`why would they need to discuss anything about
`the structure.
`So you would agree with me that
`the context of this patent discussion of
`problem of NSAID-BAC complexation theres no
`discussion of
`the degree of
`lipophilicity of
`different NSAIDs
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document
`asked and
`answered and to the extent
`mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`Theres no reason why they would
`discuss the lipophilicity -- about
`a problem
`they dont experience.
`In talking generally about
`problem of NSAID-BAC complexation whether or
`its experienced in this patent
`authors of
`the patent dont discuss differences
`in lipophilicity between different NSAIDs is
`that right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection same
`I dont
`think that
`Ive seen
`any evidence
`the problem exists anywhere
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 I
`Lupin EX1103-B
`Page 111

`let alone in this patent
`Again Dr. Davies were going to be
`here a
`long time if
`you dont answer my
`So Ive heard you testify now that
`you dont believe theres a problem.
`Im trying to get you to answer
`Im asking you.
`MS. LEBEIS Counsel hes answering
`We got
`your questions.
`And again my question to you is
`in the context of
`this paragraph thats
`discussing a general problem of NSAID-BAC
`complexation is there any discussion in this
`in that section of differences
`in terms of their lipophilicity
`MS. LEBEIS Objection asked and
`answered. Mischaracterizes the document
`and mischaracterizes
`to the extent
`mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`Theres no discussion because
`no problem experienced in this patent.
`And you would agree that
`in this
`paragraph that
`talks about
`the problem of
`NSAID-BAC complexation theres no discussion
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 112

`the degree of hydrogen bonding among
`different NSAIDs
`is that right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`Theres no discussion because
`problem isnt observed
`in this patent
`thats not
`the aim of
`the patent.
`Now you would agree with me that
`were talking here about
`the Background of
`this 876 patent
`Invention section of
`And you would agree with me that
`Background of
`the Invention section generally
`talk about problems that are -- or
`experimental data that are observed in the
`context of
`the patent
`MS. LEBEIS Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion.
`Calls for speculation.
`I would think that depends
`on patent
`to patent.
`Well certainly when you publish a
`paper when you have a background section of
`your paper
`thats not
`the section in which you
`report your experimental data right
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 113

`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`You might
`the result.
`But generally that section is
`directed to concepts
`that are known in the
`in the relevant
`field right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection no
`Asked and answered.
`In one of my papers every statement
`we would make in the background section would
`have a reference to it
`to substantiate whatever
`comment we were making.
`And those would be comments or
`that were known in the field already
`not new data that you generated in your
`laboratory right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the form of
`the question.
`Vague and ambiguous.
`think we would try to put
`to everything.
`And those references would reflect
`what was
`known in the field already prior to
`the publication at
`issue right
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 114

`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Asked and
`Same objections.
`It would be substantiating what we
`were saying in the background
`And that background
`section would detail
`information that was known
`in the relevant
`field right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection no
`Asked and answered.
`It would show substantiate
`--13substantiatable data properly referenced
`--14describe substantiatable
`data with properly
`And again that substantiatable
`data properly referenced would be information
`that was
`known in the field right
`Same objections.
`We wouldnt be able to substantiate
`it wasnt
`known in the field.
`So it would be information that was
`known in the field then.
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`It would be
`--TheLittle Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 I
`Page 115

`Same objections.
`It would be known
`in the field
`because we could put
`a reference to it.
`So a person of ordinary skill
`in the
`reading a patent would understand that
`Background of
`the Invention section often
`sets forth information thats known in the
`field right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it calls for a legal conclusion.
`Asked and
`answered. Calls for speculation.
`I dont
`think thats necessarily
`So I havent
`seen any evidence
`in this
`case that
`there is a problem of an insoluble
`Lets see if
`you can answer
`question Im asking which is would a person
`in the art
`reading a background
`of skill
`section of a patent generally understand that
`that section will
`include information thats
`known in the field
`MS. LEBEIS Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion
`asked and answered and
`calls for speculation.
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 116

