Case 2:09~cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed 08!08I11 Page 1 of 165 PageID #: 6187
`Civil Docket No.
`Marshall, Texas
`August 3, 2011
`1:15 P.M.
`Fish & Richardson
`12390 El Camino Real
`San Diego, CA
`Fish & Richardson
`60 South Sixth Street
`3200 RBC Plaza
`Minneapolis, MN
`Fish & Richardson
`1717 Main Street
`Suite 5000
`Official Court Reporters
`l00 East Houston, Suite 125
`25 {Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography,
`transcript produced on CAT system.)
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`Case 2:09-cv-O0097—JRG Document 241 Filed O8/08!11 Page 2 of 165 PagelD #: 6188
`Fish & Richardson
`222 Delaware Avenue
`1?th Floor
`Wilmington, DE
`Stevens Love Firm
`111 West Tyler Street
`The Davis Firm
`111 West Tyler Street
`Duane Morris
`505 9th Street, NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC
`Duane Morris
`190 South Lasalle Street
`Suite 3700
`Gillam & Smith
`303 South Washington Avenue
`Katten Muchin Rosenman
`525 West Monroe Street
`Suite 1600
`(Sandoz, et al)
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`Case 2:09—CV-00O97—.]F<’G Document 241 Filed 08108111 Page 3 _Of 165 PageID #2 6189
`Siebman Reynolds Burg &
`300 North Travis Street
`Polsinelli Shughart
`161 North Clark Street
`Suite 4200
`Polsinelli Shughart
`100 South 4th Street
`Suite 1000
`St. Louis, MO
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`Please be seated.
`Ms. Brooks.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`Good afternoon, Dr. Tanna.
`Good after, Ms. Brooks.
`Right before the lunch break,
`I was
`25 frantically looking for a Copy of Walters.
`We now have
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`Case 2:09-cv—00O97~JRG Document 241 Filed 08l08!11 Page 4 of 165 PagelD #: 6190
`one before you in your binder.
`And it's DTX138.
`I'm sorry. That's the abstract actually, which you
`did look at.
`let's look at DTXl37.
`And that is
`the Walters paper.
`So you say, Dr. Tanna, you had not had a
`chance to look at this before rendering your opinion;
`that right?
`that's not true.
`Now that
`I see it,
`I do
`recognize it.
`I have looked at this reference.
`So you did consider it in rendering your
`I did consider it, yes.
`All right.
`Then let's look,
`if we could,
`please, at Bates No. 346,
`the page ending in that Bates
`And highlight,
`if we could,
`in the right—hand column where it begins similar
`means —— mean decreases in IOP.
`(By Ms. Brooks) Yeah, 346.
`It should be the
`bottom right~hand corner,
`the Bates No. 000346.
`Do you have that?
`I do.
`And it's also up on the screen.
`So let's see what Walters also disclosed about
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`Case 2:09—cv-00097—JRG Document 241 Filed 08!U8!11 Page 5 of 165 PageID #: 6191
`this study.
`It says:
`Similar mean decreases in IOP
`were noted for both dosing regimens at hours 2, 4, and ?
`in the diurnal measurements.
`In the three—times-daily group,
`an additional
`mean decrease in IOP of 3.5 millimeters of mercury was
`observed at hour 9, after the morning dosing, or two
`hours following the afternoon dosing.
`Do you see that, Dr. Tanna?
`I do.
`So isn't it true that one of skill in the art
`would look at Walters and see that there was a
`statistically significant decrease in IOP at 9.0 hours
`after morning dosing on the three—times—a—day
`And it is overall,
`in my opinion,
`three—times—a—day Brimonidine is more effective than
`twice—a—day Brimonidine. And,
`in fact,
`is in my
`expert opinion, and I used a different reference as the
`main reference for that, specifically Konstas.
`THE COURT: Doctor,
`she hadn't asked you
`any of that.
`I'm sorry, Your Honor.
