
`Exhibit 2014 Page 001
`Pharmacyclics LLC - Ex. 2014
`Coalition for Affordable Drugs IV LLC v. Pharmacyclics LLC
`Case IPR2015-01076


`U3-24-“lb '|2:'|i-5 t'RUl1‘1-
`PUUU3/UUU3 |'''1 '|4
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs II LLC (the “LLC‘"), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, et seq.)
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs 11 LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LDC in the State of Delaware is:
`clo Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite 13
`Dover. Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF‘, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 24"‘ day of March, 2015.
`Authorized Person
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 12:19 PM 03/24/2015
`FILED 12:19 PM 03/24/2015
`SRV 150405566 - 5716563 FILE
`Exh bit 2014 Page 002


`D8—27"—"i5 08:40 FRCIW1-
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`snv 150421095 — 5713993 FILE
`This Certificate of Fo1'rnati0I1 of Coalition For Affordable Drugs III LLC (the “LLC"’), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C.
`v?» 18-
`ml, et.‘ seq.).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs III LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`(3/0 Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 24"‘ day of March, 2015.
`ristop er 1]. Kit‘
`Authorized Person
`D-2 1 28084_l
`Exhibit 2014 Page 003


`U3~24-“lb '|2:2U l'RUl"l-
`l’UUU'3,-“U008 l'-'|'|4
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 12:20 PM 03/24/2015
`FILED 12:20 PM 03/24/2015
`SRV 150405556 - 5716557 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs IV LIE (the “LLC”), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, et .seq.).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs [V LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`(1/0 Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 24"‘ day of March, 2015.
`hri opher E.
`Authorized Person
`D-2 1 28084__l
`Exhibit 2014 Page 004


`U3-24-“lb '|2:2U H€U|‘ti-
`PUUU I/U008 I‘-114
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 12:20 PM 03/24/2015
`FILED 12:20 PM 03/24/2015
`5”’ 155455555 ' 5715551 5555
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Atferdable Drugs V LLC (the “LLC”), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to fonn a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, et seq.).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs V LLC
`SECOND. ’I‘he address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`do Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 1990]
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 24"’ day of March, 2015.
`her E. Kirkpatrick,
`Authorized Person
`Exhibit 2014 Page 005


`U3-24-‘lb 12:20 |'RUM-
`I-233 PUUU8/0008 I‘-'|'|4
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 12:20 PM 03/24/2015
`FILED 12:20 PM 03/24/2015
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs VI LLC (the “LLC"), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirlqaalrick as an authorized person to form 3
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Dcl. C. § 18-
`101, et seq.)
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs VI LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in this State of Delaware is:
`c/0 Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover. Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware arc:
`Capital Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dovcr, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc undorsigncd has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 24"‘ day of March, 2015 .
`Authorized Parson
`Exhibit 2014 Page 006


`U4--U8-‘lb '|b:bb HiUli'l-
`PUUU2/UU‘l8 l‘-T 215
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division 0 Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486582 - 5725691 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs VII LLC (the “LLC‘”), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, er seq).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs VII LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`c/0 Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Deiaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 8"’ day of April, 2015.
`ristop er E. Kirkpatrick,
`Authorized Person
`Exhibit 2014 Page 007


`U4-U8-‘iii 'lb:bb l‘RU|‘-‘|-
`POUU4,I'UU'|E'S I‘-‘I 225
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486590 - 5725702 FILE
`This Ccriificaie of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs VIII LLC (the "‘LLC”),
`is being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to f0Im a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. §-18-
`101, at seq.
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hcrcby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs VIII LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`do Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware arc:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suit: B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 3*“ day ot'Ap1il, 2015.
`Authorized Person
`Exhibit 2014 Page 008


`U4--U8-'15 '|b:'36 H{UWi-
`PUUC6,a‘UU'|8 F‘-123
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486601 - 5725681 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs IX LLC (the “LLC”), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability oompany under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, et seq).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs IX LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`c/0 Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite 13
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 8"’ day of April, 2015.
`Authorized Person
`Exhibit 2014 Page 009


`U4--U8-‘lb 'ib:b6 tRU|V|-
`l-238 l-’UUl.)8,/UUIES I‘-123
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division 0 Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486609 - 5725690 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs X LLC (the “LLC“’), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18—
`101, er seq).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs X LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Dclawarc is:
`c/0 Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the Suite of Delaware arc:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 8”‘ day of April, 2015.
`Christa c her E. Kirkpatrick,
`Authorized Person
`Exhibit 2014 Page 010


`U4-U8-“lb '|b:bE:S i'RUi'i'i-
`I-’UU'|U,v‘UU'|8 I‘-123
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486614 - 5725704 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC (the "LLC“), is
`being duly executed and filecl by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, ct seq).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC
`SECOND. The adrlress of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is‘.
`do Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`TI-IIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capital Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 8"‘ day of April, 2015.
`Critophe . Kirkpatrick,
`Authorized Person
`D-21 2808A_J
`Exhibit 2014 Page 011


`U-’-I--U8-‘lb 'l'0:bE:3 |'RUF-'i-
`P0012/UU'|ES t-126
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486618 — 5725705 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs XII LLC (the “LLC"), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18~
`10], at .s'eq.).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability oompany formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XII LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`0/0 Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware: are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 8"‘ day of April, 2015.
`Authorized Person
`Exhibit 2014 Page 012


`U4-CB-"lb 'Jb:b.F l'RUM-
`I-’UU'| 4/U018 l'-123
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486625 - 5725706 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs XIII LLC (the "LLC"),
`is being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, et seq.).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XIII LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`do Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 1990]
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State of Delaware are:
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 8”‘ day of April, 2015.
`Christop er E. Kirkpatrick,
`Authorized Person
`D-21 28084___l
`Exhibit 2014 Page 013


`U4-U8-"lb '|b:b:‘ i'HUM-
`PUU‘|f:i/U018 I‘-‘I 25
`State of Delaware
`of State?
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`SRV 150486631 — 5725707 FILE
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordable Drugs XIV LLC (the “LLC”),
`is being duly cxccutod and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability Company under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, et seq).
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XIV LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LLC in the State of Delaware is:
`c/o Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Dclawarc 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the registered agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State ofDclawarc are;
`Capitol Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Street, Suite B
`Dover, Dclawarc 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undcrsigncd has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of the 8”‘ day of April, 2015.
`Authorized Pei'son
`Exhibit 2014 Page 014


`U4--U8-"lb '|b:bf HtUi\'i-
`PUU18/UU'|B I--‘I25
`State of Delaware
`of State
`Division o Corporations
`Delivered 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`FILED 04:57 PM 04/08/2015
`5”’ 150485638 ' 57257” “E
`This Certificate of Formation of Coalition For Affordablc Drugs XV LLC (the “LLC°’), is
`being duly executed and filed by Christopher E. Kirkpatrick as an authorized person to form a
`limited liability company under thc Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (6 Del. C. § 18-
`101, 6'!‘ seq.)
`FIRST. The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is:
`_ Coalition For Affordable Drugs xv LLC
`SECOND. The address of the registered office of the LDC in the State of Delaware is:
`c/o Capitol Service, Inc.
`1675 South State Strfiet, Suite 13
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`THIRD. The name and address of the rcgistcrcd agent for service of process on the LLC
`in the State ofDeiaware are:
`Capital Services, Inc.
`1675 South State Strcct, Suite B
`Dover, Delaware 19901
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Formation as
`of this 8''‘ day ofApriI, 2015.
`ristop er E. Kirkpatrick,
`Authorized Person
`Exhibit 2014 Page 015

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