`._ :.__
`(when choosing SEARCH a new window will open)
`The National Museum of American History's Chip Collection consists of individual
`donations of objects, images and documentation that traces the history of integrated
`The Chip Collection is a continuing collection work-in-progress concerning a small part of
`the permanent collection of the Division of Information Technology & Society's Electricity
`Scroll down to explore me details of rhis research collection .
`. raridom order
`9 B; Aglgavigj Sarnoff Research g enter
`NMAH Accession 'I984.C‘l2tJ
`I802 Microprocessor ca. l9?4; and the transistorized ukulele
`i‘o,!'ercirc‘e pl.=rm;gi‘:rpi'i.s'
`0 1.2.1
`NMAH Accession ‘l984.CU12B
`ca. 1950 man-made silicon & germanium crystals produced at Bell
`Laboratories. 'i'}‘rrir.\‘r-.rr‘;Jrr'rJii itfrli .=1_*f£*rwir'e ;iliurrigrt'.rpli.s'.
`9 A£1c_o_ck
`NMAH Accession ‘l984.C04(J
`I954 Regency Transistor Radio. Link to larger images, provided as
`reference only. Wr'rr'i i'r._*_f£'i't.*irc'e pliur:igi*ripI'i.s'.
`F Danko
`NMAH Accession ‘l998_C‘l9‘I 8. NMAH Archives Center #66?
`Stanislaus (Stan) Francis Danko was instrumental in the development and
`invention of ©AUTO-S|:"MBl_.Y; as well as the designer for flexible
`circuits, and the solder dipped circuit process. Very early discrete transistors
`as well as pre and post I958 technology.
`9 I "E - n -
`NMAH Accession 199612089. 1995.301? & NIVIAH Archives Center #600
`A corporate 30 year history during the Cold War of training, consulting
`expertise. design services, company tiles, litigation, photography, reverse
`Micron Technology, Inc. et el., Petitioners — Ex. 1049
`Micron Technology, Inc. and Micron Memory Japan, Inc. v. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. IPR2015—01UB7
`The(L"|1ipC‘o|lcctioi1 - liitrodtiction - Sinithsonian lnstiriition
`engineering, construction analysis, cross reference documentation, related
`patents, and publications of and for the industry at large in the field of
`integrated circuits and semiconductors.
`1: IE.
`NMAH Accession ‘l990.C-505, 8. NIVIAH Registrar - Supporting Documentation -
`The 5385 (date code 831 IF) Small Computer System Interface - SCSI -
`pronounced scuzzy. A new ANSI Standard protocol chip which enabled
`such diverse devices as disks, magnetic tapes, printers, and scanners to
`share a common interface to one or more computer systems that changed
`the face of computing, A single chip with links to original documents,
`transcriptions, images, Polaroid photographs of the "white boards" used in
`the design phase and an NCR corporate story.
`9 Olson
`NMAH Accession 199$-H061 NMAH Registrar - Supporting Documentation -
`C. Marcus Olson , of Du Pont 1936 - 1971, has been credited as the
`discoverer of the process to make silicon really pure - 0.001 percent
`impurity or less - the basic raw material of which are built the transistor and
`the integrated circuit and, indirectly, the computer and everything else made
`from microelectronic elements. This collection of documents has been
`literally transcribed with links to the originals and Dr. Olson’s single vial of
`pure silicon.
`9 Egypt‘; Rctigon
`NMAH Accession ‘l984.C062
`Solid state image sensors - matrix, linear, smaller and longer arrays have
`been designed for applications ranging from OCR, facsimile,
`spectrophotagraphy, production lines and to outer space and the ocean
`depths. (Ever scan or copy documents, images, etc. one of several
`important circuits accomplishes that trick!) Review Integrated Filters -
`Arrays ca. 1975-79, sell‘-scanned solid state image sensors — one-
`dimensional row, or linear array, and a two—dimensional matrix, or area
`Q éI&I _ BE] I plbmami-“::.
`NMAH Accession 19S4.C321
`Digital integrated circuits from the processor of the SAGE (StrAtegic
`Ground Environment) system, which was used to control the country's first
`anti—aircrat‘t defense, guided missile system. }'i't'rn.\'c’l'iptfrJl?.
`P Slmgflgk mg
`NMAH Accession ‘l934.C‘l 54
`The SY6502 (64 KB adr/res-.s'ab!e memory. on-chip clock, 56 i'nsmrcr:‘ons)
`Microprocessor of the SY6500 8-bit family. i’l‘t'ttt.s'c'!‘fp!ir;i?
`9 IBM, Q om; James Watson Research §§en];§r
`NMAH Accession 19S4.C‘l53
`The 608 calculator announced 1955 was the tirst fully transistorized
`calculator to be placed into production and sold commercially. Other
`objects in this collection represent the technical progression oI'the 1960s-
`H5 1311415? I’.‘.-1]
`The Cliip ('”t.i|lcr:tion - lritrotltwtion - Sinithsoriiari lnstittltion
`"... the imrd.s' u:'.'t'r.'m’trrur rind t.'r)Hi'ptr!L’t‘ were men’ inremircrrrgeci/win‘
`d.".\‘r.5rtr.'rr'r:ii hCl'1t‘t.’t.’H' rite .I'f.’f'm.\‘ r".-r sriflc.'tribfgiir)tr.s'_" E.W.F'ugh March 12. 1984
`9 L
`NMAH Archive Center #692
`r.'::r:;"i’rr'r rr_!‘rrrrrrrFu'r'r'til:g 1.-rm rt’.-‘:'
`.-l:t'.r'.-.r.I'1.’ { 'u.*”i'r'r'H'::rrJ
`Don C. Hocficr's Silicon Valley tabloid microelectronics News, original
`issues l9'r'5 - 1986. ()i‘w- _i’.r’lfH) smnm.-*ri’;Jr.{s:c.\' o/'!!r:rf!r’ct".r m-mun; /w’w'r:r'rr'.