`If they want you to repeat
`that testimony or what's in your expert report,
`ask you. But unless everybody's not listening to me,
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`Case 2:O9—cv—00097-JRG Document 241 Filed 08l08l11 Page 6 of 165 Page|D #: 6192
`the Court's going to start tightening up.
`I'm not here
`to listen to lectures.
`I'm here for you to answer
`questions asked, and stop talking.
`Are we clear?
`THE WITNESS: Yes, Your Honor.
`Thank you.
`(By Ms. Brooks) And let's just see if we can
`find the graph that correlates to this data in PTX134,
`which you don't have before you, Dr- Tanna, because it's
`too large, but has previously been discussed with
`Ms. Batoosingh.
`If we can go to PTXI34 and
`specifically at Bates No. 6?6465, Mr. Exline.
`(By Ms. Brooks) And do you see this graph, Dr.
`I do.
`Could you show the Court where that
`3.5—millimeters of mercury difference occurs between the
`twice—a—day dosing of Alphagan and the three—times—a—day
`dosing of Alphagan?
`It's not doing ——
`Here, I'll try to help you.
`I have a pointer. May I use a laser pointer?
`Or did I get it close right there?
`that's it, yes.
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`Case 2:09-cv-00O9?—JRG Document 241 Filed 08108111 Page 7 of 165 Page|D #: 6193
`And so, again, you agree that —— one of
`skill in the art would know, based on this data,
`there was an actual statistically significant decrease
`in the reduction of
`intraocular pressure at
`approximately hour
`9 between the three—times—a—day
`dosing of Alphagan and the twiCe—a~day dosing?
`in this study.
`Now, let's move to your discussion of how the
`amount of BAK that was claimed would have been obvious.
`You said the BAR was the most common preservative;
`that correct?
`Most commonly used in ophthalmic formulations,
`in fact, we saw —~
`MS. BROOKS: Mr. Exline, could you pull
`up Defendants’ Slide 10 that they used in opening
`statement? And if not,
`I can always put it on the ELMO.
`There we are.
`(By Ms. Brooks) So this was
`shown to the Court
`by the Defendants in opening statement showing all the
`different drug products that contain BAR.
`Do you agree with that, Dr. Tanna?
`I do.
`But let's look at the amount of BAK in these
`various products.
`Isn't it true that there are no less
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed 08f08:'11 Page 8 of 165 Page|D #: 6194
`than six different amounts of BAK in these various
`ophthalmic products?
`looks right.
`Thank you.
`Let's move on now to your discussion of other
`combination drugs.
`You told us about a drug called
`is that right?
`I did, yes.
`And you told us about
`a drug called Cosopt.
`Of course, we know about that, right?
`And also a drug called Xalacom;
`is that right?
`That's correct.
`In fact, on Slide 36 that you used, you showed
`both the Timpilo,
`the Cosopt, and the Xalacom.
`in looking more closely at
`the Timpilo
`picture that you used,
`that's not actually a picture of
`is it?
`I don't know that —— I can't tell from that
`I don't know.
`Isn't it,
`in fact,
`just a picture of the
`bottle of Pilocarpine?
`I don't think so, because it typically would
`have a green cap.
`So I can't tell from this picture.
`am not sure what that's a picture of.
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed 08l08!11 Page 9 of 165 Page|D #: 6195
`Now, Timpilo has never been approved
`for use in the United States, correct?
`I was under the impression that it was
`in use
`in the United States. That's my impression.
`I could be
`mistaken about it, but my understanding is that it was
`in use in the United States.
`Okay. What about Xalacom; has Xalacom ever
`been approved for use in the United States?
`No, it has not.
`Now, while we're talking about Xalacom ——
`MS. BROOKS: Let's just
`leave that up
`if we could, Mr. Exline.
`(By Ms. Brooks) We're going to revisit some
`organic Chemistry.
`Xalacom is the active ingredient
`is that right?
