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`Sm1thS°‘=“?fiii*he ChipCo1lection
`Ace. 199611089
`ICE Introduction
`There are I8 individual series within the ICE Collection. Each series‘ summary is described
`in that it includes either content andfor definition of the subject itself.
`A f_).DI:‘.-'\*'.D UM:
`I999 — riiigrrfiig
`ICE. 0ri‘gin(i!!_v {neared in Phoenir & Sc0trs'a'ai’e. Arizona, was purchased after
`!C'E's 30-year cal/ecn‘0n had been dor.-area’ cl’: accessmnea’ by the Narionci! Museum
`0fAmer:'cari Hfs'ror_1-’ at the Sniithsanicrn Ins'r:'rtrtion.
`State-of-the-art research and developments in preserving the histories of integrated
`circuit technology continues and we are pleased to collaborate with ,
`located in Ottawa, Canada.‘ purchasers qf'ICE.
`Inrefiecrzral property. cons!ruca'0n (m(.iJ’__1-:sr‘s. reverse engineetvng. chip art and other
`research assistance has been ofhrsrorical value to our on-going efforrs to
`compliment the e.ris'n'ng coflecrions. We n':‘.sh to thank Terrjv Lzrdfoir and his .s'rayffor
`their c’0rrrint:ed conrrfbtrriorrs to history.’
`NMAH Accession 19960089 and 1998.301? (EOOKBI
`In-depth research collection of 3—dimensional objects; most are exposed, some cut-aways
`and others the complete assembly. The Museum's object catalog number is relative to
`Series 3 Product Evaluation(s) (PE) published by ICE when noted.
`For example, infonnation concerning object 1996.008910] is the physical evaluation of
`Intel 82l2 IEO Port; 8224 Clock Generator; 8228 System Controller; and 8251
`Communications Interface matches PI:‘-I01 located in NMAH Archives. Documents in the
`ICE Series may be reviewed only by an L
`NMAH Archives #600
`An annual publication which is a comprehensive, illustrated report that includes: A world
`wide integrated circuit industry economic update and forecasts. merchant IC manufacturers,
`Micron Technology, Inc. et el., Petitioners — Ex. 1050
`Micron Technology, Inc. and Micron Memory Japan, Inc. v. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. IPR2015—01087
`Thi: Chip {_"u|lcctit_n1 - li1tci_.-ratctl(_'ii'ctiit EI1giI1ccI'ing (_'1:iI1,it,t-r:itit,i1i lntrocluclion - .‘:ii11itlisoni;-iii Institution
`U.S. captive producers, ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) market trends, IC
`technology trends, and memory & microprocessor [C products. Also an appendix which
`includes a listing of companies that service the IC industry and [C fabrication facilities
`! E
`NMAH Archives #500
`Highly detailed, extensively illustrated reports (scanning electron micrographs, x-rays,
`figures, tables, histograms, etc.).The reports are aimed at IC users who need reliable
`information on component quality for part qualification purposes, and IC manufacturers
`who need to stay abreast of competitive technologies being offered.
`3 E
`3 E,
`NMAH Archives #600
`The product evaluation series of reports provides construction and design analyses of a
`series of microcomputer-related products. The reports identify circuit areas requiring
`further in-depth analysis for the user's specific application. Special attention has been paid
`to unusual design and processing techniques, and to identification of functional areas for
`orientation in test pattern generation, reliability estimates and failure analysis probing.
`Unusual is understood to be atypical.
`NMAH Archives #600
`Construction Analysis is a complete physical characterization of a specific circuit. The
`analysis covers x-ray, optical, scanning electron micrographs, cross sections, topological
`layout and dimensions, layer thickness, and material analysis. ESD and latchup sensitivity
`are also be included on specific circuit analyses. Some of the many uses ICE has found for
`construction analysis are: access technology, selecting preferred vendors and second
`sources, documenting process changes, background for failure analysis and patent
`' E
`NMAH Archives #600
`A collection of research material on integrated circuit technology: published and
`unpublished. Most of the material is in published, bound form (three ring binders). Of
`special note: compendium on BIPOLAR and MOS Wafer Processing and MOS Bipolar
`silicon wafer lst edition.
`9 Series Q Maiiufaetiiring Faeilitjes
`NMAH Archives #600
`Publications which provide organized examination of each major IC process, from the
`older technologies to the more recent CMOS (Complimentary Metal Qxide
`Semiconductor) and BiCMOS (Device having b_ipolar and C MOS transistors) processes.
`The processes for deposition and the reasons for the use of new materials for IC
`inetalization are reviewed in detail. Each major process from crystal growing through
`device packaging, is described with clear, concise illustrations (over 400) making it easy to
`follow the process steps. Of special interest: while the content is primarily based on silicon
`processing, the basics of gallium arsinide are covered.
`9 Series 2, Eaekaging
`NMAH Archives #600
`This is a series of published packaging strategies for electronic, semiconductor and solid-
`The Chip {."o|lcctit_n1 - li1tei_.-ratetl(_'ii'ciiit [{.i1g_ii1cei'ing (_"oi1,it,t-r:itit,i1i lntrocluction - Si11itlist,n1i;-in Institution
`state devices. They describe the intrinsic capabilities of IC technologies and the constraints
`imposed by packaging. The latest being the MCM.
`Q gems 3 Cglnnalnf Em lgs
`NMAH Archives #600
`In-depth single publications related to specific companies in the design,
`Compcmy P."Qfif€.S'.'
`development and fabrication of integrated circuits. There are about 75 individual profiles.