`Im not sure if
`its not
`they would be able to tell whether
`it was
`speculation or fact.
`So if
`a statement
`in a patent has no
`in your view a person of skill
`the art would just
`read it
`and move on and not
`pay any attention to it.
`Is that your
`MS. LEBEIS Objection
`to the extent
`mischaracterizes prior testimony. Calls
`for a legal conclusion and speculation.
`think if
`a person of ordinary skill
`in the art knew references
`themselves that
`substantiated a statement
`then that would be
`Lets look at another
`reference if we could.
`Lets mark as
`Davies Exhibit
`3 U.S. Patent 5603929.
`3 was marked for identification
`and attached to the deposition transcript.
`Now Exhibit
`is another U.S. patent
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 117

`that you considered in forming your opinions
`This patent
`indicates that
`the date
`the patent
`is February 18th 1997 right
`Thats what
`it says.
`The patent
`is entitled Preserved
`ophthalmic drug compositions
`polymeric quaternary ammonium compounds
`you turn to column 1 of
`the 929
`patent Exhibit
`-- and you look at
`the paragraph that
`begins at
`line 27
`-- you would agree that
`the patent
`reports that benzalkonium chloride is widely
`used in ophthalmic solutions right
`Thats what
`it says yes.
`And it goes on in that paragraph in
`the next sentence to say that BAC and other
`quaternary ammonium compounds are generally
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 118

`considered incompatible with ophthalmic
`compositions of drugs with acidic groups like
`Do you see that
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`It makes that general statement.
`And then it
`goes on to make the
`general statement
`this is because
`preservative BAC loses its ability to function
`forms complexes with the charged
`drug compounds.
`Do you see that
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`the document.
`Its a general statement without any
`And that general statement about BAC
`forming complexes with acidic NSAIDs
`is not
`limited to any particular NSAID right
`it doesnt even give one
`So its not
`limited to even
`one example right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 119

`Mischaracterizes the document.
`It doesnt give any evidence that
`theres a problem with even one.
`Its just a
`general statement without any foundation.
`And that general statement
`is not
`limited to any particular NSAID.
`Its about
`NSAIDs generally right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes the document.
`and answered.
`Without even giving an example of one
`a person of ordinary skill would
`have -- wouldnt
`know on what basis that was
`being made.
`But you would agree that
`the general
`is not
`limited to any
`particular NSAID right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`and answered.
`This is not
`informing a person of
`ordinary skill of any instance where there
`actually is a problem between
`a carboxylic acid
`and NSAID and benzalkonium chloride.
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 120

`actual patent
`is about preservative
`action again.
`And this general statement
`that we
`just looked at
`in column 1
`ties the formation
`of complexes between BAC and NSAIDs
`to the
`issue of preservatives
`losing their ability to
`function right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`it doesnt give any evidence
`that thats true.
`There would be other ways
`that preservatives
`could lose their function.
`this suggests that one way could
`be that
`the preservatives
`lose their ability to
`function as they form complexes with the
`right Thats what
`charged drug compounds
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`But since it doesnt give any
`examples where it actually happens
`its a
`meaningless statement.
`It may be true that complexes form
`which cause the preservatives
`to lose their
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 121

`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony and
`asked and answered. Mischaracterizes the
`Without any examples
`it may never be
`And it may be true right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`Without examples
`you cannot
`make the assumption. Otherwise you would have
`to assume millions of
`things billions of
`You need to have a problem thats
`concrete before you have to worry about
`this patent at column 1 suggests
`the problem of complexation leads to
`preservatives losing their ability to function
`MS. LEBEIS Objection asked and
`answered. Mischaracterizes the document.
`It suggests without any evidence
`that might be the case but unless a person of
`ordinary skill
`sees the problem in reality
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 122

`then its irrelevant.
`But you cant
`know with certainty
`whether or not
`these complexes form without
`seeing the test data right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Vague and
`the extent
`mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`You have -- you would not assume
`there was a problem until youve done
`a test
`and found the problem existed.
`You wouldnt
`know with certainty
`whether or not a complex formed between
`particular NSAID and benzalkonium chloride
`until you saw the test data right
`Sorry I missed the first part of
`that question.
`Record read.
`You would not know no.
`the 929 patent
`In this patent
`Exhibit 3 there is no discussion in this
`section that
`talks about
`this potential problem
`of complexation about differences
`in terms of their chemical structure
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 123