`That's correct.
`And Latanoprost
`is what's known as a
`prostaglandin analog;
`is that Correct?
`is correct.
`Are the prostaglandin analogs normally your
`first Choice of medication for a new glaucoma patient?
`For me today, yes.
`in fact,
`the Latanoprost is sold here in
`the United States as Xalatan;
`is that right?
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed 08!082‘11 Page 10 of 165 PageID #: 6196
`That's correct.
`the Combination of Xalatan and Timolol,
`also known as Xalacom, has never been approved for use
`in the United States;
`is that correct?
`That is correct.
`And you yourself have never prescribed the use
`for Xalaoom, correct?
`I have never prescribed Xalaoom. That's
`in that
`same category of prostaglandin
`analogs, would you put Travoprost?
`It is in the same category.
`And that's also known as Travatan;
`is that
`That's correct.
`There is no combination drug of Travatan and
`Timolol approved for us in the United States;
`is that
`That is correct.
`And also within what you would call a
`prostaglandin analog, or we would Call a prostamide,
`a compound Called Bimatoprost.
`Are you familiar with that?
`I am.
`And Bimatoprost
`is sold here in the United
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`States by Allergan under the name Lumigan.
`Are you familiar with that?
`I am.
`There are no —— I
`think you mentioned that
`Ganfort, which was a combination of Bimatoprost/Timolol
`is that right?
`But Ganfort is not approved for use here in
`the United States;
`is that correct?
`No, it's not.
`And just to show how subtle differences make a
`very big difference, Bimatoprost and Latanoprost, would
`you put
`them in the same category as far as mechanism of
`There may be small differences in terms of the
`mechanism of action.
`think it's a matter of
`Q. Well,
`in fact, Latanoprost is what's known as
`17—phenyl—PGF2—alpha, correct?
`I know there's a PGF2—alpha~agonist.
`And at the Cl position on the alpha
`chain is an ester;
`is that right?
`I don't know offhand.
`So I may know a little more organic chemistry.
`What about Bimatoprost? Are you aware that if the C1
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`position on the alpha Chain of Bimatoprost
`is an amide?
`I believe that I can picture that and agree
`with you on that, but
`I would have to look at
`structure to be sure.
`It's a complex —— it's a big
`molecule, and I don't know offhand for sure.
`Would you agree with me that an ester is
`different than an amide?
`It certainly is.
`And can,
`in fact, behave differently in situ?
`Yes, it can.
`let's go to —- back to the Timpilo.
`should have in your binder, Dr. Tanna,
`the label for
`I hope.
`And I don't know if we numbered it
`since it wasn't actually previously in use, but if you
`go through your binder, you should see a label for
`Can you tell me approximately where?
`Oh, it's not
`in your binder.
`MS. BROOKS: May I approach, Your Honor?
`(By Ms. Brooks) Now, Dr. Tanna, you've
`referred to Timpilo as a combination drug;
`is that
`It is a combination drug, yes.
`Q. Well,
`if we actually --
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed U8!08i11 Page 13 of 165 PagelD #: 6199
`If we can go to the ELMO,
`Mr. Exline.
`(By Ms. Brooks} And here's the label for
`cam up there?
`THE COURT: Not quite. Here we go.
`Can you push the doc
`I sure can. Let's see here.
`Perhaps —— Mr. Exline, do
`you know —— do we have the Timpilo label
`in the system?
`We don't? Okay.
`It would help if I
`turn it on.
`There we go.
`It's my fault.
`I'm sorry.
`didn't even turn it on.
`{By Ms. Brooks) Dr. Tanna,
`isn't it a fact
`that Timpilo is dispensed in what is described as a
`two—ohambered vial system?
`And one of
`the chambers contains a
`concentrated solution of Timolol and Pilocarpine at a pH
`of approximately 3.5;
`is that right?
`Correct. Correct.
`in relation to the pH of the eye, 3.5 is
`extremely acidic,
`is it not?
