`Conductive Materials or Metal Coriducfivity - TIBTECH innovations -
`TIBTECH innovations
`- conductive yarns and fabrics for energy transfer and heating devices in SMART textiles and composites -
`Menu metal properties
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`Comparative metal properties table
`comparative chart of electrical and thermal properties
`metal melting points comparative chart
`risk of hot spots in lfexible electro heating structures
`menu shared properties electro conductive yarns
`Micron V. MIT
`Properties table of Stainless steel, Metals and other Conductive materials
`resistivit densit and meltinElectrical orthermal condutivit oint
` Electrical
`Thermal expansion
`10E-6(k-1) from 0 to (glcm3)
`100 C
`Melting point or
`( C)
`Carbon (ex PAN)
`Bronze 67Cu33Zn
`Carbon steel
`Conductive Materials or Metd Ccncucfivity - TIBTECH innovdions -
`St'Stee' 304
`Fe. Cr. Alloy
`St‘Stee' 310
`1 32
`1 37
`1 28
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`76 0
`73 o
`16 3
`14 2
`16 5
`16 5
`7 9
`7 9
`7 75
`Electrical or thermal conductivi Com arative chart
`Thermal conductivity
`It represents the quantity of energy transfered by surface unit and time unit , under a temperature gradient.
`Electrical conductivity
`It is the opposite of the electrical resistivity. It corresponds to the "conductance" of a material of 1 meter length and 1m2
`The "conductance" is the opposite of the resistivity ; Its unit is the " Siemens" : G = 1/R
`Conductive Materials or Metal Conductivity - TIBTECH irnovations -
`Electrical conductivity and Thermal conductivity 2 Very good correlation ! (see chart here above)
`Electrical conductivity in 10 (7) S/m (Siemens/m) / thermal conductivity in W/m.k
`. Very big difference in amount ofenergy transfer
`the thermal conductivity is reflexive, in opposition ofelectrical conductivity: Cold/Heat 96 electrical Current
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