`MS. LEBEIS Objection no
`foundation. Mischaracterizes the document.
`There isnt nor would one expect
`there to be when the problem isnt actually
`Theres also no discussion in this
`section of
`the patent
`talks about
`potential problem of complexation between
`and BAC of
`the differences in electron
`density between different NSAIDs right
`Same objections.
`There isnt nor would a person of
`ordinary skill
`there to be when the
`problem isnt presented.
`Theres also no discussion in this
`929 patent of
`the differences between NSAIDs
`in terms of whether
`theyre primary secondary
`or tertiary amines as being relevant
`to this
`issue of potential complexation right
`Same objection.
`The patent
`is not about potential
`complexation so there would be no discussion.
`Theres also no discussion in this
`section of
`the patent
`talks about
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 124

`problem of potential complexation between
`NSAIDs and BAC of
`the differences between
`in terms of
`the presence or absence of
`halogenation on the compounds
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the form of
`the question.
`There wouldnt be because
`thats not
`the problem being addressed by the patent.
`And theres also no discussion in
`this patent
`in the section that
`talks about
`the potential complexation between NSAIDs and
`BAC about differences
`in lipophilicity between
`different NSAIDs right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`the end of
`the sentence
`the question.
`Record read.
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`There isnt because
`its irrelevant
`to what
`the main part of
`the patent
`is about.
`And theres also no discussion in
`this patent
`in the section that
`talks about
`complexation between NSAIDs and BAC
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 125

`of differences
`between NSAIDs
`in terms of their
`degree of hydrogen bonding right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`There wouldnt
`be because
`such facts
`are irrelevant
`to the rest of
`the patent and
`its actually dealing with.
`What do you think this patent
`directed to this Exhibit 3 929 patent
`MS. LEBEIS Objection vague and
`the data thats presented has
`to do with preservative action.
`So this patent
`is directed to
`ophthalmic pharmaceutical
`compositions with
`good preservative efficacy
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes
`the prior testimony and
`mischaracterizes the document.
`As I said the data that
`is presented
`has to do with preservative action.
`In what kind of
`In diclofenac formulations.
`This is
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 126

`another one sulfacetamide and suprofen.
`three are formulated.
`So this patent provides
`a formulation
`thats suitable for use with those three
`is that right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`The results seem to be on formulation
`A. which is sodium diclofenac
`in terms of
`preservation activity.
`In your view is the subject of
`then limited to formulations of
`diclofenac sodium
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`Thats a legal question.
`Its not
`for me to say.
`the data is only presented
`for as far as I can see for formulation A.
`which has diclofenac
`in it.
`So you dont have an opinion one way
`or another on whether
`this patent
`is limited to
`formulations of diclofenac sodium or includes
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 127

`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`The data presented and what
`a person
`of ordinary skill would see is data on sodium
`Now if we go back
`in column 1 starting at
`line 27.
`to the paragraph
`So if
`you can
`keep that open and then
`go back to Exhibit 2.
`And look at
`the paragraph we looked
`in column 1 of Exhibit 2 the 876 patent
`that starts at
`line 10.
`Starts at
`Column 1.
`the statements
`You would agree that
`in column 1 are
`in Exhibit 2 the 876 patent
`consistent with the statements in Exhibit 3
`the 929 patent at column 1
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the form of
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 128

`the question.
`Vague and ambiguous.
`Theyre broadly consistent.
`from the same -- both patents are from the same
`Theres no evidence
`in either of
`theyre true or not.
`think you pointed out
`theyre both
`from Alcon Laboratories Inc.
`right both of
`those patents
`Thats correct.
`Lets mark as Davies
`4 European Patent 0306984.
`Exhibit 4 was marked for identification
`and attached to the deposition transcript.
`Dr. Davies this is a European patent
`you considered in forming your opinions in this
`Is it
`refer to that as EP
`Thats fine.
`This patent has a date of publication
`of March of 89 is that right
`Thats correct
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 129