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`1 4
`It is more acidic than the ocular surface and
`the pH of the eye in general, yes.
`And the need for this low pH is to prevent the
`hydrolysis of Pilocarpine prior to dispensing;
`is that
`So you would agree with me, Dr. Tanna,
`that a
`pH can have a significant effect on an active
`Yes, it can.
`And it says the other chamber contains —— can
`you pronounce that word for me,
`so I make sure I say it
`It's diluent.
`Diluent solution with a pH of 7.8 to 8.2 for
`Timpilo 2; and 8.5 to 9.5 for Timpilo 4.
`Did I read that correctly?
`Yes, you did.
`And the two solutions are separated by an
`internal plug?
`So this isn't the convenience of having two
`active ingredients in one bottle, correct?
`It is a little more complicated than that.
`You have to mix them together effectively by using the
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`Case 2:09-cv-0OO97—.]RG Document 241 Filed 0808/11 Page 15 of 165 PageID #: 6201
`And for whatever formulation reason,
`formulators were not able to simply put
`the Timolol and
`the Pilooarpine into one bottle for shelf life?
`And had to go to this two—ohambered system
`with two different pHs and a plug in the middle;
`is that
`That's right.
`Now, another —— so that's the
`Pilocarpine/Timolol one.
`You also mentioned a combination product
`called Probeta, which is Levobunolol and Dipivefrin?
`It's pronounced Dipivefrin {pronounces}.
`Dipivefrin (pronounces).
`Thank you.
`Should I push something to
`It's there.
`There we go.
`think we're
`(By Ms. Brooks) And that's called Probeta;
`that right?
`That's correct. That's available in Canada.
`So that's never been approved for use here in
`the United States, correct?
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed 08108411 Page 16 of 165 Page|D #: 6202
`That's correct.
`And you yourself have never prescribed it?
`Then we have the Xalacom, which we've already
`talked about,
`the Ganfort which we've already talked
`about, and then something where it's Travoprost/Timolol
`is that right?
`DuoTrav, yes.
`That also has never been approved
`for use in the United States, correct?
`That's correct.
`And you yourself have never prescribed it?
`That's correct.
`take it you weren't part of —— well,
`have you ever been part of an FDA approval process for a
`combination drug?
`A. Well, we were one of the clinical trial
`centers for DuoTrav for one of
`the Phase 3 studies in
`the U.S.
`So there were Phase 3 clinical trials
`conducted on DuoTrav here in the United States, correct?
`That's correct.
`And I assume that you, as one of
`the centers,
`attempted to perform those studies accurately, correct?
`Yes, we did.
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`Case 2:O9—cv-0O097—JRG Document 241 Filed O8!08l11 Page 17 of 165 PagelD #: 6203
`1 7*
`And attempted to gather the best data that you
`And despite your efforts and all the other
`centers’ efforts,
`to this day,
`the FDA has refused to
`approve DuoTrav for use in the United States?
`That's correct. They're stuck in the
`approvable letter stage.
`And that's been going on for years, has it
`Just a couple more areas to cover, Dr. Tanna.
`You showed us DTXl6? on direct examination.
`That was
`the Larsson reference, and you said that this showed
`that the patients —— well, actually, why don't you tell
`us your recollection of what this study showed.
`A. Well,
`this looked at normal subjects, not
`normal volunteers, and they were dosed with Timolol
`concomitantly with Brimonidine, each on a sort of BID
`schedule, but only a total of three doses were given.
`And then the investigators evaluated the rate of
`production of aqueous humor
`in the eyes as well as the
`intraocular pressure.
`And what
`they observed was
`the intraocular pressure was lowest
`in the group of
`people getting both Timolol and Brimonidine, and the
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`Case 2:09-cv—OU097-JRG Document 241 Filed OBIOBI11 Page 18 of 165 Page|D #: 6204
`aqueous production flow rate was also lowest in that
`And the pressures were higher in the other two
`groups, people getting just Timolol or just Brimonidine.