`PrQ;‘fies: A world wide survey of IC manufacturers and suppliers. The yearly single volume
`publication profiles over 175 [C companies. Each company’s profile covers: sales history,
`overviews & strategies, key management personnel, products & process capabilities, IC
`facility information, and key present and proposed strategic agreements.
`, Ea. EI:E:,EE
`NM!-\H Archives #600
`An industry wide newsletterfpaper, ca. I980-90. Founded & published monthly by
`Integrated Circuit Engineering. Addendums and Quotes are attached as ICEBREAKERS
`' E
`NMAH Archives #500
`It has been a longstanding precedent in the U.S. semiconductor community that the
`Military Aerospace business becomes good business only when there is no mainframe
`computerfeommercial industrial business available. This was evidenced during the
`recessions of 1958, I964, I968, l9'r'0 and the slowdown of 1935. ICE had and continues to
`have Government contracts from the Departments of Defense, Energy and NASA. Within
`these contracts are the released (formerly proprietary, confidential and coded) products.
`The government code name was TASC, which is the finding aid to the coded numbers for
`specific contracts ICE held with the Government. There is an in-depth publication,
`Integrated Circuit MilitaryfAerospace Marketing and procurement Reference manual, 1938
`which was released in the 19905 concerning the protocols, arrangements, programs,
`contracts and investigations which ICE provided the US Government concerning all
`possibilities regarding VHSI (very high speed integration), the next generation of
`militaryraerospace mierocircuits and the microprocessor status report by RADC (Rome Air
`Defense Center).
`Specific to the TASC contracts were United States‘ Government requests of market
`analysis concerning Harris Semiconductor, lntersil, Siliconix, RCA, Precision Monolithics,
`Inc., Analog Devices, and Intel. ICE was mandated to publish the initial documents on
`beige paper stock, the other colors were sky blue, salmon, green and white. These other
`colors denoted lesser importance than beige.
`9 Series I I, A1‘_‘m:§2[k CAUTION - download is relative to gun: ISP's connection
`NMAH Archives #600
`Graphics, designs, photographs, charts, circuit diagrams used in a variety of ICE
`publications. Please make an .to review this part of the collection. This series
`is currently being scanned and available online when time permits.
`NMAH Archives #600
`Information related to the semiconductor evolution: product specification sheets, articles on
`the different types of production, product line reports from an individual company, press
`releases from manufacturers, B&W and color photographs and slides of a product, and
`rice listins. A single file ma define the evolution ofa secific roduet or manufacturer
`itlisoiiianciiips." " -‘[11.-';fi"‘l'Il5 13:20:32 ’_‘.-1]
`The Cliip ('”o|Iection - Integrated Ciretuit Eng,iI1eeI'ing (_"oI1,1.t:-ratitni lntrocluetion - Sniithsonian Institution
`for over a twenty year period, correspondence (unique and specific), price quotes.
`Additionally, these files relate to TASC tiles.
`NMAH Archives #500
`Processes of bonding conductive copper foils directly to ceramic, alumina, beryllia
`substrates. Documentation may reviewed by arranging an appeintment.
`E] :
`’ E
`NMAH Archives #600
`ASIC (Application Specific integrated Circuit) is a prolessional joumal; of specific
`interest: six bound volumes. published. owned and copyright by ICE of Afilfljlutloelg for
`the years 1987 and [99]-I996 (ongoing).
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`NMAH Archives #600
`Protocols, arrangements, programs, contracts and investigations which ICE provided the
`US Government concerning all possibilities regarding VHSI (very high speed integration),
`the next generation of militaryfaerospace mieroeircuits and the microprocessor status.
`' E
`NMAH Archives #600
`An inventory of the corporate records and tiles of ICE beginning at the founding year-
`I964. The list is 400K and reflects each box, folder and tile in the series.
`. Emjeet St 25 BA I ES:
`April 22, I988 - literal transcription and original document pages.
`9 Series I Z, Litigatien
`NMAH Archives #600
`Documents related to various litigation actions involving ICE.
`9 The Trade Seeret t age:
`Motorola sued Fairchiid, (also known as THE TRADE SECRET CASE) for
`hiring away Motorola’s top scientist, C. Lester Hogan, and eight key
`executives. This case contains documents (primary correspondence) from ICE;
`a company that acted as an independent research firm and provided expert
`witness for Fairchiid’s defense: a finding aid with a list of names and
`descriptions of the main people involved in the case, an index of each
`document, its content, and its location, and a catalyst letter written by Glen
`Madland, that describes how this case began.
`R Series 18 Audie Visual Materials
`NMAH Archives #600
`Various reports from ICE available on CD-ROM in the Smithsonian collection. Some of
`the reports are online, and others will be added in the future.
`Documents in the ICF. Series may be reviewed and researched by arranging an
`The (‘hip Collection - Integrated Cirellit Engineering Corporation lntrodtictitm - Smithsoniari Institution
`The Archives Center inaintains container lists with unique collection names. series numbers
`and most important the .»"\rChive Center Number. When requesting infonnatinn l"nr_\-'c.rt1r
`research either [rein the collecting clivisien or the Archives it is imperative to include the
`a. ociated numher(s'). Yotir contacts For requesting in t‘onnatiu:m and,-'u;. appointments to
`research the Chip Colleeticm are:
`lI1feI'matien Tee|1no|og_\_-'
`at;-ieI_\_-' - F.|eetrieit_\_-' Collections
`Naltieuxll Museum of Arnel'ic:nn I-l"ist_¢_il_'3'_
`bnpyright éomments
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