`This patent
`is --
`indicates that
`is Syntex Inc.
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`It says Applicant Syntex Inc.
`Thats a separate company from Alcon
`Laboratories right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection. Calls for
`I dont
`it doesnt
`list Alcon as the
`does not.
`MS. LEBEIS Objection
`--20those on Exhibits 2 and 3 that we looked at
`It doesnt say Alcon.
`And the inventors listed on this
`patent are not
`the same inventors as the
`earlier right
`Theyre not
`Now if we look at page 2 of EP 984
`Exhibit 4.
`Page 2.
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 130

`Page 2.
`You see that
`in the paragraph
`line 10 EP 984 describes
`beginning at
`earlier patent U.S. Patent 4454151
`Is that
`a question
`there a question
`Yes I
`think we just
`got an answer
`to it.
`I see the patent
`there yes.
`And then it
`goes on to say that
`While the formulations described in the 151
`patent were efficacious an insoluble complex
`found to form between
`the NSAID and BAC.
`Do you see that
`Thats what
`you go down to page 2 line
`And if
`-- you see theres a sentence that
`says Benzalkonium chloride a quaternary
`ammonium compound has been widely used in
`ophthalmic solutions and is considered to be
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 131

`the preservative of choice
`Thats what
`it says.
`You dont disagree that benzalkonium
`chloride had been widely used in ophthalmic
`formulations and was a preservative of choice
`do you
`MS. LEBEIS Objection. Calls for
`I havent
`done that analysis.
`So you dont have an opinion one way
`or another
`Since I havent
`done the analysis.
`So you dont have an opinion one way
`or another
`Asked and answered.
`I havent
`done the analysis so I
`I dont
`And I suspect
`on the ophthalmic solution as what
`preservative of choice is.
`Ive seen others
`that dont have the benzyl ammonium the
`quaternary ammonium compound.
`But you havent
`done the analysis one
`way or another
`to know when benzalkonium
`chloride would be a preservative of choice
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 132

`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`I havent
`done the analysis and I
`on which formulation were
`talking about as to which would be the
`preservative of choice.
`That suspicion that you have is not
`based on any analysis that youve done is that
`MS. LEBEIS Objection asked and
`Ive not done a detailed analysis
`I have seen formulations that dont contain
`benzalkonium chloride as a preservative.
`Which formulations are those
`think we
`saw some earlier in one of
`the patents weve already looked at.
`Do you want
`to tell me which
`formulation that was
`In the 929 patent.
`from the formulation that
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 133

`youve seen in the 929 patent are you aware
`of any other
`formulations for ophthalmic use
`that dont contain benzalkonium chloride as the
`Dr. Davies you can take
`time looking at
`the 929 patent
`answering counsels question.
`to be clear
`though my question
`is apart
`from the formulations in the 929
`patent are you aware of any ophthalmic
`formulations that dont contain benzalkonium
`chloride as the preservative
`I dont
`you need to look at
`the 929 patent
`to answer
`that question.
`you feel you do please
`I believe Ive seen other
`formulations yes.
`Can you point
`to any of
`Not sitting here at
`to Exhibit 4 the EP
`Lets go back
`this moment.
`984 patent.
`you look at page 2 again
`line 33 you see that
`the EP 984 patent
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 134

`goes on to say that BAC has typically been
`considered to be incompatible with anionic
`drugs forming insoluble complexes which cause
`the solution to become cloudy or turbid.
`Do you see that
`says that
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`Thats what
`it says.
`It goes on to say that such
`complexation between
`an anionic drug and BAC
`cause a decrease in the pharmaceutical
`activity of
`the drug.
`Do you see that
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`Its the same as the previous
`I dont see any evidence
`that thats true that
`there is a problem.
`You would agree though
`that EP 984
`asserts that thats a problem right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the form of
`the question asked and answered to the
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`It makes a broad statement without
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 135

`any evidence.
`And that broad statement
`is that
`theres a problem of complexation between
`anionic drugs and BAC right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior testimony and
`mischaracterizes the document.
`It doesnt give any evidence
`such a complex would form.
`the EP 984 nonetheless makes the
`broad statement
`there is a problem of
`complexation between anionic drugs and BAC
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Asked and
`answered mischaracterizes the document
`and to the extent
`it mischaracterizes prior
`Without any evidence
`a person of
`ordinary skill wouldnt be able to take
`anything from that.
`Lets look at paragraph --
`paragraph on page 2
`just below the one we were
`looking at.
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 136