`So this would lead one to believe that there
`be some benefit to concomitant
`therapy with Timolol
`Brimonidine, correct?
`It sort of validates and explains that when
`you use the two together, you get a lower pressure and
`you get an additive reduction in the production of
`aqueous humor.
`But this doesn't tell anyone of skill in the
`art whether one would be able to successfully combine
`these two drugs in the same bottle, correct?
`is correct.
`And the individuals who were tested in this
`reference were actually healthy volunteers and not
`actually individuals suffering from glaucoma;
`is that
`is correct.
`And there were only a total of
`three doses
`That is correct.
`And Larsson itself,
`this reference,
`actually disclosed on the face of all of the patents in
`this case;
`is that right?
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`Case 2:09-cv-0009?-JRG Document 241 Filed 08!08i11 Page 19 of 165 Page|D #: 6205
`That is correct.
`Now, let's move on.
`You showed and discussed
`with the Court
`the l9T study and the 0 —— 507T study.
`Do you remember
`I do.
`Now, neither the l9T study nor the 507T study
`are prior art to the patents—at~issue;
`is that correct?
`is correct.
`Now, let's go,
`if we could,
`to your written
`description opinion.
`You stated in your opinion that Claims 1, 2,
`and 3 of the 'l49 patent were invalid based on lack of
`written description;
`is that right?
`That's correct.
`You did not render that opinion in relation to
`Claim 4, correct?
`That is correct.
`Now, Claims 1, 2, and 3 deal with a method of
`treating glaucoma or ocular hypertension by topical
`administration of about
`.2% Brimonidine by weight
`to an
`eye of
`a person in need thereof, said improvement
`comprising topically administering to said eye in a
`single composition about
`.2% Brimonidine by weight and
`.5% Timolol by weight
`twice a day as the sole
`active agents, wherein said method is as effective as
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`administration of
`.5% Timolol
`twice a day and .2%
`Brimonidine three times a day to said eye, wherein the
`two compounds are administered in separate compositions.
`Did I get
`the claim correct,
`I hope?
`All right.
`let's look at where the
`effectiveness of administration is discussed in the
`patent itself.
`If you would go, please, sir,
`to Column 4 and
`begin with Example 2.
`Do you see that?
`I do.
`I can go to it in my own exhibit,
`because I can't see —— okay.
`There we go.
`There we go.
`So this is saying here,
`this is a study that
`it's describing, correct?
`In Example 2, yes.
`And did you have an opportunity, Dr. Tanna,
`compare the description of this study to the 13T study
`that was submitted by Allergan to the FDA?
`I did.
`Now, were you here when Dr. Whitcup testified?
`I was.
`Did you hear Dr. Whitcup say that what
`the FDA
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`Case 2:09—cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed OBIOSI11 Page 21 of 165 PagelD #: 6207
`requires for initial clinical trials of a combination
`product is that the combination product be compared to
`each of the monotherapies?
`I heard him say that.
`And you have no reason to disagree with that;
`is that right?
`I don't disagree.
`So what
`the FDA wanted to see was the efficacy
`of Combigan as compared to Brimonidine three—times—a—day
`monotherapy, correct?
`And the FDA wanted to see the efficacy of
`Combigan as compared to twice—a—day Timolol monotherapy,
`That was part of what
`the FDA wanted to see,
`And if we go on Example 2, which begins at
`Column 4, Line 49, it goes all the way through to the
`bottom of Column 4, all the way through to the Column 5,
`and all the through to Column 6, 7, 8, and essentially
`ends at Column 9 where it ends with Example 2;
`is that
`right, Dr. Tanna?
`That's correct.
`And what
`the conclusion as reported of the l3T
`study in the patent says: Conclusions —— and I'll stick
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 241 Filed 08!08!11 Page 22 of 165 PagelD #: 6208
`with the right spe

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