals (e.g., Stern
`[l99S}), I regard a therapeutic class as having severai sub-markets. I define
`a therapeutic market as a 4—digit ATC code (for example, A028 contains
`all the anti-ulcer drugs), and a sub~market as a specified molecule (for
`rantzidine). The ATC code is an international classification
`scheme which ciassifies drugs by target part of the anatomy, mechanism of
`action, and chemical and therapeutic characteristics. This is a natural
`definition of demand because a 4»digit ATC code inciudes all the molecules
`which can theoretically be prescribed for a certain diagnosis. The
`molecules themselves differ according to side effects,
`interactions with
`other drugs, specific indications and prices. In the markets I study, a
`physician typically decides the appropriate molecule for the diagnosis and
`then she decides which trade-name’ version of the molecule to prescribe to
`the patient.
`My work focuses on a particular therapeutic market: anti-ulcer drugs
`I analyze this market because it accounts for a considerable
`proportion of world—wide expenditure on pharmaceuticals (around 5%,
`IMS International [I996}). Ulcers also required repeated treatment in the
`early 1990s} a key feature of my analysis.
`I analyze six molecule
`submarkets (famotidine, ranitidine, nizattdine, roxaridine, omeprazole and
`misaprostole), which represent more than 90% of the prescriptions during
`the sample period (1990-4992). I restrict niy sample to these six molecules
`because the other molecules represent more ‘mature’ and smalier sub-
`markets, where some of the prices for identical brands dif‘fer.3 In each sub-
`there is a patenbholder and licensees marketing the rnoiecuie.
`Much of the literature on trade-name drugs versus generics is concerned
`with the dimensions {among others,
`‘perceived quality’ or name
`recognition) according to which these products ‘differ’. In my analysis I
`focus on competing drugs based on the same active ingredient and
`‘All the drugs sold under a license or a patent in the Italian market have a trade name.
`alt has recently been found that app-roxirnateiy 80% of peptic ulcers can be cured by
`eradicating Hei'i'cobap.rer Pylon‘, a bacterium responsible for the recurrence of ulcers, by using
`a combination of antibiotics and anti-nicer drugs (Graham [i993]).
`3 Producers of older molecules had their prices equalized only upon applying for a price
`revision, which happened much later. Moreover, some of the producers in these excluded sub-
`marlcets are very small firms for whom the assumption ofidenticai quaiity might not hold.
`@ Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2900.
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`PREFERENCES IN THE piusscstrrtom DlZCtSi0N
`marketed by important producers entering the market at
`the same
`The main dataset (provided by the Istituto Superiore della Sandra ’) records,
`for a 10% sample of the population of the Metropolitan Area of Rome
`aged 15-85, all
`the prescriptions in the anti—ulcer (A0213) drug market
`during the period 1990——}992. The sample is stratified according to age and
`gender; so that the results are representative of the Rome population.
`This patient-level dataset contains over 310,000 observations. An obser-
`vation records the identity of the prescribing doctor, the identity of the
`patient, the year and month, and the particular presentation form of the
`drug prescribed (for example,
`i package of ZANTAC 20 tablets, 350 mg
`each). An observation indicates exactly the drug bought by the patient,
`because the records are collected from pharmacies. In the patient-level
`dataset there are more than 3,400 doctors prescribing at least once to one
`of the in-sample patients. A supplementary dataset from the same source
`records all the prescriptions that 350 of these doctors wrote for any of
`their patients during the same period. The supplementary doctor~based
`dataset contains over 710,000 prescriptions and each observation records
`exactly the same information as the patienbievel ciataset. The finai dataset
`used in my estimations has more than 75,000 observations; it retains all
`the observations in the patienblevel ciataset for the patients who received
`least one prescription from one of the 350 doctors whose entire
`prescription history is known.
`Italian Marker Three important characteristics of the Itaiian pharmaw
`ceutical industry are: (i) there is no price and third-party payer variation,
`(ii) the 0V€I'-§he'C0iIni.{5!‘
`(OTC) market was tiny in the period of interest,
`and direct advertising to patients for prescription drugs had not yet
`started} and (iii) during the sample period, the pharmacist had no power
`to subsgtitute generics for trade-name drugs, as he does in many American
`Doctors’ Prescribing Behavior Doctors heavily prescribe across brands:
`‘By doing this I believe I have effectively controlled for alt ‘objective’ dimensions of
`difierentiation between drugs; therefore I can proceed with my tests of doctor or patient
`indifference fairly confident
`I have controlied for a large share of drug-specific
`5 It is currently iliegal throughout the EU and wit} remain so for several years even though
`the subfieet is now occasionaliy raised.