`says In the past
`Do you see that
`as in the case with other ophthalmic drugs that
`contain a carboxylic acid group
`anti-inflammatory solutions of NSAIDs
`ocular use have proven to be incompatible with
`quaternary ammonium compounds
`such as BAC.
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`Do you see that
`says that
`says those words but
`theres no
`to allow person of ordinary skill
`understand if
`theyre correct or not.
`those are the words that
`the patent uses right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Asked and
`The words are written down in the
`patent but without any evidence
`a person of
`ordinary skill cant
`take anything from them.
`And it goes on to explain that
`incompatibility is due to the fact
`carboxylic acid group can form a complex with
`the quaternary ammonium compound rendering the
`preservative less available to serve its
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 137

`function and reducing the activity of
`active ingredient right Thats what
`it says
`MS. LEBEIS Objection
`mischaracterizes the document.
`Thats an assumption for which there
`is no evidence.
`So this EP 984 patent
`talks about
`the general problem of complexation between
`drugs ophthalmic drugs in the carboxylic acid
`group and benzalkonium chloride consistent with
`the way that
`that problem was discussed in
`Exhibits 2 and 3 the 876 and 929 patents
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`Asked and
`In none of
`the patents is there any
`this problem actually exists.
`You would agree though
`statement of
`this problem in EP 984 at
`paragraph from line -- on page 2 lines 29
`looked at
`through 44 is consistent with the statement we
`in the 876 patent Exhibit 2 at
`column 1 lines 10 through 24 right
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 138

`MS. LEBEIS Objection to the form of
`the question and to the extent
`mischaracterizes prior testimony.
`They describe the same general
`purported problem for which there is no
`evidence being presented.
`So a person of
`ordinary skill wouldnt be concerned about
`unless they faced it.
`And the discussion in EP 984 of
`general problem of complexation between
`carboxylic-acid-containing compounds and BAC
`does not mention any differences
`different NSAID compounds
`in terms of their
`chemical structure as being relevant
`to that
`problem right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the document.
`it wouldnt
`though because
`its not what
`the rest of
`the patent
`is about.
`So they wouldnt need to discuss those things.
`Theres also no discussion in the EP
`984 of any differences between NSAID compounds
`in terms of
`their electron density right
`Same objection.
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 139

`It wouldnt discuss such matters
`theyre irrelevant
`to what
`the rest of
`the patent
`is discussing.
`Theres also no discussion in EP 984
`of differences
`between NSAIDs
`in terms of
`theyre primary secondary or tertiary
`amines right
`Same objection.
`They wouldnt do because
`its not
`the patent
`goes on to discuss.
`There is also no discussion in EP
`984 of
`the impact of
`the presence or absence
`of halogenation on NSAIDs
`as relevant
`to the
`issue of complexation right
`Same objection and
`objection to the form of
`the question.
`It wouldnt discuss that because its
`to the rest of
`the patent.
`So theres no discussion right
`Same objection.
`Nor would a person of ordinary skill
`there to be a discussion.
`So there is no discussion in the
`patent of presence or absence of halogenation
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055 1
`Page 140

`of different NSAIDs right
`Same objection.
`There is no discussion because
`to the rest of
`the patent.
`Theres also no discussion in the
`patent of
`the differences between NSAIDs
`terms of their degree of
`lipophilicity with
`to this problem of complexation right
`Same objection.
`There is no discussion because
`would be irrelevant
`to the rest of
`the patent.
`Theres also no discussion in the
`regarding the degree -- differences
`the degree of hydrogen bonding as between
`different NSAIDs as it
`relates to the issue of
`Same objection.
`No because
`its irrelevant
`to the
`rest of
`the patent.
`And theres also no discussion about
`the degree of solvation of any of
`the NSAIDs
`this patent
`in relation to the problem of
`complexation right
`MS. LEBEIS Objection.
`The Little Reporting Company
`646 650-5055
`Page 141

`Mischaracterizes the document.
`I dont believe so because
`it would
`be well
`to the rest of
`the patent.
`Now lets look at page 4

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