`9’ Proctor-Mggiinnc 5
`NMAH Accession 2D03.C029
`Organic Semiconductor (MO), 1973 a melanin (polyacetylenes) bistable
`switch. The subsequent development of batteries is based on this
`technology, and closely parallels that of main-line semiconductor physics.
`9 I1 _ 13335 Insmlmflms
`NMAH Accession 1984.028. 198?.048? 8: NMAH Archive Center #692
`rt-urru'rm’ m"u’rr'i'r- m.'rm’>r-rd" Kat) 7,1
`Lists of objects, documentation and a variety of photographs. A collection
`that traces the infancy and growth oi‘ integrated circuit technology at Texas
`7 Zil Qgi-Exxon
`NMAH Accession ‘l934.C‘l23
`Collection record images of the 7.80 Microprocessor. Reference only. This
`object had been on exhibit in the l980s within the Microelectronics sub_iect
`area at the National Museum of American History
`9 ghip Talk
`NMAH Reference
`Past and somewhat recent vocabulary and acronyms used by the industry at
`large. This reference is not definitive, though it may help you define several
`usages within integrated circuit terminology.
`:1 .
`NMAH Invisible Collection
`An important though unusual aspect of the history oi‘ integrated circuit
`technology is buried deep inside many chips, we call this chip art. You will
`discover actual mask alignments, signatures and initials of the designer or
`perhaps the engineer and the chip art of those who have left their mark for
`posterity. Some are satirical quips and some are recognizable cartoon
`characters we have all become familiar with. Included is a link to our
`collaboration involving chip art with Dr. Michael W. Davidson of Florida
`State University.
`' Ewen]:
`NMAH Reference Collection
`A comprehensive list linking to hundreds of patents with the cover graphic.
`We have literally transcribed the numbers, names, inventors, filling dates,
`abstracts, defined figures and citations exactly. This reference will aid you
`The Cliip ('”t.i|lectit_n1 - lntrodttction - Smithsonian lnstirtttion
`in matching your research to innovation and invention through the
`developments within integrated circuit technologies.
`NOTE: The patent selection list is a very large file, 2MB.
`Download time at 28.8 is approximately 2.275 minutes.
`9 Eeeple
`Website Reference
`We have listed personalities on this site represented in the history of
`integrated circuit technology in a single category to make your research
`faster. Typically there is a small biographical sketch and an image with
`related documentation. It is not a definitive list. We will include as many
`personalities as possible as time permits.
`’ E.
`Website Reference
`This site's reference pictures, diagrams, x-rays, thumbnail selections, and in
`some cases actual logbook pages in a single category to make your research
`Remember — g jgpyrighj; fair use rules must be recognized.
`9 fiARI Stan Augarten
`Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1983 - ISBN 0-899l9-l95-9
`NMAH Reference Collection
`One of many pictorial histories relating to the evolution and development of
`the integrated circuit — most notably the microprocessor. Includes literal
`transcriptions, actual pages and referenced images.
`i"in'.x- habit i.\';;=r'tJ1'it/t’tr'
`_/or lagcriwuf i't_’fiv‘erit"t’. Nit’ ;’\'cm'omn’ _liH.\'t’ii'll! r_:/'.-'lr1ic>r‘imt: Hr'.smiji' tum’ Hit’
`.-’n.mImirm iiirifte no t'l.:'iim.s- {IN to the t'lt't‘iH‘tt(‘_'l' or cuiii,m’cmic.a-.s
`(.3/‘h’li.s 1L‘ril‘ii'_
`9 Qral llistoty .l.C. McVickers
`NMAH Reference Collection — NMAH Archive Center — lN PROCESS
`Due to the popularity of this particular history we are providing what we
`have prepared at this time concerning the McVickers' material. "Hie
`pt:l'7Kft’t:H'oi:.' WESTINGHOUSE TECHNOLOGY is ,nt'rJ\‘r'rIc(i_!'t'Jr' ,t:t.vI(*r'trX
`!‘L_’,/t’!'{’H(‘c’_ Fist’ .’\'.:mmm.’ .-1 llt‘t.s'(’t’HH of".-lurci‘imii l"l'l!\'fr}ijl‘ time’ the .\’ir:iH’i.s'r:.riiu.ri
`l'r.=_x'!mt!r'rut triadic’ no c‘.’rti'lm'
`t't'.\' to Hit’ .:'rc't'tH‘ctt'_1‘ or‘ c'r:r:rpl't’!t’rrt>.\'.\' rgf'tl'ri.\' 1I.'r,=I‘l't_
`P Numbering System
`Website Reference
`Defines how the objects and supporting clocumentation have been
`numbered. Includes contacts for scheduling appointments or receiving
`copies of research material.
`National Museum ufAri1e|'icz1n
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