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`Micron V. MIT
`2 4‘$(:“.)%1 %
`(Heisei 24- (M3) No. 1) _
`fi3§iTfi5‘i=‘£5E[5I_}i§?.’rHZT E 2% 1 1%
`(2-1 Yaesu 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
`neon :21» I:“~«$r“2I as D eases:
`(Reorganizzing Company: Bipida Mommy, Inc.)
`I1 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Law)
`(Proof of Reorganization Claims Form (under Article 138, Paragrap
`2012 $103313
`§Fiiing Date)
`F)? (Address) 7;! Dfla*.€.’~#<‘E*?‘b‘fi‘-=r.~—'Iz~>=“/'J'li§*‘/'J."'
`77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambri ge, MA 02139-4307, USA
`Massachusetts Insutute of Technology
`--—==— --+=-
`% 7%
`(Serial No.)
`(Name (Trade Neo1e))
`.S- D 1137‘;
`7~—21»- #1/=19 «— - =e~—7:?V
`all Counsel R. Gregory Morgan
`(Name of Representative) Vice President 8:: Gener
`(Address for Postal Matters (E-‘iii in beiow if it diffess from the address above.)
`(If you _\1r_ish to file your claim through an agent, fill in below.)
`J1 7f).i§i2i::_C*’33§',,:E:.'v“§‘)
`3s,ei%Bi9sE“*£{z:~% 1 — 1 — 1 1 :fliFs“£/.r:@1:‘z1«4 5% .
`(Address ofAgent)
`Kowa-Shibakoen Building 4F,1-11, Shibakoen 1-cI1ome,.MJ'natc , . ___
`fEi:% E311-
`Aiiomey at Law
`n no
`T E L
`F A X
`(Person in Charge)
`(Extension No.)
`(Total US$ 71,000,000 )
`(Amount of Claims Fileti)
`% is
`60 E r?i1.I:(i*.:r:“L,13e%2I;E11tfi3e1:e‘:err2'os:3£ei:cn<.,)
`(Amount of Voting Rights)
`{Same as above; provided, however, that the amount after applying Articie 136, Paragraphs
`2 and 3 of the Co on-Ite Reorganization Law shall be excluded.)
` Ci E 313 9 (Please see the exhibit.)
`$iL’fi‘7:I $2 é ififiéa %R
`(Claims to be Subject to any
`Enforceable Title ofObligation
`or Final Decree (ifany))
`— E3-L?E§i'C:P5<A
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`(3 <(
`Eififiiifi '
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`sinuses & %i:t,
`in e (Defendant)
`in -is (Plaintiff)
`>*<»3‘%k fitéfiififi
` (Claims to be Subject to any 4-, 5. - -
`figk fxfififi (Subject Claim)
`Reorganizafion Claims at
`Time of the Commencement of
`glfiamgagfgmizafion Pmwfidmgs E]
`:13 33 0 (Please see the exisibit.)
`H§7F%%‘B1 E1z“5.,
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