`5Hellersteir2‘s clataset, therefore, potentially contains a iarge amount of measurement error
`in the prescription variable for states where substitution with generics is mandatory.
`tit Blackweil Publishers Ltd. 2000.
`Page 5 of21
`Page 5 of 21


`ANDREA coscsLLt
`for example, 98.6% of the in-sarnpie doctors prescribed each of the three
`available brands of omeprazole at ieast once during the sample period.
`Moreover, doctors usually prescribe multipie brands of each molecule in a
`given month. Thus doctors do not specialize in particular drugs over time
`or at a particular point in time.
`Patients are not limited to a singie brand either. At a given point, 40%
`of them will have had experienced a shift to a new brand of the same
`molecule. Different doctors treat the same patient difierentiy. Aithough
`the proportion of switches in the overall
`sample is 4.5%, among
`observations where patients change doctors, the proportion rises to 9%.
`This latter incidence, however, is much tower than the 48% switch rate that
`we would expect were the new doctor not to take into account the patient’s
`history of prescriptions, and to prescribe to the patient according to the
`same proportion used for her other patients.
`Most strikingiy, of those patients who were switched by the new doctor
`and then returned to their originai doctor, 50% (44! 88) are switched again
`when they go back to their nsuai doctor, and almost ail of those (93.2%
`or 4E out of 44) go back to the treatment they received in the previous
`period. These patterns demonstrate clearly that the probability of receiving
`a new treatment is significantiy influenced by the doetor’s identity, and
`that doctors differ in their choice among therapeutically equivalent drugs
`for the same patient. Next, I present a formal econometric modei which
`accommodates all these aspects of behaviour.
`iV(i). Theory
`I analyze the problern facing a doctor trying to choose among brands of
`a certain molecule. The entire anaiysis is conditional on the choice of the
`molecule, which is driven by a more complicated set of factors (indications,
`patient’s general health, side efi"ects, price, etc); most of these factors are
`unobservable to the econornetrician. By restricting myseif to the analysis
`of ‘homogeneous’ goods, I can hoid price and quality constant and focus
`on other factors driving the choice of competing brands?
`The centrai focus of the study is the question of what brand of a given
`moiecuie doctor i prescribes to a patient j given this patient’s past
`prescription experience with this molecule. In particular, doctor i must
`decide whether to prescribe the brand the patient received in the previous
`period (hereafter o for ‘oid’ brand) or a new brand, which might generate
`71 do not anaiyze whether the doctor prescribed a different presentation form, because all
`the producers sail the same presentation forms, and there was therefore no need to change
`vendor if the doctor or the patient wanted a different presentation form.
`GD mackwcli Publishers Ltd. 2600.
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`Page 6 of 21


`(hereafter n for ‘new’ brand). More
`a higher utility to the doctor
`specifically, a choice problem where the decision maker decides either to
`stay on the diagonal of a transition probabilities model, or to move off-
`diagonai to any other brand, is collapsed into a simpler problem where the
`decision-maker is confronted with the binary choice of either to stay on
`the diagonal or to move off-diagonal. Since the analysis is conditional on
`the choice of the molecule, ‘new brand’ does not incinde other molecules.
`I\/(ii). Estimation Strategy
`The empirical model pararneterizes the probability of switching brands as
`a function of patient and doctor attributes. I define as an ‘old’ brand, 0, at
`time t, the brand consumed by the patient at time t— 1. This means that
`1 define as a ‘new’ brand, any brand that differs from the ‘old’ one without
`taking into account whether the ‘new’ brand was previously prescribed.
`This means that my anaiysis focuses on ‘first~order’ state dependence, so
`that only one—period lags have an effect. Moreover, since only the year and
`month of the prescription are observed, there are ‘ties’ in the dataset. That
`is, there are patients who receive more than one prescription in a. month.
`When the prescriptions are ranked in a chronological order,
`the pre-
`scriptions where the patient, molecule and month are the same are
`randomly ordered. Finally, the prescriptions in the sample are written
`either for one package or for two packages of the same brand. The sample
`is evenly split between these two occurrences. Since I model a prescription
`episode, and not quantity, as my dependent variable, I do not distinguish
`between a prescription of two packages and a prescription of one
`I use probit specifications to test the null hypothesis of no doctor and/or
`patient preferences. These models include doctors’
`fixed effects and
`patients’ random effects to capture the unobserved (to the econornetrician)
`component of doctors’ and patients’ preferences.
`The dataset suliers from the problem of initial conditions common to
`most dynamic panel data models.
`I observe a sample of doctors and
`patients for three years, but
`I do not have any information on their
`behavior before the sample period begins. Ideaiiy, I would observe the
`doctors’ behavior
`they started practicing and the patients’
`prescriptions since they were first
`treated for ulcer problems. This is
`therefore foilowing, one of the suggestions put forth in the
`literature (I-Ieckman [l98l]), I assume that the prescription process starts
`anew if patients have not had a prescription for six months. Thus, I only
`“This implies a two—package prescription leads to the same degree of state-dependence as
`a one-package prescription.
`to Blackwell Publishers Ltd. ‘.2000.
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`use data on patients where I am able to observe whether for six months
`prior they did or did not receive ulcer medications. This basically means
`that when the process restarts,
`the decision makers do not retain the
`information on anything which happened before.9
`EV/(iii). Definition of the Variables
`Tables I and II list all the variables used in the estimations. SWITCH is
`the dependent variable and it takes value 1 if patient j receives a brand at
`time 5 different from what he received at time I — 1 (for the same molecule),
`it is 0 otherwise. We review those variabies that are not seltlexplanatory.
`Patients’ Variables
`Time—z‘nvarz'ant #PRESCRIPTiONS distinguishes among patients ac-
`cording to the seriousness of their ulcer probiem (e.g., chronic versus
`Takes value 3 if the brand prescribed is different from the
`brand previously prescribed, 0 otherwise
`Takes value 1 if female and 2 if maie
`Patient’s age
`Total number of prescriptions that the patient receives in
`the sample
`Tolai number of different physicians who prescribed at
`least one drug to the patient
`Total number of different molecules that the patient
`consumes in the sample
`Number of prescriptions of the molecule up to time t
`Number of (witiiimmoleeule) switches up to time t
`Actual number of months elapsed between the prescription
`at time t and the one at t - E
`Dummy equal to 1 if the physician is a temporary one For
`the patient, 0 otherwise
`Dummy equal to 1 if the physician is a new permanent one
`for the patient, 0 otherwise
`Dummy equal to 1 if the patient returns to a previous _
`physician, 0 otherwise
`Dependent variable
`Patients variables
`"'Mos: of the models were rerun with a 3-month window instead. The results are not
`qualitatively dil°l'erent.
`© Blackweil Publishers Ltd. 2000.
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`Page 8 of 21


`Doctors’ ChtII‘tICtt3riSt'iCS—artIi-uicet‘ market
`Average monthly quantity prescribed by the doctor in the entire
`market in the previous six months
`Average monthly hcrfindahl index across prands in the entire
`market in the previous six months
`Average monthly herfindahl index at the molecule Eevel in the
`entire market in the previous six months
`Doctors ’ characteristicswmolecitie-specific
`Share of prescriptions of the molecule by the doctor in the
`previous month
`Weighted proportion of the prescriptions of the molecule written
`for the oid brand in the 2 previous months {last month's share
`plus 09 oi‘ the previous rnontifs share}
`occasional), while #MOLECULES differentiates patients according to
`their willingness to change treatment. #DOCTORS controis for patient-
`spectfic preferences for Changing doctor. ?atients who change doctors
`more often probably gather more information on possibic treatments;
`therefore it ought to be more difiicnlt for a doctor to switch them; on the
`other hand, these patients might be more experimental.
`Ttmevarying There are three tt'me~varyt'ng covariates for the patient,
`which are crucial to measure patient ‘habit’.
`#SPELL~MOLECULE increases over time with any prescription of
`the molecule. #PAST SWITCHES increases oniy upon a withiwmolccule
`switch. These two ad~hoc variabies proxy for the switching tendency of
`a patient. For example, a patient who receives the tenth prescription of
`the molecuie ranitidine, has #SPELL—MOLECULE== 10,
`if #PAST
`SWITCHES m0, this indicates that the patient has aiways been with the
`same brand. Finaiiy, #MON'I”HS counts the actual number of months
`elapsed between prescription episodes. it cannot exceed six, given the
`definition of a treatment episode. Finally, there is a series of prescription-
`specyic dummies defining whether the patient is receiving the prescription
`from 21 Substituting physician (NEWDOCTOR-TEMP),]° has permanently
`moved to a new physician (NEWDOC’I‘OR~PER1\/I), or is returning to
`the usual physician (NEWDOCTOR-RBT) after receiving a prescription
`from a substitute. These variables expiore whether doctors have diiferent
`preferences for vendors of a particular molecule. If prescriptions decisions
`‘O Most of the temporary substitu

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